Friday, April 9, 2021

Physiological terrorist report: tears continuously welling up in my eyes. The skin around my eyes is permanently damaged from a decade of this going on every single day. WHEN I EAT the terrorists force tears and mucus to swell up to unreasonable amounts so I am continuously sniffling and blowing my nose every time I eat, as tears are nearly pouring out of my eyes. This is due to microchip implants and remote tech blasting away at my body. It is going on right now. It also is inflicted upon me when I am talking to people in public when they are attacking me verbally--it is uncontrollable I can't "breathe" it away or "meditate" it away. If I became a guru perhaps but the nervous system and breathing attacks continue every morning for at least 2-3 hours per day with subliminal hate messages and endless disruptions of my every utility and operating system and computer and then there are the microwave torture attacks upon my body (burning sensations that are actual internal cooking of my body). THIS IS A DECADE of me writing about absolute scumbag, sleazy disgusting creeps who are being handed these systems who then TORTURE ME TO STEAL CONCEPTS so their hate and mediocrity can be sold off as having unique and "alternative" concepts to sell off. THey get paid in millions I have my money blocked, frozen and stolen from me (literally my money stolen in my room while I sleep--for decades ) and I sit here fighting just to COPY a few files so I can create a folder that has no bearing to income-earning and this is blocked because this group has to attack every single thing I do, steal any concept or idea, endless interrogation while under hypnosis and teleported while sleep--then tortured immediately afterwards and that includes when I used to "make love" to people I detest who have drugged me and teleported me so I believe in this state that I am "in love" while they order torture, dismemberment and murder via poisoning afterwards all that they suck out of me and return with death and hate. All applauded by my country all the bigot Nazis laughing as they finally are being handed every genocidal tool courtesy of the US Government. Millions of brown-skinned slaves obeying and servicing them because the financial corruption and lending policies have created global destitution for the majority of the "brown" and "black" peoples with resulting SLAVES obeying and attacking for the bigots who created all the misery and death. Now the technology is enhancing these systems and you all keep on putting these crooks and creeps into power.

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Landlord death threat terrorism: not direct death threats, but threat of pulling the tiny fragment of a rug underneath the endless block of all telecommunications from me so I am stuck with ZERO resopnse when I look for apartments online, all personal emails are deleted and blocked (for decades all emails I send out to people who might be friendly are never responded to, not a single friendly email has been in my inbox for over 20 years of absolute isolation through block to all telecommunications. //Landlord has viciously had me tortured and near-death murder attempts in this room from the trash Trump teams and the filthy Biden terrorist Nazi "Democrats" for years and years and years and years non-stop. THEY KNWE THAT TRUMP WOULD WIN YEARS AGO. I have tried to write about t his, but obviously I don't have documents of "evidence" and obviously none of the participants have any evidence either as "they" are careful now with an ever-increasing growth of experts in sabotage, such as Elon Musk, a most vile Nazi bigot out of S. Africa who has learned in Whorewood how to posture like he's just a cool dude playing video games of soldiers rushing into population centers shooting "enemies". I know this from one of the podcasters out of California who tried to run for Governor, "Met Kevin" who detailed the Musk "games" online which the white Nazi "dudes" played along with about soldiers going into civilian centers and shooting the "bad guys". It was a token symbol for what actual real murder they are building up in reality right now.//The landlord has begun, in the past week, but was plotting to do this months ago I feel certain--to begin a terror campaighnn of showing this apartment every few days as a form of torture and abuse while he told me over one month ago that he would renew the rental agreement in December.

 The hacking is now as usual extremely obstructive as keys I press appear as a three-key mess and letters I pound down appear as other lette...