Monday, April 19, 2021

Terrorist report regarding the bigot, Nazi/Mafia terrorist actors who teleported me yesterday in response to my post written yesterday. It was a critique of the movie Nobody which they then physically and verbally assaulted me for in this teleportation hate skit---they are so accustomed to physically violating and abusing me that it was automatic on part of the daughter of one of the rancid pig apes who raped me via this technology for more than 2 years before I tried to castrate him in disgust and a death wish for that pig. That was before they tried to have me killed in near-death accidents I barely maneuvered out of because they brakes/handlebars were being remoted altered by this pig ape terrorist mafia/nazi network with their disgusting minority slaves here in Phuket operating as force multipliers for the millionaires and billionaires who then parcel out government funds to these terrorists and then a little bit trickles down to the brown/black slaves serving them doing all the most filthy and disgusting acts of terrorism for them.

 One of them is a most stupid and rotten rat spawn of this famous 
American actor who can only utter endless obseqious slavish adoration upon France, the country that has funded this pig scum greasebag in this Nazi/Mafia Europigape cartel that has full control over H-wood and it's American puppet representative. They are fully brainwashed and immersed in adoring every aspect of fascist Europigape nazism and facsism and mafia culture---they have been fully indoctrinated into the servile mentality while believing that they are "superior" as a result and their pig-sniffing-the-air posturing is a form of this mere slanted posturing gait they assume for their postures for the red/blood carpet walkdown of the skank parades that they get so well funded for and are nearly idolized for--and indeed they are idolized for displaying fascist Nazi posturing with mafia movies and crime and evil and hate being supported in nearly each and every presentation they make--especially those where they are "heroes" defending the universe against all the evils that they truly embrace and are fully supported and funded by.

Because of the mentality that persists that the victim is responsible for the violence being committed against them--that they did something "wrong" and that they are really to blame or did "something" to "deserve" the punishment hate and violence--they didn't submit they didn't go willingly into custody they fought back they said one word in protest or most of the time--the rationales that people make to defend the perpetrators has no basis or merit in terms of argument whatsoever--they just blindly obey and defend their fascist Nazi masters.

And so, for me to delve into how they attacked me makes me out to look weak. I do my best to fight back while I am in a state of teleportation, while police completely support every act of criminality aimed at me, which is at a 100% level 100% of the time in 100% of all locations I go in 100% of the places around the planet I have gone to just live in peace without hate aimed at me by society--all societies. The few people who defend me quickly rescind and remain silent as I am mostly unaware of how deep the disgrace of this group really extends.

So this rat--I call the daughter of this pig a rat because it looks like one to me--although the Nazi culture claims that this ugly disgusting stupid thing is "beautiful" because of the plastic surgery and it's lifetime of doing nothing but learning how to posture and repeat lines--absolutely an evil and stupid rotten thing spawn from a pair of rotten greasy creeps who are famous for their posturing Nazi bs movies and fashion shows--but, this stupid thing who has made at least a pair of movies based on concepts she and her fellow minority minions stole from me--is viciously attacking me in disgusting ways which I will not repeat because always the association of the victim is that they are guilty and that the attacks are made to be some blameworthy incident happening due to the fault or some flaw in the person being attacked.  The criminals attacking me continue to be awarded and praised and they remain untouched by THE POLICE and by society as I remain in a state of non-stop torture by this same group that has not stopped--they are now so fully entrenched in the roles and the filth that instructs them who sit back awarding them for all these acts of violence--as the brainwashing and mind control is REALLY being aimed at them and not me--for which they are promoted so these actors can then transmit--either overtly or subconsciously through all the subliminal and all the symbolic representation that no one is "allowed" to critically-review because the critics only fixate on the superficial aspects of plot and appearance--not going deeper into the symbolism which is supposed to be a relative perspective but the signs are so obviously clear for anyone not so suppressed that they can't even 'THINK" such thoughts. 

And indeed, I am tortured by these actors for my very thoughts which I do not even write openly in this blocked and censored blog, nor in my hacked and stolen from Facebook page--because they want people to not get to the point of thinking or analyzing to any degree the aspects of mental coercion into the paradigms of crime, criminality, fascist Nazi ideology or fashion posturing that these hateful criminal actors are being paid in MILLIONS with promises of being put into lead positions alongside their crony and cragged nearly 80-90 year old fellow actors who still remain at the top of the media circus output--always cranking out more racist and violent themes perpetually even with the "woke" culture they just steal ideas from people like me, suppress people "like me" into not having a chance to compete and they steal the concepts and modify them into more fascist/Nazi and criminal brainwashing "entertainment" movie and mind control fodder which are then awarded for the highest awards categories (but no one seems to know how these movies are selected and I can assure you readers that many a person who has attacked me is/are part of the Board of Governors for these awards circuit monopolies such as the Oscars and undoubtedly the Golden Globes). I cannot see how many are involved when I am teleported and undoubtedly the videos of me being raped, assaulted and then sucked dry for information, ideas, concepts and then sexual energy and the videos must have made huge passes around a sordid circuit of scumbag creeps who operate as governors for these movies, as well as their more vicious but not famous investors who are the corrupt donars and influencers who really create these programs--many of whom are part of the rotten groups living here in Phuket who have obtained absolute slave plantations with the most servile and perfectly trained slaves in the world with the most beautiful and lush landscape here in Thailand. Thailand, for these reasons in addition to huge investment opportunities (for which they are largely contributing to global warming and destruction of the environment which NO GROUP SO FAR THAT I KNOW OF IS PROTESTING because this involves the luxury pig ape lifestyle of fascist Nazi and Mafia tourism and retirement and luxury plantation lifestyle and thus no Swedish angry protestor is coming here to fight against her own Nazi level of expectation of entitlement to destroy what they want for their luxury and plantation slave Nazi needs).

That was a bit of ranting above but oh.. how accurate it really is. I am under very strong mind control at the moment but...

I am still under odious attack and all I can do is try to not write because I have no support no protection that I know of or am aware of--when it gets to the point that I have some support structure and someone else can do the analyzing and someone else can fight at least with me instead of me being alone then there may be a chance for the future of the planet. As it is, just in terms of global warming this group is definitely killing off the planet. When it comes to nuclear war they are the most stupid people being put into power and they continue to build-up nuclear reserves and stock-piles as a "necessity" for national defense. In terms of racism they are using every maneuver to keep the system not only in check but to increase the death squads and genocidal death camps which will become urban ghettos of roaming technologically and military-grade weaponized Nazi/Mafia units killing randomly anyone they don't like who offers the slightest of protest. The movies are going to continue to spew out these general philosophies of hate, corruption and racism all disguised as "beautiful" posturing Nazi celebrities and their very obedient minorities (including Jews) who spout every kind-hearted charitable concern and the media critics will be so pulverized by not being able to express the slightest of criticism for their movies except fo how the scenery looks or if the plot is not too thin and meaningless or more trivial aspects of real analysis that I have observed from critical reviews--as well written as they are and stylized and observant they lack the real foundation of critical analysis when it comes to exposing how mafia and Nazi influences are the real motifs being endlessly expounded upon year-after-year with endless violence and hate-training as a form of general decay and demoralization of the population through the avenues of "entertainment".

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...