Saturday, April 10, 2021

After writing my last post--and spending 30% of the time backspacing to retype as hackers blocked key functions--I felt so dizzy from mind control/brain attacks I was almost nauseous from the attacks.

 What I was trying to say in my last few post--which I just keep gushing words to cover the intricacies of the experience but the gist remains blocked from my cognitive capabilities: these skanks kept following me around the store hissing in hate and lying at me and it was so bad I had to try to swoosh them away like buzzing insects literally coming to suck out my psychic energy and verbally harass me infinitely while I attempted to find goods that should be on the shelves but which I think have been taken off the shelves so as to create this harassment type of scenario. These skanks have lots of time at their nasty disposal because tourism is all but effete in this Covid season. 

My every move was an attempt to not respond, to get them away from me, to obtain products that they were keeping off the shelves just so they could have this verbal confrontation of lying about availability at me--while lying about being able to obtain products. They also made references that were nasty about my body while offering me products but they did it apparently in a semi-professional way=--by implying sort of negative things by assumption when offering me products as I tried to get away from them but could not utter the words to leave me alone (politely, as I am polite in this store except for waving my hand to stop talking and lying at me while hissing in hate at me--which I have done only one time). Otherwise I have always been extremely cordial and polite and friendly in this store--rushing in and out as quickly as possible to get the really excellent products that these rotten and stupid skanks only sell for the benefit of the rotten Europigape whores who are put into managerial position by the company at large, and mostly because they have management experience in their countries but no experience in health care products--I suggest as the way these skanks talk they do not have the real awareness of natural products or health care or mental uplifting motivational sales techniques. Everything is low-brow and nasty--like the managers who tell them what to do and are not natural product designers nor advocates in essence of their real, rotten and tainted personalities. The minority minions always reflect the energy of the prime abuser white trash bigot pig apes who control them. They really are so repugnant towards me and to me that I can't call them people I use these terms under mind control influence--knowing it is discrediting me--but wt hell I have been asking for help for over a decade since understanding through research with no support s ystem and the only loving things I have had taken away from me and so I am left with calling them these names which really parallels their behavior. I still wonder how the future of the planet will appear if these parasitic thugs are not stopped from using these technologies and these minority minions. Without the minorities doing the filthy work for them, this group of white supremacist Nazi pig ape hyenas could not function as a seamless international organization. To you f-ers out there who are "minorities" I think you should ponder this statement before you continue to prop up this group of rotten crap any longer.

I am so dizzy from the brain-altering attack/aka mind control being blasted into my body that I feel sick and like I'm about to faint unless I get away from this laptop. I can't write clearly and with self-restraint under these conditions they have serious brain-mapping technologies blocking various functions and exacerbating others like excessive anger and rage and etc. This is their usual mo but they are completely disgusting I write about how rotten they are and this is almost an exact description of how they really are, not my personal ranting excess.

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