Friday, April 23, 2021

Teleportation psycho report. April 23, 2021. One of the years-long teleporting terrorists took turns with Pitt and used this technology to inflict his psycho hate skits. All endorsed by a-religious psycho politicians.

"JUST IN: Ted Cruz Calls Hollywood "Social Justice Warriors" For Censoring Content To Appease China". Forbes Breaking News. You Tube. April 22, 2021.


Already for the title I had to backspace nearly every third word to get the keyboard to print correctly. As I struggle right now, I press keys and the function won't work. This is not due to any problem with the keyboard and it is a ubiquitous attack.

I really do not have time for this today, as I have many things to do so I can leave this torture government-sponsored rape and dismemberment torture studio and get attacked, nearly run over by multiple cars nearly hitting me from all angles at intersections--and people blocking my path pushing into me approaching me from around all aisles suddenly lurching at me and being blanked out by brain-altering tech the entire time. I notice that the longer I sit in front of this computer with or without WiFi my vision blurs and the computer freezes more frequently.


I would like to write all of this in a creative fashion and have a blog which was actually put on the internet with a payment tab so I can be paid for something out of this endless block to my finances and health and future and all that I have worked for.

But the sad fact is that politicians like Ted Cruz are involved with this terror and teleportation and mind control travesty, as is Pelosi and Trump and the Clintons and the Obamas have surely played a role in assisting the torture protocols although their vague sympathetic reaction was so useless it was and is still useless. I truly suggest that many more George Floyd-type murders are going to transpire out of the technology being used upon me but all will NOT be put on camera in the future and the Derek Chauvins, which these celebrities and politicians really are the role models for and not innocent celebrity and politician bystanders--they will continue to posture and gloat over their crimes and rapes and murders all silenced by this most odious network where even those marginally against the utter crimes being committed must remain silent for fear of being made homeless or poisoned or killed in accidents or infested with government-sponsored, laboratory cancers injected perhaps through doctor visits or poured into food while the target is away from his/her home--or even put in food by relatives or spouses or CHILDREN. 


I include a small video of Ted Cruz lamenting that he could not watch homosexual interchange in the movie Bohemian Rhapsody because the Chinese Government issued a warning to  H-wood to censor this type of sex because it was offensive to Chinese values (according to the Government forces imposing these curtailing standards). Cruz was deeply disappointed that a movie depicting a homosexual male would not OPENLY SHOW SEXUALITY between men as if the movie itself could not demonstrate this clearly enough in the many scenes where the lead character claims that he is homosexual and it is very clear without having to actually see a pair of greasy actors having loveless but performance porn sex for a sordid movie byte so the audience can understand that this person really and truly is GAY and not just acting like it...? (a wtf moment once more for the statements of these decrepit personalities which are so famous for their antics descrying sin and pornography but actively desiring it for their personal viewing). I would suggest that a person such as Cruz, who ran his 2016 Presidential bit platform partially on Bible Belt religious values of being a pristine Christian married man. His claims that Trump was a sordid degenerate were met with cries of more grab 'em by the P***y by the fans cheering the Republican Caucus spectacle as Cruz then lost his advantage over Trump. It would not be fitting for Cruz at this point to have a collection of homosexual videos or pornography on his shelves and thus, such sad lamenting that Bohemian Rhapsody did not have that climactic rhapsodic orgy scene of Freddy Mercury gettin' it on so the audience can have their little spurt moment of desire that is forbidden but put in an $ R-rated movie format. Such disappointment for Cruz expressed as political chagrin aimed at the oppressive arm of Communist China's long reach over H-wood. 

Now, I would suggest that censorship and rape and other such values are nowhere near offensive to Cruz because he too has in part participated in this rape and torture contract out on me. And gleefully I would add as well. However, my way of "proving" this is so unreliably weak that I can only describe the tactics used by these parasitic users and liars here. I wrote on a post either on Facebook or here on this blog that I had a beautiful light blue article of clothing that I loved and it was brand new. The terrorists came into my room and flicked stains and stinking odors on it so it was ruined before I could even wear it one single time. This group flicks stains on my clothing, especially the lighter colors so all I  can wear are dark and drab clothing, anything beautiful, colorful and with light hues are destroyed almost immediately. But I wrote that this color was a beautiful light color and within one day, on my Facebook feed tube a photo of Cruz appeared with the exact same light blue color smirking into the camera--it appeared to be a personal photo and put by hackers on my page. However "delusional" or "Paranoid" this may sound and appear, this form of internet triggering and harassment and "contact" (if you will) has been one of the most odious forms of these celebrities and politicians getting involved in this contract. Their sickeningly awful faces pollute my YouTube page and Facebook page almost continuously although I never click on their pages or any entertainment pages. The pages I have subscribed to almost never appear on my algorithm pages, only the faces of the people who teleport or are part of this ever-expanding team of them.

I include below a clip of Cruz lamenting about Communist China's grip on H-wood which concedes to the demands of censorship so homosexuality is not explicitly shown with men having sex. Cruz was so absolutely devastated that his chance of watching the porn he so truly desires is not put into an "acceptable" entertainment format and he was deprived of watching what he cannot have on his home shelves or display privately in case this becomes exposed in any way for his bible Belt Texan constituents, who everyone knows Cruz so deeply cares about that while there was a crisis in Texas Cruz flew down to Cancun to escape the freeze and cold that his constituents had to endure. But that aside--Cruz appeared delighted that I am being tortured and raped endlessly and this is so titillating for these politicians. I can recall only seeing Trump for 4 years smirking and laughing as his buddies in Whorewood went after me with vicious rape and violence every single day. This same group has just switched from Pitt abusing me with yelling and threats to Depp-, the person I screamed to get off me for over 2 years and now he's returned.

What happened to bring this about is a very mundane thing: I sewed together a cap which has two snap-on metal pieces on the interior of the base that wraps around my chin. I have put this on so it is so tight that their mechanical arms can't get through to insert the nodes for teleportation or whatever they use on my scalp--they have put so much poison on my hair and scalp that my hair is balding now and won't grow back--the apes who are doing this of course think it's funny in addition to me being paralyzed from poison and having to sit alone shitting poison out for a decade while they torture me--to the smirks, laughs and delight of politicians like Cruz and Pelosi and Trump--who really are sadistic psychopaths and so are the Pitt and Depp and their wives and children adn friends and black activists and ...oh the list goes so far down the ladder of socioeconomic "success" that it's a complete tidal wave of idiocy and psycho sickness swarming me at all times.

But the teleportation dream sequence that was forced upon me was this:

I "woke" up in teleportation stupidity to be in the driver's seat of a small auto where Depp was driving like he was trying to crash the car. He lurched the car and swerved just barely hitting objects as I sat watching his eyes black--black with gaping holes of emptiness--this is the vision I can see in this teleportation is the expression of their eyes more clearly than the frown lines around their rotten mouths and the other details that a person would normally see. His eyes were a vacant black gaping hole of darkness that really is indicative of possession I swear this person has truly sold his soul to the dark force.

I laughed it off in this state, saying it was just like riding a rollar coaster. Disappointed that he had not "traumatized" me as his objective was, he then had me sitting (the next scene, as I am put into unconscious state as they manipulate my body and my brain and I "wake up" in different positions, different places and etc). He was ordering food and some huge woman handed him like an obseqious slavish servant a plate of food that looked like pieces of cloth sewed together. She then turned the plate over and there was a fake "tomato" on top of what looked like bread with cheese and a huge tomato on top--he asked me if I were hungry and I said no and then there was another man sitting suddenly behind Depp devouring with gusto food like an actor absolutely pretending that this was the most lavish and delicious food ever. This was the most benign teleportation sequence that Depp has ever inflicted upon me along with his hissing and spitting rotten daughter--for years and also his former wife participated looking ugly and sinister alongside him for years as they had me raped and pushed off heights.

But no matter, I was in a good humor because the hate and blasting negativity of Pitt finally was stopped for a brief moment last night--they have various types of teleportation and there is one that can be used while I am awake and no nodes are on my head. The cap I hand-sewed was being slowly ripped where the snap-on pieces were and last night the snap had been cut off completely and I have to once more sew and clean and repair what they broke--but that is how Pitt has been "traumatizing" me for a long time, which is when I am just waking up and while I am up and about fighting to detox from more poison. Now it's Depp's turn. I woke up and they then had me teleported in this creepy nascent awake state, as I saw the familiar hissing and ugly rotten circle of these people--I can't stand them the woman are even more abominable than the men, and also I think the destruction that is being ordered upon my body I suggest the women are the most keen to inflict--but there were the beady and narrow glaring eyes of the wife of Pitt--the nasty conniving half-English creep (skank) it's eyes like a narrow slit trying to grab and grasp and suck out and drain as usual. 

I then told them that they were all creeps and disgusting and foul (not in those exact words, I just told them they were all sick and disgusting but I can't remember the exact words right now). The suggestive threat of attack was then made by the filthy and rotten Thai slaves operating as force multipliers in the rooms beneath mine--a most ugly voice of a thai woman making hideous coughing snorting noises in the room two floors beneath mine greeted the air as I opened my patio door. Her ugly noises from this location two floors down were so loud and repetitive that I have loud music on right now to try to block out the ugly and sinister forces forced upon me by sinister and ugly rotten celebrities and politicians. 

I realize that with no evidence this can sound "delusional" but no one is helping me and thus I remain unable to fight against government-backed hackers and professionals using every kind of surveillance and torture and attack system ALONE I CANNOT FIGHT THIS.

I am now using their names outright as this sinister situation never ends and I have read that these pig apes go on until they murder/assassinate the target. As I know that there are at least a few people reading my  posts, I am trying to reach out to the impossible-to-reach as you are all a part of this system and even if you wanted to help you would not.

However, I am writing this as a document but I have spent far too much time I have many things I have to do. I would like to write this in a more creative way instead of using their names and describing their tactics but I am not going to be silenced. 

There is this thing called The First Amendment which ALL OF THEM---Pelosi, Trump, Cruz and the others of their rank who so firmly in their pornographic titillation and the need for this technology so they can stifle any dissent, spy on people, torture people they don't like, but oh, the big goal--their DISCRIMINATORYH PRACTICES WILL BE COVERTLY PROTECTED endlessly as this organization has non-stop support for every rape and torture and murder operation and this extends into the BLM movement and into all the Jewish groups I have ever been around or associated with (briefly) and every religious group and everywhere and in every part of society.

Oh how they can't wait to kill and rape and torture and steal and discriminate. I put this video of Cruz on because if you just sort of sift through his semi-righteous tirade and his Cruz Crusade you can perhaps understand my perspective that this sordid hypocrite really and truly desires to openly have pornographic titillation with his viewing opportunities--and one of them is watching me get tortured and raped with this tech--put in accidents as I cry out for justice and for peace and freedom he laughs along with Pelosi--his fascist partner along with Trump his fascist partner and they all drool over the videos and the surveillance they observe of me being abused and raped and tortured and dismembered as they laugh and are so smug about it and get thrilled with the prospect of having these covert videos to watch anything from children get raped or having sex while drugged and on mind control drugs and technology to people like George Floyd getting killed but now it will all be concealed because this group and organization is a bunch of sleazy and evil and rotten skank whores and they will remain silent in the face of all crimes and obey and serve and get paid for it and will laugh as they go off to the bank.


I barely got out the ideas I had thought of--I am under extreme mind control--the post above turned into hate ranting as I feel dizzy and sick now from this tech blasting my brain into some kind of emotionally enraged state--the endless end-point of this technological invasion of my brain which is a discrediting tactic and people like Cruz love watching it happen to me. They all do. This is what you all continue to elect and put into highest position. These actors are all vying for supreme power and this contract out on me will help them get catapulted into higher and higher positions of power--just for behaving like vicious raping skanks and conniving greedy ugly and sinister intellectual property thieves because they truly lack the intelligence, or loving kindness that these ideas of rebellion against tyranny actually do stem from. As for Cruz, like so many of these politicians, it is obvious that he is not stupid and is intelligent enough to express himself very well--the politicians are also very adept at their verbal machinations and that is excellent on some level to observe--(much more so than the rotten actors) but however in this day and age, with these technologies, what appears to be of much more critical importance to society is whether the responsibility to handle these sophisticated technologies is in the hands of corrupt psychopath porno skank creeps who drool over death, abuse and rape and destruction or those who can care about society so it doesn't de-evolve into a degenerate Neanderthal circus of hate and elitism. They want to build not only an extremely racist system, even more systematic than the racism is now but exponentially so, but also of entitlement in the range of European Dark Ages completely control and suppression of the classes. Torture and rape and death and theft are so openly embraced by all of these sick people--you can count in a heaping s-load of Democrats into this pile as well. 

The future thus is very dark until and unless there are other criteria for high-ranking levels of control over these technologies and over society. Posturing with pig-sniffing-the-air Nazi iconography is NOT the celebrity status that should remain the status quo. If people would only look beneath the thin veneer of people like Cruz who denounce Chinese Censorship over the H-wood media cartel which is as controlled by foreign influences as he himself is--and see that their hypocritical posturing is nothing but hog-wash (to use what I think may be a good old Texan euphemism). I am now getting dizzy and can't "remember" how to spell or think any longer the brain-altering attack on me is very strong at this point.

I really want to emphasize that I do not want to see ANYONE having sex in movies or on tv as it is disgusting to watch these greasy paid actors and I am not using moral or religious grounds for this but any good movie plot does not have to show people having sex and it's all offensive whether homosexual or straight. I think there has been one single movie where a sex scene was beautiful (that I have seen, I am sure there may be others) but it was for the movie Women in Love--where the emphasis was on the actors telling each other that they really LOVE one another in a passionate embrace that was spectacular--as Ken Russell truly was and his movies shine on. The sequel to this movie is The Rainbow and the lesbian scenes are also not offensive in the least. I suggest Cruz that you watch these movies if you wanna fantasize about gay sex and here's a movie which emphasizes that most Christian value of LOVE for one another in a mutual embrace of desire and love under God instead of the darkness of these evil celebrities whose eyes I can see are glaring--or in the case of Pitt it's such a glaring shallow blue but so blase and so hateful it's like an ugly glare of a brilliant light flashing to intimidate like the flashlights of the police shining into the eyes of the next victims of cop killings--the eyes of Pitt and the rest have black eyes devoid of all light and the greed and slanted despicable hate and greed is so clear in this foggy and fuzzy teleportation skit sequencing that I am forced into day after day by people like Cruz who really loves watching all kinds of decrepitude acts if possible if it is sanctioned by authority. He can easily view these videos with his fellow corrupt politicians like Pelosi who actively participated--don't know her particular fettish but of course it was power and having the ability to threaten or kill people--oh how Pelosi is of that camp of death and hate. And on and on, the list of perversities is as long as the depth of the abyss from which these people who have been put into power are in bed with.


I now have to see what kinds of tortures, abuses and threats and or destruction and life-threatening car attacks and etc and stinking filth and fungus and hate will be aimed at me for having written this post. However, after more than a decade of this going on and on, I realize that I only survived from being murdered by this organization by beginning to fight back. I have been poisoned with intention to murder me all my life. As I did not understand what was going on, as one disgusting rapist date-rape drug-inflicting abuser from this organization would use the same formula to drug me and use the tech to force a state of "love" out of me and then abuse and use and discard me while stealing whatever they could from me--all sanctioned by all governments--all types of people involved from all races from all socioeconomic levels and ALL ACTING UNDER THE SAME PROTOCOLS and all saying and doing nearly the same things--I got away from them, I said no, I defended my HUMAN RIGHT  for self-determination which MY GOVERNMENT UNDER THE CLINTONS, BUSHES, OBAMAS, TRUMPS, and now it continues all of them have been operating this technology to create divisions, chasms, hate and murder in American society. They are so entrenched in this system of injustice along with SO MANY BLACK PEOPLE I CAN'T BEGIN TO DESCRIBE how blacks participate in systematic racism while claiming openly that they are fighting against racism. But it's the same with any other group but oh, how many black people have done this even from grade school. The problem also lies with so many black people I can't begin to describe it. So when you turn your hate onto others using this system you are in essence turning it also against yourself and your fellow partners and relatives who are also forced into this system. 

But, it's all really the fault of those at the top and the focus I am bringing now is integrating them together and using their names as years of writing about them and then being so tortured that I have had to disguise their involvement with hints as to their identities and still no one defends me whatsoever.

In this time of the Chauvin case still no one comes to me with any protection and the same criminals who have tortured me for years are still being protected by the criminal politicians who have had their pornographic titillation fed by watching these state-sponsored versions of porn that teleportation rape and torture are handed to them as "experiments" and for "national security" purposes or whatever K-rap they use to label these activities. I just added the Cruz clip to let people sift through the bs these types spout about how religious and how concerned they are but if they can't watch homosexual sex in a H-wood movie they are outraged that it would be censored because they really wanna WATCH IT as they WATCH SURVEILLANCE OF ME BEING TELEPORTED AND RAPED WHILE BEING MUTILATED IN ANOTHER LOCATION--AS MY BODY IS TWAIN IN THESE HORRID "EXPERIMENTS" I LITERALLY HAVE TWO BODIES AND MY INERT BODY THAT IS UNCONSCIOUS IS BEING MULIATED WHILE THEY TELEPORT AND RAPE AND ABUSE ME. 

But still my wonderful Democratic Republic American government continues to sponsor what will be more George Floyds being killed by THE STATE and celebrities and the wealthy--trickling down to the middle range of scumbags who want to rape and kill and maim, and then what is left will be silenced or killed off or handed a few incentives to remain silent about it-or fear and threats of them being murdered too and no one will be there to rescue them either. My entire family in all the offshoots has completely supported this torture tragedy that has been forced upon me and they have all grabbed like the greasy and greedy celebrities I have written of the contracts and businesses and free promotions that have been handed out to them--all claiming they have some great reason for doing so.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...