Monday, December 25, 2023

Terrorist theft of expensive items I put in a specific place now gone--but where there before I went out shopping. These are very expensive (for me) healing supplements that are very necessary to my healing but very expensive. I usually put all the items I ingest into my backpack and carry them around but the load I have to carry from all these items is so heavy by now that I keep them wrapped in original packaging in a very certain area. They were there before I left; they are completely gone. STOLEN from my room by the pig ape minions ordered by the pig ape celebrities and politicians to take whatever they want which is expensive, to destroy what I make by hand that is beautiful, to make my home stinking broken down and filthy and kill plant, animals I love, and then torture me on a 24/7 basis with remote tech and microchip implant interface technologies. Then I am tortured non-stop by the celebrities and political personalities who use the teleportation for as much as they can dump their hate and stupidity and violence upon me and then steal ideas which I scream at them after saying and then screaming "go away" in repetition until my barriers are broken by their endless torture strategies of breaking me down--they never stop the insults and the attacks with this inaudible cochlear technology and I can "see" them in every direction I turn with the teleportation hell they force upon me. Finally I scream in hate and disgust all the critical analysis I have of them which they then threaten to kill me for having said and they use that as justification for violence and torture of me. Then they steal whatever they can to use on their plantforms of bs to pursue the "compassionate" image as another prong in the huge deception for genocide in particular against the "Jews". They classify me in every hate cliche possible although I am nothing like what they want to force me into. It goes on and on--and also,

 THEY truly are the cliches that they are pouring upon me in order to justify endless slow poisoning and torture to death.

Meanwhile, they have their Europigape filth and shit come into my room and STEAL supplements that cost something like $20 for their own purposes while I must reorder them and carry them around in a huge backpack with everything else I ingest from cooking oil which I can't afford to just throw away if I am going out to shop, to all supplements that are always increasing as I fight to find ways to heal from the persistent murder of poisoning that this group has endlessly inflicted upon me. They are ordering their filth brigades, and in particular, the white Nazi pig apes controlling their brown and black minions--to just steal whatever they want if it's new and not tainted for their filthy consumption and my loss--along with loss of access to internet so I can't earn any money online and I certainly am too ill from the non-stop poisoning to work or do anything but sit here fighting to shit out black, hard poison that is endlessly latched into every part of my body, literally--as they keep poisoning me as well non-stop to murder me, taking away the healing modalities I spent my subpoverty income to try to fight against

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