Wednesday, November 24, 2021

I studied at graduate level for a Masters Degree for 6 years. I was being poisoned to death the entire time. I had to take online classes because the many universities I had been accepted to, where I had to drive to attend classes, were met with near-death accidents while driving from class and my car being sabotaged and broken. My destitution has likewise been forced through hacks to my internet, such poisoning I can't do more than sit in stagnation (economic) while all avenues of earning part-time through internet, which is all I can do, have been blocked completely. All attempts to earn money have been blocked for years. I mean legitimate work using my skills and not through some degradation poverty scheme of useless and degrading poverty work (I think they want me to be a sex worker and that probably is all they would "allow me to do and then I would be ripped off as well to earn almost nothing). So far, the ultra-wealthy and there are by now many who have pilfered ideas I wrote of, drugged up and unable to actually publish or get anything solid out, (trust me, they make thinking/writing for any length of time and with any substantial work product impossible, literally that is the truth). After my last post about how filthy and disgusting my home has been made in addition to everything else--Creepy YouTube creep show continues: after having posted about the stinking filth attacks by the predatory celebrities and their mainstream Nazi contingent with their subordinate minority minions and poorer white classes all participating (very eagerly, the upper wealth levels most greedily to obtain more and more free lucre out of crime, I think they are fully accustomed to the expectation that they can commit any crime with zero repercussion from any government on the planet, if they can successfully conceal their crimes, and this this situation enforced upon me has demonstrated this in spades with the same ultra wealthy clinging on like real parasites to extract as much out of the contract as possible).

 After I wrote my last post--intending to not write any more but the situation remains in a destitution of poverty and vile filth and hate and vulnerability with top politicians for YEARS enforcing this hate situation upon me, laughing, glaring in hate, threatening to kill me or have me killed more accurately--with celebrities stealing my concepts and blocking me from producing anything. When I fight against their endless slurs and insults about what a "loser" I am after their violence, disfiguration, block  to my career, my home and property and financial situation--when I fight back they threaten me doubly and inflict more violence. All I have been doing for a decade if fighting to get one most disgusting undeserirable rapist abuser celebrity or politician off me after the next as they pile up and sit in row-after-row with politicians and media anchors from "liberal" departments of the entire global fascist mafia organization--all coming to get their free new deals. The longer I fight, the more of these filthy abusers pile up to get their free deals until Nancy Pelosi has been coming just one week prior to important legislation in an effort to get this "liberal" "Democrat" component their deals for the partial promises that the next president can never meet because of the absolute adherence of many of the government officials to absolute "
Right-wing" fascist groups who are hidden and obscured but really pull all the strings at the highest levels. They are the hidden people whom I have not seen operating the clown puppets but like Dark Matter I see the genuflection and bowing of the obsequious "leaders and celebrities" to those who really control them. It is apparently one larger group with a core that has tentacles into almost every business. The more technology proves as an adhesive to their nefarious operations, the more businesses and people are involved until really there is nothing but this organization controlling everyone and thing on the planet. If that sounds far-fetched I just want to state that it has taken me years of being teleported and tortured and fighting to understand the depth of this statement which is unfortunately all too accurate. Always lied about, however,


The YouTube trigger thing was of run-down neighborhoods of mostly black inhabitants in the United States. This seems to be a "response" from the  terror hacking mind programming team, to put out how much worse things could be. I want to state that I don't know how many people in these "hoods" attend graduate school for many or any years. I have come from a position of being disabled and partially paralyzed with this group poisoning me to death and no health care provider ever doing more than prescribing weak Ibuprofin pain killer to me. Absolute lies on all accounts. I was given some alternative treatments but the clinic that provided this at one point in time has been enveloped by the Gates' Foundation and no no longer provides these crucial, life-saving services. In their corporatized glory, they have expanded into huge new buildings but the obvious discriminatory practices that were demonstrated and aimed at me, favoring well-off white college students in a place that is supposed to help homeless and disabled--but I am stating how much of a disadvantage I have had for decades and in my strength I have--after nearly being killed by terrorists in a horrible car crash (in Pensacola on the first day of grad school--then drugged and raped in the apartment complex and attacked by maintenance--and etc etc) and fighting to save my life, studying for 6 years onlin grad courses, only to be poisoned nearly to death and dying and unable to do more than fight in a way that rarely anyone has ever done, and I mean this I have been fighting non-stop for survival for years. My attempts are far above average and I have been knocked down by these terrorist very wealthy. Many of the terrorists have routine appearances in fashion magazines and in movie starring roles and in Haute Couture magazines--always emphasizing their affinity with Europ-a "chic" modelling fashion. They are absolutely controlled by Europigape fascists who make their appearances in the teleportation torture/rape sessions on a nearly routine basis.

YouTube thus had a few videos of decaying inner city slums just after I posted my account of the filth scum attacks that the filthy scum terrorists pour and spray into my room on a routine and non-stop basis (for years). I also can barely clean because of the penetrated hardened chemicals interlaced between my vertebrae and into my hips and all along the interior cavities of my body, so cleaning all the filth is impossible for me and of course with almost no money I can't afford to pay anyone even in a 3rd would country.

I thus want to emphasize that this kind of absolute discrimination has been enforced non-stop by highest levels of the US Government through these ultra-wealthy, politicians who are steadfast adherents of Europigape fascists whom they nearly grovel to in deference, assuming that they are "friends" and claiming some kind of stupid kinship only because their ancestors left those countries and immigrated to the United States years or decades or even a century or two ago. I can assure these dumb idiots brainwashed and deferential destroyers of the US culture that the Europigapes they assume are their near relatives and they are all connected through some imaginary cultural cohesion only because they were somehow connected through genealogy to someone from those countries that the Europigapes have no such identification and no common fondness for their American subservients--that basically is the gist of their relationships that I only seem to be able to recognize. There were some authors in the 19th Century who were very clear about this disparity in the views that Europigapes have towards Americans and the deferential near devotional slavery that Americans bestow willingly in their groveling associations--notably Henry James in some of his more obscure short stories and novels. But now there is nothing similar in the understanding of Americans and the Richard Spencers with their Europhile connections to the really established Nazi party are the dominant features of the ignorance that I must suffer through when it comes to try to undo the clutching Americans grasping for every ounce of my creativity my energy my sexuality to destroy me but keep me alive for more experimental research (i.e. forcing a most unwanted baby out of me, also after they severed part of my uterus while I was sleeping in my own room--that is the extent of violence that two formerly married celebrities have been continuously inflicting upon my body and home for years--only to be endlessly awarded and defended and handed every single thing by Shuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump and I assume a plethora of more at top levels who also control partially the partnership of H-wood with Capital Hill.


But the reference to how much "better" my situation may be by having these videos of slums inserted into my YouTube page does not take into account the YEARS of me studying and fighting to think, heal and obtain a career instead of languishing in poverty and being slowly murdered via poisoning and stress-related illnesses or death through all the decades of non-stop torture that has been forced upon me and is never stopped.

I have not sat upon a stoop in a ghetto getting numb just staring and hanging out in other words--as these videos show intending to pit me into some category. I also am not, as one of the videos then put on my channel showed, a part of the Jewish community and that is no place I can go for any solace as Jews routinely and adamantly attack me with viciousness and sometimes even moreso than the whites who watch on--(as their custom now is because they have so many minority minions doing their dirty work for them, but they are all under the thumbs of these creepazoids who I can't stand seeing or being around or being teleported to or having to deal with. If only I could just live in peace and have the protection of some semblance of a society instead of the mess and the deterioration of the US that these politicians have created--all under the thumb of their "chic" and "Classy" scumbag parasitic Europigape parasites whom they can't tell are just low- and sleazy low-class scum adorned with the wealth that they stole out of genocides and genocides and all their plunder and lies.

I remain under non-stop torture to the death. I keep writing maybe hoping one day something will arise to stop this travesty. I keep reading and hearing from news commentators (all on YouTube, which is why I continuously refer to that channel, to try to understand wth is going on in the US and why this situation concerning me is never being stopped although presidents have been directly involved in attacking me for promotion and profit). I see so many people commenting that "Democracy is on the brink" and yet, these same people see what is happening to me and they remain silent and "obedient" "good" little lying blathering pundits selling off bs to the public which violently attacks me for whatever reason they do it--(someone told me that "everyone gets paid to do this to you").

Somehow no one can equate this gang stalking terrorism with the loss of Democracy. The Big Lie, a term I used long before Biden used it to discredit Trump during the election cycle--and of course I got the term because Hitler used that term and I heard about the use of "The Big Lie" and all that it entails.

so everyone is keeping mum about the Big Lie of Gang stalking and the perpetrator ultra-wealthy celebrity liars who endlessly crank out fodder about how "liberal" and "humanitarian" they are as they try to run for office and the politicians try to become celebrities in order to "sell" their politics and their image.

I remain writing about all the little lies (and not even coming close to being able to write effectively or in detail as I am so blocked form my creative potential and so much of the little bit I have written for years has been stolen to the point that I have stopped writing all creative things just to stop scumbag idiots from stealing my concepts and then being promoted for it--has happened so often it's so disgusting it's not going to stop so I have had to stop writing all creative things at this point this is just endless tirades as my brain is blasted by the tech so it's like a truth serum outpouring with expletives included eventually.

So I am doing it again, entertaining the torturing bigots. The lies are piling up as the US is apparently being torn down by these very same people who are attacking me but promise so much bold and heroic salvation in the future if you just keep buying into their myths and purchasing their performances in both politics and in your celluloid alternative universe that is no marvel but like a marble that has solidified your humanity and your soul and brain into a hard and meaningless block.

But regardless, the numbers and millions of people now "displaced" and the untold suffering and misery has created so many casualties that my writing is just another one, seemingly on a more comfortable level than the homeless and immigrant migrants who are dying in the streets; I can assure you as a result of the politics and policies that people like those attacking me have planned with precision of murderers looking to suck out and suck out all resources and eliminate the population after sucking out and turning as many as possible into smiling and bowing slaves. The technology is also one of their big Lies secret weapons for the furtherance of the desperation-turned-into-slavery obedience and gratitude that the impoverished and destroyed must turn to for any kind of salvation. Meanwhile, the culprits keep cranking out their heroic universal salvation themes and memes about how individual and incredible they are. I remain living in squalor that has been forced upon me and no matter how much I fight no one ever gets involved. The bold headlines keep being printed out about the destruction of the United States and still this situation forced upon me remains a top secret and it's one of the biggest threats to humanity.

But I do not "deserve" to have every single chance and thing I have worked for blocked, stolen and destroyed and used by meaningless haters as their fake presentations about how much they "care" about saving Nazi bigot culture and a few of their straggling minorities who obey and are gratefully  fascist for promotion hanging on to the sinking ship that they are creating. Although they assume that they will inherit the Earth once they devastate as many millions of the global population as possible, I think they are just too greedy, selfish and kinda inherently stupid to understand that they too can sink in the filth that they have created so they can be "superior" through the elimination of everyone else who could possibly compete and succeed against them, as I have all my life until I was so poisoned and drugged and tortured I remain sick and partially paralyzed needing health care and now on top of it all fighting to heal from the endless non-stop destruction of my body without money to go to a doctor whatsoever.

I remain rambling in a sense, my brain is under very strong attack by their brain-altering tech (can't type clearly hacking and obstruction is very bad, my brain goes into eddies circles navigating between ideas and losing thread of thought constantly. I cannot function the attack on my brain is too severe so I write in a messy style).

Utterly vile and disgusting deeds of terrorism enacted by creeple of the same putrefied stuff as the filth they create as terrorist weapons and discrediting. Terrorist multiple attacks (on all fronts and from behind--24/7) report: endless but I will just detail a few of the atrocious, sick, and repulsive stupid deeds this global organization creates (mostly through their minority minions as they sit back and record or watch it unfold through their surveillance equipment or as they stand in the shadows taking videos of the encounters they orchestrate).

 First, the hacking is very bad and I can actually see the result of brain-altering obstruction (aka "mind control technology") literally blanking out various portions of my thought processes while I am in the middle of writing or attempting to communicate. The sensation is so subtle it's nearly invisible and undetectable but the effect is devastating.


Shopping at the "World Class" shopping mall one mile away from my condo. Central Festival/Florista in the middle of Phuket Town. A very large, over 6-ft tall, 30's something (or younger) white male of European origin (looks very German and I think definitely is from that country) has been stalking me at random occurrences for over 2+ years but with increasing frequency as of late at this shopping mall (and at another large but not "world class" place called Lotus's, another two mile from my house but only that distance if I travel at two different directions in a triangulation). 

He has extremely long brown/sandy/blonde hair, past his waist. He always wears large bulbous headphones. He seems to create an atmosphere of nastiness but it's always augmented by groups (mostly of minorities brown/black etc people) but one or two Europ-a's lurking around on the periphery watching on as their teams attack me. 

First the lone male (but he's undoubtedly operating with a host of other people every time but always appears alone and is becoming a real stalker/predator as time goes by. He's been following me around for more than 2 years at this mall so he is a local and has remained living here during the pandemic). 

He's very creepy and his behavior is of a closer and closer proximity to me when I am in small shopping spaces. I lunge away trying to not have any eye contact which he is now trying to achieve as he swerves around me while I am looking at objects in a store. His physical motions are of the jerking predatorial stalking type and it's become more aggressive. Along with his attacks at the Florista Central mall 2 days ago (he follows me around from two malls inter-connected by a walkway overpass with a very large multi-lane freeway underneath--called Bypass road just for identification purposes should anyone care to know). Another Germanic-looking dude with his little brown Thai consort was walking hand-in-hand blocking my exit from the store as exact and perfect timing that had been going on at must spatial junctions at this huge shopping mall had been going on the entire time I was shopping (I go from one mall to the next, to get the best deals at both of the Tops markets where there are foods left out on display on sale, probably drugged as the foods I really like are usually out there with these very blaring yellow sale stickers on them). After years of being stalked endlessly I am not being "paranoid" in these assumptions about how this organization tries to endlessly drug and poison me and keep me seemingly distraught and on the verge of hysteria when I write these posts (that remain mostly unanswered by my Government which is partially sponsoring much of these hate attacks and crimes).

Groups of these brown-skinned minorities walking directly in front of me as they slowly wind around glass "island" booths in the middle of the huge thoroughfare mall spaces to spread out (8 people or so) and then stop abruptly all looking in the opposite direction away from me as they completely block the entire space. Often it is huge groups of whites who will do this, sauntering and then couples holding hands and literally forming a chain blockage as they slow to nearly crawling speed blocking my exit or entrance. This happens to frequently that it is an endless obstruction. I can see that on the other levels of the malls there are almost no people (every time even in "high season") but on every level of this 4-storey mall area the one level I am on is always packed with people and the rest of the levels are almost vacant, perhaps a few people standing and watching with their cameras which means they are using the height advantage looking down to help with the surveillance and harassment/stalking maneuvers and all have their mobile phones whipped out for this purpose (I assume). It is all, of course, intended to look like a "normal" display of behavior in huge, public spaces.

Returning to this condo studio which is so stinking the wafting odors of foul stench and stale fungus and mold waft up as I open the door. The bathroom reeks of urine and stinking substances which have been poured all around the rim of the toilet and into the corners of the floors. My patio has been sprayed with sticky brown fluids which dried. There are little sugar ants everywhere and if I put anything wet to dry outside the terrorists using their mechanical arms pour/spray stinking oily substances with huge, long hair strands which appear after I even clean this patio. I just cleaned the patio before I left and it's sticky, brown, the stains never come off they are laboratory created so every single white piece of furniture in this room is a pale ugly brown moldy color and no amount of harsh chemicals will get this stuff out--nor baking soda or anything I use--and I can't afford to endlessly pay to repair all they destroy in this studio which is something newly broken or made shrunken (clothing, every time it's foul all items stink and have been shurnk and made shabby and frayed--sometimes they take sand paper to materials--this has often been done and for decades I realize it's the reason why the beautiful items I can barely afford due to financial obstruction--the few beautiful items of clothing are nearly shredded with little blobs of the material that has been sandpapered down--nearly to shreds--faded by bleaching and damaged--all I love and all I make and all I have.

Last night the mechanical arms that break through the panels of the rooms on all sides (top, bottom, both sides--don't know how many or from which direction I have been fighting this for over 2 years and longer--since I moved in here years ago). They sprayed stinking gooey fluids on a colorful wrap that has been sprayed for so long that nothing gets the stink out--not bleaching and soaking and washing--the laboratory created mess they spray on my furniture, walls, into my body, food and on my clothing is absolutely unnatural but combines various stinking other "natural" substances in addition to something that binds and adheres to material and bodily structures. The goo was so rotten that I just doused the material in water before washing it and the water was completely brown from less than one minute of running some water over it. I had just cleaned it before leaving this room for shopping two days ago--I mean bleaching and etc. It was "clean" enough (but the lingering smell was faint of the many times it's been damaged for all the few weeks I have owned it--I can only use these sort of body wrap-around items for a few weeks the terrorists spray the clothing I wear on a daily level so badly I have to constantly repurchase new items ever 3-4 weeks--these materials should last minimum 3 months without being anything like worn down under normal wear). this has not stopped for years, and I write of it again expecting no one to ever stop this or do anything about it. I keep reading as I did yesterday on that "Democracy is failing" but none of you ever do anything to actually stop this descent into fascism. Of course, you all approve but I still write this--maybe someone who has some humanity one day will finally respond to help me with defense--it may happen. Otherwise I just remain surrounded by people I consider to be dismally disgusting at best--in teleportation and in this 3-D reality of terrorism that continuously affronts my life and all that I should be able to accomplish--even to live in a clean home but instead I must seal and close the tiny sliding patio door so mechanical arms don't break into this room from outside only to really do more physical damage to my body and even break through the various things I stuff into the front door to stop the terrorists from absolutely breaking into this room, as they have been doing for years (decades) and absolutely poisoning and deforming and attacking me physically while I am teleported to more goons attacking and terrorizing me. A few weeks ago, after a lifetime of the United States government sponsoring this, I was threatened with death by Nancy Pelosi because I discussed how I thought Arnold Schwartzennegger is a fascist Nazi implant of the Europ-a Nazi/fascist organization. She completely supported him and threatened to kill me--thus confirming my suspicion in this and in every way confirming that the US government is just a colonized failing State controlled by incompetent blathering liars who are cunning and Machiavellian but I do not consider this to be at a level of competence to run a Democracy. I was threatened likewise with death by Trump's 2nd wife after I wrote on my Facebook post that actors like Pitt and his wife should not endlessly be awarded after they have tortured me to obtain ideas and promoted and awarded after using this tech to endlessly trash my body, home and life. I was threatened with death, nearly killed when  car hit me, I landed after my handlebars were remotely attacked to swerve 180-degrees downward as I landed on my jaw. My teeth were fine but the next morning they had been literally nearly smashed out by terrorists. For the next half year or longer terrorists got into my room--or they used mechanical arms as I have not stopped fighting to protect my body from mechanical arms breaking in through all these panels and cracks in this room--(many of the areas are impossible to latch down or secure because the walls are faux and the cheap plaster literally crumbles nearly to pieces if I try to screw in even a small screw to try to latch hooks together from the walls to the panels, which are being opened from all rooms on all sides and the entire studio is covered from floor to ceiling like this--impossible to secure without having to pour another cement layer on top of it all--which I cannot do for various reasons.

They have been slashing the gum tissue of the teeth that they smashed to try to literally knock my teeth out. At the time I was in such poverty I could not afford food and I was fighting to buy materials to try to block all the cracks--but it is impossible. I have had to do with mechanical arms breaking into this room but not with the kind of damage that had been inflicted in the past--and so I live with having to tape parts of my body and cover my head to try to stop the damage to my hair and skin--and that is impossible too.

Years of writing about this and to this date nothing and no one has ever intervened to stop this. 


And that is just a tiny bit of an endless slew of violence endlessly aimed at me.

Teleported to the celebrities shrieking that they are smarter and more beautiful than me, as I sit here fighting to heal from the years of them ordering their minions to mutilate, sever parts of my uterus out, make my hair fall out and they have also done something like shred my hair--with balding spots--I can't use three fingernails because of over 8 years of objects being inserted under cuticles in the same spots until the nails are useless and enlarged and the remainder of cuticles are bulbous and huge. My body slathered with damaging chemicals which cause red pimple outbreaks and then some chemical is smeared on the outbreaks to tattoo them into my skin--literally--on legs and arms. Objects have been inserted into my body/under the skin to appear like huge cysts--one is on my leg just above my knee--another one is on my left rib cage area just at my side--it is huge, has been either injected like silicone injected into my body--I have no money to remove any of this. My left large toe completely points into my other toes at more than a 45-degree angle because the pig apes have ordered it to be broken multiple times while I slept. My body is completely crooked due to hardening poisons encasing mind control drugs that none of the millionaires and billionaires nor the poorer or working class will ever help me to heal from as they inflict hate and violence upon me every night in teleportation--last night it was dead animals--every night it has been something related to death of people or animals since the Brooklyn mafia who were tormenting me for years took a break and the celebrity violent criminals began to try to break my body and spirit--only to hand me over to the mafia once again (your famous celebrity mafia icons out of Brooklyn). And it never ends.

so I write this post once more adding to the years of writing and writing and writing about the same sick attacks upon me. 

I want to emphasize that prior to having even beginning to write about the hate and violence of this group I was under worse attack by the non-famous thugs who create these systematic torture actions--so these attacks have nothing whatsoever to do with me not "obeying" their dictates to remain "silent" and be "good" and just let them get away with their every crime, as they have been doing. 

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Terrorist home destruction report: November 21, 2021. Terrorists are creeping in small groups as I leave or enter this huge, emptied-out condo where only the terrorist operation has occupied a few of the very small units. Prior to borders re-opening a couple of weeks ago, I was not singularly accosted when entering or leaving but now there are creeping groups with slouching types of both Thai and White racial identities barging into me as I leave or enter elevators, blocking entries, swarming me in various places, etc etc. They took a laser and cut into the formica on my kitchen sink, just at the thinnest part at the front of the basin of the metal sink area--where I have pounded in hooks into the faux wooden structure to tie the doors into stable position with all kinds of rubber stuffed into the huge cracks because the doors are at least 1/2 inch away from the back part of the cupboard so the mechanical arms can get through the back portion of the panels deeply buried beneath soggy, endlessly wettened stinking corrugated 2 mm wood paneling which bends slightly to the touch even if not wet. This is the prime area where the mechanical arms get through and there is nothing I can do short of installing another panel of putting cement to try to stop this endless egress into my living space. They could also break the structure if I tried to do this and I would be left with a huge gaping hole and a huge problem with the landlord. I have left it as is, and now they have cut the entire top portion of the formica so the structure could, if they cut into another part of this 2-inch formica extension surrounding the sink, literally cause this layer of structure to collapse and break completely.

  The slouching, slinking white Europ-a men and their thin-as-possible/young-as-possible heavily made-up Thai female consorts who eagerly and happily with animation and a thrill to be part of the white fascist Nazi power structure by conforming to fascist Nazi protocols (I have seen it very much before in other races in other places) but it's always the same configuration everywhere I go. They attack me in staggered tiered formations as I leave and enter, and of course the hostility and violent actions taken while I am driving and in stores and leaving entering walking stopping and in every other way I am accosted by sometimes hundreds of the same types of configurations while I am simply trying to get from point A to B on some elongated journey I must take to buy the best discounts at stores which are miles apart. That in itself as to why I must do this is another long story which I have written of for years.

So they are breaking more of this unit which I am financially responsible for. But they are openly attacking an area which is a direct portal of extremely violence aimed at me, this area of the kitchen sink and the wooden (faux wood, greasy plastic sort of coated ugly tan doors which have been sprayed for all these years with brown, stinking sprays that nothing gets off because they are laboratory concocted. (Hacking as usual is making this extremely difficult to type, I am not able to access my real vocabulary or linear train-of-thought all attacks are on "go" at this moment while I fight to get this out so excuse all the randomness and typos and hack inserts or deletions).

Teleported to death and hate scenes last night. So tired from endlessly detoxifying hardened chemicals that have cemented into my spine and body tissue, my intestines and all along the routes and sinews of my body cavities. I am exhausted merely from that endless effort and the sickness attending the detox from these mind control and hardening poisons which alone would destroy most human beings but I have survived, only to have to deal with so much stress, hate and violence from these terrorists who both teleport and attack me in every single place I go and live only so they can be assured of a promotion and a place secured within this ever-enlarging, ever-increasing hate organization of Nazi/Mafia terrorist proportion--I continue to have to fight alone what most people would have died from if forced into this position but I remain fighting and alive fighting for my life and writing about it yet once again as I have done for over a decade to the same silence and the same repetition continuing and the same people who were attacking me over a decade ago (who began DECADES AGO) still behind the people from H-wood who got their endless promotions for attacking me with absolute racist hate and brutality and violence and destruction and all obtaining endless hormonal highs and deals and promotions as they latch on and never let go or stop or are stopped. One president and his entourage after the next so blacks can be promoted into this structure and then Nazis and now "Liberals" and "Democrats" and it's just endless creeping around and me writing about it to the endless silence of the void reading these posts (for over a decade).


My thought process was in a type of "vortex" and lack of cohesion due to the intrusion of mind control tech blasting away at my brain while I wrote the above: the terrorists who broke into my room while I was out shopping the last time I left, in addition to using a laser to cut through the sink formica so the piece can easily be broken and the entire sink area destroyed, irreparable so I would have to replace the entire sink area, costing hundreds of dollars and possible eviction or something like that--with harassment and abuse by this very violent landlord--etc etc but..the terrorists also completely saturated the fabric I have used to line the one operable chair I have in this room which I sit on every day--they cut out the soft protective lining of the bottom of the metal prongs of the structure of the wicker chair--the fabric I put on the floor to protect against the individual wooden slats of the faux wooden floor being lifted up to insert mechanical arms--the coating I put on the floor to stop this has been slashed into ugly and disgusting, stained patches, so I put fabric on the bottom of the chair pieces but of course the terrorists just used knives to slash into the floor covering anyway. And they saturated the fabric covering the pieces to protect the bottoms of this one chair with STINKING AND PUTRID liquids that remained wet and soggy at least 24 hours after having put this on the chair--the entire area stank so badly I had to take all the fabric I had tied very securely off and replace them with other very thick padded fabrics which I had been saving to clean this floor--bending and tying string so it would not be loosened again as they these terrorists have created with the last protective covering so they pieces were falling off, made blackened with filthy greasy material until they finally just sprayed this stinking fluid substance and then also cut into the formica on the 2-inc area of the formica area around the metal sink basin so the entire structure coule easily break or be broken, slowly absolutely destroying the entire formica countertop which would have to be replace--the sink and all. The rest of my studio was sprayed with fungus and mold and the toilet sprayed with urine so it stand and the entire room was stinking and putrid once I returned--absolutely exhausted from having to drive at least ten miles in order to get my money out of my bank account in a way that wouldn't have charge me an extra $40 instead of the $30 that this group forced out of me because they closed the entire one branch of the one bank that will honor a cashier transaction without that extra $10 fee (and most banks in Phuket won't even do that even with a $10 fee attached). I had to spend at least 3 days with my very injured body cleaning and repairing this stinking mess, neglecting to do the things I really want to do or have to do, exhausted beyond belief and in pain from the hard poisons which NEVER stop coming out of my body ever-so-slowly in tiny bits that break off, taking off internal body tissue in the process (literally ripping out of my body so I must also have to repair internal body tissue as well as deal with a suffusion of toxins that rush into my blood stream--now ten years + of this going on and on as I am tortured and attacked day and night, my body blasted with torture technology--tears endlessly forming around my eyes and tears streaming down in these attacks on my eyes/nosethroat that the microchip implants have given the terrorist goons a thrill to inflict upon me if I begin to laugh at the silly videos I watch because all fun, happy people just avoid me, I am left with hate surrounding me and ugliness and filth and stinking mess that these creep terrorists create in my living space and into my body and my life is surrounded by hateful and stupid and sleazy sick creeps operating their favorite hate abuses heaped upon me as the world watches and most people think it's a fun video to watch and can't wait for more and more of this technology to be dispersed. So I am now writing in a stream of rage because the tech is also affecting my emotions in a way that critical and calm thinking has stifled due to this tech blasting into my brain as I fight to get around the endless hacking. Right now the page I am typing on is jumping as I write each letter out--I mean pound out each letter as the keyboard is too stiff to simply write easily upon. If I type faster than at a pounding slow pace the hackers juxtapose the letters so every word written at an increment to the actual speed I can type is absolutely jumbled. So I write this again and again and again and watch on the tube about how murdering protestors (laws enacted back in January or February in States such as Florida allowing legal protection for people who literally run protestors over with cars, even if that results in death) and so, as I write and write and people just read thses posts and can't wait to have more of the technologies handed out to the lower-level goons who participate instead of just the very wealthy--I remain writing and writing and today is just another addition to the censored, unpublished and blocked from all access to mainstream to read--I also have had to block out all "friends' because of the gross numbers of trolls using various identities hacking into various pages to attack me. So I attempt to write today, as I have been doing about this egregious affront to all liberty and privacy which has been fully condoned and accepted and participated in by the list of politicians that is now getting longer and longer, year-after-year--with hissing hate and violence and death threats and ensuing greater destruction. The silence remains and it never is stopped. Waiting to see if America is not going to fully become an infiltrated 3rd world country ruled by Europ-a "investors" and immigrants allotted the best waterfront properties by realtors who are so keen to marry these fascist Nazis and have me swarmed and tortured in places I am paying my own sub-poverty rent in because this organization has poisoned me and broken vertebrae and bones while I have been in that deep, MK ULTRA microchipped/teleported comatose sleep state so I can't feel anything (they also insert various pain-killers into the affected areas so I don't know that I was attacked upon waking).'s just going on and on. I keep waiting for the tenure of various corrupt politicians to bring in perhaps a newer administration and it's only just the same situation from one Republican or Democrat to the next. I used to blame Obama but now I see that he was much more kindly in only one respect than the ensuing administrations and it's just a downhill descent which I do hope that my writing will somehow provide some kind of revelatory reaction out of to the contrary to this colonization into Nazification of America and the rest of the world (i.e. Thailand which is absolutely a colonized country and controlled by these factions in a most overt way, which is why my writings are so blatantly "radical" because the oppressive atmosphere is so open and unconcealed here in Thailand, but still so coated with hypocritical media distortion to the superficial contrary back in the United States (and also in Europe to a very large degree--oh the posturing about righteous attention to fighting against fascism and Nazis is a repugnant lie and distortion of the real activities that I have had to unfortunately be subjected to and thus have to see clearly albeit in this distorted "experimental" teleportation situation which so far is unsubstantiated and thus I appear "crazy" if I try to report this to anybody officially). I so hope that one day evidence will be put forth of my claims because I know there has to be ample video evidence of my teleportation and the endless decades of assault upon me while in all the various waking and sleeping states. For now it is impossible to get a single person to defend me openly.

Friday, November 19, 2021

The Rittenhouse verdict sends a significant confirmation to the likes of Richard Spencer. The technocratic/fascist system forced upon me of microchip implanting, MK ULTRA, terror death squad "gang stalking/harassment" which is an absolute benign term for a malicious deadly global operation of assassination and destruction--are used to create the lie and delusion that white supremacists are the only superior "race" on the planet. People like Nancy Pelosi and Arnold Schwarzennegger, who operated together to attack me most viciously with death threats while I expounded, under hypnosis and while teleported and asleep, about feminist and anti-racist views I hold which are my anchor against their endless torture and mutilation and rape to inflict as deep wounds into my body and psyche as possible in order to break me down so they can claim that they are racially inherently superior--they endorse this-meaning Republican entertainer turned politico and top Democratic politician working together to ensure that this system is never dismantled--this system of absolutely entrenched racism and discrimination but now turned into physical mutilation and brain-altering tech, drugging that renders people nearly incapable of any kind of self-determination whatsoever and a systematic force of civilians used to inflict as much damage to the target with law enforcement and the courts and up to upper judicial and executive players all enforcing this while smiling about fighting for The American People, and Spencer is the very type of "American People" these liars are defending absolutely in addition to their endless millionaire/billionaire status. Rittenhouse is one of the lower-level terrorist "gang stalkers" whom they rely upon to do their murder and "militia" "pro-American" activities. They have given the green light through their covert global organized system to allow for a kangaroo court akin to a lower-tiered banana republic, for which these terrorists really stand. I have been mutilated and physically deformed by this group and then denied all health care and forced into abject poverty by this organization which has created so much destruction I can't begin to get a single thing done to defend myself, the system is so globally entrenched and so many conform to these death squad orders and obey and do what they are told to say, think and perform. I used to, when I was not so drugged up I couldn't function, I WON competitions I was straight-A I was at the top and so they had to inflict all this violence and they still are to create the lie that only white supremacists are superior and that is the very heart of the matter as to why this technocratic hate system has been put into place and the corollary to all that is allowing Rittenhouse to be set free which gives a further green light to the white supremacists to run demonstrators over with cars and shoot-to-kill protestors in the name of self-defense. While they are assembling in their rallies this is the prevailing mentality behind it all which includes the very premise that Democrats like Pelosi and the Clintons--top Democrats who have also viciously attacked me in this situation that their own administrations have helped to further ALONGSIDE TRUMP whom they publicly descry. It is all abysmal but this is the reality. They are now going to torture or attack me further for having written this, and I write to a blase and blank group who never do anything to counter this organization or stop it's endless encroachment upon the planet like a throng of locusts coming to devour and destroy everything for their endless ravenous consumption, all the while claiming they are entitled to stealing and destroying all because they are so "superior". In fact they are so inferior that they are destroying the planet just in terms of climate devastation but even then they are too intrinsically stupid to realize this (referring to how Spencer claims that their targets are "stupid" and they are not).These disgusting, dirty white supremacist pigs have either minorities or "white trash" scumbags pour into my living space to make it filthy, stinking, sprayed with brown grease that never comes off (thus is laboratory-created by this terror organization), they steal and break all appliances they make the walls brown and black stained with fungus and mold. My clothing is perpetually sprayed with horrific chemically-created stinking odors and everything is slashed, ripped, frayed and looks shabby and broken down. If I have a yard they kill all the trees and if I have animals they either take them away from me or just kill them and leave them dying in front of my door. That is how these pig apes claim their "superiority" over me. Because NO ONE will ever defend my human rights they continue and never stop as the US Government continues to fund and defend this system. Blacks come to insult and attack me vicious and Jews participate and are glad it's not them who are under this kind of assault. The rest of the minorities do the same and the system recruits more and more as the disparity divide between wealth and destroyed economies around the planet make more filth soldiers and more white supremacists waiting to go out and shoot and kill and follow in the footsteps of the Nazis for real using all the rhetoric that Hitler used--which you can hear plainly in this video. The Rittenhouse verdict sends that "clear message" and the supremacists are now cheering and waiting for the new gerrymanders Red districts to automatically install more of their white supremacist politicians and fascist Nazi leaders (one of the Congressional leaders wants Rittenhouse to become one of his staff members and this may actually happen in the future). If any of you celebrities out there or people reading this do not want this enslavement technocracy to envelope your lives in the future than perhaps you should stop doing NOTHING about this encroachment due to technology and this ever-enlarging death squad system which you all participate in, whether it's to actively participate in or in your absence of action against it, thus further empowering white supremacy, technocratic genocide and annihilation perhaps even of your children or you in the future.

 "'Hail Trump!': Richard Spencer Speech Excerpts". The Atlantic. November 22, 2016.

#(Interesting, perhaps random, perhaps not--that this article was published on an anniversary of the Kennedy assassination, November 22).

"White Noise | Official Trailer | The Atlantic". October 1, 2020.


What the bigot, subhuman pigapes are likely slurring out in wake of the Rittenhouse verdict--exempting the title of this video, I mean the Nazi rhetoric contained within the speech given by Richard Spencer. The lecture/pig snorting contest lecture does not focus upon Trump but rather on white supremacy lies that are so blatant but of course lies are what they grasp and cling to until they fake it until they try to make it.

Next time they gather I hope Antifa blows their edifices up while they are in their mutual snorting agreement ceremonies.


But unfortunately, the pig apes using this physical torture implant microchip technology on me are forcing my windpipe to close while I am in a deep sleep, causing a literal seal to my air pipes as I make horrid noises of my nostrils being blocked--they do this every single night, my entire throat is shut closed due to this horrid microchip that can force my sphincter muscles to seal closed while I am drinking or eating. The usual teleportation death, hate and violence skits continue with the full sanction of "The State" at top Executive levels fully sanctioning all of this. Rittenhouse was fully cleared of all murder charges. The Wisconsin Nazi system organized the media mock trial circus and the rest of the country---we will see--I have not heard of mass protests yet. The burden of proof was on the Prosecutors and one of the witnesses admitted that he was pointing a gun at Rittenhouse who claimed he fired in self-defense, thus destroying all chances for the prosecution to unravel the self-defense claim. The Nazis have been given a green light to "defend" their white supremacy claims by using lethal violence as a form of "self-defense" and with the gerrymandering efforts of the Republicans the future looks like a massive effort to put down any opposition while H-wood continues to crank out more white supremacist mind control fodder (using minorities in a huge way to assist in this propagandized effort). I have to wonder if Richard Spencer doesn't work for the top levels of H-wood corporate.


*NB: As usual mind control affecting my capability to think clearly and with a kind of sobriety along with hacking terrorist blocks/deletions and etc has created a kind of ranting hate tone of this post that also defies grammatical rules. I am tired of endlessly backspacing and rewriting so I will leave it all as is. I am also not going to re-edit or rewrite the hate rhetoric that I began this post with, the name-calling (pigs and etc that I call these creeple who are not human at all they are a deteriorative affect to the global system. BTW I wrote a comment to this video and perhaps if you are familiar with my various YouTube identities--I have only two and I always use only one--then you can read my comment, which basically is about debunking the lie that white bigots don't "need" the "other non-human races" but instead it's those who are "subhuman" who "need" the white supremacist nazis. I beg to differ because it has been white supremacists who have pillaged he planet with Coloniaistic slavery and exploitation of resources and infiltration and created such poverty and destruction that there is nothing but globally created misery for most of the planet while the rich countries bask in their endless numbers of "slaves" as they really virtually are but only in symbolic reference--and they have their nasty and degraded "slaves" viciously attack me for them as they sit back smug and gloating because this system has been so globally inculcated that it's entrenched. They can now claim that their "superiority is intrinsic to their genetic makeup. I have to agree that when the "minorities" of the world "agree" to this system and fully go along with it they are fully "agreeing" to the principles that Spencer is making in this kind of disgusting speech. But this speech is the core of the actions that Rittenhouse has taken and the courts have upheld this in a very tenuous labyrinth way. It is now extremely difficult to write as the multi-pronged attacks on my keyboard and brain are literally blockign physical and mental functioning. They are juxtaposing letters while I type in addition to a slew of other brain attacks and hacker DOS fails.


12+ hours later after having written the above:  I AM SO PROUD OF YOU PORTLAND ANTIFA AND COOL PEEPS FIGHTING IN THE STREETS!

PORTLAND that city of exquisite petals, not falling off a drooping rose but lifting up into space floating in aerial loftiness.

A place in this world that helped to save my life instead of try to take it. 

Protests are like a salve against the wound of the rotten core of how badly America has openly turned into a gaping cancerous sore infested with bigotry and ineptitude on the part of incompetent leaders.

Portland protests once again and it is like watching something H-wood could never inspire with all it's fake posturing pretenders and fellatio fellas and gals, who of course don't give a damn about the Rittenhouse verdict because they helped to create the atmosphere in which such a verdict could be welcomed by the now openly admitted fascist politicians and "leaders" of the communities--thanks to this very exact contract/situation forced upon me and how fascist exploiters attacking me/teleporting me/raping me/terrorizing me have been put into these positions where such a verdict is now almost the "new normal" of the plague that these celebrities REALLY are creating with all their posturing movie roles with their ulterior motivations spurring on the hate.

Goddess bless Portland, Oregon!

"Protests erupt across US over Kyle Rittenhouse verdict". Guardian News. November 20, 2021.



A little later...upon retrospect from what I wrote above about Portland. Deary readerz, do not misunderstand me. I am not a member of Antifa and I am not gung ho about advocating smashing in windows in protest. But in this situation, and from years of murder attempts, rape, torture, my home/body and life and ideas stolen, trashed, destroyed by ultra-wealthy who preside over the likes of Rittenhouse, who is a lessor pawn in the strata but many like Gosar want to induct him into the Halls of Congress as a staffer simply for the fact that he shot and killed "left" "Libtard" protestors. I am very glad for a counter protest to these Neanderthals and at heart I actually wish these killing bigots the greatest harm possible. Some people are denouncing the Biden Dept. of Justice and Biden himself. I said on Day #1 that this was going to NOT be the "Dawn of a New Day" as Biden touted as his opening slogan for his inauguration. When I see photos of Pelosi with huge smiles because, with attacking me somehow I believe that was part of her enabling for this Democratic series of Bills to be passed--like the promotions for all these exploiters I simply believe that attacking me was part of the deal and that the same forces approve or disapprove of all actions taken by their seeming top leaders who all answer to this most secrtative organization. I was exploited to "prove" that Pelosi is really just a good fascist Nazi and is playing her role (to block all taxation of the ultra wealthy, for instance) as infiltrator fascist mafia into highest positions of the political entities that all must answer to this organization that gives the REAL nay's or yah's when something is approved for action. The center of the rotten-to-the-core group, in other words. I am diverting from my main point the attack on my brain and the keyboard is very strong indeed, as usual.

I am glad that there are protests I am glad that people are destroying various inert objects (I am glad no one has been hurt but if anyone has to be hurt let it be the fascist Nazis and no one else). I really truly wish these bigots great harm I really want to see them utterly gone from this planet at this point. thus, I wrote about Portland because there was violence I am glad for it as a token of the violence that Rittenhouse and the aftermath and the verdicts have all brought into America, this acceptance of MURDER BY BIGOTS of those they hate or are fighting. The shooting and murder of unarmed people who police or bigots want to destroy (in jails, prisons and in the streets but as I know all too well, through carefully orchestrated assassination protocols and targeting such as what I have experienced for years and years without end and it's not going to change tomorrow but maybe one day, with people like those in Portland, it will and will have to under the burden of violence because that seems to be what it will take to stop these fascists mafioso and thugs and whores and pigs and apes (not to insult the real animals of course).

Perhaps these attacks have radicalized me after all. The verdict for Rittenhouse bespeaks of unspeakable injustice. I have been experiencing it for years and years without end. Even those pundits and political commentators on YouTube who are lamenting that wealthy white males are getting away with rape think it okay when their black friends/celebrities participate in white male rape entitlement when it comes to me if these black celebrities get a promotion out of it. I suppose they assume that my torture is the willing price of hypocrisy that they will gladly ignore and then attack me for protesting about what Auntie Gemimas and Uncle Toms they are when they finally abuse me to the point of wishing them great harm as I scream t his at them, while their fascist Nazis and mafia friends pat them on the back. Such is the system I am facing. This is so incriminating for so many people that these topics are rarely if ever mentioned on these media circus platforms. I remain "ignored" but tortured for writing any REAL thoughts while these writings are being scoured for what the stupid asinine pig ape celebrities and their little creepy children can all steal so they can present themselves as being somehow benevolent (despotic dictators or enablers in the making).
Oh how I am tired of you parasitic performers and the crap you all crank out and say and do. I am sick of the racist system of injustice and sick of the bigot minorities helping to prop up the white supremacists who help promote their friends in the media top circus rings to all get more media attention. All the lies are concealed behind stringent rhetoric and hissing diatribes about injustice.

THUS I HONOR the real protestors and fighters in Portland today for their violence and I hope that soon people will be smashing in the studios of H-wood as well for the bs racist crap disguised as "hip" rappers and gyrating-for-righteousness and blathering bs operator tv talk show host of legion that represent the bowing down oppressed that the bigots have created. 

Goddess bless Portland Oregon for having done a real PATRIOTIC act of the overthrow of injustice. Whatever the prosecutor in the Rittenhouse trial may have "failed" to present to the jury everyone knows that beyond the few trees there is a forest that should be burned down.

Welcome to law and order, USA, 2021: The trail of Nazi methodology which A-list H-wood celebrities are following in order to be promoted by the international cartel ruling that ersatz conglomerate brainwashing machine aka H-wood. The exact same system is in operation towards my ideas, writings and concepts/thoughts being extracted using mind control trauma, torture, or thought-reading technology.

 "Hitler's Court (2019) | Full Movie | Honorable Sol Wachtler | Prof Benjamin B. Ferencz". Vision Video. November 10, 2020.

While I was writing the below posts on the Rittenhouse trial and the corollaries to Nazi judges and sham, undemocratic trials, I found on my YouTube channel this video (below) with a more detailed history into the many steps taken to dismantle the formerly refined German jurisprudence system, which also included Jewish and other "minority" lawyers, judges and commentators and analysists and the other cogs in the general assembly of legality. 

The exact quote at 32 minutes into the video are the exact protocols aimed at stealing my ideas by this insidious group of unscrupulous, Nazi/Mafia affiliated actors, singers, directors, producers--of all races and group/pseudo-religious identification but all really are immersed into this one group identity to which they owe their true allegiance. It is an allegiance Far and above any concept of regional identity or racial identification.

The Nazi lawyers and legal actors simply stole what Jewish writers, lawyers, and those involved in the Bar Associations and in written works decrypting laws and legal analysis simply had their words and ideas STOLEN verbatim. Transcribed into the same exact ideas or literally stolen verbatim and just carried-over to German/Nazi lawyers who claimed responsibility for the laws. The same protocol has been in operation for over a decade and is still ongoing in my particular situation. 

It's not only that nothing has essentially changed in that respect from what happened to lawyers in Germany to what has been happening and being forced upon me, but that the corruption has "evolved" (or de-evolved if you will) into nearly every group participating in the criminal protocol and almost no one actually condemning it or making it a public issue so it can be addressed in any way. The scope of this type of theft has enlarged and enlarged and in the course of the last few years the numbers of celebrities and politicians and news anchors involved in participating fully and happily in most cases with this situation (almost all from "The Left", many "Progressives" and etc). One group claiming it is oppressed fully and viciously attacks me for the purpose of attacking another group in order to prove to the Nazi Mafia that they are fully in tune with anti-Semitism and glare and attack me with vicious hate when I write of their collusion with this group which they publicly claim they are "fighting" against by making millions of dollars in their entertainment performances for celluloid distribution--holographic.


I am thus watching a film clip with commentaries by people who had either been alive during the Nazi onslaught (The Axis powers, I rarely see Italians who had lived through Mussolini and descried it mostly the people who are interviewed are from Germany and Italian participation which is still ongoing in this effort at fascist take-over of t he planet is completely ignored by the media and by people in general except for those fixed on that kind of focus, which I have never seen in any public media tv show. I am not a prolific tv viewer so I am limited in getting that kind of information but the Italian portion of that aspect pales in comparison with the German).


Thus things are still the same but the realization of the situation has been completely covered-up. Old clips from 30's-40's rallies remain as the only remnant of that with those commentaries from former witnesses of these now dying demographic groups who had witnessed the actions of the Nazi destruction of Democracy and the onslaught of fascist dictatorship. The protocols remain the same. My nearly 10 years of writing about this situation has produced no real significant response from three presidential administrations and yet politicians at highest levels are involved in this attack upon me, but I am not really at liberty to write any longer as I can't deal with more and more violence for trying to write about the reality of this ordeal that my government and country has forced upon me. 

Welcome to law and order, USA, 2021:

Thursday, November 18, 2021

The screaming, Naziesque judge in the Rittenhouse trial and the trail of Nazi/Mafia groups in Wisconsin and in international operations I have personally encountered in this MK ULTRA mind control, implanted horrible contract (that I just discovered was happening to me in the last decade after a lifetime of having been lied to by every body around me, having moved around the world not a single person ever told me). But to continue: the trial and the trail. : I have only watched a few clips and 30-minute videos of the Rittenhouse Trial so far, and heard a few Youtube commentaries on the subject. Of course I was aware of the situation when it happened and was reported on the news with all the hurrah's! Coming from the likes of Coulter and inc. One of the clips of the trial, which appears to be on the verge of a sham show trial in some respects, reminded me of the famous (in Germany) Nazi jurist/top criminal trial judge Roland Freisler who would hang 99.9% of all defendants accused of any "crime" against the 3rd Reich--would shout along with other insults, "Yes or NO?" interrupting any response from the defendant to each of his pronouncements of guilt at the trembling, bowed-head defendant who was trying to get out of being horribly killed. They weren't all hung, some were beheaded (The Scholls) and etc the men who tried to kill Hitler were hung up on meat hooks, alive, all filmed with Hitler viewing purportedly amused or laughing at the dying struggles of the men who tried to bomb him in a meeting.

 "Judge Roland Freisler - aka 'Raving Roland'". PineTreePictures. December 22, 2006.

"Judge shouts at prosecutor in trial for Kyle Rittenhouse". 11 Alive. November 11, 2021.

"'Don't get brazen with me': Kyle 

Rittenhouse judge slams prosecutor". Reuters. November 11, 2021. 

"Conspirators of July 20 Plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler appears at People's Cour...HD Stock Footage" CriticalPast. July 4, 2014.

"Liberal Redneck - Rittenhouse Trial". Trae Crowder. November 16, 2021.

Some REAL Southern comfort---A real Good young boy, a promise for a more humane AND SANE America.

The judge in the Rittenhouse trial reminds me of a toned-down version of this (much toned-down in fact, apparently they must still follow the rules of court proceedings and court demeanor but if you have watched movies or videos on this subject, as I have while living in Germany and these types of documentaries or movies were literally always on one of the three public tv channels (before all the cable was so popular). I thus watched Roland Freisler, famous Nazi judge and was reminded of the tone, action and hostility that the judge in the Rittenhouse trail demonstrates towards the very meek prosecution (who I first thought was the defense attorney for Rittenhouse when I first turned on any clips on the proceedings on Youtube, not knowing which attorney represented which side).

Having gone to high school in Milwaukee and being surrounded by Nazi members of secret groups and attacked for not obeying and succumbing, while being drugged so badly I could not study or think and was really under severe and deadly attack by Nazi adherents in my wealthy and prominent high school---and the teachers and like everywhere else, almost everyone else either remained silent or got involved in the attacks--although unlike now there were some people who openly defended me but I had no idea why or what they were doing (they were incensed and almost violently defended me, but now that is not the case at all).

Wisconsin has a huge Nazi-support organization and I was brought to Europ-a's (in this situation it was a couple out of Austria) where were handed the equivalent of Wisconsin mansions who were at the epicenter of an action taken against me that involved severe crimes. Essentially they were at the epicenter for training into the methodologies of Nazism, pure and simply put. The Austrian couple came from working class backgrounds in their native country, and claimed that America was a place where making a lot of money "was so easy". The wife was a homemaker and the husband an "electrician". His first name was Walter and I believe his wife's name was Anna but I can't remember her name only the huge collection of dolls (large child-sized dolls sitting on chairs all over her living room, very kitsch by the way). I know of no other electricians performing household electrical jobs of that class level who live in huge expansive, expensive mansions with large acres of pristine land in the middle (somewhere) of Wisconsin--I was driven there at night and not told where it was--I was drugged up. The couple make a determination about how they were going to instruct these people with the political backing and background on how to exploit me and the outcome was fully protected and I had no concept or understanding of what was happening to me. The family which performed these criminal and sickening and disgusting deeds of rape and poisoning of me all claimed they were religiously oriented and had high moral standards--which they elaborated upon endlessly towards me. This family which took me in were involved with Milwaukee politics (City Council). That system is integrated and rampant and more open in the more rural areas of Wisconsin where the Posse Comitatus and other militia groups proliferate (not to mention Michigan and Illinois, for example).

I am pro-militia if the group is bona fide but there are some like the Montana Militia which fosters Nazi anti-Government actions (I was attacked by someone in Miami belonging to MOMA who had a clear criminal record/felonies, was part of the mafia --called himself "Italian" but of course was American born-and-bred but only identified himself as being of another country with fascist, Nazi and mafia connections and associations in all respects-- and was a demolitions expert, bragged about all the guns and weapons he had, and was extremely violent towards me in a covert fashion using the drugging and mind control apparatus. He was "awarded" with a huge new business after having attacked me, courtesy of the S. Florida fascist Nazi mafia secret organizations which are not so secret and are openly operating as such in public in many areas, and that has been increasing in the past few years).

I support those who support the Constitution and form regulated militias to defend the country, not those who fight to dispel elections without actual clear evidence as has been the case. These are the pro-Nazi types that claim they are fighting for the US Constitution and for their "freedom" (to kill anyone they don't like, in these gang stalking domestic terrorist activities that have been fully supported by the US Government all my life--meaning up to this very moment (as hacking and brain attacks are rampant while I fight typing and rewriting constantly as hackers are blocking functioning of my brain and keyboard). This is the next wave of Nazi terrorism, the judicial system has also been taken over by such types and people are commenting that the trail of Rittenhouse appears to be something akin to a sham.

Here is one of the exemplars that perhaps these trial lawyers and the judge are emulating in the Rittenhouse fiasco. People are expecting the verdict to obliterate justice. The 500 soldiers surrounding the city of Kenosha are ready for demolition of angry rioters. They are still carrying bottles of water to throw to the militia members who come from other states such as Illinois to "help" and assist with all their rifles and munitions.

NB: I have had to repeat functions to copy and paste links for the videos, retype and backspace and try to "remember" important points the entire time of fighting to pound out this post. Hackers deleted links as and changed fonts and made much almost impossible to get through. Writing this post took at least 20 minutes longer than it should have due to so many blocks the fight for me to write, think and post and get things done was almost at the impossible stage. I really had to fight to get this out. Whatever mistakes or non-sequiturs are due to this endless harassment effect by terrorist hackers and mind control operators.

I am now doing a bit of re-editing because as I get up and leave this spot where my brain is under attach by "mind control" technology aimed into this spot, I "remember" salient points I want to include that at least clarify my claims or remembrances. Hackers have done a job of rewriting, inserting wrong spelling and deleting little portions of sentences. It's messy and I spent more than enough time just trying to rewrite one single part of a paragraph, which I had to fight to do because hacking intrusion on the keyboard is severe and my brain is just being pummeled with this tech as I sit here so I can't "remember" or think in clear, linear fashion I just digress and wander off in thought process. It's extremely time-consuming and especially as I am a very fast typist and capable of clear and linear thought. All of this should have required at least 1/5th of the time I have had to actually spend to pound and fight to get any of this out, only to see that it's been partially deleted and rewritten by terrorist hackers.