THE GREAT William Cooper, in his prodigious Hour of the Time series of podcasts, exclaims consistently throughout the years of his broadcasts that America is headed for a Socialist Totalitarian State system. This is of course the predecessor to a full-on Communist system. Absolutely control is the name of this game that I am currently only a central figure in for this short window in history until more people will be victimized, as so many already have and they are working so constantly on creating more and more microchipped, brainwashed people who can so easily be wiped out (exterminated) for not doing what some fascist pig ape demands. The instantaneous reaction of the nasty white trashy dirty hateful rapist cheerleader from MSNBC, who is so eloquent in front of the camera but so nasty and vile in the fascist teleportation situation as are all the other scum and filth with all various colors of skin but the underlying feature they all have in common besides being media and political figures is that they are all extremely well-off financially. The instant reaction of having me killed runs throughout the white older male spectrum, from the old grey dinos of the Republican Senate who claim I am a "radical liberal..and DEATH" they exclaim, to this dirty nasty man who was assaulting me after I "apologized" twice for writing on my blog, this blog but one of my other of the Vignettes of Mind Control blogs--(there are three) that he was hacking into my internet, was doing something yet another old dino from the Senate on the Republican side had been doing, which is hacking into my internet, forcing their videos on my page, with titles that will entice me as I am always trying to learn about this monster that is funding and endorsing this tyranny and torture upon me. I think now that this "Democrat" was operating as a proxy terrorist "stalker" for the Republican who appears to be an extreme fascist and racist death squad advocate, as is this "liberal" MSNBC anchor, as are all the expletives who join into this torturing me-for-profit and gain situation. And he kept assaulting me until I lost patience, again because I can't ignore them, turn away or stop reacting as they also attack my brain so I can't handle my emotions as they pump up the aggression and rage (all done with tech and drug interface upon the brain and body chemistry). These dirty filthy sick parasites feed off hate, they truly feed off negativity and dump their psychic filth on me every single day. Rotten dirty ugly old men and their dirty filthy children who have learned that this is the old paradigm that will never die or go away. So listen to the lyrics that Prince created. I believe this same group is partially responsible for having had Prince assassinated, with very obvious full participation by the Minnesotan Nazi establishment which never could stand to see someone from the North Side get a huge modern palace and have fame and outshine the white supremacists who really hated Prince in Minneapolis, trust me. They have since co-opted First Avenue which is similar in theme to the intellectual property thieves and mediocrities of Whorewood who torture just to obtain ideas out of me so the dirty filthy whore wives and children of these mostly stupid and vile dino men (no matter how young or old they are) can sell "alternative" concepts but always couched in Nazi and white supremacist garb and iconography.//I was trying to get back to Minneapolis I tried to contact Prince he responded in this hacking situation and he was dead two weeks later and the pieces of shit have been going to the Oscars with ideas they have stolen from me or just because they are torturing me literally every single day and being awarded for it and promised that if they force me to "submit" to thius tyrannical anti-American contract they will be promoted into lead position. This this vile dirty man who looked like some skeleton dug-out of a pit with his glaring hate on his ugly face was looking likewise for his promotion to represent America and it's struggle for equality and diversity. One brainwashed minority minion at a time or death to the "radical liberals" who dare fight or fight back. That's the real face of these two-faced faceless bots I am dealing with. But they truly want something to be inflicted upon America that far exceeds the violence of both Stalin and Hitler if this technology succeeds in superceding the restraints of what we have come to understand as the limitations on power that all constitutional law provides along with the forces that are supposed to protect and serve, but mostly the lying sinister fakes of the media who promise endlessly that the fight to make America as open and free as it's supposed to be is something they truly care for and are fighting for as if it's their one and only true life goal. They really are fighting for a Totalitarian Communist death squad state where any insult or anything said by someone not part of their entitlement pig-ape cartel will be murdered--through all the means of torture, poisoning, accident or other forms of covert assassination that they now have in possession and are constantly implementing and dis0pensing they are more emboldened daily.
More and more and more and more of these sick and dirty vile parasites come to latch on forever to attacking me every single day it's an increase. I fight to get all the sleazy ugly dirty creeps I have been fighting for my life to stop making me old, sucking my life out, poisoning and abusing me literally non-stop (to death, but just keeping me alive so I am rotting and becoming absolutely destroyed slowly until they can suck a baby out, the culmination of this "experiment" on me and the real experiment is in turning these rotten white little boy dirty dinosaur "men" into fascist "give me, I want" grabbing stupid dirty fascist murdering "entitlement' scumbags who have no soul, no heart and this is what America currently really is on almost all levels. The death squads have been very slowly killing off the best, as Prince is surely on a level creatively so far superior to all the crap people combined who have assaulted me for the past 13 years out of Whorewood--now under Biden, endless MSNBC and Democrats along with the ultra-fascist Nazi bigot Karens of the Republican Party and there is truly no difference--in fact, the Democrats are the more violent and disgusting than the openly fascist Republican bigots.
"America". Prince. November 9, 2014.
All I can do is hope that in some way, both Biden and Trump will never reach any ballot for president and that somehow they are both excluded either due to old age or other causes. That will not solve the problem but the sickness of the people around them, who are basically one-and-the-same power cartel monopoly just playing roles for media oppositional purposes--
sick, disgusting, the violence combined with racism, or is it simply pure antisemitism yet however I have never been a part of the Jewish diaspora, nor the religion and thought I was an American citizen first and not an excluded target for a genocidal witch hunt for anyone not conforming to the cliches and stereotypes the bigots rely upon for automatic assumption of their racist entitlement. In other words, I was told all my life about this thing called "The American Dream" and the media icons who "made it" have joined into violently assault me claiming that they only want black girls to have any chance (only if they follow in the footsteps of all the black Nazis of the 4th Reich and that is only if...).
Thusly, MSNBC has a Black female president and a few other minorities in order to appear as open-minded--or not racist or appealing to the vast spectrum of the American demographic spread. Yet the one Jew, who was one of the first to attack me, but only after the very nasty hateful glaring of hate from the "lesbian" (I have met many an extremely violently racist lesbian, so there is nothing "alternative" really about just having sex with a same-gender).
but the Jewish one only talks about Black rappers in his monologues, and the white supremacist I listened to because he didn't add as many quirky jokes as the rest and was more focused on the legal aspects--and the situation of Trump NEVER being indicted for years, and now convictions appear to have been timed so by the time this process nears any kind of fruition of a time-table, Trump can simply get out of the firing line because of various loopholes that have just been handed to him.
But I listened, and I finally realized that this filthy ugly dirty old man is fully in line (I realized this last night) with the rest of the filth ugly dirty pig ape rapists, bigots, Nazis and prostitutes of this shit organization who teleport me. It is disgusting how absolutely racist, abusive, sick, stupid, dirty and vile they truly are. Human rights have no meaning and their dehumanization of me and the negation of every single Constitutional and legal right has been like a platform they all joke and claim I have no rights as they violate me constantly. My body is wracked now with scars and huge bulging poison and most of my hair has been so badly chemically destroyed it's mostly bald and my body hangs like sagging bags of cellulite under the hard poisons and the various layers of poison that are various degrees of liquidity or semi-hard blogs literally cemented into my flesh and hardened into my entire bone structure.
And the absolute endless violence from filthy ugly white pig ape piece of shit men and their dirty and shit women is unbelievable in the hate and violence they are non-stop, daily inflicting upon me.
AS the election nears, they are in a frenzy of hate and violence at me because they are demanding me to submit to being tortured raped poisoned beaten my ideas stolen so their blonde nazi whore piece of shit "women" can steal the ideas I write endlessly about the sexism adn the racism they all embody--
I have not even begun to write about the racism of the blacks in Whorewood yet as a theme, and they will never put that theme into a movie. No, Blacks have to be represented as pristine victims in each and every circumstance and always the pitiful underdogs who are just pure and wonderfully kind and loving and caring.
Trump has to have me slowly beaten to death so he can constantly use me as his stepping stone for his obvious fascism; while Biden is really the same thing but has concealed his filth and vile personality traits very well under well-practiced rhetoric about how much he cares about the underdog, while the "underdog" demographic is now dying in the streets and being killed by cops and etc, and the filth connected to Biden is as violent as any fascist Nazi, and I just experienced it once again--with the "punk" band who made some statement which *I commented on only because of the concept of freedom of speech--endless yelling, calling me bitch
and before that, a pig=looking white male from a tv series that I watched and he and an ENglish piece of shit bigot Nazi came to abuse, call me a whore, trying to have sex with me as I said no--but they are being paid to try to force sex on me and I am fighting for my life endlessly and screaming no constantly and have been for over 12 years to one rotten filthy creep after the next--being beaten, raped and poisoned with stinking filthy poison non-stop for decades adn the shit profiting off this teleportation have not stopped slowly murdering me and they are increasing the violence.
They demand a baby out of me so some rotten ugly piece of pig shit and his filthy dirty Nazi shit wife can profit with their shit children out of this contract. I pray for their deaths by now and my posts have only reached more ugly rotten white dinosaur shit men who are connected to Biden, who obviously is an extremely violent fascist Bigot of a most rotten variety. His obsession with putting Black Nazis in power in order to appear not racist is disgusting and I have to see it and I have been seeing it before I ever realized that the problem was not really the antisemitism of Obama and his grabbing wife who have profited as well off this contract on me, but the real ugliness and incompetence behind Obama has always been Biden but he was so obscured behind the shiny glow of the appeal of Obama.
Now we can see that with the same basic structure and administration what failures the Bidens bring and their architecture, so protecting Trump but making a huge farce about "Justice" and thusly the role of crap like MSNBC which also follows in this same Biden-esque and "The Squad" formula with Elizabeth Warren being the one who created that farce of "equity, diversity" and whatever else--with absolute racism behind each and every single one of these pretenders and the minorities are fully acclimated into the programming of racism Nazi white supremacy and play their roles very well, indeed.
It is now extremely, to nearly impossible to type this out. That means that this post will be extremely hacked/rewritten/redacted and I won't be able to endlessly go back and rewrite so it will be a discrediting situation once more.
Behind all the glorified "minority" activists and leaders who are prominent, even in MSNBC, is a most deceptive lying fascist bigot and I would say they are all dinosaurs except that the eggs that they lay are hatching next and next generations as they devour the alternative to their death cult of a dying paradigm of death and hate. Thusly, it is nearly impossible to find, in Whorewood, anything but a dinosaur legacy of rapist most racist scumbag shit creeps and filthy dirty prostituted rape cheerleaders who are all so extremely racist that this really is a lynch mob with black supporters just dying to have the lynch mobs focused on Jews rather than Blacks. The greed, hate and sickness and stupidity as if there were no awareness of the human condition permeates the entire ranks of this most rank group.
I am being made old and am being murdered from this. So far there are only the most foul and disgusting people observing what is going on and hacking their bs into my youtube channel perpetually.
My brain was forced into a "Karen" ranting mode--literally as the keyboard was blocked from operation and my brain was deluged with blocks to calm rationality.
This famous person on MSNBC, who obviously has much experience in jurisprudence, teleported me and angrily demanded that I apologize for calling him a dino. I told him sorry but he was obviously hacking into my laptop and participating in a crime against me. That began his physical violence against me after I apologized, nicely and calmly because I really had no idea what his role was or has been, only that I ascertained the truth about him and wrote about it because of the endless hacking into my youtube channel by people like him, who are participants in rape, torture and defend this situation and then participate when and if they get the chance.
After this happened, before I was asleep last night, in the morning he was there with the crowd of people who have been murdering me via poisoning and rape and beatings and non-stop mutilation and torture for OVER A DECADE. This MSNBC anchor not only fully participates but has joined into this injustice and he kept slapping and hitting me, but done in a way so I could not see what was happening I just saw a hand almost instantly hit me (for writing after at least 2 years of him hacking into my internet, seeing me fighting and begging for my life for poisoning to stop, then participating like the rest of MSNBC, politicians, and of course so many connected to Biden, and the rest connected to Trump and they interchange their roles and affiliations and they don't care because they are more protected than any politician if they are in media exposure spotlight.
He then went on and on attacking me until I finally had to defend myself as he pulled a gun. I had to get it away from him and I finally got to the point of rage and hate, which is what they all are striving for EVERY SINGLE DAY is to abuse and beat and insult me with "bitch" and "whore" and violence and hate just endlessly inflicted upon me while I can't turn away physically in this teleported state, nor can I just "ignore" them or walk way. They are constantly in myu inner ear as a form of TORTURE that should be against every criminal law and a version of crimes against humanity held at the international criminal Court in the Hague (sorry for all the spelling mishaps but I am struggling to pound every single letter so I could not get the capital key to work when I was writing about the official names).
It wasn't just immaturity it was something like more parasitic filth coming to get a promotion and get patted and invited to the White House by Biden for the violence upon me. Understanding this, that years of Obama and Hillary whereby the abuse against me was so staggering, and then it's been just slow death under Trump with outright murder attempts, and then under Biden it's been a revolving circus of shit personalities like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, the Democrat fascist bigot Nazis and now this white cracker trash from MSNBC with his very erudite presentations for his lectures on equality and how racism is wrong, and fully in a fascist disgusting display of archaic patriarchical rape culture antisemitism fascism endorsing over a decade of torture, rape and abuse. it is why I wrote that he was a "dino" in the first place, as I knew intuitively what he was, but really gave him far too much credit for having any semblance of decency or humanitarian concern.
But I apologized twice, which I have never done for any of the other pig apes because I thought this was an intelligent person. The way he looked was like a Halloween skeleton for some Disney ride in a haunted house as he kept abusing me with the dumb scum jerk-off from the punk band, the endless latching on of this Latvia bigot crap trash filth so exalted for his swirling twirling but now he's so rotten and decrepit in his old age of monetary excess and is a lying KGB scumbag
and they all violently attack me now under directive from either Trump or Biden or both simultaneously--as i think both are tied to trying to obtain this contract from abusing me into submission but really murdering me ultimately.
I can only hope and pray that they will both be destroyed and that America will one day have something much higher on every level than an endless rotation of lying sinister fakes who feign concern for human rights but really are violent rapist and hateful disgusting bigots and pretenders who are working for graft, and really for the ultimate demise of the United States and a total fascist Nazi takeover in what is obviously a version of the 4th Reich out of the Nazi playbook (but created much, much earlier than the Nazi 3rd Reich iteration).
Poor, poor America to be beset with such filth and lying dirty shit and I have had to be witness to this stinking filth for so long.
(Hacking is awful, they will be absolutely rewriting and destroying what I have written thus far--I corrected 98% of all the typos hacks but I know once I publish most of this will be rewritten to sound absurd and unintelligible).