Saturday, February 19, 2022

Plz GAwd: get me out of that stale H-wood media rut and into the Groove! A reminiscence of those good ole art school dayz at SUNY Purchase and the usual chagrin at the grinning celebrities after yet another year of torturing me to obtain their coveted "awards". I praise those who have "won" nominations for their talents and not for their participation in illicit, illegal and criminal actions as part of this Mafia Nazi clique that keeps retaining it's grip over the main lead role circuit and awards circuit via this mafia/nazi hate contract out upon moi. I would like to see actual real competition and competency but if that is blocked and this monopoly must be endured as the symbolic representation of the "best" that the United States film Academy can offer, why can't people like me who want different ideas, different themes, different actors not have free access online to some of the hidden extraordinary talents that are invisible which are blocked somehow.

***PS--I have not watched the above video. Is there anything to see, to watch or learn about? Not for moi. Blah blah blah goes the video about blah blah blah boring movie fodder K-rap. (Nazi mafia themes projected by Nazi Mafia controllers of mind programming machine, conglomerate, international.)

A minimum of 50% of those celebrities and perhaps their directors and pop singers--all interconnected like an incestuous band of snakes-- listed in this Newsweek article below--as potential award-recipients for this "highest" acting and film awards season have been or and still are involved in terrorist teleportation torture towards me (endlessly). Some have gone on and on for years. What I find amazing is that in at least one of the movie nominations the acting is a complete abomination of bad acting (obviously in only my opinion). The (using the generic term) actor involved was bolstered by supporting actors throughout the film, which began on a greasy sleazy shot angle of the hips/genital areas and slapping and yelling in what could be called a domestic violence interlude with the female being the aggressor. It was an expensively made film, and I think that was the point. The actor in question is a complete creepy expletive as well. It's not a good qualifier for being promoted to this height in the acting genre. I truly want to be able to access easily and for free alternative film, actors and directors instead of the same fascist Nazi fake liberal coterie of terrorists.

The ratio of people who are terrorists involved in teleporting me to non-participants is more lie a 60-40 ratio than the 50% I mentioned above. This includes pop singers and also directors and et al.

I praise those who have "won" nominations for their talents and not for their participation in illicit, illegal and criminal actions as part of this Mafia Nazi clique that keeps retaining it's grip over the main lead role circuit and awards circuit.
I would like to see actual real competition and competency but if that is blocked and this monopoly must be endured as the symbolic representation of the "best" that the United States film Academy can offer, why can't people like me who want different ideas, different themes, different actors not have free access online to some of the hidden extraordinary talents that are invisible which are blocked somehow. Just as what I write is made invisible to those looking for ideas and information on such themes as surveillance and State-sponsored torture--or just for my chance to write creative fiction, as these same people and their controllers (out of England mostly it appears) are literally stealing verbatim my writings and ideas (and then screwing me over and over for years and years, claiming they are an "entitled class" and my objections are so absolutely mute and ridiculous and criminal in fact, and in fact according to them reason for attempted murder against me if I so much as make a joke after trying to get one of them after the next off me as they cling on to get more and more free deals such as these promotions that keep pouring out and going on).

How I would like to at least have free access to real innovative films, from say film schools where creative ideas are rampant. But I truly cannot access anything but this mainstream stuff and I scoff at how only these same people of this clique are only entitled to "winning" year after year. The films really aren't very good at all, just produced with millions of dollars and high tech.

I have actually attended a New York State University system version of an art school and was familiar with independent film. There were weekend films of underground and alternative directors and actors. How I am just stuck in a miasma of this band of treacherous attackers out of that H-wood back lot torture horror shop infliction and then can't find or get access to anything online which has any kind of real interesting alternative. I can't afford to purchase any independent film subscription and even when I peruse the independent sites the films only look like the rejects for what mainstream didn't want.

A minimum of 50% of those celebrities and perhaps their directors and pop singers--all interconnected like an incestuous band of snakes-- listed in this Newsweek article below--as potential award-recipients for this "highest" acting and film awards season have been or and still are involved in terrorist teleportation torture towards me (endlessly). Some have gone on and on for years. What I find amazing is that in at least one of the movie nominations the acting is a complete abomination of bad acting (obviously in only my opinion). The (using the generic term) actor involved was bolstered by supporting actors throughout the film, which began on a greasy sleazy shot angle of the hips/genital areas and slapping and yelling in what could be called a domestic violence interlude with the female being the aggressor. It was an expensively made film, and I think that was the point. The actor in question is a complete creepy expletive as well. It's not a good qualifier for being promoted to this height in the acting genre. I truly want to be able to access easily and for free alternative film, actors and directors instead of the same fascist Nazi fake liberal coterie of terrorists.
The ratio of people who are terrorists involved in teleporting me to non-participants is more lie a 60-40 ratio than the 50% I mentioned above. This includes pop singers and also directors and et al.
I praise those who have "won" nominations for their talents and not for their participation in illicit, illegal and criminal actions as part of this Mafia Nazi clique that keeps retaining it's grip over the main lead role circuit and awards circuit.
I would like to see actual real competition and competency but if that is blocked and this monopoly must be endured as the symbolic representation of the "best" that the United States film Academy can offer, why can't people like me who want different ideas, different themes, different actors not have free access online to some of the hidden extraordinary talents that are invisible which are blocked somehow. Just as what I write is made invisible to those looking for ideas and information on such themes as surveillance and State-sponsored torture--or just for my chance to write creative fiction, as these same people and their controllers (out of England mostly it appears) are literally stealing verbatim my writings and ideas (and then screwing me over and over for years and years, claiming they are an "entitled class" and my objections are so absolutely mute and ridiculous and criminal in fact, and in fact according to them reason for attempted murder against me if I so much as make a joke after trying to get one of them after the next off me as they cling on to get more and more free deals such as these promotions that keep pouring out and going on).
How I would like to at least have free access to real innovative films, from say film schools where creative ideas are rampant. But I truly cannot access anything but this mainstream stuff and I scoff at how only these same people of this clique are only entitled to "winning" year after year. The films really aren't very good at all, just produced with millions of dollars and high tech.
I have actually attended a New York State University system version of an art school *SUNY @ PURCHASE--and was and have been made familiar with independent film. Dynamic not static forms and formulas. There were weekend films of underground and alternative directors and actors. How I am just stuck in a miasma of this band of treacherous attackers out of that H-wood back lot torture horror shop infliction and then can't find or get access to anything online which has any kind of real interesting alternative. I can't afford to purchase any independent film subscription and even when I peruse the independent sites the films only look like the rejects for what mainstream didn't want.

Some of the directors and films that were shown at SUNY @ Purchase---where I was only able to study for one completely awe-inspiring year at this college--but was really a Minnesota State resident and my parents balked at paying probably 10x the tuition as for Minnesota State University systems --so I had to return back (but got Edumucated at Prince University @ First Avenue--a liberal arts education you can't pay for or buy at any college not even at funky Purchase--which was conservative in comparison with the stuff that First Avenue put out--including films by Lydia Lunch prior to concerts and etc al-international bands, artists from all over the Twin Cities in fashion attire at this incredible club with all kinds of art and ideas and explorations and interpolations of life and it's wonderful explorations without fear or hate--Prince Style--classy all the way. Better than any college experience but while I was in college also studying alternative subjects because of the Feminist blast from Andrea Dworkin fighting to make pornography illegal on the University Campuses and around the Twin Cities. Oh it was a time in Minneapolis that no university could ever preach or teach as well and to such a wide-ranging free and fun audience (the feminism was not as much "fun" but was centered around harsh truth).KENNETH ANGER--Scorpio Rising and other such films were shown in the auditorium as we went out afterwards to the punk-theme dance in the auditorium--(it was the Punk era--and oh yes, was told that Basquiat hung at the SUNY Purchase campus and that form of art was in vogue while I was in the school--and thus the H-wood scene to me is both archaic and out-dated and remains like a relic of Reagan Youth now in it's decline still performing lead roles !!!~~with the same directors and producers as well. They claim they are "liberal" now. It's such a drag. I really want to have access to what I consider to be great art and not something that feels like a huge stale fart in "art".

It was the student films from SUNY Purchase that were most intriguing to me and of course I have no access to any independent student film (for free) online, or I would not be wasting my time with the H-wood stuff which is so awful and violent and boring. The comedies are extremely racist in the H-wood films, usually (90% or more of the time) depicting blonde (Nazi, in my opinion) women or of the Nazi appearance "falling in love" and only they have a light and fun time in life according to film (and the Nazi Mafia really want to ensure that this happens in real life, making misery as much as they can for any targeted person or group so only THEY can be depicted in all things as having the best and having the most fun). I lived my life with the objective to have as much fun and also to work and play as well as possible--the best in life--and have been poisoned, tortured and mutilated as a result because I was succeeding in this endeavor and in other areas as well and that can't be tolerated by the constrictors. This entire philosophy unravels all other dimensions of any other competing paradigm both in film and also in real life, if the mafia Nazis can get away with it (and they are with these technologies and the implicit and tacit approval of all government officials even those of the "under privileged" classes who are privileged by the time they play the game and perform the square dance for the boxed in realities that are continuously cranked out to the public with very little alternative realities or constructions of art to rely upon unless you are lucky enough to live in a place which is now very watered down in that respect--i.e. Greenwich Village--all has already been usurped and taken over, the alternative scene. My music station out of NY University has been partially sponsored by one of the mafia "Italian-American" directors who has been a part of this terror contract out on me, and the radio station has declined in the extent of it's alternative DJ's into mainstream and horrible programming to the point that I almost always cannot listen to any of the recent years (since 2016) and the music is becoming like horrid versions of wanna be capitalizing on alternative culture horrible musical K-rap. It's the same with the culture. But luckily I was able to experience the last remaining dregs of the alternative but it really had been bought out and compromised and turned into fake altruism, which is similar to H-wood.

My bare survival, sub-poverty amount of sustenance monthly amount of money is being threatened once more by the terrorist organization, in this international framework of coordination. I think my situation represents a litmus test of how bad authoritarianism and plutocratic totalitarianism a la fascism is increasing to the point of complete acceptance in all partisan politics and all of society.

  *please note that mind control is exerting a stifling of my mental processes as I write this. It is hard to think and write clearly and there are blanks where I need to explain a lot more. Hacking is bad as usual which means that once I publish hackers will be inserting/deleting/rewriting and pasting deletions into long string incomprehensible sentences.

I wrote of this dire situation in the middle of the Myron May post a few days ago. Maybe people reading my posts didn't get to that part and focused more on the black male and his travails of shooting innocent students in a library in order to suicide himself and gain recognition for his torture and stalking. Nevertheless he was labeled "crazy" by the media but that is another matter.

I am being threatened with my money being cut off by Social Security. It is because I changed my address. They have not officially changed my address on the website and after 4 weeks of waiting I phoned them for the 3rd time on this issue. I was informed in a blunt and hostile terrorist attack by the diverted agent phone call who answered after putting various phone prompt and "this office is now closed" during the official office hours--I got someone who made a kind of prompt answer relay hell of the normal simple main 800 phone line--in a system of questions by a voice activated recording hell robotic drone voice which could not "understand" anything I said and I had to shout and shout to get anything to process. Only to be sent to a woman who of course was not a primary English speaker and then told me that I had to produce my rental agreement in order for this change of address to be properly finished into their system. I had to change mail providers and thus, I was sent into this maelstrom and I believe the entire incident was completely orchestrated exactly for this very purpose. I was then lied to as usual when she told me that this was standard protocol. I have been technically labeled disabled for 25 years (much longer, but officially)--of course all due to poisoning and various accidents and fracturing of my spine while I slept after such "accidents' where I was fine after the accident and woke up with my vertebrae fractured and now completely disabled. I have moved and moved and moved around the United States in a frantic attempt to get health care and to get out of places that become outright hostile and deadly to live in (i.e. Pensacola, Florida, and now I understand why due to the resurgence of Nazism and overt racism in the last few years especially in Florida).


But, I have not once in 25 years of receiving this sub-poverty stipend, because I had just graduated from college and was drugged up during college and could barely function or study so keeping a job was very hard--but I worked some jobs but not enough to have obtained the real Social Security Disability status that would have kept me marginally afloat all these years instead of being on this sub-poverty income because I was attacked just 4 months after having graduated and was temping in a new city: San Francisco after having left Minneapolis. 


They are telling me now that I must produce this, but when I questioned them further they said it was not written in their records but that I had to prove something or that they were still processing this move from one county to the next in Florida. I have moved indeed many times from one county to the next in Florida and never had a problem and this was never an issue. 

It is completely an attack upon the last vestige of normalcy I could possibly have on this planet for purposes of financial security and stability. Having fractured my spine, poisoned me so badly that now it's over TEN YEARS of detox while I am under non-stop vicious, deadly abuse while sleeping and in every single situation possible at every moment possible--even while eating I am constantly under electronic attack--(nose running constantly, eyes tearing while eating, etc my body burned) those are just almost constant attacks upon me which are almost marginally nothing compared to the violent attacks while teleported and the other millions of attacks that go on each month (literally it's close to a few thousand attacks per month but perhaps over 100 per day--maybe 200-300 and when I go out shopping it's incalculable how many people are involved in attacking me in deadly ways--while driving especially)

but THAT IS NOT ENOUGH violence and so they are now threatening to cut off my money unless I fly to Miami and produce a rental agreement, which I cannot do. 

This type of harassment and threat has been literally ongoing for 4 years and longer at this point, at least twice a year. My income was cut off last August and I had to undergo yelling and abusive  agents where my phone calls were diverted to them when I tried to appeal. The mail service had not informed me of the mail I supposedly had received alerting me. 

etc etc

Can someone who is responsible please stop this sick hell being endlessly aimed at me?

I have so many other things I could write about how some people who gladly participated in one way or another in this attack upon me are now descrying it when the tables are turned-I do not refer at this moment to anyone I have ever written of but someone more on the collateral sidelines of this attack system. Someone in Congress. He's now yelling at Garland about how people are being put on a terrorist list if they fight against masking. Odd how he had inserted smiling photos into my social media pages triggering me by wearing a color of a shirt I had just described was destroyed by stalkers and that I really loved it. That is the typical kind of silly but creepy type of triggering that actually is in use.

But, now he's complaining for his constituents, many of whom I assume, not loosely but this is a firm conjecture, are terrorists who gladly, like this Senator, partake in the opportunism of torturing and exploiting someone else using these technologies and this system.


It's all really like some kind of sick creep show at this point of how vile and disgusting some human beings are when they get a chance to unleash their hate potential using covert technology and this insidious abuse global network.


But my crime is just fighting for justice and my human rights, which has been responded to with cheers and accolades for the terrorists and violence and torture and threats to me.

The terrorists who have stolen my ideas and concepts and then are part of this silencing campaign of cutting off my money because I am writing in desperation to get this slow murder to be stopped by anyone who is supposed to be responsible for society, or for protecting society

they are being championed as being "saints" and "heroes' and "feminists" (Oh, I wrote of feminism at the onset of their rape and abuse torture of me, now their campaigning platform for their eventual inclusion in politics once their celebrity movie fodder no longer is as viable and equitable as being part of a political campaign--the celebrity-politico-gate that no one is writing about.


I need protection from this kind of government-approved form of violence. In 25 years of receiving this money from the government I have never once had to prove my rental situation but now they are threatening to cut off all money if I don't provide documentation. It's of course part of the coercion and threat if I don't give these people who have broken, destroyed everything possible stolen all they could out of me--but there is still this contract to force a baby out of me--

in addition to everything else. My home is stinking and vile and filthy due to the contract to make it a stink bomb toxic waste broken down tattered shabby ugly place to live--the beautiful landscape outside my winder is littered with plastic bags and plastic hangers and dead plants--this is what they have been doing at every home I have lived in here in Phuket for over a decade.


I am not a criminal and have only tried to defend myself against MURDER attempts and rape and violence which they are told they are all entitled to. Money is a huge factor in why they claim they are entitled to it. As they block my earning capability now they are cutting off, or threatening to, the disability I get in order to barely survive here in Thailand.

Can someone please intervene and stop their endless threats and financial blocks and this endless attack upon me? (Request number 1001 after more than a decade of writing these open requests which are met always by silence as it is never stopped not by politicians not by H-wood not by society).

I think my situation represents a litmus test of how bad authoritarianism and plutocratic totalitarianism a la fascism is increasing to the point of complete acceptance in all partisan politics and all of society.

"Never fear truth" he paraded to the press. So sayeth the down-presser man.

 Embracing Lies, with orgasmic sighs

the reality of truth he absolutely denies
in a wave of absinthe
and wormwood
obtained from the spiritual possession of the pirate bandit thug he emulated
making millions and obtaining millions.
Millions of lies millions of deceptions
a dualistic money-making scheme, very popular very chic.

The real truth-tellers eeek out a living
are gang stalked and tortured.

The "end of the pandemic" means for me a resurgence of hundreds of tourist terrorists and their Thai minions attacking me per 4 hour shopping trip with cars nearly hitting me and people in groups attacking me and attacking my brain while I am being surrounded and attacked to try to get me to react publicly in some self-incriminating way. The palpable negative energy is likewise resurging like a bad strain, returned after such a wonderful haitus of their nasty viral negativity and hate attacks.

...outward extension of The Big Lies.

 Their endless media sensation divorce with it's spermentine (oops! I mean serpentine--but hackers forced this typo--hacking is very, very bad but the mistake, although it would appear to be a Freudian slip is nothing more than hacker blocks to the keyboard but it surely came out as realistic to the situation)

So, to continue:
Their twisted divorce circus sensation appears to be the old news I heard the last time I got "bored" with the current abusers who are inflicting their fantasy hate upon me for their promotion and my loss-(for a long time, it was thus less-than dynamic duo which I was trying to obtain any kind of relief from but now I look them up in this boredom scenario and find that the old news I had heard the last time I looked them up is now a current news item. Was this hacked into my system intentionally or can this same situation now vamped up just a bit on the law suit end of the pendulum be real? Or just more of their inserts into my system for triggering purposes?

The message is always the same from the vapid fans who make comments (or the employees who are inserting this stuff into my social media feed when I make any attempt to look up more of what they really are or up to, but always my system is hacked so I obtain no information except the media flash stuff)

But...the content of fan commentary is always the same: the woman is innocent the male is the abuser. That is the "feminist" line that this woman is selling off, from years of her and him both abusing me sitting right next to each other in a cozy comaraderie, claiming they love one another and that if this tryst of me being exploited only means a little glitch in their marriage/divorce drama and they are inseparable and I am just something added to the mix of their fortunes. But she has been torturing me to obtain feminist ideas which I have written of and which she has adapted to her "saint" role for political and media attention. I can only assume that eventually a political campaign is in the works for the rapist enabler and her partner.

Thus all the hype about him abusing her and her independence and her movies about being a feminist fighting against male domination all sprang from her abusing me alongside him, as they currently are engaged in (note the pun on engagement).

It's just another sham but people love fantasy and hate reality, thus they continue to be exposed in article after article for every thing they say and do concerning their infamous marriage scandal where even the throes of divorce make headlines.
I remain under threat by the US Government for my every writing post. I am blocked from Twitter, although I never received a notification of this. I was also blocked from Instagram, and I have written that I have never once posted on Instagram, but if I did it was years ago and nothing remotely innocuous or against any rules (I once was a very sober-minded person writing positive things instead of hysterical hyperbolic rants about being tortured, raped and mutilated by these very "feminist" women who all obtain lead roles as such handed to them by rapist men who control them--they are very "good" girls and get awarded thusly for their very thrustly counter-roles in private engagements to the rapist men who need madams to help them integrate media inclusion with outward extension of The Big Lies.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

"His adversaries say he was mentally ill. His defenders say he was a targeted individual being attacked by the US Government".--Oh poor Myron May was blown away. Part III of the Myron May series and last words/testament is directed to US GOVERNMENT SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES FROM THE HOUSE. It is a sane appeal for a COMMISSION to investigate these targeting crimes and/or a bioethics Commission to begin to stop this travesty against humanity. But alas, the same aforementioned are involved in the psycho-stalking and where is the authority that is truly defending Democracy in America or around the world?//My monthly, sub-poverty bare sustainable amount of money, due to having been made partially paralyzed by this terror organization for decades-- with fractured vertebrae and etc all due to poisoning with hard chemicals inserted into my food probably daily most of my life--and orchestrated accidents: is being threatened to be cut off for the 2nd time in less than 6 months. This is now a bi-annual occurrence and it's been ongoing since 2016. Every single year I am besieged with letters that I have had warnings about producing reports and that I must come in person to an office for a meeting and prove my rental records and etc..none of this in the 25 years I have been receiving this income has ever once happened until Trump got into office and began assaulting me with this terror celebrity group. Now more politicians of both parties are involved, along with more "famous" celebrities of all kinds of genres but all in the same group the same organization and all following the same protocols and instructions so essentially they all have zero personality when I am confronted by them. It's odd as they are famous for selling some kind of individuality or special personality trait or talent but all I see are drones following orders and acting like expletives, every single day--for years without a pause. So this problem I wrote of earlier today is now the current threat.

 The only thing I did was to move address because this mail service I had been using, which also just stole about $300 of mine in a 3 month period in situations that were beyond my control, but appear to have been carefully constructed and happened in sequences that were just too far removed from having been random---

But they claim that they had to close and I had to find another service. It was not easy at all and almost impossible. I found one but had to move counties. Now I am being told many different stories each time I phone, with the phone harassment I had briefly outlined in my last email. They used the phone prompt service to actually harass me and put in messages that the entire government agency was closed while it was open and operating. Once I got the person on the other end of the line, I was harshly informed that I have to produce various statements that require me to be in the United States in order to deal with this situation. Because this group has forced me into this physical dehabilitation and then tortured me while I fought to heal and THEN blocked all income I attempted (and I did indeed attempt to earn money online and was thwarted in each by hacks and blocks and DOS attacks)--so I have been financially helpless and my critical needs for various necessary documents is now completely at a havoc and chaos state. I have been forced into such a state of poverty, sickness and inability to function that I am always on the brink of total collapse and homelessness. I keep seeing the celebrities still raking in $ and accolades for the ideas they obtained by torturing me and using information extraction drugging and technology (i.e. teleportation, torture, hacking, stealing ideas and of course blocking my every attempt to become viable on any commercial form possible on the planet).

I began receiving this money around 1997, and in all that time I was never bothered by this government agency to have to prove my rental agreement, or that the year and a half of being xrayed and tested and seeing various doctors, undergoing various types of examinations including psychological-whereby once I described how my family had participated in this situation I am now in, I was labeled as having a problem--not them, but only me. My family of course is part of this overall terrorist structure and they must be protected. But I remain here and all this group is doing is torturing me to obtain ideas, torturing me to try to break any resistance I have for their disgusting plan to enslave and abuse and rape and prostitute and drug, poison, disfigure, steal, rob, destroy and then suck out all they can out of me and discard me with hate and a thrill at this entire situation whereby all government officials do is jump to obtain their own promotions out of participating in this.


So in all these years I have never once had to prove anything else after all that stress I was put through--including having to live off half of what subpoverty existence is-for the first year of waiting to obtain this subpoverty monthly stipend, for that is all it is. Because I could not pay taxes due to this orchestrated "accident" occurring less than one year after I graduated from college, after having moved across the country and only working at temp jobs in San Francisco--I am thus relegated to being "disabled" but on a pay level of absolutely near destitution and unsurvivable in the United States. But yet I was not bothered like this with having to prove anything else until this batch of haters began trying to destroy what is left of the tiny shreds of existence they haven't already killed off in all the decade and longer of just endlessly day and night attacking me and profiting off it so much it's probably incalculable. The legions of them by now is an endless lower circle of hell in this sense of just a throng of them from H-wood and now politicians are also kind of piling on to the entire group F-orgy of hate and violence--they all get off on it and all get promoted.


so now they are doing it again. I had to undergo the money being cut off in August, the mail service didn't send me alerts about the situation and I was absolutely drugged up and being violently raped while teleported with the mafia actors punching next to my face because I was fighting to stop the rape and violence and said no and began to scream hysterically as the rapist would not stop (and was seriously harming my body, very ill from poisoning).


so they cut my money off because I was fighting back instead of allowing yet another huge Euro-p-a rape poison as deeply into my body as possible with this group of rapist men and women laughing and watching on and torturing me for fighting for my rights. 


Yet to no avail the politicians have threatened to kill me, ask me for advice and then abuse me immediately afterward without even a thanks. They are mocking, insulting and sneering in contempt and putting their stuff on my social media. I am now being threatened once again with my monthly subpoverty income stipend being cut off because I moved counties in Florida and they claim that the paperwork, now over one month and my old address remains in the system. I have been told three different things the three times I have phoned regarding this change of address for the last month. This situation has never happened before. Tonight as I phoned I was told that I must prove my rental agreement and that this was absolute protocol. In the 25 years of me having to move around the United States due to inhabitable conditions from essentially being poisoned to death and harassed and threatened in every single situation I have lived in, in the US, I know that this has NEVER once happened, this kind of demand to prove my income my health condition (my situation is chronic I am disabled, listed as being disabled permanently). But they are treating me like I am a welfare recipient and must prove everything at least 2-4 times per year, always with the stipulation that I have to personally come into an office and demonstrate every single facet of my life. This was never demanded of me for the entire 25 years until t his past few years (since 2016 and ongoing without end--now going on and on almost monthly).


This woman, who pretended using the voice prompt using the same exact system of "no understan" that the Thai people use here--it's too tedious and long to fight to pound out as hacking is ever-present right now and the keyboard is stiff and I must correct as hackers are blocking functions--as usual.


I can't describe how beyond unbelievable this all is. I am being now physically attacked by terrorist celebrities fully with the backing of politicians in Congress who all spout the most wonderful speeches that I think their interns all have written because when they teleport me they are neither verbally fluid nor are they at the level of the speeches or lectures that they purport are their platforms of benevolent Democratic leadership.


I am being assaulted like this for defending myself against this endless crime against me.

I am reminded of a man who committed suicide by going into a library in Tallahassee and shooting at students. Not killing anyone but himself was shot to death by police. Because he was a gang stalking target the police were going to kill and not get a statement. His name is Myron May. Although he is now passed, I still consider him as being present. I listened to parts 1 & 2 of his series which he taped just before he committed his shooting spree/suicide. I honor him now because I think of his endless struggle to gain recognition and support. But like me, he was absolutely surrounded by expletives who betrayed him at every junction of sanity and strength to bring him down--to death of course. That is the ultimate objective of this hate and terrorist organization when they target. 


When I had listened to this series many years ago, the parts were all organized on Facebook but now it's hard to find his own testimony. Instead there is a dearth of incriminating assessments of his "personality disorder" and his mental "illness" prescribed by amateurs or even professionals. The police were the first to discredit him of course. They claim he had emotional problems. He was a lawyer and experienced, and you can hear his profound logical and precise mental state as he used his skills in analyzing and detailing in a professional and concise manner the extent of his own targeting experiences. There are a few deviations from what I encounter perennially but it's essentially the same "contract" and sick series of behaviors from the goons and minions who are sent out by those of their same mentality but who roam around preying in their yachts and jets out of their lush mansions and castles and penthouses.


He could not get a single person to really stand by him. He was an accredited attorney with years of experience. I was thrust into disability and physical dehabiliation plus drugging that would put any jaded mandarin drug hippie to shame for the strength of the drugs that have been forced into my body which I survived somehow. I am still being drugged with that "gravy" by the way, and much of it remains in the hard chemicals that were also inserted with this tasteless mess that the terrorists put in my food and drink probably since I was about 2 years old. I probably have survived this long because my body long ago was acclimated to the drugs. 


Myron May was stable, was robust, was healthy, was SANE. He was slowly killed by the people around him, including his family (did they get paid and promoted for participating and letting Myron down? Were they threatened that if they didn't comply they would be next?).

His friends, colleagues and all around him just passed around him like water as he was thrust into self-destruction. You can hear that he is very calm, not hysterical, and fighting and then resigned to not having to deal with the sickness of this societal pariah contract any longer. 

I have fought with this concept that the insanity of this witch hunt situation would in some sense be recognized as a serious threat to society, to "Democracy" and then to freedom, sanctity of humanity--but NO, it's just the same programming that every one conforms to that confronts me in the same way that Myron recognized as a futile attempt to obtain any support from in society.

I find it hard to believe and yet here it is. The constructors of this system truly knew what they were doing when they realized how easily society can be manipulated to target and assist in a covert murder operation like this.


But I am threatened with my money being cut off in the next, and the next cut of millions of slices and thrusts at me that just never end with no one ever coming to stop or assist. 


But I still cannot accommodate the people who are attacking me like covid-infected bats out of hell. I just want them to recede back to the circles from whence they came and stop polluting my joyous happy life. But I am now seriously threatened once more. If anyone can please intervene at least covertly, confidentially--it would behoove society to just not let this go on with this governmental agency participating and lying and harassing and threatening my very existence because I was made disabled in the first place, forced to fight to surivive, not obtaining health care, having to flee the country to get any kind of decent health care, and all this group of millionaires and billionaires is doing is trying to stop even that from my life after stealing my cat deforming my body breaking my bones cutting parts of my body out making my hair fall out inserting objects under my fingernails every single night for about 6 years--raping me endlessly beating punching slapping spitting etc etc yelling hating abusing insulting

All I have done is fight to stop this, that is my crime in addition to once trying to obtain a Master's Degree (which is where the murder attempts were like routine, to stop me from having ANYTHING except absolute poverty and abuse all my life).


Here is part 2 of the Myron May testimony to how much society is guilty of this hate crime to decent people while allowing rotten criminals to go on and get promoted out of this sick system.

Part 1, which I watched years ago, was a detailed explanation of the stalking and terrorism put into a format that is like legalese and professional, almost law enforcement style. It proves how rational and legitimate Myron May was and not a delusional schizophrenic rambling on about conspiracy theories. Oddly but really unsurprisingly, the first part is not available I can't find it on YouTube. Only the emotional parts. This is how the censorship also appears when I try to write. They exacerbate emotional hyperbolic behavior and blast and hack into the cognitive and rational depictions and analyses that I write. Thus they deleted anything from YouTube that might demonstrate that this was a professional attorney and using his professional skills at detail analysis using a calm, and rational, pragmatic approach--all deleted only his teary emotional apology before his shooting at the university remains. The accusations of him being emotionally and mentally ill and "depressed" remain as the fragments of society's response. It is the role that they and you all play in this sickening psycho drama.

"His adversaries say he was mentally ill. His defenders say he was a targeted individual being attacked by the US Government".--

Hacker terrorist report. February 17, 2022. All records of crucial phone calls and saved docs/emails relating to my financial business with a government agency DELETED. Even the SKYPE records of the phone calls have been deleted in the history section. I just looked yesterday and I saw that a few of the calls last month had been deleted in the history. Now there are no records and no notes I had taken with names and dates of information and phone calls. I have scoured all my email accounts and folders and there is absolutely nothing left. I need to make another phone call today to the relevant agency and can't say exactly which date I had phoned nor to whom I had spoken. All records completely erased. This is how I have been forced to live for years. Items are stolen (birth certificate, Social Security Card, Identification and $$$ for years my money has been stolen from my room while I slept). But I am not bereft of all critical information and have nothing to rely on because that agency has LIED to me in the diverted calls to their terrorist agents. I wrote a complaint to the central agency but now all the details of the incident are erased from my computer. The problem still remains in my record which was done wrong in the first place==intentionally of course--and then I phoned a few days later to ask about what the delay in updating my information was. I was lied to. The problem remains more than one month later. The "problem" is just trying to change my address with this agency and I must now try for the third time to get this information correctly processed. Imagine trying to get anything really significant done other than changing address--for me. This is how much obstruction this organization places in my every attempt to get a single critical thing done for my security and for any career or life plans. The terrorists then call me a "loser" because I have been drugged, poisoned and put in accidents and now am partially paralyzed as a result and they continue to torture and attack me and destroy all attempts for me to have any stability. It is almost becoming impossible for me to actually reach a legitimate agent to have my address changed. With this "mistake" the organization can and will create serious problems which could result in serious threats to my security so I must address this. I still am not able to reach a legitimate person on the phone as all phone calls are diverted. Any in-person exchange with any agency results in more in-person terrorism so it's not much different than if I had access to reaching anyone face-to-face. But I am now facing another "trap" that I must resolve and I have to deal with this endless telephone and agency terrorist action which is very hard to circumvent.

 I am now on the phone, or really getting through the long phone recordings this agency forces you to endure before you have to wait and listen to their canned musick. The agency opens at 8 a.m., but although this is not a federal holiday, the agency prompting says that the offices are closed.

Tried again 5 minutes later from the above paragraph and was put through 15 minutes of a computer voice asking me for information and then not "understanding" and repeating false answers so I had to shout into the phone. All of this prompt relay is human-factored and not computer generated. I am not on a musical delay that may last for one hour, which is what they usually do to me every time I phone this agency. That is why I tried to phone exactly at 8 am, but they put a "the agency is not open but opens at 8 am" and I got this message all the way up until I had to get this prompt shouting situation at 8:20 and now I am on hold indefinitely. All of this is part of the endless harassment and terrorist activity. 

All of this is part of a month-long attempt to change my address by phone for this agency. This is the third time I have had to try to get this change made for the past 34 days.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

How many more years, people, messages, posts and appeals must I make before this is stopped? Another physical terrorist report. February 16, 2022. HAIR FOLLICLE REMOVAL and etc.

 Please note readers that every single night I am poisoned and drugged with mind control and poison injections/skin patches that the terrorists insert into my bloodstream via mechanical arms breaking through the various portals of this surveillance living situation that has also been forced onto me; with no options to move elsewhere that would be any real significant improvement in the overall situation of home-inflicted torture and poisoning. 

Thus I wake up every morning to check what kind of bad news this organization has wrought upon my finances or what problems they may have forced into my very flimsy situation that they (the terrorist organization en masse) has forced upon me.

I write these posts in the throes of the poison circulating in my body. I write in the mornings because I attempt to clean the filth that is sprayed and poured into everything and crack and under everything and I fight to heal my body and am always sick; they of course make healing nearly impossible and thus I write of another attack upon my body that I am finally realizing.


As the title states, they removed hair follicles on the top of my scalp, permanently of course. Whatever was used was also applied to my underarms where no more hair grows. This happened a very long time ago but now I am writing about it once more. I am trying various remedies to heal the broken follicles and they are simply gone and nothing will grow. They put a huge circle of baldness on the apex of my head. This of course is a huge joke to the expletives who are millionaire/billionaire terrorists of this Nazi organization. It wasn't enough for them to have made my body crooked due to hardening poisons latching onto my vertebrae. No, they then had to continue to poison me and then inflict more outward physical deformity. They have tried to knock out my lower teeth while I was unconscious and sleeping after they nearly killed me in just one of many seriously deadly car hits (not an "accident") making me wipe out while driving at high speed. All of this is of course on their memory drives or saved somewhere as I'm sure it was all filmed and a huge joke to them. They also tried to permanently deform my hands. There are scars planted all over my body and of course the fake sebaceous cysts I wrote of yesterday which are just hard silicone-like implants that appeared from one day to the next, hard and solid immediately not a cyst that grew and then hardened. 

But this hair won't grow back, and the lack of hair, I would say they permanently took out at least 1/5th of my hair, or more. Plus they slathered damaging chemicals on my body every day, cut my skin to the bone in the area between my toes after breaking my toe and putting out out of joint. It looks like a "bunion" but it's the toe having been taken out of the joint socket by terrorists here in Phuket. All done while I was sleeping and teleported so I woke up drugged by pain killer drugs not able to ascertain what had happened. All ordered by the celebrities who have viciously attacked me in every other way possible and for years without end. They should be in prison and should be forced to pay me also for these crimes and what they have destroyed of everything I have ever worked for.


I realize how badly the mind control technology is affecting my brain the longer I detox from the hardened mind control drugs embedded into my body (for all my life).

I think of words and sentences that my brain "wanted" to access but was blocked from doing so while writing. I also realize that the longer I write the time frame of the tech blocking functioning of my brain (neural firing?) makes it so a choice word I had used I then "forgot" how to spell just 10 minutes later, after of course struggling to pound out keys and backspace to correct hacker blocks to the keys functioning, thus increasing the block to my cerebral cortex or however the physiognomy operates in the brain/computer interface.


Please let there be justice for their crimes and this silence stopped and people coming to my defense instead of just participating in the contract for their careers. If anyone is concerned about justice then let this happen and without any more delay. How many more years must I wait for anything to happen in this regard? What will it take? A complete coup d'etat by the fascist Nazis of the United States Government? Meaning it will be "too late" to do anything to stop the momentum of that organization by that point in time.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Description of yet another tactic used by terrorists teleporting me (and their adjunct terrorist death squad/goon squad locals in my terror network vicinity).

 Every aspirant to power in this organization attacking me in teleportation, the "artists" and politicians who rose up either from the dregs of middle and working class life to sell their cheap snake oil pitch of anti-power, anti-corruption, anti-racism who are now extremely wealthy having sold millions of copies of their fodder has an adjunct group of lower class minions waiting to do their bidding, no matter how filthy, vile and disgusting they will do it for the favoritism of their wealthy controllers.

As for the inbred who were born into that rank rank, as their behavior as token symbol of their "power" over the "masses" is that every act of degradation and hate and destruction is a sign of their power and lassez-faire in doing whatever the F they want to those "beneath" them. Their death squads are even more willing to commit every act of murder, rape and torture and they revel and feed off it, as their controllers have trained them to do. Thus they swagger in pompous, ill-dignified grandeur that they are part of the inclusive select "set".

As that intro to the next tactic that is used, the London woman who is a blonde Nazi bigot, playing her roles for movies of benevolent supporter of little brown and black men who she coddles with sympathetic support in her Steven Spielberg funded movies (yes, he is part of this attack upon me albeit without the overt violence and hate attacks except for one time teleporting me-- as well and has been a part of this promotional scheme as long as she has). That this woman is nowhere even remotely near as talented as Spielberg attests to the fact of her and the other septuagenarians of her ilk, those who lead the 60's and 70's "revolution" for the gyration media explosion of the sexual revolution (their main thrust into the politics of the times, including Satanism and drug abuse and free orgies, which they termed conveniently as "free love", obviously a commercially viable term and another snake oil sales pitch they helped to foment in order to loosen the restrictions to their ultimate corruption and power overtake of this country, the United States, which is now corrupt and tending towards all European versions of Totalitarian fascism and Soviet style surveillance and gulag State apparatus). They helped to lead the decline of civilization with all their drug abuse as a sales pitch along with their orgiastic lovelessness and their now bombastic conspicuous consumption sales pitch about how much more superior they are due to the wealth they have accrued due to selling this K-rap to the public.


These were some ideas that had been deleted yesterday, especially the reference to Satanism which the probable English rock band member(s) are part of deleting (or upon their instruction, as they are so busy now grabbing as many more free new deals for their latest spree of gleeful violence poured upon me as the symbol of all that the English really want to usurp and then destroy in America. (i.e. Equal opportunity and a chance of Jews to not be the endless target of European wrath and genocide, which has been absolutely embraced by the MAGA crowd and the majority of Americans which I have encountered in my entire life, having to move constantly from place-to-place endlessly most of my life due to the hate and harassment of this organization which fully surrounds my every activity until I am too drugged and incognizant of functioning and under too much stress to further function in their area, so I always leave. The reality of how targeting operates is that once people hear that someone is not acceptable they automatically go with the flow and either ignore the pleading of the victim for assistance or they can't wait to dig in their own suppressed feelings of pent-up rage and hate upon a target. This is why targeting (now called "Witch hunt") is so popular and remains a secret sport amongst the populations of the planet. It's why gang stalking is never exposed nor is it ever stopped.


What is the next tactic, you ask, because I have digressed very much thus far (and am constantly backspacing and rewriting as all the computer keyboard keys are being blocked, my brain is under attack and my motor skills likewise are under attack--the usual)

The tactic is that any defense I use to defend myself is being turned around upon me by the attackers but multiplied in force to render me defenseless. It is supposed to be a deterrent on their part to stop me from attempting to defend myself.

Thusly for example, when this blonde Nazi English expletive who has been, like her other becoming obsolete septuagenarian buddies who are now endlessly being promoted and given every red carpet arrival only due to, mostly, their inclusion in this hate crime that only accumulates more of their types and not less as the years roll on by and I write these posts. But this blonde woman, who has like the other Satanic rock band expletives all out of London, all part of the wealthy mind control and programming set to loosen morality in the United States and also in England (along with their fellow "punk" rocker whose singing style made him famous, now a money-oriented and status-clinging wanna be "posh" hater and abuser, but that is something else but still associated as he is a part of their group).

After more than 8 years of me seeing this woman first pour her crappy stupid hate and violence movies or fake anti-racism movies on my tv (as this group had done when I used to have cable tv, their movies permeated my entire "cable" channel in a succession of one of them after the next, just as they have done personally in the context of teleporting and taking turns for years one after the next, like a movie programming guide it's just one of them after the next like a bad movie spree assaulting my every sense).

I had never, ever paid this expletive any attention nor did I ever think of her even as boring I jus never thought of her, so mundane has her impression been on me all my years of being forced into a nearly comatose state of near drooling drugged up paralysis (which all the actors fully engaged in so they could pour their crap into my brain and then justify their teleportation by the fact that I could be labeled as "schizophrenic" along with the paralysis it would fit into a total "disability" status that this group has also forced upon me.


She asked me maybe last month (my last horrid detox at the pitch of the worst poisons coming out of me; they always attack ferociously when I am at my most vulnerable, especially parasitic types like her and her ilk, even worse as they age and need to feed more off other people's energy).

She asked me why, as I had  attempted to describe yesterday, they always ask me "why" I don't "like" them. They know damn well why. When I delineate the "reasons" such as the years of their abuse and torture and assistance in their thug male consorts raping me in lieu of them trying their best to screw me over in every way possible (deformity and mutilation of my body is something these fascist blonde women really love to see done by their vile minions for them).

I told her I didn't "like" her because, as I said to her yelling in this deep sleep , teleportation state, under duress from over a decade of people along with her daily torturing me on a 24-hour basis with these stealth weapons, taking turns raping and torturing and having their minions deform my body and make my living space so toxic my body has completely broken down just from the toxic shock of being poisoned like this every day--plus breathing in their poisons that have been and still are sprayed on every single thing in my room while I had to close all windows all night to try to stop the rape and break-ins that they all fully engaged and laughed about and supported).


 I said, "Because you are a piece of shit". And that has begun a month of something like Alice in Wonderland confronting the deck of court cards flying into her after the Red Queen has demanded "Off with her head" for some statement she made after having to undergo drugging, shape-shifting, attacks, being called "stupid girl" by crazy animals and undergoing a kind of psychotic political maze created by the psycho-creators which in all these generations since Alice in Wonderland was written, the same forces and powers remain. 

It has been one English or English colonized subject after the next threatening me in groups. The Nazi bigot women with either English heritage out of America, or from Australia, and t hose who have fully stolen ideas, participated and laughed and some of the dance around me in delight that this is happening to me--they congregated in death threats (after being told that was okay by Pelosi a few months prior, which is now almost a common thread and theme as I fight them literally every single day in this teleportation and the rest of my life is spent trying to heal from their violence and poisoning and clean the toxic death stink and filth that they order to poison me further while I remain unable to bend and clean most of the stink that these people really are at the base of the spirituality and in their rotten and corroded hearts--they plastic their rotten cores with sexual gyrating "appeal" to disguise how utterly loveless they truly are. They cling to other people and have sex, yes, that is the extent of it).

But, now a flurry of the psychopaths are surrounding me. This woman got Americans to use Nazi genocidal rhetoric yelling into my face really Nazi statements (and this also has been a theme for years, which I have never encountered in my life like this until this very group began their collective assault upon me back in 2013, and since then Nazi references to the Holocaust and genocide and trying to "put me in that place" they all want me to be in, degraded and in their racist cliche holes that they rely upon to automatically be deemed "superior" without having to prove it. If there is equal opportunity they actually fail, so they are extremely keen to dismantle especially the United States Unfortunately so many other Americans (call them "MAGA" if you will, but this also includes "liberals" and "Democrats" and "blacks" and every other race claiming it is disenfranchised--but oh so want to do whatever it takes to be part of the "power" structure).

So she got people to use this to my face in the teleportation. I had to then fight them. Then she teleported me to her lair and used the mind control technology at a blasting level while she interrogated me and used any single thing I said that could be exploited and turned around upon me as an attack weapon. Her Irish thug boyfriend was there to threaten me physically when I tried to rush at this rotten thing and eventually after about a half hour of her haranguing harassment after she first used the ploy of being friendly in order to lure me into the false pretense that this was a pleasant conversation and not a hostile and violent psych attack--probably her forte in life which she has used many a time and has been amply rewarded for this propensity as well as her sleazy deceptions of false pious righteousness and anti-racism and etc etc. All of them are paid more than in excess for the roles they play in order to foment this huge deception of how much society really is fighting for "Democracy" and "Freedom" and "Equality".


I finally lost my temper and tried to kick her in the head.

Now the English are coming at me while I am unconscious, I wake up on the floor as they are slamming car doors into my head or making the gesture--please remember that my vision is diminished, although I recognize these people I can't see the fine lines and it's a bit grey and blurry. I also can't see peripheral vision, so they rely on that to come at me violently from behind and from side angles.


And that is their tactic, anything I use as my defense stance they turn around into a debilitating weakness as some kind of future deterrent effect for self-defense. 

Add to this the total and almost completely support from government and law enforcement officials as well as the silence of all communities around the planet as well as family and all contacts I have ever had my entire life.


I am trying to not write about them in the terms I had used for years--which after YEARS of torture I was calling them all kinds of "immature" names. Since I have come into contact with members of Congress and I think there may be some kind of restraint and also more observation of my writing I am attempting to quell this impulse because it was due entirely to having been ignored and tortured for so long. I had begun to deal with all of these people who behave really like immature parasites, they it is really they who are the vile and immature ones but I had responded finally after years of trying to reason with them in the same vein. That their behavior is not just touted as a "superiority" and "elite" status is in itself a tragedy of the United States leadership (probably all leadership has been due to crime and murder and overtake and usurpation and not due to qualifications, although they may be Harvard and Oxford-trained the real capability of leadership does not rely on Ivy-League education exclusively).
