Friday, January 19, 2024

Yet another white trash Nazi bigot joined into the now endlessly huge crowd of white pig ape scum rapist "men" so-called, endlessly paid in millions for torture, rape beatings dismemberment and violence against me every second these filthy parasites can latch on forever, as long as possible, to abuse me slowly to death, lying abusing raping slapping punching hitting having me poisoned torturing me in every way without end--for the benefit of the dinos of Congress, the rotten ugly grey men and their nasty minorities and grey and younger women who all aspire to be rotten pig ape dinosaur white males if they only can become as violent, rape cheerleader sexist and abusive as the filthy pig ape men ( mean "men"). //Yet another rotten piece of shit, very well apt at legal dialogue and like all the rest, a wonderful theatrical posturing about caring for "Democracy" and for concern for all things human rights--blacks in particular, and oh, how they care about all issues for justice following all the lines of the disenfranchised voters who watch this drizzle of bs.//I called him a dino because I assumed he was doing the internet stalking and along with so many other MSNBC anchors, has participated or they hack their media presentations into various other channels unrelated to news content (such as sewing channels coming from Thailand, in which their political jabberings are included and obviously hacked in).//I have been endless plagued by people hacking their videos about what appears to be the endless media circus of Trump's legal cases which were left to rot for so many years until any action occurred that he will be exempt due to the seeming plot to just let time slip by so slowly until the deadlines are past and Trump can simply eradicate all legal blocks to his assumption of total power along with the death squad 4th Reich Nazi/Mafia. I wrote that one of them hacked something onto my YouTube channel and once I watched it, my internet went down. Many of the terrorists do this, they hack their bs on my YouTube and after I watch it at the very end my computer crashes as if completely done remotely (which it is being done in exactly that way). I wrote that he is just another rotten white male dinosaur. He began teleporting and assaulting me to the point that I felt my life was in danger as he got a gun and pointed it at me for writing on my personal blog that he's another terrorist dinosaur (meaning white supremacy old school rotten and should be extinct already),//I had to physically and verball8y fight literally for my life it seemed in teleportation as i can't stop reacting, the technology and drug interface make remaining stoic and non-reactive to UTTER SCUMBAG PIECES OF SHIT creeps you all cheer on as your celebrities and politicians and now news anchors--who have such bold presentations but are such sick and foul utter trashy sleazy rape vile filth in person.

 THE GREAT William Cooper, in his prodigious Hour of the Time series of podcasts, exclaims consistently throughout the years of his broadcasts that America is headed for a Socialist Totalitarian State system. This is of course the predecessor to a full-on Communist system. Absolutely control is the name of this game that I am currently only a central figure in for this short window in history until more people will be victimized, as so many already have and they are working so constantly on creating more and more microchipped, brainwashed people who can so easily be wiped out (exterminated) for not doing what some fascist pig ape demands. The instantaneous reaction of the nasty white trashy dirty hateful rapist cheerleader from MSNBC, who is so eloquent in front of the camera but so nasty and vile in the fascist teleportation situation as are all the other scum and filth with all various colors of skin but the underlying feature they all have in common besides being media and political figures is that they are all extremely well-off financially. The instant reaction of having me killed runs throughout the white older male spectrum, from the old grey dinos of the Republican Senate who claim I am a "radical liberal..and DEATH" they exclaim, to this dirty nasty man who was assaulting me after I "apologized" twice for writing on my blog, this blog but one of my other of the Vignettes of Mind Control blogs--(there are three) that he was hacking into my internet, was doing something yet another old dino from the Senate on the Republican side had been doing, which is hacking into my internet, forcing their videos on my page, with titles that will entice me as I am always trying to learn about this monster that is funding and endorsing this tyranny and torture upon me. I think now that this "Democrat" was operating as a proxy terrorist "stalker" for the Republican who appears to be an extreme fascist and racist death squad advocate, as is this "liberal" MSNBC anchor, as are all the expletives who join into this torturing me-for-profit and gain situation. And he kept assaulting me until I lost patience, again because I can't ignore them, turn away or stop reacting as they also attack my brain so I can't handle my emotions as they pump up the aggression and rage (all done with tech and drug interface upon the brain and body chemistry). These dirty filthy sick parasites feed off hate, they truly feed off negativity and dump their psychic filth on me every single day. Rotten dirty ugly old men and their dirty filthy children who have learned that this is the old paradigm that will never die or go away. So listen to the lyrics that Prince created. I believe this same group is partially responsible for having had Prince assassinated, with very obvious full participation by the Minnesotan Nazi establishment which never could stand to see someone from the North Side get a huge modern palace and have fame and outshine the white supremacists who really  hated Prince in Minneapolis, trust me. They have since co-opted First Avenue which is similar in theme to the intellectual property thieves and mediocrities of Whorewood who torture just to obtain ideas out of me so the dirty filthy whore wives and children of these mostly stupid and vile dino men (no matter how young or old they are) can sell "alternative" concepts but always couched in Nazi and white supremacist garb and iconography.//I was trying to get back to Minneapolis I tried to contact Prince he responded in this hacking situation and he was dead two weeks later and the pieces of shit have been going to the Oscars with ideas they have stolen from me or just because they are torturing me literally every single day and being awarded for it and promised that if they force me to "submit" to thius tyrannical anti-American contract they will be promoted into lead position. This this vile dirty man who looked like some skeleton dug-out of a pit with his glaring hate on his ugly face was looking likewise for his promotion to represent America and it's struggle for equality and diversity. One brainwashed minority minion at a time or death to the "radical liberals" who dare fight or fight back. That's the real face of these two-faced faceless bots I am dealing with. But they truly want something to be inflicted upon America that far exceeds the violence of both Stalin and Hitler if this technology succeeds in superceding the restraints of what we have come to understand as the limitations on power that all constitutional law provides along with the forces that are supposed to protect and serve, but mostly the lying sinister fakes of the media who promise endlessly that the fight to make America as open and free as it's supposed to be is something they truly care for and are fighting for as if it's their one and only true life goal. They really are fighting for a Totalitarian Communist death squad state where any insult or anything said by someone not part of their entitlement pig-ape cartel will be murdered--through all the means of torture, poisoning, accident or other forms of covert assassination that they now have in possession and are constantly implementing and dis0pensing they are more emboldened daily.

More and more and more and more of these sick and dirty vile parasites come to latch on forever to attacking me every single day it's an increase. I fight to get all the sleazy ugly dirty creeps I have been fighting for my life to stop making me old, sucking my life out, poisoning and abusing me literally non-stop (to death, but just keeping me alive so I am rotting and becoming absolutely destroyed slowly until they can suck a baby out, the culmination of this "experiment" on me and the real experiment is in turning these rotten white little boy dirty dinosaur "men" into fascist "give me, I want" grabbing stupid dirty fascist murdering "entitlement' scumbags who have no soul, no heart and this is what America currently really is on almost all levels. The death squads have been very slowly killing off the best, as Prince is surely on a level creatively so far superior to all the crap people combined who have assaulted me for the past 13 years out of Whorewood--now under Biden, endless MSNBC and Democrats along with the ultra-fascist Nazi bigot Karens of the Republican Party and there is truly no difference--in fact, the Democrats are the more violent and disgusting than the openly fascist Republican bigots.

"America". Prince. November 9, 2014.


Guns N' Roses-Welcome To The Jungle". Guns N' Roses. December 25, 2009.

All I can do is hope that in some way, both Biden and Trump will never reach any ballot for president and that somehow they are both excluded either due to old age or other causes. That will not solve the problem but the sickness of the people around them, who are basically one-and-the-same power cartel monopoly just playing roles for media oppositional purposes--

sick, disgusting, the violence combined with racism, or is it simply pure antisemitism yet however I have never been a part of the Jewish diaspora, nor the religion and thought I was an American citizen first and not an excluded target for a genocidal witch hunt for anyone not conforming to the cliches and stereotypes the bigots rely upon for automatic assumption of their racist entitlement. In other words, I was told all my life about this thing called "The American Dream" and the media icons who "made it" have joined into violently assault me claiming that they only want black girls to have any chance (only if they follow in the footsteps of all the black Nazis of the 4th Reich and that is only if...).


Thusly, MSNBC has a Black female president and a few other minorities in order to appear as open-minded--or not racist or appealing to the vast spectrum of the American demographic spread. Yet the one Jew, who was one of the first to attack me, but only after the very nasty hateful glaring of hate from the "lesbian" (I have met many an extremely violently racist lesbian, so there is nothing "alternative" really about just having sex with a same-gender).

but the Jewish one only talks about Black rappers in his monologues, and the white supremacist I listened to because he didn't add as many quirky jokes as the rest and was more focused on the legal aspects--and the situation of Trump NEVER being indicted for years, and now convictions appear to have been timed so by the time this process nears any kind of fruition of a time-table, Trump can simply get out of the firing line because of various loopholes that have just been handed to him.


But I listened, and I finally realized that this filthy ugly dirty old man is fully in line (I realized this last night) with the rest of the filth ugly dirty pig ape rapists, bigots, Nazis and prostitutes of this shit organization who teleport me. It is disgusting how absolutely racist, abusive, sick, stupid, dirty and vile they truly are. Human rights have no meaning and their dehumanization of me and the negation of every single Constitutional and legal right has been like a platform they all joke and claim I have no rights as they violate me constantly. My body is wracked now with scars and huge bulging poison and most of my hair has been so badly chemically destroyed it's mostly bald and my body hangs like sagging bags of cellulite under the hard poisons and the various layers of poison that are various degrees of liquidity or semi-hard blogs literally cemented into my flesh and hardened into my entire bone structure.

And the absolute endless violence from filthy ugly white pig ape piece of shit men and their dirty and shit women is unbelievable in the hate and violence they are non-stop, daily inflicting upon me.

AS the election nears, they are in a frenzy of hate and violence at me because they are demanding me to submit to being tortured raped poisoned beaten my ideas stolen so their blonde nazi whore piece of shit "women" can steal the ideas I write endlessly about the sexism adn the racism they all embody--

I have not even begun to write about the racism of the blacks in Whorewood yet as a theme, and they will never put that theme into a movie. No, Blacks have to be represented as pristine victims in each and every circumstance and always the pitiful underdogs who are just pure and wonderfully kind and loving and caring.


Trump has to have me slowly beaten to death so he can constantly use me as his stepping stone for his obvious fascism; while Biden is really the same thing but has concealed his filth and vile personality traits very well under well-practiced rhetoric about how much he cares about the underdog, while the "underdog" demographic is now dying in the streets and being killed by cops and etc, and the filth connected to Biden is as violent as any fascist Nazi, and I just experienced it once again--with the "punk" band who made some statement which *I commented on only because of the concept of freedom of speech--endless yelling, calling me bitch

and before that, a pig=looking white male from a tv series that I watched and he and an ENglish piece of shit bigot Nazi came to abuse, call me a whore, trying to have sex with me as I said no--but they are being paid to try to force sex on me and I am fighting for my life endlessly and screaming no constantly and have been for over 12 years to one rotten filthy creep after the next--being beaten, raped and poisoned with stinking filthy poison non-stop for decades adn the shit profiting off this teleportation have not stopped slowly murdering me and they are increasing the violence. 

They demand a baby out of me so some rotten ugly piece of pig shit and his filthy dirty Nazi shit wife can profit with their shit children out of this contract. I pray for their deaths by now and my posts have only reached more ugly rotten white dinosaur shit men who are connected to Biden, who obviously is an extremely violent fascist Bigot of a most rotten variety. His obsession with putting Black Nazis in power in order to appear not racist is disgusting and I have to see it and I have been seeing it before I ever realized that the problem was not really the antisemitism of Obama and his grabbing wife who have profited as well off this contract on me, but the real ugliness and incompetence behind Obama has always been Biden but he was so obscured behind the shiny glow of the appeal of Obama. 

Now we can see that with the same basic structure and administration what failures the Bidens bring and their architecture, so protecting Trump but making a huge farce about "Justice" and thusly the role of crap like MSNBC which also follows in this same Biden-esque and "The Squad" formula with Elizabeth Warren being the one who created that farce of "equity, diversity" and whatever else--with absolute racism behind each and every single one of these pretenders and the minorities are fully acclimated into the programming of racism Nazi white supremacy and play their roles very well, indeed.

It is now extremely, to nearly impossible to type this out. That means that this post will be extremely hacked/rewritten/redacted and I won't be able to endlessly go back and rewrite so it will be a discrediting situation once more.

Behind all the glorified "minority" activists and leaders who are prominent, even in MSNBC, is a most deceptive lying fascist bigot and I would say they are all dinosaurs except that the eggs that they lay are hatching next and next generations as they devour the alternative to their death cult of a dying paradigm of death and hate. Thusly, it is nearly impossible to find, in Whorewood, anything but a dinosaur legacy of rapist most racist scumbag shit creeps and filthy dirty prostituted rape cheerleaders who are all so extremely racist that this really is a lynch mob with black supporters just dying to have the lynch mobs focused on Jews rather than Blacks. The greed, hate and sickness and stupidity as if there were no awareness of the human condition permeates the entire ranks of this most rank group.

I am being made old and am being murdered from this. So far there are only the most foul and disgusting people observing what is going on and hacking their bs into my  youtube channel perpetually.


My brain was forced into a "Karen" ranting mode--literally as the keyboard was blocked from operation and my brain was deluged with blocks to calm rationality.

This famous person on MSNBC, who obviously has much experience in jurisprudence, teleported me and angrily demanded that I apologize for calling him a dino. I told him sorry but he was obviously hacking into my laptop and participating in a crime against me. That began his physical violence against me after I apologized, nicely and calmly because I really had no idea what his role was or has been, only that I ascertained the truth about him and wrote about it because of the endless hacking into my youtube channel by people like him, who are participants in rape, torture and defend this situation and then participate when and if they get the chance.

After this happened, before I was asleep last night, in the morning he was there with the crowd of people who have been murdering me via poisoning and rape and beatings and non-stop mutilation and torture for OVER A DECADE. This MSNBC anchor not only fully participates but has joined into this injustice and he kept slapping and hitting me, but done in a way so I could not see what was happening I just saw a hand almost instantly hit me (for writing after at least 2 years of him hacking into my internet, seeing me fighting and begging for my life for poisoning to stop, then participating like the rest of MSNBC, politicians, and of course so many connected to Biden, and the rest connected to Trump and they interchange their roles and affiliations and they don't care because they are more protected than any politician if they are in media exposure spotlight.

He then went on and on attacking me until I finally had to defend myself as he pulled a gun. I had to get it away from him and I finally got to the point of rage and hate, which is what they all are striving for EVERY SINGLE DAY is to abuse and beat and insult me with "bitch" and "whore" and violence and hate just endlessly inflicted upon me while I can't turn away physically in this teleported state, nor can I just "ignore" them or walk way. They are constantly in myu inner ear as a form of TORTURE that should be against every criminal law and a version of crimes against humanity held at the international criminal Court in the Hague (sorry for all the spelling mishaps but I am struggling to pound every single letter so I could not get the capital key to work when I was writing about the official names).

It wasn't just immaturity it was something like more parasitic filth coming to get a promotion and get patted and invited to the White House by Biden for the violence upon me. Understanding this, that years of Obama and Hillary whereby the abuse against me was so staggering, and then it's been just slow death under Trump with outright murder attempts, and then under Biden it's been a revolving circus of shit personalities like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, the Democrat fascist bigot Nazis and now this white cracker trash from MSNBC with his very erudite presentations for his lectures on equality and how racism is wrong, and fully in a fascist disgusting display of archaic patriarchical rape culture antisemitism fascism endorsing over a decade of torture, rape and abuse. it is why I wrote that he was a "dino" in the first place, as I knew intuitively what he was, but really gave him far too much credit for having any semblance of decency or humanitarian concern.

But I apologized twice, which I have never done for any of the other pig apes because I thought this was an intelligent person. The way he looked was like a Halloween skeleton for some Disney ride in a haunted house as he kept abusing me with the dumb scum jerk-off from the punk band, the endless latching on of this Latvia bigot crap trash filth so exalted for his swirling twirling but now he's so rotten and decrepit in his old age of monetary excess and is a lying KGB scumbag

and they all violently attack me now under directive from either Trump or Biden or both simultaneously--as i think both are tied to trying to obtain this contract from abusing me into submission but really murdering me ultimately.

I can only hope and pray that they will both be destroyed and that America will one day have something much higher on every level than an endless rotation of lying sinister fakes who feign concern for human rights but really are violent rapist and hateful disgusting bigots and pretenders who are working for graft, and really for the ultimate demise of the United States and a total fascist Nazi takeover in what is obviously a version of the 4th Reich out of the Nazi playbook (but created much, much earlier than the Nazi 3rd Reich iteration).

Poor, poor America to be beset with such filth and lying dirty shit and I have had to be witness to this stinking filth for so long.

(Hacking is awful, they will be absolutely rewriting and destroying what I have written thus far--I corrected 98% of all the typos hacks but I know once I publish most of this will be rewritten to sound absurd and unintelligible).

Sunday, January 7, 2024

The Karen Problem in America must be part of the Trickle-Down Economy. If only "you" could observe and witness Your "Karen" icons, celebrities, and leaders of America and their extra-posturing as decent, intelligent and "beautiful" "stars" and their real "Karen-esque" pursuits: Terrorist Hacking and violence (in teleportation) report: I spent literally over 2 hours fighting to get the computer to not be hacked/blocked/fighting to get the connection restored & waiting for the hacking freezes and DOS attacks to stop or fighting to open other tabs and it takes me at least one hour every single day of waiting and fighting to use my laptop for active WiFi capability. All due to the proxy terrorists operating for the violent and nasty sleazy celebrities and their political allies in that corroded "wood" in California.//Feeding off my life force, the parasites continue to torture me into misery and hate as much as possible every single day. They take turns and more and more and more and more celebrities jump at the chance. It is screaming, hate and I can never stop responding in the drugged-up teleportation waking state (and of course in deep sleep I can't control my reactions which are forced in edited stop-and-start forced situations where I am under hypnosis, in deep theta sleep state, drugged up, and under non-stop deadly duress. My screaming in rage by now and trying to kill the expletives is at nearly full pitch right now, from 13 years of this going on every single day and night.

 DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS (the technology and drugging makes it impossible for me to stop reacting, which is feeding the parasite animals in teleportation--)

"Karen Metal 2". Andre Antunes. January 24, 2021.


This is just one, tiny example of the fake smiles and tears

the yelling violent smug terror terrorism behind all the plastic facade

You should see the blonde Nazi bigots I am surrounded by constantly and how much more violently Karenesque they are--the Australian, the Canadian, the English, the German, the French--all inspire the Americans to be as fascist as possible. I wonder how much longer it will take until I am not the only one and somehow people will become alarmed at how sick this situation is and perhaps even OBJECT to Karens being handed teleportation and torture technology? 

"Oscars 2022--The Musical (Will Smith Goes Metal)". Andre Antunes. April 1, 2022.

I'm trying to control my reactions but drugging, torture and non-stop assault and the technology "forces" a reaction out of me. In an endlessly sick, paralyzed and immobile position of drugging and paralyzing poisons, I remain glued to one spot, fighting to get sick and rotten ugly disgusting parasitic celebrities off me as they rush at me violently day after day to get their filthy dirty contracts and promotions. The protocol they all follow entails abusing me until I react in hate. They are now using physical violence to try to get a reaction. 

I wonder if any medication or spiritual master could actually "master" this situation under the disgusting drugging that is never-ending which makes my brain a porous sieve unable to withstand and control the endless slime they inject into my life, home, body and sleep state and food and hair skin all furniture, and then the disgusting creeps who teleport me whom I would NEVER have any contact with if offered the chance to choose. They remain glued to me, like Baryishnikov is a fastidious parasite I can't get rid of. He's so depressed because his fame from his ballet prime is over and latching onto me like a dying parasite, also for his dirty sleazy blonde famale group behind him like all the rest---of the "men" so-called who teleport me all have giggling and laughing blonde Nazi women dying to get free and immediate access to career positions they are neither qualified for nor have the actual talent to deserve. Endlessly put into lead category evermore from just proving how racist and Nazi they are...

They latch on forever. Endless abuse. Murder. I'm trying not to react but sitting here alone with no support system surely does not help. Having every political entity working to shore up this Naaified hate system for the promotion of every single top leadership position to be filled by Europ-a-land adherents and lackies and brainwashed obsequious minions is a despicable insult to the qualities that America once claimed it represented. Totally taken over by fascist Nazism and often in the form of Mafia criminality.

They take turns. The politicians welcome them into the White House and into Buckingham Palace and at Cannes and the Berlinale. They go on and on. Information extraction of my ideas through torture is a daily event as I srream after they obtain ideas and then insult me and abuse and torture me--they are killing my plants and my home is stinking and foul, my body is racked with blemishes and mutilations and brooken down as the violence and abuse and hate is never stopped. They are taking turns to get their nasty promotions.

The worst is that none of you reading this ever stops it or even considers it a tragedy for humanity. You all need a witch hunt and scapegoat so badly you can't differentiate between your need for sadistic gladiatorial lynch mob cricifuxions and absolute tyrannical death cult leading to mass catastrophe. 


I see my body crumbling and aging now exponentially from non-stop daily and nightly abuse from this group of latching on parasites. Ugly sickening old men past their prime with their blonde bigot creep wives looking for a way to destroy what America has been striving to represent: a chance for the formerly oppressed to have some semblance of parity with the usual exploiters of the world. Call it "woke" but it's no joke it's reality and that is why this philosophy is so popular because it's goddamn real.

I have minions of "oppressed" groups trying to push me down so they can be elevated and use Jews as a stepping-stone into the good graces of the 4th Reich. Jews included.

I am being made prematurely old, they are literally devouring worms feeding off torture.

They're crappy kinda stupid sick kiddos who expect Karen nepo-baby treatment forever by just viciously attacking me, physically with poisoning and rape and torture as long as they possibly can to obtain the ideas they steal from me, the awards and lead roles which they otherwise NEVER could have thought of, thunk of and obtained plus alll the Nazi awards circuits that are currently in process. The past year of non-stop poisoning abuse and torture of me has put many of the expletive into next year's lead line-up of top movie roles and directorship positions--awards to follow. They must attack me to obtain the roles for the ideas that they torture out of me which are plied with millions of dollars in production costs fed intravenously into their bank accounts by the 4th Reich Nazi programming terror death squad units, aka "Karens" but on a level far beyond what these public videos portray. It's Karens when they are able to truly inflict the violence that you only hear in their screaming in these videos. Because the agenda is for the blonde Nazis and their bigot minions to have lives of joy and luxury and the rest to be mired in misery that the 4th Reich enforcees and creates (now with these technologies the misery dumped on me is endless and as I write, my body is reflecting the decades of poison and abuse with my immune system and endocrine system and my hormone balance all so badly affected I see my body breaking down into old age and death--but no problem for any of you reading this of course--

after all the abuse FOR YEARS they must continue indefinitely and as their children grow up from early childhood now into adulthood the expletives have gone on and on using my life, ideas and health and energy as something they exploit, suck out, destroy and discard with hate and contemp, even now immediately after torturing me to obtain ideas these idiot savants never could have thought of in a million years, then calling me all kinds of the most nasty names for no reason except by now I am screaming at them to go away after I realize what they are doing. I can't stop talking or answering their endless questions for ideas. After the hours of that every single day, I then see filth sprayed by their minions on everythingin my room, plants dying one after the next, my body endlessly sliced, poisoned and mutilated in one way or another eveyr day plus the slow death from endless abuse and hate and rape and violence and sickness poured on me day after day after day after year after year

and after torturing me to obtain ideas that rotten Karens need to portray themselves as being victims of injustice, discrimination, racism and sexism by torturing me to obtain my reactions then torturing me to get me to disclose concepts and philosophy and ideas I have studied about fighting injustice and analyzing it --they, then obtain the funding for their projects, then the torture continues until they have to get the awards at the end of the cycle from the year and years of all the process of obtaining concepts, funding, etc etc and then their lovers, spouses, children and friends and then partners and business partners and sometimes even enemies have to join in alongside them as the mounting gang bang death trip is constantly being expanded and traded amongst all these clutching parasites of the 4th Reich clawing at killing me to get their promotions and "ideas" stolen from me.

And then they have to begin anew after it all for the next year's cycle, which runs concurrently with the previous years because of the overlapping years of lead roles, production, awards and the time it takes to get it all finished within a time frame--and it's not just one sleazy parasite it's one after the next taking turns feeding off killing me and laughing about it as a group. And they never stop.

Not that writing about this  has EVER produced any reaction from either Whorewood or Congress-Whorewood to ever stop this or protect my basic human rights.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Terrorist theft of expensive items I put in a specific place now gone--but where there before I went out shopping. These are very expensive (for me) healing supplements that are very necessary to my healing but very expensive. I usually put all the items I ingest into my backpack and carry them around but the load I have to carry from all these items is so heavy by now that I keep them wrapped in original packaging in a very certain area. They were there before I left; they are completely gone. STOLEN from my room by the pig ape minions ordered by the pig ape celebrities and politicians to take whatever they want which is expensive, to destroy what I make by hand that is beautiful, to make my home stinking broken down and filthy and kill plant, animals I love, and then torture me on a 24/7 basis with remote tech and microchip implant interface technologies. Then I am tortured non-stop by the celebrities and political personalities who use the teleportation for as much as they can dump their hate and stupidity and violence upon me and then steal ideas which I scream at them after saying and then screaming "go away" in repetition until my barriers are broken by their endless torture strategies of breaking me down--they never stop the insults and the attacks with this inaudible cochlear technology and I can "see" them in every direction I turn with the teleportation hell they force upon me. Finally I scream in hate and disgust all the critical analysis I have of them which they then threaten to kill me for having said and they use that as justification for violence and torture of me. Then they steal whatever they can to use on their plantforms of bs to pursue the "compassionate" image as another prong in the huge deception for genocide in particular against the "Jews". They classify me in every hate cliche possible although I am nothing like what they want to force me into. It goes on and on--and also,

 THEY truly are the cliches that they are pouring upon me in order to justify endless slow poisoning and torture to death.

Meanwhile, they have their Europigape filth and shit come into my room and STEAL supplements that cost something like $20 for their own purposes while I must reorder them and carry them around in a huge backpack with everything else I ingest from cooking oil which I can't afford to just throw away if I am going out to shop, to all supplements that are always increasing as I fight to find ways to heal from the persistent murder of poisoning that this group has endlessly inflicted upon me. They are ordering their filth brigades, and in particular, the white Nazi pig apes controlling their brown and black minions--to just steal whatever they want if it's new and not tainted for their filthy consumption and my loss--along with loss of access to internet so I can't earn any money online and I certainly am too ill from the non-stop poisoning to work or do anything but sit here fighting to shit out black, hard poison that is endlessly latched into every part of my body, literally--as they keep poisoning me as well non-stop to murder me, taking away the healing modalities I spent my subpoverty income to try to fight against

Friday, December 22, 2023

Terrorist Putrid, stinking filth sprayed into my bathroom (and everywhere else around me and into me) report: the latest violent, sleazy and dirty nasty terrorist is ordering putrid stinking filth sprayed into my bathroom. They have created many fake "walls" which are removable panels in this torture chamber unit--and the bathroom has a constructed rectangle built behind the toilet where the panels are loosely covered by tiles on my side. They open the panels from the other bathroom and spray stinking filth, debris, black stinking goo on the floor. I will clean the floor and return and rubber bands and pieces of debris are covering the floor within a few minutes after I wipe and clean, which is almost perpetual in the bathroom. Now the terrorists are spraying extremely vile substances on the floor, just behind the toilet. I cleaned this stinking filth this morning which was creating a stink in my room. Baking soda and bleach, it smelled completely clean. Within the last half hour, it was reeking again of urine and excrement which is sprayed in a fine mist onto the floor behind the toilet. This area is blocked from access, there is a 2-inch space between the back of the toilet and this faux "wall" area which juts out about 1.5 feet from the wall in a half-rectangular shape. It is urine and feces basically turned into a spray that they are inserting into my bathroom through thes panels behind the toilet. The room stinks now constantly from this. This is the new addition to the years of brown permanently-staining goo that is sprayed literally on all walls--the tiles of the batrhoom are impossible to clean unless I used a top-grade machine to literally grind the brown stains off. Nothing like bleach, vinegar or baking soda and all combined even make a dent in the brown goo stains that are indelibly marking the entire bathroom wall area from ceiling to every space possible. I have to keep the light off in order to not see what a disgusting brown, stained (the stains are tattooed into the walls, which are droplets of brown goo that have been sprayed literally permanent into the walls, ceiling and it's all over my patio on all the tiles the walls and etc--it's in my living space on every door and wall from top-to-bottom. //but urine and feces is a most foul stench and it is constantly being sprayed. This is coming from the most foul Asian abuser who has been attacking me with violence--(when I am brushing my hair he is using the "voice-to-skull" to say how he would grab my hair and fling me around, etc always a v ery hateful and violent remark and body shaming as i fight to heal. This behavior, of course, is going to be promoted by the fascist French and English-lead nasty nasty group which is promoting these expletives from Whorewood. Just my writing about this behavior is going to be used a promotion and the fascist bigots will read this and applaud this most vile and sick person and promote him and his crappy violent movies. He will, in turn, grovel in loving deference like most of the brainwashed minority minions to the blonde Nazis and proclaim how wonderful beautiful and incredible they are while he makes absolutely hateful and sick comments about my deformed body in front of them, after they ordered my body to be deformed by their sleazy and foul minions here who pour and spray the urine and filth and excrement into my room, all the time, now constantly this is going on. //the hacking is as usual very bad--freezing, DOS, etc. I can almost 100% guarantee that within one year this kung fu terrorist agent of Nazism, the Chinese Communist Party and whatever other organizations he is aligned with--he will be put into lead category for an upcoming film on the IMDB roster of movies calendar. I saw that the putrid English couple who jointly raped and beat me just a few weeks ago are now featured in a movie together on that same calendar to be shown sometime in a few months hence--but positioned there after having assaulted me, fully programmed into fascist Nazi technological terror, to be imbued into the public along with the non-stop conscription of Asians, Blacks Jew and everyone else into the 4th Reich. So this filthy mentally and spiritually ill personality, like all involved I have never seen a decent person amongst any of them, only viciously racist, abusive, sexist and hateful--all things that fascists love and promote for their never-ending increase in the membership to this organization as really there is no viable alternative any longer, as the opposition is an incorporated aspect of this same group (that is all I have seen of humanity for all my life of being a target). //So he is threatening me constantly with violence, and this next greedy, sleazy and disgusting ugly rotten personality whose career has been in decline or needs a boost will be featured alongside the endless promotion of maggot robber from Australia, now the Baryshnikov team of blonde Nazi women (he's undoubtedly screwed them all, and his violence sexually towards me was supposed to be dehumanizing and he's supposed to be the "big man" who can rape and abuse, what a great due promote him, dirty prostitutalina and pig greedy dumb and sleazy nasty shit pig pitt and co--plus all his lovers and wives and children as well--and the others who have taken turns beating, abusing, watching me get mutilated raped poisoned deformed crying out for help for over 12 years now to this internet void--they will b e starring alongside the next filth bucket psychoscumbag totally infatuated with all things Nazi--like so many Nazi Asians--they hold marches waving the Swastika wearing Hitler Nazi mustaches and uniforms here in Thailand. Nazism is extremely popular here in Thailand but now it's closeted due to international scrutiny--and so I have some very violent Asian Nazis coming to assault me to gain favoritism for their flailing careers so the Nazi scum whore contagion of the "A-list" creeps will put them in movies and the silence surrounding their careers and performances will be gone only to be promoted endlessly for being violent, sleazy, stupid and ignorant (all these pig apes say at me are lies intended to discredit me, they say the most stupid and ignorant lying things as i shout to go to hell--they are absolutely unjustifiably put into the spotlight constantly--and this mode of thinking and behavior is being used a promotional tool and everyone says NOTHING about it???? No one can see the danger in this whatsoever and remain silent about it, because it's happening to me and people are so programmed to "hate" me and turn away from someone being isolated and tortured that you can't even begin to understand that for this very reason of me being turned into some kind of pariah image through lies and discrediting and the scapegoating principle, that this system is going to spread like a disease, a virus a deadly virus and everyone will be inflicted by shit pouring shit into their lives constantly using technology. People will be killed from this tech, raped and destroyed and only the most stupid and ignorant put into lead position..

Why can't you readers understand what a threat it is to civilization concerning this technology and the dissemination of it's deadly force upon the planet, in conjunction with corrupt well-educated performers displaying false sentimentality about concern for the planet while covertly plotting a complete mass incarceration and genocide so they can usurp and steal and rob and then not be concerned about global warming because they will have killed so many off who resist or do not serve and obey. And even those who do will be killed in the name of making space for more luxury plantations and slave systems, around the world. That is what is being promised to each and every filth creep I have encountered out of Whorewood and they are extremely turned on by this prospect and the list of former-has-beens is growing, or those who could never quite make it but due to the endless Mafia fixation of promoting blonde Nazis as their images of the apex of society, like the Brooklyn and Mafia Tarantino and et al pushing for bigot maggot robber as another blonde bigot Nazi image stealing ideas from me, for example, in order to stop me from having even physical health much less beauty as they poison and pour stinking filth into my body and around my home constantly--while she's stealing my ideas along with her filthy creep crew, denying the lie that they are really the creators of my concepts and that only slavery and submission stupidity and deformity is all that I really "am" as they force this upon me using all this tech that ELON MUSK is 100% pushing for the rest of the Nazi Europigapeland minions and their progenitors in Europigapeland itself. He is cheered on and has been since his deadly assaults upon me and nothing stops that vile dirty ignoramus little boy manchild who has been trained in acting in Whorewood where he lived for a very long time.

But continuing---the diatribe--why aren't any of you reading this vaguely concerned about this even though it's happening to me, you have been trained to "hate" me or whatever, and you could not care less but somehow, maybe some of you are becoming a bit more concerned since the fascist leader who this group of A=hole listers put into power, namely Trump and his train, are now threatening the lives of anyone speaking out, trying to have normalized legal procedures, not complying with the upcoming DICTATORSHIP dictates that the fascists are cranking out. Trump had 4 years to practice in tyrannical behavior towards me gaining expertise in how to use subliminals and mind control UPON ME which no one could care about. Suddenly when the violence begins to appear like it's coming at anyone not cmplying, some of you in your security gated affluent communities are beginning to feel the squeeze beginning a pang of fear perhaps? Concern, perhaps? I wrote for years that you f-ers out there would be likewise attacked and that to continue to allow this situation forced upon me to go unchecked would result in deadly consequences. I wrote this in a haze of drugging and torture conditions and hacking and rewrites so it came out discrediting--rewritten redacted endlessly by hackers.

Now that it is apparent, perhaps you can begin to understand the seriousness of NOT ALLOWING THIS SITUATION TO CONTINUE UPON ANY ONE, whether you consider them not worthy of your concern or not. Inevitably the sickness that the fascist 4th Reich Europigapes and their allies around the world have in their effort to destroy the fabric of society in America, and thus bring in the actual real political reality of the Nazis out of Europigapeland not just meaning Germans but the ideology was spread before WWII to the extend that 70 years later this is just bubbling below the political surface waiting for the opportune time when America will join in, but all may remain claiming they are "Democracies' but only meaning for the white supremacy exploiters and a much smaller minority of their minority minions who do all the dirty work for them in the global plantation system they are endlessly building around the planet. 

America is intended to become something like a tourist plantation system. They want me to be like one of the 3rd world "prostitutes" who are given nothing but almost substandard survival conditions with stinking degradation surrounding me WHILE they are stealing my ideas to profit off them making millions or billions because they want a total reversal of programmed bots to steal these ideas and then shut down any and all opportunities for me except to be in some horrrific subservient situation with my life constantly under threat of poisoning to death and death by accident and death by non-stop abuse and violence day and night. THIS will be the future for MANY MANY MANY millions of people if this situation is not stopped and immediately. What does it take for anyone to begin to think seriously about the dangers of the technology that sick posturing bigots who have been coached in acting are performing to sell this system and this technology as being some wonderful boon to the future of the planet for your ease and comfort, luxury and for the benefit of humanity? They mean only for the pig apes who are raping beating torturing poisoning and will use the Nazi model of mass technological murder to achieve their luxury. 

So they are implanting the greedy and clutching scum from Whorewood in this, and in turn these putrid performers are imbuing this subliminally and in a spiritual and subconscious sense into the fabric of society, in the disguise as "entertainment" or commentary or in politics (false opposition).

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Terrorist hacking report: lied to again by hackers or agents for the delivery service I use frequently for small items. They are putting wrong information on my private customer page about delivery times and then not delivering. I get on the "chat" and am told twice the delivery will be today and they lie about the times of delivery. I requested 6 times in a row for the chat at 7:30 pm to check with the driver and he would not respond to this request. Finally I was told the driver was off his shift after 6 requests to ask him if he was still delivering today as I was told he was coming twice after repeated requests for information. //This is just outright lying and it doesn't even matter if it's hacking or lying I have no way to complain to any Consumer Protection agency here (there may be one but the last I heard about it was before Covid and many English-speaking businesses were closed). they have kept me waiting for this delivery for hours. I had "fun" surfing the internet waiting but have so much to do to try to collapse in bed from yet another day of having been tortured for hours upon waking by the endless team of celebrities clutching at me furiously with violence, plus their rape and hate and torture death threats and information extraction to suck all ideas out of me possible for shitalina and co to use to appear like they are not hateful and vile dirty parasites clinging to this contract for their very existences with promises of endless fortunes and my nothing as usual and they are so destable. I am so exhausted being slowly killed. That is the point. Still I reach out for the nothing that never comes any way to stop them finally stop this torture-to-death situation. But no one will. This has happened to many many people in the past. What is the difference between being abused and poisoned and tortured to death whether I give more to this vile group of shit and filth or say "yes" to everything and be beaten, raped, sexually abused and discarded pased around and then all blocked from me my b ody endlessly destroyed pigs insulting and abusing and sexually using me and then poisoning me to death--if I say yes. The latter happens if I say "yes' to disgusting pigs I wish were dead to use me as a sex abuse rape and torture vehicle for their shit movies and careers. No means this endless violence shit filthy like NazI Mafia Pelosi coming to threaten to kill me, Biden sending his filthy nasty politicians from Congress and also profiting off this violence and Trump of course was outright killing me and made one attempt via Bolognia--his wife. Bs sandwich white bread without any meaning empty calories. Symbolism. Disgusting. America is a lost country. I'm here writing posts in fury as the pigs are still being championed for this filthy sick situation. The shit English couple who raped me in front of parasite maggot robber two months ago before Mike Johnson raped and abused me and had dead people shoved in front of my face, in shallow graves put right in front of my face (not mannequins but dead people there is no doubt about what they were)--and it never ends. So for fighting for Democracy and Freedom and not being subjected to tyranny I am threatened with murder by Pelosi the mafia pig ape scum creep, raped by the next speaker, threatened by the speaker before him with MTG sexually abusing me and giggling about it and then getting instant endless interviews in the media. And the English couple I wrote of, they are starring together in a movie already planned for many months in advance due to their violence towards ME. So I must go on and on. I need to NOT BE DRUGGED WHILE SLEEPING SO i CAN NOT REACT TO THE UTTER VIOLENCE THIS GROUP OF filth forces upon me. The discrimination goes on and on, the hate and violence goes on and on, I ask for help to stop this for sanity for law for the constitution for justice for civil for human rights NOTHING HAPPENS. they are awarded awarded praised promoted. Every sick and disgusting foul piece of rotten shit who has stolen ideas from me has been put into lead categories. I remain fighting to get poison out of my huge gut which is stuffed with hard poisons I can't get out but am trying with 100% effort every day. They keep torturing me to the point of killing me on a slow but steady basis every day with non-stop drugging and abuse and torture for HOIURS AND HYOURS AND HOURS AND HOURS AN DHOURS AND HOURS DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY. The same people I have been writing of for years who are just awarded and awarded and awarded. Everyone who joins in is instantly given l ead roles in upcoming movies and some remain at the top for YEARS AND YEARS after stealing my ideas and then torturing abusing and laughing about my situation in front of me and insulting me and going off smug and then elated as I sit here fighting to not b e POISONED TO DEATH and writing asking for this non-stop torture to death to be STOPPED GODDAMN you sick fucking country America and all you fuckers out there reading this.

Friday, December 15, 2023

**This is more about The Nation of Islam than dirty nasty "Candy" but...Dear Ben Shapiro, please follow through with your awareness of what a rotten piece of Nazi eye candy this creep you just exposed for her racism--and look to her father figure from the plantation hate system disguised as "angry righteous on the side of the highest almighty with every justification for violence due to the endless victim status and now the focus shifts from white supremacists to Jews--dear Ben, follow through with ACTION and not just talk--- (finally realized) and take action to get this fascist black nazi OUT of all platforms (and anything else possible as she is a genocidal black bigot with a mandate handed to her by her plantation masters to violently assault Jews. Most importantly is her uncle tom leader Farrakhan who uses 60's inflammatory victim narrative endlessly with extreme hate thrown at Jews, essentially to kill Jews as much as possible that is underneath the cesspool of this filthy piece of shit Farrakhan. Much beloved as well by the 4th Reich, and Farrakhan is working with Muslim terrorists I have no doubt and probably has connections to terror cells. He urges violence against me as often as possible and has grilled me on racism as if I am a racist needing his filthy stupid instruction when he is the racist in need of "woke" instruction against his money planform for which he plays a black Nazi for the white supremacists of building a huge coalition against Jews so Blacks can have a group to abuse for favoritism of white supremacy and the Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich. Include sick and disgusting Oprah into that mix--dear Ben Shapiro with all your contact and of course no help to me from you, but you have the opportunity to defend your most cherished Jewish community which has always attacked me for it's own favoritism for Nazi inclusion in the gated communities and being welcomed into the fascist Nazi political arena): Assaulted by a "not a victim of racism" MAGA black Nazi in teleportation sleep. She is famous and Ben Shapiro had stated publicly regarding his former "friend" from his show Wired, that she should drop out of the business. Instead, she has joined in with the Nazi throng and came at me with fists rushing at me when I was just "woken" into a "waking" state while in a deep sleep, teleported and within an instant I had to move to defend myself. I am by now so used to these pig ape pieces of shit putting dead people, pushing at me, hitting me, etc when I am just "woken" in the deep, hypnosis sleep state that my brain-memory was able to respond as the "shock" has worn off because this happens EVERY SINGLE NIGHT with this pile of stinking toxins out of Whorewood and their political funding and comingling sepsis cesspool conspirators in Congress and their "Dark Money" funders.

"Ben Shapiro DARES Candice Owens To Quit Daily Wire". The Majority Alert w/Sam Seder. November 17, 2023.

"Here's what they think of you" dirty Candy, at least "they" in the black community also part of the 4th Reich glorification of Nazi actors and their movies, but NEVERTHELESS they cannot disguise their disgust at your bs, Candy you nasty sleazy dirty thing posing as a "clean" white Christian do-gooder not a victim skank prostituted aunt jemima along with violent and racist antisemite uncle tom Farrakhan. Someone needs to finally get this bigot hate-speech racist Nazi also off his platform, but he is participating with the white supremacists of Whorewood and bringing more "death to Jews' blacks into his platform and his platform now includes dirty stupid vile candy the piece of shit white supremacists hand out to the little children longing for inclusion in the aunt jemima and uncle tom warm and safe confines of the plantation system which they all cow-tow to.


She was not dissimilar to a rotten piece of Candy, stale and ugly and befouled by lies, corruption and false piety of her position.
Ben Shapiro, finally seeing through the facade of her "Conservative" agenda of Blacks rising to power via the cesspool duct in the sewage line of minority minion ascension into power via cowtowing to Nazi iconography and by hating Jews, point blank. So without reservation or any words so I had no idea what "excuse" she was going to use to assault me, it was just racism and violence and no argument or reason.

I am not sure, I wrote about having lived in the Black part of Gainesville and a bit about the South. She pasted all these "shorts" on my YouTube channel. I should have known better from years of this same stinking protocol system of pig apes hacking their shitty videos of themselves on my channel or trailers of their upcoming movies. I am always in a "drugged" mind control state under undo technological effect which none of you reading this outside of Elon Musk fully comprehends or knows about. The pig ape celebrities have some slight idea but mostly they only want the effect and then to blame me for having reacted to brain-altering electro-magnetic instruments designed to impinge on brain funcion and insert discrediting or "behavior modification" statements or actions on my part--but blaming me for them
Anyway, This stale and rotten Candy piece of pig apeness hacked something about poor little black children not able to read and that "it's not a joke". I looked at it. Had nothing racist to say ever in any of my posts regarding the Black part of town, only that it was really depressed and economically sinking with only a tiny convenience store with a few vegetables and mostly processed foods to buy food in, and the other stores were miles in either direction and one must either take  a bus and wait for hours or drive have a car. 

But I wrote, as anyone monitoring this situation knows, a post about the usual maggot parasite robber and the endless YEARS of her assault upon me. Like Jet Li, and the "IP Man" and many of the most famous Chinese and asian martial arts actors in the world, all came to get the opening to movie franchise opportunity, along with Farrakhan and his group, and the list is non-stop (including a "Jewish" women who is good friends with Oprha, I wrote about her yesterday but her name is completely blanked out of my brain right now, probably because I don't want her name in my memory any longer--a comedian, she claims she is a "targeted individual" but she has partnered with Cathy O'Brien in a video they hacked onto my YouTube where this obnoxious woman was making a very obvious "gang stalking" terrorist triggering motion very obviously of constantly swiping her nose in a gesture that you can see on that famous Himmler video talking to the Jewish prisoner behind the wired fence with a group of Jews to be carted away--this has become a symbol replicated endlessly from all the brown and black Nazi minions like stale and rotten "Candy", the piece that the white Nazi supremacists love to shove as part of their platform for Blacks who are not claiming they are "victims" of racism, but rather VICTIMIZERS of racism along with their KKK Nazi "friends".

But that is a list of just the PAST WEEK as the feeding frenzy has been at a constant of non-stop parasites coming to join with the English Crown next blonde Nazi skank who they want to put into power and control over Whorewood, which I wrote of yesterday--who has been participating in mutilating and torturing and poisoning but STEALING my concepts as they all have.

Right next to pig pitt and shitalina, but her inclusion is most offensive to me for the reason that this is a most vile and stupid ugly and sinister person obviously with a huge fascist violent streak, more psychopathic than just mere exploitative--and for something as sinister and racist and rotten as this to be given access into American power structure via dumb scum rotten Whorewood is too much for me. 

So Candy came at me without speaking just right into my face upon the "waking" state while I was teleported, under hypnosis and in a deep sleep state. I defended myself and tried to kill her in any way I could. That was my one and only goal at that moment. I try to kill them if I can in teleportation which is impossible because the pig apes pull me off the pieces of shit before I can do any serious damage, and even before I can kick them in the face while they are sitting in those rows. It is very unfortunate but better than sitting there without being able to move--which is what they do most of the time I think they have me in restraints or they "hypnotize" me not to move or fight. But she came at me without any dialogue and without me having had any situation with her beforehand except that I responded in some way to one of her self-righteous posts about how she is no victim of racism, she was taught--as Michelle Obama is apt to state about how clean and right and perfectly moral she and her children are (but they have happily participated in this contract to gain access to book publications and movie slots for writing and etc for all these years and have fully backed this situation, along with the antisemitic congregation that Obama had attended along with Michelle and little spawn who have fully profited off being virulent racists when it comes to me--but always with a picture-perfect smile about how they rose up despite racism to achieve a public standing without falling victim to self-pity).

Ben Shapiro had said that when rotten dirty "Candy" spoke out "for Palestine" or "against Israel" he saw that she was an antisemite and criticized her and this caused a mini storm in the MAGA and conservative little pocket of the larger hypocritical cesspool of self-righteous lying bigotry and monopolizing power that this organization stands for (and that includes the "woke liberals" they castigate  but in teleportation are their "friends").
What Ben Shapiro did not recognize is what a disgusting antisemite dirty nasty Candy is, and if he did recognize it, he sanitized it with his rambling coherent correctness in analytical clear-thinking which completely bypassed the utter hate and despicable hypocritical Nazi Black inclusion that she truly is a part of, including "Muslim" Farrakhan who partners with people like her and probably instructed her to try to violently assault me as he did with dirty and foul most disgusting and crusty Whoopie with violence against me--so all the black Nazis could get a huge piece of this shit matrix that the 4th Reich white Nazi supremacists are now handing out to the blacks who help them further the ambitions of the 3rd Reich, and now that Blacks, so many, are fully in line with Nazi antisemitism and violent assault upon Jews, with Farrkhan and a host of black Nazis in the media and in entertainment along with them, they are handed more prizes by the parasite maggot and her London benefactors like Dumb Whorren Mirrage who also played in the barbie movie and has been at the forefront of attacking me and stealing my ideas since 2013, when Moynihan, the "art" thief whose father was one of the Royals Painters for personal portraits and they were ever since invited to lavish Crown parties and I was forced to meet him when I was given a "bedsit" in London across the street from him. His future wife is the daughter of the director of the movie Deliverance (and The Exorcist, one of the latter productions) and thusly at the time when the author of Deliverance, James Dickey, was hosting his writer's seminars in Atlanta because of his new fame from Deliverance, my step-father the peace activist and poet, was invited and there IS a connection between that partnership of my step father and this Danny Moynihan and the English crown situation and dumb whorren mirrage was handed access to rape and torture of me and mutilation and poisoning and has been handed this contract of Barbie where she plays a role, with the parasite Maggot from Australia and in England the Australians have a firm place due to their Commonwealth Status and I believe they don't need to go through many hoops of Visa requirements to live and work in London as adjuncts to The Crown and as colonies.

It is all connected. But the Blacks are now following the instruction of rotten and most disgusting Farrakhan who has spent months trying to force this label on me as I am some Jewish racist firmly against blacks and that was due to calling rotten Oprah a Black Nazi in reality but I called her a slave Aunt Jemima and her participation in this crime which she has been fully awarded for, and has helped to insert the black wife of the English son of the Monarch into Whorewood for her 'victim" interview of Megan, just another American Black Nazi using this victim platform to get access to H-wood whereas she was a flop before her elevated status. The Monarchy in turn is thrilled that through this poor victim black woman ploy, they can more easily gain access through Aunt Jemima-Oprah and with rotten Candice Owens and dirty filthy racist Farrakhan a most vile and seemingly stupid ignorant bigot bogus with his pretenses and stolen ideas from Malcolm X and the other real activists I believe he helped kill off so he could usurp their platform and turn actual concern about ending racism into hating Jews and being awarded as partners into the 4th Reich.
Thusly, Candice Owens, because I said in my post after the druggy mind control reaction to her blathering, as i have never cared about her, saw her smug psychopathic creaseless face and thought that she was a hypocrite and kind of a plant into the plantation as well, but what a violent nasty creep and without any justification other than I wrote that the Black part of town was depressed economically and I moved away there was no decent transportation and it was a nasty and dirty place in a kind of run-down busy city state with just a foul cloud hanging over that area--I didn't write all those things but I am now.

Whatever the reason, i believe that rotten Farrkhan who is one of the most white supremacist Nazi supporters of anyone in the group, or openly because the white bigot pig apes also say nothing they just order me to be poisoned and tortured to death. But the blacks make open season and say the most stupid and vile racist things, react with utter violence and are on a kill slant because the Nazi white supremacists have told them to be their cheap and dirty nasty soldiers for their cheap and dirty but well-funded, manicured and tended by the slave of their plantation, white trash transported into great wealth by all the murder they orchestrate around the planet.

So I hope Ben Shapiro gets this message. As he has NEVER done anything to help me in any way that I know, as the Jews themselves have their own inclusive hierarchy and are racist as well, but at least follow through on your public statement to Owens to get out of the business. This is a violent antisemite and not just "pro Palestine" or whatever she claimed which caused a fracture between your former participation in the MAGA debacle of absolute violence towards Jews and Blacks. They use people like you, Ben and Candy the stale piece of shit self-righteous about her "not a victim" platform but truly a victim turning the self-hate onto another group victim she surely is.
I suggest you dig a lot deeper than a superficial analysis for a few brief moments of your talks for your channel and your stance and I hope you can understand what Black Nazi means--murder of Jews, inclusion with Farrakhan for more media exposure.

Roseanne barr--that is her name. I also never watched her tv shows but I never had a tv when her show came out as I was against tv and I listened to music and I also was in college and didn't want that distraction. She claims all kinds of things about being a victim--and she was involved yesterday. I saw a clip she hacked onto my YouTube saying she is a victim of persecution and is a "Targeted Individual". She may have experienced some racism but no one can claim they are a targeted individual and then hack into my writings to steal ideas so as to actually use the terminology of a targeted individual in order to sell a new media angle, which is what she is doing and has been doing for something like another DECADE of watching me begging for my life as piece of pig ape scum rapes and poisons and tortures me after the next.
yes, Farrakhan is sitting right next to "Good Jew, or tolerable" Roseanne Barr in this attack. They are all getting handouts from the English Monarchy which is controlling all of this, and like the demon from that Disney movie, laughing as the demons are prancing around exhibiting violence and the most foul racist cliches heaped upon me constantly because I never considered myself a victim of racism adn thusly they must force all the hate stereotypes and violence forced upon me in subliminals blasted into my cochlear inner ear every day all day for hours and hours, plus pig shit men raping and beating me with blonde Nazis like maggot the parasite from  Australian with Dumb Whorren Mirrage gleefully being handed more and more lead roles and awards from her slump she had in her career prior to clutching onto this contract and has not let go for a DECADE. Fully welcomed by the other Australian skanks who have assaulted me who are just endlessly showered with awards and deals--married to Tom Cruise who also attacked me and obtained his "Oscar" lead role, an automatic "win" for having participated in the 4th Reich English Crown take-over of Whorewood. Blacks included and Farrakhan is working assiduously to continue his job for white Nazi supremacy by working to shift racism and hate onto the Jews.
and what better a target than me, who has actually marched for Black communities and tried to be friends with Blacks who routinely were playing the terrorist game and just turned upon me and partnered with Nazis white supremacist--in every case, always. and is  happenign now. Farrakhan is urging his rotten black partners like filthy piece of Candy too physically assault me with no warning and no justification other than I called Oprah an Aunt Jemima which is a term Malcolm X used against the filth of the black community who partnered with "the master" to push down other slaves on their insidious plantations and were handed keys to the nicer things that the plantation system could offer. White supremacy relies implicitly on black and other minority minion participation for it's survival. The blacks are so viciously attacking me because I have touched on what I see as the reality of their role and behavior. Of course the group assaulting me brings in as many of the most disgusting reverse-racism mascots they have at their disposal, Farrakhan included. He spent something like days and months trying to preach at me about injustice against blacks. He has never one single time referred to my situation as being unjust but uses the rational and exuse that I called Oprah a goddamn sleazy and sick Aunt Jemima, so beloved of white superiority culture for her "color purple" enraged bullshit but her absolute devotion in REAL LIFE outside of a role she never created to cajole and urge white women to feel warm and loved by their comfort icon which is a stark resemblance to the Aunties of the Plantaion system of old--tending the children, listening to their problems with looks of loving concern (never did that for me, was cold and thrilled and made psychoapthic smiles into the cameras along with Tyler Perry who also rushed at me violently assaulting me this huge lummox of a fake and sinister pretender of "Christianity").
**Nota bene, while struggling to type this with the usual blocks to the keyboard, the terrorist used the microchip implant in my throat and brain to cause tears to pour out of my eyes and my throat to constrict and as tears were forced, artificially, to pour down my face while I wrote this, the tension and stress to my mental state increased so I got into enraged diatribes as a result (also produced or enhanced by the tech).

The years of Farrakhan coming to violently assist in violence and torture and his endless hateful and threatening violence with his black women who claim they are advocates for "little black girls' they always use children to justify their adult violence against me following in the protocols of the Nazis who use blacks and jews and latinos and asians to do the filthy and violent work of killing and abusing jews for them, when they don't have to get dirty as they really are but the minorities then kiss their a$$es and clean their houses with love and devotion anyway. Lovingly listening to their problems and you will always see this in movies how blacks listen so lovingly to the problems of the white bigot pig apes in movies as their leaning fence support pillars who listen and care. These types then turn viciously against me or Jews or anyone possible to demonstrate to white master that they love them they will fight for them without any reason, words or justification or sanity just to prove they will do the filthy and violent bidding of their masters. 
Farrakhan the biggest fake and vile perpetrator of violence against jews openly possible in the name of being the perpetual victim of racism, and thusly he is omitted from the usual rage of making racist comments urging violence against Jews, just as rotten and really disgusting crusty Whoopie has done openly and is embraced by that rotten audience for her "women's " talk show, viewed by the same Nazi white and minority minion striving to live in the plantation system just like candy who fushed at me violently when I wrote about how depressed the black area of gainesville is and I moved out to pay the same price for a one- bedroom in the student housing area, more white than anything else, instead of paying a higher price for a studio with black grease on the walls in the downtown area, not wanting to live in the nasty black part of town any longer because blacks are instructed to not have their heads higher than the whites in any way, and like the filth that is perpetually poured into my room and living spacer, they force people to live in squallor.
But Candy doesn't care about that, she saw an opportunity to get into the big money the big big big plantation system outside of the Ben Shapiro dynasty and that conservative ilk by violently rushing at me with hate within a fraction of a second I had to defend myself.
Stupid, dirty and rotten that is all I have seen of Farrakhan and this black piece of shit you could call "candy". The whites are just unnatural white turds from the same hole being piled up into the same cesspool as the black pieces of shit in a huge oreo cookie cesspool.

It may be possible that when the Muslim terrorist cells decide to detonate huge bombs in places like NYC, Farrakhan this rotten violent uncle tom using Islam as a platform for his disgusting white worship of Nazi culture and he may also be destroyed along with his white masters of the plantation of NYC and the reach they have into the rest of the world. I think he will not be spared and the absoluely racist and anti-black muslims will be happy to kill another black from America like Farrakhan. I have listened to absolutely violent anti-black sentiment from Muslims when I lived in  Germany, along with the Germans (who welcome the blacks from America in particular) into their beds to be seduced into believing they are finally not uncle toms and aunt jemimas any longer. You will see a long string of white males in the background of Oprah's sleazy sexual pasttime schedule including Trump, by the way. 


 I should not look at the endless promotions for the dirty ugly sick and stupid (yes, I know that all sounds so "immature") but nevertheless, I see the glowing energy of the parasite who has been attacking me since I wrote in rage about the next rotten dirty filth skank partnering with Pitt for YEARS to feed off this contract of stealing my ideas and torturing me and poisoning me to death. I do not mean just abuse every day for hours, but combined with the poisoning that has never stopped for a single day, it's non-stop murder plus mutilation that has left my body really so paralyzed and deformed with scars everywhere

the bigot filth Maggot robber began to torture me when I wrote about what a sickening situation the theft of my feminist Barbie was. For the past half year this filthy ugly parasite has had an entire score of bigot Nazi men coming to beat, abuse rape and torture me while she has sat back gratified as they all get promotions and congratulated this filthy dirty ugly sick and really immature stupid ugly person with the plastic surgeries the endless awards for years of helping fucking dirty pig pitt to destroy me so they can feel energized and they are all glowing with hormonal violence.

I was teleported by that ugly disgusting lack of all meaning maggot robber two days ago. She had been trained by the shit like Dumb Whorren Mirrage and had been given an entire skit and protocols on how to fuck my mind and sleep with this teleportation. I wrote and wrote about how this filthy ugly sick parasite has been attacking me for YEARS. I just saw recently that Anne Hathaway had wanted to take the Barbie theme but dirty maggot got the contract for her new studio, obtained I believe after having partnered with the shit pig pitt team of endless violence towards me so every single fucking whore pig ape can get a free huge contract and deal every year, year after year, from day after day of torture and violence without end against me. Taking turns for over 12 years now and before them it was fuckers who are still behind the scenes being paid for having handed the tech to this team of fucking shit I can't get rid of because they just keep teleporting me every single night and morning and until almost noon so the violence goes on about 8 hours at least in teleportation and voice-to-skull literally day after day with hate and information extraction which they steal and then torture and mutilate me every single day without fail--whether I provide them without resistance my body my love my ideas which they take and steal and when I begin to fight back I am now still being poisoned as I was when I wasn't resisting and it never stops for a single day or moment. Every single U.S. President for years has participated in this, every single presidential candidate has come with utter violence and hate at me for no reason except that they have bigoted sickness, that includes goddamn nasty Bernie Sanders as well the Jewish Nazi "Socialist" a la Nazi. But the contract on who would make Barbie was bandied about as I learned by reading the Nazi celebrity junk-zines, which is all the magazines covering the Nazi 4th Reich celluloid programming--but along with the Senate Leader Schumer's "niece" the Jewish blondish Nazi who wanted to participate, with Schumer welcoming prostitutalina into his office while Biden has invited shitalina the prostitute to the White House and all the stupid and rotten dirty rape Nazi bigots along with the "Blonde" Jews have been absolutely welcomed into the White House and into having their own production companies.  Hathaway began assaulting me years ago. I wrote about the feminist barbie idea maybe 5 years ago or longer but they have been successivly stealing my concepts and ideas for YEARS and this was just on a rotational basis with all the years of the other movies with ideas stolen from me and/or just the contract to obtain funding for all of their new studios and promotion production companies now that the 4th Reich has essentially killed off the Weinstein empire and replaced it with Nazi bigot shit like maggot and pig pitt and shitalina the prostitutes all with their movies they stole from me while exerting Nazi fascism genocidal murder operations upon me--albeit extremely excruciatingly slow with the murder as I fight every day for survival and to not let this happen to me.

Shit like Mike Johnson came to tell me he agrees with the blonde Nazi from Australia after years of that piece of ugly sick and stupid shit being promoted along with shit pig pitt and shitalina--this ugly parasite has been so pumped up by black nazis like Farrakhan and Whoopie Goldberg coming at me with violence and death threats which I had to yell in defense of. So pumped up with power from pig shit ugly dirty pitt and shitalina and then the rapist from england and then farrakhan and whoopie and then the speaker of the house and then another english fuck who punched into my face plus endless violence poisoning torture for half a year. Now all the awards are in nomination stage and this pig whore is glowing with delight from all the years of having me destroyed with this technology, the poisoning which is so deadly and I remain fighting for my life. They have not stopped torturing me with HOURS AND HOURS AND HOURS AND HOURS EVERY SINGLE DAY o fyelling loser bitch having me beaten raped my home stinking every single day. The shit of America has allowed a stupid and rotten ugly skank from Australia who is really a component of the English crown to just be handed every entry into a fascist Nazi enterprise with countless Europigapes coming to control, and then kill using this tech to absolutely take over the American scene. Bolstered by this is the Speaker of the House, a filthy and rotten disgusting ugly sleazy cesspool bigot rapist with only lies and persecution and absolute support for white supremacy even if he has a "black" son (adopted?) and especially at the very top is Biden who has absolutely permitted this to go on indefinitely for his own favor with the Nazi 4th Reich along with Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton. My mother who was a feminist who fought for women's rights enabled Clinton to become in the position she attained, only for her to help in raping and destroying my life as the daughter of the woman who sacrificed and fought and lectured for women's freedom. Under the dictates of the Nazi blonde rape cheerleader enablers like rotten dirty maggot robber with shit like pitt and shitalina the UN spokesperson for "women" at the UN and the rest of whorewood and the black nazis like Farrakhan

and no one speaking up for me.

my body is completely covered with blemishes and poison and my hair is mostly gone from the damage they have inflicted and this piece of stupid ugly shit is glowing with the hormones of violence and the months of non-stop torture with her sitting as one fucker after the next takes punches at me rapes beats while she sits there smiling and then attacking me. She did this in teleportation two days ago in my deep sleep where she had my body postured in a position so that I was looking down while she was making me repeat under hypnosis what she has been doing to me for over SIX YEARS which is to block my every attempt at writing thinking moving and they have paralyzed me so that i remain stuck fighting every single day just to get completely hard poisons out of my body I am huge, deformed unable to move from the poisons this ugly sleazy stupid piece of shit ordered be put in my body WHILE stealing my ideas.

I wrote in rage about this shit 6 months ago and so for 6 months it has been a frenzy of every fucker in this group violently assaulting me telling me as Farrakhan the fucker has said that these are "superior" people to me and to submit and obey them as they are poisoning drugging raping and stealing ideas which they are paid in millions to produce and then automatically handed awards for the movies, even if they are shitty but very expensive in production.

This piece of shit maggot robber is glowing from sadistic racist violence heaped upon me that has been sanctioned for so many years that the shit who have profitted off this assault me for writing POSTS ON MY BLOG about their crimes and their actions.

Please do not award this fucking whore skank who has FED OFF MY LIFE FORCE has fed off violence is glowing with hormones from sadism and violence and watching as shit from England rape and beat me in front of her--giggling and then assauling me when I write about what shit this ugly dirty parasite is. Endlessly the fucks of American culture are coming to violently assault me for WRITING IN MY PERSONAL BLOG about the theft of ideas the rape and torture and analysis of what sickness and racist ugly stupid shit they are.

She is a most stupid personality incapable of anything higher than a low standard of behavior or intellect. If this shit has replaced Weinstein, it is much more violent, more prone to rape and abuse and violence towards women as the blonde Nazis who are being glorified for the ideas I wrote of which they stole and turned into fascist Nazi iconography. This filthy ugly stupid sick thing has been so showered with love and comfort after I wrote, only wrote about the more than SIX YEARS of this parasite feeding off participating with fucking ugly dirty sleazy disgusting murdering rapist psychopath pitt and shitalina and the rest of that crap.

please do not let that fucking whore ugly sick parasite win any award and if possible I hope that fucking ugly bitch is dead immediately.

Goddamn how much more ultra violence must I be subjected to from shit after shit now so endlessly awarded and praised for absolute fascist Nazi behavior while the country is making commentary about a possible dictatorship from Trump, his cronies out of Whorewood are busy making this a reality in that fucking citadel of stolen ideas and shitty stupid incompetent pig apes putting out multi-million dollar funded and produced crap about how gloriously "feminist" they are like maggot robber. 
please kill that ugly sleazy dirty thing and get these fucking pigs off me

Can someone also get Baryishnikov the fucking abusive violent Nazi thug off me and have my cat returned to me alive and healthy. That fucking loveless ugly dirty old fucking creep has her, my cat La Moux, the same American Short Hair breed featured on my Facebook page.

Please get her away from that sick violent man and get maggot robber off me that fucking dirty ugly stupid thing has been feeding off my ideas off this contract and the energy that these rotten women exude from violence is a complete turn on for the fascist bigot men, including goddamn fucking Farrakhan a most racist bigoted antisemite who has said the most sick and stupid racist things to me with hate and threats of violence in front of this blonde scumbag whore ugly stupid thing--I can't express how absolutely stupid and incompetent to lead something like a major Hollywood studio that dirty ugly fascist Nazi blonde bigot parasite truly is.

I wish her death, I hope she dies a horrible death very soon. DO NOT HAND HER ANY AWARDS AND SHUT DOWN HER PRODUCTION STUDIO AND JUST KILL HER OFF. The crimes she has participated in against me for YEARS should be punishable by prison not by more fucking men coming to feed vicariously off the violence and sadism and racism and cruelty that she exudes that they feed off as well and then participate in. This further pumps up her rotten sense of entitlement and the dirty stupid thing is being endlessly showered with applause for being a fucking dirty stupid immature Nazi piece of shit,. as they all have. AS the black Nazis and the Jewish Nazis have also been awarded for this same participation but she is a murderous sick and rotten piece of shit.

I warn you fucking stupid sick Hollywood Whorewood to NOT LET something MUCH WORSE than Weinstein have more and more awards and control over your shit palace of bullshit saccharine-coated plastic surgery orgy 4th Reich-dumb.


Even for you stupid and sick fucking Nazis reading this, she is absolutely stupid and immature. Not that any of you are any better but fuck all of you. 

Get her out and get that ugly dirty thing off me. Stupid and ugly. Glowing with hormones from torture and rape and violence and a hoard of men coming to obtain favors from the English who are going through this filthy Nazi skank ugly whore to obtain their own promotions. They have no souls they have no originality they are sick and murderous bigoted fascist crap and shit. 

Mike Johnson this filthy creep raped me and began threatening me as I fought to get filthy maggot off me and the whole pot of shit came pouring out at me from all directions to defend the blonde Nazi who has been so empowered by stealing my ideas and from years of having someone to watch get tortured which this filthy dirty thing absolutely is titillated at and has loved being a part of--glowing with hormones of violence and Mike Johnson and Nancy Pelosi and all of the shit and filth from Congress coming to violently threaten to kill me, raping abusing and sitting next to all these Nazis from fascist countries fully handing me over to be poisoned mutilated. The endless YEARS of me shitting stinking black poison out of my body because they KEEP ORDERING MY BODY TO BE HUGE AND POISONED literally they have not stopped. This ugly dirty stupid thing has yelled "loser" at me after blocking my ability to even move physically--two days ago she had me looking downward at something they put in my hand in this "stop-and-start" teleportation abuse editing sort of creepy blanking out of my consciousness like they are editing a movie. I "wake" to seeing something crumbling in my hand as I am, under hypnosis, told to say that everything I try is being blocked--so I am "looking down" as if from a superficial perspective I look downcast, when I am just being told to look at something they put in my hand that is like a bit of sand that is pouring out of my fingers but to their cameras I appear to be sad and looking down in dejection. Their intended appearance. This ugly blonde piece of stupid and evil vile shit began her power game and I know that the English shit like Dumb Whorren Mirrage instructed her in how to manipulate my waking and unconscious states to put me in these seemingly incomprehensible states while they abuse me and I repeat something that I have been instructed to say but in the understanding that it is within a completely different context. 

Anyone who watches this must love it if and only if they are purely a Nazi piece of shit, which this entrire group is, which obviously the fucking US Government and it's media is as well.


So it's been six years or longer of this filthy ugly parasite having access to being put in the Oscars and now this Barbie bullshit with me writing about the theft when I realized that this was, once again, another idea another fucking pig scumbag associated with the endlessly stealing my ideas pig pitt and shitalina--including Billie Eillish (sp?) and many others, the list is goddamn long. I wrote about The Handmaiden's Tale about one year before it came out, and people assocaited with this terror group in Whorewood participated and I believe it was another theft of my ideas.

I have been physically disabled and I am fighting for my life from years and years of them torturing and poisoning me.


can't any of you goddamn do anything to get this technology away from them, including Elon Musk who will be another travesty to the world if he is left unchecked with developing more of this mind fuck Nazi technology for idiots and skanks and ugly parasites like Maggor Robber who has been then handed torture and racist violence to feed off for the last 6 months for me reacting to years of mutilation and torture she has participated in for her promotions along with fucking dirty ugly sick pig pitt and shitalina. 

Endlessly they are promoted by vile and disgusting evil shit like Mike Johson who is a most putrid personality full of shit and lies and hate and is truly an evil personality and that word "evil" is apt in this case. His endless persecution based on racism and his rape and endless fawning over this blonde piece of shit with his need to have orgies and porno sex as his fantasy and this blonde bigot ugly skank parasite has given him a bit of hope that with his new Nazi position in the US government he can get at least the loving response from her which makes him feel sort of like a desirable man.

Meanwhile, I am stuck with my body so injured and the torture and violence NEVER FUCKING STOPPING FOR A DAY. 

This morning it was fucking Rosanne Barr with me screaming about 2what a fucking fake she is with her "I'm a targeted individual" utter bullshit. She has also participated in the cyber stalking and her pretense of being a Jewish victim along with Oprah, another goddamn black Nazi full of bullshit. America loves them. I have left America goddamn for years to not get killed by people like this.

When the fuck will this shit ever be stopped?

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Terrorists are killing more plants I have grown from seed. They are so limp from poisons sprayed on them they are like noodles and must be propped up on the edge of the flower pot. This is an endless year-long series of killing all plants I grow from seed, as they begin to grow they are killed slowly. One-by-one. Endlessly. May the people doing this to me and ordering this likewise die slow horrible deaths. They also have stolen my cat who is dying slowly while they use her as bait to get me to be forced into some kind of sex slave trafficking bs ordeal where they continue to destroy my health and body and life and home and then suck a "baby" out of me after having severed out part of my uterus and torturing me to the point that I find them sickening and disgusting subhuman bs and wish them death every day.

 "Evil Satan", Acid King.  March 17, 2015.

Please note for all you "sensitive" abusers out there using any and all justifications to mislabel me as "the problem" and not your organization or your "friends" you are always shouting that youa re defending after they have been poisoning and stealing my concepts and abusing and raping and beating in teleportation and hundreds of thousands of creeps stalking me just in the 12 years of the violence of your "friends"--when I say I pray for their slow deaths, this is after they KILLED animals (under order and performed by their proxy minions in my local terrorist chapters of your global operation)

I adopted other animals even a frog that lived on my front porch (in another place) which was beaten to death, the cat was killed horribly with it's spine broken and leukemia injected into it's neck so it died slowly. When I tried to save it by driving to a vet on my motorbike while t his beautiful cat I had grown from a kitten was paralyzed and had been left dying on my front porch, under orders by the pitt gang--trucks with hand-painted splash-guards with paintings across the back wheels of pitt and Robert Redford--wearing cowboy hats and brandishing guns pointing directly into my face because the trucks had been raised at a level so the back, hand-painted splash guards for the rear wheels of these huge 12-18 wheelers on the small roads of Phuket would suddenly veer into my path directly in front of me. This was done right after I had tried to save this most beautiful cat from death and the charity vet organization tortured the cat and literally painted his tail while he was dying in a little filthy cage as I begged for a vet. They refused me help, I had to drive the dying cat to another vet where I was surrounded by terrorists who sent their children to bang on the vet windows while my beautiful cat I adopted as a tiny kitten (the mother had been shot on my front porch, the sister kitten had an eye gouged out) and etc.

My beautiful cat La Moux was just tortured recently and was clinging to my legs with her claws in utter terror which I have never seen of her in my life of loving her with every single bit of affection any animal could possibly ever obtain. The shit Baryishnikov had her tortured to this point after I wrote a post about how the German shit band from Berlin which had assaulted me then, after obtaining it's tour due to having attacked me, then beat and raped their groupies backstage and news articles were made around Europe about this black energy cock rock Nazi band. I only used one of t heir songs for a video to try to get rid of pitt who by that time had part of my uterus severed out when I said no during the first few years of the endless hell and torture of him and his nasty women around him--

and so, for one year Baryishnikov has been "helping" me by having me poisoned and tortured and obtaining for his blonde Nazi brood of "friends" and Nazi partners and spouses as many rewards as possible while having my plants killed. 

So I write this death wish because they have endlessly threatened to kill me and supplemented that threat with actual murder operations of poisoning me to death non-stop for over 12 years of endlessly stealing ideas from me. The Klaus Barbie movie is the latest example of the Nazi ideation of my ideas about feminist and Nazi barbie influence and b rainwashing turned into a multi-billion dollar enterprise with endless funding from the 4th Reich, as this group has obtained for all these years after they torture me their projects get funded from THE IDEAS THEY STEAL FROM ME. 

Not only do they give NOTHING but mutilation and slow murder but they are killing my cat if she is not dead already from the black and negative energy of Baryishnikov and his nasty group as she wastes away post 20+ years old waiting forever for me to return and love her again--as she is my spiritual child. The pig ape pieces of sick and dirty stupid sleazy shit are just going on and on destroying what little I have and killing all things that are beautiful that I grow and love.

Won't anyone ever stop this and have my cat returned alive and me living in a place that is not made stinking and foul by stinking foul "demonic" scumbags who you all see as performing antics that are supposed to convey a beauty of spirit and intellectual and moral prowess but instead it's like ploughs of lead digging gigantic holes of moral decay and death with the outer trappings of ideas that they have borrowed for their burrowing graves they are digging anyone they can drag down into. 

the more people they can teleport the more they will dump their endless hate and ugliness out upon. Still, no one appears to be concerned they are allowed to continue indefinitely endlessly attacking me with murder and death and hate and violence and abuse and my ideas they are being championed for as if they are intellectual original types of people while I am lambasted for not obeying and outperforming these dead empty black hole "celebrities" you all are "friends" with you all shout at me as you all join in to also get your "ultraviolence" and parasitic leeching exploitation scams out of and then promoted for it.

What's creepy is that the many politicians who are fully supporting torture, rape and this kind of endless death teleportation skit and abuse and mutilation contract upon me for NO REASON except that it turns them on, they can steal ideas and block my access to having anything unless I am some slave for their endless promotion while they are stealing MY IDEAS for over 12 years non-stop and then killing animals only because I am taking care of them and loving them.

the sleazy dirty foul black spirit entities who are all your "good friends" you adore, are fully supported by the politicians crying "evil" against the "other" side of the aisle, who use terms like "fascist" and "dictatorial" as their denotations of implying "evil" against the other, and both sides are doing the same things to me and fully supporting EVIL. 

Evil, sleazy dirty sick foul parasitic black hole entities disguised as celebrities sucking everything down along with them in a formulaic death system they all willingly embrace used as an incentive-based tiered system of monopolizing everything from those who foster genocide and have for centuries in foreign countries and continents, fully buying out the United States and turning it into a despotic feudal serf and aristocrat state of empty sleazy and disgusting meaningless life-sucking parasites being put into lead position. The technology is lowering he standards of humanity. You are all beguiled by the ideas they crank out stolen from my writings and leave me begging endlessly for my life and to not be poisoned abused raped teleported to violence after these pieces of crap steal my ideas and then kill and poison me in return with non-stop torture for years and years and years and years while you all sit back watching it unfold.


For the third day in a row I have literally "passed out" from detox because I am using a new form of exercise (based on Martial Arts) and the poisons are coming out of the pockets of hard shells that keep the stagnating rotting mind control and hardening poisons latched into my body, frozen and coagulating and rotting and killing ne while the frenzy for abusing me to death using this teleportation and voice-to-skull hell technology continues every day for hours and hours with violence and people rushing at me with knives and fists hitting into my face and people raping me as the bigot who stole my idea about feminist Barbie feels gratified because I wrote of the over SIX YEARS of that stupid and ugly sick skank piece of filth from Australian joining with pitt and his rotten spouses to endlessly obtain million dollar funding from the 4th Reich to take MY IDEAS and turn them into huge absolutely funded projects and then automatic nominations to the Golden Globes and beyond (especially to Cannes where all the really nasty fascist Nazis reside for their social Nazi 4th Reich engineering in the lavish halls of the money they stole from all the millions of victims throughout history, the latest Holocaust being one of the most lucrative for the sleazy and dirty parasitic pig ape contagion that they are.

Baryishnikov has latched on like a dying parasite with his most foul wife and friends, blondish bigots who gang raped me with sneering looks of hate and stupidity as I was dazed, performing acts of pornography while in a sleeping teleportated state under the hypnosis that I was "in love" as artificial emotions were forced into my brain by the microchip implant. I finally began to defend myself and also he, like all the rest of the shit attacking me perpetually has a dirty nasty blondish spawn that must obtain instant gratification nepotism entitlement because the filthy dirty sleazy ugly father is raping me using mind control technology and torture apparatus that is endlessly being promoted so Elon Musk can hand this out to the many prongs of the 4th Reich throughout the world. The portable torture technologies that are used against me in just the shopping malls is seriously deadly and this has been something ubiquitously meted out by the people put into power positions--much longer than when Trump merely was handed his power exploitation "throne" after having raped and beaten me for the gratitude of Depp's former wife after years of her and Depp both torturing and Depp raping me non-stop as they obtained their awards endlessly--then partnering with Elon Musk and that was the beginning of his ascent to world nomination to controlling this death technology. 

But today I collapsed for the third day in a row because I am reaching into toxic pockets of poison accessing meridians of stagnant toxins that have been put in my body by the people I am writinga bout in this post and many others long before them.

While in this deep sickness state, I was assaulted by what I was told was Baryishnikov, trying to do some karate kick into my head just upon me waking in the deep sleep teleportation state. I tried to defend myself. I am not even sure if it was him but I really tried to destroy him while I was in that state from sheer putrefaction of hate congealed in pockets of disgust in my psyche and he's still there killing my plants keeping my cat and teleporting me like a desperate parasite to continue to obtain endless front center attention by a host of greedy sleazy women who are even part of the "New Age" movement all cheery and positive skank lying Nazi bigot black hole whores.


Telling him, screaming at "them" the group endlessly sitting there trying to suck my life out of me all my ideas which they torture to obtain every single day

screaming I wish them death calling them shit screaming I fucking wish them death every day to get the fuck off me--every single time they teleport me which is every single day.

The empty black hole whores clutching grabbing torturing and stealing ideas because only "blonde" bigots are "supposed" to be considered as having the best ideas and having the highest spiritual and economic value and a few outliers allowed in the 4th Reich confines of the gated communities for a sales pitch for a snake oil cesspool black hole whoredom out of Whorewood.


Autorcatic despotism

whatever you want to call it, it stinks by any other name.

My plants are being killed for screaming in honest truth serum effect rage while teleported, and it would be the same if I weren't poisoned as by now the retching disgust I have for this group is so extreme from day after night after afternoon after morning of mourning the loss of all I have worked for and loved which they steal and then kill off. Screaming I cant' stand them every single day. They mutilate and torture for me saying NO endlessly while I see them endlessly being awarded for the ideas they stole from the endless torture sessions of information extraction and stealing verbatim what I have written, as maggot robber is now credited with this Klaus Barbie social engineering "feminist" movie. and the rest have been doing the same thing year-after-year since 2013 and the real power behind them is The English Crown which has their minions doing the same to me who handed the contract to the English-connected skanks and spawn from those countries. Yet America claims they "want to make America Great Again" and continue to nearly idolize the filth that is really a puppetry from a very evil Imperialist genocidal institution out of Europigapeland--millennium of their armies going to rape and plunder and then continuing in that tradition using the image of Christ to do the same.

Now it's movies that is the new Imperialist religion and for over 12 years     M Y IDEAS have helped black empty meaningless filth hateful black hole parasites to be projected as having creative concepts but all is turned into an evil enterprise of social engineering for more converts to the religion of Nazi Imperialism in teh 4th Reich plantation holocaust genocidal regime making "America Great Again" and "fighting for Democracy" at the same time--two sides of the same bs snake oil sales pitch.


Indeed: Nancy Pelosi sitting next to S-Negger two times in a row, one week each apiece before the 2nd & 3rd Covid Stimulus Bills were passed or the relief packages sent to every American--but funding for the California wealthy was diverted by Pelosi who first threatened to chop off my foot, next to S-negger whom I had said NO to after his insulting introduction to raping and abusing and exploiting me so his son and himself could obtain endless awards and deals and documentaries and book deals--which they got without my compliance. Threatening me the second time with absolute violent hate and death in her ugly sinister voice which is so opposite the Whorwood-trained saccharine carcinogenic voice she uses for cameras blathering about democracy and The American People--but every time getting packages and deals out of the Covid Relief money that was supposed to help those in need--as more and more people became homeless Pelosi obtained a luxury swimming pool for her wealthy constituents in a luxury gated community in California.

That is one tiny example, but I write of the "evil" that persists despite all the shock of how Trump is building a dictatorship and most of America wants him to reign and rule. The death squads who attacked me all my life, even if they are not personally voting for Trump they fully are thrilled about that policy of a death squad culture and a racist fascist Nazi dictatorship with many minorities playing key roles in lead position but complying with the divide and conquer strategy.

But meanwhile, the electronic electromagnetic weapons that are being developed by the likes of Musk who has participated in murder attempts of me for trying to get Depp and Heard off me after YEARS of their rape and violence (Depp raped, Heard was kind enough to try a bisexual thing which I rejected and they called me homophobic because I said I am not prone to lesbian encounters and in my sleep state I was creeped out by lesbian sex--sorry, I'm not gay goddamn but I have absolutely no problem with gay culture and am against all the anti LGBTQ hate in the world).

Still, they had to label me as a homophobe for a few years. And that is how this group operates they use any lie to distort my image.

Meanwhile, I am sick and my patio is filthy, the plants that were growing are now sagging and dying. Baryishnikov is a very violent and sinister man. He is NOT Russian he is Latvian. He says he is Russian but the violence he conceals comes from his Latvian roots. The genocide of Jews in Latvia is documented and most brutal. He has remnants of that instilled in his vile personality structure of violence towards me that is coming to the fore more and more as he has access to torture technologies and this minion proxy terror death squad system. I fight every day and he orders the minions to kill my plants and to poison me while he claims and yells in fascist violence at me that he is "helping" me by telling me to hold my shoulders back and to not hunch over. I tell him constantly that I have hard poisons literally latched into every vertebrae and it is impossible for me to do anything like standing straight at this point. He tells me "How can you have let your body go to this hell?" basically blaming me and shaming me. I tell him at least 5 times a week about the things his "friends" sitting next to him in the rows of hate chairs have been doing to me. It's as if I have never told him and he keeps blaming me and torturing me for saying no to this group. His endless promotion is at stake as well as his family who probably can't succeed without this contract and a hierarchical entitlement Nazi structure to bolster them. He has forced a LOT of violence upon me but nothing like the pitt team. 

As for maggot robber with Dumb Whorren MIrrage out of London also performing for the Klaus Barbie Movie--she has had groups of men coming to beat and rape me in waves of violence after I realized that she has been absolutely involved in stealing my ideas and participating in the slow torture-to-death and theft of my ideas and poisoning and rape. Has profitted off it non-stop for over 6 years along with Pitt and his spouses who all get endless prizes for this torture and rape and mutilation poisoning murder contract. The waves of expletives include, as I have written for years, politicians like the Newest speaker of the house who has condemned me as being "evil" and a "whore" while he champions the sluts and skank shores who are glamrorized for strutting their stuff in front of the cameras like porno stars while stealing my ideas to incorporate pornographic imagery with my feminist studies I actually recalled from the sickness II have encountered from this group, proving so much of feminist theory. Since July when the Klaus Barbie movie came out this filthy ugly dirty parasite who has obtained her own studio has been handed millions by participating in this violent Nazi 4th Reich most racist crime has had English pig ape pieces of shit come to rape and beat and threaten to kill me as she watches on gratified as the American Nazi speaker of the house rapes and threatenes to kill me putting dead people buried in shallow graves directly into my face while I'm in a deep sleep teleportation state, for example the list is pretty long. They have converged to assault me in brutality to defend Nazi blonde bigot ugly sick shit like maggot robber and also dumb whorren mirrage, all plants of the English Crown which the shit of Whorewood absolutely hangs onto because they obtain mansions in Camden Town or wherever as an exchange program. 

I implore people to begin to reconsider absolutely supporting this group and this organization. They have technologies that can kill people with heart attacks--the portable "non-lethal" microwave weapons that they use against me are so small they can be packed in purses or backpacks. Remotely operated to inflict damage and brain-altering numbness so the target can't count or think as the parasites surround and abuse, steal and destroy the target but seemingly it's all done in public appearing like a normal crowded atmosphere and the target appears like the "crazy" one laughing like Kamala Harris at inappropriate moments and/or reacting in utter crazed rage and going berserk like so many of the mass shooters who are causing breakdown of society.