Thursday, April 15, 2021

THIS POST BELOW HAS BEEN VERY BADLY ALTERED BY HACKERS WHO HAVE DELETED PARTS AND REWRITTEN OTHER PARTS. i AM CONSTANTLY REWRITING AND BACKSPACING DUE TO HACKER BLOCKS TO THE KEYBOARD AS WELL. Terrorist Report: April 15, 2021. Assorted stuff--sad partings to my beautiful flowering vine, blossoms of beauty and perennial flowering joy ripped up by the root with the roots and bottom completely severed off the plant so it's all going to be dead hanging on my matrix/lattice structure very soon. I just saw it now hanging dead and cut off at the bottom and my entire patio has a huge set of leaves and flowers emanating from this potted plant that provides shade and flowers. Destroyed by terrorists using mechanical arms to break and rip and destroy and fling dirt and muck on my patio daily. I have tried to stick the broken and ripped-off bottom back in the soil, hoping that roots will emerge but I doubt it. The entire plant is green and still blossoming but will die very soon. Every day other flowers off another plant are ripped off daily and are laying on my patio dead and ripped off the other flowering vine. In addition an encounter with an English terrorist manager of a store that attacked me recently--under his order as he denies it after I wrote a letter to the main company which apologized profusely--more below

 **Please note that hacker deletions and rewrites plague most of this post to the point of incomprehensibility. Hackers have deleted entire parts of sentences and then strung half-deleted sentences together into elongated partial  paragraphs with hardly any punctuation in between. Right now hackers are blocking keys so even typing a few sentneces is impossible without having to endlessly rewrite. But the information below has been completely rewritten and half-deleted and then pasted together again. I am not going to spend more time endlessly backspacing just to type words correctly as this is the paramount obstruction to my every post. Right now the struggle to simply type is overwhelming. The sentences below have been BUTCHERED and I am also so sick of this going on and on while idiots have stolen my ideas and are selling them off as their concept while making a lot of money for appearing more original than they are (which I find is at a near zero percent of originality). THIS POST IS ABSOLUTELY REWRITTEN AND IS VERY HARD TO UNDERSTAND. i CAN'T REWRITE AGAIN THE HACKING IS TOO OBSTRUCTIVE FROM THE TERRORISTS BLOCKING MY  KEYBOARD AND ALSO ATTACKING MY BRAIN. This entire post reads like random nonsequitors pasted together without grammar. I am so sick of this being done by creeps who are being paid free rent to also torture my body with various weapons, dismember my body slowly, and help people in Los Angeles to teleprot me so they can torture me to obtain ideas and then torture me afterwards while this organization blocks my every attempt to achieve any single thing on this planet. When I write about Pelosi this is just the latest politician to have attacked me. Like all the rest, she's gloating with power and titillation in having someone to attack--when it is women attacking me (there is always a rapist celebrity or politician right next to them, sitting right next to them when they teleport me in the secrecy of their enclaves and mansions and wherever they commit this sickening crime from---the women are thrilled to have another woman to hand over to violent men to rape and disfigure--Pelosi is an absolute sick creep and psychopath criminal--she was so happy to be attacking me and it is disgusting that I must have to endure this from political representatives of my country over and over, year after year. Four years of T-rump and I had ot deal with the former governor of California operating with the current speaker of the house while they discusses severing parts of my body off when I reacted screaming at yet more abusers and rapists and haters teleporting and glaring at me with hate and threatening me while I called them names--as they ordered more torture of my body more destruction of my home more discrimination from people surrounding me and more home break-ins to destroy my body and home from toxic shock and my property vandalized on a continuous basis for decades while they watch on SMILING AND GLOATING OVER IT.


I see rotten and ugly disgusting mafia Pelosi defending blonde women in her rotten news routine blathering or "fighting" for "The American people" and it's sickening to see this. The United States is on the brink of creating a completely destroyed country due to these people I have been writing of for years. No one seems to care, I am the only one writing about how devious and disgusting they are--the QAnon people are referring to conspiracy theories I am responding to facts that I can't prove because none of the conspiracy theorists want a country where I have a chance for justice but they can carry assault weapons around and prepare to shoot people like Pelosi if she doesn't do what they want. Pelosi then did what they wanted which was to reinforce a Nazi agenda of racism using technological tyranny and now she's safely ensconsed into her old bigot Nazi Mafia routine of BS'ing the American public about how generously incredible she is when it comes to fighting for "Democracy".

T-rump is for the most part gone from visible news broadcasts but there are still people like rotten hyena pelosi who is often displayed by news media as if this rotten thing is a representative of American culture--and I believe that many in the news media are aware of what has been happening to me. They so fully endorse this kind of tyranny. I remain here writing and then detailing how badly my posts and writing is being redacted to the point that it makes no sense. Writing and writing for years and waiting and waiting for some kind of legal representation to stop this sick crime against me. 

The post below is nearly incomprehensible in most parts I can't constantly rewrite everything I try to write which always takes at least ten times longer to get out due to hackers blocking the keyboard. 

This is so ultimately frustrating to see how badly my country has sunk in terms of human rights and in endorsing psycho criminal creeps who I mention and write about but the planet behaves as if what I write is not worth noting. It is so relevant to everything--this situation occurring to me is vital to preventing a very deadly set of INCOMPETENTS FROM CONTINUING TO DESTROY THE PLANET b ut no one seems to be able to recognize this and I remain writing to a sickeningly blank void of people.


so, discrimination here in Phuket--where I had an encounter at a store that was extremely nasty and of awful discrimination---

to continue--and I suspect that hackers will have rewritten and partially deleted the sentences above but I'm sick of constnatly writing about it.

I still can't understand why NO ONE will come to my aid and stop this crime against me and these revolting psycho criminals attacking me not just in Whorewood but everywhere--that something this sick is being fully embraced in all societies around the world at such a high level and from top to bottom of society is appalling.


The store in question is the Lemongrass House brand which is an international company, with two branches in Phuket. I have gone to the Rawai Branch for a few years and obtained essential oils and other natural skin products. This company has won many awards for it's products and that is well-deserved by it's company. The service here in Phuket is fraught with ex-pat bigots with Thai consorts servicing their every hate attack need. The usual lie that there had been a "misunderstanding in English" has been used to frequently in regard to these verbal confrontations that occur--it is the typical response that Thai people make that "no Speak English/no undersannn" (bad English used as well when they blather and mispronounce words to sound even more authentically inadequate in conducting even the slightest of business with me. Notably is the Dell Computer shop or other main services where international customers come in regularly on an island that serves approximately 9 million tourists per year, and this is a very small island at that and serving English-speaking people is a must for the majority of residents on the island of Phuket. Yet, as time goes by, fewer people who are Thai will speak even basic English with me, while a decade ago when the infrastructure was much more degraded and the tourist factor was even less, I was never in need of a translator and always had perfect English conversations at every business. Now it's almost impossible for me to get decent service with anyone who will say that they speak English, and when they do, they later say they had a misunderstannn and no speak English very good and etc etc and that they just didn't understannn...

The English male who wrote me another response in addition to the CEO of the company, who was friendly and helpful in emails, yet the Phuket manager who is apparently English (from England) and the sales women told me so (the manager is from England they told me)--has said that this was a misunderstanding, that this situation has never happened before (thus, in a way, putting the blame on me as if this is some anomaly) and I have also heart this statement countless times IN THE UNITED STATES when I have been attacked by people who speak perfect English but get things lost, don't provide service or who are absolutely rude and offensive when I come in to obtain a service (some instances I have experienced from people out of ENGLAND BUT who were participating in terrorist/gang stalking towards me were so openly discriminatory that I could have easily gone to court for discrimination--but they attacked me the week before I left for Phuket--and this was done while an English man was teleporting and poisoning me to death but stealing ideas (and he is still involved in attacking me along with these celebrities--his name is Danny Moynihan and I so wish someone would get him off me and stop this crime in addition to everything else)

so I am writing about all of this today. I just noticed the plant that was killed just now--I watered it this morning and it was firmly planted in the soil but this evening it's been cut at the roots and was dangling in mid-air-severed off the roots and left to slowly die on this elaborate structure I made by hand covering the entirety of my patio so it shields me from harsh sunlight and is beautiful--now it's going to slowly die and I have to add another thing to the long list of things to replace and repair and it's yet another thing that has been killed that was alive that I loved and cared for--by this very same group which continues to teleport me. I did "nothing" to them and have not responded today in any way that would have brought upon this hate attack they just continue to abuse and insult and threaten me every single day with the goal of so much abuse heaped upon me--with ZERO response from my government which is paying for all these technologies and funding these operations--the amount of hate and abuse is so overwhelming with zero protection or support from anybody and their goal is to abuse me into accepting their bs and hate--so I am writing about this although for years all I have been able to accomplish is a huge and now censored set of posts about endless attacks that are met with silence, absolute promotions for the people involved, and me writing incessantly for someone to stop this. Presidents and people like Pelosi and Clinton(s) and mafia and Jewish personalities famous in the media and police and celebrities and charity organizers and anti-Holocaust personalities operating in sync with Nazis and me sitting here writing about this daily.

I so miss the huge lizard that T-rump ordered to be killed-by the way. This was an extremely rare and unique species that this idiot had organized to be bombed in his crack in the rocks of the hills outside my window--the hills are nearly perpendicular to my patio on the 3rd floor so I can literally see at a parallel lizards and animals that thrive on the hillside without having to look down or very far away. They blasted the hillside with dynamite a few years ago--one month after I moved into this joint as I wrote about their terror and torture (rape, violence, drugging, poisoning, and they "punished" me for writing about being physically assaulted, raped and poisoned and drugged and they never stop doing this in an effort to get me to accept being tortured, raped, dismembered, abused without end, my ideas stolen my home vandalized my every attempt to do business met with hostility by creeps who are unprofessional but who obtain managerial positions by this organization which sponsors every terrorist attack upon me.

Thus, I write again and again and again. AS the Floyd Trial commences for yet another day and America is in a state of upheaval at the obvious racism that plagues the country (and the world) I write this in the spirit of finding some kind of haven or support group or system that might emerge from anyone reading this, as for years everyone has simply gone along with the system and done nothing to assuage all this violence and hate directed at me. 

The manager of the Phuket Lemongrass House branch sent me this email after I had gone through a series with the CEO of the company, which was a very friendly interchange of ideas. The manager stated that this situation has never happened before, that there was a misunderstanding and I could contact him in the future--but the CEO had given me another email address. I sent him a message in return refuting his claims that these women do not understand English and that there was a misunderstanding. I told him that I had gotten verbal confirmation regarding the order and that they had initially told me that they could order nothing because the manager was out of town, and then later that they did not have the size I wanted and thus I should pay nearly $50 for a huge bottle (I have to carry all my oils around with me because the terrorists go into my room and throw things away, dump and pour expensive oils out or put nasty things in the precious fluids I use for my body to poison and maim me even further--so I carry them around and this group knows this--a huge heavy glass bottle would be too heavy for me as well.

But, after having written this email, and letting him know that in the future I would video record any incident that was hostile (I also informed him that his staff had been very nasty in tone towards me, and I had written that to the CEO as well). My plant is now destroyed because of this Nazi Europigape connection here in Phuket where these bigots are informed that they can destroy me if I react to their discrimination, hate, rape, theft, killing of animals, theft of my money, assistance with the bigots in H-wood in terrorizing, destroying and slowly murdering me and also assisting in the technology so they can teleport me and rape, abuse and steal ideas (for years and years and years without end and not a single penny going to me and instead my every attempt to earn a penny blocked in every way as they call me all kinds of insults and that they are far superior after they block everything from me, and kill animals I love and then try to force a baby otu of me) 

and so, this is now becoming an accumulation of the attacks at this point in describing this--but they are all inter-related. Thus, the plant was severed after I have tended to it for years and years--at this point it's completely intertwined with other vines on this beautiful lattice I have also spent hours and weeks at this point repairing and fixing and b uilding--now I have to unwind the dying vines and replace it or do extensive work--because of this attack--because I defended myself against some greasy prick out of England who told his skank whores from Thailand to discriminate against me, lie, speak to me with rude negativity and all that Nazi bullshit that these greasy pig apes do on a daily basis with the teleportation--and in every way they can, every chance they can get. With their endless mechanical arms they destroy my body and property on a daily basis and I sit here waiting for anyone out of the United States to begin to defend my rights to live without this kind of racism, hate, violence, murder attempts without end, destruction of my body home and property--my ideas stolen for YEARS BY people who are still teleporting and torturing and threatening and attacking me and using every means to obtain this contract out on me (I must now pound down on the keys which are being hacked so badly it's nearing impossible to write).

Also the frustration level increases as the backdoor hacking into mind control sinks my cognitive capabilities into lower regions of hate ranting and rage. 

I so hope my country does not become a fully Nazi indoctrinated country. As it is, the only salvation possible is from the BLM movement and SO MANY BLACKS PARTICIPATE IN THE NAZI PROTOCOLS AND THE DISCRIMINATION and "JEWS" participate in it as well when it comes to me--as if a separation of Jews into preferred and those who are targeted for destruction or "slavery" and they laugh and enjoy being a part of the Nazi cartel circles of involvement. You can definitely count the major celebrities in H-wood into these pro-Nazi circles and they have been elected to "represent" all the "fight" against racism and it's the reason why I can't get any support or help (those who had helped are targeted or dead by now or silenced or just gone and don't want to get involved).

I am so sick of this waiting for someone to stop this endless series of never-ending attacks upon me. Years of writing these posts to silence and it's still never ending. One of these actors who has viciously abused, insulted, stolen ideas, killed animals, had me raped and poisoned and drugged and profited off doing so and has been promoted and is vying for lead H-wood position (if he's not already been slated for that from over 7 years of attacking me) is now trying to seduce me--this is me after years of having all I love killed or taken away--years of isolation and years of non-stop 24/7 abuse as he laughs and feeds off it with his blonde, Nazi, bigot model/actress lovers who are nearly drooling like vultures waiting for him to help them to obtain more lead roles and higher positions in the higher levels of H-wood production and company ownership and etc etc. They put their faces and videos on my YouTube channel while I am searching for news continuously. I can only state that with no support as usual, and people like Pelosi JOINING IN AND THREATENING TO KILL ME ALONGSIDE NAZIS OUT OF EUROPE as I see videos of tv anchors describing how injust the police system is--the January 6th riots and the killing of these unarmed black men and the discrepancies between the white law enforcement response to both sides and the imbalance and the injustice--and I see my situation as this silenced racist Nazi protocol system that these bigot scumbags want to viciously enact as an invisible form of murder and theft and discrimination and I see the Jews like Spielberg absolutely participating in these attacks upon me--also stealing ideas and attacking me using teleportation while I waited for him, with all his contacts (Spielberg I am referring to now) who has done NOTHING but profit and use this situation to further his own career--with his blondeNazi wife glaring with hate into cameras as they attacked me using the exact same protocol system--and if that is the "best" of H-wood in terms of fighting against racism, or in my case, although I do not associate with the Jewish faith or it's diaspora (which is probably why I am being attacked, as I am a loner in that respect) but they also sic their bigot Nazi white supremacist Europigape actors upon me in teleportation who are hissing in racism and hate (like Mark Rylance, for example he's a most ugly and odious English personality who is probably much more bigoted than Sharon Osbourne ever was but he's been able to disguise all of it through Spielberg perhaps shielding this information).

I just had to get that out as I am sick of the English by now attacking me unjustifiably due to their anti-semitism--but I don't follow that religion and it's really that they attack me because I don't fall into their pre-conceived stereotypes for which they are so reliant upon for their claims of superiority. Meanwhile I must fight to continuously get this poison out of my body as Brad Pitt (with this English last name and wife with English mother) has not stopped viciously attacking me for over 7 years. And so, I am left with the one living thing that I loved on my patio now dead--the plant--the lizard was literally blown up by Trump because I was happy that he had lost the election--for over 4 years that f-er had smiled and laughed as his friends raped, teleported, tortured and abused me with a greasy ugly smile on his repugnant face--I was happy and in my room still fighting to heal from the endless damage T-rump ordered upon my body (and I still am) and so happy he lost, and using teleportation I told him under hypnosis, under "truth serum" type of attack, that I was very happy because he has been destroying my body and home in a very deadly way and I hoped--alas--that the new administration would even begin to stop this in some way. Of course, I only got Pelosi attacking me with even more hate than T-rump and threatening me with murder--because I reacted in rage and hate to her and called her names after her attack along with this Europigape fascist Nazi in H-wood who has helped her to obtain illicit funds from their huge Bills passed on Reconciliation grounds. 

And so I sit here with what tiny I have left destroyed, my cat I loved as my child stolen from me, my home dangerously toxic from sprays and poisons put on every single thing that I must breathe in-- AS i MUST seal the doors shut every night to try to stop the mechanical arms from destroying my body while I sleep and can't wake up due to these microchip implants that my government forced upon me and is still attacking me to obtain their "slaves" and their illicit discrimination adn slavery and murder contracts out on  people--and the "people' are loving it, participating from blacks like Oprah to Jews who brought Oprah into movie status like Spielberg and then Brad Pitt who always plays the good old boy and his wife wife who has stolen ideas regarding justice and the fight against men like Pitt who has raped and tortured me alongside her for years and years and is now trying to sexualize it to formalize this contract out one me. I fight against the racism I have to deal with that they are supporting here in Phuket by the people they order to perform these acts of sabotage and they then destroy what tiny little I have left after the years of them stealing and destroying and killing off all that I have worked for which they destroy--stealing even my sexual energy which they debase and discard immediately afterwards and this has just happened today after I responded to over 7 years of abuse and torture from Pitt--I responded in some gentle way as he stood over me last night and the response from him is more violence towards me--as they all do this because they are skanks and whores and creeps and parasites--all of them, not just him but he's going on and on and on--but this is the result of me fighting against the English bigots he and Danny Moynihan and the other Europigapes associated with them--an entire pac of bigots, whores, Nazis and parasites operating as one group of "friends" attacking me in concurrent cycles of torture and passing me around from one ot the next--along with the local bigots here in Phuket--and in America the terrorist circles are extremely violent and are akin to the January 6th Nazi attacks upon the Capital with the Capital Police all but exonerating the entire episode with their Nazi brothers and sisters whom they really cavort with--under jurisdiction of Trump and his associates--the liberals out of H-wood for example.

I am now digressing all over the place as backspacing to retype is non-stop and my brain is now in a ranting mode and I ca'nt think any longer. I have spent years tending to this plant which is a glorious vine structure adn they just killed it today because I responded ot some English pig ape who had me attacked because I am fighting for my human rights--this group wants to create a complete Nazi structure using these technologies of humiliation, abuse, discrination and then any response from me defending myself is met by a million or so terrorists operating in all walks of life to block all and every single attempt to get a single thing done, thanks to the US Government and to you people reading this as well.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


 I did a "restore" operation and the system took over 3 hours to complete this task--to simply download updates took over one hour and then trying to download a part of the core functioning took nearly 45 minutes. I can't click on anything like a pause button on You Tube without the entire page freezing and stopping--I have to wait to just press the pause button and everything else is operating at least 2-10 times longer than it should. This is after a futile attempt to clean malware and reinstall windows.

I began the process at 10 a.m. this morning and it's now 4 p.m and I am at the point where I can use the functions I had already installed previously before the attempt to get rid of the malware. It is immediately reinstalled by hacker terrorists.
The hacker blocks to the keyboard remain as they have for years--can't type without having to backspace and retype nearly continuously.
I can't use more than one function at a time and even one single small function requires waiting time of up to 2 minutes.
I gave up trying to earn money on the internet years ago because it was so blocked. But just surfing is now almost impossible. Any function operating within a 5-minute frame to just perform a single function is nearly impossible at this stage of the corruption of my internet and laptop. I was of course denied the recovery disc and it is very expensive for me to order on my sub-sub-poverty income as well as nearly impossible to get any authentic or real service or legitimate software as all business transactions are fraught with malicious intent by terrorists taking the cloak of service providers and sales agents.
This system is truly a life-threatening and societal threatening agency I think people who sit back and watch this unfold should be a lot more concerned about the "power" that these terrorists have accrued and how they are misusing it.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Celebrity bs terrorist report: April 13, 2021.

 It is dangerous for me to write and name names. This group of terrorists is drugging and torturing me to obtain ideas from my rantings about their injustice--which I elaborate upon and I used to write series of posts using whatever creative writing skills I could drudge up from the depths of hacking and drugging ranting.

However, when I use their names or refer to them, it seems that the stinking filth increases in my home--the terrorist filth that the filth pours onto my property and thus a toxic and deadly assault on my body--in addition to the levels of stress that are a daily combination of torture and slow murder. Inhaling poison is one of their slow covert forms of my murder. When I write about these terrorist creep celebrities I also have to face cars coming within inches of hitting me from usually oblique angles behind me as I am nearly hit on the other side by other vehicles. 

However, watching again a "black" celebrity who lives in mansions and has been a fixed regular in H-wood along with his "black" wife and children. They are making some documentary about the Georgia elections--I heard this on Democracy Now and of course in disgust I had to click the video off because any news or any photo of these criminal fakes is a disgusting wrenching of the memory of them teleporting me and viciously attacking me--verbally in this case but they have participated in the physical torture and are staunch supporters of the most violent white supremacist Nazi bigots in H-wood--for which they and their children have been awarded top modeling prizes for companies like Chanel--but in Europe--as their prize for the Nazi complicity that they really endorse. Now endlessly in the public eye for their vitriol against racism, as false representatives thereof--of course concerned about "Black" discrimination and election processes. It's a bit interesting that Democrats need the Black vote and of course the duplicitous fakes and sell-outs are put in these representative slots to convey the need for more Democrat votes in the upcoming elections. 

If you don't know who I am referring to, it's because my life is jeopardized by writing their names and it's loathsome to do so anyway. 

I will state that the stupid assinine tv show that the male of this nasty couple put out, that is supposed to be one of the top 80's tv shows (regarding a black male in Whorewood--another tv show and personality I immediately guaged as being fake, sell-out and ludicrous as a representative of "black" culture). 

I can't express how ugly and rotten and nasty his nasty and ugly rotten wife is and was towards me--for no reason other than their children then were put into lead modeling position in Europe and they let me know this by endless videos and photos hacked into my search engine results on my YouTube page, Facebook page stream (for pages I had never subscribed to) and it's loathsome to see that they are still "representing" and being put into lead position for this. The children are as guilty as the parents--the male who is supposed to be some kind of model wearing a dress as an ambiguous sexual deviant shock kind of model thing glared into photos with his very nasty, yelling, abusive mother who was so absolutely thrilled to be venting her racism out on me as the symbol of something--but really, with the white supremacist celebrity behind her (literally) in teleportation urging her to scream at me, abuse with absolute hate and negativity (while I had done nothing to her, or to the white male who is very famous for his silly roles in movies--who raped me for nearly 2 years almost nightly using this filthy and nasty technology--had my cat nearly killed and laughed and giggled about it, tortured me with his rotten creep daughter who not only stole ideas from me to represent herself as being anything but a sleazy and nasty offspring of greedy and racist, rapist celebrities who has not concept about anything but posturing and posing from postures that bigots taught her to represent fascist, nazi ideology) and

I am now venting and going off into tangents--the connection betwixt these creeple is such that the racism is rampant throughout the entire enclaves of their H-wood mansion repositories of posturing bs. The spiritual ugliness of the glaring look on the face of the son of this couple is very similar to the ugly demonic looks that white nazi stalkers give me as they pass by--black empty vacuous eyes denoting a spiritual envelopment of "dark" forces of hate and violence and death--it's very hard to describe and when I write like this I sound like a kind of religious fanatic but it is "evil" and this is the quickest way to describe the entire phenomenon.

To see these creeps endlessly being flaunted as representatives of anti-racist political movie and documentary promotion is only more of the duplicity that helps to keep racism and hate thriving around the world.

The silly pomp that is surrounding these rotten and evil celebrities and their anti-racist romp pomposity--it is disgusting. It keeps racism alive. They are diverting racism against them like so many Black people have done so they can prove to Nazis that they are bigots too, but want equality for themselves as they live in the Hills of H-wood. They have been so rewarded for this. The lies are kept hidden. I write of the deception now. I consider them to be absolute rot put into lead position for media brainwashing purposes. Their children are publicized as sexualized deviants which is appealing as a kind of luxury sex slave persona put into high fashion appeal in the media. 


It is 30 minutes later after having written the above:

It has taken me over 3 minutes to just open this page on my Google browswer. My laptop is so frozen from malware that any function is fraught with delays that last for minutes. hackers are blocking as usual the keyboard functions so I must pound down on keys and backspace and retype almost continuously. My brain of course is also under some pernicious electronic attack by mind control weapons (to use basic terminology to describe what is happening).

Regarding the celebrity post above, I want to add, as I have also written of on Facebook earlier regarding this very situation---the black woman who verbally assaulted me like a banshee shreeching ugly and nasty--possessed with hate aimed at me for no reason except that later on she and her children were awarded top modeling position and celebrity status for their participation in a Nazi contract out on me. The impetus for the attack was the gold mine of opportunity that the Nazi organization merits these fakes who adorn the media with their "black" discrimination posturing and advocacy. 

This happened not too long before the T-rump ascendency into power (through these very people in Wh-wood, who handed him the rape and teleportation technology--to wit, which increased T-rump's political position in the primaries into top position very soon afterward while he had been near bottom prior to being handed his place with his "friends" in the H-wood A-list cartel teleportation terrorist circle).

I wrote that these "black" celebrities--on my Facebook post, which may have been deleted I really see that even photos I had posted to my account have been blocked--they were photos of people here in Phuket who participated in the Gang stalking terrorism--their faces are now deleted from my page by the terrorist organization) but..I wrote that these blacks who attacked me, ostensibly to support the anti-Semitic push that has increased in H-wood under the T-rump cartel administration--(the ousting of the hated "Jew" rapist in a high position of power/production company) has been replaced by blonde Nazi rapists who all have, with their wives, their own production studios very conveniently both protesting for the "Me Too!" movement but also their own studios have taken the place of the void left by the hate administered against "The Jew" who controlled much of Hollywood and now disgraced due to "rape culture" being exposed by even the founder of the movement who has participated in this crime against me as well (they are all so intimate and friends and connected and intertwined just like a huge, nasty orgy that revolves around spiraling upward in power through this rape and torture racist contract out on me--for some reason I represent something so heinous to the people who have put this contract out on me--) the people who are "good" and obey and do what they are told and hate and abuse and rape and torture--they of course "represent" the alternative cultures that they have stolen in identity and they "represent" the "black struggle" for power--I mean for empowerment in voting and against police brutality--which they endorse fully when it comes to me.

What they are endorsing in reality is police murder and State-sponsored racism, systematic racism and murder operations and mind control but trust me, if they can get to that level of understanding in whatever cognitive dissonance universe they exist in the bubble of elitism that they are protected in--

as they put photos of pig-sniffing-the-air elitism on my Facebook feed directed at me--so it seemed as these were hate looks and not celebrity gooning and leering smiles for publicity

absolute evil really disgusting and ugly. That is the Smith family which has been plastered with attention thereafter. They "represent" the anti-Trump movement (which they helped TO PUT INTO POWER) AND DIRECTLY SO and have benefitted immensely for having procured their place in the Nazi cartel hierarchy. They are showered with contracts now for representing the Black struggle, as I wrote above--movies and radio broadcasts and movie roles that never end. 

Whenever I look at the media information on who and what has been awarded top movie roles I have to squint and look away almost continuously now it's year after year that I see loathsome personalities who have been put into lead position who remain there--this is what they "must" do in order to remain at the pinnacle of the media establishment. However, they truly believe in the hate that they perform they fully imbibe the spirit of racism and hate and they are only looking for form a power cartel of Blacks against Jews or any other group that they are instructed to target--as I think it really does not matter if it were a blonde Nazi and the Nazis told them to hate they would. The blonde would of course be a true ant-racist but it just doesn't happen often as those who did protest racism are probably dead and long-assassinated by now (a personal opinion which is based on a highly emotional state while I write this---I realize it is probably "wrong" but it is so hard to find people who are not racist and happily participating in this hate crime against me at this point of years of this going on and on. I can't express how many black people have attacked me who are public fighters against racism for themselves--for their black caucus struggle to obtain power--pure power--and if possible, mansions in the Hollywood hills alongside the most vicious fascist nazis who have overtaken the American culture and media with their fascist death mentality and propaganda.)

This post is a bit ranting-my brain is under attack and I am dazed and sick from poisoning and from the mind control. Try to sift out the meaningful parts, if you discover any--I do not mean to offend those who truly are legitimate in their quest for a decent society where hate is eliminated--those of any color--and even those who reside in H-wood Hills or in that vicinity. I am so surrounded by sick and disgusting people from all walks of life and continuously that it is hard to see the people who actually care about stopping these hate groups--because they just see me getting blasted and do nothing so I can't see them because they remain "in hiding" and in fear of having to actually FIGHT when it's not a visible publicity stunt for them to capitalize on--even if for image. The stalking and targeting is silenced and anyone who fights this is silenced as well. How these fighters need publicity to feed their cause and how they abstain from fighting when they can't get public recognition.

I really do believe that the evidence of police terrorist "gang stalking" is being shown almost directly in the current death scenario occurring in the Minneapolis area during the Chauvin trial. The police were prepared to exact a protest environment--for which they had been equipped and provided all kinds of riot hear beforehand--they created this incident by purpose I would venture to conspiratorially say--not only to try to sequester the Chauvin Jury but also to put up a show of force as a disdain for the fight for their "entitlement" to murder--as I wrote earlier, the belligerence of these terrorist stalkers mounts as the technology and the death squad activities are more entrenched within society and these terrorists can get away with murder without much ado by government or local authorities. You have to listen to various interviews (I think I will include one here) about how the Minnesota government and police force have proven to be one of the most discriminatory agencies in the United States (according to interviewee). I think I will almost become truly ill if one of these rotten celebrities who has attacked me goes to Minneapolis to "protest" these crimes by police. I want to state that my personal endless fight against their racism and hate (due to THEIR stereotypes not to what I am or what I represent or how I act, but because I do protest and that is what they are attacking--as they conform exactly to the roles that they are told to play--in this case, as I wrote, their children are being "sold off" in media as sexually deviant but "exciting" somehow--which ties into racism on a very deep and personal level but that is another subject for another day--if I can type it out and write it out---hackers and brain-altering tech and all involved in suppressing my real ability to write and think). I know this post has been a meandering series of thoughts pasted together. Every time I post and then go back and re-read what has been published I see that hackers continuously delete words and parts of sentences and I am not going to re-check this post so you have to sift out meaning from what hackers are inevitably going to delete parts of).


This video details a bit of how lax Minnesota has been in police accountability. I experienced DEADLY assault in Minnesota for the years of college I attended. I thought that the situation would improve in places like California but it is as bad or worse but with an "alternative" posturing face of protest and "liberalism".

I have spent another 2 minutes staring at my computer trying to open pages that were open before I began writing the brief set of paragraphs above--all is frozen solid I can't access anything and I have to wait--for some reason I can write on this page for now but I'm trying to obtain the interview regarding Minnesota police brutality and I can't open anything but this page.

Every function I press is blocked--my brain is so dizzy from mind control attack I am nearly sick from it--

The attack is probably being done by one of the Europigape creeps who is being handed free rent in this nearly vacant condominium, with a host of Thai slaves cooking, cleaning and sucking him (or her) or them for their awards for attacking me. Thrilled with rape and torture, as the Europigs are, the hacking is being done by a native English speaking scumbag. I can't get anything done. This has begun to this degree of near complete blocks to my system since the last Europigape began attacking me (shitnigger the austrian body builder turned actor turned governor of california who destroyed the ca economy) I can't use capitals for the words as all functions are so blocked I am struggling just to type out lower-case words

they have made it impossible for me to function, work, earn money or get any help as you all continue to support them and this death machine of police murder and violence--just one facet of their organization. This is exactly what the Smith family has been paid top modeling positions for, they are fully supporting police murder by their inclusion--they are violent and sick parasitic creeps who endlessly represent the "black" struggle out of the Whorewood Hills. America continues to cheer them on--I wonder how many "black" people actually support this family of sex slave racist Nazi collaborators or listen to their anti-Trump radio broadcasts? Is it only white Democrat liberals who put these creeps into power or who or what decides to continuously put them into limelight positions? I did not mean to write about the Euro-p-a as any mention of these "people" brings them only more contracts--as I actually help to promote them for writing about their heinous, ugly and sick sinister behavior for which they endlessly obtain more awards, prizes and top roles in media exposure for all kinds of positions (always claiming they represent any fight against injustice--every single time actually they are so repugnant but they are only the superficial representatives of a truly sinister organization in control over these media productions and in politics as well).

I am now ranting and using hate language--my brain is "spinning" and I sit here watching as the screen to paste a video is blank, white and non-moving. Every function is blocked now, due to this Europigape creep who told me that my ideas should not be spread and that I have to be censored from publishing any more thoughts or opinions--(paraphrasing what he told me in front of this group of pigs who have stolen idea after idea from me for years in order to be portrayed as heroes of American society defending against rape culture and injustice on all levels). For me to sit here stuck with fighting to type and get ideas out-as my brain is so stunted from thinking and fighting to backspace and retype and fighting to get ANYONE to intervene and stop this crime against me...

Joe: 'Why Do We Keep Seeing Videos Like This?' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Why do we keep seeing videos like this? Because the people in charge are fully supporting police brutality even when they claim they are fighting it and it's being filmed for publicity purposes. That is one reason why we keep seeing these public videos of Statte-sponsored death squad activity.

Terrorist Filth report: April 13, 2021. Cleaning up the filth of the filth. My home vandalized for the nth time yesterday while I was out shopping. Filth has been sprayed into my refrigerator (brown grease liquid with hairs stuck in the middle, underneath the shelf trays of the door. Filth sprayed under my kitchen sink--and the doors to this area cut more deeply to inflict more than 1/2 inch of wide space between the door and the edge of the cabinet--thus allowing for mechanical arms to enter from underneath the sink into my room while I sleep or am in another part of this tiny studio.

 I have pounded metal hooks into the partial laminate-wood doors so I can seal them--(stuffing pieces of rubber matting with beads balanced on top of the matting) to try to stop the insertion of mechanical arms through these very enlarged gaps between the door and the panel of the wood cabinet, which should shut completely but instead they cut more of a gap while I was out yesterday. They sprayed black soot type material which covers the bottom of the sink area and the metal hook on one side has been pulled out and the wood/laminate has been saturated with a chemical or solvent that loosens the wood so badly nothing can remain fixed if pounded in. I have had to move the metal hook from the edge of the cabinet door to the 1/6th mark from the center, and now the hook is so loose after being saturated that the third attempt to create some barrier has been almost destroyed--as the entire panel of the cabinet has been saturated so the fake wood is soft like some kind of hard cheese. Thus, just getting up after being in pain from the exertion of spending a day to buy and buy what I need so I can sit and try to heal from more poison ripping out of my body (while being teleported and abused while healing from sickening poison detox--) and thus, cleaning and cleaning stinking filth which is so pervasive that there are areas of my room I have not had the energy, strength or flexibility to clean for a very, very long time. I just spend all my time cleaning the stinking mess that terrorists spray on these vital things like blankets, pillows and clothing and I also must hand wash it all because terrorists broke the Thai laundry machine that came with this unit--which is a cold water apparatus that now has no spin cycle (it works but is being remotely blocked)

My hands are so destroyed from nearly a decade of non-stop washing of clothing that I eventually have to throw out the material is so stinking and this sometimes happens for clothing I have never worn.

But cleaning up stinking filth, seeing my hands once again shrivel from detergents and from cleaning as my hands are now damaged to the point of looking like a cleaning lady's worn out hands--also stalker terrorists have been pouring damaging chemicals on my hair/hands/skin and everywhere in addition to inserting objects under cuticles (one finger is permanently damaged from this) and cutting, slashing and making my hair fall out and trying to make my teeth fall out by cutting into the gum tissue in addition to trying to slowly sever my toes off and in addition to that--years of chemicals put on my skin with the eruptions from rash explosions then tattoed into my skin by these terrorist agents--thus blemishes literally tattooed into my legs by the people who created the rashes--

and, going through that and now writing about it. To document. To try to get someone to stop this torture (a decade of writing about it and yet, one must keep trying because this organization really is nothing I can ever call superior and thus I never want to just remain silent and allow them to continue this destruction of civilization--for that is what they are doing now and will continue to do with these technologies and the absolute "dumbing down" of society through the brain-altering tech and these horrid fake propaganda movies about how they are making the planet safe for Democracy and Freedom (which is a complete farcical lie).

So I must clean up the filth of the filth once more today. 

THE FILTH THAT THEY ORDER TO BE POURED ONTO THE HOMES AND BODIES OF TARGETS SUCH AS MYSELF IS REALLY THE FILTH THAT THESE CREEPE EXIST IN, if spiritually and energetically, morally and psychologically. How they have been chosen for their lying posturing to represent a false narrative of Democracy is really not too hard to detect if you are not drugged, under mind control and confused with no alternatives to their endless manipulation of all information outlets. Destroying all opposition and all who oppose them. Well, the end result is not going to be a Brave New World. It's not even going to be you living in  luxury with plantations and slaves. It's going to be a destroyed world with nuclear fall-out lasting 100,000 years and most animal life extinct and blown off the face of the planet.

These creeple are too irresponsible to handle even these weapons and they are being put in control over mass weapons of destruction and biological weaponry (evidence is mounting that the Corona Virus was a laboratory-made situation for biological warfare perhaps?).

Just think about how these people who are attacking me have their investments in firms like Amazon and Apple and Tesla--one of these CEO's has become the 2nd richest perpetrator attacking me in the world--just from the pandemic--one month after he opened a factory in China. The technology he controls uses brain-computer interface similar to how they are torturing and manipulating me.

Just to let you know that you may not be in control over your thoughts and decisions and the adoration you pour onto these criminals without questioning them or their assertions because you are so numb and dumbed out by media hype and bombardment of continuous media exposure--no time to really investigate--they seem like happy-go-lucky chirpy younger dudes who become executives kind of hipster but affluent managers--like the celebrities and their posturing.

Too bad most of their public behavior has been carefully constructed by professional coaching trainers (otherwise known as "handlers").

But their filth is now manifest into my home because I am saying NO for the tenth year in a row to being exploited by people who I find abhorrent who are abhorrent towards me, with full permission by the police and by my government and fully enforced by 80% of my country and even more by the poorer countries like Thailand (perhaps at a 90% rate of obedience to bigot Nazi control in places like Thailand--completely so brainwashed but don't mistake these people for your assumption that you are "better" and more in control because your education appears to be more in-depth and analytical and harsher and more demanding thus you are better informed and more cerebral and in control over your thoughts and actions).

Try as I might, my words appear to fall into empty space. I realize the drugging creates a ranting hate expletive-driven series of rants that are not credible and I can understand how the usual blaming-the-victim syndrome remains a deterrent to taking the victim seriously.

(In)DIRECT EVIDENCE OF POLICE DEATH SQUAD/"GANG STALKING" MACHINATIONS for targets in MINNEAPOLIS. See excerpt from The Minnesota Reformer below. . Minneapolis Police have shown their true colors once more: belligerent at murdering unarmed black men, they continue yet another time, another crime, during the Chauvin Trial. Without the enforcement of the police (globally) death squad terrorism (aka "gang stalking") would never have a chance to thrive as it has until millions of people participate in these murder and hate crimes INCLUDING THE POLICE. SUPPORTED BY POLICE, perhaps even partially funded by police organizations. The police, used as mechanical arms of the long-reach of injustice by politicians and wealthy fascist entities controlling aspects of finance and society at highest levels.


Chauvin is a rotten apple in a decaying barrel | Column

"In addition to the grim details arising from the trial, we learned a bit more about MPD’s culture last week from Abby Honold, a rape survivor who became a national advocate after the department’s shoddy handling of her 2014 case. It’s fair to point out this was before Arradondo became chief, but her experience is instructive about department mores. She tweeted last week that she saw a civil attorney about suing the police department, which she suspects was leaked to MPD. 

Here’s what happened next

“For months, I was followed….They sat outside my apartment…Once, I ran into a Minneapolis officer who I had never met. They told me to ‘stay safe out there’ with a wink. Every time I saw one of them behind me, my hands would be shaking on my steering wheel because I was so scared of what they might do to me if I got pulled over.

Honold’s name may sound familiar because she was a source for the Star Tribune’s reporting on the department’s failure to investigate and arrest rapists. 

The head of the unit at the time of Honold’s rape investigation was Mike Sauro, whose record was notorious. He led a botched raid that killed an elderly Black couple. His beating of a college student in the back of a bar led to a then-record $1 million settlement.

Naturally, they put him in charge of an entire unit. 

I write the above regarding the top controlling layers of society using the police as mechanisms of enforcement of injustice, death squad activity and terrorism because I have had to be victimized by these forces for decades. Unfortunately, because millions of "normal" citizens also participate and yearn for these covert and State-sanctioned death squad and discriminatory actions, there is only silence and the blocking of my every telecommunications and attempt to obtain evidence (zero people will help me in doing so as well).


In the typical fashion, during this Chauvin Trial time-frame, the police have enacted a kind of F-U to the public in their glib and malign posture that they are actually exempt from murder charges and even when brought to trail, the "one bad apple" syndrome will leave the rest protected behind that Blue Wall of silence which remains fully intact, even during the trial period.

The forces are fully entrenched and even though Justice is teetering on the brink of falling into the void of injustice once again, the police have just committed another murder of an unarmed black male and it appears to be no coincidence to my perspective of being endlessly and perpetually attacked by this group en toto. The mentality is of extreme belligerence and the entitlement of doing whatever they want to the disenfranchised and targeted people they inflict their hate and negativity upon . When I wrote in my last post that the condition of hate will increase into a disastrous blood bath, I am not writing lightly. 

Murder. Point blank, will be the rule and not the exception if nothing is done about these creeple using these excuses, these technologies, the targeting and stalking and etc. 

The victim in this case already had an "outstanding warrant" and it could be feasible to assume that this male said something an officer didn't like, or responded in a way that was defiant of absolute master-slave mentality (that is their ultimate goal, for which all of you are working towards--) the mentality is to kill people who defy in any way the slave mentality that this group wants to force. I could go further into this and also into my slight research and observations of the Chauvin Trial, but the parasites are still scouring my blog and my writing for ideas to steal and I am still being stuck in oppression/suppression of my every writing and all I write is completely blocked from public. Thus they can still take credit for my concepts and they are still torturing me to obtain a "traumatized" reaction in order to get me to write so these hateful bigots can try to push themselves as heroes of society and that they are coming to the rescue from deadly agencies (which are their main support system for these tyrannical torture and death activities) as they push how benevolent they are and that they are fighting police brutality (and being supported in their every death squad activity by the very brutal police forces that are the bulwark of the hate mentality that your heroes of society are protected by in their more genocidal pushes for control and hegemony).


Brooklyn Center police chief: Killing of Daunte Wright result of ‘accidental discharge’

Like all the belligerent terrorist/gang stalkers invading my life illegally/constantly: if and when they are deterred even for a brief second, their attitude is of absolute belligerence and they increase the attacks to prove that they can get away with anything they want to. One of the reasons for this reaction is because THE POLICE IN EVERY CITY AROUND THE WORLD FULLY SUPPORT TERRORIST GANG STALKING ACTIVITIES and if and when the police engage in state-sanctioned murder, when it is covered under the rubric of "acceptable restraint" during apprehension (or a traffic stop--but other details emerge such as there was a warrant out for the arrest of the 20-year old black male). The excuse the police made was that they were reaching for a taser but "accidentally" shot the male suspect with a service gun. How difficult will it be to have ANOTHER TRIAL in Minneapolis charging a police officer with either excessive DEADLY FORCE AND HOMICIDE while the Chauvin Trail is under way?

Monday, April 12, 2021

My warning to you readers. The consequences. Although none of you care or dare to do anything significant about it. The blood will flow the death will increase but you will be living large in the Hollywood Hills. Society will implode but you will always be on top, isn't that your plan? A warning to those who care about society for allowing these despicables to continue this technological terrorism and the furthering of the endorsement (covert) of this technology and these death squads aka gang stalkers.

 My computer is again behaving like it has outdated by 2 decades malware blocking functions. Not just pages but browsers are now freezing. Waiting time for any function to operate is at a minimum of 30 seconds of watching pages and icons freeze and stop operating. It reminds me of the first days of the internet when you had to wait for a long time before your browser crashed--sometime back in the 90's or so. Of course, I was probably being hacked back then too. But this is akin to that time of laborious surfing time waiting and frozen and crashed sites and pages and browsers due to terrorist hacking. Meanwhile, the "people" ordering these attacks upon me have made MILLIONS OF DOLLARS out of stealing concepts I have written of, always under so much hacking attack I cannot publish or write more than a few paragraphs at a time- made so dizzy and sick from electromagnetic waves blasting my; brain so I can't think clearly and have to get up or I will faint or become so dizzy I can't see clearly any longer (this happens 80% of the time when I write and the attacks increase as time goes, so the sensation is overwhelming after 15 minutes of struggling to get around hackers blocking keyboard functions while I fight to type. The people ordering these attacks who steal the ideas call me "stupid" afterwards and say that I am "nothing" because I can't obtain any kind of career goal possible--as all they do is block my every move until I am nearly paralyzed in every way, physically, and mentally due to the drugging and electronic attacks and the keyboard function blocks and the endless harassment every single moment and every single place I go for business and from every single person I encounter on the planet.

Just writing this once more because the injustice is also overwhelming--for it to be endorsed by the American Government (in part, probably not fully) and absolutely endorsed by police and by lower levels of society is also extremely disgusting that America has sunk to this low level of achievement in terms of advancing human rights and justice. The deterioration is only going to continue the longer people do nothing about these crooks who are creating an electronic tyranny that will become a bloodbath if they are left unchecked AND COMPLETELY STOPPED WITH THESE TECHNOLOGIES TAKEN AWAY FROM THESE INCOMPETENT AND PEURILE IMMATURE PARASITES WHO ARE SO WONDERFUL AT POSTURING ABOUT HOW THEY ARE FIGHTING TO SAVE THE PLANET FOR FREEDOM AND EQUALITY. It is disgusting to have to see this and not have anywhere to go for any kind of defense. It is even worse to see that the vast majority of people fully endorse these hate-mongering murdering bigots even when they know what the reality of their false posturing really belies.
Of course, the attacks on my computer are meant to not only stifle my attempt to write, but also to trigger a rage reaction because my brain is under assault as I write so the cognitive centers of my brain are being reduced while the emotional centers are being pulsed into the range of hate mode--I could put this in more technical terms but I'm using more basic terminology and also I am no expert because I am always so drugged up I can't read or study (from the terrorist drugging to thwart and stop my every attempt to have any kind of career or appearance of intellect or normal/normative behavior). But now these blank and nasty hater celebrities have more ideas to steal so they can put out their drama movies about how they are fighting against technological tyranny while they are actually endorsing it. Remember, none of this would be possible without the MILLIONS OF CREEPLE participating in these terror stalking activities.

The terrorists just changed the paragraph structure of the comment section I just wrote on Facebook. My appeals to humanity and rationality to you readers is met with silence and the situation continues (for years). The fact that now an increasing list of the people directly involved with utilizing these technologies have been put in the public limelight for having responded to their spouses/children and to society with egregious violence appears to create nothing but a slight ripple in the fabric of your general inadequate response and alarm system that should be warning you that the technology and the level of intellect and maturity of the people being handed these technologies is far below par for what should have been a very thorough vetting process for who and for what purpose these technologies are going to be used. Keep doing nothing IDIOTS out there reading my posts. Just see how brutal and barbaric the United States is becoming and how much worse it will get the longer you DO NOTHING but try to prosper off this system.
I just tried copying and pasting this post above to my blog and I had to fight to copy just a few paragraphs due to hackers blocking the function --as I type hackers are completely mixing letters as I type, and inserting spaces and blocking keys--how many years I have had to go through this and ask people to stop this endless attack upon me while hateful people who have NOTHING to say but sordid jokes are allowed to torture me for years while I need health care, as they block access to health care (so American, to stop health care for people, even when they have to flee the country to obtain health care they are still blocking my access to health care and then calling me a "loser" for not being able to function, as they torture me while I am fighting to heal and self-diagnose without ANY health care at this point--while they continue to torture me so my body is in a continuous state of shock on a 24/7 basis--a slow form of torture-to-death--but of course these are your FRIENDS and you love them. So I am now attempting to write the tiny bit I am capable of with all the attacks on my brain and keyboard so I can get at least something out--to try to persuade anyone to rethink participating in this but of course I reach only selfish and greedy myopic types and of course all you can see is your selfish goals being met by helping to spread the use of this death and constraint technology . I write on my blog (my blocked and censored blog which is completely blocked from appearing on the web due to this group silencing me but still stealing concepts because they are blank and hateful parasites who have no heart or soul except for all they can obtain out of lying and stealing and robbing raping and murdering. If you think your celebrities who endlessly claim they are wonderful and magnificent heroes of culture are anything but malevolent, I urge you to please not discount my writings. Of course, many of you reading my posts are friends with the perpetrators in question and view them as wonderful witty and fun and sexy icons as you kiss them on the cheeks at soirees and awards ceremonies, as they assist you in obtaining your career promotions as well (for remaining silent and in helping them to attack me for purposes of entrenching mind control torture and coercion into society). Of course, you all want people to be so dumbed and lacking all alternative opinion so they can more easily be subliminally programmed to watch your banal movies and talk shows about how much you care about society and freedom and equality and care so much about rape culture (you care because you are turned on by rape and torture, really, aren't you?). And thus, this technology will not only ensure your monopolistic greedy and greasy grasp on the media but will perpetuate the illusion of change and duality while you are fully programming everyone into a dumbed down lump of mass conformity to your agenda of barbaric hate death squads and covert assassination death squads--. This carries over to my next post about the police--your arm of murder and the gateway to endorsing your hate and death campaigns.

yep, yepp yup the hackers completely changed the structure of the copied post and I am going to end this post here. I did nothing but copy and paste the comment section and this is what hackers have done. This goes on and on and on and on and on...
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Saturday, April 10, 2021

After writing my last post--and spending 30% of the time backspacing to retype as hackers blocked key functions--I felt so dizzy from mind control/brain attacks I was almost nauseous from the attacks.

 What I was trying to say in my last few post--which I just keep gushing words to cover the intricacies of the experience but the gist remains blocked from my cognitive capabilities: these skanks kept following me around the store hissing in hate and lying at me and it was so bad I had to try to swoosh them away like buzzing insects literally coming to suck out my psychic energy and verbally harass me infinitely while I attempted to find goods that should be on the shelves but which I think have been taken off the shelves so as to create this harassment type of scenario. These skanks have lots of time at their nasty disposal because tourism is all but effete in this Covid season. 

My every move was an attempt to not respond, to get them away from me, to obtain products that they were keeping off the shelves just so they could have this verbal confrontation of lying about availability at me--while lying about being able to obtain products. They also made references that were nasty about my body while offering me products but they did it apparently in a semi-professional way=--by implying sort of negative things by assumption when offering me products as I tried to get away from them but could not utter the words to leave me alone (politely, as I am polite in this store except for waving my hand to stop talking and lying at me while hissing in hate at me--which I have done only one time). Otherwise I have always been extremely cordial and polite and friendly in this store--rushing in and out as quickly as possible to get the really excellent products that these rotten and stupid skanks only sell for the benefit of the rotten Europigape whores who are put into managerial position by the company at large, and mostly because they have management experience in their countries but no experience in health care products--I suggest as the way these skanks talk they do not have the real awareness of natural products or health care or mental uplifting motivational sales techniques. Everything is low-brow and nasty--like the managers who tell them what to do and are not natural product designers nor advocates in essence of their real, rotten and tainted personalities. The minority minions always reflect the energy of the prime abuser white trash bigot pig apes who control them. They really are so repugnant towards me and to me that I can't call them people I use these terms under mind control influence--knowing it is discrediting me--but wt hell I have been asking for help for over a decade since understanding through research with no support s ystem and the only loving things I have had taken away from me and so I am left with calling them these names which really parallels their behavior. I still wonder how the future of the planet will appear if these parasitic thugs are not stopped from using these technologies and these minority minions. Without the minorities doing the filthy work for them, this group of white supremacist Nazi pig ape hyenas could not function as a seamless international organization. To you f-ers out there who are "minorities" I think you should ponder this statement before you continue to prop up this group of rotten crap any longer.

I am so dizzy from the brain-altering attack/aka mind control being blasted into my body that I feel sick and like I'm about to faint unless I get away from this laptop. I can't write clearly and with self-restraint under these conditions they have serious brain-mapping technologies blocking various functions and exacerbating others like excessive anger and rage and etc. This is their usual mo but they are completely disgusting I write about how rotten they are and this is almost an exact description of how they really are, not my personal ranting excess.

A tiny addition to my last post on the skank attack terrorist report at the store (Lemongrass Hut or whatever the exact title is--?)

 I am always under attack while I type so I "forget" little items and then have to rewrite just to add-on what I consider to be significant details that are essential but not crucial to the story.

In this case, as I wrote on this blog when it happened, the less professional lying skank Thai creep who began by lying to me about not being able to order a product that the real store clerk had immediately informed me she could order by phone when I had been in the store at a random choice to go there a week earlier: as the terror agent who was there because I had pre-planned on going to that store--began to lie to me and claiming that she could not order any products that normally are on the shelves but have fun out of stock--that nothing could be done as she lied and began verbally attacking me just because I was asking to have a product ordered by phone--as she began lying and then her tone-of-voice reached a pitch of shrill negativity and a stream of ugly lies began to issue out of her nasty mouth--I used my hand to silence her. That ended the conversation and I walked out of the store after I got her, through a kind of facial confrontation, to order the product by phone. She assured me that it would be ready for pick-up the next week.

The next week was when the more polished lying skank was at the store--(a woman who has attacked me in the store previously who I avoided and never said a word to). The two of them, with another Thai male, acting like a mini terrorist trio, glared at me as this more glossy lying skank hissed with hate and malice in a tone that is absolutely rude, nasty and unprofessional--that the product had not been ordered because, as she claimed--I had phoned in and the order had not arrived or something to that effect I really did not waste my energy listening to the bs of this filthy piece of lying scum and greasy whore crap--so I interrupted her as I had to to stop her hissing and blathering lying hate attack at me. But, that is essentially what had happened and the point was that, the white Nazi pig apes had told these skanks-in-training-to-be-fascist-Nazi apes that they must oppress, lie and discriminate with hate and near abuse for any encounter they could possibly use any excuse to attack me for. Normally I enter this store without talking to the creeps and walk quickly and pick up items and just hand over the money and leave asap. But since the items are taken off the shelves (as I think this is really what has been happening, with excuses that there are no more products) I then have to ask for products to be shipped--that is only while in the store. I plan on using email to order products in the future if this crap group doesn't block my emails as they normally do and/or block orders and delete information from my every attempt or email conversation.

Thus, the point of their attack was to ensure that they can openly discriminate against me in this store--the other store that this company owns is in a very far location that could be dangerous for me to drive to. I must also fight to not get hit and run over constantly while driving due to the terrorist network and their police presence of attack and hate directed at me as well, constantly.

I write this today as a kind of detailed explanation of the mentality that exists--they try to stifle and suppress my every attempt at self-determination and self-sufficiency and strength against being outright discriminated against in a most open and ugly way at these stores. The Europigapes gloat in a near gleeful state as they swish their hair and laugh and stare while they ugly and nasty minorities attack me for them. This is so common in theme and in practice and very evident in America, which is a most nasty and vile stalker-plagued country and the situtuation is so bad that attacks that happen like the George Floyd murder make me immediately jump to the suspicion that terrorist gang stalking is behind these types of murders by police and supported in full most of the time by governments and local authorities and gloated over by white Nazi supremacists who try to keep the violence at a sustainable level for a terror network to inflict upon the targeted populations. While this information remains being protected by politicians in the US Government, these terror operations which the US media also fully embraces (celebrities now in my case are more than enthused they have by now turned into violent predatory parasites due to the lack of oversight by the US Governments while president after Congressmember absolutely praise these parasites for their every crime leveled against me using these terror groups and this insidious and vile technology system of attack, discrimination and assassination of character and of life and home and body. 
So many minorities support this system it is a tragedy of racism to have to witness nearly every single day that I am in public.

Skank attack at the store terrorist report: April 11, 2021. Yes, this is written in an "immature" frame-of-mind calling these creeps skanks. I can think of no other word at this time (early in the morning after having been sick from detox and the poison is still not out of my body after more than 10 years of fighting to eliminate this poison while being attacked nearly to death continuously the entire time by rotten skanks out of Whorewood and out of Washington, D.C. Yes, calling the terrorist criminals who use filthy and nasty rape and torture and brain alteration tactics "skanks" is more than they deserve because I am after all innocent and not deserving of decades of violence and torture. And yet, still, no government person will intervene to enforce any rule of law.

 This is regarding the Lemongrass House in Phuket, at the Rawai Beach location. It is a store with essential oils and other oil-based natural skincare products.

I have gone there, always under attack by skank brigades, for at least three years now, nearly every month or bi-monthly. There is the usual stalker terrorist creep who attacks me with the usual trio or group of white bigot Nazis standing nearby ensuring the brown-black "minority" minion obeys their every attack command while they sit back smug and smirking, while surveillance is capturing every word and my brain and nervous system is under attack so I can't think clearly and words pop out that I never thought or intended to say, in language I never use.

During the pandemic, as tourism has nearly stopped in Phuket, the list of products has diminished greatly until one must order any product or ask for it to be shipped.

I contacted the main site for this internationally-based company and was replied to immediately with a response that I could order anything through email and they would have it sent to the Rawai location within a few days upon request. I also was at the store the month before (March) and I had randomly gone to the store without having thought of going beforehand--and thus the usual rotten skank attacker terrorist was not in the store. As I wrote regarding this very issue a few weeks ago, I was told by the regular employee who was trying to attack me but was still using somewhat polite rhetoric and service protocol--that she could and would order any product and phoned one of the warehouses in some other district and confirmed that I could pick up the two bottles of essential oil and another product the next week.

I then made mental plans to return to the store a few days later after having picked up the products and the usual skank attacker was back in place, ready to lie and attack me at any vulnerable moment and with any instant of attack possible--all under instruction from either the mind-control technology (voice-to-skull) or maybe she was just good at lying and deception but it appears that in most cases the Thai women attacking me perform under command and are told exactly what to say and I think these instructions are being conveyed via voice-to-skull technology. Their verbal competence is far beyond their level of English acquisition which means that they are adequate at puppetry and parroting words but can't really speak in any elegant form, but when they attack me their vocabulary suddenly improves dramatically and after they attack me they appear kind of dull and repetitive in their language.

She told me that she could not order anything by phone, that her manager (the white nazi manager living in Phuket--not a real representative of the company but a local manager living in Phuket) was gone, that she could do nothing. I glared at her quizzically until she finally said she could phone someone. Within 5 minutes she informed me that she could have the product (Frankincense oil) in the store next week.

When I arrived to pick up this item there was another skank who has been in the store before--this is a woman who is very well-groomed and has much better affectatious behavior--appears more competent at lying and is more stylized--more professional in appearance and in style. She is obviously the girlfriend or wife of some white bigot Nazi who controls her. My guess but this is so often the case that it's almost an instant confirmed situation and not a biased opinion or based on racist conjecture.

Lying and lying, she began with hostility with nastiness in her voice, saying that the Frankincense oil was never ordered and that they could not order it--although I had been told that it would be there next week. I told her the real story which she denied and began heaving nasty negativity at me. I said immediately with calm composure to just go on--and she shut up with the negativity immediately as I asked her about other products. She told me that they could only order a size so huge in a bottle so large I have never seen any bottle of essential oil that size in the store--and saying I must pay almost $100 for this bottle size. I bought other oils as she kept offering me to smell nasty and stinking oils that I have never heard of or seen before in the store. This happens so frequently at stores or shops or outdoor stalls where these Thai females offer me ugly clothing and hold up nasty-looking items and nasty oils and other disgusting things while I am looking for something I like. My brain is completely under attack at such times and I respond instead of ignoring them. I responded but tried my best to be as cold and formal as possible. 

the skankiness continued and there were other stupid things that happened but I am sick from detox and can't go on with this rotten subject. I only know that I wanted to leave without saying anything and words came out of my mouth as this disgusting but well-groomed skank said something which I could not hear, as i wear ear buds constantly while in these situations because these stupid Thai women say really stupid things which the rotten and stupid, sick white Nazi skank operators tell them to say as if it's me who is stupid and not they. I could not hear her but I said in response to her greasy lips blathering out some words in front of me, "I will see you next time" because I was trying to say nothing and certainly nothing friendly or nice to this stupid piece of greasy crap Nazi minion. 

There also is a stray dog that is skinny, nearly starving who lays in front of the shop (but hidden in the midst of a huge flower bed area-the flowers extend in Thai floral fashion to about 3 feet--huge monocot plants with tropical single-flower petals--the dog hides in these flowers across the tiny road of this street which sits in front of a large Europigape communal living area--is a gateway to the huge enclosed rental property that is very nice. Every shop in this tiny little sort of cul-de-sac attacks me almost viciously when I try to get any service. The products at this shop, however, make up for the ugliness, stupidity and hate these rotten skank pieces of crap endlessly throw at me every time I enter. This black dog had approached me a few times with the most limp, almost dying apathetic non-tale-wagging sense of desperation as I left the store while the blathering terrorist agent who normally is there walks out to bother me although I don't want any contact but I can't say go away while I am standing and the dog is approaching me. She follows me like a parasite and I am not able to tell her to go away--the mind control tech literally blocks off capability of self-defense and any time I think of how to defend myself the thought is immediately erased by the mind control technicians literally blocking any thought I may have of how to respond or act in these situations. This is no excuse this is a most heinous but subtle part of mind control during these attack situations that is an almost guaranteed block to my fight-or-flight response capability. After the end of the well-groomed and more professional skank liar who had followed me around, offered me stinking and nasty oils that i have never seen on the shelves as samples of what she thinks I should buy--until I could only finally make a brief response as if it were a joke about HER preferences, which she remained silent about--as I bought Sandelwood oil as a substitute for Frankincense oil (the ois are supposed to alleviate stress and help with spiritual balance and calm). The dog came wagging it's tail and whimpering as this skank pet it--it came on cue as if it had just been released. It ignored me completely although for the last 4 months it came to me gingerly for petting and comfort. I mentioned to the OTHER lying skank that the dog looked sick and needed a vet and perhaps has parasites and definitely needs much better quality food. The dog ignored me, and this has happened often in stores where animals follow me around. They are either microchipped so that the next time they simply ignore me and walk away (although in previous encounters they run to me and gush all over me with affection--they act like they are numb and zombiesque and i think they are being microchipped and stunted in their own capacities by this disgusting and sick organization. I think there are some people who do not want to have their pets microchipped and so this does not always happen and if it doesn't I think the animals are shut up in some locked room when I enter because they never come out to greet me again. This group takes away all loving, fun and kind people an animals from my every vicinity in every situation, in living spaces (animals killed in succession and for years by now which are loving and friendly to me).

This is very long, but I am not being absolutely blocked by writer hacking blocks per usual so I am typing although hacking interference continues to plague my nearly every word typed. I also wrote a word above that I had spelled correctly but hackers are using the spell check to underline words I spell correctly as being incorrectly spelled.

In conclusion: I was thus lied to about products and services by two women, one of which was extremely nasty and negative but with a smooth but greasy professional demeanor after I had to interrupt her very nasty and negative initial statement about how the product I had to fight to get the lying other skank to order--who said she could not which her real agent had done for me immediately without being asked to do so--as this is THEIR SERVICE they offer to EVERYONE. But for me, it was lies and lies and attacks. The nastiness was palpable and ugly and sinister--the black of the well-groomed greasy skank was enlarged with hate and maliciousness--I had to diffuse their rancor immediately. AFter leaving the shop, a Europigape woman (in her 20's) walked past my vision as I mounte dmy motorbike with swinging her hair around (which is one of the very ubiquitous terrorist stalker triggering devices--it is something that people do almost routinely while I drive past them or walk in any public space as people follow me around and block my passage on a continuous basis--on all sides of course, swinging their hair around). 

It is really disgusting. The rest of the disgusting skank attacks that I have been writing of for years, including the response from the US government which is sponsoring all of this terrorism financially and with all approval and gloating gleeful nearly swooning orgiastic revelry is most appalling for me to see--it's really like the entire word is against me and that no one will ever intervene in any way that is palpable and significant. 

I still can't get over this ugly reality of this situation and I refuse to believe or accept that this is what the planet should be like and so I continue to write about it and put these parasitic creeps in the true light of their real behavior--thus the skanks and the creeps, the whores, pig apes and hyenas and rats really are these typologies and it's really as hideous and revolting as how I describe them with using these seemingly "immature" labels.

I of course am INNOCENT and I consider myself to be a truly incredibly beautiful person in comparison. I can't understand how no one else sees it this way but as many a person might say in this case, fuck em and go to hell. That is my philosophy at this point after years of this attack system that is so unjustified against me.