Friday, November 5, 2021

Teleportation Journal: A new chapter for this blog, another facet of years of trying to "document" under drugged up hysteria the tortures being turned into a circus spectacle/witch hunt for the criminal terrorists. Already hacking is preventing me from typing clearly. No doubt as I write this my brain is and will continue to be stymied from memory and function by terrorist "mind control" censorship.

 This will be a recount of the travesty of the nasty that the terrorist celebrities are inflicting upon me. I should have done this a long time ago. I was told by more highly-educated folk that keeping a journal of dreams or thoughts is essential and important. I think they meant that they had been instructed by their own "handlers" to tell me this so my trauma-based mind control experience could be further documented for the experimental research logs and files. I suspect that the tortures that are without cease imposed upon me are also intended for this very purpose, to block all support for me and leaving me only written testament which is abruptly IGNORED by all yet retained for some kind of record for research and calculation into how to more aptly manipulate and control human beings using this insidious multifaceted system (that includes people observing who are being mind controlled to do nothing and just enjoy watching it all go down, feeling of course joyous that they are "entitled" and that they can covertly participate in a witch hunt/torture and otherwise violent situation where they have no threat of legal repercussion while appearing to be ostensibly following the law and being a good citizen).


It was a French woman wearing some kind of fashionable garb with her hair swooped up on the right side of her knob, huge gilded or studded with probably rhinestone earings, three on one side. Brownish hair. Rushing at me yelling about something but I could not understand it. Filled with the fascist posturing of trying to control me in a Nazi version of the French form. Her words were unintelligible her accent was slurry. Prior to that I had been in some situation but my memory is blurry at this point on what had happened. I had been invited somewhere and people were beckoning and welcoming me in, only to attack me once I "accepted" the invitation. 

This type of snare is one of the most ubiquitous forms of the terrorist network: smiling invitations, warm handshakes, welcoming into their traps. Once inside, snarling hate, fascist poses, rip-offs and other nastier forms of attack begin immediately. Always happening unexpectedly. Their favorite version of attack is always to come from behind, symbolically or otherwise. Teleportation makes for an excellent use of attack because your vision can be absolutely manipulated and they can physically assault or rape you from behind, from oblique angles, or directly in front of you while your vision is blurred or you are in a blackened hypnotic state just "waking up" out of the trance--while sleeping and being teleported. Completely vulnerable. They are completely violently sleazy and disgusting in almost every situation but like all parasites, every vulnerability is exploited and there is the endless assumption that this makes for prime preying and assumption of power and power to the people who can usurp as much as possible without getting punished for it. Their paradigm, not mine and not in the concept of Democracy as I have been trained to believe that it should have been installed into society. (Hacking once more is making this nearly impossible. Keys won't appear when I pound down because the keyboard is so stiff I must literally pound down with all my hand and nearly arm strength--etc etc )

They beckoned me in, and then once I was "shunned" this fascist French skank began yelling something I could not understand at me. This was outdoors at this point as I was leaving the place where they had first invited me in, only to reject me. My choice subconsciously was to get away from these creeps. Of course, they block every passage and use every means of forcing themselves upon me even though I want nothing to do with any of them in real life or in teleportation. As she began yelling at me I blacked out and the next thing I knew I was body-slamming her and ready to fight her physically. Of course, the creeps always have back-up and I am ALWAYS alone, so a male stood within a foot glaring at me as I was instructed under this hypnotic state (while deep asleep, teleported, sick from detox and after years of torture and duress with no support system at all times everywhere on the planet). I then kept a short distance from her and told her that her English was very bad and she was incompetent to perform this task (the words just came out, maybe they had been input into my brain by the terrorists?). She spoke in hateful words "My English is very fine" and I began to menace her again and wanted to fight her because instinctively I think of such people are expletives and want them really to be destroyed (literally). As she backed away in confusion I blacked-out and was awoken in the dead of night, black skies outside, and slightly remembered this dream thinking in disgust as usual that I have to undergo these creepazoids every night while sleeping. 

I was then teleported to the actors who have been at the forefront of this terror teleportation, torture, mutiliation, slow murder contract with expectations of being handed some kind of universal control over H-wood or the media if they use mind control, brainwashing, torture, concept/art/information extraction so the empty and meaningless parasites can present themselves to the world as being heroic rescuers of society (the female at this point has sucked so much ideology about feminism and domestic violence that her many films espousing herself as some kind of defender for women --notice it's really only for Nazi and blonde and fascist women and of course women like me are "supposed" to be maimed, disfigured, bloated, crooked, raped without end, abused, suffocated with cleaning up their filthy shit, abused, tortured, kept out of society, kept out of a career, with them being put into lead "female" positions in the realm of the white-male purview. ).

The male has been obtaining contracts and awards ever since obtaining this entrance into endless profit and promotion by exploiting me and this contract.

They were laying face-to-face on a bed. Her red-smeared huge lips were in a grimacing smile of complicity with the male who stared at her lovingly. They were not touching but emotionally were paired in an emotional embrace of fellowship into this ring of power dark empire that has put them into this position of promises of power if they just continue to misuse technology. Oh how the fascist Nazi networks of the world love this couple and follow their every mishap and divorce scandal where she appears to be claiming she is fighting against domestic violence and fighting for female power (ideas she only began to blah blah blah out once she began to abuse, torture and rape-enable with this host of men who have performed rape in front of her and she and her hubby have watched me get raped and disfigured, mutilated, maimed and abused non-stop ever since).

I am extremely tired of pounding down right now but this is the gist of this depiction for today. I should have been writing these sick and stupid asinine teleportation skit details for years but maybe I was under hypnosis and instructed not to do so.

I detoxed last night a chunk of hardened pieces that have left me feeling exhausted and sick and my body remains bloated, crooked and sick and decaying from the remnants that remain hard and encrusted into my spine and into my flesh I have spent more than a decade fighting to get this poison out while this couple mentioned above (Pitt/Jolie) have exploited and tortured me along with a rotation team of other celebrities and politicians and have never helped me to obtain health care and have blocked it in fact from my access. I still, after all these years, deal with their violence while fighting to heal from CIA mind control/hardening poisons without the health care I need or a way to exercise as I see my body just decaying and dying from stress and from muscle atrophy. If these greedy, selfish b-tards would just be forced to each contribute (by force, it would have to be) a mere $200 each per month so I could pay to live in a decent home with a private swimming pool (cost per month $1000 here in Phuket). But no, they must conform to the fascist protocol, they believe they owe me nothing. Their mentor Danny Moynihan who literally stole verbatim my writings and words and passed them around to people like THEM and others out of this ever-widening circle of celebrity pop stars, singers, rappers, professors, intellectuals, tv news anchors, etc and all of them are instructed and eagerly follow this "dictate" that they owe me nothing but more abuse, more hateful sneers, more joyous insults as they laugh and giggle at the ease to which they get away with these crimes using these various terrorist technologies undoubtedly being passed around with the gratified sanction of Homeland Security, or the CIA ,or the NSA, or their off-shoot "Dark money" sponsors,  probably under some "anti-terrorism" funding. They give nothing and have stolen not just my ideas but my life essence my health my cat my home my body and they believe that I am not "supposed to" complain about it. That I have ZERO human rights and they are told that they are the burgeoning and new power structure and the new "elite" which is replacing the old guard which has been promulgating this system and retain their power positions up until they are well past retirement age. 

Welcome to the future of exploitation. It's their "dream" and a fabricated nightmare for those they can't stand to see have a chance to compete against their fascist overtake of the United States and of the world.



Approximately 3 hours later: after getting up I realized that I had "forgotten" to write something under the mind control duress and hacking interference and block to expression. When I wrote above that I "body-slammed" this offensive French creepy woman in this teleportation episode, I had in the "back of my mind" the concept that I have never once in my entire life done such an act towards anybody else, and have never conceived of the idea. Like all the HYPNOTIC SUGGESTION that I must try to figure out (usually after the incriminating incident has transpired and it's too late to stop or reverse it)---. In other words, this was an action created in the subconscious grey zone of hypnotic suggestion. I had "blacked out" and then resumed my action by "body slamming" this person. I know from reading a tiny bit, an iota, about hypnosis, that it hinges upon skirting around the critical faculties that warn or direct reasonable action and instead relies upon biases, or buried wishes or desires that can be exploited to get someone to act. In my former state while describing the teleportation act of violence that was forced upon me in a stop-and-start editing process of hypnosis and attack for mind control "experimentation", I "wanted" to attack this woman and any person acting in a fascist or otherwise offensive manner using the triggering gestures. The triggering gestures once simply mimed silently by the terrorist attackers can be enough to trigger a psychological, if not internalized, response. I "wanted" to attack her but never thought of body-slamming her or hitting her. This was a mind control operation. 

One of the goals that the people at top tiers of this terror operation want to see is me miserable, hateful, yelling, fighting and begging in futile desperation on the internet for help and for this to be stopped, which never results in anything but silence and the promotion of the criminals participating who are being trained into fascist Nazi/Mafia ideology for total usurpation of the planet from all they can extract. People at lower levels never conceive that their own lives are in danger when they participate in helping these unscrupulous criminals into higher ranks of power.

So I have to sift through the teleportation skit episodes to try to understand the machinations of hypnotic suggestion. Tied in with excessive and non-stop drugging with these devastating mind control drugs, plus the technology that blankets brain functioning, plus a system of organized terror that extends from the Orwellian dystopian version of family members up to teachers, co-workers, neighbors and into the highest ranks of government. I can understand it but without any kind of defensive group supporting me I can only try to write on this heavily censored blog which is restricted in readership only to those who are fully-fledged members of this terror organization. It's a planet of them. I hope that some of this information can sift on down to those who care and want some kind of future for their lives without state terrorist control watching over your very thoughts and punishing or killing you for wrong thoughts, all actions under surveillance, and people controlling these technologies who act upon enraged fits of entitled immaturity if they don't get exactly whatever they can usurp from the target, who is "supposed" to never say no and expect to receive nothing in return and then understand that eventually they will be eliminated once their usefulness is outdated for the exploiters who feed off everything possible. That is the future of this technology and I can assure you that the intelligence quota is already of a low standard for the bearers of this technology. If they obtain more power and don't have to hide in plain sight any longer, expect an almost Neanderthal level of entitlement intertwined with punitive measures for not getting what they want immediately without question from the exploited groups--which WILL grow exponentially once more governments get on board with this system and Democracy becomes an outright sham cardboard icon.

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