Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Terrorists are killing more plants I have grown from seed. They are so limp from poisons sprayed on them they are like noodles and must be propped up on the edge of the flower pot. This is an endless year-long series of killing all plants I grow from seed, as they begin to grow they are killed slowly. One-by-one. Endlessly. May the people doing this to me and ordering this likewise die slow horrible deaths. They also have stolen my cat who is dying slowly while they use her as bait to get me to be forced into some kind of sex slave trafficking bs ordeal where they continue to destroy my health and body and life and home and then suck a "baby" out of me after having severed out part of my uterus and torturing me to the point that I find them sickening and disgusting subhuman bs and wish them death every day.

 "Evil Satan", Acid King.  March 17, 2015.

Please note for all you "sensitive" abusers out there using any and all justifications to mislabel me as "the problem" and not your organization or your "friends" you are always shouting that youa re defending after they have been poisoning and stealing my concepts and abusing and raping and beating in teleportation and hundreds of thousands of creeps stalking me just in the 12 years of the violence of your "friends"--when I say I pray for their slow deaths, this is after they KILLED animals (under order and performed by their proxy minions in my local terrorist chapters of your global operation)

I adopted other animals even a frog that lived on my front porch (in another place) which was beaten to death, the cat was killed horribly with it's spine broken and leukemia injected into it's neck so it died slowly. When I tried to save it by driving to a vet on my motorbike while t his beautiful cat I had grown from a kitten was paralyzed and had been left dying on my front porch, under orders by the pitt gang--trucks with hand-painted splash-guards with paintings across the back wheels of pitt and Robert Redford--wearing cowboy hats and brandishing guns pointing directly into my face because the trucks had been raised at a level so the back, hand-painted splash guards for the rear wheels of these huge 12-18 wheelers on the small roads of Phuket would suddenly veer into my path directly in front of me. This was done right after I had tried to save this most beautiful cat from death and the charity vet organization tortured the cat and literally painted his tail while he was dying in a little filthy cage as I begged for a vet. They refused me help, I had to drive the dying cat to another vet where I was surrounded by terrorists who sent their children to bang on the vet windows while my beautiful cat I adopted as a tiny kitten (the mother had been shot on my front porch, the sister kitten had an eye gouged out) and etc.

My beautiful cat La Moux was just tortured recently and was clinging to my legs with her claws in utter terror which I have never seen of her in my life of loving her with every single bit of affection any animal could possibly ever obtain. The shit Baryishnikov had her tortured to this point after I wrote a post about how the German shit band from Berlin which had assaulted me then, after obtaining it's tour due to having attacked me, then beat and raped their groupies backstage and news articles were made around Europe about this black energy cock rock Nazi band. I only used one of t heir songs for a video to try to get rid of pitt who by that time had part of my uterus severed out when I said no during the first few years of the endless hell and torture of him and his nasty women around him--

and so, for one year Baryishnikov has been "helping" me by having me poisoned and tortured and obtaining for his blonde Nazi brood of "friends" and Nazi partners and spouses as many rewards as possible while having my plants killed. 

So I write this death wish because they have endlessly threatened to kill me and supplemented that threat with actual murder operations of poisoning me to death non-stop for over 12 years of endlessly stealing ideas from me. The Klaus Barbie movie is the latest example of the Nazi ideation of my ideas about feminist and Nazi barbie influence and b rainwashing turned into a multi-billion dollar enterprise with endless funding from the 4th Reich, as this group has obtained for all these years after they torture me their projects get funded from THE IDEAS THEY STEAL FROM ME. 

Not only do they give NOTHING but mutilation and slow murder but they are killing my cat if she is not dead already from the black and negative energy of Baryishnikov and his nasty group as she wastes away post 20+ years old waiting forever for me to return and love her again--as she is my spiritual child. The pig ape pieces of sick and dirty stupid sleazy shit are just going on and on destroying what little I have and killing all things that are beautiful that I grow and love.

Won't anyone ever stop this and have my cat returned alive and me living in a place that is not made stinking and foul by stinking foul "demonic" scumbags who you all see as performing antics that are supposed to convey a beauty of spirit and intellectual and moral prowess but instead it's like ploughs of lead digging gigantic holes of moral decay and death with the outer trappings of ideas that they have borrowed for their burrowing graves they are digging anyone they can drag down into. 

the more people they can teleport the more they will dump their endless hate and ugliness out upon. Still, no one appears to be concerned they are allowed to continue indefinitely endlessly attacking me with murder and death and hate and violence and abuse and my ideas they are being championed for as if they are intellectual original types of people while I am lambasted for not obeying and outperforming these dead empty black hole "celebrities" you all are "friends" with you all shout at me as you all join in to also get your "ultraviolence" and parasitic leeching exploitation scams out of and then promoted for it.

What's creepy is that the many politicians who are fully supporting torture, rape and this kind of endless death teleportation skit and abuse and mutilation contract upon me for NO REASON except that it turns them on, they can steal ideas and block my access to having anything unless I am some slave for their endless promotion while they are stealing MY IDEAS for over 12 years non-stop and then killing animals only because I am taking care of them and loving them.

the sleazy dirty foul black spirit entities who are all your "good friends" you adore, are fully supported by the politicians crying "evil" against the "other" side of the aisle, who use terms like "fascist" and "dictatorial" as their denotations of implying "evil" against the other, and both sides are doing the same things to me and fully supporting EVIL. 

Evil, sleazy dirty sick foul parasitic black hole entities disguised as celebrities sucking everything down along with them in a formulaic death system they all willingly embrace used as an incentive-based tiered system of monopolizing everything from those who foster genocide and have for centuries in foreign countries and continents, fully buying out the United States and turning it into a despotic feudal serf and aristocrat state of empty sleazy and disgusting meaningless life-sucking parasites being put into lead position. The technology is lowering he standards of humanity. You are all beguiled by the ideas they crank out stolen from my writings and leave me begging endlessly for my life and to not be poisoned abused raped teleported to violence after these pieces of crap steal my ideas and then kill and poison me in return with non-stop torture for years and years and years and years while you all sit back watching it unfold.


For the third day in a row I have literally "passed out" from detox because I am using a new form of exercise (based on Martial Arts) and the poisons are coming out of the pockets of hard shells that keep the stagnating rotting mind control and hardening poisons latched into my body, frozen and coagulating and rotting and killing ne while the frenzy for abusing me to death using this teleportation and voice-to-skull hell technology continues every day for hours and hours with violence and people rushing at me with knives and fists hitting into my face and people raping me as the bigot who stole my idea about feminist Barbie feels gratified because I wrote of the over SIX YEARS of that stupid and ugly sick skank piece of filth from Australian joining with pitt and his rotten spouses to endlessly obtain million dollar funding from the 4th Reich to take MY IDEAS and turn them into huge absolutely funded projects and then automatic nominations to the Golden Globes and beyond (especially to Cannes where all the really nasty fascist Nazis reside for their social Nazi 4th Reich engineering in the lavish halls of the money they stole from all the millions of victims throughout history, the latest Holocaust being one of the most lucrative for the sleazy and dirty parasitic pig ape contagion that they are.

Baryishnikov has latched on like a dying parasite with his most foul wife and friends, blondish bigots who gang raped me with sneering looks of hate and stupidity as I was dazed, performing acts of pornography while in a sleeping teleportated state under the hypnosis that I was "in love" as artificial emotions were forced into my brain by the microchip implant. I finally began to defend myself and also he, like all the rest of the shit attacking me perpetually has a dirty nasty blondish spawn that must obtain instant gratification nepotism entitlement because the filthy dirty sleazy ugly father is raping me using mind control technology and torture apparatus that is endlessly being promoted so Elon Musk can hand this out to the many prongs of the 4th Reich throughout the world. The portable torture technologies that are used against me in just the shopping malls is seriously deadly and this has been something ubiquitously meted out by the people put into power positions--much longer than when Trump merely was handed his power exploitation "throne" after having raped and beaten me for the gratitude of Depp's former wife after years of her and Depp both torturing and Depp raping me non-stop as they obtained their awards endlessly--then partnering with Elon Musk and that was the beginning of his ascent to world nomination to controlling this death technology. 

But today I collapsed for the third day in a row because I am reaching into toxic pockets of poison accessing meridians of stagnant toxins that have been put in my body by the people I am writinga bout in this post and many others long before them.

While in this deep sickness state, I was assaulted by what I was told was Baryishnikov, trying to do some karate kick into my head just upon me waking in the deep sleep teleportation state. I tried to defend myself. I am not even sure if it was him but I really tried to destroy him while I was in that state from sheer putrefaction of hate congealed in pockets of disgust in my psyche and he's still there killing my plants keeping my cat and teleporting me like a desperate parasite to continue to obtain endless front center attention by a host of greedy sleazy women who are even part of the "New Age" movement all cheery and positive skank lying Nazi bigot black hole whores.


Telling him, screaming at "them" the group endlessly sitting there trying to suck my life out of me all my ideas which they torture to obtain every single day

screaming I wish them death calling them shit screaming I fucking wish them death every day to get the fuck off me--every single time they teleport me which is every single day.

The empty black hole whores clutching grabbing torturing and stealing ideas because only "blonde" bigots are "supposed" to be considered as having the best ideas and having the highest spiritual and economic value and a few outliers allowed in the 4th Reich confines of the gated communities for a sales pitch for a snake oil cesspool black hole whoredom out of Whorewood.


Autorcatic despotism

whatever you want to call it, it stinks by any other name.

My plants are being killed for screaming in honest truth serum effect rage while teleported, and it would be the same if I weren't poisoned as by now the retching disgust I have for this group is so extreme from day after night after afternoon after morning of mourning the loss of all I have worked for and loved which they steal and then kill off. Screaming I cant' stand them every single day. They mutilate and torture for me saying NO endlessly while I see them endlessly being awarded for the ideas they stole from the endless torture sessions of information extraction and stealing verbatim what I have written, as maggot robber is now credited with this Klaus Barbie social engineering "feminist" movie. and the rest have been doing the same thing year-after-year since 2013 and the real power behind them is The English Crown which has their minions doing the same to me who handed the contract to the English-connected skanks and spawn from those countries. Yet America claims they "want to make America Great Again" and continue to nearly idolize the filth that is really a puppetry from a very evil Imperialist genocidal institution out of Europigapeland--millennium of their armies going to rape and plunder and then continuing in that tradition using the image of Christ to do the same.

Now it's movies that is the new Imperialist religion and for over 12 years     M Y IDEAS have helped black empty meaningless filth hateful black hole parasites to be projected as having creative concepts but all is turned into an evil enterprise of social engineering for more converts to the religion of Nazi Imperialism in teh 4th Reich plantation holocaust genocidal regime making "America Great Again" and "fighting for Democracy" at the same time--two sides of the same bs snake oil sales pitch.


Indeed: Nancy Pelosi sitting next to S-Negger two times in a row, one week each apiece before the 2nd & 3rd Covid Stimulus Bills were passed or the relief packages sent to every American--but funding for the California wealthy was diverted by Pelosi who first threatened to chop off my foot, next to S-negger whom I had said NO to after his insulting introduction to raping and abusing and exploiting me so his son and himself could obtain endless awards and deals and documentaries and book deals--which they got without my compliance. Threatening me the second time with absolute violent hate and death in her ugly sinister voice which is so opposite the Whorwood-trained saccharine carcinogenic voice she uses for cameras blathering about democracy and The American People--but every time getting packages and deals out of the Covid Relief money that was supposed to help those in need--as more and more people became homeless Pelosi obtained a luxury swimming pool for her wealthy constituents in a luxury gated community in California.

That is one tiny example, but I write of the "evil" that persists despite all the shock of how Trump is building a dictatorship and most of America wants him to reign and rule. The death squads who attacked me all my life, even if they are not personally voting for Trump they fully are thrilled about that policy of a death squad culture and a racist fascist Nazi dictatorship with many minorities playing key roles in lead position but complying with the divide and conquer strategy.

But meanwhile, the electronic electromagnetic weapons that are being developed by the likes of Musk who has participated in murder attempts of me for trying to get Depp and Heard off me after YEARS of their rape and violence (Depp raped, Heard was kind enough to try a bisexual thing which I rejected and they called me homophobic because I said I am not prone to lesbian encounters and in my sleep state I was creeped out by lesbian sex--sorry, I'm not gay goddamn but I have absolutely no problem with gay culture and am against all the anti LGBTQ hate in the world).

Still, they had to label me as a homophobe for a few years. And that is how this group operates they use any lie to distort my image.

Meanwhile, I am sick and my patio is filthy, the plants that were growing are now sagging and dying. Baryishnikov is a very violent and sinister man. He is NOT Russian he is Latvian. He says he is Russian but the violence he conceals comes from his Latvian roots. The genocide of Jews in Latvia is documented and most brutal. He has remnants of that instilled in his vile personality structure of violence towards me that is coming to the fore more and more as he has access to torture technologies and this minion proxy terror death squad system. I fight every day and he orders the minions to kill my plants and to poison me while he claims and yells in fascist violence at me that he is "helping" me by telling me to hold my shoulders back and to not hunch over. I tell him constantly that I have hard poisons literally latched into every vertebrae and it is impossible for me to do anything like standing straight at this point. He tells me "How can you have let your body go to this hell?" basically blaming me and shaming me. I tell him at least 5 times a week about the things his "friends" sitting next to him in the rows of hate chairs have been doing to me. It's as if I have never told him and he keeps blaming me and torturing me for saying no to this group. His endless promotion is at stake as well as his family who probably can't succeed without this contract and a hierarchical entitlement Nazi structure to bolster them. He has forced a LOT of violence upon me but nothing like the pitt team. 

As for maggot robber with Dumb Whorren MIrrage out of London also performing for the Klaus Barbie Movie--she has had groups of men coming to beat and rape me in waves of violence after I realized that she has been absolutely involved in stealing my ideas and participating in the slow torture-to-death and theft of my ideas and poisoning and rape. Has profitted off it non-stop for over 6 years along with Pitt and his spouses who all get endless prizes for this torture and rape and mutilation poisoning murder contract. The waves of expletives include, as I have written for years, politicians like the Newest speaker of the house who has condemned me as being "evil" and a "whore" while he champions the sluts and skank shores who are glamrorized for strutting their stuff in front of the cameras like porno stars while stealing my ideas to incorporate pornographic imagery with my feminist studies I actually recalled from the sickness II have encountered from this group, proving so much of feminist theory. Since July when the Klaus Barbie movie came out this filthy ugly dirty parasite who has obtained her own studio has been handed millions by participating in this violent Nazi 4th Reich most racist crime has had English pig ape pieces of shit come to rape and beat and threaten to kill me as she watches on gratified as the American Nazi speaker of the house rapes and threatenes to kill me putting dead people buried in shallow graves directly into my face while I'm in a deep sleep teleportation state, for example the list is pretty long. They have converged to assault me in brutality to defend Nazi blonde bigot ugly sick shit like maggot robber and also dumb whorren mirrage, all plants of the English Crown which the shit of Whorewood absolutely hangs onto because they obtain mansions in Camden Town or wherever as an exchange program. 

I implore people to begin to reconsider absolutely supporting this group and this organization. They have technologies that can kill people with heart attacks--the portable "non-lethal" microwave weapons that they use against me are so small they can be packed in purses or backpacks. Remotely operated to inflict damage and brain-altering numbness so the target can't count or think as the parasites surround and abuse, steal and destroy the target but seemingly it's all done in public appearing like a normal crowded atmosphere and the target appears like the "crazy" one laughing like Kamala Harris at inappropriate moments and/or reacting in utter crazed rage and going berserk like so many of the mass shooters who are causing breakdown of society.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...