Friday, November 12, 2021

A succinct list of situational terrorism my s**@t list:

 1: I have stopped detailing the expletive celebrities who are assaulting me in a never-ending line-up of people looking for easy promotions. The latest is not a shocker for me but as usual represents "The Left" and it's efforts to create a peaceful, healthy planet. This is one of the Europ-a-land reps for sustainability and a healthy planet. It's filled with vicious hate and negativity looking for it's easy promotion into more fame. It represents efforts that indigenous peoples all over the planet never achieve because she is the face of Europigape chagrin over policies that pigs like her actually covertly support because it's part of the "entitlement" process for white supremacy and Nazi/fascist/Mafia looting and plunder and vernichtungen.

Writing about these creeps has proven to only help to promote them. It appears that if they are abrasive abusive annoying cloying stupid sleazy violent making me queasy they get a free greasy uplift for their sagging careers. I then get tortured for writing about them even though my writing about their ugliness and stupidity is one of their main objectives (which is part of the protocol for obtaining their greasy promotions for being so easily programmed into fascist behavior modification as they too are "mind controlled" subjects who never resist if they get free deals they have no qualms about any kind of exchange of mental freedom because they don't really think independently anyway so there is nothing much to lose in that respect, for them in this exchange of simply following orders and then being promoted into higher positions of "authority" to meet out more violence and terrorism to other unsuspecting targets who are left with zero support and all law enforcement in the global terror police state supporting all the upper echelons of the terror organization.

It turns out this was not succinct all. I was going to write a brief sentence highlighted with bold letters to accentuate each item and it turns out the subject matter is just too significant to reduce, although I'm sure the ever-reductive celebrities are capable of reducing the most complex of ideas into basic 3rd grade level sentences for easy comprehension to the point that it's forgettable and doesn't penetrate to any great level of the mind, heart or soul.

They also are threatening me constantly to take away my money and sustenance. The rip-offs from businesses are so tantamount at this point--I mean an entire bank being shuttered to block me from obtaining money so I must spend an addition $8.50 in addition to a 3% banking fee--my bank I use does not charge this fee on their end, and there is only this one bank that will allow me to use their banking services without this fee. Thus I had to spend that extra $8.50 and to these greedy, sleazy celebrities and activists and intellectuals who live in mansions and are constantly showered with free gifts and all expenses paid and the longer they shower me with undeserved hate and unjustified terrorism the more free gifts and entitlements they are handed, so they never stop.

The latest addition I criticized which to these "entitlement" wanna be fascist tyrant dictators you call your "Leftist" celebrities, any criticism in the slightest could be justification on their part to have you executed assassin-style. This latest hag-looking thing celebrity just rushed at me with screeching hate as the blonde Nazi group sat with legs spread in sexualized titillation while the screeching old woman teenager pounced upon me for the benefit of obtaining some free new deal for her blathering bs "Liberal" posturing about activism and etc. I tried to tell her that the group she is operating with has been directly responsible for helping climate change to exacerbate with the policies that they supported and obtained their endless trophy deals and awards from, but only I was attacked viciously by this rotten Europigape skank creep because that means a free deal or entitlement for her and her "cause celebre". I am actually describing her in much-too-much detail and it may not be so difficult should anybody be reading this at this point (I realize my ranting only drives readers away--I really suspect that mind control is driving these rants and I believe that is 100% correct--part of the discrediting process).

2. Not succinct any longer but....

Mind control whilst I write has increased so I am not capable of accessing my critical thinking capabilities. The attacks have gotten to the point that I am extremely dizzy and feel like my head is being slightly crushed inward as my vision blurs and always my hands can't move to the keys as I am stuck and frozen in physical movement. I can't imagine the technology being used to achieve these effects but the "beaming" into my brain and nervous system can be affected in public places and always is, in every instance where I have any contact with any other human being or the potential for it (in written form).

3. I am investigating basic off-grid survival videos on YouTube, knowing that my survival capability if I had to go on that route is much closer to Zero than I would like. The effect of the global police state and the inaction by all members of Congress to intervene in this terrorism that so many fully support (so many from The Left, the names are many but again, this organization keeps having my mail service in Florida not report mail that could stop my basic flow of income or they create terror schemes to have the government agency that has provided me with sub-sub-unlivable poverty income to barely survive and they keep threatening to have reviews and that I must come in person to their office in America and that my case is constantly under review--a situation that has never occurred until Trump took office in 2016--for decades I was never bothered my situation is chronic, meaning a permanent disability from this terror organization having me poisoned with intention to slowly suffocate my internal organs and bloat me into paralysis. they then fractured vertebrae and broke bones and if this terror group had the opportunity to break into my room (after spending over two years fighting to block all the cracks and portals of this tiny studio--with dollar store materials and some hardware hooks--each month not being able to continue to afford the necessary items so I had to wait weeks just to try to complete maybe half or a third of each "project" of pasting and gluing objects over each panel--the entire studio is covered with penetrable cracks and panels that are indeed opened up from all sides of the entire studio--top, bottom, both sides. If they still could physically entire they would be raping and putting my hips out of alignment and sticking fungus into my orifices, hair and etc etc as they have been doing for years (the celebrities of "The Left" have all profited off this situation and the longer they have had access to this kind of extreme rape and torture system the more callous and violent they have become, and the more awards and promotions they have all obtained by this nefarious sick organization which also controls politicians in the same, exact system. I wish I could mention some of their names but they have been ordering my skin to be slashed between my toes and my body and my hair falling out from chemical terror and my skin slathered with something that scars like I have burn scars and spider veins pounded into my legs--all done while I am "asleep" after having been drugged up, in a comatose hypnosis and being teleported to abuse and rape in the twin-body physical state that teleportation has created. I so hope that one day someone can provide any kind of responsible law enforcement agency with the reams of footage that someone and some group must have of me being teleported to Los Angeles to be abused and beaten and raped and tortured and insulted and etc by this group of expletives while my physical location of being in this place where I now am is confirmed--just to prove that the US Government and H-wood the mind control/propaganda arm of the "Left" is only the arm of the "Right" fascist mafia group which is controlling all--probably from some exclusive place like Geneva and other lavish Europigape entitlement Nazi/Mafia enclaves. Meaning America is being controlled by very nasty foreign agents and the Americans so eagerly have latched on to fascist Nazism and Mafia take-over of all the most critical agencies which rely on "The Left" to promulgate the lie that America is working it's hardest but surely failing somehow to keep America on track to obey the US Constitution and to protect and serve it's inhabitants except for the very weak and vulnerable which the politicos and the fascist Nazi celebrities who all are charity and government icons all are blathering about how they are fighting to protect in all their creepy superhumanoid blockbuster computer-generated mind control fodder.


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