Monday, April 26, 2021

U.S. anti-protest laws are now exactly the same (in Florida) as the military coup government Martial Law in Thailand that has lasted for over 6 years in effect. I leave it up to you readers to look this information up and figure it out. I am tired of fighting to pound out keys and backspace only so fascist hackers can steal ideas and suck and drain my writing and phrases and do nothing but continue to support these fascists. All I can say right now is that I have written repeatedly for YEARS that the United States will BECOME LIKE THAILAND in martial law and fascist Nazi overtake like it is a colonized Europigape controlled Failed State. The people teleporting me who have been "winning" awards are INSTRUMENTAL in helping to bring this about. They are paid in mansions in Thailand, castles in Europigapeland with fascist Nazis swooning over them with orgies, millions of awards and victim(s) like me to torture and steal ideas from using this horrid teleortation and thought-reading technology--with all the terrorist groups inflicting mutilation and torture and poisoning and drugging as part of the terror operation so they can extract ideas and further the fake presentations of how much they "care" about "minorities" and so many brainwashed performers are put into these "minority" positions but they only have the skin color they are only brainwashed pawns. But otherwise, I wrote of how America is turning into Thailand and not Thailand turning into a free and Democratic Society. Look it up instead of feeding off my writing because I have now spent a long time this morning hoping that my words will reach OTHER PEOPLE maybe in some future time who will ACT upon this information to stop this endless destruction of the United States at all levels by foreign exploiters and colonialist Imperialist fascist Nazis (and their Communist collaborators, i.e. Chinese). The list of enemies encircling these greedy and narrow-minded and xenophobic actors and politicians is so enormous it is like the vastness of space where their brains operate and also where they empty black-hole hearts are really floating somewhere off in some void of greedy and sleazy pornographic meaningless floating away from all that is sacred on this planet Earth. I am now fighting to pound letters and words out--my brain is under so much attack I can't fight to make my hands move any longer while they keyboard is absolutely being blocked. Rotten and stinking creeps in rooms next to mine are being paid to inflict this upon me so the rotten and sleazy performers and politicians can continue to wreak their agenda of turning America into an enslaved colonized Europigape fascist Nazi colonized hate and genocidal death country.


GOP Criminalizes Dissent with Anti-Riot Laws Targeting Black Lives Matter & Anti-Pipeline Protests--Democracy Now. April 26, 2021

If you want more information on this subject, begin with the Democracy Now media news clip put out yesterday on how anti-protest laws are being introduced by 2/3 of all US State legislatures and the laws exactly imitate what has been in effect in Thailand for over 6 years from a Martial Law coup military government that ousted the Democratically elected government and installed the same procedures as the US is allowing now in it's various State laws. What happened in Thailand was completely enabled by US support under the very same politicians who are now in lead political power in the Executive Branch of government--many of them who were Ambassadors and at top levels are now overseeing various States enacting the exact same laws that are still in effect in Thailand.

I also want to add that land grabs and confiscation of property that had been owned by local Thai people for generations was taken by government forces which annulled previous ownership contracts under very shaky legal grounds. No protests were allowed under penalty of law, which is what the US is now trying to enact. 

Just to add a small note on that: the "Wall" on the Mexican border has also established a kind of "land grab" by the US Government and all protests in this respect will be the same thing as in Thailand: prison or jail for protests and the situation is going to develop into absolute tyranny in the very near future. 

Welcome to prostituted slave-state Thailand--oh Americans who have sold everything out to fascist Nazis and Colonizers from Europigapeland who are not cool and savvy sophisticates but ignorant posturing pig apes who are coming to steal and rape and rob and kill as much as possible and are training these greedy and rotten actors and politicians who have been torturing me for years in how to help them achieve this end--they all expect to be at level playing fields with these fascist infiltrators but they will be in for a huge disappointment or death when this overtake continues as it is now like a snowball effect on all these fronts of ovetake--the media is over-saturated with Europigape influence and control.

One of the Presidents who has participated in attacking me had his great Europigape brainwashing and mind control training for his Graduate experience at Oxford--England in case you don't know--his scholarship was funded or handed to him by Imperialist England and the mind control as I have also been under endless attack by English infiltrators has been fully endorsed by top Europigape fascist anti-Americans. I am under extreme mind control and computer hacking at this time so I am into the hate and ranting state. I can't call them Europeans any longer all I have seen for over a decade are hundreds per day of Europigapes acting like rotten and ugly sick perverted pieces of crap attacking me--there is nothing but a lot of money that has backed them up from their holocaust and subsequent endless pilfering of every country around the planet. People are so beguiled by their posturing bs and all the wealth and fashion crap that they have also used as a psy-ops weapon of control and influence that every cultures deem it necessary to wear Europigape fashion in order to look like they are "somebody". This is so endlessly reinforced even in these horrid movies and rap songs blurted out by the slaves who all cry out that they are fighting against racism. 

It is endless.

All of these factors I write of are the prevailing influences (and more, economically I can't begin as I don't read Thai newspapers or how much investment is involved but it is the driving force by Europigape Imperialists who use the Chinese to fund their projects and then kick them out of their "haute" living spaces--total discrimination is now fully allowed in Thailand and it's all backed by the Europigape-fascist Nazi-backed Thai Government. 

That, I wrote so many times for so many years on this blog an don Facebook--will become, as I wrote--the future of America. It is NOW HAPPENING completely and exactly as the laws of martial law decree here in Thailand.

You can thank and bow down to these rotten celebrities I have been writing of for years, who are now being showered with every luxury and billion-dollar studio enterprise to keep cranking out this crap about how much they care about "minorities" who they control, sexually use and discard or marry and "love" but only if they are slaves and prop up their egos with slavish devotion that their more "feminist" wives won't--(that is more than a decade of observing how this dynamic operates between white males and their "brown-skinned" enslaved wives and obedient cooking, sucking and cleaning partners who are not going to get angry if the men "cheat" and go to girly bars all the time--that is the "normal" here in Thailand for many of these greasebags you all think are wonderful Europeans but they are Europigape hyena scum and filth and stupid and rotten parasites coming to rape and murder and turn America, through these rotten celebrities who are currently being handed top position in the most mind controlling arena of celluloid impact--the movies, the entertainment, the news sources--)

well, I am now in the hate and ranting phase of the mind control technology --they have tortured me for so many years to obtain ideas they can use to present themselves as being beautiful and loving people instead of the ugly and sinister hateful parasites that they are. They are bringing martial law and tyranny and fascism and death into America. They support police like Chauvin they are being traind to behave like Chauvin they are being supported by adoring minorities like Chauvin's wife into believing that they are supreme supremacists they are handed billions by this fascist and Nazi Europigape cartel that is controlling the media and many a politician is in their grip as well.

I said it, you have done nothing but continue to allow it to flourish. I write these posts for those who may read my writing in either the future or at this time to not waste any more time allowing this to continue and continue. There is very little being written about the political state of Thailand as the media is under so much oppression and nothing is coming out internationally. It is because Thailand is a coveted Nazi tourist destination where pig apes are treated like they are adored slave masters. This is so fully protected that these criminally liable media and news representatives keep all of this silenced and unknown. For their cooperation they also have obtained free mansions or something like that here in Thailand for their support in attacking me and I can't imagine how much the pigs who have not stopped attacking me for A DECADE have obtained and the endless awards and prizes that the blonde Nazi pig male keeps obtaining the blue-eyed blonde posturing smug psychopath rotten male you all must have as your icon to lead your country into martial law impoverished death squad culture while his crap movies keep putting out fake crap about how much he loves minorities and the asians--oh, how submissive and servile the women are--oh yes. Oh well. I write this out to the void that does nothing like a vacuum of information you all digest all the time and only react to the prompting of the black holes you think are bright white lights of love and warmth.

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