Thursday, November 18, 2021

The screaming, Naziesque judge in the Rittenhouse trial and the trail of Nazi/Mafia groups in Wisconsin and in international operations I have personally encountered in this MK ULTRA mind control, implanted horrible contract (that I just discovered was happening to me in the last decade after a lifetime of having been lied to by every body around me, having moved around the world not a single person ever told me). But to continue: the trial and the trail. : I have only watched a few clips and 30-minute videos of the Rittenhouse Trial so far, and heard a few Youtube commentaries on the subject. Of course I was aware of the situation when it happened and was reported on the news with all the hurrah's! Coming from the likes of Coulter and inc. One of the clips of the trial, which appears to be on the verge of a sham show trial in some respects, reminded me of the famous (in Germany) Nazi jurist/top criminal trial judge Roland Freisler who would hang 99.9% of all defendants accused of any "crime" against the 3rd Reich--would shout along with other insults, "Yes or NO?" interrupting any response from the defendant to each of his pronouncements of guilt at the trembling, bowed-head defendant who was trying to get out of being horribly killed. They weren't all hung, some were beheaded (The Scholls) and etc the men who tried to kill Hitler were hung up on meat hooks, alive, all filmed with Hitler viewing purportedly amused or laughing at the dying struggles of the men who tried to bomb him in a meeting.

 "Judge Roland Freisler - aka 'Raving Roland'". PineTreePictures. December 22, 2006.

"Judge shouts at prosecutor in trial for Kyle Rittenhouse". 11 Alive. November 11, 2021.

"'Don't get brazen with me': Kyle 

Rittenhouse judge slams prosecutor". Reuters. November 11, 2021. 

"Conspirators of July 20 Plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler appears at People's Cour...HD Stock Footage" CriticalPast. July 4, 2014.

"Liberal Redneck - Rittenhouse Trial". Trae Crowder. November 16, 2021.

Some REAL Southern comfort---A real Good young boy, a promise for a more humane AND SANE America.

The judge in the Rittenhouse trial reminds me of a toned-down version of this (much toned-down in fact, apparently they must still follow the rules of court proceedings and court demeanor but if you have watched movies or videos on this subject, as I have while living in Germany and these types of documentaries or movies were literally always on one of the three public tv channels (before all the cable was so popular). I thus watched Roland Freisler, famous Nazi judge and was reminded of the tone, action and hostility that the judge in the Rittenhouse trail demonstrates towards the very meek prosecution (who I first thought was the defense attorney for Rittenhouse when I first turned on any clips on the proceedings on Youtube, not knowing which attorney represented which side).

Having gone to high school in Milwaukee and being surrounded by Nazi members of secret groups and attacked for not obeying and succumbing, while being drugged so badly I could not study or think and was really under severe and deadly attack by Nazi adherents in my wealthy and prominent high school---and the teachers and like everywhere else, almost everyone else either remained silent or got involved in the attacks--although unlike now there were some people who openly defended me but I had no idea why or what they were doing (they were incensed and almost violently defended me, but now that is not the case at all).

Wisconsin has a huge Nazi-support organization and I was brought to Europ-a's (in this situation it was a couple out of Austria) where were handed the equivalent of Wisconsin mansions who were at the epicenter of an action taken against me that involved severe crimes. Essentially they were at the epicenter for training into the methodologies of Nazism, pure and simply put. The Austrian couple came from working class backgrounds in their native country, and claimed that America was a place where making a lot of money "was so easy". The wife was a homemaker and the husband an "electrician". His first name was Walter and I believe his wife's name was Anna but I can't remember her name only the huge collection of dolls (large child-sized dolls sitting on chairs all over her living room, very kitsch by the way). I know of no other electricians performing household electrical jobs of that class level who live in huge expansive, expensive mansions with large acres of pristine land in the middle (somewhere) of Wisconsin--I was driven there at night and not told where it was--I was drugged up. The couple make a determination about how they were going to instruct these people with the political backing and background on how to exploit me and the outcome was fully protected and I had no concept or understanding of what was happening to me. The family which performed these criminal and sickening and disgusting deeds of rape and poisoning of me all claimed they were religiously oriented and had high moral standards--which they elaborated upon endlessly towards me. This family which took me in were involved with Milwaukee politics (City Council). That system is integrated and rampant and more open in the more rural areas of Wisconsin where the Posse Comitatus and other militia groups proliferate (not to mention Michigan and Illinois, for example).

I am pro-militia if the group is bona fide but there are some like the Montana Militia which fosters Nazi anti-Government actions (I was attacked by someone in Miami belonging to MOMA who had a clear criminal record/felonies, was part of the mafia --called himself "Italian" but of course was American born-and-bred but only identified himself as being of another country with fascist, Nazi and mafia connections and associations in all respects-- and was a demolitions expert, bragged about all the guns and weapons he had, and was extremely violent towards me in a covert fashion using the drugging and mind control apparatus. He was "awarded" with a huge new business after having attacked me, courtesy of the S. Florida fascist Nazi mafia secret organizations which are not so secret and are openly operating as such in public in many areas, and that has been increasing in the past few years).

I support those who support the Constitution and form regulated militias to defend the country, not those who fight to dispel elections without actual clear evidence as has been the case. These are the pro-Nazi types that claim they are fighting for the US Constitution and for their "freedom" (to kill anyone they don't like, in these gang stalking domestic terrorist activities that have been fully supported by the US Government all my life--meaning up to this very moment (as hacking and brain attacks are rampant while I fight typing and rewriting constantly as hackers are blocking functioning of my brain and keyboard). This is the next wave of Nazi terrorism, the judicial system has also been taken over by such types and people are commenting that the trail of Rittenhouse appears to be something akin to a sham.

Here is one of the exemplars that perhaps these trial lawyers and the judge are emulating in the Rittenhouse fiasco. People are expecting the verdict to obliterate justice. The 500 soldiers surrounding the city of Kenosha are ready for demolition of angry rioters. They are still carrying bottles of water to throw to the militia members who come from other states such as Illinois to "help" and assist with all their rifles and munitions.

NB: I have had to repeat functions to copy and paste links for the videos, retype and backspace and try to "remember" important points the entire time of fighting to pound out this post. Hackers deleted links as and changed fonts and made much almost impossible to get through. Writing this post took at least 20 minutes longer than it should have due to so many blocks the fight for me to write, think and post and get things done was almost at the impossible stage. I really had to fight to get this out. Whatever mistakes or non-sequiturs are due to this endless harassment effect by terrorist hackers and mind control operators.

I am now doing a bit of re-editing because as I get up and leave this spot where my brain is under attach by "mind control" technology aimed into this spot, I "remember" salient points I want to include that at least clarify my claims or remembrances. Hackers have done a job of rewriting, inserting wrong spelling and deleting little portions of sentences. It's messy and I spent more than enough time just trying to rewrite one single part of a paragraph, which I had to fight to do because hacking intrusion on the keyboard is severe and my brain is just being pummeled with this tech as I sit here so I can't "remember" or think in clear, linear fashion I just digress and wander off in thought process. It's extremely time-consuming and especially as I am a very fast typist and capable of clear and linear thought. All of this should have required at least 1/5th of the time I have had to actually spend to pound and fight to get any of this out, only to see that it's been partially deleted and rewritten by terrorist hackers.

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