Monday, April 12, 2021

My warning to you readers. The consequences. Although none of you care or dare to do anything significant about it. The blood will flow the death will increase but you will be living large in the Hollywood Hills. Society will implode but you will always be on top, isn't that your plan? A warning to those who care about society for allowing these despicables to continue this technological terrorism and the furthering of the endorsement (covert) of this technology and these death squads aka gang stalkers.

 My computer is again behaving like it has outdated by 2 decades malware blocking functions. Not just pages but browsers are now freezing. Waiting time for any function to operate is at a minimum of 30 seconds of watching pages and icons freeze and stop operating. It reminds me of the first days of the internet when you had to wait for a long time before your browser crashed--sometime back in the 90's or so. Of course, I was probably being hacked back then too. But this is akin to that time of laborious surfing time waiting and frozen and crashed sites and pages and browsers due to terrorist hacking. Meanwhile, the "people" ordering these attacks upon me have made MILLIONS OF DOLLARS out of stealing concepts I have written of, always under so much hacking attack I cannot publish or write more than a few paragraphs at a time- made so dizzy and sick from electromagnetic waves blasting my; brain so I can't think clearly and have to get up or I will faint or become so dizzy I can't see clearly any longer (this happens 80% of the time when I write and the attacks increase as time goes, so the sensation is overwhelming after 15 minutes of struggling to get around hackers blocking keyboard functions while I fight to type. The people ordering these attacks who steal the ideas call me "stupid" afterwards and say that I am "nothing" because I can't obtain any kind of career goal possible--as all they do is block my every move until I am nearly paralyzed in every way, physically, and mentally due to the drugging and electronic attacks and the keyboard function blocks and the endless harassment every single moment and every single place I go for business and from every single person I encounter on the planet.

Just writing this once more because the injustice is also overwhelming--for it to be endorsed by the American Government (in part, probably not fully) and absolutely endorsed by police and by lower levels of society is also extremely disgusting that America has sunk to this low level of achievement in terms of advancing human rights and justice. The deterioration is only going to continue the longer people do nothing about these crooks who are creating an electronic tyranny that will become a bloodbath if they are left unchecked AND COMPLETELY STOPPED WITH THESE TECHNOLOGIES TAKEN AWAY FROM THESE INCOMPETENT AND PEURILE IMMATURE PARASITES WHO ARE SO WONDERFUL AT POSTURING ABOUT HOW THEY ARE FIGHTING TO SAVE THE PLANET FOR FREEDOM AND EQUALITY. It is disgusting to have to see this and not have anywhere to go for any kind of defense. It is even worse to see that the vast majority of people fully endorse these hate-mongering murdering bigots even when they know what the reality of their false posturing really belies.
Of course, the attacks on my computer are meant to not only stifle my attempt to write, but also to trigger a rage reaction because my brain is under assault as I write so the cognitive centers of my brain are being reduced while the emotional centers are being pulsed into the range of hate mode--I could put this in more technical terms but I'm using more basic terminology and also I am no expert because I am always so drugged up I can't read or study (from the terrorist drugging to thwart and stop my every attempt to have any kind of career or appearance of intellect or normal/normative behavior). But now these blank and nasty hater celebrities have more ideas to steal so they can put out their drama movies about how they are fighting against technological tyranny while they are actually endorsing it. Remember, none of this would be possible without the MILLIONS OF CREEPLE participating in these terror stalking activities.

The terrorists just changed the paragraph structure of the comment section I just wrote on Facebook. My appeals to humanity and rationality to you readers is met with silence and the situation continues (for years). The fact that now an increasing list of the people directly involved with utilizing these technologies have been put in the public limelight for having responded to their spouses/children and to society with egregious violence appears to create nothing but a slight ripple in the fabric of your general inadequate response and alarm system that should be warning you that the technology and the level of intellect and maturity of the people being handed these technologies is far below par for what should have been a very thorough vetting process for who and for what purpose these technologies are going to be used. Keep doing nothing IDIOTS out there reading my posts. Just see how brutal and barbaric the United States is becoming and how much worse it will get the longer you DO NOTHING but try to prosper off this system.
I just tried copying and pasting this post above to my blog and I had to fight to copy just a few paragraphs due to hackers blocking the function --as I type hackers are completely mixing letters as I type, and inserting spaces and blocking keys--how many years I have had to go through this and ask people to stop this endless attack upon me while hateful people who have NOTHING to say but sordid jokes are allowed to torture me for years while I need health care, as they block access to health care (so American, to stop health care for people, even when they have to flee the country to obtain health care they are still blocking my access to health care and then calling me a "loser" for not being able to function, as they torture me while I am fighting to heal and self-diagnose without ANY health care at this point--while they continue to torture me so my body is in a continuous state of shock on a 24/7 basis--a slow form of torture-to-death--but of course these are your FRIENDS and you love them. So I am now attempting to write the tiny bit I am capable of with all the attacks on my brain and keyboard so I can get at least something out--to try to persuade anyone to rethink participating in this but of course I reach only selfish and greedy myopic types and of course all you can see is your selfish goals being met by helping to spread the use of this death and constraint technology . I write on my blog (my blocked and censored blog which is completely blocked from appearing on the web due to this group silencing me but still stealing concepts because they are blank and hateful parasites who have no heart or soul except for all they can obtain out of lying and stealing and robbing raping and murdering. If you think your celebrities who endlessly claim they are wonderful and magnificent heroes of culture are anything but malevolent, I urge you to please not discount my writings. Of course, many of you reading my posts are friends with the perpetrators in question and view them as wonderful witty and fun and sexy icons as you kiss them on the cheeks at soirees and awards ceremonies, as they assist you in obtaining your career promotions as well (for remaining silent and in helping them to attack me for purposes of entrenching mind control torture and coercion into society). Of course, you all want people to be so dumbed and lacking all alternative opinion so they can more easily be subliminally programmed to watch your banal movies and talk shows about how much you care about society and freedom and equality and care so much about rape culture (you care because you are turned on by rape and torture, really, aren't you?). And thus, this technology will not only ensure your monopolistic greedy and greasy grasp on the media but will perpetuate the illusion of change and duality while you are fully programming everyone into a dumbed down lump of mass conformity to your agenda of barbaric hate death squads and covert assassination death squads--. This carries over to my next post about the police--your arm of murder and the gateway to endorsing your hate and death campaigns.

yep, yepp yup the hackers completely changed the structure of the copied post and I am going to end this post here. I did nothing but copy and paste the comment section and this is what hackers have done. This goes on and on and on and on and on...
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