Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Celebrity bs terrorist report: April 13, 2021.

 It is dangerous for me to write and name names. This group of terrorists is drugging and torturing me to obtain ideas from my rantings about their injustice--which I elaborate upon and I used to write series of posts using whatever creative writing skills I could drudge up from the depths of hacking and drugging ranting.

However, when I use their names or refer to them, it seems that the stinking filth increases in my home--the terrorist filth that the filth pours onto my property and thus a toxic and deadly assault on my body--in addition to the levels of stress that are a daily combination of torture and slow murder. Inhaling poison is one of their slow covert forms of my murder. When I write about these terrorist creep celebrities I also have to face cars coming within inches of hitting me from usually oblique angles behind me as I am nearly hit on the other side by other vehicles. 

However, watching again a "black" celebrity who lives in mansions and has been a fixed regular in H-wood along with his "black" wife and children. They are making some documentary about the Georgia elections--I heard this on Democracy Now and of course in disgust I had to click the video off because any news or any photo of these criminal fakes is a disgusting wrenching of the memory of them teleporting me and viciously attacking me--verbally in this case but they have participated in the physical torture and are staunch supporters of the most violent white supremacist Nazi bigots in H-wood--for which they and their children have been awarded top modeling prizes for companies like Chanel--but in Europe--as their prize for the Nazi complicity that they really endorse. Now endlessly in the public eye for their vitriol against racism, as false representatives thereof--of course concerned about "Black" discrimination and election processes. It's a bit interesting that Democrats need the Black vote and of course the duplicitous fakes and sell-outs are put in these representative slots to convey the need for more Democrat votes in the upcoming elections. 

If you don't know who I am referring to, it's because my life is jeopardized by writing their names and it's loathsome to do so anyway. 

I will state that the stupid assinine tv show that the male of this nasty couple put out, that is supposed to be one of the top 80's tv shows (regarding a black male in Whorewood--another tv show and personality I immediately guaged as being fake, sell-out and ludicrous as a representative of "black" culture). 

I can't express how ugly and rotten and nasty his nasty and ugly rotten wife is and was towards me--for no reason other than their children then were put into lead modeling position in Europe and they let me know this by endless videos and photos hacked into my search engine results on my YouTube page, Facebook page stream (for pages I had never subscribed to) and it's loathsome to see that they are still "representing" and being put into lead position for this. The children are as guilty as the parents--the male who is supposed to be some kind of model wearing a dress as an ambiguous sexual deviant shock kind of model thing glared into photos with his very nasty, yelling, abusive mother who was so absolutely thrilled to be venting her racism out on me as the symbol of something--but really, with the white supremacist celebrity behind her (literally) in teleportation urging her to scream at me, abuse with absolute hate and negativity (while I had done nothing to her, or to the white male who is very famous for his silly roles in movies--who raped me for nearly 2 years almost nightly using this filthy and nasty technology--had my cat nearly killed and laughed and giggled about it, tortured me with his rotten creep daughter who not only stole ideas from me to represent herself as being anything but a sleazy and nasty offspring of greedy and racist, rapist celebrities who has not concept about anything but posturing and posing from postures that bigots taught her to represent fascist, nazi ideology) and

I am now venting and going off into tangents--the connection betwixt these creeple is such that the racism is rampant throughout the entire enclaves of their H-wood mansion repositories of posturing bs. The spiritual ugliness of the glaring look on the face of the son of this couple is very similar to the ugly demonic looks that white nazi stalkers give me as they pass by--black empty vacuous eyes denoting a spiritual envelopment of "dark" forces of hate and violence and death--it's very hard to describe and when I write like this I sound like a kind of religious fanatic but it is "evil" and this is the quickest way to describe the entire phenomenon.

To see these creeps endlessly being flaunted as representatives of anti-racist political movie and documentary promotion is only more of the duplicity that helps to keep racism and hate thriving around the world.

The silly pomp that is surrounding these rotten and evil celebrities and their anti-racist romp pomposity--it is disgusting. It keeps racism alive. They are diverting racism against them like so many Black people have done so they can prove to Nazis that they are bigots too, but want equality for themselves as they live in the Hills of H-wood. They have been so rewarded for this. The lies are kept hidden. I write of the deception now. I consider them to be absolute rot put into lead position for media brainwashing purposes. Their children are publicized as sexualized deviants which is appealing as a kind of luxury sex slave persona put into high fashion appeal in the media. 


It is 30 minutes later after having written the above:

It has taken me over 3 minutes to just open this page on my Google browswer. My laptop is so frozen from malware that any function is fraught with delays that last for minutes. hackers are blocking as usual the keyboard functions so I must pound down on keys and backspace and retype almost continuously. My brain of course is also under some pernicious electronic attack by mind control weapons (to use basic terminology to describe what is happening).

Regarding the celebrity post above, I want to add, as I have also written of on Facebook earlier regarding this very situation---the black woman who verbally assaulted me like a banshee shreeching ugly and nasty--possessed with hate aimed at me for no reason except that later on she and her children were awarded top modeling position and celebrity status for their participation in a Nazi contract out on me. The impetus for the attack was the gold mine of opportunity that the Nazi organization merits these fakes who adorn the media with their "black" discrimination posturing and advocacy. 

This happened not too long before the T-rump ascendency into power (through these very people in Wh-wood, who handed him the rape and teleportation technology--to wit, which increased T-rump's political position in the primaries into top position very soon afterward while he had been near bottom prior to being handed his place with his "friends" in the H-wood A-list cartel teleportation terrorist circle).

I wrote that these "black" celebrities--on my Facebook post, which may have been deleted I really see that even photos I had posted to my account have been blocked--they were photos of people here in Phuket who participated in the Gang stalking terrorism--their faces are now deleted from my page by the terrorist organization) but..I wrote that these blacks who attacked me, ostensibly to support the anti-Semitic push that has increased in H-wood under the T-rump cartel administration--(the ousting of the hated "Jew" rapist in a high position of power/production company) has been replaced by blonde Nazi rapists who all have, with their wives, their own production studios very conveniently both protesting for the "Me Too!" movement but also their own studios have taken the place of the void left by the hate administered against "The Jew" who controlled much of Hollywood and now disgraced due to "rape culture" being exposed by even the founder of the movement who has participated in this crime against me as well (they are all so intimate and friends and connected and intertwined just like a huge, nasty orgy that revolves around spiraling upward in power through this rape and torture racist contract out on me--for some reason I represent something so heinous to the people who have put this contract out on me--) the people who are "good" and obey and do what they are told and hate and abuse and rape and torture--they of course "represent" the alternative cultures that they have stolen in identity and they "represent" the "black struggle" for power--I mean for empowerment in voting and against police brutality--which they endorse fully when it comes to me.

What they are endorsing in reality is police murder and State-sponsored racism, systematic racism and murder operations and mind control but trust me, if they can get to that level of understanding in whatever cognitive dissonance universe they exist in the bubble of elitism that they are protected in--

as they put photos of pig-sniffing-the-air elitism on my Facebook feed directed at me--so it seemed as these were hate looks and not celebrity gooning and leering smiles for publicity

absolute evil really disgusting and ugly. That is the Smith family which has been plastered with attention thereafter. They "represent" the anti-Trump movement (which they helped TO PUT INTO POWER) AND DIRECTLY SO and have benefitted immensely for having procured their place in the Nazi cartel hierarchy. They are showered with contracts now for representing the Black struggle, as I wrote above--movies and radio broadcasts and movie roles that never end. 

Whenever I look at the media information on who and what has been awarded top movie roles I have to squint and look away almost continuously now it's year after year that I see loathsome personalities who have been put into lead position who remain there--this is what they "must" do in order to remain at the pinnacle of the media establishment. However, they truly believe in the hate that they perform they fully imbibe the spirit of racism and hate and they are only looking for form a power cartel of Blacks against Jews or any other group that they are instructed to target--as I think it really does not matter if it were a blonde Nazi and the Nazis told them to hate they would. The blonde would of course be a true ant-racist but it just doesn't happen often as those who did protest racism are probably dead and long-assassinated by now (a personal opinion which is based on a highly emotional state while I write this---I realize it is probably "wrong" but it is so hard to find people who are not racist and happily participating in this hate crime against me at this point of years of this going on and on. I can't express how many black people have attacked me who are public fighters against racism for themselves--for their black caucus struggle to obtain power--pure power--and if possible, mansions in the Hollywood hills alongside the most vicious fascist nazis who have overtaken the American culture and media with their fascist death mentality and propaganda.)

This post is a bit ranting-my brain is under attack and I am dazed and sick from poisoning and from the mind control. Try to sift out the meaningful parts, if you discover any--I do not mean to offend those who truly are legitimate in their quest for a decent society where hate is eliminated--those of any color--and even those who reside in H-wood Hills or in that vicinity. I am so surrounded by sick and disgusting people from all walks of life and continuously that it is hard to see the people who actually care about stopping these hate groups--because they just see me getting blasted and do nothing so I can't see them because they remain "in hiding" and in fear of having to actually FIGHT when it's not a visible publicity stunt for them to capitalize on--even if for image. The stalking and targeting is silenced and anyone who fights this is silenced as well. How these fighters need publicity to feed their cause and how they abstain from fighting when they can't get public recognition.

I really do believe that the evidence of police terrorist "gang stalking" is being shown almost directly in the current death scenario occurring in the Minneapolis area during the Chauvin trial. The police were prepared to exact a protest environment--for which they had been equipped and provided all kinds of riot hear beforehand--they created this incident by purpose I would venture to conspiratorially say--not only to try to sequester the Chauvin Jury but also to put up a show of force as a disdain for the fight for their "entitlement" to murder--as I wrote earlier, the belligerence of these terrorist stalkers mounts as the technology and the death squad activities are more entrenched within society and these terrorists can get away with murder without much ado by government or local authorities. You have to listen to various interviews (I think I will include one here) about how the Minnesota government and police force have proven to be one of the most discriminatory agencies in the United States (according to interviewee). I think I will almost become truly ill if one of these rotten celebrities who has attacked me goes to Minneapolis to "protest" these crimes by police. I want to state that my personal endless fight against their racism and hate (due to THEIR stereotypes not to what I am or what I represent or how I act, but because I do protest and that is what they are attacking--as they conform exactly to the roles that they are told to play--in this case, as I wrote, their children are being "sold off" in media as sexually deviant but "exciting" somehow--which ties into racism on a very deep and personal level but that is another subject for another day--if I can type it out and write it out---hackers and brain-altering tech and all involved in suppressing my real ability to write and think). I know this post has been a meandering series of thoughts pasted together. Every time I post and then go back and re-read what has been published I see that hackers continuously delete words and parts of sentences and I am not going to re-check this post so you have to sift out meaning from what hackers are inevitably going to delete parts of).


This video details a bit of how lax Minnesota has been in police accountability. I experienced DEADLY assault in Minnesota for the years of college I attended. I thought that the situation would improve in places like California but it is as bad or worse but with an "alternative" posturing face of protest and "liberalism".

I have spent another 2 minutes staring at my computer trying to open pages that were open before I began writing the brief set of paragraphs above--all is frozen solid I can't access anything and I have to wait--for some reason I can write on this page for now but I'm trying to obtain the interview regarding Minnesota police brutality and I can't open anything but this page.

Every function I press is blocked--my brain is so dizzy from mind control attack I am nearly sick from it--

The attack is probably being done by one of the Europigape creeps who is being handed free rent in this nearly vacant condominium, with a host of Thai slaves cooking, cleaning and sucking him (or her) or them for their awards for attacking me. Thrilled with rape and torture, as the Europigs are, the hacking is being done by a native English speaking scumbag. I can't get anything done. This has begun to this degree of near complete blocks to my system since the last Europigape began attacking me (shitnigger the austrian body builder turned actor turned governor of california who destroyed the ca economy) I can't use capitals for the words as all functions are so blocked I am struggling just to type out lower-case words

they have made it impossible for me to function, work, earn money or get any help as you all continue to support them and this death machine of police murder and violence--just one facet of their organization. This is exactly what the Smith family has been paid top modeling positions for, they are fully supporting police murder by their inclusion--they are violent and sick parasitic creeps who endlessly represent the "black" struggle out of the Whorewood Hills. America continues to cheer them on--I wonder how many "black" people actually support this family of sex slave racist Nazi collaborators or listen to their anti-Trump radio broadcasts? Is it only white Democrat liberals who put these creeps into power or who or what decides to continuously put them into limelight positions? I did not mean to write about the Euro-p-a as any mention of these "people" brings them only more contracts--as I actually help to promote them for writing about their heinous, ugly and sick sinister behavior for which they endlessly obtain more awards, prizes and top roles in media exposure for all kinds of positions (always claiming they represent any fight against injustice--every single time actually they are so repugnant but they are only the superficial representatives of a truly sinister organization in control over these media productions and in politics as well).

I am now ranting and using hate language--my brain is "spinning" and I sit here watching as the screen to paste a video is blank, white and non-moving. Every function is blocked now, due to this Europigape creep who told me that my ideas should not be spread and that I have to be censored from publishing any more thoughts or opinions--(paraphrasing what he told me in front of this group of pigs who have stolen idea after idea from me for years in order to be portrayed as heroes of American society defending against rape culture and injustice on all levels). For me to sit here stuck with fighting to type and get ideas out-as my brain is so stunted from thinking and fighting to backspace and retype and fighting to get ANYONE to intervene and stop this crime against me...

Joe: 'Why Do We Keep Seeing Videos Like This?' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Why do we keep seeing videos like this? Because the people in charge are fully supporting police brutality even when they claim they are fighting it and it's being filmed for publicity purposes. That is one reason why we keep seeing these public videos of Statte-sponsored death squad activity.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...