Thursday, August 12, 2021

Fascist terrorists can blame the increase in violence to AntiFa, as their usual scapegoat excuse for the seeds of hate that they have sown for how many decades, or centuries or millennium?

"Portland Police investigate homicide on SE Hawthorne Blvd."  KOIN 6

I used to live in this exact neighborhood--or near enough to this spot to walk easily (I can walk for miles without a problem, usually except for the poisoning). However, NOTHING like gun violence ever disrupted the Hawthorne District while I lived there. I would walk alone at night comfortably without a hitch or problem.

However, the terrorist organization was in full effect and in their covert means and ways, have helped to create this atmosphere of violence that is now the product of nurturing of violence. The seeds were sown many years ago and the fruits of the labors of malevolence spawned by this terror operation are cause for "confusion" amongst the locals who can't "understand" why such a sudden surge in violence has occurred. Maybe they can blame it all on "Antifa" as usual.

If I were to try to engage in the lengthy treatise as to how or why terrorist fascist organizations have contributed to the demise of security and safety in the United States and of course with the global terror operation the violence amounts to genocidal practices--I would have to delve into theories which, of course, would engender violence against me for writing about the reality of how these operations create a nucleus of hate and murderous violence which culminates into concentric waves of open and acceptable violent reactions and situations.

I will leave it as a very short statement. Already hackers are blocking this content and my brain is under attack. I am tired of writing about the realities of how this pernicious death organization of fascist Nazis, including many minorities, and how they operate to create and spawn death culture with murder and destruction of the fabric of society (so they can assume the mantel of power afterwards) and their machinations and how insidious the manipulative practices are. I am at a loss for publicizing my writings as well as the simple task of actual writing and thinking due to the covert suppressive acts of sabotage and censorship that this murder terror fascist organization uses to achieve their death culture and violence and destruction objectives.

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