Thursday, April 15, 2021

THIS POST BELOW HAS BEEN VERY BADLY ALTERED BY HACKERS WHO HAVE DELETED PARTS AND REWRITTEN OTHER PARTS. i AM CONSTANTLY REWRITING AND BACKSPACING DUE TO HACKER BLOCKS TO THE KEYBOARD AS WELL. Terrorist Report: April 15, 2021. Assorted stuff--sad partings to my beautiful flowering vine, blossoms of beauty and perennial flowering joy ripped up by the root with the roots and bottom completely severed off the plant so it's all going to be dead hanging on my matrix/lattice structure very soon. I just saw it now hanging dead and cut off at the bottom and my entire patio has a huge set of leaves and flowers emanating from this potted plant that provides shade and flowers. Destroyed by terrorists using mechanical arms to break and rip and destroy and fling dirt and muck on my patio daily. I have tried to stick the broken and ripped-off bottom back in the soil, hoping that roots will emerge but I doubt it. The entire plant is green and still blossoming but will die very soon. Every day other flowers off another plant are ripped off daily and are laying on my patio dead and ripped off the other flowering vine. In addition an encounter with an English terrorist manager of a store that attacked me recently--under his order as he denies it after I wrote a letter to the main company which apologized profusely--more below

 **Please note that hacker deletions and rewrites plague most of this post to the point of incomprehensibility. Hackers have deleted entire parts of sentences and then strung half-deleted sentences together into elongated partial  paragraphs with hardly any punctuation in between. Right now hackers are blocking keys so even typing a few sentneces is impossible without having to endlessly rewrite. But the information below has been completely rewritten and half-deleted and then pasted together again. I am not going to spend more time endlessly backspacing just to type words correctly as this is the paramount obstruction to my every post. Right now the struggle to simply type is overwhelming. The sentences below have been BUTCHERED and I am also so sick of this going on and on while idiots have stolen my ideas and are selling them off as their concept while making a lot of money for appearing more original than they are (which I find is at a near zero percent of originality). THIS POST IS ABSOLUTELY REWRITTEN AND IS VERY HARD TO UNDERSTAND. i CAN'T REWRITE AGAIN THE HACKING IS TOO OBSTRUCTIVE FROM THE TERRORISTS BLOCKING MY  KEYBOARD AND ALSO ATTACKING MY BRAIN. This entire post reads like random nonsequitors pasted together without grammar. I am so sick of this being done by creeps who are being paid free rent to also torture my body with various weapons, dismember my body slowly, and help people in Los Angeles to teleprot me so they can torture me to obtain ideas and then torture me afterwards while this organization blocks my every attempt to achieve any single thing on this planet. When I write about Pelosi this is just the latest politician to have attacked me. Like all the rest, she's gloating with power and titillation in having someone to attack--when it is women attacking me (there is always a rapist celebrity or politician right next to them, sitting right next to them when they teleport me in the secrecy of their enclaves and mansions and wherever they commit this sickening crime from---the women are thrilled to have another woman to hand over to violent men to rape and disfigure--Pelosi is an absolute sick creep and psychopath criminal--she was so happy to be attacking me and it is disgusting that I must have to endure this from political representatives of my country over and over, year after year. Four years of T-rump and I had ot deal with the former governor of California operating with the current speaker of the house while they discusses severing parts of my body off when I reacted screaming at yet more abusers and rapists and haters teleporting and glaring at me with hate and threatening me while I called them names--as they ordered more torture of my body more destruction of my home more discrimination from people surrounding me and more home break-ins to destroy my body and home from toxic shock and my property vandalized on a continuous basis for decades while they watch on SMILING AND GLOATING OVER IT.


I see rotten and ugly disgusting mafia Pelosi defending blonde women in her rotten news routine blathering or "fighting" for "The American people" and it's sickening to see this. The United States is on the brink of creating a completely destroyed country due to these people I have been writing of for years. No one seems to care, I am the only one writing about how devious and disgusting they are--the QAnon people are referring to conspiracy theories I am responding to facts that I can't prove because none of the conspiracy theorists want a country where I have a chance for justice but they can carry assault weapons around and prepare to shoot people like Pelosi if she doesn't do what they want. Pelosi then did what they wanted which was to reinforce a Nazi agenda of racism using technological tyranny and now she's safely ensconsed into her old bigot Nazi Mafia routine of BS'ing the American public about how generously incredible she is when it comes to fighting for "Democracy".

T-rump is for the most part gone from visible news broadcasts but there are still people like rotten hyena pelosi who is often displayed by news media as if this rotten thing is a representative of American culture--and I believe that many in the news media are aware of what has been happening to me. They so fully endorse this kind of tyranny. I remain here writing and then detailing how badly my posts and writing is being redacted to the point that it makes no sense. Writing and writing for years and waiting and waiting for some kind of legal representation to stop this sick crime against me. 

The post below is nearly incomprehensible in most parts I can't constantly rewrite everything I try to write which always takes at least ten times longer to get out due to hackers blocking the keyboard. 

This is so ultimately frustrating to see how badly my country has sunk in terms of human rights and in endorsing psycho criminal creeps who I mention and write about but the planet behaves as if what I write is not worth noting. It is so relevant to everything--this situation occurring to me is vital to preventing a very deadly set of INCOMPETENTS FROM CONTINUING TO DESTROY THE PLANET b ut no one seems to be able to recognize this and I remain writing to a sickeningly blank void of people.


so, discrimination here in Phuket--where I had an encounter at a store that was extremely nasty and of awful discrimination---

to continue--and I suspect that hackers will have rewritten and partially deleted the sentences above but I'm sick of constnatly writing about it.

I still can't understand why NO ONE will come to my aid and stop this crime against me and these revolting psycho criminals attacking me not just in Whorewood but everywhere--that something this sick is being fully embraced in all societies around the world at such a high level and from top to bottom of society is appalling.


The store in question is the Lemongrass House brand which is an international company, with two branches in Phuket. I have gone to the Rawai Branch for a few years and obtained essential oils and other natural skin products. This company has won many awards for it's products and that is well-deserved by it's company. The service here in Phuket is fraught with ex-pat bigots with Thai consorts servicing their every hate attack need. The usual lie that there had been a "misunderstanding in English" has been used to frequently in regard to these verbal confrontations that occur--it is the typical response that Thai people make that "no Speak English/no undersannn" (bad English used as well when they blather and mispronounce words to sound even more authentically inadequate in conducting even the slightest of business with me. Notably is the Dell Computer shop or other main services where international customers come in regularly on an island that serves approximately 9 million tourists per year, and this is a very small island at that and serving English-speaking people is a must for the majority of residents on the island of Phuket. Yet, as time goes by, fewer people who are Thai will speak even basic English with me, while a decade ago when the infrastructure was much more degraded and the tourist factor was even less, I was never in need of a translator and always had perfect English conversations at every business. Now it's almost impossible for me to get decent service with anyone who will say that they speak English, and when they do, they later say they had a misunderstannn and no speak English very good and etc etc and that they just didn't understannn...

The English male who wrote me another response in addition to the CEO of the company, who was friendly and helpful in emails, yet the Phuket manager who is apparently English (from England) and the sales women told me so (the manager is from England they told me)--has said that this was a misunderstanding, that this situation has never happened before (thus, in a way, putting the blame on me as if this is some anomaly) and I have also heart this statement countless times IN THE UNITED STATES when I have been attacked by people who speak perfect English but get things lost, don't provide service or who are absolutely rude and offensive when I come in to obtain a service (some instances I have experienced from people out of ENGLAND BUT who were participating in terrorist/gang stalking towards me were so openly discriminatory that I could have easily gone to court for discrimination--but they attacked me the week before I left for Phuket--and this was done while an English man was teleporting and poisoning me to death but stealing ideas (and he is still involved in attacking me along with these celebrities--his name is Danny Moynihan and I so wish someone would get him off me and stop this crime in addition to everything else)

so I am writing about all of this today. I just noticed the plant that was killed just now--I watered it this morning and it was firmly planted in the soil but this evening it's been cut at the roots and was dangling in mid-air-severed off the roots and left to slowly die on this elaborate structure I made by hand covering the entirety of my patio so it shields me from harsh sunlight and is beautiful--now it's going to slowly die and I have to add another thing to the long list of things to replace and repair and it's yet another thing that has been killed that was alive that I loved and cared for--by this very same group which continues to teleport me. I did "nothing" to them and have not responded today in any way that would have brought upon this hate attack they just continue to abuse and insult and threaten me every single day with the goal of so much abuse heaped upon me--with ZERO response from my government which is paying for all these technologies and funding these operations--the amount of hate and abuse is so overwhelming with zero protection or support from anybody and their goal is to abuse me into accepting their bs and hate--so I am writing about this although for years all I have been able to accomplish is a huge and now censored set of posts about endless attacks that are met with silence, absolute promotions for the people involved, and me writing incessantly for someone to stop this. Presidents and people like Pelosi and Clinton(s) and mafia and Jewish personalities famous in the media and police and celebrities and charity organizers and anti-Holocaust personalities operating in sync with Nazis and me sitting here writing about this daily.

I so miss the huge lizard that T-rump ordered to be killed-by the way. This was an extremely rare and unique species that this idiot had organized to be bombed in his crack in the rocks of the hills outside my window--the hills are nearly perpendicular to my patio on the 3rd floor so I can literally see at a parallel lizards and animals that thrive on the hillside without having to look down or very far away. They blasted the hillside with dynamite a few years ago--one month after I moved into this joint as I wrote about their terror and torture (rape, violence, drugging, poisoning, and they "punished" me for writing about being physically assaulted, raped and poisoned and drugged and they never stop doing this in an effort to get me to accept being tortured, raped, dismembered, abused without end, my ideas stolen my home vandalized my every attempt to do business met with hostility by creeps who are unprofessional but who obtain managerial positions by this organization which sponsors every terrorist attack upon me.

Thus, I write again and again and again. AS the Floyd Trial commences for yet another day and America is in a state of upheaval at the obvious racism that plagues the country (and the world) I write this in the spirit of finding some kind of haven or support group or system that might emerge from anyone reading this, as for years everyone has simply gone along with the system and done nothing to assuage all this violence and hate directed at me. 

The manager of the Phuket Lemongrass House branch sent me this email after I had gone through a series with the CEO of the company, which was a very friendly interchange of ideas. The manager stated that this situation has never happened before, that there was a misunderstanding and I could contact him in the future--but the CEO had given me another email address. I sent him a message in return refuting his claims that these women do not understand English and that there was a misunderstanding. I told him that I had gotten verbal confirmation regarding the order and that they had initially told me that they could order nothing because the manager was out of town, and then later that they did not have the size I wanted and thus I should pay nearly $50 for a huge bottle (I have to carry all my oils around with me because the terrorists go into my room and throw things away, dump and pour expensive oils out or put nasty things in the precious fluids I use for my body to poison and maim me even further--so I carry them around and this group knows this--a huge heavy glass bottle would be too heavy for me as well.

But, after having written this email, and letting him know that in the future I would video record any incident that was hostile (I also informed him that his staff had been very nasty in tone towards me, and I had written that to the CEO as well). My plant is now destroyed because of this Nazi Europigape connection here in Phuket where these bigots are informed that they can destroy me if I react to their discrimination, hate, rape, theft, killing of animals, theft of my money, assistance with the bigots in H-wood in terrorizing, destroying and slowly murdering me and also assisting in the technology so they can teleport me and rape, abuse and steal ideas (for years and years and years without end and not a single penny going to me and instead my every attempt to earn a penny blocked in every way as they call me all kinds of insults and that they are far superior after they block everything from me, and kill animals I love and then try to force a baby otu of me) 

and so, this is now becoming an accumulation of the attacks at this point in describing this--but they are all inter-related. Thus, the plant was severed after I have tended to it for years and years--at this point it's completely intertwined with other vines on this beautiful lattice I have also spent hours and weeks at this point repairing and fixing and b uilding--now I have to unwind the dying vines and replace it or do extensive work--because of this attack--because I defended myself against some greasy prick out of England who told his skank whores from Thailand to discriminate against me, lie, speak to me with rude negativity and all that Nazi bullshit that these greasy pig apes do on a daily basis with the teleportation--and in every way they can, every chance they can get. With their endless mechanical arms they destroy my body and property on a daily basis and I sit here waiting for anyone out of the United States to begin to defend my rights to live without this kind of racism, hate, violence, murder attempts without end, destruction of my body home and property--my ideas stolen for YEARS BY people who are still teleporting and torturing and threatening and attacking me and using every means to obtain this contract out on me (I must now pound down on the keys which are being hacked so badly it's nearing impossible to write).

Also the frustration level increases as the backdoor hacking into mind control sinks my cognitive capabilities into lower regions of hate ranting and rage. 

I so hope my country does not become a fully Nazi indoctrinated country. As it is, the only salvation possible is from the BLM movement and SO MANY BLACKS PARTICIPATE IN THE NAZI PROTOCOLS AND THE DISCRIMINATION and "JEWS" participate in it as well when it comes to me--as if a separation of Jews into preferred and those who are targeted for destruction or "slavery" and they laugh and enjoy being a part of the Nazi cartel circles of involvement. You can definitely count the major celebrities in H-wood into these pro-Nazi circles and they have been elected to "represent" all the "fight" against racism and it's the reason why I can't get any support or help (those who had helped are targeted or dead by now or silenced or just gone and don't want to get involved).

I am so sick of this waiting for someone to stop this endless series of never-ending attacks upon me. Years of writing these posts to silence and it's still never ending. One of these actors who has viciously abused, insulted, stolen ideas, killed animals, had me raped and poisoned and drugged and profited off doing so and has been promoted and is vying for lead H-wood position (if he's not already been slated for that from over 7 years of attacking me) is now trying to seduce me--this is me after years of having all I love killed or taken away--years of isolation and years of non-stop 24/7 abuse as he laughs and feeds off it with his blonde, Nazi, bigot model/actress lovers who are nearly drooling like vultures waiting for him to help them to obtain more lead roles and higher positions in the higher levels of H-wood production and company ownership and etc etc. They put their faces and videos on my YouTube channel while I am searching for news continuously. I can only state that with no support as usual, and people like Pelosi JOINING IN AND THREATENING TO KILL ME ALONGSIDE NAZIS OUT OF EUROPE as I see videos of tv anchors describing how injust the police system is--the January 6th riots and the killing of these unarmed black men and the discrepancies between the white law enforcement response to both sides and the imbalance and the injustice--and I see my situation as this silenced racist Nazi protocol system that these bigot scumbags want to viciously enact as an invisible form of murder and theft and discrimination and I see the Jews like Spielberg absolutely participating in these attacks upon me--also stealing ideas and attacking me using teleportation while I waited for him, with all his contacts (Spielberg I am referring to now) who has done NOTHING but profit and use this situation to further his own career--with his blondeNazi wife glaring with hate into cameras as they attacked me using the exact same protocol system--and if that is the "best" of H-wood in terms of fighting against racism, or in my case, although I do not associate with the Jewish faith or it's diaspora (which is probably why I am being attacked, as I am a loner in that respect) but they also sic their bigot Nazi white supremacist Europigape actors upon me in teleportation who are hissing in racism and hate (like Mark Rylance, for example he's a most ugly and odious English personality who is probably much more bigoted than Sharon Osbourne ever was but he's been able to disguise all of it through Spielberg perhaps shielding this information).

I just had to get that out as I am sick of the English by now attacking me unjustifiably due to their anti-semitism--but I don't follow that religion and it's really that they attack me because I don't fall into their pre-conceived stereotypes for which they are so reliant upon for their claims of superiority. Meanwhile I must fight to continuously get this poison out of my body as Brad Pitt (with this English last name and wife with English mother) has not stopped viciously attacking me for over 7 years. And so, I am left with the one living thing that I loved on my patio now dead--the plant--the lizard was literally blown up by Trump because I was happy that he had lost the election--for over 4 years that f-er had smiled and laughed as his friends raped, teleported, tortured and abused me with a greasy ugly smile on his repugnant face--I was happy and in my room still fighting to heal from the endless damage T-rump ordered upon my body (and I still am) and so happy he lost, and using teleportation I told him under hypnosis, under "truth serum" type of attack, that I was very happy because he has been destroying my body and home in a very deadly way and I hoped--alas--that the new administration would even begin to stop this in some way. Of course, I only got Pelosi attacking me with even more hate than T-rump and threatening me with murder--because I reacted in rage and hate to her and called her names after her attack along with this Europigape fascist Nazi in H-wood who has helped her to obtain illicit funds from their huge Bills passed on Reconciliation grounds. 

And so I sit here with what tiny I have left destroyed, my cat I loved as my child stolen from me, my home dangerously toxic from sprays and poisons put on every single thing that I must breathe in-- AS i MUST seal the doors shut every night to try to stop the mechanical arms from destroying my body while I sleep and can't wake up due to these microchip implants that my government forced upon me and is still attacking me to obtain their "slaves" and their illicit discrimination adn slavery and murder contracts out on  people--and the "people' are loving it, participating from blacks like Oprah to Jews who brought Oprah into movie status like Spielberg and then Brad Pitt who always plays the good old boy and his wife wife who has stolen ideas regarding justice and the fight against men like Pitt who has raped and tortured me alongside her for years and years and is now trying to sexualize it to formalize this contract out one me. I fight against the racism I have to deal with that they are supporting here in Phuket by the people they order to perform these acts of sabotage and they then destroy what tiny little I have left after the years of them stealing and destroying and killing off all that I have worked for which they destroy--stealing even my sexual energy which they debase and discard immediately afterwards and this has just happened today after I responded to over 7 years of abuse and torture from Pitt--I responded in some gentle way as he stood over me last night and the response from him is more violence towards me--as they all do this because they are skanks and whores and creeps and parasites--all of them, not just him but he's going on and on and on--but this is the result of me fighting against the English bigots he and Danny Moynihan and the other Europigapes associated with them--an entire pac of bigots, whores, Nazis and parasites operating as one group of "friends" attacking me in concurrent cycles of torture and passing me around from one ot the next--along with the local bigots here in Phuket--and in America the terrorist circles are extremely violent and are akin to the January 6th Nazi attacks upon the Capital with the Capital Police all but exonerating the entire episode with their Nazi brothers and sisters whom they really cavort with--under jurisdiction of Trump and his associates--the liberals out of H-wood for example.

I am now digressing all over the place as backspacing to retype is non-stop and my brain is now in a ranting mode and I ca'nt think any longer. I have spent years tending to this plant which is a glorious vine structure adn they just killed it today because I responded ot some English pig ape who had me attacked because I am fighting for my human rights--this group wants to create a complete Nazi structure using these technologies of humiliation, abuse, discrination and then any response from me defending myself is met by a million or so terrorists operating in all walks of life to block all and every single attempt to get a single thing done, thanks to the US Government and to you people reading this as well.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...