Saturday, August 14, 2021

Terrorist appliance/home attack update. All telecommunications blocked and diverted to agents when searching for a plumber. I could only "reach" one single place in all of Phuket which claimed services. They lied to me and never showed up ,stating that when I gave my home address I did not provide a link for them to obtain directions. As I waited in the foyer of this condo a team of Thai people began walking into me looking down into their mobile phones...then the attacks began here where I live.

 Not a single one of them could "understan" (sic) English. Not one of the team of minions who take orders directly in English to abuse, insult and attack me and create a mess of filth in my living space while using torture equipment to burn, zap and attack my body and have the front door opened by these mechanical arms to the rapists can enter and break my body. These "people" were waiting with sneers of hate, rolling eyes when I talked, dumbed stupidity pretense at not understanding English--all of them handing me their mobile phones to talk to someone who can "translate" English. When I would get on the phone, because I had no idea and my brain literally was turned into a kind of smiling, giggling mush of compliance I could not "understand" at the moment of attack that I was under attack. I was laughing and making jokes at everything and all was wonderful in this daze of brain-blanketing mind manipulation from this technology It feels like my brain is operating under a fog of utter delight and love for everyone around me who is obviously abusive and nasty but they all smile so continuously I make this "mirror" automatically-induced smiling action with my face. I was rendered into a complete but functional daze of not understanding hate and negativity and smiling and laughing while it was happening as they all kept me in a whirl of lies and attack.

Because the kitchen sink was nearly pouring water out and for months I have had a screeching industrial noise coming from the sink whenever I used any water source, up to the point that the terrorists had water pouring out of the faucet. I phoned all the plumbers I could find and on SKYPE the calls were all "disconnected" after a few rings. When I spoke for 3 minutes I was charged almost $4 on the SKYPE account for a local call to Phuket. 

I finally, through their lies and hate glares and insults and attacks, got a Thai man who made the endless triggering nasty nose-swiping movements and with flicking his hair back--which is an endemic series of body movements that are then met with insults, hate, abuse, attacks, rip-off scams and poisoning, drugging and rape or assisting in rape and mutilation and etc. This guy came and "repaired" the faucet after first lying to me that he would come back "tomorrow" but would not give me a time. I then tried once more to phone this lying plumber service which had told me they could not "find" the apartment building after I gave my address--it's a very easy-to-find condominium set on top of a hill in Phuket town. I have seen instructions on Google map with this location which I gave precisely. The lying woman on the phone (a Thai) told me that they could not find it, got lost, and because I had said I lived near Central Festival Shopping mall she lied and said that her maintenance guy was waiting for me at this mall and had expected me to meet him (at this huge multi-building mall. I had even told her when I gave my address that my building was set against a hillside. 

I was thus, as always when operating with this group which always surrounds me and turns all otherwise friendly people away--forced to have to deal with the terrorists personally and go through a seeries of attacks while my brain was rendered into a happy I love everything mode while I was surrounded by lying and abusive parasitic creeps--ordered by their higher-ranking members of the entire parasitic organization. 

The guy came in an made a complete mess. First he appeared to turn the water off, and then water began pouring out because someone was in the hallway turning the water supply back on while I was in this room making sure the guy didn't steal or break something--which he did while I was cleaning up the mess and my back was turned. I woke up to things having been ripped off art works I made and etc. The guy who swore he "speak no English" kept saying in a rude and nasty tone, "YOU' and pointing to the mess he had made.

I also discovered by going out the door to watch him turn the water back on, after the attack situation of making a water mess had stopped and he managed to replace the faucet--that the water pipes had objects inserted into them, which is why the water supply has been at a trickle for YEARS. 

And finally they left.

I woke up this morning to my sleeping clothing sprayed once more while I slept with stinking foul odors--the entire huge turban I sleep with to try to stop the attack upon my hair had the small safety pints removed and my hair is once more the texture of straw because of the sprays that are continuously put into my hair--Most of which has been chemically treated to fall out--for years.

Veiled death threats and posts on social media just appearing about women being prostitutes and beaten by men who are "masters"--undoubtedly by the porno pig ape German scumbag whore who I wish death upon as he's a disgusting pollutant to the USA and to my life. Appliance terrorism continued today: faucet is now pouring out water. Veiled

 It's now since late May of telling this putrid Germanic parasite that I don't like him, now after months of being beaten and raped in this teleportation state, telling him I hope he dies and trying to smash his ugly head in. The pig latches on to get his endless new deals like all the rest of the shit, filth and crap.

The kitchen sink is now pouring out water constantly. I have tried to phone plumbers and all calls have been diverted and then hung up on. I got one person responding and I have to wait to see what kind of hell they are going to be ordered to inflict upon me and how expensive they will charge me for this affront to my life now in the form of appliance terrorism that has been forscec upon me because I am fighting, as I have been FOR A DECADE alone without support or help from anybody this teleportation terrorism and the nightly rapes and mutilations that continue.

The pig ape whore from Germany who has assaulted me physically, sexually, financially and psychologically--he began immediately with the hate crime bs in a most vicious way--has been inserting videos of veiled death threats which are all about people being first abused and then killed by abusers (like himself, but I am not a victim except only in criminal justice terms). He's also been forcing sleazy and sick videos of women being whipped and beaten by men who are calling themselves "masters" as this stupid ape whore has done to me and I responded in ways that only mind control and drugging could have produced, and always afterwards I responded iwth yuck and get off me until I was screaming constantly as I remain doing whenever I have to be teleported to that foul rotten ugly scumbag whore creep who is now inflicting as much financial damage and in every way is an odious reminder of exactly what controls this putrid group of actors and politicians, and it's not coming out of America. This pig ape is training them into more extreme versions of violence and sexism, and of course the women who are all #me Too advocates are not only adoring and embracing him (which I have seen them do in the teleported state) but they are imitating his behavior, as he is now a coach for their increasing indoctrination into fascist rape and mutilation and torture methodology. This porn-driven scumbag is so full of porno themes and violent rape and mutilation and murder memes he's obviously a long-term porn and sadism thrill-seeking pervert--aka a "good ole boy" of elitism based upon europigapeland "aristocracy" abuse of people and of cultures. 

No one can ever get this group of crap off me. America is going down the drain it is drowning in incompetence, corruption and malfeasance and my accounts that are no exaggeration nor ever a lie are one example of how apathetic Americans  are w hen it comes to this topic, unless it directly affects them and still they won't connect this dot to the other web of corrupt problems that have created many of the other huge problems confronting the country at this time.\


While I was using my SKYPE to attempt to make any arrangement to have this terror attack faucet kitchen sink attack fixed, the microchip implant was constricted while I was fighting to talk, as I began to choke and my voice literally became gasps of air and I could not use my voice at all. I could speak thusly for maybe 4 minutes before I had to hang up because I could not talk any longer.
I just checked the amount of money SKYPE took from a 3 minute phone call to Phuket. The charge listed was at less than one cent per minute. Instead, I was charged over $4 for a 3-minute call. Hackers have been doing this to me regularly, and all services are over-charged. So far I have not gotten any response from this service in Phuket, and all other plumbers won't pick up or the calls are not answered and I am hung up on.

One hour after having posted the last post: appliance terrorism worsened after the post was published. The terrorists have created some mechanism so the arm of the faucet that is now pouring out an increased sliver of water continuously is moving automatically clockwise from the 15 position to the 25 position. It is moving by itself in an arc of nearly 45-degrees to the right as the trickle of water has been increased. I must now struggle to turn the water off, and once I turn it to the streaming trickle of water the terrorist on the other side of the wall hits some valve or part of the clamping mechanism that is causing this rupture in water so that the water turns on automatically once more after I struggle to turn it almost off--but it never turns off. These attacks occur instantly and usually after I return from shopping the situation has worsened, but now they have done this newer more serious attack while I was using the sink. It is disgusting. My last studio hell surveillance rape torture room was so stinking I was breathing in poison as I lay in a drugged up near comatose laying position while I was raped at night, my body put out of alignment while I was being teleported to pig ape whores in Whorewood who raped and abused me and went off with their lovers to parties glowing with utter joy in their new studios and productions all funded and paid for--awards forthcoming and never ending cornucopia of incentives for torture and information extracting interrogation after raping and abusing me so they can come out with their "humanitarian" anti-racist, anti-rape #me too! bs and K-rap about how cool and alternative and caring they are for all of humanity to purchase as a fantasy. Now I sit here after they had my refrigerator and toilet broken, and in this room it's been non-stop rape, poisoning, drugging, bodily dismemberment (in the rooms prior to this as well) broken toe, severed body parts, poison smeared into my hair, vagina and into my ears, food and skin every single day for years. Fighting constantly and now the kitchen sink is almost pouring out water and now the faucet is like a moving gadget it's been so loosened at the base of the faucet it moves half an inch when I just push it up to try to stop the water flowing and the screeching noises and the shuddering and grinding. I can't afford to pay for repair this, the landlord comes into this room abusing and throwing things and touching and insulting me while my brain is under extreme mind control attack so I can't defend myself. I have been forced into poverty and all access to earning money has been completely blocked for over a decade (while here in Thailand, online , and in America it's blacklisting and discrimination and if I do get a low-paying job I am harassed by all the workers next to me). I am stuck sitting here with this endless filth forced upon me, abuse every night in teleportation, drooling sexually titillated fascist Nazis scumbag whores reading my posts and thrilled that the United States is such a docile and easy-to-manipulate dumbed down country fully participating in this fascist Europigape attack system (probably created by Nazis with USSR and KGB and et al). I want to add that the German pig ape currently terrorizing me and ordering these attacks is fully engrossed with Russians and you can see examples of this in his tours of Russia. In my perusal of his videos there have been scores of Russian entries with little emoticons of hearts and love aimed at this rotten scumbag pig ape whore Nazi who is collaborating with Russian intelligence with this heinous technology that essentially put my body into an overdrive sensation that was totally divorced from the reality of how I actually felt about this rotten piece of pig ape crap you all think is such a wonderful, "classy" Europigape-trained bigot Nazi. As you mostly all are reading this. It's a complete scam and a threat to the future of all humanity--this situation which you all keep allowing to fester and increase.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Terrorist appliance report: August 14, 2021. Terrorist minions for the wealthy parasites who order these attacks have not only created a noise terror "campaign" of the kitchen faucet making shuddering, screeching and grinding noises whenever I turn on any water source in the entire studio--but now the water is nearly pouring out of the kitchen faucet at a small stream. This began when I returned to the room after having gone out shopping last week.

 the extremely abusive and violent, insulting, groping and sexual-commentating and insulting landlord who has technology blasted into my brain while he's attacking me so I am stunned, at a loss of words, incomprehensible of the hate and negativity being thrown at me--giggling and laughing while he's insulting me and offering him food and saying things that are not a part of my vocabulary at inappropriate moments--all induced by mind control, and yes, it is that invasive and that powerful combined with the drugging.

I now have to either constantly adjust the water because there is a small "window" of movement where the water is pouring at full intensity or this small stream that is being forced by the clamping mechanism on the other side of the wall. I know this because the terrorist minion on the other side pushes something on the other side of this thin veneer of a faux "wall" separating my room from the next, and I hear this pushing thud and then the screeching shuddering begins, the water beings to pour and this happens at random times, i.e. when I am in bed falling asleep. When I finally manage to turn the water into a small stream, which is the best I can come to shutting the water off, the terrorist adjusts the clamp so the water begins to pour out again. I have to spend at least one minute minimum just to shut the water off.

The landlord has told me that I have to pay for this problem he personally has created so he, like all the other greedy rapists, whores and scumbag parasites you all call your "elite" celebrities and politicians, can get their protocols of hate poured upon me so they get more investments, deals and properties and money out of following to the minute detail every protocol of this hate system.

Not only do I not have the money but I am also endlessly healing and in a state of sickness and this landlord pours into this room with one single repair man who stinks with rotten body odor (the endless protocol of these greasy pig apes who attack me, on all levels) and then he also includes a couple of Thai terrorists who stand back "watching" and I tell them there is no need for them, the landlord almost yells that they have to be there in the room, as they break and steal things while my back is turned as this landlord insults what I am wearing, yelling and touching me and jabbing me with his elbow and lying and making nasty comments for the entire time he and this repair person are "fixing" the things they have broken.

So I remain with water pouring out, which has increased in the last few weeks probably under the order of this German pig ape whore who has had my motorbike tire broken and ripped and huge screws drilled into the wheels, and has done sick and vile disgusting things (but oh, how "romantic" he appears in his fake shitty violin performances, all contrived, orchestrated and trained and absolutely inauthentic to his real personality, which follows strictly the protocols of the elders of Nazi fascist Sionism--which also means the pig ape fascist Nazis are taking over Israel and I don't mean Zion I mean Sion, and there is a difference.
But that is a political obscurity part of "conspiracy theories" and I just add it because my brain is under so much attack right now I can't think clearly, my head feels like it's "spinning" and being "crushed" inward slightly.

I had to get up and walk around after having written the last post which tended towards cursing and profanities because my brain was under so much attack by this hideous technology.

It is happening again and I feel too sick to continue ranting to a mostly apathetic audience anyway.

Update on the terrorist celebrities and the endless teleportation violence, abuse, hate upon which they feed and are paid and promoted; then the mail service which I had elaborated upon yesterday in my last post and government harassment multi-pronged attack system, a response from yesterday's post.

 I sent my mail service a message which stated that I need the envelopes of the mail I receive to be first scanned and sent to me as an alert so I can decide whether I want the letters opened or not. That is the system that this service has used for over 4 years of me being screwed over by them in any way possible (they have overcharged me by 100% for Fed Ex shipments and I can't dispute the claim from Thailand).

I tried to use a request to get them to scan the Social Security envelopes, so what this terrorist agent did was scan the envelope for the banking information (one of the letters from from my bank, and probably some fake which they threw into the mix of this current harassment scheme). They did not copy any of the Social Security letter envelopes, and only scanned one of the letters while I had requested that they scan both SS letters and not the PNC. 

In short, they scanned the envelope for the bank, did not scan the envelopes for the government agencies and only scanned one of the two letters and did not scan the letter from the bank at all.


The rapist, violent, absolutely greasy sleazy ugly and nasty German expletive and the endlessly non-stop group of celebrities (always pit and his shit wife greasy whore and the mafia nazis out of Brooklyn the "actors" endlessly portraying hate, mafia and death and revenge  themes with bigotry as their main focus in every shit movie they crank out and absolute devotion to this German pig ape whore creep because they are absolutely enthralled with blonde, racist Europigape culture and this greasy piece of expletive is the epitome of all they believe to be the "class" of Europigape Nzazi culture, to which they strive to "rise" from the nastiness of their Brooklyn lives which they are embarrassed of to the point that they claim they are European and not American.

Yelling at this greasy pig about my real feelings about what a parasite he is, as usual, while sleeping, in this nearly waking state. Every single day yelling in absolute hate as this empty, sleazy and boring pig whore ape sits silently (while when he's in his domain in Germany violently raping me with his ugly disgusting-looking pig ape German fellow rapist Nazis he's yelling and shouting and blathering on in his trained Nazi lexicon of basic pornographic death jargon and semantics that are so prototypical it's like watching a movie that was made in the 70's with a violent porno theme with Nazis being the rapist "fantasy". In the 70's the movies delved into the sexualized fantasies of fascist nazi culture, from my brief study of this rotten phenomenon (which greatly helped to propagandize this group of skank crap into a higher elevated status as sexualized beings instead of the greasy and rotten filth that they truly are). Of course, from the outside any reader may dismiss this because the German pig apes have learned the skill of pretense and polite discourse to a degree that is sickening. Once that shallow facade is taken off they are brutal pig whore apes and trust me that is the reality.

So, screaming in hate, the endless negativity forced upon me.

I have watched as these filth pigs from Whorewood have obtained award after award year after year from their inclusion into this hate "experiment" of torturing me--I wonder if there is anybody else that this is being done to on the planet or is it just me? It can't be just me.

I am asking that just my cat is returned to me alive and healthy and me with my own home as some kind of compensation from years of this never-ending hate and rape and torture. I am not a criminal I am innocent. My crime, according to the Nazi mediocrities, is that I competed and won. I was beautiful so they maimed and broke my body and put scars and blemishes all over my entire body night after night smearing fungus and chemicals into m yhair, into my body, in my food, in my hair--I fight every day to heal and heal and sit here screaming in rage as one rapist sickeningly rotten pig ape parasite uses the exact same protocol of raping and violently abusing me and then insulting and having my body mu tilated and then asking me for the next few years every day in this teleported state "why don't you like me or love me or like this?". Even Aprah the rotten black Nazi parasite has done this after I very correctly called that rotten monstrosity of hypocrisy an "Aunt Jemima" and she represents so clearly all the "fighting" minorities "fighting rasism and rape culture.

But he's going on and on. I scream I wish them death every day, that they are putrid parasites, I try to hit and smash their rotten faces in, every day it never ends.

My energy is completely drained. 

I just want my cat La Moux back and some kind of respite from this after a decade of it never ending. 


I am now struggling to backspace every other word as hacking is disgusting.

Please, will anyone out there ever be responsible at all to my life towards anything decent in American society?

To the corrupt politicians participating in this hate ordeal "experiment" that they profit off:

I watch as Rand Paul is now being exposed for his wife investing in Corona Virus antidotes--one month after the initial reporting of the virus Senator Paul's wife was involved in exploiting what looked to be a lucrative gain from investing in the death policy while Paul has been at the forefront of claiming that this virus was a man-made situation. He's against masking mandates and has gone out proselytizing about the overreach of Government and fascist tendencies of mandating masks. As the virus spreads and more need for newer anti-virus chemicals are increasing because as the virus mutates the older vaccines become less effective. The need for his wife's investment portfolio to be enhanced.

And that is the overarching mentality of the people "in power" who are attacking me. That includes the celebrities who have invested in every kind of surveillance and monster fascist Nazi state  technocratic apparatus in league with the politicians who are as odious as actors as they are as human beings. 

And this is the essence of what I am screaming at these rotten and foul pig apes every day. The politicians who are involved in this watch on glib and probably delighted as they also exploit the technology for their personal gain over competitors or people they dislike. 

I see from the inclusion of this most violent German scumbag Nazi whore ape pig that the celebrities have not only embraced him but are imitating his gestures and facial masks (he smiles with a small, hateful ugly little rotten smile while I am shouting in hate at him, disguising his suppressed violence that he would be inflicting like a domestic violence murdering scumbag if he only had the "freedom" of his domestic Germanic Nazi enclave surrounding him. The creeps who remind me of sophomoric morons from Junior High school, those are his real friends. The rest is a huge pretense and posturing of sensualized pornographic-based violin playin which he imitated form the Jewish men like Itzhak Perlman who was one of his teachers--who this ugly and loveless parasitic fake foul violent pornographic scumbag imitated passion from in his playing). The endless co-option of art and style that the fascist meaningless parasites steal from the originators and if possible destroy the legacy and the people who created the new forms of art and culture in the first place. That this rotten German filthy and ugly pig ape is so violently copmlying to every Nazi concept in his absolutely sickeningly violent attqack upon me is a testament to how anti-Semitic this rotten pig ape whore really is--and how he wants to destroy any possibility of anyone like Perlman every transcending the mediocrity of Nazi culture--and that has been the entire push from the beginning of this contract out upon me).

I remain here writing yet another post and they are all out patting each other on their whore backs for the hate acts they ahve committed against me. The fascist violent rotten German pig ape is now surrounded by the protection and "love" of this group of wanna be fascist Americans out of Whorewood and their black stupid whores like Aunt Jemima Oprah and Ice Cube (the pair of them) and many others. The blacks have taken precedence over the other minorities such as Latinos, where in Miami they are the ones who dominate the attack filth attack protocols for the white Europigape fascists who have completely infiltrated and taken over Miami Beach.


The hacking is now very bad==I am ranting. No one ever stops this group of sick crap. I ask again for some responsibility from my government. There is absolutely a surfeit of corruption on a murderous level of exploitation of anyone who can be injectfed, microchipped, abused attacked poisoned drugged etc etc and they are all laughing and partying over the deals they are making with the billionaire factions of "dark money" which are handing out these technologies for "experimental" future potentialities in human exploitation.


And I am stuck here fighting to rid my body of government-sponsored poisoning, and fighting to get a mail service to actually scan the one or two letters per quarter that they may altert me of and do it somewhat correctly. \

My cat La Moux is the most beautiful person in my life, as every human being participates in this attack situation upon me in one way or another. If they are sympathetic they may "help" me a litle bit and then they leave me to be murdered silently in this covert government-sponsored hate contract. 

Please have my  cat La Moux returned to me. How much rape, violence and hate must I be subjected to so empty and blank whores can feed off violence and some sick contract the US government has forced upon me all my life?

the pigs tell me that they will leave me alone when they are "finished" and when they "get what I want" which is all they can suck out of me. I wish them death. Please get this group of shit offd me is there anyone in the world who is not a brainwashed stupid and empty meaningless greedy whore following orders from thsi death machine organization of Nazis and fascist mafia shit?


My head feels like its "spinning" after fighting to type this out. The remote technological brain attacks continue while I write, forcing a hyperbolic state of rage and cursing. Inability to focus and concentrate and be more rational and calm.


This group of millionaire/billionaire celebrities and politicians must be forced to pay me compensation in millions (their cumulative combined input for restitution of these crimes and theft of my ideas and loss of my life for all these years from their endless violence, hate and rape and torture). For all the awards and promotions they have been handed for participating in this rape and torture of me;  and money and concepts they have stolen from me, for all the years of them stealing and completely exhausting my energy, mutilating and maiming my body through their terror network minions-- for t hem blocking my financial earnings and stealing money and poisoning my food and making my body and home saturated with fungus and horrid chemicals and poisons while abusing me so my endocrine and immune system have been overly compromised while blocking my ability to obtain health care.

When will anyone ever stop this or help me to live in peace? THEY SHOUL BE IN PRISON and I wish them death.

When will someone ever stop this sick situation ever, finally?\

My cat is the last and only thing I have left that is a family and they are keeping her dying in some space while she's been waiting for me to return. I am meanwhile fighting to rid my body of the poison that hundreds of people or more have put in my body all my life. When will I ever get some kind of reprieve from this endless violence and my cat returned and to live in peace? They want ot force a baby otu of me before they "are finished" and get rid of me, after years of this going on and on. What kind of shit is that that no one will ever stop this or protect me from this? That rotten losers who are parasites on the planet are being allowed to feed off everyone they want to destroy and steal and rob from and claim them selves as being superior because they have eliminated all competition and anyone who aspires to reach any kind of success outside of their endless cliched stereotypes with them in "master" roles while everyone else must conform to the standards of being stupid puppets servicing death-mongering life-fuck parasites?

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Government terrorist attack: the government agency which has never bothered in me in the years I have been reliant upon this tiny budget has been sending threatening letters since the onset of the last Presidential administration. Every year I am sent letters informing me that the chronic health condition that this terrorist organization through poisoning of my food intake for most of my life-rendering me partially-paralyzed, finally diagnosed as having a chronic problem, because terrorists also fractured my vertebrae, put my hips out of place and kept poisoning me with hardening and bloating poisons with mind control drugs intermixed into the hate cocktail. X-rays and 18 months of waiting for a diagnosis which should have taken no longer than a few weeks to complete left me dependent while I was still being poisoned. Now, every year, twice a year, I get letters that are unmarked by the US Post Service stating that I must go in person to an office for a re-examination.

 *Hackers are blocking keys while I am typing as backspacing and rewriting is now constant. Keys are hard to press and I have no doubt terrorist hackers will delete and rewrite portions of this post after I publish, or while I am writing or in some order like that.


This form of non-stop threat to my life through this Social Security Administration corruption and harassment has been so routine that by now it's not just once a year but now it's twice a year. The letters come nearly at a routine pace and I must endlessly explain what is already in my records: I have been (made, by this terror organization) permanently, chronically disabled and physically dysfunctional. The terrorists who interviewed me also included some mental diagnosis in the mix, while in the interview I  only discussed how my family attacked me and that was why I was in the financial and other predicament that I was immersed in while I was applying for this most crucial life-saving instrument of security. Forced into this status by my government and now I am under attack of it being taken away because I am fighting this same government which is sponsoring corrupt and sick celebrities and some politicians who are endlessly torturing me using government-sponsored and fully-funded fully acknowledged and approved of torture, rape and murder covert technologies. I keep fighting being made a sex slave tortured and stolen from abused raped and endlessly threatened with murder target of unscrupulous "humanitarian" celebrities and politicians whose careers are fully encapsulated into the humanitarian propagandized fascist take-over of the United States and the world. 

I keep fighting because of the dehumanization and the violence that is continuously thrust upon me by these actors and these politicians. They keep plying US Government offices to threaten my life and attack me if ever possible. 

The mail service, which had once scanned all envelopes of letters I received from various offices and upon request then scanned the letters--stopped doing this at the beginning of the last presidential administration. Then the letters from Social Security began to pour in, twice a year, demanding an office visit and proof of my health condition, which is chronic there is no doctor who can repair the violence that these rapist pig apes have inflicted upon my vertebrae and there is no surgery that can correct what they have done. There is tangible serious damage done to my entire spine, while they have poisoned me with intention of murder with bloating and hardening poison. I remain after more than 10 years still fighting to remove this poison as I am tortured night and day by the various factions of this terror operation and denied by block of all finances any and all health care. All doctors and medical facilities participate in the attacks, mutilations and denial of basic services in one way or another, whether on a seriously deadly denial of services or in various psychological ways of insult and attack. 

I now have to wait another 24 hours for this mail service to scan the letters. This is 100% an attack scenario as I informed the service to send all emails to another email address--the gmail account has been so hacked that I can't use it. If I send an email the mail goes directly first to my inbox and then immediately is sent to the trash. I then have to go to the trash and redirect the "sent" email to my inbox, and then forward it. This mail service has informed me that they never received the emails I had forwarded, although other people who I forwarded the severely hacked emails to had all received them. I asked them to change my email address to another completely different service. They complied and sent messages to my other email service. Now they are sending this "attack" threat of letters to the same gmail account where they claim they don't receive my responses, which would make any response effete if they want to further attack/discriminate against me. I "forgot" to add that this service stopped sending all but the most critical "attack" messages from Social Security Admin and then doubled the price. No other mailing service will respond to my inquiries, all my emails are monitored and all phone calls transferred to terror agents. As I have written earlier, I am blocked from the most basic services and am attacked in every phone call due to this telecommunications terrorist block to all my efforts to have a self-sustained life without having to be endlessly terrorized by famous celebrities and politicians participating in this terror micochip implant/MK ULTRA/rape and future terror upon the planet operation. (I "forgot" to add as I am under extreme mind control attack and digress and go into ranting excesses that this mail service first informed me that they were going to discontinue the service, then because I could not find any other service and cannot ever reach any office or business without first being diverted to terror agents because all my phone calls are rerouted--the service agreed to renew my contract but has literally doubled the price and basically stopped 90% of all services to me).

I now have to wait for this service to respond and see what kind of hell this group plans on putting me through. For the past 5 years I have had to scan and download forms which I had to then fill out with the same information biannually: I am disabled I have a chronic situation as you can all see (which I have written to SS Admin) that the records state clearly my condition is chronic and nothing can alter that condition. They demand this now twice a year. I have now 2 letters waiting to be scanned and they did not scan the outer envelopes because in my last blog post regarding this issue I had written that the letters that are sent by this terror group of politicians and celebrities personally order these letter to be sent via their contacts within these governmental agencies. The letters are not sent through official routes and thus the letters are not stamped  with any official mark--they are personally sent without going through the USPS which is what should have been done if they were legitimate letters sent by the same agency operating legitimately and not as an arm of this terrorist group of officials and celebrities endlessly terrorizing and attacking me for years and years and years day after day without a single day of it ever being stopped as everyone reading this continues to just watch on. 


I "forgot" due to brain-wave remote technological attacks (aka "mind control") that the injuries to my body described above--fractures of my vertebrae and other more serious injuries to my spine, have all been done while I was in the sleeping, unconscious mode while my brain was reduced to a comatose condition and I was drugged and probably my consciousness was "teleported". In each case, a contrived "accident" preceded the serious injury. I would return "home" after such accidents with the targeted portion of my body intact and not dysfunctional. I would wake up with serious injuries while feeling "no pain" because I am always drugged up while being mutilated and my body broken and the effects wear off a few days later. Most of my body has been similarly mutilated or made broken down in this same type of scenario of me being drugged and assaulted while in the unconscious state of comatose MK ULTRA microchipped attack mode by the people you have all allowed to be put into higher positions of power over crucial aspects of society.

Fascist terrorists can blame the increase in violence to AntiFa, as their usual scapegoat excuse for the seeds of hate that they have sown for how many decades, or centuries or millennium?

"Portland Police investigate homicide on SE Hawthorne Blvd."  KOIN 6

I used to live in this exact neighborhood--or near enough to this spot to walk easily (I can walk for miles without a problem, usually except for the poisoning). However, NOTHING like gun violence ever disrupted the Hawthorne District while I lived there. I would walk alone at night comfortably without a hitch or problem.

However, the terrorist organization was in full effect and in their covert means and ways, have helped to create this atmosphere of violence that is now the product of nurturing of violence. The seeds were sown many years ago and the fruits of the labors of malevolence spawned by this terror operation are cause for "confusion" amongst the locals who can't "understand" why such a sudden surge in violence has occurred. Maybe they can blame it all on "Antifa" as usual.

If I were to try to engage in the lengthy treatise as to how or why terrorist fascist organizations have contributed to the demise of security and safety in the United States and of course with the global terror operation the violence amounts to genocidal practices--I would have to delve into theories which, of course, would engender violence against me for writing about the reality of how these operations create a nucleus of hate and murderous violence which culminates into concentric waves of open and acceptable violent reactions and situations.

I will leave it as a very short statement. Already hackers are blocking this content and my brain is under attack. I am tired of writing about the realities of how this pernicious death organization of fascist Nazis, including many minorities, and how they operate to create and spawn death culture with murder and destruction of the fabric of society (so they can assume the mantel of power afterwards) and their machinations and how insidious the manipulative practices are. I am at a loss for publicizing my writings as well as the simple task of actual writing and thinking due to the covert suppressive acts of sabotage and censorship that this murder terror fascist organization uses to achieve their death culture and violence and destruction objectives.

Monday, August 9, 2021



The Master/Slave technocratic construct that has been foisted onto me with me fighting for my life and under non-stop torture in resistance and endless struggle with no response from anybody for protection or relief from the endless surge of violence and systematic torture/death. This group of celebrities teleporting me who have gone on and on with non-stop torture for over a decade with no end no one stopping them and the US Government fully funding and supporting it albeit covertly: without this technology being passed around, Trump would not have been promoted as a poster boy for the fascist Nazi cartel which funds and promotes these fascist/mafia rapist abuser haters who are handed this teleportation/torture technology.WTF/Crass. Is the death of the ecosystem more important than rapist, fascist Nazi and Mafia celebrities winning Oscars year-after-year and obtaining production companies?


What the Fuck (version 1--art rendering with subtitles).  This video spoon-feeds your limited understanding with visuals so you can begin to comprehend the gruesome atrocities you really support when you cheer on the fascist Nazi Mafia leaders who pose as benevolent dictators screaming they are fighting for Democracy. Their celebrity posse leads the way for visual deception and fully endorse every corrupt politician who is a life fuck fascist (posing as benevolent Democratic "fighter" for "Freedom".


WHAT THE FUCK (version 2, with only cover art to sink your phallocentric mind into)





What now? Now you would destroy the earth
Dry the river beds
What now? Now in your control, birth and death
Dry the bodies, incadescent in the heat

Your fire is melting both soil and soul
In plan maybe, is that not enough?
Your war and raving of it is so total
You're consumed by it as you'd consumed us
Would you see the fire from your sanctuary of death?
What terrible pain you need to hide
In your hatred you'd seek to destroy the earth
What is it that you have been denied?
Your mind and its rantings are so barren
What the fuck are you thinking? What the fuck?
Your eyes and their vision, empty, staring
What the fuck are you seeing? What the fuck?

What now? Now you would destroy the earth
Dry the river beds
What now? Now in your control, birth and death
Dry the bodies, incadescent in the heat

So singular your motives, yet impossible to define
How finely lined my destiny in the cobwebs of your crime
So insular your future, so alien your plan
Take all of this if you will and I'll take what I can

A town that is no more
"My god", you say, "what have I done?"
But you won't heed what's gone before
"What pity?", you say, "There is none."
And so you drive the world to war
But this war will not be lost or won
The desolation that you've seen but never saw
Is the lesson that you teach, but never learn
But would you see the fire in the world where you exist?
Will your hard eyes register the pain?
Are you so cold that there is no distress?
Where there's death would you give death again?
No flowers in your landscape, some withered rose
Kicked amongst the corpses where they lay
Halted where all hope died, froze
By the horror of your acts compelled to stay

What now? Now you would destroy the earth
Dry the river beds
What now? Now in your control, birth and death
Dry the bodies, incadescent in the heat

Unnoticed all this in your lusting after death
How determined that your darkness should be shared
Unnoticed in your blindness this miracle of breath
What element of beauty attracts your cruel desire?
Would you see the burning? Is that your delight?
Would you have me see it in your stead?
Would you feel my yearning? Peace, life light
Body, breath. Would you take all this?

What now? Now you would destroy the earth
Dry the river beds
What now? Now in your control, birth and death
Dry the bodies, incadescent in the heat

What is it that you're seeking, so cold & so deprived?
What is it that you dream of in your empty eyeless head?
Why must I share your lust of death? Can you not die alone?
Why must I share your fear of breath, light, life, PEACE?




I have only been writing about this topic for the past 8 years to the violence and abuse from this terrorist network because I foretold what climate activists knew long before I ever began writing these Facebook and this blog monologues inadvertently to the silent terrorist hacker predators reading my posts.

Every person I have been writing of who has teleported me for years with life-f**k mentality have been some of the prime reasons why the very obvious climate crisis has become a threat of extinction not just to the animals that these life-f**k celebrities with their fake charitable hypocritical facades espouse for their tax haven photo-ops, but they have gone along with every agenda that the Paris Climate Accord-breaking Trump has issued for over the past 4 years. Every award they have obtained while I ranted and wrote (even back in 2016, I downloaded songs by Crass about these life-f**ckers--and what evil they truly are. I was not only ignored but tortured for having written such posts. The German pig ape who was beating and raping me, I downloaded songs about the seriousness of climate and of the mentality of exploiting and raping whatever these rapactious rapists consider to be their entitlement to steal, rob and rape and suck the life out of. The mentality of fascism that is so indelibly ingrained into the psyche of the planet through the incentive-based greed apparatus of this organization has lead highly---along with the culture of wealth and glamor that these celebrities push and are addicted to achieving and displaying--the mountains of garbage that they actually create, the filth that they are psychically has amounted to the filth of the pollutants that are now responsible for the increase in global temperatures. Thus you have flooding and the German rapist was right in the line of the floods just a few weeks after he globbed onto latching onto raping and abusing me.

I thus entreat and exhort you readers who are also part of this system to BEGIN to ask yourselves whether these life-fuck celebrities really are WORTH the price of your planet being destroyed and the country falling into fascist Nazi hands who believe that anything they can plunder, that has no defense (including nature and all it's luscious bounty of exploitable resources, the endless vacation resort-building the endless car manufacturing the endless construction the endless waste the endless striving for luxury and appearance--all these and more are a product of the life-fuck celebrities and all that they truly espouse and what they are selling and creating--death and destruction.

Is the movie about a man having a nervous break-down and then going on a killing spree wearing a clown mask or make-up, with the endlessly displayed "Italian-American" psychopathic fascist Nazi actor who nearly has erectile explosions when this German pig ape violinist is seducing him while offering more rewards in good old Germany so the greedy pigs can all stuff more and more into the greed of their ultimately wortheless portfolios which ultimately are driving this now-nearly extinction of the entire planet? Are these celebrities and these lying politicians really worth the destruction of your planet and life?

I entreat people to begin to start to unravel this system of gang stalking which has forced the most despicable scumbags into performing rape and torture acts using this death life-fuck technology of teleportation and these terrorist and whistle-blower-assassination groups of stupid and meaningless, life-fuck goons who obey all commands and laugh and giggle as they assist in slowly murdering through these covert surveillance and stalking groups those who are brave and intelligent enough to actually try to stop these life fuckers?

Are these shitty violent movies about criminals, with murder and revenge in almost every movie with these dopey stupid "comedies" and this computer-generated movie industry really worth the end of existence for the entire planet? 

Now you can see for yourselves that the crises are mounting daily around the world. I wrote about the dangers of allowing this group to continue to manifest, and once more I urge anyone who has any kind of rationality to consider the ramifications of allowing this system of death-mongering haters to continue to unleash their misery upon me and also upon the planet while they posture and claim that they are "superior" for being able to rape and exploit (which includes the mentality of being able to rape the planet for it's resources and then display the luxury items that are actually driving the planet into ruin).  





System, system, system - Death in life!
System, system, system - The surgeon's knife!
System, system, system - Hacking at the cord!
System, system, system - A child is born!

Poor little fucker, poor little kid
Never asked for life, no, she never did!
Poor little baby, poor little mite
Crying out for food as her parents fight...
Crying out for food as her parents fight!

System, system, system - Send him to school
System, system, system - Force him to crawl...
System, system, system - Teach him how to cheat!
System, system, system - Kick him off his feet!

Poor little schoolboy, poor little lad
They'll pet him if he's good, and they'll beat him if he's bad!
Poor little kiddy, poor little chap
They'll force-feed his mind with their useless crap
Force-feed his mind with their useless crap!

System, system, system - They'll teach her how to cook!
System, system, system - Teach her how to look
System, system, system - They'll teach her all the tricks!
System, system, system - Create another victim for their greasy pricks

Poor little girly, poor little wench
Another little object to prod and pinch
Poor little sweety, poor little filly;
They'll fuck her mind so they can fuck her silly
Fuck her mind so they can fuck her silly!

System, system, system - He's grown to be a man
System, system, system - Taught to fit the plan
System, system, system - Forty years of jobs!
System, system, system - Pushing little buttons, pulling little knobs

Poor fucking worker, poor little serf
Working like a mule for half of what he's worth
Poor fucking grafter, poor little gent
Working for the cash that he's already spent
Working for the cash that he's already spent!

He's selling his life - She's his loyal wife;
Timid as a mouse, she's got her litle house
He's got his little car, and they share the cocktail bar
She likes to cook his meals - you know, something that appeals
Sometimes, he works 'til late, so his supper has to wait
But she doesn't really mind, 'cos he's getting overtime
He likes to put a bit away just for that rainy day
'Cos every little counts as the cost of living mounts

They do the pools each week, hoping for that lucky break;
Then they'd take a trip abroad, do all the things they can't afford
She'd really like to have a fur, he'd like a bigger car
They could buy a bungalow, with a Georgian door for show

He might think of leaving work, but, no, he wouldn't like a shirk
He'd much prefer to stay, and get his honest day's pay

He's got a life of work ahead - there's no rest for the dead
And she's tried to make it nice, he's said "Thank you," once or twice

System, system, system - Deprived of any hope
System, system, system - Taught they couldn't cope. (I know!)
System, system, system - Slaves right from the start
System, system, system - Til death do them part!

Poor little fuckers, what a sorry pair
Had their lives stolen, but they didn't really care...
Poor little darlings, just your ordinary folks;
Victims of the system and it's cruel jokes
Victims of the system and it's cruel jokes!

The couple views the wreckage, and dreams of home sweet home;
They'd almost paid the mortgage, when the system dropped its bomb

Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...