Wednesday, November 24, 2021

A few hours after my last venting posts. It was a stress-relief series of posts, as my posts always are. I try to stay up and on the ball, light and happy as possible. I have to sleep and these dark monster parasites who are endlessly being portrayed as good guys in the media are sinister and parasitic and evil and sick as Hell. They alone can create an endless hell if given the opportunity. How odd that they are used by a sinister system to portray good for the most part. Without plastic surgery what would they do, what would they be? Without editing and photoshop how would they appear? Without all the $ to transform their hideous underbelly personalities, how ugly they would be revealed to the world. Alas fantasy and money to fix all prevails. I have to sleep and be tortured by them once more tonight, and every night. They never get enough of feeding off hate and negativity that they dump on me every day.

 The hacking is very bad right now. I always have the unfortunate sensation after getting off the laptop of "remembering" more exacting or erudite versions of what I fight to pound out on this hacked system--words, expressions, and what I truly wanted to and could have written flood into my consciousness without striving to reach into the substrata of my mind to retrieve these concepts which are bottled up by the damning technology and brain-altering effects where I truly am stymied in my pursuit of writing effectively. It's like the tech is producing blanks and spaces in my brain activity but leaving enough space for me to appear like I am functioning somewhat normally.

Despite all that, they are endlessly being promoted for all their hateful acts towards me. Why me always? The contract appears to be that I must be "broken" and brainwashed into some kind of semi-zombie state of acquiescence to their depravity which I abhor. 

They won't stop and there is no responsible party in the United States or even around the planet which will intervene.

The media is replete with the prizes and accolades that these terrorist celebrities are endlessly being handed out. I have a theory that if I am attacked en masse by millions of people--and that is no exaggeration--then there must be some kind of cue for all those followers who perform every heinous act of depravity for the benefit of the larger organization to be forced to go out and pay their dues by supporting all these fascist Nazi encloaked in fake rhetorical posturing device bs artist celebrities and their movies. The critics I think are also highly in accord with the protocols and perform their duties of championing their brothers and sisters in the organization. Although some of the critics are sometimes writing critical pieces, that utter crap movie fodder is being sold out for millions of $ to me means that the idiot minions are paying their dues to the organization by fully supporting the people they are told to champion by buying tickets and going out as a duty to their organization to continue to push up the celebrities who will run for political office if possible.

If you can follow the dots, then follow the money--

Meanwhile, all those who stole ideas from me are paying me not even $1 for what they have stolen. And there are many of those. They continue to ensure, for their promotional status and regard held by the fascist mafia nazis promoting them, that they are force enablers of torture inflicted upon me (due to racism, due to their need to create a microchip-implanted tortured "sex slave" who will obey and do what every lousy scumbag piece of manure wants without complaint--even if they want to murder me this group is trying to force me to never say no). It is truly sex trafficking taken up to a lower level of utter psychopathic filth but being used as some kind of social engineering to lift up the worst of humanity into highest positions. 

Oddly most of society around the world really applauds this kind of behavior. I still can't understand why. How did humanity become so depraved or have I been lost in my own happy world or lost in the lies that these types of creeple celebrities and politicians crank out to cover the wool over the eyes of the sheeple?

Have I been so deluded that I believed in all their lies? how complex the human condition is in this modern age. Or has it always been this way? Regardless, I know myself and my capabilities but these creeps terrorizing me have been told to label and destroy me, and no matter what I do or how I act they are determined to place labels and cliches upon me that the other complacent minions always bow down to have placed like a collar around their necks so their heads are nice and secured into a vice that they can't ever escape from (mentally, and spiritually and emotionally as well). 

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