Thursday, November 4, 2021

A serpentine insinuation of a stealth, sinister organization. I "have to" oblige the terrorist network in some way by writing in code to try to conceal the blatant truth that is so highly coveted and concealed. Regarding: The long arm of revenge through covert DEATH SQUAD/MURDER OPERATION/ "gang stalking" terrorism. One facet of fascist control is to ameliorate any jokester joker making the slightest of puns, jokes or abrasive remarks aimed at the leader. The rust-encrusted arm of revenge has swopped from that Eagle's nest located somewhere's in New Jersey through a few Dons who then donned the robes of silence as they ordered catastrophe to be ordered far away in the desert death valley of orchestrated accidents. Thus ruining a life which probably also joined in on the circus delight fun of mocking the leader and also discrediting the actor who played such a role for so many years. The delay in revenge is sweet for the perpetrators but poignant nevertheless. The target I think knew about my targeting situation but like everybody else did nothing and kissed the cheeks of the co-conspirators of this fascist conglomerate that has now won seats in the special races to win the crowds who want gladiatorial death matches between starving lions and emaciated prisoners albeit done in the stealth gang stalking theater where it all is silent normalcy underscored by a cleverly concealed system of death squad fascism (Nazi/Mafia/totalitarian/Authoritarian control) in the guise of being a Democracy--but only Democracy in name for the select. Everyone outside of this system remains compliant to remaining silent in the face of my torture/poisoning/drugging/mind control/teleportation but can't connect those insidious dots to their own public humiliation and sordid demise. The modern version of the SS is technocracy utilizing these mind control weapons, death squad "gang stalking" clusters and the technology that enables these "mishaps" that cause "accidental homicide".

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