Friday, June 18, 2021

The usual Nazi usurpation and co-opting of art. The older pre-Nazi paradigm versus the newer and usurped Nazi mediocrities. I can state in this instance much of the old far surpasses the new because the older classical music scene had not completely been taken over and Nazified but now it appears to be the case. What a decline in Western civilization. It really is at the point that it is almost impossible to tell the difference between superior performance and skill and the mediocrity both in personality and performance that the sleaze Nazis have slimed the planet with in their complete overtake of almost everything possible. If only the world would stop consenting to this and perhaps look at what culture had produced before this onslaught of the bigots who have overtaken all possible to compare and see that this is a lowering of standards and style and skill and genius.

* Hackers have deleted/rewritten/changed grammar on most of this post--I tried to revise and reedit but I can't go through 4x to fix what hackers just mess up once I publish every time I write.

 David Oisrakh plays Tchaikovsky Concerto, 1st Movement. 

The usual Nazi usurpation and co-opting of art. The older pre-Nazi paradigm versus the newer usurped Nazi mediocrities. I can state in this instance much of the old far surpasses the new because the older classical music scene had not completely been taken over and Nazified but now it appears to be the case. What a decline in Western civilization. It really is at the point that it is almost impossible to tell the difference between superior performance and skill and the mediocrity both in personality and performance that the sleaze Nazis have slimed the planet with in their complete overtake of almost everything possible. If only the world would stop consenting to this and perhaps look at what culture had produced before this onslaught of the bigots who have overtaken all possible to compare and see that this is a lowering of standards and style and skill and genius.

your overly gushing sound is like what induces an insulin overdrive of sensation--or diabetes--this is softness and exquisite pausing where you play like a masturbating child getting high on self-excitement for the first time but it's all the same rhythm and tone throughout with just a few pianissimos and vibratos regulated to a sensation

this is much more delicate but strong and the man is much better than you
too bad he's not alive any longer
plus he's not a German Nazi pig ape but a more superior Jewish violinist--too bad so many of them living now are completely brainwashed by Nazi violence so they succumb to the rotten fakeness that you are.

But thanks to you, I have now a new violinist I just discovered to listen to and as always, I find once again much higher artistic merit from performers of the past before the entire Nazi shit paradigm swept like a plague throughout the planet making everything so mediocre that almost anything posturing and fake will appear as "superior". You can also hear that the symphony at this time was also much more involved, passionate and the music more interesting than the zombie orchestras you play with. Besides all this which does sound like I am "bitter" but I'm not, I'm just comparing because I have written this also of the crappy mediocre "actors" who have tortured me as well--if you compare them to actors of the past or movie themes of just a few decades ago there is almost no comparison in quality which has gone into the Nazi swamp drain for the past many years now and it shows in the crappy decline of the quality of movies. Your nearly drooling sexualization of violin masturbating is accentuated by sticking your nasty hips out with the shadow of your organ nearly flaunted as you play like you are jacking off on stage but playing with exaggerated harmonics--while this much superior player David Oistrakh does not make those hissing noises when he plays harmonics, nor does he gush on the strings like he's playing boring pop music for his mother but plays with such delicacy that all seems like a soft gentle but firm and solid MASTERFUL performance---and mastery in a way your hateful masturbating sexually loathsome personality cannot conceive of-- instead of your technically perfect but somehow missing the fine elements of style. playing like you are sexualizing on stage that makes it appear obviously that you are striving for an effect to disguise your basic and elemental barbarity that cannot go past the excellence barriers that you cannot overcome or surpass due to your lack of real imagination and finesse as a human being; and the audience cheers the sexualized performer on stage while the symphony behind plays like mediocrity zombies with no umph or soul or style as well compared to this video there is absolutely no comparison on either the symphonic performance nor of the solo violinist.

hackers are completely rewriting my post, I just had to rewrite parts of it and I have not gone through the entire post to see what hackers have partially deleted and rewritten. The entire post was rewritten to make me sound gramatically incompetent by rotten creeple defending this Nazi monstrosity of art that has plagued my life for a decade because they don't have the background to research anything more subtle than their wanking sexual orgy forays into endless streams of output and media attention going in endless revolutions to the next cycle. Very insipid people very unartistic and the reference to idiot savants is just so apt and perfect in this situation. But if you just compare this performance to the jack-off sensationalized media sensation of David Garrett the bigot Nazi rapist to this jewish violinst above who was trained in the REAL school of violin virtuosity and not trained on a diet of pornography while his mommy wiped his rotten ass until he's a disgusting rapist clinging to his adolescence but performing like he's a man. Just COMPARE THE PERFORMANCES and you can see the utter difference in quality between a German Nazi pig ape and the old European school of classical music which this Jewish man plays and does to an infinitely better sphere of wisdom and excellence and without sexualizing it to sell the sleazy playboy Nazi bigot commercialized product that David Garrett is and is trying to increase revenues and exposure for his sleazy nasty dirty deals by exploiting and abusing me. The other sleaze whores of Whorewood have welcomed him in with open legs and arms like the drooling audiences striving for excellence and seeing this 2nd rate virtuoso as the one and only because the Nazis killed off so much of what old Europe really made excellent and put Nazi idiot shit in the top positions instead. Just look at this video and compare the same exact piece as played by rapist David Garrett and you will see absolutely no comparison in quality this is so much of a higher quality and the Nazis have killed it off and proclaimed Jews as being inferior when the case is absolutely reversed--you can see it plainly here but I won't paste a video of that rotten sleaze pig ape Garrett on my post just look it up and compare.

United States and it's Totalitarian allies in the global corporate/conglomeration sphere. Oppression and targeting absolutely relates to this topic. Macro to the micro levels of state-sponsored assassinations and targeting.


The "crime" that Mustafa al-Darwish "committed" was of PROTESTING FOR SHIA MINORITY RIGHTS during the Arab Spring riots in 2015. Beheaded after years in prison for street protest "crimes" (claims that he was forming a terror cell and plotting violent actions against the Saudi State).

United States and it's Totalitarian allies in the global corporate/conglomeration sphere. Oppression and targeting absolutely relates to this topic. Macro to the micro levels of state-sponsored assassinations and targeting.

The United States supports the Saudi Government, which is one of it's key allies in the region. Not only is it time to stop being reliant upon oil but the dastardly and deadly politics involved with sustaining relationships with governments that are Totalitarian and fascist (also towards women).

That protest is a right. The State claimed that this teenager just beheaded yesterday was "plotting" violent actions in a "terror cell" but this boy/man had not actually committed violence. The death penalty under such circumstances should not be ignored by the United States as ally to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The US should no longer support dictatorships, fascist governments, fascist European Nazi covert groups feigning Democratic principles, or any such other distortion in politics that are part of huge power pacts and conglomerations with corporate global banking consolidation.

Obtaining health care as it relates to being targeted by state-sponsored terrorism. I can only begin to relate this topic while under the constraints of hacking and mind control technologies. I wrote just a small bit inserted into one of the few paragraphs below, but it still relates to the topic and is vitally important to current and future victims. Alas the past victims who have been covertly assassinated or murder by being poisoned and drugged and put into accidents by this targeting association and then left without resources for adequate health care.

SCOTUS RULES 7-2 AGAINST CHALLENGE TO ObamaCare. Fox News. June 17, 2021

Almost humorous but the undertones are not: Fox News is lamenting "Obamacare" not being struck down. The fact is that The Affordable Care Act is the true designation for the term but as President Obama stated in an interview or speech, the fact that the term "Obama" was used as a antecedent to the "care" act, people cannot get past their derision or adoration of him as a president to understand that the two terms Obamacare and The Affordable Care Act are synonymous. Fox News is playing that hate game in their rhetorical gymnastics once more but it's sort of funny and then again it's sort of not funny. Glad that The Supreme Court can go beyond these verbal games and get to the root of the need for health care in the United States for as many people as possible and not just the few "elect". This discrepancy is so much a part of the racist genocidal system and I was inflicted by it even when I had finally obtained Medicaid in the United States and was still targeted for assassination by being denied coverage and health care even when "covered" by health care. It's not just health care that needs to be addressed by the QUALITY of the care as well.

To try to detail being poisoned by landlords, neighbors, friends, restaurants, family and "friends" in this murder contract out upon me and then being denied health care even when having Medicaid coverage is a dismal slow death situation I can only adequately describe if I wrote a short story on the subject. The dreary infested infernal health care clinics where I waited with slobby and filthy often stinking people (because they were gang stalking terrorists who are instructed to smell bad around me) as I waited for hours while doctors and nurses lied to me and did nothing to help me whatsoever. In fact, I believe the endless blood-sucking samples they obtained from me may have been injections that hardened the bloating chemicals in my body, as the need to endlessly obtain blood samples out of me while the phlobotomists would jab around and create scars in my arms while they appeared incompetent at taking blood samples was the one and only thing that these doctors did. That so many Americans are obese or eat disgusting food which makes them look huge in comparison I looked "thin" by these standards as I complained about stiffness (undiagnosed by doctors, ignored and ibuprofin the only pain reliever all doctors would prescribe to me, which hardly did anything but make me feel more sick). Otherwise, I found the miracle of one place that saved my life but it was a non-profit organization which has since been taken over and the services that were openly and formerly offered at low or no cost are now blocked--thank Bill Gates. But the organization expanded and does help more people but they have blocked access by inflicting standards and guidelines to exclude people like me. It's a long story. In short, there is no health care even if you have health care in the United States and especially if you are a target. The standards of care and the services provided are sub-standard and can so easily be used as a form of murder by appearing to be viable forms of health care but actually deny services while you appear to be obtaining health care. Once you sign the admission form and the clinic gets it's payment from the Government, you are stuck with no or substandard care, if you are a target or even if you are not.

With The Affordable Care Act, the fact that more people will be allowed to exist with the resources that were previously too expensive and unobtainable does not discount that targeting can continue without a snag in the system even when there is an expansion of coverage to more people.


Here's the humorous part of this post, which shows how people view the politics of health care coverage and to whom and from what that care is derived:


Thursday, June 17, 2021

Terrorist teleportation rape/torture/abuse and the other endless cycles of attack report: June 18, 2021. Raped by the greasy, sleazy and stupid ugly pig ape from Germany David Garrett for the last time (that I respond) as this ugly rotten filth pig is using technology that absolutely blasts my brain and forces a state of hyper-reaction out of me. He's disgusting and I KNOW this mentally but can't stop reacting while sleeping, in a drugged up and pained state from the poisoning and years of torture. Please get this filthy stupid ape pig Nazi bigot filthy rapist piece of crap off me please!

 If I were to write a lurid short story about this porno creep who is using every formula for little dirty boys to exact pain and pleasure out of technology following the dictates of pornographic misogynistic hate fantasies I would do it, but I am stuck with endless intervening blasts into my brain and keyboard every time I write. For instance, two days ago I attempted to write a short few paragraphs (backspacing and correcting hacker inserts the entire way) while I could not remember Shakespeare's hometown of Stratford-upon-Avon, and only could remember the name immediately upon turning off the WiFi connection and getting off the laptop.

But back to the rape, this pig ape Nazi whore scumbag filth is only being absolutely cheered on by the likes of the Whorewood crowd jeering and cheering and watching as this pig forces a reaction of "love" out of me and almost desperation to have some kind of intimacy while this scumbag whore pig ape creep who always has his adoring mommy to run to as he screws around and plays the sleazy "romantic" playboy while trying to get into the cock rock milleau of Whorewood and all the "actors" involved in this sleazy operation--

Like the mind control technology blasting into my brain while I try to write my thoughts in some coherent and non-cursing way, which is rare after being assaulted night-after-night like this in teleportation hate scenarious for the entertainment of the performers who entertain the burgeoning Nazi groups that are being programmed by this Europigapeland Nazi group of Americans in Whorewood, California (let it BURN THIS SUMMER TO THE GROUND).

I wrote a comment under one of Meryl Creep's stupid videos on my YouTube recommended page because I had copied and pasted the Shakespeare video of that rotten sold-out skank hag fag bag who has completely lost her soul and is another bloated, rotten fake who has had some "classical" performance background but is now a whore completely immersed in this soulless and loveless group of fascist pig apes who have monopolized the mind control programming "entertainment" and media complex to involved in this technology. The pig ape Creep has attacked me many times in the past in order to get her awards and lead role deals out of participating in this crime. There is nothing savvy, sophisticated or intellectual about this rotten creep who can perform, there is no doubt, but her performances of people such as Maggie Thatcher are skewed as to how authentic the reality is, and part of programming and the insult to the former female PM who had insulted the good ole boy network finally too much. To finalized the hate impression of her that these rotten rapist old men out of Europigapeland want to have as a more durable impression of her, they obtained this skank Creep to really spew some sludge onto the character of Maggie Thatcher. I am not a fan of Thatcher but I think of her as a very formidable personality who, as a women, was probably poisoned, drugged and under mind control so as to discredit her. I am impressed by the strength of Thatcher and how she managed to rise above the demands of the housewife status as she did. Thus, thrown in the dirt by Creep the actor who probably claims she is a "feminist" because SHE wants to obtain power in this woman-hating organization called Whorewood. I thus wrote on her crappy video pasted on my YouTube page (along with rapist shithead meatball Garritt, the immature as hell sleazy stupid mama's boy rapist porno dumb adolescent old man) with a caption, "How I achieve happiness and success." or something to that vain vein: I wrote a comment below that her lying fake crap about being so successful as a human being on the happiness level is when she can assault and target an innocent and helpless person and then get promoted for it, just to claim later that fake crap they all spew out about how "great" they all are in their personal lives (as they are really tragedies of love and especially the lead "romantic" men who become the worst sleazy, loveless ape whore pigs in this system of rape and domination and all must prove they are so to get promoted in this contract out on me, thus I know from first-hand experience which can be corroborated if ONLY people would provide the video evidence of rape-after-rape and abuse by this group of collective ignorant shit teleporting me). 

I really can't stop cursing because this pig ape whore Garrett is some filthy and rotten , stupid pig creep whose lead role in a movie about Paganini (which was my SOLE REASON for downloading this film, because I am too drugged up to read I was in a very sick state of detox after a fasting session and poisons were pouring out of my body as my flesh also was being ripped out by the detox process so I was also basically paralyzed and extremely sick). Since that day, not even one month ago, I have been fighting the rape and physical violence of this Nazi piece of utterly stupid s hit who hasn't stopped performing his nasty rotten little boy rape fantasies of violence and hate upon me while the technology is forcing a reaction of "love" out of me. Being couped up in pain for a decade with pig after pig ape shit teleporting, raping and abusing me, from the feminist women (all blonde or their black counterparts who are part of the system) and all the other "minority" races involved--lots of Jews by the way--and I haven't had a day of not fighting one piece of rotten shit after the next. Finally someone broke through my endless wall of shutting off my sexuality and my emotions and this pig ape hasn't stopped abusing, hitting, raping and insulting me for the last near month--with endless demands while raping me that I go to Germany where this rotten stupid ugly pig will have his friends gang rape me as he does whatever he wants and is forcing a "baby" out of me. I really do'nt want to go to prison for murder so please, will someone stop this filthy pig ape finally?

As for Merlyl Creep, this pig began raping and abusing me in "defense" of the rotten Nazi bigot piece of shit Creep who is just a rotten and bloated and far-too-inflamed hag of dirty filthy fags who should, like most of them, be sent out to pasture in some rotten whore old age home where their shit and filth can't pollute the consciousness of the planet any longer with their shitty brainwashing Nazi themed-"alternative" and "feminist" movie plots--some of which have been derived from some of these greasy whores by my ranting about what rapist co-conspirators they are.


This sleazy scumbag Garrett is the odious form of future pedophile rapist user possible and he can't wait to use this technology to further entice women and boys and men to give all their passion so this endlessly fake sleazy whore creep can posture in his fake "romantic" violin-playing sleazy entertainment venues as the rotten europigapes who also are fascist nazi sleazy rapist whores can applaud the pig who they truly want to further penetrate into the American mind control propaganda Whorewood and other political avenues to further break down and destroy and infiltrate America. This is a true Nazi piece of pig ape shit I truly advise people to look beyond the bs orchestrated "romantic" posturing and his fake voice which changes utterly when he's assaulting me--his voice is a trained fake pitch and all he does is an act. Nazis are serious pieces of crap who are sinister really and have learned to disguise their real intentions by utterly changing their voices, smiling warmly and looking innocent they are as violently murderous and ugly as they ever were and their aspiration is to take over and destroy Democracy and America as it was during the Hitler 3rd Reich.......................................................................................................

 a few hours later....realized that in the mind control outrage that these attacker terrorists require to obtain their promotions for inducing as negative and miserable response from me as possible through torture and other assorted nastinesses that they pass to one another like a torch being passed from one low-life to the next: I was not trying to insult "fags" but the men who are both misogynist (yes, some gay men are not "all that" hip and loving towards women and there is an element of woman-hating amongst some of the wonderful gay men that you all defend regardless of any deep inspection of their real political and gender leanings--as well as many a fascist Nazi anti-Semite amongst that "gay" tribe and thus, when I use the term Fag--and not to "excuse" myself but I am referring to the type I just mentioned above. This is not the homosexual but the low-life variety that also could include very well-groomed and wealthy of that group. Superficial appearance does not mean much. But I used that in reference to the very wealthy "fag hag" Creep the actor which I wrote of earlier in the day. The person in the posts above I mean. I can imagine how many extremely wealthy gay people surround this creep but how many of them realize what a disgusting racist and sleazy rapist-enabler this filthy creep is? I am writing about it but I am discredited not only from my "position" of being a victim (a choice I have never accepted or "allowed" to happen to me, thus the mind control and torture that never ends to try to force this status upon me) and then...alas, my rambling enraged drugged up torture ranting posts do me no credit but...I also write these posts because of the illness forced upon me so I cannot exercise the stress off my body--I literally cannot do a single exercise--my entire spine is caked with hard poisons that I have spent over 10 years fighting to get out (more like over 20) but the detox process is particularly hellish. That never stops these creeple from attacking me instead they view it as a vulnerability to exploit.

But if anyone can imagine, as I have had to experience now every time this German man Garrett teleports me, being slapped while raped endlessly while teleported, sick, partially paralyzed, under non-stop attack for over a decade that is murderously violent on every kind of level possible

and to be stuck literally pinned down and the technology blasting into your cerebral cortex and other brain-mapped out areas that these terrorists are exploiting using technology they never created nor even conceived of, but are claiming that they are inherently superior based on the old World Nazi code--and to be raped like this every single day so someone can get promoted--now it's almost a continuous month of this going on and on with hate and violence endlessly aimed at me, and I know this man Garrett is currently already offered many promotions and deals for this with the full applause of creeple like the Creep actor and the rest of this FILTH that continues to laugh and cheer every abuser who attacks me

thus my posts are a bit hyperbolic and I have nowhere to go, I sit here in this room partially paralyzed (where I was always athletic and strong but still being poisoned until I could no longer function and was dying from poisoning--a decade ago) and now... I am ranting online instead of getting out into fresh air, exercising and trying to find any kind of consolation amongst humanity that even if I did strive to do it I would not find--as almost all victims of this targeting experience no one ever gets support, or that is the prevailing lament amongst the targets whose webpages I have read, and most of the pages are fake and faked agents posturing and stealing the words and concepts that the real victims are being silenced out of publishing--which is another reason they obtain almost no support but when every single agency and business participates in this it becomes almost impossible.

I guess I just have to wait for some day when enough people who are still alive and not yet dead from targeting realize what is happening to them and that it's not "fun" any longer because it's also happening to them. However, most don't know or care if or that they are being targeted as long as they get their deals and fixed security (they assume) within this structure.

My next hope is that the fires that will ravage California this summer will somehow prove to be a cataclysmic "Act of God" upon the Whorewood establishment which burns that citadel of sin off the planet so perhaps some other more congenial place dedicated to real art and not smut will take it's place in the world.


Terrorist report June, 17, 2021: "NOISE of drilling and hammering into the tiny studio beneath mine commences for the 6+th month of intervals during the past 2+years of living here (or surviving here or struggling here to not get killed).

A Clockwork Orange (author Anthony Burgess) speaking in a round-about way very indirectly but not quite touching on the MK ULTRA and mind control programming he wrote of in his book--the very philosophical and listener-friendly nearly erudite admonition to "The Youth" to remain solidly in old grooves, and the threat of authority which will forcibly put round "revolutionaries" into square pegs. Without going into the extreme details that are elaborated upon fictitiously in his book, unexpressed directly in this interview but through his book (A Clockwork Orange) the control exerted will be and is via mind control torture, trauma-based mind control and near-death violence. The square professor who taught radical liberal backlash politics of the old world order: Anthony Burgess, author of A Clockwork Orange, sold the movie rights to his book 10 years prior to the making of the film by Stanley Kubrick, for a mere $500.

Firing Line with William F. Buckley, Jr. and Anthony Burgess. December 21, 1972.



Alex being inducted into the Traditional Good ole Boys club (applauded for debauchery, rape and murder after bringing  his brain into a more violent state through State-sponsored mind control trauma-based operational experimentation). The old system more deeply entrenched into the now more "mature" Alex who finds his place in the Pyramid structure of society after his ordeals with attempting to form his own legion of Droogs operating independently using their own internal code. Now fully programmed into The Larger Program after much travail and trauma and violence in all directions except aimed at "the top" of the pyramid which remains solidly in power the entire time.

A Clockwork Orange--an arrangement (final scene).

"As a teacher, what have I got to say to young people in their late teens or 20's....and this is contested not only by the young, but by the professors or lecturers who should know better, who put themselves on the side of the young, deliberately, hoping that when 'The Revolution' comes, if it does come, they will get some kind of special preference. Discounting the fact that they'll probably be the very first to be put up against 'The wall'. And they will have to face a firing squad. I'm seriously concerned about this."

As an "old world" traditionist to some degree, Burgess is not exactly hip and makes it clear that he is square in his interview with Conservative icon William F. Buckley, Jr. One point of contention Burgess wants to express to his students, whom he claims don't digest what he teaches but instead vomits the information out while retaining almost nothing, is that the older generations (i.e. as in English tradition and history from whence he draws his patterns of history and essential templates of the configuration of history, have "cyclical" knowledge that should not be ignored and that a "tabula rasa" approach to new knowledge is impractical. It is therefore a waste of time to attempt to change old patterns in the status quo. Defying norms will not operate as any form of essential change within society, nor will the attempt to do so have any long-lasting effect. If the reader can recall the film A Clockwork Orange, which was an open examination of mind control programming, sometimes referred to as MK ULTRA programming in some videos and websites (perhaps labeled as "conspiracy theory" sites) and other such "exposes" of this work of art depicting the failed attempt to use mind control trauma-based experimentation in order to achieve "behavior modification". Burgess is fully aware of the push of the older generation onto "the youth" to ensure that their system of power and domination will remain intact and that any attempt to swivel out of the groove of entrenched norms will result in extreme measures of suppression, torture and even of death. The youth seeking "revolution" and "change" will undergo such torturous mind control and state-sponsored violence in order to constrain their attempts to affect any such radical transformation from traditional values into more untamed and nouveau untraditional behaviors or lifestyle choices. That the ending of the film (as I have not read the book) depicts the transformation of the corrupted "youth" into a more solidly traditional corrupt and corruptible man being welcomed into the powers and halls of higher political office only demonstrates the true mind control programming that is the true aim of all the technologies and behavior modifications that abound but which are unseen and undetectable to the average consumer of society's demands and strategizing protocols of conformity to authority and hierarchal structure. I always considered the scene in the movie where "The Droogs" are discussing their next, big act of obtaining the "big, big money" in the warm recesses of the "Duke of York" pub as a direct reference to the Freemason rituals of the York Rite of initiation into the higher levels of the Fraternity (in the movie by Kubrick, who often made such open references to Illuminati and Freemason ritualistic, murderous and programming in his many films).

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Terrorist hacker report: my account at a US Gov. agency is being blocked and can't be accessed. I received a notification in my email account that I must contact this office to obtain a message. This is the first time I have receieved such a message from this agency. The agency is now being blocked. Again, this agency is important to my life and security. There is no firewall or other software block or problem. Hacking is obstructive in all search pursuits on the web.

 It is the Social Security Administration. I have accessed this account many times in the past without a problem. This morning I got a notification that there is a message in my inbox from the agency. I have not received any  messages in years from this application, and I think it must be relatively or severely important I don't know. I cannot access the site at all. The entire Social Security Administration website is blocked on all my browsers. I checked my security settings and as I fight to open pages and search the mouse is not operating (it operated perfectly just last night) the pages are frozen and the spinning icon goes in it's circles while I wait as "no response" freezes on top of the browser. 

The hackers are juxtaposing letters I press on the keyboard while I am typing also the keyboard is extremely stiff and I must pound down with almost all my hand and finger strength to get any words out, while hackers block the space bar and mix letters around while I am typing.

Why is it so embarrassing for men to study feminism and the violence towards women that they take as their entitled "privilege"? They study and study so much of everything except for this one avenue of their sense of power over some animal domesticated. The teleportation is one aspect where their hate and violence fantasies can go wild. Please listen to a this clip at least get a different perspective for this 11-minute video instead of your endless numb and callous programmed hateful responses without any introspection whatsoever.


Why is it so embarrassing for men to study anything related to feminism in the crowd teleporting me? I can't begin to describe here with all the interference and threats I have how violently misogynist the men teleporting and raping me are. How absolutely blank they are when it comes to analyzing anything related to women's empowerment, and in fact their fantasies are so focused on eliminating my power and through their hate towards me they seem to be empowering their fellow fascist female counterparts who also participate. It's a complete orgiastic ritualistic revelation on the part of the entire group to penetrate and torture a woman as a form of group hate and catharsis for the violence they have in regard to sexuality. If I could begin to write my short story or ideas on this..its' so threatening to them it's so hard to get anyone to begin to think about what they are doing. I have spent 10 years and longer in endless screaming and physical violence fights with one man and his wife/daughter/female lovers/male lovers/partners on the degradation that they impose upon me for their own sense of manhood restored somehow. Nothing shatters their sense of entitlement and the lack of oversight or restraint on the part of the politicians and the people who are supposed to protect society in some part also demonstrates how deep the hate for women is and what lies are endlessly fabricated by these sensual stars and the fighters for freedom but part-time rapist bigot haters.

Please listen to a few lectures given my Andrea Dworkin instead of stealing the ideas to put out some cheesy fake movie about how you are fighting against sexist men while you continue on a personal level to fully empower the worst of sexism that this technology is affording you to expunge your hate and violence fantasies out upon an INNOCENT person--

It also might behoove you to upgrade you level of intellectual pursuit and acumen, deary rapist, violent, hater men out there who are smug about the US government handing you the dream technology you have always fantasized about having the capability to commit every crime against the sleeping victim with all your hate fantasies poured out upon me as your bigot Nazi women laugh and applaud and make "love" to you afterwards. I do wish some of you would elevate your mentalities and improve your capability and desire to think intellectually and listen to some real intellectuals whose output far exceeds your farthest fantasies of having anything truly significant to perform about life or love or humanity.

*I do believe that Andrea Dworkin was poisoned and a targeted person and she was not "obese" but instead, I believe, poisoned slowly to death with the bloating and hardening poison that I have been fighting to eliminate for a decade which glues into the body like cement but bloats up on top of the hardening chemicals which form an interior "plate". It is impossible to detect until all the chemicals have been drained from the body. I truly believe that Andrea Dworkin was not an ugly and fat woman filled with hate by any means. I know that most people who see her have that instantaneous assumption about the "fat dyke" but I know about targeting and covert assassinations just a bit more than most of you and how they operate.


Hark ye to the old tradition! 

He commeth to quell and tame the beast of the wild animal she-whore who regardeth all Men as unfit for betrothal or at least only fit for a mean and low brothel. 

She commeth sweet and demure and stealeth the kiss from the death mask looming over the shores of love's labour lost and the lost labor party. Conservative she dons her place at the grace of the sanctity of society always willing and never saying no.

Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton's pre-demise performance of
William Shakespeares the
Taming of the Shrew
how the rapists associate the shrew with the Jew
who must be you in disguise
posturing as the dominator
 energized by
but never fulfilled therein

the ritual must remain a solid fixture
in your cantankerous elixir of nichts her

 rape her beat her repeat her demean her delete her

get her show her who's boss
after you're finished you don't give a toss

what a game for the insane

btw blamers and haters:

I do not insinuate that I am a "shrew"
years of systematic torture in a program of rape and attempted murder
have made me a bit cantankerous towards people utilizing the same formulaic principles of oppression towards me that the murderers and other haters have used against me. If only you would think outside the system a bit and be a bit more like an authentic personality I might not try to defend myself almost to the death against anyone using these same formulas of torture and suppression and complete obliteration of my rights as a human being. 
The pleasure-principle attached to social climbing and career promotion appears to be more powerful than any authentic sex drive and it is so overpowering to the people involved that they have lost all their humanity. It is a shame that they are supposed to represent any values of society or humanity in the field of entertainment or media and are being put at the apex of the push for social commentary via these movies and entertainment/music specalurarama dramas.


Our dear Shakespeare in Central Park revival of The Taming of the Shrew which is even more machismo than the Burton/Taylor version.

Once married, the husband proclaims pointing at his newly wed wife:
"I will be Master of mine own
She is my chattel, my house
She is my Goods
My household stuff
My field
My barn
My horse
My ox
MY ass.

The rest of the movie--I mean theatre performance
is of creating a domestic and loving good wife
who adores her husband after fight and trial by torture and punishment and release from pain and suffering.

Part 2 of the 400 year old play that is a man's final fantasy before he plays that role of the husband who may stray like Shakespeare did to his wife to whom he desecrated his "2nd best bed" in his Will after his death. Did she mourn him truly at that point of his long years of departure to play in London and play with his lovers and write sonnets to them all, boys and girls, while she waited at the house taking care of the domestic chores?
Had she been subdued according to this treatise on how to obtain a good servant wife?


I cannot live with You (640)

 - 1830-1886

I cannot live with You – 
It would be Life – 
And Life is over there – 
Behind the Shelf

The Sexton keeps the Key to – 
Putting up
Our Life – His Porcelain – 
Like a Cup – 

Discarded of the Housewife – 
Quaint – or Broke – 
A newer Sevres pleases – 
Old Ones crack – 

I could not die – with You – 
For One must wait
To shut the Other's Gaze down – 
You – could not – 

And I – could I stand by
And see You – freeze – 
Without my Right of Frost – 
Death's privilege?

Nor could I rise – with You – 
Because Your Face
Would put out Jesus' – 
That New Grace

Glow plain – and foreign
On my homesick Eye – 
Except that You than He
Shone closer by – 

They'd judge Us – How – 
For You – served Heaven – You know,
Or sought to – 
I could not – 

Because You saturated Sight – 
And I had no more Eyes
For sordid excellence
As Paradise

And were You lost, I would be – 
Though My Name
Rang loudest
On the Heavenly fame – 

And were You – saved – 
And I – condemned to be
Where You were not – 
That self – were Hell to Me – 

So We must meet apart – 
You there – I – here – 
With just the Door ajar
That Oceans are – and Prayer – 
And that White Sustenance – 
Despair – 


I felt a Funeral, in my Brain by Emily Dickinson

I felt a Funeral, in my Brain,
And Mourners to and fro
Kept treading - treading - till it seemed
That Sense was breaking through -

And when they all were seated,
A Service, like a Drum -
Kept beating - beating - till I thought
My mind was going numb -

And then I heard them lift a Box
And creak across my Soul
With those same Boots of Lead, again,
Then Space - began to toll,

As all the Heavens were a Bell,
And Being, but an Ear,
And I, and Silence, some strange Race,
Wrecked, solitary, here -

And then a Plank in Reason, broke,
And I dropped down, and down -
And hit a World, at every plunge,
And Finished knowing - then -

Monday, June 14, 2021

Terrorist report, June 15, 2021. POISONING, insertion into my body with stinking fungus, rape during teleportation and death threats and threats to comply and "go along" with being exploited to the maximum by David Garrett, Robert DeNiro, Joe Pesci, The mafia partners therein plus Nazi cartels, the Gottis and et al plus the H-wood celebrity thug group.

 In order to stop the severing of nerve endings, capillaries and blood vessels, tissue and muscle into every toe and joint of my feet, which this group has been doing for over half a year, I have had to resort to sleeping in light pants which have an elastic band and a tie-around string/cloth. I have sewn pieces into the foot area so the mechanical arms only can cut into my feet by going into the waist area. I tie knots as tightly as possible and try to stop the mechanical arms, which has not stopped anything. I wrap layers of packaging tape around my toes and then put a piece of tissue and tape and wrap that around plus I have sewn a double pair of socks which are of an elastic material, stretchy but tight, so that the mechanical arms can't breach this area and this also is breached. I have begun to wrap wiring around the bottoms of the socks at the ankle level to stop the mechanical arms and the areas are still being breached. The mechanical arms are getting through the layers of materials I have pounded into the walls and floors, ceiling for over 2 years to stop the destruction of my body and the terrorists entering my room to rape and nearly dismember my body and put my hips and spine out of alignment, poisoning my food and putting fungus into my hair, food and vagina every single day. That scenario has gone on and on for years--YEARS every single night. I have spent all my money and time fighting this and writing about it.

It is continuing now that I am wearing an enclosed area around my waist they are putting what smells like rotten meat into the crotch area and I am infected all the time from it. In order to not have my toes severed off or completely dislocated I must do this.

These terrorists then teleport me and abuse and rape me and threaten me. THis is ROBERT DENIRO who is a most VIOLENT AND UGLY SINISTER PERSONALITY along With pesci who is not as awful but still a criminal and has done very awful things, along with the Gottis and the rest of this group. 

David Garrett is raping me and threatening me and I respond as if I am "in love" and wake up knowing that this is the most powerful mind control operation I have yet experienced from this group since the last time I could not control my natural urges to have intimacy and love and contact with another person--I have tried to control my reactions but this man Garrett is most persuasive and threatening as well. If there is any sort of human contact between us, the hateful instructions of this organization has turned what may have been some kind of halfway decent interaction between two human beings into a race, pornographic exploit situation lacking all compassion and concern and love, respect, tenderness and it's all about these people obtaining more promotions out of trying to break me as a human being.

They are using violence towards me with gestures of extreme violence using the teleportation as well. That is coming from DeNiro who is very, very violent and threatening and murderous and has been exploiting this contract out on me and like so many of the celebrities has been obtaining  awards for his movies year after year and won't stop and is so greedy and nasty that it's a real mafia hate contract that reveals the ugliness and decay of that industry to the max. He only represents publicly what privately must be a most sinister organization and group of the most foul, anti-woman, anti-American pro-death squad mafia movie hate destruction of all possible divide and conquer foreigners out of Europ-a-land and other nefarious countries. The utter lack of humanity is astounding and this trashy organization is behind the decades of movies glorifying death, mafia and hate and racism that is behind so much of the current death culture that has pervaded America.

But they are smearing what smells like dead meat into the crotch area of these pants I MUST wear because they were literally cutting my toes off slowly night-after-night like this.


They are fully rotten and ugly putrid parasites upon me and I want to tell you David Garrett that the sweet beauty of your musical talent is also connected to the sexuality that you live by and allowing these nasty rotten hate-mongering fascist bigots to control you and tell you to abuse me (or maybe you don't need much to do this and have done this many times before in your life and this is just a continuation--like so many of the German people I have met who are acting in almost exactly the same way so I think this is a cultural remnant of Nazism).

You are destroying your own talent but maybe you don't see it that way. DeNiro is a murdering bigot hater and a truly evil and violent sick personality and I really need someone to intervene and stop this group of completely destroying my body and life and home any longer as they have been working and obtaining awards year after year for this heinous filth series of crimes they are committing against me. All of this is FULLY SANCTIONED BY HILLARY CLINTON AND NANCY PELOSI. They are foul rapist conniving women who unfortunately "represent" the Democratic power and the "feminist" struggle for women to compete in major politics. Both have been involved with this, but Pelosi is a mafia agent and fake slurring her concern for "The American People" and like Trump, I find her an utterly repulsive personality but for completely different reasons as Trump brought this mafia Nazi shit firsthand into this contract and they are all still waiting for me to be so oppressed and abused that I go and "marry and have a baby" with some bigot who is torturing me to death and undoubtedly has extremely malicious intent towards me, which David Garrett absolutely does have. He is threatening me to go to Germany and have a baby with him so all of these rotten people who have tortured me using this teleportation technology can get their big bonus from this organization of rotten and filthy people who are controlling them and handing out these prizes and awards and contracts. 

IF DARK MONEY NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED BY CONGRESS AND BY PEOPLE CONCERNED ABOUT DEMOCRACY AND AMERICA THEN THIS ANGLE OF THE CORRUPTION NEEDS TO BE STOPPED and stopping them from exploiting me is absolutely going to help in stopping the corruption that is threatening American Democracy at this time.


*please note, as I have written of for years regarding my "living" situation: the room I essentially was "forced" to live in, because all opportunities are blocked for living space except for one or two results that come in from this organization, as my finances are likewise blocked electronically and money stolen from my purse while sleeping and etc--all attempts to earn money or have a career have been 100% blocked by this death/terror/rape/mafia/Nazi collaborative effort that is a global threat to humanity at this point in time:

this room is not only a surveillance unit, but every space of the sides of the walls is covered with faux plastic walls/cabinets that have panels that are one or two millimeters thick that are removeable and are used by terrorist "neighbors" to insert mechanical arms through and are easily taken up or down and latched into place from the other side of the walls. Both "walls" are impossible to secure because the material used as the faux cabinet and wall structures are doused with chemicals to make them soft and breached--the plaster in the "ornamental" wall indents and structures cannot be hammered with nails, nails simply fall out or the plaster crumbles so I can't hammer anything into the walls. Some of the wall surfaces that I need to hammer metal hooks and tie rope to secure the panels from being opened from the other side(s) of the walls are so hard that nothing can penetrate the walls (unless I used a drill, which I don't have I also have been so bereft of money I have not had enough money to eat while fighting to pay for items to plaster on the walls to try to simply ascertain how or where the break-ins are occurring). There are areas of the walls that are impossible to pound or screw hooks or anything to secure them from being opened from the other side of the wall, in other words as this entire studio has been refurbished to create an endless series of tiles, cracks and impossible to secure panels due to what I have just written above. The ceiling also has holes drilled into the surface for "lighting" that has huge gaps of space around holes behind the holes of the lightbulbs in ways that are completely easy to penetrate by someone lifting boards from the ceiling above. There is no limit to how this group operates to pry and violate a space and insert mechanical arms, which only require something like half an inch or less to penetrate. 

The terrorist enter into my room to dislodge any flimsy materials I have glued and hammered into the most easy to conceal areas and the room is replete with them. 

I have not enough money to move and I have done nothing but move for decades in order to live in peace.

The mafia and nazis involved in attacking me at this point--with their countless minions being employed to do the filthy and nasty attacks for them, and the personally filthy acts they are performing themselves in these hate skits of teleportation.

I am under severe threat of not only losing my toes and being made permanently paralyzed by these attacks on my toes and feet, but they have tried to knock my lower teeth out, make my hair permanently balding and have smeared chemicals on my skin to damage it for YEARS. They have cut into my fingernails on my hands so badly for so many years on a nightly basis that I have lost the ability to use two fingernails which are permanently damaged and don't grow and are essentially dead--part of the nail is completely cut off and won't grow back the nerve endings have been cut completely out. This group of H-wood actors and this mafia/Nazi cartel has also had part of my uterus cut out while I was unconscious, drugged up and teleported and thus could not feel the act of violence, was so drugged up I felt no pain afterwards. The list is by no means complete of the physical violence and damage this group has inflicted upon me. The list of ideas they have stolen from me while blocking my ability to think and write or get anything done on any level and the money they have made out of both exploiting and torturing me for years (a decade by now of just this one group, and countless people prior to them who are still a part of the exploitation) and I remain here writing once more appealing for my country to not allow this slow murder to continue on and on. 

David Garrett is pressing very hard for me to move to Germany where I will be gang raped by his friends (he has already done this a few times already). The technology forces reactions out of me that are not consensual nor are they "my" words or deeds. Under this kind of threat and pressure and the years of isolation and celibacy and the torture and pain and suffering and the fight to heal while they are torturing me and furthering injuries to my body, the technology stimulating my body and this man who is a sexual predator proves a combination I can't fight at this time by myself. They have stolen my cat and killed animals I loved and have taken care of. I remain absolutely targeted and shunned and attacked by every single human being on the planet and have no sanctuary or place to go and no money to defend myself. As so many people are suffering from and this organization is responsible in so many ways for the suffering and deaths of so many people in just this last year alone--with their complicity to the organization to which they respond and follow instructions from.