Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Terrorist Report: (*this post has been badly hacked/rewritten. Grammar has been deleted. This reads like a 3rd grade-level non-English-speaking writer in most places. I am under extreme brain-altering effect while the keyboard is also being blocked. The combination of hacking/brain-altering tech/and hacker rewrites and deletions has made this post impossible to get through clearly. I rewrote one part of one paragraph after it had been almost demolished by terrorist hackers with deletions and inserts and grammar deletions---I can't go through the whole thing it is nearly incomprehensible in most places, lacking cohesion and grammar and then I could not finish my thoughts while I was--and still am--constantly backspacing and rewriting because hackers are just obliterating all I write and think and attempt)--the one bank in Phuket which will give me a cash forward on my Visa Debit card closed the entire bank today when I needed to withdraw money. This is not a banking holiday and every other bank in Phuket was opened the entire day. If I use an ATM, first terrorist hackers have blocked access to my card via cash machines for a few years. Then I am charged over $30 to withdraw my money with double expenses and my bank has limited my cash withdrawal per ATM visit to just $400, which is far below my daily withdrawal limit. I can't change it I have tried. All of my phone calls are re-routed to terrorists who lie repeatedly and claim they can't understand or speak English.

 Because I am so injured and partially paralyzed, and it requires at least 3 hours to pack all my bags, bring them out of multiple sealed plastic bags, clean off the stinking odors of clothing, and then upon returning it requires at least 2 hours to repack everything and hide it under a part of the furniture where I still have to seal and multiple-seal the bags that contain all my essential documents which have been sprayed with stinking odors and sprays for so many years that no amount of cleaning gets the laboratory-created stink out of the items. 

I am in too much pain to go through driving and nearly being hit and a few hundred people attacking me while my body still has the hard poisons latched into my spine which I fight endlessly to slowly rip out using every means I can possibly figure out by watching videos on YouTube on detoxifying from poisoning. Over ten years of this and I'm still in too much pain and still working to detox with endless abuse and violence from these celebrities and these terrorists attacking me.

Thus I had to go to the one bank a few more miles' drive South which I know will perform the cash advance option. They charged me $8.50 plus my banking fees plus the 3% charge so it's going to come out to costing me $30 just to withdraw my money. 

Right now hacking is so bad and the keyboard is being so badly manipulated I must physically fight to get these words out and every word is a physical strain of pounding down and backspacing and rewriting as letters won't appear when I pound down to get anything out.

My condominium is now packed with creeps who loiter and follow me around and stare and block my path. The stinking substances that have been poured into my home are like foul semen laced with fungus or mold. Poured into my bathroom, a piece of clothing, my floor has been sprinkled in all corners and parts under furniture with debris and grime and soot and brown/black grime is everywhere--the walls, the floor, etc.

Hairs are everywhere steeped in oily substances.

The view I have of the hillside outside my window. It is almost an 80-degree angle facing my window and there is a plateau and then a steep 90-degree towering cliff beyond the small hillside/cliff facing my patio. The two animals that remained alive have been either killed or shot away or chased away and that makes zero animals and only weeds growing with plastic bags and plastic hangers and things thrown on the hillside that used to be covered with birds and white flowers. blown apart and demolished by the terrorists. All the birds have been killed. Two lizards remained--huge incredible species--now gone and their former very happy habitat has been taken away from them just to torture me and to keep only uglinss and hate surrounding me.

I went to this bank to withdraw money, Krungsri in Rawai. Rotten an decrepit ugly white older males went in as the staff was hostile, pretended they could not understand almost everything I said but spoke perfectly with apologies and loving kindness to the ugly white trash males who were there instructing them on the bigot protocol that the bigots of H-wood ordered them to perform, as well as years of stinking and foul putrid substances and my hands are huge and ugly from years of having to clean all of this perpetually.

Went to my motorbike rental place in that area because they told me months ago that they would order me a new motorbike--I have been paying this same price for one motorbike for over 4 years and I have paid for it at least 3 times over. Because this terror group forces me into not being able to earn even any money whatsoever, all my money is spent on renting and paying off the cost 4 times over. They promised me and then lied. They promised me again and asked me over and over what color I would like. My brain is put into such a mind control spectrum of incomprehension while they are lambasting me with interrogation techniques of repeating the same thing over and over an dover and over and yelling at me the same questions and prodding my arm and hitting my arm and asking as I repeat an drepeat and when I get angry, they take things away and refuse service. After having this horrid attack at the 2nd bank in Rawai after the first bank which had been literally closed in a terrorist action to block me from obtaining money without me having to lose     MORE money by this group forcing a discriminatory action upon essential services that are being blocked and over charged and etc upon me. That is, my mail service charging me over $100 per smallest Fed Ex package while all other mail services are literally refusing me service or lying or not delivering or literally stealing my items from packaged boxes (DHL here in Phuket has done that and I have no recourse to justice whatsoever here in Phuket). Back to this motorbike rental. The one woman who spoke English is now gone--I mean who did not pretend she "no understan" English. They are being instructed in English on how to attack me, by the way. I lost my temper after having to go through driving more miles and go out of my way to obtain money because it is too hard on my body to spend hours fighting to just get in and out of this room. I also have to block my front door by inserting objects in the cracks of the doors on all sides because mechanical arms were being inserted under the door frame (there is a significant gap--this entire studio has gaps and cracks and tiles everywhere and all my years of effort to stop all of this still has not effectively stopped the mechanical arm terrorist/body mulitation/food poisoning/drugging/filth and stench attacks in this room from the creep terrorists on the other sides of the walls-and those who insert the mechanical arms under the doorway where there is ample space for a mechanical arm to break though--as they then open the front door and rape and destroy my body and room while I'm teleported while sleeping only to be raped twice in both locations (body twain by the teleportation technology>

I am fighting to type this and my brain is going into not just tangents but I can't focus or concentrate. I am so dizzy and feeling so ill from the effect of my brain under this endless onslaught of deadly attack to my brain by these tecynologies--it's like I'm in a fog and fighting to think clearly for ever a minute. I can't even begin to write and finish my thoughts at this poing.

I lost my temper at this motorbike rental place after having to go through rotten disgusting old white males (not just Europigapes but an American creep with the obsequious Thai female lovingly thanking and apologizing as they glare in hate at me, nearly yelled at me, glared in hate as I walked in saying very loudly "what do you want" in ugly hateful tones. Not "understanding" when I asked for change for a 1000 baht bill I had to repeat this 5 times in a row because she "no understan". I had to pay an extra $8 for in fees because this bank, which I never use but have in the past out of desperation when Bangkok Bank is closed or they refuse me service--it has happened for the most bogus lying reasons in the past, in this area and it also is the area I have lived in for a few years (nearly killed by the Nazi network and hit by cars and etc many times--under orders for a few of the near-death attacks by the H-wood celebrities you all love and they are just endlessly feeding off this contract out on me.

But I went to this motorbike rental place, where I go every month to overpay them for this motorbike which has been scratched up by terrorists who just scrape the paint off while I am parked and in shopping malls or in stores--

after "no understan" and there was a team of Thai people yelling questions at me and repeating the same thing as my brain--as it is now--was under so much attack I answered the repeat harassment interrogation question-answer session like I was a robot just endless being pressed to repeat and go though a cycle of stupidity with them yelling the same question at me in non-stop blathering hate banter yelling at me. I could not "understand" that I was under attack, but I finally got so "drugged up" (as I am right now, I feel like I am completely drunk or high while writing this under this effect--the manipulation of brain-waves is being blasted into my brain as I fight to pound this out right now--and that is how it always is when I am in public as I repeat and say things I have never thought in language I never use).

it is again too impossible ot write this out. I told this Thai skank that she was full of shit and a liar. She understood all that and responded by having an ugly Thai male yelling like a fascist adherent into his phone while she held it at me as I was getting my things to go. They are not going to buy me this new motorbike and I am just endless stuck in every facet of life possible by ugly and crap people. The pandemic gave me a chance to breathe a little bit from years of violence from hundreds of filthy sick scumbag losers attacking me every single time I have gone out. I can't believe how many sick an dstupid and rotten pieces of shit there are on this planet participating in t his ugly organization. I am so exhausted right now from pounding down on this keyboard and fighting to think. The creeps are increasing the attack on my brain my vision is blurry I can't think I can't t ype I can't finish this any longer I am just unable to think and write at this point--

so I am stuck. 

I have reacted to the shit people in H-wood who have tortured, ordered me to be mutilated, raped beaten spat upon urinated upon stolen idea after idea told me I am nothing stupid a bitch have had me raped and raped and poisoned and my body completely scarred up while they tell me as my body is breaking down and aging, as they also had part of my uterus cut out but refuse me any help in health care so I need hormone balancing herbs and myb ody is just deteriorating as they keep on having me poisoned and abuse and abused and abused as I yell adn wish them death every time they teleport me while they tell me they are "so superior" and I am nothing an it never ends.

Was threatened with death by the Speaking of the House a few weeks ago when I said that these Nazi men are disgusting--I put it in a more elaborate and verbally eloquent way--this sick woman acts like I am supposed to be absolutely stupid instead of having a degree of intelligence that should have enabled me to have a career instead of rotting in a filthy cesspool stinking studio which is perpetually being sprayed with toxic stinking substances day and night by mechanical arms and writing endless posts while sitting on Disability and not getting health care while abusers and users keep trying to pound me into slow death while more and more millions and millions of abusers and losers keep surrounding me. 

I see the waters washing away these parts of the planet due to the greed, stupidity and incompetence of this organization which has taken over every government, is a death and hate and racist and death-mongering exploitation organization. 

But now my arm is so sore from pounding down I can't go on.

years of this hate from this group in H-wood and they are increasing the violence because I by now pray for their deaths every single day they are so ugly and sick and stupid and vile and so are their children adn friends and organization I detest them and it's just never ending--they keep attacking me I keep wishing them death they never stop tryign to exploit this hate contract out upon me for themselves for years, then their rotten shit children, their shitty friends, so they can have the "power" to have sex partners who will do anything to be a part of this power system that these incompetents have been handed by posturing incompetents in Congress who really are destroying the planet and are absolutely too vile, stupid and sick to have been put in these positions of power. It is now nearly impossible fo rme to type any longer it's such physical exertion I am literally in pain from pounding as hard as I can to get the words to appear. My hands hover in mid-air unable to move my brain is completely udner attack. I can't even finish my thoughts nand this is now impossible to go on any longer.

When you rotten people reading this finally realize that this system is also destroying your own lives and your planet, perhaps then you will finally stop allowing incompetent hate-death-mongering idiot posturing bs con artist whores to obtain power over your planet and your lives. 

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