Friday, December 15, 2023

**This is more about The Nation of Islam than dirty nasty "Candy" but...Dear Ben Shapiro, please follow through with your awareness of what a rotten piece of Nazi eye candy this creep you just exposed for her racism--and look to her father figure from the plantation hate system disguised as "angry righteous on the side of the highest almighty with every justification for violence due to the endless victim status and now the focus shifts from white supremacists to Jews--dear Ben, follow through with ACTION and not just talk--- (finally realized) and take action to get this fascist black nazi OUT of all platforms (and anything else possible as she is a genocidal black bigot with a mandate handed to her by her plantation masters to violently assault Jews. Most importantly is her uncle tom leader Farrakhan who uses 60's inflammatory victim narrative endlessly with extreme hate thrown at Jews, essentially to kill Jews as much as possible that is underneath the cesspool of this filthy piece of shit Farrakhan. Much beloved as well by the 4th Reich, and Farrakhan is working with Muslim terrorists I have no doubt and probably has connections to terror cells. He urges violence against me as often as possible and has grilled me on racism as if I am a racist needing his filthy stupid instruction when he is the racist in need of "woke" instruction against his money planform for which he plays a black Nazi for the white supremacists of building a huge coalition against Jews so Blacks can have a group to abuse for favoritism of white supremacy and the Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich. Include sick and disgusting Oprah into that mix--dear Ben Shapiro with all your contact and of course no help to me from you, but you have the opportunity to defend your most cherished Jewish community which has always attacked me for it's own favoritism for Nazi inclusion in the gated communities and being welcomed into the fascist Nazi political arena): Assaulted by a "not a victim of racism" MAGA black Nazi in teleportation sleep. She is famous and Ben Shapiro had stated publicly regarding his former "friend" from his show Wired, that she should drop out of the business. Instead, she has joined in with the Nazi throng and came at me with fists rushing at me when I was just "woken" into a "waking" state while in a deep sleep, teleported and within an instant I had to move to defend myself. I am by now so used to these pig ape pieces of shit putting dead people, pushing at me, hitting me, etc when I am just "woken" in the deep, hypnosis sleep state that my brain-memory was able to respond as the "shock" has worn off because this happens EVERY SINGLE NIGHT with this pile of stinking toxins out of Whorewood and their political funding and comingling sepsis cesspool conspirators in Congress and their "Dark Money" funders.

"Ben Shapiro DARES Candice Owens To Quit Daily Wire". The Majority Alert w/Sam Seder. November 17, 2023.

"Here's what they think of you" dirty Candy, at least "they" in the black community also part of the 4th Reich glorification of Nazi actors and their movies, but NEVERTHELESS they cannot disguise their disgust at your bs, Candy you nasty sleazy dirty thing posing as a "clean" white Christian do-gooder not a victim skank prostituted aunt jemima along with violent and racist antisemite uncle tom Farrakhan. Someone needs to finally get this bigot hate-speech racist Nazi also off his platform, but he is participating with the white supremacists of Whorewood and bringing more "death to Jews' blacks into his platform and his platform now includes dirty stupid vile candy the piece of shit white supremacists hand out to the little children longing for inclusion in the aunt jemima and uncle tom warm and safe confines of the plantation system which they all cow-tow to.


She was not dissimilar to a rotten piece of Candy, stale and ugly and befouled by lies, corruption and false piety of her position.
Ben Shapiro, finally seeing through the facade of her "Conservative" agenda of Blacks rising to power via the cesspool duct in the sewage line of minority minion ascension into power via cowtowing to Nazi iconography and by hating Jews, point blank. So without reservation or any words so I had no idea what "excuse" she was going to use to assault me, it was just racism and violence and no argument or reason.

I am not sure, I wrote about having lived in the Black part of Gainesville and a bit about the South. She pasted all these "shorts" on my YouTube channel. I should have known better from years of this same stinking protocol system of pig apes hacking their shitty videos of themselves on my channel or trailers of their upcoming movies. I am always in a "drugged" mind control state under undo technological effect which none of you reading this outside of Elon Musk fully comprehends or knows about. The pig ape celebrities have some slight idea but mostly they only want the effect and then to blame me for having reacted to brain-altering electro-magnetic instruments designed to impinge on brain funcion and insert discrediting or "behavior modification" statements or actions on my part--but blaming me for them
Anyway, This stale and rotten Candy piece of pig apeness hacked something about poor little black children not able to read and that "it's not a joke". I looked at it. Had nothing racist to say ever in any of my posts regarding the Black part of town, only that it was really depressed and economically sinking with only a tiny convenience store with a few vegetables and mostly processed foods to buy food in, and the other stores were miles in either direction and one must either take  a bus and wait for hours or drive have a car. 

But I wrote, as anyone monitoring this situation knows, a post about the usual maggot parasite robber and the endless YEARS of her assault upon me. Like Jet Li, and the "IP Man" and many of the most famous Chinese and asian martial arts actors in the world, all came to get the opening to movie franchise opportunity, along with Farrakhan and his group, and the list is non-stop (including a "Jewish" women who is good friends with Oprha, I wrote about her yesterday but her name is completely blanked out of my brain right now, probably because I don't want her name in my memory any longer--a comedian, she claims she is a "targeted individual" but she has partnered with Cathy O'Brien in a video they hacked onto my YouTube where this obnoxious woman was making a very obvious "gang stalking" terrorist triggering motion very obviously of constantly swiping her nose in a gesture that you can see on that famous Himmler video talking to the Jewish prisoner behind the wired fence with a group of Jews to be carted away--this has become a symbol replicated endlessly from all the brown and black Nazi minions like stale and rotten "Candy", the piece that the white Nazi supremacists love to shove as part of their platform for Blacks who are not claiming they are "victims" of racism, but rather VICTIMIZERS of racism along with their KKK Nazi "friends".

But that is a list of just the PAST WEEK as the feeding frenzy has been at a constant of non-stop parasites coming to join with the English Crown next blonde Nazi skank who they want to put into power and control over Whorewood, which I wrote of yesterday--who has been participating in mutilating and torturing and poisoning but STEALING my concepts as they all have.

Right next to pig pitt and shitalina, but her inclusion is most offensive to me for the reason that this is a most vile and stupid ugly and sinister person obviously with a huge fascist violent streak, more psychopathic than just mere exploitative--and for something as sinister and racist and rotten as this to be given access into American power structure via dumb scum rotten Whorewood is too much for me. 

So Candy came at me without speaking just right into my face upon the "waking" state while I was teleported, under hypnosis and in a deep sleep state. I defended myself and tried to kill her in any way I could. That was my one and only goal at that moment. I try to kill them if I can in teleportation which is impossible because the pig apes pull me off the pieces of shit before I can do any serious damage, and even before I can kick them in the face while they are sitting in those rows. It is very unfortunate but better than sitting there without being able to move--which is what they do most of the time I think they have me in restraints or they "hypnotize" me not to move or fight. But she came at me without any dialogue and without me having had any situation with her beforehand except that I responded in some way to one of her self-righteous posts about how she is no victim of racism, she was taught--as Michelle Obama is apt to state about how clean and right and perfectly moral she and her children are (but they have happily participated in this contract to gain access to book publications and movie slots for writing and etc for all these years and have fully backed this situation, along with the antisemitic congregation that Obama had attended along with Michelle and little spawn who have fully profited off being virulent racists when it comes to me--but always with a picture-perfect smile about how they rose up despite racism to achieve a public standing without falling victim to self-pity).

Ben Shapiro had said that when rotten dirty "Candy" spoke out "for Palestine" or "against Israel" he saw that she was an antisemite and criticized her and this caused a mini storm in the MAGA and conservative little pocket of the larger hypocritical cesspool of self-righteous lying bigotry and monopolizing power that this organization stands for (and that includes the "woke liberals" they castigate  but in teleportation are their "friends").
What Ben Shapiro did not recognize is what a disgusting antisemite dirty nasty Candy is, and if he did recognize it, he sanitized it with his rambling coherent correctness in analytical clear-thinking which completely bypassed the utter hate and despicable hypocritical Nazi Black inclusion that she truly is a part of, including "Muslim" Farrakhan who partners with people like her and probably instructed her to try to violently assault me as he did with dirty and foul most disgusting and crusty Whoopie with violence against me--so all the black Nazis could get a huge piece of this shit matrix that the 4th Reich white Nazi supremacists are now handing out to the blacks who help them further the ambitions of the 3rd Reich, and now that Blacks, so many, are fully in line with Nazi antisemitism and violent assault upon Jews, with Farrkhan and a host of black Nazis in the media and in entertainment along with them, they are handed more prizes by the parasite maggot and her London benefactors like Dumb Whorren Mirrage who also played in the barbie movie and has been at the forefront of attacking me and stealing my ideas since 2013, when Moynihan, the "art" thief whose father was one of the Royals Painters for personal portraits and they were ever since invited to lavish Crown parties and I was forced to meet him when I was given a "bedsit" in London across the street from him. His future wife is the daughter of the director of the movie Deliverance (and The Exorcist, one of the latter productions) and thusly at the time when the author of Deliverance, James Dickey, was hosting his writer's seminars in Atlanta because of his new fame from Deliverance, my step-father the peace activist and poet, was invited and there IS a connection between that partnership of my step father and this Danny Moynihan and the English crown situation and dumb whorren mirrage was handed access to rape and torture of me and mutilation and poisoning and has been handed this contract of Barbie where she plays a role, with the parasite Maggot from Australia and in England the Australians have a firm place due to their Commonwealth Status and I believe they don't need to go through many hoops of Visa requirements to live and work in London as adjuncts to The Crown and as colonies.

It is all connected. But the Blacks are now following the instruction of rotten and most disgusting Farrakhan who has spent months trying to force this label on me as I am some Jewish racist firmly against blacks and that was due to calling rotten Oprah a Black Nazi in reality but I called her a slave Aunt Jemima and her participation in this crime which she has been fully awarded for, and has helped to insert the black wife of the English son of the Monarch into Whorewood for her 'victim" interview of Megan, just another American Black Nazi using this victim platform to get access to H-wood whereas she was a flop before her elevated status. The Monarchy in turn is thrilled that through this poor victim black woman ploy, they can more easily gain access through Aunt Jemima-Oprah and with rotten Candice Owens and dirty filthy racist Farrakhan a most vile and seemingly stupid ignorant bigot bogus with his pretenses and stolen ideas from Malcolm X and the other real activists I believe he helped kill off so he could usurp their platform and turn actual concern about ending racism into hating Jews and being awarded as partners into the 4th Reich.
Thusly, Candice Owens, because I said in my post after the druggy mind control reaction to her blathering, as i have never cared about her, saw her smug psychopathic creaseless face and thought that she was a hypocrite and kind of a plant into the plantation as well, but what a violent nasty creep and without any justification other than I wrote that the Black part of town was depressed economically and I moved away there was no decent transportation and it was a nasty and dirty place in a kind of run-down busy city state with just a foul cloud hanging over that area--I didn't write all those things but I am now.

Whatever the reason, i believe that rotten Farrkhan who is one of the most white supremacist Nazi supporters of anyone in the group, or openly because the white bigot pig apes also say nothing they just order me to be poisoned and tortured to death. But the blacks make open season and say the most stupid and vile racist things, react with utter violence and are on a kill slant because the Nazi white supremacists have told them to be their cheap and dirty nasty soldiers for their cheap and dirty but well-funded, manicured and tended by the slave of their plantation, white trash transported into great wealth by all the murder they orchestrate around the planet.

So I hope Ben Shapiro gets this message. As he has NEVER done anything to help me in any way that I know, as the Jews themselves have their own inclusive hierarchy and are racist as well, but at least follow through on your public statement to Owens to get out of the business. This is a violent antisemite and not just "pro Palestine" or whatever she claimed which caused a fracture between your former participation in the MAGA debacle of absolute violence towards Jews and Blacks. They use people like you, Ben and Candy the stale piece of shit self-righteous about her "not a victim" platform but truly a victim turning the self-hate onto another group victim she surely is.
I suggest you dig a lot deeper than a superficial analysis for a few brief moments of your talks for your channel and your stance and I hope you can understand what Black Nazi means--murder of Jews, inclusion with Farrakhan for more media exposure.

Roseanne barr--that is her name. I also never watched her tv shows but I never had a tv when her show came out as I was against tv and I listened to music and I also was in college and didn't want that distraction. She claims all kinds of things about being a victim--and she was involved yesterday. I saw a clip she hacked onto my YouTube saying she is a victim of persecution and is a "Targeted Individual". She may have experienced some racism but no one can claim they are a targeted individual and then hack into my writings to steal ideas so as to actually use the terminology of a targeted individual in order to sell a new media angle, which is what she is doing and has been doing for something like another DECADE of watching me begging for my life as piece of pig ape scum rapes and poisons and tortures me after the next.
yes, Farrakhan is sitting right next to "Good Jew, or tolerable" Roseanne Barr in this attack. They are all getting handouts from the English Monarchy which is controlling all of this, and like the demon from that Disney movie, laughing as the demons are prancing around exhibiting violence and the most foul racist cliches heaped upon me constantly because I never considered myself a victim of racism adn thusly they must force all the hate stereotypes and violence forced upon me in subliminals blasted into my cochlear inner ear every day all day for hours and hours, plus pig shit men raping and beating me with blonde Nazis like maggot the parasite from  Australian with Dumb Whorren Mirrage gleefully being handed more and more lead roles and awards from her slump she had in her career prior to clutching onto this contract and has not let go for a DECADE. Fully welcomed by the other Australian skanks who have assaulted me who are just endlessly showered with awards and deals--married to Tom Cruise who also attacked me and obtained his "Oscar" lead role, an automatic "win" for having participated in the 4th Reich English Crown take-over of Whorewood. Blacks included and Farrakhan is working assiduously to continue his job for white Nazi supremacy by working to shift racism and hate onto the Jews.
and what better a target than me, who has actually marched for Black communities and tried to be friends with Blacks who routinely were playing the terrorist game and just turned upon me and partnered with Nazis white supremacist--in every case, always. and is  happenign now. Farrakhan is urging his rotten black partners like filthy piece of Candy too physically assault me with no warning and no justification other than I called Oprah an Aunt Jemima which is a term Malcolm X used against the filth of the black community who partnered with "the master" to push down other slaves on their insidious plantations and were handed keys to the nicer things that the plantation system could offer. White supremacy relies implicitly on black and other minority minion participation for it's survival. The blacks are so viciously attacking me because I have touched on what I see as the reality of their role and behavior. Of course the group assaulting me brings in as many of the most disgusting reverse-racism mascots they have at their disposal, Farrakhan included. He spent something like days and months trying to preach at me about injustice against blacks. He has never one single time referred to my situation as being unjust but uses the rational and exuse that I called Oprah a goddamn sleazy and sick Aunt Jemima, so beloved of white superiority culture for her "color purple" enraged bullshit but her absolute devotion in REAL LIFE outside of a role she never created to cajole and urge white women to feel warm and loved by their comfort icon which is a stark resemblance to the Aunties of the Plantaion system of old--tending the children, listening to their problems with looks of loving concern (never did that for me, was cold and thrilled and made psychoapthic smiles into the cameras along with Tyler Perry who also rushed at me violently assaulting me this huge lummox of a fake and sinister pretender of "Christianity").
**Nota bene, while struggling to type this with the usual blocks to the keyboard, the terrorist used the microchip implant in my throat and brain to cause tears to pour out of my eyes and my throat to constrict and as tears were forced, artificially, to pour down my face while I wrote this, the tension and stress to my mental state increased so I got into enraged diatribes as a result (also produced or enhanced by the tech).

The years of Farrakhan coming to violently assist in violence and torture and his endless hateful and threatening violence with his black women who claim they are advocates for "little black girls' they always use children to justify their adult violence against me following in the protocols of the Nazis who use blacks and jews and latinos and asians to do the filthy and violent work of killing and abusing jews for them, when they don't have to get dirty as they really are but the minorities then kiss their a$$es and clean their houses with love and devotion anyway. Lovingly listening to their problems and you will always see this in movies how blacks listen so lovingly to the problems of the white bigot pig apes in movies as their leaning fence support pillars who listen and care. These types then turn viciously against me or Jews or anyone possible to demonstrate to white master that they love them they will fight for them without any reason, words or justification or sanity just to prove they will do the filthy and violent bidding of their masters. 
Farrakhan the biggest fake and vile perpetrator of violence against jews openly possible in the name of being the perpetual victim of racism, and thusly he is omitted from the usual rage of making racist comments urging violence against Jews, just as rotten and really disgusting crusty Whoopie has done openly and is embraced by that rotten audience for her "women's " talk show, viewed by the same Nazi white and minority minion striving to live in the plantation system just like candy who fushed at me violently when I wrote about how depressed the black area of gainesville is and I moved out to pay the same price for a one- bedroom in the student housing area, more white than anything else, instead of paying a higher price for a studio with black grease on the walls in the downtown area, not wanting to live in the nasty black part of town any longer because blacks are instructed to not have their heads higher than the whites in any way, and like the filth that is perpetually poured into my room and living spacer, they force people to live in squallor.
But Candy doesn't care about that, she saw an opportunity to get into the big money the big big big plantation system outside of the Ben Shapiro dynasty and that conservative ilk by violently rushing at me with hate within a fraction of a second I had to defend myself.
Stupid, dirty and rotten that is all I have seen of Farrakhan and this black piece of shit you could call "candy". The whites are just unnatural white turds from the same hole being piled up into the same cesspool as the black pieces of shit in a huge oreo cookie cesspool.

It may be possible that when the Muslim terrorist cells decide to detonate huge bombs in places like NYC, Farrakhan this rotten violent uncle tom using Islam as a platform for his disgusting white worship of Nazi culture and he may also be destroyed along with his white masters of the plantation of NYC and the reach they have into the rest of the world. I think he will not be spared and the absoluely racist and anti-black muslims will be happy to kill another black from America like Farrakhan. I have listened to absolutely violent anti-black sentiment from Muslims when I lived in  Germany, along with the Germans (who welcome the blacks from America in particular) into their beds to be seduced into believing they are finally not uncle toms and aunt jemimas any longer. You will see a long string of white males in the background of Oprah's sleazy sexual pasttime schedule including Trump, by the way. 

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...