Monday, November 30, 2020

Love lost and regained in the sands of duality and retained through eternal spiritual blackest and lightest enduring flames. Love is the solution to mind control. Love is used as a trap to lure victims into mind control operations. Love is still an energy universal and never wasted. One must remain vigilant and aware of how mind control operations operate.


As mind control operations in the public consciousness are completely silenced by the real victims, and not the fake news pundits explaining the hate reality to the dumbed down viewers who can't get access to "alternative" sources such as myself--as people like me drugged up to the point of drugged hysteria and lack of all protection or defense are BLOCKED from all public view, the writings, the rantings, the ability to function--as society silently obeys and turns away to obtain their "information" from the enlarging chorus of commentators, writers and advocates of this huge mental restriction brain-programming global protocol: relegated to either not writing anything at all or writing in the hopes that what I write on a copyrighted blog is somewhat "safe" from the inevitable hackers who allow loveless parasites to steal all and anything they want from me, my home, my body and my life: understanding that all I write is stolen by loveless parasites, I still copy and paste what I wrote today on Facebook under the influence of hacking and mind control, operating upon me akin to opening my brain like a "truth serum" sieve while I have to, every time I write (or speak to anybody) find myself struggling to fight against hackers changing words and rewriting/discrediting after I write or publish. I write this here because I have published a "copyright" mark which is supposed to protect me somewhat from the inevitable hackers who allow loveless parasites to steal my ideas and words verbatim. I write this because the love I have expressed to people I would rather destroy is never wasted energy, nor are my words wasted here although people I would rather destroy are hacking in to steal all so they can use and steal whatever possible from me. My words ring out into the universe and my intention is clear, and like Love never wasted, that people have sucked dry, I remain cold but never love's labor lost. The people who suck out and drain are the love's labor lost who tell themselves and each other that they are the "winners" in a power contest of sordid sorts. They are the opposite.


Love used as a weapon to essentially create a "slow kill" operation, the "Honey pot" operations akin to hacking through back door portals--and yet, love is always a constant and love is the cure. Yet, with information blocked and censored, many others will die in their attempt to find love in the midst of a loveless technocratic revolution designed for mass murder and genocide albeit all displayed as love and charity and benevolence. Love in it's many forms, from the victims who emit this energy that the hate technocrats suck in and drain and then kill the target afterwards SLOWLY and in covert, undetectable (thus "legal") fashion. All such death combined with love. The shadows of the night are dimmed by the white light of the day's cold play and productivity consumer consumation that drives the energy that is lost from Love.

I write an ode to Love in it's pure form, in the shadows of night, unrequited or returned, it remains a purity and a constant in this universe of the Earth despite all your/my/their/our hate spawning a greedy corporation of DEATH technology designed for the luxury of a few while the rest are lured in by love's labors lost but never dissipated and always true despite all the hate undertow bringing the victim to it's watery slow drunken disillusionment.

Never, thus, be dismayed by the predatory parasites who drain and suck out love. Your love/my love is pure and their hate and malicious malevolence is driving the corporate force for forced love-drain in my/your/their/our collective brain(s) or lack thereof. (! lol). 


Love is the antidote to their hate/your hate. Love is not wasted but love spent on a parasite is deadly and they suck all they can out of you/me/you/they/WE. 


Without further ado, what I wrote today on Facebook which is my first attempt at writing personal thoughts/poetry for a very long time since loveless parasites have only stolen all I write and say for over 10 years. I have decided that I continue to push my energy out instead of having it stolen and sucked dry and bottled for compression by downpresser loveless hyenas and parasites who delight in rape, torture and all kinds of nefarious crimes but are exalted in the public opinion and in society nevertheless.


This little poem, just below, was written by me. Since so many are stealing my words and concepts, I don't know if I write THIS IS COPYRIGHTED whether that can be legally binding for loveless parasites to stop STEALING MY CONCEPTS AND WORDS BUT...
as I want to save my work and Facebook allows for some of this, and I want to express this outside of my blog (or maybe I should just publish this there anyway which is "copyrighted" but still a portal of loveless parasites to steal and rob and rewrite and etc).
like Energy
can neither be lost nor gained
It flows
It goes
Some people treat Love like
a drug you snort up your nose
caked with lies
heaving pornographic sighs
Are you one of those
through which the desecration of love flows?
Or are you one
who follows the sun?
A course of cyclical peace
bringing dualistic sheep fleece
Considered a weakness for macho men
Otherwise turned into a comic sin by the den.
"Leise flehen meine Lieder Durch die Nacht zu dir; In den stillen Hain hernieder, Liebchen, komm zu mir! Flüsternd schlanke Wipfel rauschen In des Mondes Licht; Des Verräters feindlich Lauschen Fürchte, Holde, nicht. Hörst die Nachtigallen schlagen? Ach! sie flehen dich, Mit der Töne süßen Klagen Flehen sie für mich. Sie verstehn des Busens Sehnen, Kennen Liebesschmerz, Rühren mit den Silbertönen Jedes weiche Herz. Laß auch dir die Brust bewegen, Liebchen, höre mich! Bebend harr’ ich dir entgegen! Komm, beglücke mich!"

GUTE NACHT--from WINTERREISE (Franz Schubert)

(hello lol goodbye lol--my words of course! One must laugh at these serious Germans after all!) Of course, it's all serious as hell reality.
"I arrived a stranger,
a stranger I depart.
May blessed me
with many a bouquet of flowers....s/he spoke of love...the Mother spoke of the world is so desolate,
the path concealed beneath snow.
I cannot choose the time
for my journey;
I must find my own way
in this darkness.
A shadow thrown by the moon
is my companion;
and on the white meadows
I seek the tracks of deer.
Why should I tarry longer
and be driven out?
Let stray dogs howl
before their master’s house.
Love delights in wandering –
God made it so –
from one to another.
Beloved, good night!
I will not disturb you as you dream,
it would be a shame to spoil your rest.
You shall not hear my footsteps;
softly, softly the door is closed.
As I pass I write
‘Good night’ on your gate,
so that you might see
that I thought of you."
The crippled singing of stunted situations sinking and sorrow but somehow delight in the solitude of a snowy, dark night wandering alone feeling REFRESHED AND FREE! (Again, my interpretation and words). Growing and raising to full form in the freedom of not conjoining in the confining crippling norm of domesticity. (i.e. NO BABIES with any loveless haters or parasites or people of that hate organization that has surrounded my life with their filth for generations of slime and scum exalted in society and by society. Loveless parasites. Let there be an end to them NOW and FOREVER).

Einsturzende Neubauten (Blixa Bargeld) SAND from album Halber Mensch (Half-human):

...from another often very melancholy German musician/artist--Blixa Bargeld sings SAND as all is temporal in human affairs (for some people, for those who love and can't love simultaneously):


Musik of Franz Schubert (and others)

Wilkommen und Abschied"
heist 😊) auf English
Hello and Goodbye
filmed in Stuttgart/created by Franz Schubert with text from Goethe.


The sweet, sad farewell to the lover's parting at the first light of a Golden Dawn: to have been loved and to love during the thousands of black eyes of night, hollow trees resounding sighs of delight, brightness within the warm folds of utter blackness of night, turning to the morn, the rays portending a severance, reminders of the night's joys and love not lost and never lost even when gone, remits the sorrow of separation in the bright, rosy spectrum of the day's harsh light. (my words, upon reflection that love, no matter how and where obtained, remains a true light within the folds of the darkest depths of that repose of Night and all that portends and signifies...even if love is unrequited makes no difference in that love has not been wasted and love remains a true, "ever-fixed" mark in the darkest times and can be shattered and sent into fractured light in the brightest rays of piercing light).


...and THAT (above) is why Schubert has been classified as part of The Romantic Era of classical music! Goethe, of course has to include darkness brought into the focus of The Light as it is his eternal theme for which he is famous.




Not sure if Faust is so romantic, and luckily that book (or treatise or pseudo-religious text) was written prior to the Romantic Era, or, not considered as being fully part of that genre. Duh. Not exactly a romantic comedy was Faust or not romantic as hell.


Goethe's Wilkommen Und Abschied translation from German-English. Notice how far astray our modern forms of loving poetry in pop culture, as trivial as some of it may seem, extend far beneath triviality and have gone below this former infinite exploration of the soul as connected to the universality of love, inevitable death on many levels, departure and cohesion--obscuring contrast, obliterating scope, depth and meaning of infinite possibilities of love.


Willkommen und Abschied

Es schlug mein Herz, geschwind zu Pferde!
Es war getan fast eh’ gedacht.
Der Abend wiegte schon die Erde,
Und an den Bergen hing die Nacht;
Schon stand im Nebelkleid die Eiche,
Ein aufgetürmter Riese, da,
Wo Finsterniss aus dem Gesträuche
Mit hundert schwarzen Augen sah.
Der Mond von einem Wolkenhügel
Sah kläglich aus dem Duft hervor,
Die Winde schwangen leise Flügel,
Umsausten schauerlich mein Ohr;
Die Nacht schuf tausend Ungeheuer,
Doch frisch und fröhlich war mein Mut:
In meinen Adern welches Feuer!
In meinem Herzen welche Glut!
Dich sah ich, und die milde Freude
Floss von dem süssen Blick auf mich;
Ganz war mein Herz an deiner Seite
Und jeder Atemzug für dich.
Ein rosenfarbnes Frühlingswetter
Umgab das liebliche Gesicht,
Und Zärtlichkeit für mich – Ihr Götter!
Ich hofft’ es, ich verdient’ es nicht!
Doch ach, schon mit der Morgensonne
Verengt der Abschied mir das Herz:
In deinen Küssen welche Wonne!
In deinem Auge welcher Schmerz!
Ich ging, du standst und sahst zur Erden,
Und sahst mir nach mit nassem Blick:
Und doch, welch Glück, geliebt zu werden!
Und lieben, Götter, welch ein Glück!

Greeting and farewell

My heart pounded, quick, to horse!
No sooner thought than done;
Evening already cradled the earth,
And night clung to the hills;
The oak-tree loomed in its misty cloak,
Towering like a giant, there,
Where darkness peered from bushes
With a hundred jet-black eyes.
The moon gazed from a bank of cloud
Mournfully through the haze,
The winds softly beat their wings,
Whirred eerily about my ears;
Night brought forth a thousand monsters,
Yet I was buoyant and bright:
What fire in my veins!
What ardour in my heart!
I saw you, felt the gentle joy
Of your sweet eyes flood over me;
My heart was wholly at your side
And every breath I took for you.
A rose-red light of spring
Framed her lovely face,
And tenderness for me – O gods!
This I had hoped but never deserved!
But alas, with the morning sun,
Parting now constricts my heart:
In your kisses what delight!
In your eyes what pain!
In went, you stood there gazing down,
And gazed moist-eyed after me:
And yet, what joy to be loved!
And to be in love, O gods, what joy!
Translations by Richard Stokes, author of The Book of Lieder (Faber, 2005)


***as always, upon writing the above, as I attempted to re-read, I had to type in words that hackers had deleted. I struggle to get my hands to move as my motor skills are blocked by the brain-altering tech. It is very hard to think clearly, and like an algorithm, the longer I attempt to write and think ,the worse the attacks become or the effect blocks my cognitive and motor functioning. I can't expect that having corrected the typos hackers inserted that once I publish this there will not be another new rash of hacker inserts and deletions....***

Sunday, November 29, 2020

I continue to be slashed by mechanical arms to the bone nightly. I spend my life cleaning up sprayed (by said mechanical arms) filth polluting my environment, plus fighting to clean poison the "stalker" terrorists poured secretly into my food; eventually breaking into my home every day to poison and drug my food which has turned into years of fighting to eliminate hard, caked poison latched into my spine and muscle interior .10 years of fighting this, alone, while being tortured (i.e. heart palpitations going on hours daily, every day. Tears pouring out of my eyes due to implant attacks, daily for hours, going on for years--just to mention two plus insertions into my body and under nails, and more and more and more covering my entire body)-- with health care blocked/denied, even when I was covered I was lied to and left without decent health care and attacked by doctors in clinics and poisoned by them too. Lied to everywhere. I remain: without earning capability due to blacklisting and attacks that never end, and never enough money to live on. All for basic survival without endless poverty and sickness, all health care all avenues for having any single thing that isn't filthy, stinking and broken and ordered upon me (as they also kill animals I love, and have stolen my cat La Moux who I want returned alive and healthy immediately--) and all ordered to be denied me by billionaires and millionaires who have stolen ideas using this high tech top secret warfare surveillance and torture "mind programming" technology---plus torture and plus intellectual property theft going on without pause for over 10 years or longer from this one same group still attacking me. I remain alone fighting for my life: but GON'T GO OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE DO-NOTHING READERS (THE DO-NOTHING MEME i CREATED AND HAS SINCE BEEN COPIED BY A WORLD LEADER): DO NOTHINGS, do not go outside your comfort zone to help me in any way, as you have always been doing. Unless you want to also join in the gang attacking me and get promotions just like them for celebrity status and lead roles and promotions! Don't do anything because IT IS NOT AFFECTING YOU IT'S ONLY HAPPENING TO ME AND OTHER "LOSERS" WHO YOU WANT TO SEE DESTROYED BUT EVERYTHING SUCKED OUT OF FIRST BEFORE THE FINAL DEATH BLOW. Because I used to compete and beat the parasites, they have forced this role of "loser" upon me with poisoning and torture and a WORLD of people DOING NOTHING to stop it or them or to help me in any way. All silent and obedient and willing and able to assist for the security of your society. It's in a bit of a tizzy if you are not ultra wealthy at this moment but if you survive the genocide then you can assume that you and all will GO BACK TO THE OLD NORMAL IN A VERY SHORT TIME and that watching me cry out and beg online for HELP FOR OVER 8 YEARS WHILE NO ONE DOES ANYTHING TO STOP THIS BUT HELP IN EXPLOITING ME can NEVER happen TO YOU IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN TO YOU. Keep doing nothing because soon IT'S ALL GOING TO GO BACK TO THE GOOD OLD NORMAL DAYS JUST WAIT A FEW MORE WEEKS AND THE ANTIDOTE WILL APPEAR LIKE A SIGN FROM HEAVEN THAT you are safe and keep LAUGHING ABOUT HOW i AM CRYING OUT FOR HELP FOR A DECADE ONLINE BECAUSE NO GOVERNMENT OR SOCIETY OR INDIVIDUAL WILL STEP IN TO DEFEND ME. SO KEEP ON waiting for your hope dope to kick in to the old normal situation when you kept ignoring me as you are all doing now, but watching as your favorite digitalized and edited icons represent MY IDEAS as their own as you celebrate the "liberalism" that they portray and you can all feel safe that this IS ONLY HAPPENING TO ME and the death all around YOU NOW, it's just temporary and technology has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MASSIVE SPREAD OF death and all is going to be well and wonderfulicious when the Age of Aquarius brings in more life-enabling technology to help you to cheer in psychopaths, abusers, rapists and Nazis and Imperialists posing as altruistic concerned "liberals" as you follow and believe and believe and laugh and laugh alongside them at me and others like me who are being tortured to death by technologies that you laugh about because it's happening to "losers who deserve it or did something to deserve it" just like now, there must be something like a curse upon America but soon it's all going to be okay and you can go back to the OLD NORMAL and just keep laughing at people like me being tortured in plain sight and absolutely ignored and silenced and tortured with dismemberment as you DO NOTHING (and even that two-word accusation has been stolen FROM ME and used as a discrediting accusation by THE PEOPLE WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT THE PEOPLE LIKE ME but never do.... and the Age of Aquarius is just going to bring in MORE OF THEM AND FEWER OF PEOPLE LIKE ME..OR EVEN YOU so keep DOING NOTHING DO NOTHING DO NOTHING as I write about dismemberment and torture asking people to stop this and help me and stop this and stop them and stop them as you cheer them on while electromagnetic pulses tell you and inform your choices but you are so deluged you have no clue absolutely NO CLUE SO YOU CONCEDE AND YOU BELEIVE AND YOU LAUGH AS i detail this and you DO NOTHING AND THE OLD NORMAL IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER WHERE YOU WON'T EVER HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT BEING AN UNDERDOG POTENTIALLY DEAD EVER AGAIN.




it only happens to be because obviously I must have 'DONE SOMETHING TO DESERVE IT"

THEY KEEP ON attacking my keyboard and brain while I type, the usual and endless discrediting tactic used when I am writing and speaking

I continue fighting for my life to stop the mechanical arms but these terrorists keep ripping off and breaking through and using solvents to unglue and then reglue all I paste to try to stop them from breaking through the tape and paper I glue on cupboard angles of panels that have already been pasted, glued, pounded with hooks and tied together with rope/strings but cut inbetween with laser technology so nearly one-millimeter mechanical arms can get through and one single mechanical arm can wreak endless damage to my body and my home. It is UNBELIEVABLE BUT IT CAN NEVER HAPPEN TO YOU never never just keep on smiling and wait in LINE to attack me and others like me and keep laughing with the perpetrators as they torture, rape and steal ideas, property and money and then KILL AFTERWARDS and just keep doing NOTHING because TECHNOLOGY IS GOING TO ENHANCE YOUR LIFE AND SOON IT'S GOING TO BE BETTER AND BETTER. The pandemic has brought on the Age of Aquarius and technology is going to explode into your home, body and brain and I think that has been a most CALCULATED corollary of this situation for the new technocratic  paradise of Aquarius demagoguery dumbed down aristocracy and genocidal duplicity.


I got up from this table housing the laptop and after 30 minutes of doing other things, walking nearly crooked because I felt so light-headed, so dizzy, nauseous, my brain under such attack by their implants and tech and lingering drugging---nearly fainting as I sit here even right now after 30 minutes of walking around trying to alleviate this remote influence  on my brain, motor skills and my brain functioning which is now at a very low level. My writing because hyperbolic, rambling, hateful and enraged and incapable of cool, and clear concise rendering of any concept or idea. It just turned into the usual hate rant and then hackers deleted and rewrote, as they always do, to ameliorate what I had written so it read opposite of what I had first written. Important words thus were deleted and I tried to stagger through the title of this post. I rambled on and then went to this section to write the usual post or prefix to my post--always trying to negate their attacks upon my credibility. 

I feel so ill from the brain attacks right now, like almost fainting at this point.

The teleportation "skits" remain hateful, violent, hinting at death or homelessness, abuse, yelling betwixt me and the usual culprits teleporting me (years and years going on and on without end, shunted from one of them to the next and then back again, for a decade by now from this one group).

Thus, reflecting on my writing I can say that it is less than half of what I am capable of and more than 75% influenced by remote and outside haters affecting my brain and motor skills and the keyboard.

The teleportation is also a death experience as sleep is a healing phase for the body, and in addition to deadly poisoning and then recurrent poisoning on top of my nervous system being shattered daily by hate and abuse, the perpetrators you all cheer on are laughing and partying in their new production studios and lead roles and awards that line their livingrooms and studios encased in gold trophy stands--and beauty treatments for them all continuously while they keep ordering my hair to be shorn, frayed and damaged and falling out, stinking of putrid fungus and odors--if possible, they would continue to have me raped by my landlord and the white Europi-ape men who proliferate here to get free rent and assist in damaging my body and home and breaking in with their mechanical arms through the panels of the walls to rape and disfigure me, all not just for free rent but free new businesses. Teleported to endless hate and violence matches between me and your Aquarian friends with all their technology that they (mis) use for personal and business "highs".

The Stock market is now geared towards a very exclusive tiny and ever-narrowing harrowing group of violent genocidal holders of the gates of society. The numbers of dying and dead and impoverished has been magnified by a percent I can't calculate as I have not found calculations (but there must be some and easy to obtain but I can't find such information). The direction of a technocentric society has been achieved in this pandemic phase of the technocratic coup that not just one individual wants to use as a weapon for a power grab over society and "Democracy". 

And  my brain is "spinning" to such an extent and fighting to pound down on the keyboard is so strenuous I am stopping here. 

I can only surmise that my thoughts are being scrutinized and any idea stolen that these haters want to steal. The contract entails only stealing even unique words or extraneous to the main paradigm thought patterns, to be stolen and reinserted "into the matrix". 

However, I write this out "to the void" of the potential future readers who, in the safety of not having to act out of line, but still wanting to change a system that threatens them (but will conform to it once their demands for "equality" are met with tantalizing endorsements and promotions and lots of money and property--and then they kiss up to the perpetrators and that is the main mind programming situation that is being foisted upon EVERYONE.

And this idea will be stolen, as all my ideas are stolen (and often "my ideas" are ideas I heard or read and concentrated into a few sentences, which is all I can get out. Once I get on this laptop forum my brain is shuttered by the remote tech and microchip implant configuration. I just can't go on.

Waiting for a remedy waiting for people to block this death cycle that so far, after 10 years of writing about it in detail day and night and day after day, I see that no one still is willing to step in and do anything. Everyone acts like I deserve this and it is normal, while at the same time they are crying out for justice and demanding racism be eliminated and they never consider what is happening to me: racism, hate, rape and torture--to be anything they should be concerned about because I'm not black. My culture has shunned me, and I am being transposed into the cliches that this group that shunned and also attacked and still attacks me are supposed to be, which I never conformed to nor ever wanted to participate in and never really have, except for a few experimental forays and investigations into various cultures and religions not just what these bigots tell me I am supposed to be a part of, forcing their hate labels upon me and drugging, torturing me to accept a lessor status than them, while they are stealing ideas from me because all they do is conform to cliches, stereotypes and do what they are told (nearly exactly ) and thus, have no original ideas whatsoever (as it seems from being tortured and then ideas stolen by them from me--for years and years from a revolving group of them, these actors, writers and politicians--and then unceremoniously left to be murdered or they try to covertly murder me afterwards)

and you all watch on and on doing nothing

I am now so dizzy I can't focus or concentrate any longer. My hands can barely type and the keyboard is so blocked I can't get the letters to print out unless I pound down with my entire hand on single keys.

I am under so much dehabilitating brain-altering tech it's like I am falling into an intoxicated rambling hate zone. I can't write more, and now hackers are blocking the template so what I write is "lost" as the page won't scroll down to show my writing any longer.

When doses anyone ever stop this or defend me? I must ask again. It is now approaching the Age of Aquarius but it appears to be a more primitve and sinister society that can never do anything but allow death and hate to penetrate from highest levels onto people "like me" who are silenced and tortured targets. I now cannot see what I am typing as this is being blocked by hackers.

An honorable mention to the choreography of Twyla Tharp. AN ORGANIC ANTIDOTE TO THE FAKE BS OBEY AND BE STAGNANT AND COMPLIANT PROGRAMMING (PBS Special): "Why Twyla Tharp wants us to 'shut up' and do what we love!". Surprise! Surprise! Twyla Tharpe IS NOT AN AQUARIUS! A short list of dictators who are/were Aquarius spawn below. Baryshnikov IS an Aquarius who does epitomize the fluidity of the beauty of human form. To counterbalance claims of Aquarian Fraudulent fictions about fruitful fantasies of fun-loving flames of freedom. "Baryshnikov in America - Push comes to shove Part1".

 There is something soothing, calming and steering away of negative thoughts if one can see body movements which exhibit the spiraling sinews of the potentialities of the human form combined with dignity and sensation.

As I also wrote or commented on Twyla Tharpe on my last, last post--I want to add a new section post on the videos exhibiting that even two years ago she was the epitome of graciousness unveiling the grace of the human body and the lightness and violence of spirit. 

Her work deserves to be honored in this way and not left within the closed boundaries of mind control hate technologies cloaked under the hyped-up happy pretense of potentials for humanitarian progress and development for future progress of the human spirit in the ever-increasing technocratic tech boom that is happening RIGHT NOW DURING THIS PANDEMIC sign post which reads: EMPTOR CAVEAT

HERE'S TO MS THARPE AND HER CONTINUANCE OF BEAUTY BROUGHT ONTO THIS TECHNOLOGICALLY HYPED SPIRITUAL DOPE SLINGING AGE which could hearken the loss of Eden and what we really have as our paradise here and now on this planet of infinite possibilities in the flesh and in the air and on the earth and in the water without electromagnetic control blasting your brain into an induced happy doped-out state of fake euphoria (yes, mind control technology plus the drug interface can indeed cause fake reactions of bliss in very deadly and ugly situations while the target remains unawares of such because they are so doped on psychologically-induced unaware happy Elysium just shortly inebriated into compliance before the final death blow hits unawares. 

BAck to the flowing dance groove of organic body and chemistry and mental aeronautics of Twyla Tharp dance!

ENJOY THE FLOW OF LIFE FLOWING WITHOUT ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION brought about by synaptic nerve ending transfusion from a matrix of generated pulses controlling your body and mind and sucking out your spirit and soul!




"Aquarius seems the sign most likely to produce dictators, and Sagittarius possibly the sign that produces the most dangerous dictators."--"CYAN" on an Astrology internet forum :


My favorite male dancer: Baryshnikov! Always fascinating and he's more than an Aquarius too! As in.. he has individual traits and expresses them in an organic way outside of cliches and stereotypes, the favorites of mind control programmers for you to rely on for you paradigm security system.

So magnificent so fluid so limber so exquisite! So Twyla Tharp choreography! I guess this number is supposed to represent "America" but however it could be any country...

A tribute to the old school technologies of supplicant rain seeding--the Rain Warrior Man with panther and deer at Westside Park, Champaign, Illinois.

 Because I wrote of Westside Park in my last post, but included it with the concepts of misuse of technology, in this Age of Aquarius and the potential for mass destruction and brainwashing and obliteration of brain/body fusion--not the enthralling peace and revolutionary hope for humanity that these hope on spiritual dope slingers portray in their crack videos about these astrological alignments for The New Age (The New Age is merely part of the old world/aka Nazi dystopian New World Order and stems from the premise of astrology--the black sun being at the center of a plexis of power and control with the stars following orders of this Black Sun entity power)

But...not wanting to include that wonderful park Westside Park, which is a ten-minute walk from my house on White Street--the oak and maple-lined cobble-stoned street with it's rustic early 20th century houses--so absolutely different from the pvc-coated quick and hasty architecture (if you can call plastic boxes with snippets of grass) housing box-cutter housing that surrounds the new Champaign landscape that makes it lacking any unique characteristic to the point that an exterior view while driving reveals it could be any ugly sprawling place on the plane of dehumanizing architecture used in this new Age modernity explosion of conformity and lack of mental exploration in the private and personal sphere---but plugged into the technocratic matrix yes you can invent something technologically new to add to the Matrix

and back to my old park--harkening to the days when honoring the ancient tribes was cool and not something you could deride. The hippie protests were held right at the point of this statue, and my mother had or still has 8mm videos of these hippie protests of hippies on top of the Rain Man wearing feathers and leather and protesting the war in throngs of hundreds within this park.


To give a more honorable mention to this place and in remembrance of that time:

"The Age of Aquarius" is coming soon (to a mind control theater near you) and it appears to be a new technocratic dystopia just like the old control death cultures minus the technology.


The New Age movement franchise has more items for purchase and party-themed supplies get it while it's hot!
This conjunction (Saturn + Jupiter aligning in The House of Aquarius at zero degrees) happens once every 800 years.
The Julian Calendar was established in 1220 A.D.
The Thai Kingdom was established in 1220 A.D.
I hope that the new era brings a 13-moon year calendar instead of the crazy Julian calendar, because people paid benefits could truly benefit from fewer days in a month and increased payments per year. Otherwise, I would like more funky names for each month like ziggy star dust month, and surprise Your Ass month and etc...
Otherwise, if Iran decides to wreak revenge on the US and Israel, it could harbinger a total change in the planetary alignment. ???
The New Age hype of the wonderful charms of the sign of Aquarius (which I have never seen in personal experience from any person ruled by the sign of Aquarius in my life of not asking people what their sun signs are, but the few I do know who are Aquarius are the most trifling, selfish self-serving lot along with the rest of humanity who are gang stalkers so....this is my sardonic input on Astrology but I simply include it here because I like the song from the play/film Hair and the 5th Dimension cover version (plus the groovy outer space graphics on this video and the groovin flowing hippy thingy that is supposed to imply some fantastic voyage of Aquarius "energy". I can only repeat Scrooge in this by saying Bah Humbug but it's still a pseudo-science/pseudo-religious thing to celebrate as another fun fantasy factoid at this time of "new beginnings".


A Groovin video: The 5th Dimension Age of Aquarius Anno Domini 1969


But what I really love about The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius song experience is the CHOREOGRAPHY OF TWYLA THARPE in the movie HAIR--(and in Jesus Christ Superstar--she's divine!! She's groovy!)===. the planetary shift from the outback Bible Thumpers to a new Groovy Generation lasting another 800 years or into infinity begins on December 21, 2020 hail groovyness!

Hippies in the Park used to be a SERIOUS REALITY, MAN . I remember it well, even as a very young infant/child (I remember being in my baby carriage with hippies standing over me cooing during a anti-Vietnam War protest in Champaign--at West Side Park where Hippies protesting were everywhere! Remember, this was the University of Illinois heyday of anti-conservativism which has died out and has been killed off most severely in this wonderful Age of Aquarius time@! bs...It was really the time of the Age of the Beatles and not the Age of Aquarius!


One problem with the above video commentator who appears to be HIGH ON SPIRITUAL DOPE/HOPE is that she should make viewers aware that especially with an "air" sign, there is always the "double-edged" sword of these realities instead of a singular utopian, unattainable list of adjectives denoting the belief in an all-encompassing Santa Claus belief system as opposed to the duality inherent. What can be altruism can also be used as a front for exploitation (i.e. charity fraud) and etc. Thus, I write in the more sardonic tone above. I am a very optimistic person and truly "embrace" all things regarding harmless "freedom" and "spiritual growth" as long as it entail not harming others and spreading joy and peace on the planet. After living in a "charity" fraud zone, and seeing fraudulent hope-slingers I am especially wary of these "futuristic" claims of a bright heavenly hope for "mankind" (using the male-dominated term meaning the old world philosophies cloaked in HOPE of some paradise that can only be achieved by various sacrifices and oaths and conformity and corruption and etc). Otherwise, let the transition be a Groovy new epoch! Hope and hope. Dope and it's dope.


Another series of exhortations on the theme of what the sign Aquarius means is her exhaling on how innovative, social, open-minded, altruistic that "sign" is (isn't that how Christianity was sold more than 2000 years ago to people sick of the corruption and violence and injustice?). The real-time situation of a new tech boom in stocks and the technology market replacing traditional forms of interpersonal commerce is indeed creating a shift to a new form of social interaction and business. That doesn't make a techno-cratic institutionalized form of society less or more benevolent. She's so 'HIGH" on the trip she's proclaiming like a Jesus Junky fresh on a spike on her drug pseudo-religious hope trip that she's only stating that all will be some beacon of hate, fraud, corruption all displaced by benevolence, justice, egalitarianism, optimism--all that "Aquarius" stands for and what I have seen from Aquarius people born in that time frame is absolutely not in alignment with this junky sort of prognosis of what that "sign" is supposed to encapsulate in esoteric and spiritual terms. I hear her lecture and her booming optimism and I just think: EVANGELICAL minus thumping a book and speaking in tongues.


Some of the "Aquarius" people I have met, born in the time shortly before my "sign" and they prove to be some of the most hypocritical, lying, manipulative, bs con artists you could ever not want to invest your time or energy or money in. But they achieve both through their duplicities and I can only state that one must view this new alignment and associate it with "spiritual" qualities of "Aquarius" which equate to a "new beginning of equality, "people power", communication that is not blighted with greed or corruption" as a snare to fool you and one must view these unsubstantiated claims made by these nearly hysterical wanna be hopeful spiritualists/astrologers with the same skepticism that one would view investing in a dubious pyramid scheme.


The grievous misuse of technology could be one of the very real properties of this "Age of Aquarius" as quantum computing, mind control tech, technocratic technologies enhancing massive group hysteria, insanity en masse and etc including mass genocide are definitely ALSO properties belonging to the very dangerous sign of AQUARIUS and I have almost never seen any person of that sign exhibit anything but a facade of jovial humanitarian corruption (because I am so privy to these ugly side of the creepoids who surround me and have done so all my life). I have to almost laugh when I watch this video above but it's so shockingly silly and so grandiose in it's simplicity and childish hope about how wonderful things are going to be "one day soon" that I just have to write this like spitting out bitter Koolaid.

Monday, November 23, 2020

On the US withdrawal from the 1992 Open Skies Treaty and the US Entertainment/ media-driven sublimated increase and slowly indoctrinated and brainwashing programmed surfeit in fascist Totalitarianism around the world. "The Inventions of Nikola Tesla & The Secret Technologies Stolen (YouTube video): This is A post I wrote on Facebook (and then expanded upon as the technology opens centers of my brain pouring out concepts--so hackers can steal ideas of course)--the post is regarding international politics, which morphed into more analyses of mind control programming. I include the copied post here. Please note that hacking and brain-altering tech affects my ability to write and publish without endless rewrites *(by hackers) and typos "mistakes" that are hacked in. I feel the usual giddiness and near fainting sensation from the tech blocking my brain functioning and inducing a sense of near fainting while it feels like my brain is blanked-out and spinning (all very slight but damaging to cognitive functions to a high degree). The post is thus, like all my posts, blocked, limited, censored in this fashion and used as a discrediting tool against me.


China's Response to US Withdrawal from Open Skies Treaty.

Since I am tortured for writing anything except trivia, I can only copy and paste what others have written. All the "liberal" pundits remain silent while I am being silenced --as they have done for over 8 years--and I have to only wonder if anyone will "allow" me to have Freedom of Speech let alone protection from surveillance not just of my home and private life but of my very thoughts, while being "allowed" to write whatever I want as long as it is not blocked by First Amendment hate speech limitations inciting violence--I wait and wait sitting here copying this post because there are some "good" things even in this current political impasse situation.
That China is an aggressive player is of no doubt to anyone but the depth of the hypocrisy is apparent in their stance as expressed in this article. The danger to the United States is apparent. I speak as an "armchair" observer of mainstream media news coverage. I cannot afford to pay over $100 for subscription to news sources I would much rather obtain my global news sources from. I can't afford a simple American newspaper subscription. I am thus in the grips of the limited information set that most of the "masses" are exposed to. My conclusion of threat to the US seems apparent from the simple and relatively undelineated information presented in this brief news article.
"Critics complain that Beijing has urged other major countries to reach arms control agreements while refusing to take part in any such arrangements, including the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, or INF, that expired last year.
Meanwhile, it has taken advantage of limitations set by Russia and the U.S. on each other to keep itself safe and engage in unrestricted development of weapons such as intermediate-range ballistic missiles, bolstering its military’s capabilities in the event of a conflict over Taiwan, the Indian border, the South China Sea and other Asian hotspots, critics say."
I am glad that the US is pulling out of this 1992 Open Skies Treaty, but tentatively as I am, like many mainstream information readers, not privy to the more pertinent facts of the situation. On superficial appearance the unraveling of this pact makes a lot of sense and I approve. Another outgoing foreign policy act of the T Administration that I am relieved about. I was always glad about a few of the T Admin Foreign Policy decisions (in part, not in whole) and this I will miss because the old policies will be put in place which helped to foster the near open emergence of outright fascist domestic policy combining with covertly disguised international fascism, all with benevolent political titles and posturing appearances. Acting for media coverage appears to be the "new normal" and distortions of political intention are the key factor in the sublimated fascist revival that has emerged as of recent times. Now this trend will slowly continue to fester underneath the superficial level of "Democratic" liberalism but still absolutely catering to the fascist undertow organization which all have made their pledges and oaths to and in fact disavow the US Constitution more than their primal aspirations as honored by this hate organization which runs through the center of all the various seemingly oppositional forces.
However, this post was about the Open Skies Treaty. How China has merged with Russia in building up contagion and spreading it out by it's invisible partnership with military contracts and arms-build-up all hidden under the seeming benevolence of this treaty between the US and Russia. The threat of nuclear war thus shifted from the Russian theater to the Chinese but hidden from view while the two formerly sparring super powers appear to have a clean bill of non-nuclear threat as China prepares unnoticed and unchecked by outside forces.


So good for Trump on this matter. The global situation is going to resume it's course of allowing for the endless increase in fascist Nazi regimes, often posturing in name only as "Democratic Republics" with full Constitutions that, like in Thailand, keep people under threat of prison for merely protesting peacefully or speaking out in any way even on social media.

I also have to try to combine the rancor with some positive statements at my torturing MK ULTRA set of "handlers" because I am still in the throes of this imprisoned atmosphere of torture and brainwashing attempts, which have only served to turn me more strongly against their regime, which includes the fake liberals who have held sway in torturing me under the previous US Administration. How I have witnessed the indoctrination and induction into these fascist Nazi organizations of all the minority and rape victim but rape enabler media entertainers who turn politician and vice-versa. The indoctrination process into these fascist and oppressive organizations continues unabated by the media onslaught of false "liberal" values. The game-switch from "liberal" but covert fascism is now the old game of liberal disguising fascist tendencies in the privacy of their torture and hate indoctrination orgies when they teleport me and perform the roles ascribed them by insidious foreign forces controlling the media (as I have personally witnessed but not seen the contracts signed--I have only seen the souls lost to the deals with the devils who indoctrinate these player performers into forces of hate and fascist ideology disguised as liberal Democracy and of the Democratic Party (include a heaping dose of Progressive media entertainer commentators into the mix as well). 

In Amerikkka, as I have written of for YEARS, the mind programming of the masses indoctrination into fascist Nazism and Totalitarian knee-jerk reactionary unconstitutional affiliations STEMS FROM MEDIA SOURCES such as Whorewood, GmbH, Inc. Ltd, et al and their international sponsors who appear to have bought out American media and their puppet "liberal" "me too" "black lives matter" fascist Nazis disguised by their plastic surgeries and coached vocal performances--as I tried to write above: ACTING--MEANING PERFORMING FOR A CAMERA has become a main vehicle of promotion for fascism and Totalitarian hate regimes but always disguised under very-well acted performances, replete with JOKES AND PSYCHOPATHIC CHARM exuded by these actors-turned politician, and politicians-turned performer actors making jokes and televised appearances where they promote their books, their tours, they agenda and the cycle continues in this next cycle of political shift back to the same forces creating this dystopian decline in humanitarian concern for justice and equality. I have always stated that I base the level of real Democratic and equitable balance in America by how people en masse behave to my situation and how the politicians regard torture and rape, a decade of theft of my ideas stolen by these leaders and their movie star friends, tortured non-stop with no one intervening. When people can form a force protesting this situation of my microchipped, MK ULTRA torture, then America will have a chance to TRULY be a free and open society. For now surveillance and microchipped/drug control is a weapon the US Government is loathe to relinquish and brainwashing of the masses through these insidious hate-filled meaningless actors always leads to their endless monopolies in the mainstream media, while alternative media has all but been eliminated (meaning truly alternative, not just in name--as is the case for the seeming bi-partisan arena of media-driven politics).


I could, would and want to write at length on this subject but am blocked in so many fashions and fascist factions that it is deadly for me to write, impossible to type due to hacking, and censored and blocked (at this point in time)

I have been "allowed" under torture, as my foot is pierced to the bone in one exact spot nightly, for years now but it has increased to all toes on my left foot--in this injured state, and watching the news, and observing these groups operating as main media representatives--
If I could write more, in a more creative fashion--because for one single short story I wrote and sent to someone to is still stealing ideas from me, my words and concepts in a short story I wrote quickly one day--used in at least two movie/tv productions and then I was being murdered by this person teleporting and raping me almost nightly--while he was stealing idea after idea from me (and STILL IS) after obtaining his media production company almost immediately upon my initial email sent to him--in London-asking for help because I was being murdered and needed health care and my country had blocked all and was covertly poisoning me to death through these groups which you all support in your silence and complicity to this stalking and terror fascist genocidal organization--now hoards of blacks have been inducted and Latinos and Jews and Asians and et al etc endlessly indoctrinated into these groups

This English rapist murdering bigot Nazi fascist Imperialist controls to a large degree these actors who all have stakes in English society at high levels with their International cartel operations. 

I would write short stories, creatively inspired posts, but my words have been and still are being stolen--by art thieves used to the practice of pushing down "upstarts" and obtaining their art and selling for high prices as their own.

Thus I remain fighting to type out blank statements that are highly revised by hackers as a discrediting tool aimed to destroy me (on all levels possible, in all facets of my personal life, silenced by my country and the media and political leaders who watch on passively because they too, are absolutely controlled)

and thus, what I have just written will be scrutinized, as my writing always is--due to the contract created by these fascist Nazi white males who have obtained through a system of nepotism and crony aristocratic entitlement (or mafia heritage) the belief that they must crush me, as a symbol of what America could aspire to--women not of Nazi appearance or indoctrination or who oppose this insidious death cult organization and it's endless global tentacles--to be stolen from and ideas blocked but stolen to be usurped as the concepts by the fake posturing pundits in media and in news commentaries and even one anchor of a major network is participating in this openly against me---so they can take ideas (which I also gleaned from my years of studying in Minneapolis, where these international protest movements have sprung up from the philosophy that these hate-filled rapist abuser genocidal nazi black and white and Jewish and et al performers and commentators and RENOUNED POLITICIANS and aspiring politicians are either enabling to be stolen so their cronies in the media will keep supporting them, or just openly stolen through most contemptuous hate and torture with violence leading to slow death as my payment while they laugh and go off hosting parties on the fascist Nazi plantation afterwards. 

The actors, the politicians from the previous administration that appear as welcome heroes bringing back a time reminiscent of stability will resume, are being re-inserted into the matrix of the system I have so briefly described (unable to type, unable to think clearly, unable to express myself) and blocked from writing even chaotic mind controlled creative fiction as my words and thoughts have been verbatim STOLEN BY THIS GROUP  for over 10 years without end. They continue to violate and breach my tiny studio and insert metal into my feet, drugging me, disfiguring me and off they go laughing about it and trying to terrorize and disfigure me into being forced to have a baby with one of them--so they can all profit in this huge conglomerate cartel that they all expect to be entitled to endless promotions and front headline starring roles and political promotions which result in dynastic rule for decades or half centuries....but ultimately conforming to a foreign policy covert group which controls them and metes out these contracts to their "good" rapist abuser death -inspiring performers who go from entertainers to politicians to politicians endorsing their families and their fortunes in the entertainment venues--where discussing sex (the usual greasy slime subject endlessly deteriorating any humane values by making endless jokes most sleazy and disgusting in late-night political rant joke tirades aimed at their enemies who really are promoting them but using sex as another vehicle of disambiguation of the population into having no reverence for LIFE AND THE SANCTITY OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT AS A REFINTED CONCERN FOR HUMANITY. The hate for women expressed through these jokes is abhorrent in itself. These are themes I would elaborate upon to a much greater degree but right now I am incapable of threading my thoughts into an organized structure this is just rambling from one thought to the next. The thieves only need small snippets of ideas tortured and drugged and extracted out of me--as the technology opens portals of my more inner thoughts, extracts all content which pours out like a sieve has opened in my brain--while confusing me to the degree that I can't finish my thoughts in even one sentence. 
So horrible I keep waiting for some government to protect my human rights because it's really the responsibility of the masses of people who read this and who are the silent participants of this situation and these policies. All indoctrinated further by these already-controlled performers who jump at any multi-million dollar contract handed seductively if they just vent their woman-hate or rape fantasies and torture dreams onto me (men and women included who afterward "fight" in public against rape and torture for the media theater and the political)
It must require that people stop allowing these rampant sexual debasement jokes and comedy routines which pose as political commentary which proliferate in the media and are accepted as a slow indoctination into dehumanizing women and thus the men who turn to increasing fascistic tendencies in private and then in public policy.


I am very dizzy and the sensation of being about to faint or lose consciousness as time progresses and I type or try to elaborate further. The attack on my brain increases to the point that I would be injured or sick if I continued, but I will try. The parasites are drooling to obtain ideas to steal or use as their own. They are following the dictates of this contract out on me. I am not claiming that my ideas are so original as much as these people stealing the ideas don't give a damn about studying or research regarding these types of thoughts, they study for their movie plots to make their fictions a bit more realistic but otherwise, they just want instantaneous gratification and instant information handed to them for free--this contract out on me affords them all of that plus having a torture victim which is left unpunished but instead highly rewarded and awarded. The idea that greed and aspiration is the one excusable rationale for attainment into higher position, which seemingly follows the "American Dream" mentality has proven to have created this "Invisible Hand" of the market mechanism which operates in tandem with political megalomaniacal fascist operative principles, as applied and enforced to a willing and obedient public which has already devoured and consumed this consumer-driven media campaign, paid for in part by investors, corporate moguls, from Imperialistic, Nazi and other sources pumping in hate and division through their multi-pronged attack system of endorsing all sides of all debates. 

Thus I am attacked most viciously by Progressive media pundits as well as overt fascists who sit in the behind rows of this increasing throng of media actors--the foreigners who are backed by truly silent investors out of countries and places who have extremely detrimental concepts of how America can be controlled, divided and conquered. 

A change in politics is NOT GOING TO STOP THIS SLOW DETERIORATION which began at least 8 years ago and persists. The same people are in power who were there before. The same players behind them are controlling THEM.

While it would appear less than likely for me to ever obtain any protection and to just have the "rights" afforded by the US Constitution into the next administration, I still continue to write, knowing that my thoughts and words will be stolen, perused, as they continue to dismember me and people are silent or cheering it on with absolutely not a single person representing my rights or working in my behalf to stop this absolutely disgusting hate crime being committed against me by highest levels of the US Government and by these most highly endorsed actors--controlled and obedient lacking original thoughts as far as humanitarianism goes.

The remedy would be for people to make being more concerned with human values over indulging in even the highest paid contract in order to save or preserve this most unique concept of "Democracy" without allowing fascists from places like Disney China and other foreign entities tied to the English Monarchy (as the English rapist hater racist handing contracts out to these actors is, the man who tortured me and raped and poisoned me with intention of murder for over 8 years, is still ordering the dismemberment--along with a mafia fascist rapist out of Italy's mafia who has tortured me not for 8 years but over TWO DECADES--)

those two represent only a small couple of people they associate with who are being handed all waterfront properties and the best positions and red carpet by the Nazi European-bowing American fascist nazis who have emerged in the last few years to try to obtain power through any means necessary.

so, I am glad that the Open Skies Treaty has been broken in part by US participation however that only leaves the infiltrating agents who can easily conduct surveillance of AMerican vulnerabilities from within, while laughing at parties by the people who have welcomed them in as they hand out mansions and investments in their foreign countries to these media representatives who are eager to exhibit European fashion and fascism at any given but private opportunity.
I can't write any longer and struggle to fight to type and think so I end this here, as a haphazard post that hackers and mind control terrorists have turned into a rambling disconnect.


I walked away from the laptop---I stumbled like I was drunk and did a few innocuous daily chores. Thoughts I had wanted to write earlier but which were blocked by memory function closure by this hate technology aimed at me: my thoughts above include, and are not limited to the slightest extent, to the TECHNOCRATIC investors and pushers (slingers) of highly "new" technology which consists of brain-computer interface and other such nefarious and dubious interactions of technology seemingly benign in the pursuit of "advancement" in technological creation for the enhancement of the human condition. The advance for the fascist takeover by mind control technologies is being pushed by the media in forms of foreign investors, who have become household names by now, who have PARTICIPATED IN THIS CRIME AGAINST ME. One man in particular who has not stopped inserting his face and information on my every web page search for over 4 years is now a burgeoning billionaire whose technology is spanning the ionosphere of control over all human existence. He is flaunted as being "young" and "hipster" by the H-wood control apparatus who endlessly promotes this very fascist and murder-enabling personality. My personal experience from years of this going on has shown me this indelibly. However, no one will acknowledge me or my situation or ever put the brakes on this Frankenstein media concoction of technology using the name, stealing as usual, of an inventor who Einstein lamented was a true genius while his theories were merely highly intelligent. Stolen and used for a global genocidal regime, spanning satellites and brain implant technology. This inventor was left in such isolation by this terror operation which is also using the same tactics on me (over 100 years later, this group is still intact and recruiting people in huge swaths of hundreds of thousands of people per technological control into the warm embrace of this cold, calculating death organization and this has been apparent by the demographic results of the latest election as minorities are turning to the fascist organization as their parent controller rather than face the cold deaths of the ostracization that racism has enveloped into genocidal policies enacted worldwide.

A long sentence, it's very hard to type and my brain is under a centrifugal force by the tech affecting my brain.

"The Inventions of Nikola Tesla & The Secret Technologies Stolen"

The much highly-praised foreign technocrat business man leading this global company (which opened a factory in China one month before the Corona Virus began to spread--meaning in December, 2019) this same man who has most viciously assisted in attacking me along with openly fascist Nazi European-based American actors--women who tried to have me murdered when I wrote under years of torture, rape and their endless theft of MY ideas stolen as their own--supported by this Good old boy technocrat who is being advertised as a hipster nearly American personality, with contract in combination with NASA to develop a huge global PRISON NETWORK OF MIND CONTROL and oppression. Always endorsed by the media as something bright, hopeful and happy for the media consumers. All they need to believe and endorse any foreign personality is for their leader to tell them what to do, as the satellites and other technologies emit or "pulse" huge swaths of low frequencies covering large land masses directly into the brains of the willing and compliant believing and trusting folds. Delivery methods are so well-entrenched by now and are increasing in scope as I write this today. Culprits are cloaked in media constructs of personality "liberal" values and endorsed as celebrity heroes of culture for "rescuing" society from the ills of environmentally unsafe products. 

What is the result of withdrawing from the Open Skies Treaty when you embrace and welcome personalities who smile and offer you fascist Nazi handshakes and mansions in their countries, who then install technologies enabling land-based or open sky surveillance using their "respected" (respectively written) technology?

They can conduct as much or more damaging surveillance FROM WITHIN and boast that they are backed by celebrity "liberals" who I KNOW ARE NOT but no one else will recognize. As I stated above, the progression into fascist Nazism is being continued with the same old players acting as representatives but rescuing society from the ills of outspoken racism and hate which they really endorse, and have done so and still do under this current seeming "anomaly" of fascism that the media pundits are shocked about. The real issues are always left unspoken and diversions of explanations are continuously repacked from one media source to the next in to a chorus of rationalizations for silencing their own complicity.