Thursday, August 5, 2021

Still traitors to "Democracy": Biden and Harris honor the Capital officers who defended, fought, lost their lives or were maimed, PTSD's and traumatized for the sake of a host of traitors to America on January 6, 2021.

 "Biden and Harris honor officers who protected the Capitol on Jan. 6." Washington Post. August 6, 2021.

Instead of CGI superheroes performing orchestrated stunts to scripted lines: the real heroes of Democracy are honored by this President who evokes the real patriotic spirit of upholding the goals of a Free and Democratic society (except when it comes to my situation, along with the rest of Congress who just observe and won't stop Nazis and mafia from every foreign country who want to impose infiltrators into H-wood so the Mafia ("Italian-Americans") can continue to monopolize, through their Europ-a contacts and associates who remain the Dark Money influencers and brainwashing into fascist Nazi ideology. But no one responds to my endless appeal to stop these people and much less the Biden Administration but at least they are trying to redress the wrongs of the masses of tv zombies who drool over the fascist Nazi celebrities and all the fake posturing about how they care about Freedom (to rape, plunder and abuse and murder and steal and exploit).

WHEN ANY ADMINISTRATION ACTUALLY STOPS THIS MOST FASCIST AND ANTI-DEMOCRATIC ATTACK UPON ME, WHICH HAS HELPED TO FOSTER AND PROMOTE SO MANY OUTRIGHT FASCISTAS AND REAL-LIFE NAZIS INTO POWER (all claiming they are "fighting" against these movements in their every movie, performance and charitable tax-haven function):

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