Sunday, April 18, 2021

This group of ugly skank hyena crap living near me, the rotten Thai slaves and whores who are like stupid filth attacking me for the conniving filth who order these attacks--the network of millionaires in America and their Europigape fascist Nazi partners who instruct them in fascist Nazi protocols--like Pitt is absolutely a fanatical europhile pig ape hyena whore acting like a vicious fascist and his movies absolutely detail his absolute adherence to fascism dressed up as anti-Nazi fighting in his roles--he's so nasty and this has gone on and on with his hate towards me for years an dyears and years an dyears. He is now telling me that he "loves" me and then he takes his clothing off and I recoil in rage and disgust because it's so sick and perverse and so obviously a sleazy con for him to endlessly try to exploit everything out of me. Then he is abusive and he's been so violent parts of my body have been severed off and other parts nearly cut off while he's been attacking me and he's smirked and laughed saying that he has been told to cut parts of my body off by his instructors--he said this years ago and all I have done is fight to retain my digits and my body--also my hair is balding and etc due to them making it fall out--so they have tried-Pitt and his fascist Nazi friends and this group here of nasty creeps operating for him--and them--to break my lower teeth off by breaking my teeth while sleeping after they forced an accident upon me-and then cutting into the gum tissue for over a year while I finally figured a way to salvage my teeth but there is now permanent nerve damage in the area that they cut into--two fingers have severed nerve endings after years of sharp objects cutting underneath the fingernails and cuticles. My skin is literally tattooed with blemishes that they forced from what they smeared on my skin and then made the blemishes permanent with some chemical acting like a permanent tattooing agent. Then they have made my hair fall out so it's balding and won't grow back--and they have broken my toe so badly it's completely deformed--my other toes were broken years ago. other attacks that happened before Pitt and his gang are spider veins that have been pounded into my legs- and to top it off poison hard into my hips and spine making me paralyzed and I can't exercise and I need a home with a swimming pool to try to revive my stagnated and corroded muscle tissue which has been a part of an overall deterioration from over a decade of torture and violence that has not stopped for a single day. I need a safe home I need money they should be forced to pay me so I can heal in peace and live in a decent home. Can my country or government ever stop this disgusting attack system after all that has happened with this group and with Trump who basically came to power in part by attacking me using this system--it has appealed so greatly to fascists and Nazis that he swooped into lead position and now if you care about America not being overrun by militia Nazi groups and police killing citizens in the streets and in their homes then stop allowing this group to go on and on because they are partially responsible for all the hell that America has been going through for the last 4-8-10 years and they keep going on and on to get more promotions from attacking me and anyone else they can. But today I was just cleaning one area and the water spilled over the container wall because of the layers of filth that this group have plastered underneath all the potted plant trays so some clean water spilled over and this creep beneath me--operating for white fascist bigot pig ape skank whores who are series of white males who come into this creepy condo to rape me and their cameras and surveillance is continuous--thus a bit of water spilled over the 6-inch wall as I was cleaning and the hose accidentally sprayed water for a few minutes on one area. I heard the sliding door slam open and ugly whining like a hyena or jackal thai skank yelling about water whining and rotten sounding such an ugly person and such an ugly voice and such sick and ugly people constantly attacking me. I should be able to earn at least a marginal amount to be able to afford to pay $500 per month to just live in a more decent and secure place but every single thing is blocked and I need people to please intervene in this absolute injustice endlessly aimed at me.

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Landlord death threat terrorism: not direct death threats, but threat of pulling the tiny fragment of a rug underneath the endless block of all telecommunications from me so I am stuck with ZERO resopnse when I look for apartments online, all personal emails are deleted and blocked (for decades all emails I send out to people who might be friendly are never responded to, not a single friendly email has been in my inbox for over 20 years of absolute isolation through block to all telecommunications. //Landlord has viciously had me tortured and near-death murder attempts in this room from the trash Trump teams and the filthy Biden terrorist Nazi "Democrats" for years and years and years and years non-stop. THEY KNWE THAT TRUMP WOULD WIN YEARS AGO. I have tried to write about t his, but obviously I don't have documents of "evidence" and obviously none of the participants have any evidence either as "they" are careful now with an ever-increasing growth of experts in sabotage, such as Elon Musk, a most vile Nazi bigot out of S. Africa who has learned in Whorewood how to posture like he's just a cool dude playing video games of soldiers rushing into population centers shooting "enemies". I know this from one of the podcasters out of California who tried to run for Governor, "Met Kevin" who detailed the Musk "games" online which the white Nazi "dudes" played along with about soldiers going into civilian centers and shooting the "bad guys". It was a token symbol for what actual real murder they are building up in reality right now.//The landlord has begun, in the past week, but was plotting to do this months ago I feel certain--to begin a terror campaighnn of showing this apartment every few days as a form of torture and abuse while he told me over one month ago that he would renew the rental agreement in December.

 The hacking is now as usual extremely obstructive as keys I press appear as a three-key mess and letters I pound down appear as other lette...