Saturday, June 11, 2022

"I love you Mary Jane. Sugar come by, and get me high".//The dope on the stock market like a bummer come-down on a high--just more dope the Stock Market is going up and down. Give me that gold and silver-backed currency dope to get high on. America and the world is so high on bubbles and celebrity addiction culture, and it's such a low drag downer when I experience it so I need that upper dope experience and need it now! Money, dope and highs and lows is today's theme.

 "Cypress Hill & Sonic Youth--Mary Jane". SD 2581. February 27, 2009.

I'm reading the front page of Bloomberg, the newspaper that has a refreshing change from the standard usual daily news fare on the other syndicated press outlets--which are an orchestrated mess of tangled but uniformly interconnected bylines published like a simultaneous one-sided plot. The terrorist celebrities offensively attacking me are connected to the Fox News/Rolling Stone "empires" of mediocrity and mind f* media--and I can't describe how understanding finally how this media conglomerate group is behind this bs operation confronting me makes me absolutely try to fight to keep outlets like Bloomberg in lead position instead of the K-rap that these celebrities are endorsing and bringing in--(also I heard ideas I wrote of verbatim stolen by The Five from Fox--not lauding myself but this is the reality I have had to confront, of course writing this is supposed to make me "delusional" according to police standards, as police never do anything to protect me and threaten me when I report these crimes). But.....Bloomberg has been publishing news about Thailand recently--on the front page--and it's DOPE, concerning these things for tourist attraction perhaps?

I read on the front page that Thailand has legalized the growing of Marijuana. I was at a very famous/popular "Thai" store about two months ago where a huge sign was placed in front of the sliding glass doors to the opening about Marijuana being sold in the produce section.

Curious, I walked in, and saw nothing (I know the layout of the store and the produce section very well). There is still no MJ sold on the shelves, but am waiting and would like to see what it would be like to have some and make tea out of it for the morning onslaught of the daily grind of teleportation hate interrogation--like waking up, getting some leaves, chewing on them IMMEDIATELY to try to negate all the hate and injection of energy, sexual, intellectual parasitism that is inflicted upon me by unscrupulous expletives every single day without fail it's a hate match with me screaming to leave me alone every single day. They sit in rows as usual smirking and silent asking an endless spate of questions to which I cannot block out or remain silent and thus not engage. Pigpitalina the ugly pair of Nazi fascist putrid icons I have been telling then shouting at that I never liked them have told them no for OVER EIGHT YEARS but this contract out on me, they believe they are entitled to. One of them tried to have my teeth knocked out, they had part of my uterus cut out, they have had my body completely marred and mutilated from head to toe--broken toes, had my hair follicles permanently damaged so most of my scalp is balding--then endlessly telling me that the ugly whore skank is more beautiful as they continue to pummel my body while I am unconscious and force hate upon me every moment of every day living in a torture chamber and my cat, the one and only thing that I truly loved taken away, with her probably dead by now waiting for me to pick her up for over 8 years

the pigs continue--maybe having Marijuana to grab upon first rising will put some kind of block to the shithold of the mind control and the offensive and odious group which is constantly feeding off my life force, sucking out sexual energy and replacing it with destruction and hate and violence and negativity, destroying my property my body, my ideas they steal they profit off and then steal my money and destroy and destroy and destroy and insult and poison and make my body completely damaged and go off telling with vicious hate that I'm a "loser" and filthy ugly whoreshitalina is "more beautiful" constantly because she is connected to the Crown and the fascist Nazi English and Europigape Nazis who are handing out these prizes because stupid American pigs like this group have handed everything over to Europigapes to control as they all try their best to pose as Europigape aristocrats and thus hate for America, hate and hate and hate for people, hate and hate and destruction of the mentality of the United States where people have a chance to rise up from lower status--

It is disgusting the government continues to allow these immature and mentally consumptive parasites to endlessly continue with this crime against me. That says that they want a fascist Nazi system that T-rump was installing but they want to have the "Democracy" mob fascist gang stalking system fully interactive with the legal system in order to continue an ever-increasing divide between socioeconomic status, with legal rights only being conferred to those who can afford legal counsel at a much higher price--and the deepening divide where justice and law are really only applied to the wealthy and the poor and minorities are going to be microchipped, put under surveillance, raped and beaten if they get teleported with no legal defense whatsoever--etc all the things I have been writing of for years this group wants to more fully implement upon society. The US Government fully supports all of this, including two members of the J-6 Committee who shout their "Democracy" platitudes and are vying for higher positions in the world, higher promotions of course handed out by the very group which installed T-rump into power in the first place.

Don't forget Pelosi, the worst of the crooks there, and this committee is supposed to be linked to her officiation. It is a tragedy.

I really need to find some way to block them out--hopefully marijuana will soon be sold on the shelves of Big C so I can get high and tell the pig apes to go fly a f-ing whatever the f-away as I am too high to care about the sickness they are endlessly shoveling into my brain and can't block out.

All of these ideas I have, and the reality of what the situation truly is: blocked due to discrediting of my personality, silencing of testimony, lack of care or concern by almost all people surrounding me in every country in every position of power all want this system to be enacted, just not with them as potential victims they only want to be a part of the perpetrator class.


The Dope appearing like the Pope testimony for the dope lack of scope J-6 Committee & the STOCK MARKET DOPE highs and lows crashing

The dope about the J-6 Committee testimony $ & The dope on the stock market like a bummer come-down on a high--just more dope the Stock Market is going up and down. Give me that gold and silver-backed currency dope to get high on. America and the world is so high on bubbles and celebrity addiction culture, and it's such a low drag downer when I experience it so I need that upper dope experience and need it now! Money, dope and highs and lows is today's theme.

I know so little about the Stock Market. I.e: if there was a "crash" just yesterday--400 points decline on what was it? The Dow?) why has the value of the dollar gone up about half a baht from 34.50 to 35 for the sell rate, when I look at Thai Bank exchange rates?

I am skeptical of inflationary-based fiscal policy and therefore have never been keen on getting involved or studying our current boom/bust economy.

I thought the US was supposed to be on a gold and silver-backed currency, which is what the Constitution states as the only real currency and not our fractional reserve-based explosion in debt crises after crises cycle after cycle. Thus, I have not studying the Stock Market because I do not believe in it.

I also don't have the $ to invest, and if I did, I would not want to gamble and lose what tiny bit I have on a bad investment.

But the stock market just "crashed" and the more mainstream newspapers are making no big deal out of it, instead the focus is on the J-6 gossip and the lies told by some of the more famous personalities who claimed they were innocent--how can anyone believe what she said to that committee anyway? Liars, absolute liars how can anyone even make a media storm on sworn testimony of the people the most cherished and close to the Big Lie perpetrator?


Who's really insane here? People who are creating global catastrophes and promoting conspicuous consumption and selfish greed acquisition or people who are being victimized and drugged and tortured because they won't play victim willingly and get microchipped, poisoned and raped and give "permission" for it? What's more insane? A dysfunctional government that promotes such covert activity or the people who are going crazy because they are victims of the Government-sponsored crazy-making policies to destroy anything but a rich and poor destroyed Failed State colony formerly known as The United States?

"Cypress Hill--Insane in The Brain (Official Video)". October 25, 2009.

My hair is not just falling out and turning grey because Filthalina & Pit have been on a campaign to mangle my body (broken toe, hair chemically treated to the root so the follicles are dead--a huge swatch of no hair/balding is on the entire top portion of my head reaching down to the arch of my neck in a straight line but the chemicals they poured seeped on the sides--nothing makes the hair grow back, it remains dead, cuticles so mangled from daily insertions of metal objects under my fingernails and cuticles, can't use the nails on the middle fingers of both hands any longer or the thumb nail on my left hand--every day for years this was done while I could not stop the nighttime intruder rapists, thieves and destroyers while I was teleported to this crew of expletives and I still am teleported to this expletive group every night--etc etc my body completely mangled.

But due to the hair being destroyed, just below the first sort of "row" of hair on my forehead, at the beginning of the hairline--just behind that front area, the chemicals were poured and there is a line extending of no-hair down to the nape of my neck--the hair on this top part just above the forehead went grey because I think the damage was so great---I am using henna to try to treat this, but the daily violence is inflicting great damage to my body--as I have been telling these pig whores for years, you are killing me every day with all this stress and the hate you project and feed off every day--and it is literally every single day there is a hate confrontation as they sit in their little piggy rows in chairs watching as I scream in hate to get off me, literally every single day as they go through a checklist of questions they want to get ideas from so they can steal and then destroy me---afterwards of course. I am being murdered every day in this fashion, not just from the poison inserted into my body through my vagina, or into my food, but the stress alone is enough to kill anyone.
Why no one in Congress will intervene and everyone treats me like I am the problem here, that it's me who is wrong that by fighting for my Constitutional Rights as a US Citizen I am somehow deserving of a death penalty as punishment for not willingly allowing this group of hate have pig whore ape men from Europigapeland poison and rape me to death and then stealing ideas because they are mediocrities but are told that as white Europigapeland males they are automatically entitled to every top position and that stealing ideas from me is their natural-born killer rights to steal and plunder. Me fighting for any kind of human rights for myself in this situation is being treated by shit like Pelosi as a capital crime for which I must be killed--as she has hissed out sitting next to Nazi criminal thug S-neger. so back to my greying hair that has become worse and worse lately because this attack on my hair happened and has been ongoing for months--(years actually, but literally making it fall out permanently was done in the last year because I was fighting to get a sick German parasite greasy and sick stupid pig from raping poison into my body every night while they all watched on, hugging HIM as I said no and no and stop and stop until I finally began to scream and he still would not stop slapping and raping me with them all watching on embracing him. Because I told him to get his greasy pig penis out of me they made my hair fall out completely in such a huge area of my head that it's at least 50% of the total hair--and then the stress, as I fight to heal my fingernails, my hardened spine from chemicals that this group of s hit has been continuing to force into my body while I have done nothing for a decade but fight to get what everyone else put in my body to keep me paralyzed and never able to live in any way (and then depriving me of health care so really it was an organized and Congressionally black-ops-approved murder operation). But the list of things I am now constantly healing is non-stop--I spend my entire life trying to heal.
Why no one will even begin to defend my human rights is beyond me while all of these pieces of expletive are shouting endlessly about how they are defending Democracy and Freedom and fighting against rape culture and fighting for women and blah blah blah. But not a single person will not participate in this hate crime against me around the planet?

Thursday, June 9, 2022

AMERICAN PSYCHO/"I HATE CHILDREN"--This post pertains to a PARADIGM and not to any individual *it also pertains to the sick contract out on me to provide a baby to someone who is part of a torture/rape/destruction of body/home/mind/spirit/sexuality technological sex and torture trafficking operation forced upon me by all presidents and at the present and it's "leaders" who act like sick and stupid psychopathic deranged clown children when they join the teleportation team venting their stupidity and violence upon me endlessly and for years every single day, thus exhibiting great buried psychological problems that they have covered with mannerisms equating, albeit, only superficially, to sophisticated maturity, their public seemingly controlled personas--all programmed, all with sublimated violence and rage stemming probably from their childhood(s). . The people who may see tmy words here and associate them with recent encounters, I only use these situations as basis for my point, not to point at these people but it's only symptomatic--their behavior--of the group to which they adhere and the responsibility and guilt that hangs upon this group as a whole to which children are being killed (i.e. in Texas recently)"Punk Music is for loserz because you're poor and a LOSER" shouted the snarling childish poseur, it's overgrown childish progenitor silently agreed and thought of the collection of EZ listening Jazz and elevator placebo effect musick-- which is a cultural must for the wealthy and their classical infatuation with all things European in the fascist wanna-be Nazified halls of conspicuous consumption destroying the planet wrapped in an environmental unravelling of entitlement. The guns are being passed out but the real deadly weapons the wanna-be aristocrats employ for their sex slavery trafficking/ murder/killing operations and genocides and holocausts are silent. They operate on frequencies of sleaze, selfishness and obedience to collective immaturity to amass all that they cannot with real confidence acquire through real effort due to their lack of mature capability and ethical and mature understanding. //CHILDREN SPEWED OUT FROM OVERGROWN CHILDREN I HATE WHO ARE HATEFUL.(Have a Nice Day and listen to your elementary EZ Listening Musick to calm your bouts of childish murderous rage in the wealthiest nation on Earth where the rich are training their children to kill because they have electronic murder weapons which are concealed by the children in power who listen to EZ Elevator Music to quell their hyena ape impulses).

 **Hacking and the brain-altering tech affecting my motor skills, so my hands would not move correctly, and my brain could not think, and the keyboard was so blocked I had to backspace and rewrite almost every other word, literally throughout this entire thing--the keys are so stiff I must pound down, etc)

"ADOLESCENTS--I HATE CHILDREN". Crisp. October 20, 2016.


Some punk (musack) is fun
Some is of political orientation best left to Schlager Musick
Some punk is violent
Some is dance-worthy in a mosh pit

But all have a political message wrapped in a succinct often humorous sardonic package of loud, fast and relief for pent-up emotions.

Don't belittle punk music if you are a musical elitist snob because
usually the music the most nasty of attackers I have met listen to emotional calming and suppressing music to smother the real hate they live with pent-up with fake smiles of entitlement and leisure for a class of people smug about their "superiority" over others just because, for example, they listen to "classical" music which is supposed to denote highest class and style possible on the planet.

This is just a weird perusal through a very diminished scale of pondering this morning, as I await the trial by fire and the lyrics to this song have some connection to my situation and to other recent situations involving children and the grown-up children whose weapons are not semi-automatic, which Congress is not worried about enjuf in The Senate, but those electronic weapons that are termed "non-lethal" and sonic mass control weapons which can kill or blast out ear drums that the public really has to be wary and terrified of--all coming from the wonderful "Democracy" and "Freedom" government of the United States and their fascist, Nazi and Mafia allies.

So to all you kiddies out there who have allowed your sense of responsibility to the nation, to the planet, and to your personal selves wither down into the most immature, puerile and unaccountable lack of responsibility.

I heard this song "I Hate Children" this morning on a show from WNYU--due to the terrorists I believe co-opting this station--because it was very alternative when I first began listening to it, and as celebrities in charge of media affairs began to accumulate in this hate group of celebrity repressed immaturity teleportting with intention to terrorize and abuse me to death like kiddies enjoying torturing and the like of immature hate behavior in groups---which adults employ and children actually rarely partake in such violent murderous operations (contrary to what that book The Lord of the Flies depicts)--
I thought of the recent Texas shootings, and the teenager who just shot all those kiddies in what is obviously a race-based hate act, learned probably from his elders who are only rancid and more ossified in the flesh but have lost all their youth but cling to an immaturity to redefine their aging ossification (and I admit that when I deal with the terrorists I regress to a childish hate stage, because they are so childish--I appear as the crazy immature one because these actors and people in power have learned and been trained to conceal their very violent and psychopathic orientations, which become unhinged in ferocity when they have a chance to finally unleash their inner trauma-based childish fantasies upon someone else--and they vicariously live as the exploiter which probably they were forced to submit to, they are now very good and follow all instructions but can't wait to be the inquisitor and their childishness is of a most decaying stench of repression bubbling up from the cesspool of their subconscious desires to finally inflict whatever they can from their repressed childish trauma upon anyone else, anyone at all it won't matter who when this technology is passed around to more and more and more and more of these grown-up psychopathic immaturity hate reapers of society all put into highest positions for every business and affair.


**Again, this musing/pondering about music and weapons and terrorism, wealth, government-sponsored mass weapons and corporate consolidation and etc...This was inspired perhaps by some people but not a direct representation of them. They only spurred this train-of-thought to various eddies of interconnectivity between what people espouse and what they really are doing when the music's over and all is silent. They keep silent about the silent weapons which can kill not a few people in a mass shooting spree, but an entire group can be decimated with a laser from a tank, electronic portable weapons can disarm and destroy and kill a person, melt brains, fuse cells, etc all due to this tech which all the celebrities in their mansions and the politicians are greedily, with childish glee at violently attacking me, somehow now turned into a symbol of hate for that group for various reasons. They all have various reasons, and I have to see just childish responses from people being handed murder and torture silent weapons by immature irresponsible leaders who are incapable of mature reasoning and administration.**

I see at least one of the terrorist celebrities who participated in this torture system forced upon me with all it's nascent murder and rape and terror applications being extremely vocal with a polished acting coached style to try to put various blocks to easy accessibility to weapons--background checks, etc he advises while he's a full participant in a covert technological mass murder/terrorism operation with new weapons while he remains silent about it, as he screams as loudly as the cameras can tolerate about how he cares about "Democracy" (meaning mob rule, Nazis and Mafia ruling through death squad mobs, and that is only and exactly what this bigot celebrity from Texas and all those participating really are pushing for while trying to block sales of hard weapons on the shelves. Since I am a government-sponsored target of terrorism, I am probably not able to purchase a gun due to the labels administrators placed upon my record due to having applied for disability years ago and mentioning various facts which had nothing to do with me personally but with my family which is also a huge component of this terrorist operation--I may never be able to arm myself to defend myself through legal means, because the government doesn't want me to be able to defend myself at all against any and all assailants part of this huge government-funded and supported terrorist operation which is expanding into society at a rapid pace by now)--all the "elite" and well-controlled celebrities and politicians are keeping silent. All the weapons of mass murder albeit technological silent weapons, are so silent about this terror technology. They may lambast the blast of whatever they hate about my music, which they co-opt by buying out the formerly underground radio station and turn it into their mu-sick, easy listening alternative, mind-placating drone. Taking over my radio station and turning it into a quantized music magazine Fox News Blues machine of suppressing questioning and meaning) and dulling the mind, body and soul but seemingly fun and alternative--

The terrorist celebrities are loudly in front of the same Congress which is funding and passing out these silent weapons of mass murder, rape, torture and destruction such as all the through-wall torture technologies, the brain-altering tech which makes being calm, cool and critical analytical and capable in public situations impossible--(my voice becomes altered due to the microchip implant, I become giggly, loud and out-of-balance as people surround and attack me).

The celebrities absolutely pushing for these silent and covert weapons are openly fighting gun proliferation and want background checks and such for all the people they want to really disavow (won't get into theorizing about what mind control and microchip implants these celebrities really are helping Congress to pass into mass major distribution by their favorite Nazi/Mafia/Minion death squad covert co-opting and black-ops psy-ops groups they all order all the terrorism through--as their proxy agents).

They all support this--listening to that plastic-surgery EZ listening calming music for the genteel, well-practiced polished celebrity promotions vying for political positioning and power-. This dude from Texas who is a most nasty bigot and sex offense participant, shouting to Congress to pass background checks, etc-he's teleported me as well with the other rapists and abusers and Mafia bigot murdering haters--calling me or insinuating that I am some "prostitute" while it's he and the rest who are the whores and not me--I am a victim of crimes and mind control, as they perhaps are as well, but I am not turning the victimization or anything else upon others as they all are, very happily, and engaged in this every day for years or keeping silent about it. You can bet this actor I refer to loved Huey Lewis and the News, Phil Collins and Whitney Houston as well as jazz bake-your-brain classical and other calming Girl from Impanema style pre-orgy music for the elite who want to crush and break people into desperation and poverty and for them to really just shoot each other into death and provide more lebensraum for themselves; and the silent weapons that sick, pontificating sex-offender version of H-wood rapist Catholic Priesthood--a psychological psy-ops expletive--is endorsing are as deadly as assault-style weapons being sold in stores so the GDP can expand and corporate consolidation of power and death squads can organize.

Everyone knows anyway that ghost guns are a serious problem, as are all the problems that Congress has allowed all these years.

You can bet the very same celebrity has an arsenal of weapons in his home, not excluding his newly acquired acquisition to mind control, and microwave death and torture technology and all the other covert silent weapons he loves to have within reach to brainwash and order all kinds of crimes that are concealed with full applause of Congress.

Well, I'm sure they all listen to all these pop songs and love to go to the classical concerts to display their diamonds and wealth along with their other co-conspirators while outside the rioters are the minions they rely on to do their dirty work--outside wearing their loser clothing and their loser mobile homes and their loser homelessness who will do ANYTHING to get out of their ruts and the violence the elite undoubtedly are happy to inflict upon them through their silent power plays. The minions only reflect the violence of those who oppress them, as I see every day in this terror operation it truly is a "trickle down" operation of power to the lowest level, but operating on a horizontal plane of immaturity and childishness and violence, greed and explosive death impulses.

The poorer people, the "losers", the hate when they are handed weapons is extreme, as it is at top levels but quelled by the EZ listening to entitlement they all flock to in the halls of plenty. The poor, what they expose is explosive. Perhaps the pawns and the minions all listen to whatever violent disposition music, even some fast hardcore Nazi punk--gang bang or rock n roll cock rock to titillate those hormones for the inevitable violent explosion at the end of the song--which is the same as the bang at the end of most classical pieces for the wealthy and the exclusive. I know this all sounds like a kind of "Marxist" style analysis. However, it's based on observation of being at these various levels of attack and seeing the Trickle-Down effect, and that is all. It is simple analysis of actual observation, not a socio-political orientation that I am induding in this rant. I am not Progressive or anything on any side or level---I am excluded by all the Parties and all the Parties, like my radio station, have been co-opted by this hate organization which controls both "Left & Right" of the political Party spectrum.

I refer more specifically as something I advocate or like as music, once in a while, I have a broad range of music I listen to and enjoy--to the type of punk which questions and posits and makes light of serious ideas that are otherwise unpopular, such as what I write in almost every blog and get tortured for.


**I always have to add more that my brain has been blocked from accessing, although I "think" of these ideas while I am backspacing and rewriting every word or other word and my brain is under attack by brain-altering tech, I lose all the thread of conscious deliberation and can't get past a few ideas, and then go into tangents while hackers delete commas (I had to completely rewrite one such huge paragraph above, where all commas had been deleted and words deleted to create a nearly disorganized string of concepts tied together but with crucial junction words gone, so it was a chaos and mostly unreadable.
I call the celebrities teleporting and raping, or being enablers,   WHORES because not only are they being PAID for RAPE---which literally is a form of prostitution, they are selling their rape and sexual activity for payment, thus the exchange of money for sex makes them literally prostitutes. In addition, their behavior is so lewd, which they are told associates them with entitlement, based on older aristocratic versions of dehumanization particularly of those in lower socio-economic levels then they are--the entitlement, which is characteristic of how to treat those who are "upstarts" or "bad" or don't immediately accept authority or for whatever rationale they all use against me--don't know, I would suggest racism and sexism are at the heart, but their behavior with all the decades of debauchery behind them probably include many of the same Blonde types that are in this clip--you can make a few associations such as the latest public trial and the subsequent witch hunt operation of the public for the most part in defending the white male against the blonde woman who accused him of violence and sexual assault. Oh, how the majority of the H-wood women in the "I'm the most beautiful" Nazi clique of white supremacist rape and dehumanization criminality--now dancing in delight as this tech and organized mutilation/murder/rape global operation ensures they can attack without any resistance anyone who is a threat to white bigot male rape culture supremacy
but going on a tangent--trying to include this in the "immature" category of children who are hateful who retain their adolescent looks through vigorous plastic surgery modifications every few months.

They act like whores, they are whores, prostitutes being paid to either collaborate with or become rapists using teleportation and drugging and mind control, microchip implants and all the other arsenals of violence that "cool" dudes like that technology celebrity are fully assisting in implementing for the massive Nazi/Mafia take-over of the planet, now coming into full culmination of decades of "experimentation" and planning and research and development; this envelopment of the planet extending into satellites in space to fully enmesh the air-tight global fence keeping people in place and or destroyed.
They all listen to EZ calming music for their orgies and etc. I can guarantee that is probably the music, or really horrid pop music which appears as being alternative but instead has co-opted the real questioning artists who are silenced or kept out or killed, if they reach too many people and make them stray from the general quantized score that is being played out subliminally for silent acceptance to a tune that the piper is dog whistling out to the public for obedience and non-thinking --sometimes the followers are just kept as pets, if they are "lucky".


"LUCKY'S SPEECH WAITING FOR GODOT". LazBrezer. January 2, 2013.


Another addition after half hour of being away from the laptop and the brain-altering influence exerted as I sit in this one spot: I was gouged last night with mechanical arms cutting into my finger cuticle, underneath the nail--the nails were black and then green from insertions of metal and then fungus every single day--for years this was done. I forgot to add one layer of the three layers I already use on my hands, last night, because I was very ill and tired from detox--I also am still being drugged somehow while sleeping in addition to being --every single day--mutilated in some way. I respond with these posts, and then the information is gleened for ideas that the terrorist whore celebrities can use for their output about how wonderful and caring and loving, humanitarian and fighting for "Democracy" not just in America but also for the entire Universe! And it is never stopped. Their blank and empty mindsets are endlessly thus filled with ideas gleaned off this nightly and daily torture which they add to the programmed formulas that keep sustaining white supremacy, racism, hate, death culture, mobbing, and celebrity iconography of people you would never buy a used car from if you met them in person and they were trying to sell you something....

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

On addiction and terrorism and this technology--subjects I have broached before and many times but I repeat the same sentiment today because I am seeing it in the stalkers very clearly as the numbers are increasing once more to pre-pandemic level and this is a huge 100+ group effort in little shopping malls and etc of countless numbers of people surrounding and assaulting me, all high on terror and all addicted sexually to this activity.//Hyperbolic hate ranting yesterday due to the (symbolic) poisoned apple presented to me from snarling/smiling Thai terrorists in the form of a mixed berry smoothie. Drugged, drugged and awful subliminal and tech attacks producing the expletive-driven attack yesterday late at night, when my body was in pain and I had no more tolerance.

 The drugging reduces significantly or completely, immediately, tolerance levels and barriers to all forms of psychological self-protection during these unjustified and usually trivial, silly or trite attacks but rendered in the form of vicious hate, insults, threats and sometimes violence. Any single thing can be used to attack (me), or the target (anyone), as I assume this terror protocol remains the same wherever it is utilized: worldwide.

For example, in Gainesville, Florida one late night, I drove my newly purchased lemon 4th hand car I had bought for a very low price, the vehicle was working very well the day I bought it--but the air conditioner broke three days later, as happened with all autos I bought in Florida and everywhere, in fact (that is the first thing to go; by the way, I had not done "anything" like resisting abuse, torture or anything these attacks upon my property have been ongoing all my life, from early childhood when I actually did what I was told and "obeyed").

But driving this new/old car to this drive-through/restaurant with burgers, shakes and etc, like the old 50's style burger restaurants--filled with students, it was around 12:00 am, or later, or late at night. 

It was a black woman at the drive-through window. I asked her for just a typical burger, and the names of these burgers were somehow patriotic or related to Americanism in some way. I was drugged, as I always am and have been, but they of course were preparing a new freshly-poisoned/drugged burger for me. I had never seen this woman before. I made a joke, in this silly giggly happy love-everyone vulnerable exploitable puppet mode, and I said, "Oh, I can't wait to try this all-American burger!" just like that, the woman glared in hate at me and said over her shoulder to the other woman making the burgers in the background, "This girl say she want an "All-American burger" with sneering hate like I had just insulted her and the joint and everything American. I sat dumbfounded like shocked at this kind of attack, of course I knew nothing about being poisoned or drugged or that I was a target--this happened around 2002, something like that. The woman repeated what I had said as if I had really insulted them and she was almost going to rush out and attack me personally. I was in this "accept" mode and I asked them what I was wrong with saying that. The woman remain silent and slammed the food in front of me and almost yelled the price I had to pay, glaring in hate at me as I sat in my car, feeling kind of deflated. I didn't say anything in response and drove away and never returned to that greasy spoon. I only use this as the most obvious version of how almost nothing can be used to attack the target, any word, sentence and statement is turned into something that can be attacked. There are more violent examples of this and my experience of living in Gainesville for a few years had a few of these types of examples that remain stuck in my mind as glaring.

But I was drugged and poisoned again yesterday, as three women suddenly came to the formerly completely empty counter for the smoothie little "island" in the middle of the mall food area (where I go to the supermarket at the end of the food mall area). 

I was extremely thirsty, exhausted and in physical pain from carrying and lifting and rushing around from place-to-place to get my internet turned on, the stress of the yelling and abusive landlord--the many people attacking me in the places I had to go where they drained my energy, and then my body not being physically capable of sustaining heavy lifting of all the bags I carry with me, in addition to the things I buy which are supposed to last me circa 2 weeks because I am always in too much pain to get out and drive around and get things done.


I felt the effect of the subliminal hate and humiliation insult messages, I could feel my body shrink from feelings and sensations that were associated with how I look and etc. My barriers were pushed into openings of vulnerability just after I drank that concoction. The drink was very tasty, but I underestimate how violently persistent the forms of attack are and how many very sick people there are who so gladly feed off attacking me (or any target they can). They get energized, I lose energy. By the time at least 100-300 people have attacked me I am completely bedraggled and struggling to have any kind of energy. Since the borders have opened due to Covid receding, the violent hate of the terrorist Nazi/Mafia organization is rushing back as it had operated for years without end, by the order of the same expletives in H-wood and in all the other realms of "power" that operate the international proxy terror operations, upon their order, in other words.

I also bought food that had been prepared, and this group knows and understands by now that I pay for sandwiches that are sold 2-for-1 at the deli at a certain late hour. The food is drugged/poisoned but I sometimes need good food (the sandwiches are of high quality, the store I go to is considered the "World Class" shopping mall of Phuket, or one of them). It's gourmet, or something close to it, close enough for me to risk getting drugged to just have some good food once in a while. So I was very drugged up. I woke up this afternoon after going to bed with my body feeling like I was going to break bones from how much the hard poisons along my spine were being pulled. I have not regenerated the muscle tissue, after all these years of detoxing because of the pig apes in Whorewood ordering stiffening and bloating and hardening chemicals inserted into my body every day so I have remained stuck sitting in one position literally unable to move from my chair to the other side of the room, for most of the day--or laying in bed completely exhausted and drugged or just stuck in a nearly comatose state in front of the laptop all day--my muscles have atrophied to a dangerously lax state and my body has absorbed all the fungus, sewage water, mold and other drugs and poisons plus the hate and negativity the celebrities poured upon me every single day for years, over a decade one after the next in deadly stress-level assaults--plus depriving me of all health care, and I can't trust a single doctor and all and any injections could be fatal or have future deadly consequences.


So I must remember to get food that is packaged, in a random way, to try to stop this poisoning. I was ranting at the level of a nervous breakdown hate explosion level. This morning, not freshly poisoned or drugged, I can write with some calm reserve.


The deadly dangers of being poisoned remain. Like the witch in Snow White, the people intentionally poisoning me have a huge glowing smile as they had me the poisoned apple. 


Also, in another store, I saw a pair of Muslim people--a woman and male, around 20-something years old, who looked like they were literally glowing after having had sex--they rushed to get in front of me while I was pushing my cart down the ramp at the little Thai shopping center where I tried to get my internet problem solved in some way--mostly to get instructions on where the office for the internet provider is, but then they just phoned my landlord the entire thing was a staged and pre-orchestrated attack. 

The Muslim couple, glowing with dopamine, seratonin and high on violence, were giggling and laughing as they were in front of me, pushing and rushing to get in front of me, laughing and sexually titillated, as all the parasites who attack me are. They are addicted to attacking me (or anybody they can) and go on like it's an addiction. Most of them, or maybe all, have had cocaine, alcohol or other drug addictions, or pornography, workaholic, something addiction in their past and present (shifting addictions from one thing to the next--and torture is a hormonal high and I have heard that murder is as well--). 

It is disgusting to see this. I am ALWAYS, ALWAYS under a mind control network and when people laugh, I laugh as if it's happy and innocent. I am actually a happy person and innocent as I grew up with a lot of love, although the "programming" to destroy my family was always set up due to racist programming, but I grew up with love and was a very innocent person. I don't automatically assume that people are glowing with joy because they are sexually enthused at having someone to torture. I have no doubt that racist stereotypes had something to do with their glee and schadenfreude joy as well in attacking me. 

But it is now disgusting on a level of intolerability on my part to have to be subjected to sick people constantly coming after me to get their little fix and high. The terrorist celebrities are revolting to me in this respect, and when I was breaking down and screaming in rage because there is only any sentient being can tolerate, they increased the level of abuse to murderous levels of hate and became much more vicious, the more I succumbed to reacting in rage and hate, the more they fed off the negativity and my energy as they got high on violence and it is synonymous with drug and other addictions, their behavior. The need to increase the stimulus to get higher and higher. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

State-sponsored terrorism in Texas now open but not acknowledged by the media or anybody else in the Texas Nazi mass murder Elementary school LatinX shooting. Gang stalking terrorism in the United States now almost openly endorsed by police: Texas Grade school shooting and Gang stalking terrorism and white supremacist violence absolutely obvious in the Texas grade school shooting in a news clip of some kind of white vigilante group claiming that police sent them, using direct gang stalking techniques to intimidate journalists trying to cover the massacre and the families of the victims//Too exhausted from 3 weeks of no internet, a decade of abuse and torture from this group of sewage shit out of Whorewood and the politicians and famous crap people behind them--all races, creeds and groups and nationalities. Endless abuse from this celebrity group for over a year without end torture and abuse which is a murder operation--discovering only recently that they have been poisoning me through injections into my vagina with muscle-stiffening chemicals, air, something like stinking sewage water, fungus, etc it's 100% a murder attempt through slow deadly poisoning in this manner, going on for years. //But can't fight the sick and disgusting creeps who begin to verbally abuse and assault me, i.e. my endlessly violent and disgusting landlord, the Thai creep part of a disgusting group here who administer the torture, poisoning, assist or participate in the rape nightly ventures and making my living situation foul and stinking--as they are stinking and foul, all of them, the famous celebrities and politicians in addition to the filthy and dirtiest creeps who perform the shit tasks for the pieces of shit you all are who are part of this, as you all are.// to get into yelling matchesRunning around trying to get internet service that was turned off back on---no one understands English anywhere in Phuket who deal in internet service, apparently.

 I tried to discover where this CAT internet service was in Phuket Town. No one could understand English or help me. I asked and asked, and cold silence, "no understan" was the response. This is a place where Thai people flock to speak English in order to capitalize on the 9 MILLION tourists who flock to Phuket every year on their vacations--mostly speaking English as the main common language.

No one will speak English with me except to screw me over and lie and create hate or abusive situations.


I am always under extreme mind control under such situations, and the pretexts these filthy creeps use for any kind of confrontation is of the slightest and most offensively meaningless excuse. They are so rude it's unbelievable. I tried to go to the internet shop where they could barely help me the last time I tried to discern if the router was broken--there had been a Thai man who was helpful, and I only was helped by him because I randomly went into this store instead of thinking about it beforehand. Today he would not talk to me, could not understand English although he spoke it perfectly the last time. There was a woman wearing the store uniform--and there were 8 "employees"   wearing the uniform for that store, which is so small you can only fit a shopping cart with great difficulty and it  is essentially a little hole-in-the-wall internet shop. I had been trying and trying to not have any contact with this piece of shit landlord but in the end, this terrorist agent wearing the store uniform made phone calls, so she feigned, to the internet service where no one speaks English for an internet service for Phuket, a major tourist hub with huge ex-pat population of white trash pig ape Nazis who they all speak English to, who have given them these instructions on how to behave like stupid and foul ugly pigs in the first place--training them to be white trash Nazi pig apes, I mean, just like them. So in the end, this woman handed me the phone after claiming she was asking the internet company about my service--after 20 minutes of being put on hold and repeating what she had been told to repeat, she handed me the phone to this disgusting sick creep landlord who began YELLING at me that I needed a phone. I began to tell him calmly, as I told this sickening expletive rotten ugly thing years ago when I first moved in that I don't need a phone I make phone calls on my laptop--and in every verbal encounter I have with anybody, the microchip the pig ape Nazi organization out of the United States non-consensually implanted into my throat is used to constrict my throat muscles so I begin to choke if I try to talk. I was talking and my throat was constricted I could not talk or shout above him--I also have not been able to access my bank account for 3 weeks and the endless recurring threat of this group of sickening shit cutting off my money is ever-present, and non-stop and that began under T-rump that ape pig--foul thing like all the rest of most of you reading this.


This creep landlord was yelling and yelling at me on the phone as I h had to finally put it away from my ears and hold it out to hear him yelling--I had begun to tell him that I had already told him, so he began to shout and yell so loudly I couldn't use my voice to interrupt him--my throat is just tightened into a tiny little constricted tube I choke and my voice cracks and I can't speak any longer.

so he went on, and that was after having gone through having this router checked, telling the Thai store clerk to phone this piece of shit landlord and tell him that the router works, my computer works--that was before--days ago, maybe 2 weeks ago, and the landlord just left the system off. 

After he went on yelling and yelling at me, I just ignored the subject because I was under mind control I literally could not think to fight this any longer. I had undergone extensive abuse at shops, such as when I was asking about finding a good and sturdy raincoat in a little shitty hole-in-the-wall little shop selling raincoats, which has a very good selection--buying types of things like this in Rainy Season Thailand is often best in little stores like this--and the least expensive usually by half the larger store prices--as always I must go to the very dirty and shitty little stores where stalking terrorism is at a much higher intensity of attack. I was listening to music and I asked for a good raincoat as the store was stalked to the top with all kinds of raincoats and plastic materials like that--the woman began yelling with hate at me while I was listening to my music--saying things like--"This is a raincoat with arms" as I was trying the coat on--telling her I could not hear her and I just needed a coat--I know that I don't need verbal contact or questions but she began yelling at me to take the music off--I had to finally take a bud out of my ear and just to hear her say, "this coat has long arms" --which obviously duh--as I could see. I asked her to show me the thickest raincoat she had, and as she was not the real store clerk, but the other one fully was in with the hate attack, she stood around watching with hate on her rotten stupid flaccid ugly face--I finally had to yell back at this filthy thing because someone who had come in to attack me from behind lifted up the kind of coat I really was looking for, which this terror agent did not know about or was just lying. She was so nasty and rude and I had taken off my music because I also had to keep turning around to watch the people behind me as they were almost 1 inch behind me, and that means that they are flicking something on my clothing, ripping something on my clothing from behind, or doing something to my clothing from behind--100% of the time this happens on both sides. I had put my little purse down, and when I picked it up, permanent green stains were on the fabric by the expletive nasty woman who I had just yelled at and she then subsided but was happy after having put the stain on my purse. 

The point of these pieces of sick and stupid shit is that if I don't just "accept" being abused, exploited, raped, beaten, stolen from with no complaint, then that is the protocol and they just continue to abuse, rape, exploit, try to subjugate, humiliate and etc. If I fight back, they then destroy and attack on a higher level of violence, with police and groups of pig apes surrounding me on a more vicious level. 

Regardless, the sewage crap pieces of disgusting shit like the pair of troglodytes in Brooklyn, just pure shit as human beings but so famous for their criminal acting crap--the stupid symbols they use of Mickey Mouse, their stalking symbol they use and have used for years--so sick and stupid they are so disgusting--I called them sewage, they are just like slime and shit compacted into a pair of repressed gay woman-hating sex trafficking offenders and thugs and shit as people and nothing as men. That is the gist of the entire group of all of you.


And so, I had to deal with this landlord yelling,. I have been nearly killed and the group of celebrity pig shit have been not just viciously attacking me in teleportation for years, but it's gone into endless yelling and death threats for the past 4 months of non-stop violence aimed at me by endless English pig whore pieces of shit, the shit from Whorewood never-ending pigs and whores who are convinced that years of stealing material I write is their entitlement not just with no payment in return, but murder and destruction of my body in return. After, of course, they extract a baby out of me because obviously there is some contract to extract this baby out of me that is worth a huge, huge prize for some pig scumbag lack of manhood in this group of wealthy scumbags who are lower than apes and nothing I would prize or think of as anything but rapist ugly pigs and scumbag whores who deserve to die violently. That is all I think of them, and oh yes, castration as well. The women as well.


This post is a reflection of the utter violence that has been aimed at me just today--in stores I was attacked so often it's unbelievable. Driving is non-stop cars veering into nearly hitting me on all sides, as usual, people pulling into the road and driving in jerky and sporadic spurts directly into me from the side of the road, pulling out to nearly hit me as I drive past--from the side, in fast-moving traffic. 

The same shit that was never ending before the pandemic is now happening once more. The ugliness of these creeps, the white trash Nazi pig ape whores with a ratio of 15 dark-skinned minions to every one piece of worthless shit is the same as it's always been.


Watching a news clip on Democracy Now published today,  which is a direct representation of how badly gang stalking has spread into current racist mass shooting/murder operations in the US--shit country, where politicians will never disclose the top secret of this organization because they are all all part of it and endorse it.

I will not include the clip because the hacking is so bad I can't type anything out. My brain is in a horrific mind control web of hate, and the endless months of daily and nightly terror and screaming in rage and hate and wishing the pigs death and fighting and fighting day and night to get the fucking pig whore apes off me, as they keep going, and keep asking me if I like them why don't i like them. I call them names, they then torture me, they go on. The same fucking whore pig ape pieces of sh it never stop this same process and they are so repugnant and ugly and sick I truly find them subhuman by now, and they are. They are connected to the racist shootings in Texas and in Buffalo through association with this organization, which is worldwide terrorism and racism of a genocidal and violence Holocaust white supremacy orientation, obviously but I have to state it plainly again.


I watched in shock as 9 year olds had been shot by yet another 18 year old. I also think that the younger generation such as I find with the pig ape terrorist celebrities are worse than stupid and idiotic and under educated and so spoiled with media injections of whoring dumbing down and instant gratification and other really stupidifying materials endlessly pumped into them by their endlessly ingratiating parents, most of whom are not very bright either on the interpersonal level or emotional level and very few are bright on the intellectual level whatsoever, and these are being put into leadership position by seriously deranged mind screw operators whose abilities to deceive and manipulate are really at a very high level but everything else is at the lowest point of human achievement for personality and reality of emotional exchange. Pornography and rape culture permeate the entire shit pile of them/you all.


Thusly, another sick and foul 18 year old from this generation of stupidity and sickness shot and killed 9 year olds in another race-based white supremacy Nazi operation. Democracy Now posted a journalist taking a mobile phone recording of huge white Nazi bikers wearing MAGA style pseudo military riot gear but of the denim variety--making absolute gang stalking actions that I know only too well, and claiming that they were asked to perform this by the police in that area. They were boxing the journalist into a square and pushing into him as he was walking to his intended journalist location to interview families of the shooting victims at the funerals and the commemoration. The terrorist white supremacists, huge and nasty and very deadly in appearance, with the same grim and deadly looks on their huge ugly faces as people like Pesce has and Deniro, very violent grimmaces of hate with violence underneath their thin-lipped looks of absolute violence about to erupt--they pushed and confined the journalist and like all the whores out of pigapewood they claimed that they were "protecting" the "children" from harassment by media--they even claimed that they were from some "child defense" league. They began putting their mobile phones up directly into the face of the journalist who was filming them, and it was done exactly like the countless terrorist attacker stalkers have done to me for all these years here in Phuket and everywhere else--it's an intimidation tactic where you are put on camera and they shove the camera right into your face as they physically assault you on all sides. Unlike most of the actions taken against me, there is no direct reference to police complicity or participation as it was spoken directly to the LatinX journalist covering this race-based hate crime. 

There was another journalist interviewed who had the same experience of being harassed and blocked from filming or doing interviews by the same group. She was given outright lies by the police stating that there was some fictitious law that barred journalists from filming such activities and this woman had been doing such types of journalism for years and says that this was the first time such a disregard for the law was ever actually uttered by police--in Texas, with that horrid Governor and what has been happening in Texas yes, it appears that now gang stalking is out and in the open by the police and absolutely no one is fighting or or even acknowledging that this is what is actually happening. They are scratching their heads wondering why this is being allowed to happen. Still, like no one in Phuket can understand English when I am trying to get my internet service turned back on because my bank has shut me out from all but one browser on only my computer on this IP address, no one can understand that there is gang stalking Nazi and Mafia terrorism that is now directly tied in this case to the SILENCING OF JOURNALISTS when they are reporting on a white supremacist act of a spree killing. The immigration Nazi murdering stalking terrorists in Texas encompass a collusion between Nazi bikers and the police in what is open and officially sanctioned state-sponsored terrorism. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

My internet service was shut off as "punishment" or to silence me from the writing about the terrorism that is so foul and putrid that it's more than simply "torture" that is never ending. The pigs had my service turned off as a result and I am now fighting to log into my bank account, which is being blocked by hackers. I had been able to log in until a few weeks ago, now I must log-in a phone number and I have no phone (always use SKYPE) and even when I log into my browser under my name I can't access my bank account except on my personal laptop. I can't get any representative that helps me via any phone call at that bank, PNC. . Going through "no understan English" here in post-Covid Phuket, where the Europigapes once more control the sour, dour and nasty Thais who have replaced the formerly friendly and helpful and realistic Thais who actually come from Phuket or live here, instead of the transplants looking for Europigape sugar Daddy to hand them money to be their little whores and cleaning/sucking slaves and obedient subordinates. The nastiness is once more at the level that it had been prior to Covid--and years of these pigs gone made PHuket a pleasant and healthy place once again. Now the pigs have all returned, the formerly friendly ones are all gone--to where I don't know? Can't get service and everyone except for a few I meet at random places who are not being trained into hate and near violence exercises of discrimination at me are at these occassionally friendly junctures in the otherwise non-stop hate and near-death situations. I am yelling at people in rage now every day but mostly in the most disgusting teleportation. The pig apes attacking me are smug and sick and like terror torture guards in some prison, some black-ops Guantanamo--they threaten to kill me--this is from the celebrity shit and filth who have been attacking me for years. T-rump is glowing with huge smiles, I think he is assured that there will be no trial against him that will block his return to running for president and he looks like he's bought out and influenced everyone. I can assure you all that Raskin and Kinzinger are fully in his pocket even though they claim they are "fighting" him in this J-6 Select Committee. The pig ape celebrities likewise look assured that there will enver, ever be any block to their torture and mutilation and rape and torture of me.//infinitely while people who are supposed to do the maintenance spend hours plugging in the router and saying "no understan" but keeping me waiting as they say "YOU" and then they replace a plug and keep saying nothing as I say loudly "router good, laptop good, no internet service" then after 45 minutes of explaining "I go to computer shot they test router router good" they say nothing and I finally shout in rage. Shouting in rage for hours in the teleportation sessions to one sick group of hate after the next. Endlessly being made old prematurely by old and rotten people filled with hate and negativity. I am by now wishing them death and screaming that I find them disgusting and wish them death and try to hit and kill them as best I can every time they teleport me. But first it's endless information extraction so these filthy pigs can continue endlessly stealing information and ideas. It's now rotten Samuel Jackson going on and on--what a bigot black Nazi acolyte he is--and rotten as a human being they all are. The Brooklyn troll scum are just disgusting, utterly sick and violent and bigoted and foul. They never stop, they are never stopped, the pigs who remain silent are relying on them to really abuse and torture me endlessly as they want this contract of whatever--a baby otu of me while I tell them all endlessly and it ends up in yelling and death threats on all sides that i can'at stand any of them, wish them death, find them stupid and ugly--they just go on and on. ---------------------- It is never stopped. - ---------- But now I can't access my bank account at all. As I wrote above, I was able to do this until just a few weeks ago on every single computer. THey have blocked access unless I get a US telephone number where they can send a code for me to write into a field.

 I'm at this internet shop, after one week of the router being turned off--I mean the internet service stopped. The router plug was hacked and then the service has been entirely stopped and shut off. I had to fight to get anything done to replace it today with everyone attacking me as usual in the shops--I had all my bags I carry around and immediately the white trash Nazi bigots followed me into the store and smeared some ink on my white satin bag when I was busy trying to get the internet shop to test the router and connection. Everything was working well. And even when the Thai shop assistant helped me by phoning my Thai landlord (terrorist) and speaking in Thai, the landlord made him repeat 6 times in a row that the router works, it connects to both LAN and WiFi. I heard him say this repeatedly in Thai (I can understand the basics when I know what people are talking about and they use these universal terms). 

I then went back to my condo torture chamber where I had been accosted when I first brought my router and laptop down to the front desk to see if they would help me to test if the router had been broken. I knew that my laptop was okay but brought it to test it anyway. The router had plugged in no prob when I was in my room, but once downstairs the hackers blocked the plug--the plugs for electronic items can even be hacked to stop circuitry flow. Then an ugly man, who is a terrorist on my floor--a Thai creepazoid, fat and nasty and dishevelled--came up with nastiness saying that the antennas were broken (by him or his associates in this terror operation) and he began in whining Europigape harassment vocal tones (was very much like the ugly fat white men who proliferate here whom these Thai men revolve around, sound exactly like in their English, and try to emulate as much as possible--sorry, but it's my assessment from over 10 years of living in Phuket).

Returning to my condo to tell the nasty thin Thai guy who only says "YOU" and points his hand--but obviously speaks perfect English. I told him that I wanted him to also phone my landlord and tell him that my laptop was working perfectly and once again, for the 2nd time in the same day, to let  him know that all has been tested and Thai people are letting him know that it's the service that is the problem. I am using every means possible to avert him knocking on my door or coming over--which is his goal, to harass me for the pig apes back in the USA who terrorize, harass and abuse me daily to the point that it's death threats non-stop, hate, abuse, violence, The Europigape English white trash wealthy instructing the poor white trash Americans how to threaten and become their pawns and puppets for the upcoming genocides they all want to implement once they perfect the technocratic "Divide and conquer" strategies to get people to kill one another in the streets--as they are now doing in the bad old USA but from instruction and mind control out of the playbook from bad ole old old old Europigapeland.

I am now at an internet shop trying to use a computer and it's being hacked so badly that there is almost no response when I try to change tabs for one browser. The usual hacking that I am plagued by in every computer shop, every place, everywhere anywhere any time I try to use any internet and the system follows me every single place.

Everywhere now people "no understan" and won't provide service until I have to repeat the simple instructions at least 6 times. they keep asking the same question 6 times in a row because "no understan" and it's a stress tactic. 


I really can't stand these expletives teleporting me and they go on every single morning and I cant' stop talking. The system is a true torture and truth serum response machine I can't block them out. They abuse me endlessly it's a fight with hate and threats and death threats now every single morning, going on for hours and hours. I wrote posts in rage because my brain and body are continuously under mind control torture regimens that are devastating to mind, body and spirit. These psycho sickos never stop. I am a happy person in my daily life, and their goal is to completely destroy all my happiness in this life and my health, suck out every single thing possible out of me until I am broken and miserable and old and then can't fight them any longer.

I can't begin to describe how loathsome t his organization and these people teleporting and attacking me are to me by now. 

Monday, May 16, 2022

After a lifetime of me being poisoned and attacked, raped and my spine broken my body paralyzed and my life and career pursuits turned into endless physical attacks to thwart and stop me by your shit organization Nazi Mafia group; and then years of being slowly paralyzed to death by Americans who fully participate in this and me having to leave the US twice in my life to fight to get medical attention while I was absolutely denied health care after your filth organization was slowly murdering me and depriving me of health care even when I had Government medical I was mistreated and lied to by doctors. Then after having left the country, but just prior to having left, I just contacted one pig ape filth rapist out of London asking for help to get a job in London just to try to get health care,. This filthy pig then stole idea after idea from me and made sure I was abused at each and every place I lived by English coming with the Americans in training attacking and openly discriminating against me while this filthy pig, Moynihan, was making not just huge sums of money out of torturing me using this covert technology; but simultaneously as part of his awards system for participation in this torture protocol system, progressing into the film industry just for having latched onto this system. I contacted him undoubtedly only due to mind control and poisoning and drugging, and he had been following me and latching on since 1987 for this contract. The other was scumbag filth rapist ugly piece of crap Nicola Siervo out of Miami but he's from Italy--absolutely an ugly and vile parasitic bigot I never had any contact with except a few words while I sold cigars as an independent contractor--but this ugly and nasty man followed me around and stalked me for years--and then began torturing me once I also phoned him and asked him for help just because I was endlessly being attacked and I had thought that the attacks were coming from a real estate agent in Miami who began this teleportation rape situation in the year 2000 (and it's never stopped for a day since then) named Eric Harari--and I had no idea wtf was going on so I assumed this was a psychopath creep using proxy stalkers to attack me even globally--for some reason. After moving around the planet and still being stalked I thought that this creep in Miami was an absolutely psychopathic sick perverted scum so I contacted Siervo, who had been sexually harassing me but endlessly asking me to meet him at clubs (in very undignified ways, just rude but still always coming after me with this intent purpose that I misinterpreted as a sick bastard but someone obsessed with this spurious contact without formality and/or respect--I avoided him for YEARS until I phoned him in desperation to stop the stalking just asking him for help because he had been coming after me for years, and I thought if he liked me in some way maybe he would be a person I could rely on, maybe I could give him a "chance"--) and that ended up in endless murder attempts, being hit by cars, poisoning nearly to death, being raped by his huge and ugly disgusting body non-stop while I was dying from the poisoning he made jokes about (how "fat" I was becoming, as a joke knowing exactly what they were doing to me with hardening and bloating poisoning as he literally f((ed it into my body and wanted to see me paralyzed and made references to how he wanted to see me in a coma--yes, wanted me absolutely destroyed--and I had never done any thing to him or anyone in his group except defend myself when, like this filthy shit out of Brooklyn, they made sexual comments, attacked and abused me and I fought back and then stayed away from that shit group--so I was drugged and THAT desperate asking for help after years of fighting against untold millions attacking me with the same hate but in Phuket and around the planet--it hasn't stopped this hate and negativity towards me. I keep on trying to just achieve something in life and now all I can do is fight to finally get this poison out they all put in me--after 11 years of fighting while they keep on torturing and abusing me nightly and daily). while I was in Phuket--not having a single idea of wtf was going on with this gang stalking and this murder contract out on me. Years later both of them were taking turns teleporting and raping me and pumping poison via rape into my body after having me poisoned and tortured non-stop in deadly ways for years. After they obtained creative concepts from the drugging and mind control they used on me, to obtain original ideas-- and were handed leadership positions into ownership of venues and real estate for having done this sick protocol system that any idiot capable of following an algorithm can also replicate like a zombie parasite (subhuman). Now years later, after I fought them, with poison diarrhea every day for at least 5 years as they continued to really literally torture me slowly to death (heart palpitations every day to the point of nearly suffocating or having a heart attack, and T-rump did this as well to me; tears flowing out of my eyes every day for hours--whenever I would try to exercise they would force a near cardiac arrest--the microchip implants are that severe and deadly and these exploitative pieces of shit used every bit of torture to try to force me into just accepting them raping poison into my body to death while they were promoted endlessly by this most disgusting murder organization to which you all belong).years of two shit pig men trying to murder me using poisoning and raping the poison into me via teleportation--why must I be subjected after 10+ years of perpetual torture and violence from Depp, stealing ideas and also his disgusting daughter has as well, along with his now divorced wife stealing ideas from me who also by the way tried to have me killed in a very nasty truck hitting me episode that would have literally crushed me under a huge truck barreling behind me while the road in front of me had been literally paved with a rectangle of greased meat, with the purpose of me wiping out and being run over by a 10-wheeler huge truck that was 2 feet behind me, while my handlebars were remotely blocked from turning so I would have driven on the meat, slid and wiped out and been run over. I pushed very hard oh the handlebars just at the last moment and diverted from being crushed to death. That was the week that Depp and Heard were beginning their never-ending photo-op divorce scandal and I believe it was the female who ordered the murder, to which she then handed the technology to Trump after having him rape me in front of her with glaring looks of violence aimed at me--in other words, Depp didn't have access to the tech and Musk was right with Heard during that time. That was when T-rump began to switch from losing the campaign primaries to winning back in 2015--that exact month he began teleporting and abusing me and that turned into cars hitting me, death attempts, rape and disfiguration for years and all the while, shitty pigalina and pit the fuck were taking turns stealing ideas and abusing me daily and then Oprah slapping me in the face for having called her an Aunt Jemima after she also profited off stealing a concept from me--and on and on--then the bigot pair of troll filth out of Brooklyn were handed this contract and they have been on a sadistic bonanza of filth aimed at me for over 4 years now--or maybe only 3 years of this pair of shit and filth going on and on having me traumatized and abused as they make pornogrpahic filthy commentary while I am naked and saying and doing most disgusting and vile things and it's gone on every day now for the last many months just from them taking turns, but prior to that they did a back-and-forth between pit n pigalina who never stopped this endless attack upon me for years and years and they also handed me out to Europigape fascists how made genocidal Nazi remarks and for the past half year it's been English filth pieces of shit making Nazi genocidal hate remarks at me and all "winning" oscars and awards just one week after making these types of remarks. And now I'm here after more than a decade of writing about this asking the readers to please intervene saying goddamn you fuckers godddamn you and when Putin bombs the hell out of america I will not feel any pangs of sorrow if you are blown into death in your stupidity and filth for having allowed such ignorant and vile people into positions of power. Lets' add as I have been writing of today H. Cliton into the mix, another foul and vile hypocritcal phony with personal first-name basis with this most foul dysfunctional scubag pesce and deniro--absolutely sick and animalistic vile pieces of crap--but you all love their stupid filth jokes and the stupid movies depicting violence you love their psychopathy so much--and all I have ever done is defend myself against being attacked. That is all I have done for these fuckers to go on and on like this, as "proof" that they are being handed full permission to do whatever the fuck they want to do in Nazi terms to inflict psychological, sexual and emotional violence upon me in this Nazi contract and to follow on the tails of the 3rd Reich Nazi genocide into this modern version of a technocratic 4th Reich murder operation. For simply fighting for any and even a single human right, I have been subjeccted to endless torture with more bullshit from endless and successive pairs of pig apes after pair of shit after rapist scumbag out of Whorewood until I drop to death from exhaustion to fight for any right as a human being to live in peace without being murdered and abused and dehumanized with politicians coming to insult and threaten me and all the shit fuckers doing this are societal leaders in human kindness supposedly--all have a snake oil sales pitch about what wonderful people they are as charity humanitarians--I can't express how much people like Oprah and the rest are part of this sick torture psychopathy and have been for all these years. But for it to just continuously be allowed to fester on and on as people think it's amusing, a joke, an entertaining sadistic show of violence--and why have I been pitted as some villain of society anyway? I was fighting back against white pig men raping me using teleportation and MK ULTRA and it's like I am the absolute criminal. I have every bitch, pig, whore and piece of shit in the leadership roles of a defunct entertainment crap field attacking me, most viciously out of Europigapeland but the Brooklyn "Italian-Americans" are like piles of sewage and filth perpetually being poured upon me and this has been going on and on and on and on for over 4 years now--or how long has it been? Years before Biden they were going at it, these filthy ugly sick disgusting parasites that keep being honored for some reason because they play ultra violent mobsters in movies and are sick and putrid human beings but applauded for helping Nazis to torture me for fighting for my rights as a human being which these pigs are all taking away from me on a legal basis. This is after the Europigape men who were murdering me have stolen ideas from me while poisoning me to death while they capitalized on the ideas and left me fighting to be able to afford food while they continued to physically destroy my body--then filthy pigalina took over, then shit pit who also has always been there and all of them with awards and prizes endlessly year after year as this has never ended for a single day for me--then psycho shithead Depp and his nasty nearly-murdering me wife--the sh it fuck Trump and his filthy and stupid sick psychopath whore wives out of Europigapeland with murder attempts and being hit by cars and threatened with death after saying no and reading tarot cards and fighting non-stop--and then this pair of absolutely disgusting filth and sewage shit pouring pornographic insults and grabbing at my body and threatening me by punching into my face but just missing it by a few inches after some greasy pig from Germany was beating adn raping me, as these pieces of shit all applauded him literally and these shit pig scumbags out of Brooklyn began threatening me to allow this greasy stupid ugly pig violinist out of Germany to continue to basically rape poison into my body just as the pigs from 2008-2013 had been doing to slowly murder me--after stealing ideas of course. And now it's just me endlessly writing these posts as goddamn sick fucking Whorewood as usual watches on applauding and befriending these pig whore shit pieces of crap perpetually hugging them in public and putting them in lead roles and watching as they essentially perform acts of terrorism upon me because I am fighting to defend myself after years of rape and torture and murder attempts and my ideas stolen by one of these pieces of pure crap after the next. What the fuck is wrong with American society that it is this absolutely sick technology is being handed to incompetents and psychopaths who are incapable of operating their own lives, much less being told they are allowed to force their dysfunction on anyone else in the form of absolute control over someone else's body with these microchip implants and the stupid gangs of shit that perform these acts of sabotage, attempted murder and/or murder, disfiguration torture and rape and brutality as proxy torturing sadists for the shit who orders all of this for their social hierarchical structuring of society so only apes are put into lead positions but they can't understand even how stupid they truly are-- on any level of decency or normality as a human race capable of understanding that the technology is dangerous, not a fun toy used to destroy others, rape and torture, murder and exploit or have fun orgies by forcing people to "make love" while they are being drugged and are asleep--sick and loveless parasites of this society at this juncture of time when thermonuclear war is almost a natural by-product of the toxicity and stupidity of you fuckers reading my posts endlessly for years and just allowing this kind of filth and shit group to persist going on and on with these most disgusting racist and stupid ugly acts of vile terrorism, rape and torture. Goddamn you fuckers reading this goddamn you fuckers.

 The entire 11 years of this going on and on, I have been writing posts asking, begging and imploring anyone to step in and intervene to stop this sick situation. For a decade not a single person supposedly famous or in charge politically will do any goddamn thing but watch me fight for my life as they applaud and promote the disgusting foul shit people performing such vile and sick acts of torture and mutilation and rape and attempted murder and slow murder.

If I survive the total collapse of planetary cohesion that you are all bringing about, and all of you are destroyed--if that happens I will not be sad if you are all blown away by the very system you are now creating. If fires burn your Whorewood down due to climate change I will think of the pig from Whorewood who was in the shower trying to rape me, and in my sleeping teleportation state I told him to "not waste water and not let water just run"--he began to violently threaten me because his sexual "high" in this situation was disrupted. When his mansion in the Whorewood hills burns because of the lack of water and the burning of fire because he's a sleazy pig who must have instant gratification, I will not feel sorry for the piece of shit who also threatened to kill me 4x and got 4 lead movie roles that same year and it was during the pandemic when movie theaters were not shown. 


If the shit children of the male pigs from Whorewood get raped and if this happens I will be extremely happy and I so hope it happens to the pieces of crap that these pigs with their whore rapist enabler bigot wives have spawned. I have been pushed, hit, spat upon by these children who also have risen in their careers ONLY due to this contract their shit parents latched onto not only because they in their A-list status could continue to have monopolies but because through "entitlement" nepotism, their little shit spawn could also be immediately handed positions in the film front roles only due to how fascist and Nazi they learned to emulate their nasty parents. I so hope they are raped and beaten to death I would be happy to see it done, along with the shit parents. 


That is how much hate and reverse violence I feel for these pigs, I tell them almost every day that i wish them death and pray for it. The pigs out of Brooklyn have begun a campaign of severe violent threats against me as a result, along with their years of the usual filthy pornographic comments, grabbing at my body, constantly making comments about how disfigured I am and unattrractive and etc while I am laid up, being perpetually abused and for over 11 years on a non-stop basis--while perpetually begging online for help, for someone to stop this--and it's just a joke for the fuckers reading this, the English in particular and part of the protocol is to mock and laugh at the victim--the pig apes here in Phuket do this often, they imitate and laugh as my brain is put into rage and hate mode by the tech--as it is right now--and they begin to make fun and imitate and laugh. They really want me destroyed on every single level possible.

So I must finish writing about this shit to you fuckers out there as this is just entertainment to you pieces of shit participating and enjoying reading these miserable hate rants which you never do any fucking thing to prevent from going on and on this endless shit you all participate in. Your system is going to implode and you will all suffer consequences of allowing such shit into positions of power and for having done nothing to stop this system.

I want readers to realize that I have never been fixated on Nazis my entire life. It has been Americans and English mostly who have spewed the most vile racist commentary to my face--these repugnant celebrities who are full of shit in every single movie and public performance they make about how equality-minded and humanitarian they are. The Germans almost never used this type of language against me, because they have the stupid pig ape minions who claim they are part of the Nazi empire to do it for them. The German pig apes just sit back laughing as their stupid and putrid whores do the work for them--the blonde and blue celebrities in Whorewood and the English filth that has permeated this contract out on me. Why Americans in general latch onto this teleportation and gang stalking without understanding what stupid pawns they are to the real Nazi pig apes is unbelievable to me how programmed into believing that the Germans are actually nice and friendly because they are the best psychopathic actors possible but only for deception purposes, not for acting in general like the American version which is fast dwindling. The English variety of actors used to be but now are not for the most part. This is an extremely irate and biased opinion piece written out of years of torture so with the exceptions I submit that this may be a bit exaggerated in this claim. Why no one still will ever stop this sick contract out on me is still unbelievable to me and that the same pig whores are being allowed to get away with this and for years--as the pig shit scum pair from Brooklyn are just disgusting examples of a lack of manhood, dumber than hell bigots, sick and putrid personalities and this applies to everything including the fake personas they display for public approval--underneath it just below the surface are pure rotten shithead scumbags and the rest of the shit out of Whorewood attacking me are practically the same, but just not as openly disgusting as the pair of filth. They didn't personally attack me today and in teleportation it was strangers, no doubt upon the orders of this pair of shit you all adore as your mafia representatives who make stupid psychopathic jokes and everyone loves watching criminals perform with gaiety their violence in film--they just love flamboyant scumbag psychopaths in movies--but in real life, it's not glamorous they are just filth and the rest of the actors really are the same thing in this group. And in the larger organization in general. But I have never focused on Nazis but for years all I have been writing of is Nazis--it would seem I attempt to label "everything" as being Nazi--but now that I am aware of the huge deception going on, it is all I can do because they are all affiliated with that organization out of former Nazi Germany through their huge global network. The US military presence in Germany that I encountered only seems to have inducted more Americans into Nazism than attempted to stop the proliferation of that political system. The result has been an underground systematic replication of Nazism with this technology emulating the conditions and the behaviors with full approval of Congress, law enforcement and society. I don't want to write about Nazis again. I will try to be stoic and just not write about this but they keep threatening my life and I have to write to try to not get more murderous living conditions. Can't anyone out there ever stop this endless assault against me so I can live in peace with enough $ and safety to just not have to deal with this bs any longer? Anyone out there whatsoever? I don't want any of these scumbag whore pig men, their shitty rotten whore ugly stupid women or children who are assaulting me out of Whorewood or anywhere else this is going on--and it's going on worldwide. I don't want this shit out of Whorewood, all of them are disgusting and rotten and foul. I want them to be forced to pay me for all the years of stealing my ideas, destroying my body and home, and for them to be forced to get the f--off me and so I am living in safety and security--probably with an identity change living with all these microchips embedded in my body removed and this SHIT stopped. Can't ANYONE ever do this out there within this huge goddamn group reading/hacking into my posts? I don't want to endlessly obsess about Nazis or the shit parasites attacking me ever again, from this day forwward. The subject is sickening the creeps attacking me are more than nauseating the entire situation of no one ever defending me is absolutely rotten coming from the US Government and extending into all crevices of the cracks of US Society and the rest of the planet is just a maelstrom of fascist ideologies disguised as "Democratic" countries. Why the f is no one ever doing anything to really stop this? I don't want to have to write begging for help any longer after a goddamn decade of it, can't ANYONE EVER DO ANYTHING OUT THERE TO STOP THIS?

Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...