Monday, November 29, 2021

Mind Control and Brainwashing eats the soul more than Fear. "Each man kills the thing he loves."--Oscar Wilde (see clip below for music theme in Qurelle borrowing the famous Wilde line). Sado-masochism as dominant theme of masculinity in a not-safe harbor of fantasy. Teaming with variations of sordid fecundity. Fassbinder's films and subterfuged, convoluted H-wood versions of fantasy= reality. When I wrote that directors and challengers to the fascist/Nazi/mafia cartel enforced paradigm are being killed off, I also mean the deadening of originality in thinking and of lifestyle and choice (if no harm is done to others). These are being brainwashed out of the human race and it's akin to a massive extinction of the human spirit and of humane spirituality.

Querelle--directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder

Querelle--directed by none other than Rainer Werner Fassbinder (Brokeback Mountain---please! Not even in the proximity of quality, daring or expertise--not meaning the acting but the other qualities of directing and production that are lacking. As for acting, I think the quality of the director if excellent steers the quality of the acting). There is no equivalent in American mainstream cinema for this type of theme (and there is not just homosexuality but also male-female relationships depicted so this is not a "gay" movie). Why can't why won't H-wood have a complete revolution so quality movies like the daring and the bold like Fassbinder ever get a chance so the public can have something exceptional to watch instead of endless movies flat and repetitious about murder, death, mafia, fake good destroying fake evil--etc etc.


Although H-wood is filled with orgies of fleeting feeding, it lacks this fecund ability to birth originality but instead produces behind the camera bestiality. The films of Fassbinder try to eek the beast out for inspection by the shocked audience. H-wood films seek to numb and dumb-down the beasts that haunt the hollowed hills.

I think Fassbinder may have been drugged and/or poisoned, as I suspect so many alternative and original thinkers who threatened the status quo have been throughout all these years of the eventual numbing and dumbing down of society through these celluloid sleeping pills people ingest like it's a thrilling mental holiday.


***the freezing, hacking, blocking and deletions (entire paragraphs highlighted in an instant and then deleted by terrorist hackers--the keyboard non-functioning and letters won't print out as I type--keyboard is made stiff and the entire system freezes while I click or type or try to get anything done. Waiting sometimes for 4 minutes for the terrorist to stop freezing/blocking the entire system. Pages pop up while I am typing, etc etc. It's very bad. There is a "night shift" terrorist who hacks like this after a certain time of the night--around 10 pm or so. It also happens on the weekend all day. The work schedule of the terrorist who probably goes to work 9-5 during the week, has the weekends off, hacks into my system and gets free rent for their terrorist activities. Such is the stuff that enables the numbing and dumbing down of society in it's multifarious tentacle operations now extending around the world (in my situation that is literally the truth and reality). They have to make sure that no one like Fassbinder can ever threaten their numbing and dumbing down placebo effects of their good-versus evil scripts.

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