Friday, November 19, 2021

Welcome to law and order, USA, 2021: The trail of Nazi methodology which A-list H-wood celebrities are following in order to be promoted by the international cartel ruling that ersatz conglomerate brainwashing machine aka H-wood. The exact same system is in operation towards my ideas, writings and concepts/thoughts being extracted using mind control trauma, torture, or thought-reading technology.

 "Hitler's Court (2019) | Full Movie | Honorable Sol Wachtler | Prof Benjamin B. Ferencz". Vision Video. November 10, 2020.

While I was writing the below posts on the Rittenhouse trial and the corollaries to Nazi judges and sham, undemocratic trials, I found on my YouTube channel this video (below) with a more detailed history into the many steps taken to dismantle the formerly refined German jurisprudence system, which also included Jewish and other "minority" lawyers, judges and commentators and analysists and the other cogs in the general assembly of legality. 

The exact quote at 32 minutes into the video are the exact protocols aimed at stealing my ideas by this insidious group of unscrupulous, Nazi/Mafia affiliated actors, singers, directors, producers--of all races and group/pseudo-religious identification but all really are immersed into this one group identity to which they owe their true allegiance. It is an allegiance Far and above any concept of regional identity or racial identification.

The Nazi lawyers and legal actors simply stole what Jewish writers, lawyers, and those involved in the Bar Associations and in written works decrypting laws and legal analysis simply had their words and ideas STOLEN verbatim. Transcribed into the same exact ideas or literally stolen verbatim and just carried-over to German/Nazi lawyers who claimed responsibility for the laws. The same protocol has been in operation for over a decade and is still ongoing in my particular situation. 

It's not only that nothing has essentially changed in that respect from what happened to lawyers in Germany to what has been happening and being forced upon me, but that the corruption has "evolved" (or de-evolved if you will) into nearly every group participating in the criminal protocol and almost no one actually condemning it or making it a public issue so it can be addressed in any way. The scope of this type of theft has enlarged and enlarged and in the course of the last few years the numbers of celebrities and politicians and news anchors involved in participating fully and happily in most cases with this situation (almost all from "The Left", many "Progressives" and etc). One group claiming it is oppressed fully and viciously attacks me for the purpose of attacking another group in order to prove to the Nazi Mafia that they are fully in tune with anti-Semitism and glare and attack me with vicious hate when I write of their collusion with this group which they publicly claim they are "fighting" against by making millions of dollars in their entertainment performances for celluloid distribution--holographic.


I am thus watching a film clip with commentaries by people who had either been alive during the Nazi onslaught (The Axis powers, I rarely see Italians who had lived through Mussolini and descried it mostly the people who are interviewed are from Germany and Italian participation which is still ongoing in this effort at fascist take-over of t he planet is completely ignored by the media and by people in general except for those fixed on that kind of focus, which I have never seen in any public media tv show. I am not a prolific tv viewer so I am limited in getting that kind of information but the Italian portion of that aspect pales in comparison with the German).


Thus things are still the same but the realization of the situation has been completely covered-up. Old clips from 30's-40's rallies remain as the only remnant of that with those commentaries from former witnesses of these now dying demographic groups who had witnessed the actions of the Nazi destruction of Democracy and the onslaught of fascist dictatorship. The protocols remain the same. My nearly 10 years of writing about this situation has produced no real significant response from three presidential administrations and yet politicians at highest levels are involved in this attack upon me, but I am not really at liberty to write any longer as I can't deal with more and more violence for trying to write about the reality of this ordeal that my government and country has forced upon me. 

Welcome to law and order, USA, 2021:

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