"In Arizona, a struggle over sacred Apache land..." (You Tube title, PBS NewsHour. March 8, 2021).
MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Monday, March 8, 2021
The rape of Arizona sacred site of Oak Flat. The rape of the United States by an internationally-backed but US-lead mining consortium. The collusion of Americans in this process. The rape and genocide that this larger terror operation attacking me, which is interconnected through their global network of technological terror and Kontrol, to this mining operation in Arizona. The lack of respect for life, the rape culture that permeates all living and organic land and people, the exploitation and need for endless wealth accumulation at the expense of the Land, the life and of all possible to kill off for profit and hegemony: is reflected in this very configuration partnership and the lack of all concern about the sanctity of anything spiritual that truly has meaning in reality. The levels of death and destruction in all arenas that are raped and killed off by this larger organization is both tangible and intangible. Stop the rape of the earth. Stop the rape of targets. Stop the infiltration of the US and other nations by investors with their traitor native partners. Stop the death of the planet by these ignorant, perhaps well-educated but the overarching mentality is of their greedy rapists who all hold high educational degrees or have great wealth backing them.
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Terrorist report: March 7, 2021. My drinking water is being poisoned once more with a foul plastic taste. I drank it yesterday and the bottle was half full (I keep the glass bottle in my refrigerator) and it tasted clean just last night. Today, after the mechanical arms got through destroying things and cutting into my body (with harsh chemicals smeared on my skin, hair and into my food, sprayed on clothing, on the floors and every single place I live and on my body and clothing). The mechanical arms can not only pass through small spaces but have spraying capabilities and small knives/cutting instruments attached. I have no doubt I am drugged every single night in such a manner, probably through skin patches. They have destroyed so much of the texture of my skin that I am literally covered with blemishes and body disfigurements (in addition to the poison that has been inserted through my food all my life that has hardened into my spine/hips/legs/feet/arms/skull/neck etc and into viscerae). How many more presidents, politicians and actors and mafia actors and leaders must I endure with near-death attacks going on nearly perpetually? With all these attacks they teleport me nightly to death scenes, rape scenes, me being " homeless" in the teleportation skits, abuse and insults and threats and rape and endless interrogations and brainwashing and hate without end by these actors who emit "love" and "compassion" in every bs presentation they make about how much they care (that includes the politicians). This is an ongoing attack that president after president has engaged in or allowed all my life. How much longer must I wait before there is even a single person who will stand by me instead of backing down, remaining silent and watching and obeying these crooks, sleaze rapist and fascist scumbag whores? I now have a very nasty actor out of Europ-a-land who is a most repulsive abuser and has only hate towards me. This person, from my experience of having lived in Europe, is an absolutely anti-American infiltrator and yet this group of actors completely laughs as they watch him abuse me and me fight back like it's a circus performance. Meanwhile the politicians completely support and defend HIM and participate WITH HIM in attacking ME. I am being poisoned and this attack has begun with my drinking water, amongst other deadly attacks by this disgusting actor who I have told from the first second he began to attack me that he's not anything to me but a hateful personality and to go away--he's been using threats of death, poisoning, heart palpitations, teleportation skits of rape and death, my home stinking my flowers dying every day--(moreso than the usual endless attack but increased). Still, my government supports him because he has helped them to forge a deal for a lot of $ going to Nazi-controlled California. Forget about skin color when it comes to what is in control in California and who. Will anyone ever stop this Nazi empire out of Whorewood, GmbH, Inc in California, partnering to use this technology upon me. I had to leave the United States to obtain health care, and this group has forced me into such poverty that I can no longer afford ANY health care whatsoever. They have made me so financially unstable that I could fall at any moment. If I had an accident, which they keep trying to put me into with near-death car accidents continuously forced upon me by their terrorist teams here, I would have no recourse or support system in health care or in anything else. Will someone please, please please get this rotten actor from Austria off me, along with his other Nazi buddies out of his country and Germany and plus the multitudes of English actors (and one Welsh, or maybe two or more but definitely an old man out of Wales has also participated in this situtaion of attack upon me in a more vicarious form but undoubtedly has offered advice on how to crush my spirit and soul and body through all kinds of physical violence endlessly directed at me--because whomsoever breaks my spirit and body will "get" more high awards so this throng of sleazy, slutty stupid creeps has not stopped for nearly a decade with me crying out for help every single day for years and only more politicians and more media stars and more news anchors get involved to likewise get their own promotions. Meanwhile America is in a perpetual crisis that began under the administration of this death and terror system aimed at me--under their tenure the American situation has worsened nearly immeasurably. But I need a support system and for this hell to be stopped from this sleazy and nasty Europigape creep from Austria--I have only been writing about him for over a month or longer--time is now slipping it's another disgusting unwanted pig ape torturing me to obtain endless awards and deals by the fascist Nazi organization that has taken over the United States, thanks to these meaningless whores I have been writing about for YEARS to the endless silence and silencing of everyone. With all my prescient warnings that have gone unrecognized and unheeded, but were accurate--to this very moment of warning about continuing to allow them to just go on and on inducting more stupid soldiers into this army of dumb with the result of America slipping and turning into a cesspool of hate and destruction with fascists ready to take over for their Kontrol. But this creep is now ordering my food to be poisoned and I so hope this creep is destroyed please get this rotten piece of crap off me--but every time I write about how disgusting they are, they only get more promotions and deals and front lead roles in more crappy movies about how they are saving the world and America. When will anyone be responsible at least for the future security of the United States enough to stop this?
It's not just the cumulative effect of non-stop, daily and nightly stress upon my psyche and body systems as a result of "traumatization", which is the terrorists' eternal and vigilant intended effect, but the cuts into my body along with the spraying of toxic substances around the region that is being cut is also a factor in blood poisoning--sepia. My IMMUNE SYSTEM being overly taxed for about a DECADE has contributed to my body breaking down and aging nearly exponentially during this last decade of non-stop torture, disfigurement and violence aimed at me. Of course, that is their intended effect besides slowly and "covertly" murdering me. The more I look weakened and deteriorated the more the claim that I "died" from my body breaking down seemingly naturally can be increased. Along with seemingly "irrational" behavior due to being drugged eternally and under life-threatening attack every time I drive and with my food intake, continuously I break down physically.
THEY HAVE ALSO STOLEN THE ONE AND ONLY CONSOLATION I HAVE, WHICH IS MY CAT LA MOUX (TRUMP STOLE HER AND HAS THREATENED TO KILL HER INNUMERABLE TIMES). She was born in 1998 and 7 years ago when the first "A-list" celebrity began to teleport and torture/rape me, I wrote ceaselessly for the first two weeks of his onslaught of the beginning of another two years of his rape and violence--but I said no and after two weeks he had my cat thrown in the swimming pool where I was staying, they took a photo of her nearly drowning and then stole her. I have been teleported to her a few times, and she is now very old and I have no idea if she is alive or not but if so, I want her back alive with my own home, paid for by these millionaire/billionaire rapists and criminals from all the millions of dollars they have been paid for their criminal antics including the theft of many of my ideas but also while ensuring I receive not a single penny for any attempt I make at earning a single dollar from all the exertions I have made to lift myself up from this cesspool they forced upon me.
so I have no recourse, no stability in any sense whatsoever, due to this group. I have no loving, kind or fun person or animal in my vicinity willing to risk being killed by defending me. All animals I have taken care of since they stole my cat have all been killed or stolen from me once more. I have therefore not a single person to even have a chat with. I have no support system and I am surrounded by violence and hate on a 24/7 basis, with non-stop attacks that continue to, at best, aggravate me, but at worse it's like a broken record in my inner ear of hate that revolves like a spinning hate hole forced into my brain by their tech, drugging and the subliminal hate content that creates such a reaction (that goes on for hours). I also can't breathe deeply, which is akin to what I wrote a few days ago about being slowly suffocated to death. In this stress state, along with innumerable attacks, I also am being attacked by their remote and microchip implant tech into a nervous state of shallow breathing and heart palpitations--so literally I cannot breathe except very shallow with this traumatized induced state that has gone on every single day for hours, for a few years (like nearly a decade).
My health is so badly deteriorated and I do understand that their ultimate goal is my murder but all appearing like I just "aged" and broke down, mentally or physically. Already when I tried to get help from the health care system and had to explain a few things, I was automatically diagnoses with a mental disorder although all I did was describe to the person interviewing me aspects of attacks upon me as I sat answering questions in a pleasant tone, with no creepy wacked out answers to the questions. I said nothing that would be deemed to be a condition of mental disorder but they placed this diagnosis on me for official record. I am just adding this because I basically have done nothing "wrong" or illegal and am no criminal and have not even been a political activist, as in , any threat to this hate system in a political sense. They just don't like me trying to compete against them and trying to win and then beating them when I do compete (as has been often the case before such poisoning was inflicted as to make me nearly paralyzed and "disabled" due to their attacks). As for the psychological effects, after a lifetime of drugging and now the decade of torture, I have reacted in a hysterical manner and have written under these influences. But with all the continuous attacks such as cutting into my skin, spraying toxic substances on the clothing, blankets and sheets where I have been cut (at night, while sleeping and my consciousness is teleported elsewhere, I am essentially comatose in my original primary body state but my consciousness is teleported to the location where I am then abused, assaulted, insulted and threatened LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE NIGHT with the most sick, sleazy and stupid violent sleazy dumb skits possible--by these self-ordained icons of "class and style" and compassion and posturing bs.
So, this is to describe a murder attempt. My character assassination has almost been completed and that was not done through wealthy celebrities but by their minions (white men and women and blacks and everyone else inbetween in color range) when I attempted to get health care and help and support because they forced me into such dire poverty.
now I live in another death trap of torture, surveillance, rape and dismemberment while THEY ARE POISONING me so the poison seeps into my blood stream.
I am broken down physically AND I NEED THIS TO BE STOPPED IMMEDIATELY. So far two US Presidents have presided over this contract out on me and I have been waiting for the next administration to actually step up and defend "Democracy" and it appears that they just want everything to go back to more smooth criminals flouting bs lines about how much they care about everything while the system keeps killing people they don't like, i.e. moi.
However, I think this group is a disgusting example of the deterioration of everything that is truly glorious and classy on this planet and I do want to live with my body intact and the beauty that is marginally remaining to not be destroyed any longer by these utterly disgusting scumbag rapist whore nazi filth that has ordered this non-stop filth poured into my body, hair and skin and all that I breathe in and eat. My body has become nearly rancid from blood poisoning due to this shit group of filth and crap and their stinking, dirty hate system forced upon me.
They continue to get plastic surgery and their homes cleaned by bowing, smiling "brown and black" slaves serving them (in LA and everywhere else, if they can get it they will).
How many years I have been writing about this and still I am continuing this endless script that is a broken record except that my body is not capable of sustaining more and more and more poisoning along with non-stop hate and stress attacks they use with this technology that literally blocks my heart and breathing and oxygen intake, thus reducing immune system and increasing risk of all kinds of deadly diseases and failures for my body system.
PLUS FUNGUS AND MOLD put into my room on a daily basis, on all furniture and into all closets where my clothing is. Into my food sometimes. They used to put fungus into my ear canals, into my vagina and in my hair--every single day. I have had to nearly hermetically seal off all windows for the night so I was continuously breathing this fungus/mold mixture in plus the rancid toxic sprays they continue to put on my furniture, clothing and on my body and food--every day, for years. They have also inserted or injected substances under my skin with surface as round, hard objects and thus appear as cysts. I need health care to remove these and the doctors I go to say they will charge me over $600 to just incise a small little round object. I thus have to live with this disgusting object (there are two of them on different parts of my body) and can't do a single thing to remove them. They did this to me in America and it took me a few years to get any Medicaid health care clinic to even remove a huge one that was inserted on my chest. The clinics would inform me that my health care did not cover this, and that also their equipment was "gone" to remove such an object.
This is the kind of slow murder and disfigurement I have had to suffer with for years, and it was why I left the US (I have only JUST BEGUN to begin to describe how bad it was in the US). Now, due to Obama and Trump, I have been put into such poverty that I can't afford to see a Thai doctor so thus, I have zero health care once more because of these presidents and their greed and hate (don't tell me that Obama is not anti-Semitic--and by the way, I am not part of that culture or religion but they don't care, they want me to be in a category that makes the white bigots comfortable that everyone is in a place that puts them on top and by association with the endless stereotypes they are continuously reinforcing, thanks to mind control organizations like H-wood and it's tentacle arms of brainwashing into racist and Nazi ideology (please don't exclude blacks in this process as they are vitally important in keeping up various pretenses but meanwhile reinforcing the stereotypes and also the divide pattern as they are set against jews now in order to be elevated by white supremacists--).
And so, I am now in a much worse position to receive health care while this non-stop poisoning continues. All I do, literally, is clean up stinking toxic filth that is sprayed on every single thing in my room and on my body--every single day. I am so exhausted from it that I cannot clean up the normal things that really need cleaning.
Please will someone do something to stop this murder.
The threat to the United States in the form of China and the Europ-a collusion. The terrorist network from here (Phuket, Thailand) to China and back to the USA and back again to here.
Posted on my Facebook page today. Many hacks deleted parts of sentences the first time I re-read through the first sentence I had written. I have not gone through more of the long post series to correct more of the intrusions by terrorist hackers. It was too hard to pound words out because if I don't pound down almost with my entire arm strength I can't get letters to print. Once I finally get that out, hackers then go in and delete parts of sentences and rewrite various words at this endless discrediting process.
I also got into a name-calling hate state of mind due to the technology lowering my analytic capabilities and enhancing the hate mode, plus all the other brain-altering effects that this technology effects upon me as I fight arduously to pound words out and backspace to rewrite endlessly due to hacker obstruction.
...and I had to copy and paste the portion below 4 times because hackers would insert paragraphs from other posts instead of what I had just copied to paste. They blocked the content 3 other times and added the functions of Facebook into what I had copied but blocked the writing--I had highlighted the writing portion 4 times in a row and every time hackers blocked every single attempt with these endless obstructions. This is the usual endless block to my functioning so I can never produce anything online and it never gets out to the main internet WWW anyway. WHEN WILL THIS BE STOPPED when will this hacking be stopped by my government and/or anyone else? I remain here while creeps who have had me raped, have teleported and raped me, have all threatened to murder me have had me hit by cars and have ordered my teeth to be broken my toes and fingers nearly cut off (which I have barely been able to thwart and they would still be doing it if I hadn't taken extreme steps to defend myself, and I can barely manage to do this and politicians are still monitoring my situation and doing NOTHING to stop this--meaning top politicians in Congress are a part of this and are milking this situation for the deals they can also get out of it--especially in CALIFORNIA--guess who is from that State in the Executive and in Congress and who has formerly been a governor and also an actor?).
I just tried to paste what I had written and terrorist hackers had mutilated the print so it was half-blocked--the lower portion of the letters appears completely crunched into a tangled mess of print. The copied words also were encased in a black background and were indistinguishable from the font color--when I tried to change the color that also was blocked by terrorists. I copied and pasted one section over 4 times and each time either paragraphs I had not copied appeared, or the functions for Facebook appeared but not what I had copied--and etc. The hacking is so bad I must copy and paste onto some other site (all my Word for writing tools are also being blocked I can't even open my Word applications--the hacking is so bad it's nearly impossible to write or get anything out).
Thus, copied from Facebook, recopied onto my email account and then pasted here--that is how hard it is for me to copy and paste anything and I can't even get into this blog to view how it will turn out so I don't know if it will even be printed correctly.
When will anyone ever stop this crime against me and this hacking terrorism and home break-ins, mutilation of my body and home and destruction of everything I am and have worked for?
Once I opened my email account to try to copy and paste from Facebook what I just wrote, under extremely stressful hacking and brainwave altering conditions--the pages are now frozen and it will require over 20 minutes for me to simply copy and paste a few paragraphs I had written which took at least 6 times longer than it should have taken due to these obstruction--only to have to wait for the pages to stop being blocked and frozen--thus 20 minutes or longer to try to copy paragraphs and paste them from one source to another and then into this page--with endless hacks and rewrites after I finally am able to publish--
But now, as I attempt to copy and paste from Facebook onto my email page, just to try to recopy onto this page because the hacking is so bad I can't even copy and paste directly from Facebook to this page from endless blocks to this process making what I had copied blank with only Facebook functions appearing--the same thing is going on so maybe it will take me 30 minutes to copy four or so paragraphs from Facebook onto this page. The copied paragraphs are also coming in as having black block backgrounds and are very hard to read with the colors. I will not know if this comes out at all on the published page as that too is inaccessible.
The reason I wrote first on Facebook was because I had originally intended only to copy a weblink or video concerning China. The mind control tech aimed into my brain renders a kind of truth serum effect where I pour out ideas--their intended goal--once I begin to write. This can also be used for verbal situations where I tell my real thoughts about a situation and/or words come out not in my own vocabulary or what I have actually thought but speak in a tone of voice not mine (because my vocal chords also can be tweaked by this organization with that implant in my throat that can cause all kinds of damage including suffocation while eating or etc, they can constrict my vocal chords and my throat and they do it all the time while I am eating/drinking). But to continue...I began to write a short comment and all this came pouring out in a disorganized hate rant-by the end of the post I was ranting as the brain-altering tech blasted into my neo-cortex to extract all the discombubulated thoughts into a kind of cohesive rant of disparate-seeming events all interconnected. I tried to write but it came out as a huge sprawling rant that had a "life of it's own" due to mind control. And thus, I write this here not only as an examplar of this situation but also because of this terrorist organization and how it operates. This is not a regional situation any longer, I try to emphasize the enormous scope of the terror organization and the long-reaching effects it has so far had under this situation of attack upon me--that I witness and tie the pieces together. This is not a "conspiracy theory" but with no direct evidence I can only state this as my experience. I am already so "discredited" by now that there is nothing I can say that will be used as a credible witness testimony--that is, until this technology is not kept secret any longer and thus exposed to the public. That appears to be a distant future as the people who are in power so much want a huge monopoly of power and this technology is enabling even the most stupid to achieve great leadership positions and those who are alternative and against their fascist Nazi system are being destroyed--killed, drugged, brainwashed, silenced-etc etc etc. So many have already died by this group and organization for this very reason of their hegemony and the destruction of any alternative competition, using this "gang stalking" proxy group of thugs and whores and stupid idiots stalking innocent people in the streets. You can see their modus operandi in the Capital attacks and the threats of death for anyone not complying with all their lies and aspirations for absolute power.
Friday, March 5, 2021
Rhetorical question about the death of George Floyd at the hands of a minor minion of this much larger death system which has enveloped me in it's deadly grasp (aka "gang stalking").
As the trial of Derrick Chauvin approaches, I have searched Minnesota sites for information on the city effects of this enormous event and it's planning and implementation of measures. I saw another photo that I have not seen before today, the photo below of Chauvin with his HAND IN HIS POCKET WITH A DEATH GRIN ON HIS FACE AS HE'S PEERING AT FLOYD DYING UNDER HIS UNFLINCHING KNEE for over 8 minutes to the DEATH.
*hackers are blocking access to viewing my blog and getting into my blog through the link I have used for months. I also cannot copy and paste anything from my laptop files and thus I have had to resort to copying this URL for the photo, which has come out as a scrollable photo that may or may not operate after I publish this post. I cannot get into the "view blog" link on my blogger navigator as well. Half of my access to this blog site has been eradicated and blocked by hackers. I just did a restore operation but because I was denied the recovery disc by the lying computer shop and I have no recourse to any "English speaker" on the phone or in stores, I am stuck using this severely hacked and blocked system with absolutely no support from Dell and no way to access a retrieval of my original system in order to try to rid this computer of the malware and keystroke logging and etc.
I will attempt to upload a video on YouTube (will see soon if that function is blocked as well): and it appears that the video is available for upload. Here is the original footage. See the posturing murderer smug and convinced that he has full autonomy and entitlement to do whatever he wants when using the excuse that he is "scared" of the target and has to use "lawful" force to restrain someone who is "resisting arrest" by struggling to breathe while being held down to death under a choke hold or whatever other more subtle versions of slow murder are used (as in my situation, simply death through non-stop stress inflicted on a 24/7 basis for years without end and no recourse to ANY JUSTICE OR SUPPORT. That alone is very slow form of being suffocated and tortured to death. In addition to poisoning, blood poisoning and other versions of torture, heat palpitations through microwave torture, etc etc that has not stopped against me for years and over a decade without end. Slow murder just the same thing as the Floyd Murder seen below. My statement is below all this on the possible targeting of Floyd beforehand, and the future prospects facing the planet for the development of more Derrick Chavins who are allowed full access to covert murder technologies and operations.
STOP BEING COMPLACENT AND SILENT AND ACCEPTING OF THIS SITUATION i HAVE DETAILED FOR YEARS WITH NO END to no end but I believe that in the end of this death system that has been left to spread like a virus, this death systematic murder and death squad operation will be upended but will you allow them to murder gratis for the indefinite future or will you actually begin to comprehend that you are bringing a host of Chauvin's into full non-disclosure with full pardon immunity due to the secret nature of these operations that no one will admit to or reveal or discuss or stop?
I do have to wonder if Floyd was targeted before his "arrest" and then murder on that fateful day in Minneapolis? These seemingly random arrest/murder operations are not random, they are not unusual I suspect. The police may have known beforehand that George Floyd had been shot by police by perusing his records. One of the aspects of targeting it so effect a "trigger" response to unbalance the victim and then using the mind control, to force a response of hysteria. Possibly Floyd had been covertly drugged beforehand in order to ensure the type of reaction of extreme fear and bursts of rage and anger while he was fearing for his life as well.
I write this because I am trying every day to write something that might prick the conscience of readers into actually not doing nothing about this situation of targeting and torture. Doing nothing except watching it go on silently thinking it's happening to someone else and can never happen to you or someone you love or your country. Meanwhile, as the technology is enhanced and further incorporated into more groups and the training is enlarged, larger swaths of the population can and already are being influenced in extremely adverse ways of behavior modification to effect severe reactions that are deadly and dangerous. This would enhance eruptions of violence, protests, riots, and bring about more death and instability to the country and then the forces that want to corrupt and devour the political landscape will then have reason to take charge under the guise of protecting society from chaos. Order out of Chaos. Their Order. The old order but people keep referring it to the "New" order. It's the old order and there is nothing new about it, except for the technology.
Posted on my Facebook page just now, today.
(regarding photo and video above)
Terrorist Report: continuation of cuts into my toes, skin burned away every day while sleeping in the comatose microchipped state while being teleported so my consciousness (while sleeping) is in the teleported location..
I have been writing about this for months. This torture and dismemberment has been ongoing for years, with various parts of my body severed out (part of my uterus, a partial hysterectomy was performed on me while I was 'sleeping"--part of my intestines came out of my body, completely severed off with an incision but I did not "save" this severed part of the intestine or take a photo as my camera has been broken and I am forced into such poverty I can't afford to buy more and more things that are destroyed every single month by this group of terrorists).
I have spent literally years trying to block the entry into my room while I sleep but I cannot unless I can board up the walls and pour cement on all the tiles and cracks of the bathroom. Otherwise, my efforts have not stopped these attacks. I sleep with layers of packaging tape around every toe, around the arch of my feet with socks and I sleep in a pair of pants that I have sown material into the foot openings so there is only the waist area that is open. There is a tie string with loops in the pants, which are ripped off when I wake up, the string that I tied so tight around my waist it could not move last night is loose and retied in a sloppy, loose knot. I have to resew this belt loop every two days and I sew triple knots into the many areas I try to reattach this piece onto.
There are so many dangerous injuries that this group has inflicted on me just from while I am sleeping my entire body is covered with cuts, blemishes and scars from these attacks. now they are severing my toes off slowly as they ahve already broken the toes which they are now slicing the very thin skin and other tissue into every day so blow is being blocked from flowing--every single day now for almost half a year.
When WHEN will anyone ever step-in and stop this? I have tried I am blocked in every aspect of finances. These people attacking me are sick and disgusting and I am being told that I must provide some disgusting man and his wife with a baby so they can be handed even MORE promotions for exploiting and dismembering and torturing me FOR YEARS WITHOUT END EVERY SINGLE DAY.
All of this is fully supported by the likes of Nancy Pelosi and the near entire spectrum of the H-wood "A-list" celebrities who are taking turns being handed top awards for their acting. The slew of them who just won G-Globe awards have come out with their resultant speeches in interviews about how the situation for women is far improved (for them, that means because they just "won" AND for movie themes regarding issues of things like Habeus Corpus, and detainee and State-sponsored terrorism for which they star and receive awards for playing the defender of all liberties and rights under the Constitution--except in real life when it comes to ME they are THRILLED by participating in this torture and terrorist crime
and then they say that the situation for "women" is improving in H-wood (for them).
It is people like this who are participating in this and I have been writing of this dismemberment for which they stand and defend and are promoted and receiving millions of dollars to stash away for their portfolios and investments and lavish lifestyles and to influence more people to serve and obey them in this utterly sickening fascist system for which they truly stand.
This slashing of my body eveyr single day for years has been absolutely condoned by highest forces in the US Government, some of whom have openly and very happily participated in and laughed to my face about . Obviously Trump is one along with his very disgusting wives out of fascist Europe, but the Americans are as sickeningly disgusting about their gleeful participation in this most disgusting torture, rape and hate crime against me.
There is so much hard poison glued into my spine that I cannot stand straight nor can I balance on my hips. With them cutting into my feet what little I can do to stand up and walk is now being further hindered.
I need someone to actually defend the US Constitution and Defend women's rights and actually care about racism to stop these sick criminals and terrorists who play such "important" lead roles in defending all the categories I have just listed.
When will anyone ever stop this crime against me for which I am innocent of all blame and these people are being showered with money and prizes for this kind of behavior, which I have stated earlier today is a part of THEIR mind control programming.
Many songs trigger thoughts, emotions and concepts directly or indirectly to my experience of observing the endless repetitious patterns o...
I must order express extremely vital financial objects from my mailing service out of the US. So far, Fed Ex in Phuket has no telephone nu...
For the past few days the terrorist minions, which here in Thailand specialize in Asian cooking condiments such as Fish oil and fish cakes...