Friday, November 5, 2021

TOURISM ACOUNTS FOR GLOBAL DEATH CLIMATE TRIP. A MESSAGE TO GRETA THUNBURG (AND I know you are listening because you participated in teleporting me along with the rest of the Nazi/Mafia/fascist crew of celebrities)

 Tourism accounts for global death climate trip.

As tourists pour into Phuket (because the entire country is not yet open to tourists in all regions) and my torture and life-threat increases, I see this article from The Hill and wish only that somehow people like that Swedish chick who says that all Americans say about climate change is "blah blah blah" would actually yell out a bit about her country and the EU wealthier countries sending in their Nazi fascist Mafia haters into Thailand and SE Asia and everywhere else around the planet, because they "enjoy" so much from all the decades and centuries of genocidal Imperialistic Colonialism---and of course the slave prostitutes of these countries are NEVER going to disparage tourism so it requires a Nazi from Northern Europe to actually make a stand against one of the pillars of life that her supporters actually feel absolute entitlement over: tourism in places like completely colonized fascist nazi paradise vacation and retirement spot of tourist-driven Phuket and larger Thailand (ripe for "investment" which means endless building of factories along the pristine natural environments that are ripe for rape and plunder along with the people).

Hey, can you stop blaming America for it's negligence and greed and focus a bit on your own country and the huge numbers of nordic tribes who pour down to Thailand to exploit, go off drinking, invest and plunder throwing off the pretenses of being socially and politically correct once they arrive to this colonized master-slave country?

Just the air traffic pollution alone is setting off eco-sytemic failure. Perhaps it's time for you to begin to aim your wrath at your own country and it's fascist Nazi tourists who I have been attacked by (not to mention peeps from my own country and every other country as well).

Tourism is contributing to climate death trip.Because Thailand nature is a love I find on this planet, and because I am blocked from all public expression and discredited and under life threat all the time, I rely on you Greta to begin to point attention to this very serious and dire problem of tourism that your society and the rest of Europe relies upon so much to alleviate the hate of their own countries where fascism is not openly allowed (but oh how it is in Thailand which they call "Paradise").

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