Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Utterly vile and disgusting deeds of terrorism enacted by creeple of the same putrefied stuff as the filth they create as terrorist weapons and discrediting. Terrorist multiple attacks (on all fronts and from behind--24/7) report: endless but I will just detail a few of the atrocious, sick, and repulsive stupid deeds this global organization creates (mostly through their minority minions as they sit back and record or watch it unfold through their surveillance equipment or as they stand in the shadows taking videos of the encounters they orchestrate).

 First, the hacking is very bad and I can actually see the result of brain-altering obstruction (aka "mind control technology") literally blanking out various portions of my thought processes while I am in the middle of writing or attempting to communicate. The sensation is so subtle it's nearly invisible and undetectable but the effect is devastating.


Shopping at the "World Class" shopping mall one mile away from my condo. Central Festival/Florista in the middle of Phuket Town. A very large, over 6-ft tall, 30's something (or younger) white male of European origin (looks very German and I think definitely is from that country) has been stalking me at random occurrences for over 2+ years but with increasing frequency as of late at this shopping mall (and at another large but not "world class" place called Lotus's, another two mile from my house but only that distance if I travel at two different directions in a triangulation). 

He has extremely long brown/sandy/blonde hair, past his waist. He always wears large bulbous headphones. He seems to create an atmosphere of nastiness but it's always augmented by groups (mostly of minorities brown/black etc people) but one or two Europ-a's lurking around on the periphery watching on as their teams attack me. 

First the lone male (but he's undoubtedly operating with a host of other people every time but always appears alone and is becoming a real stalker/predator as time goes by. He's been following me around for more than 2 years at this mall so he is a local and has remained living here during the pandemic). 

He's very creepy and his behavior is of a closer and closer proximity to me when I am in small shopping spaces. I lunge away trying to not have any eye contact which he is now trying to achieve as he swerves around me while I am looking at objects in a store. His physical motions are of the jerking predatorial stalking type and it's become more aggressive. Along with his attacks at the Florista Central mall 2 days ago (he follows me around from two malls inter-connected by a walkway overpass with a very large multi-lane freeway underneath--called Bypass road just for identification purposes should anyone care to know). Another Germanic-looking dude with his little brown Thai consort was walking hand-in-hand blocking my exit from the store as exact and perfect timing that had been going on at must spatial junctions at this huge shopping mall had been going on the entire time I was shopping (I go from one mall to the next, to get the best deals at both of the Tops markets where there are foods left out on display on sale, probably drugged as the foods I really like are usually out there with these very blaring yellow sale stickers on them). After years of being stalked endlessly I am not being "paranoid" in these assumptions about how this organization tries to endlessly drug and poison me and keep me seemingly distraught and on the verge of hysteria when I write these posts (that remain mostly unanswered by my Government which is partially sponsoring much of these hate attacks and crimes).

Groups of these brown-skinned minorities walking directly in front of me as they slowly wind around glass "island" booths in the middle of the huge thoroughfare mall spaces to spread out (8 people or so) and then stop abruptly all looking in the opposite direction away from me as they completely block the entire space. Often it is huge groups of whites who will do this, sauntering and then couples holding hands and literally forming a chain blockage as they slow to nearly crawling speed blocking my exit or entrance. This happens to frequently that it is an endless obstruction. I can see that on the other levels of the malls there are almost no people (every time even in "high season") but on every level of this 4-storey mall area the one level I am on is always packed with people and the rest of the levels are almost vacant, perhaps a few people standing and watching with their cameras which means they are using the height advantage looking down to help with the surveillance and harassment/stalking maneuvers and all have their mobile phones whipped out for this purpose (I assume). It is all, of course, intended to look like a "normal" display of behavior in huge, public spaces.

Returning to this condo studio which is so stinking the wafting odors of foul stench and stale fungus and mold waft up as I open the door. The bathroom reeks of urine and stinking substances which have been poured all around the rim of the toilet and into the corners of the floors. My patio has been sprayed with sticky brown fluids which dried. There are little sugar ants everywhere and if I put anything wet to dry outside the terrorists using their mechanical arms pour/spray stinking oily substances with huge, long hair strands which appear after I even clean this patio. I just cleaned the patio before I left and it's sticky, brown, the stains never come off they are laboratory created so every single white piece of furniture in this room is a pale ugly brown moldy color and no amount of harsh chemicals will get this stuff out--nor baking soda or anything I use--and I can't afford to endlessly pay to repair all they destroy in this studio which is something newly broken or made shrunken (clothing, every time it's foul all items stink and have been shurnk and made shabby and frayed--sometimes they take sand paper to materials--this has often been done and for decades I realize it's the reason why the beautiful items I can barely afford due to financial obstruction--the few beautiful items of clothing are nearly shredded with little blobs of the material that has been sandpapered down--nearly to shreds--faded by bleaching and damaged--all I love and all I make and all I have.

Last night the mechanical arms that break through the panels of the rooms on all sides (top, bottom, both sides--don't know how many or from which direction I have been fighting this for over 2 years and longer--since I moved in here years ago). They sprayed stinking gooey fluids on a colorful wrap that has been sprayed for so long that nothing gets the stink out--not bleaching and soaking and washing--the laboratory created mess they spray on my furniture, walls, into my body, food and on my clothing is absolutely unnatural but combines various stinking other "natural" substances in addition to something that binds and adheres to material and bodily structures. The goo was so rotten that I just doused the material in water before washing it and the water was completely brown from less than one minute of running some water over it. I had just cleaned it before leaving this room for shopping two days ago--I mean bleaching and etc. It was "clean" enough (but the lingering smell was faint of the many times it's been damaged for all the few weeks I have owned it--I can only use these sort of body wrap-around items for a few weeks the terrorists spray the clothing I wear on a daily level so badly I have to constantly repurchase new items ever 3-4 weeks--these materials should last minimum 3 months without being anything like worn down under normal wear). this has not stopped for years, and I write of it again expecting no one to ever stop this or do anything about it. I keep reading as I did yesterday on that "Democracy is failing" but none of you ever do anything to actually stop this descent into fascism. Of course, you all approve but I still write this--maybe someone who has some humanity one day will finally respond to help me with defense--it may happen. Otherwise I just remain surrounded by people I consider to be dismally disgusting at best--in teleportation and in this 3-D reality of terrorism that continuously affronts my life and all that I should be able to accomplish--even to live in a clean home but instead I must seal and close the tiny sliding patio door so mechanical arms don't break into this room from outside only to really do more physical damage to my body and even break through the various things I stuff into the front door to stop the terrorists from absolutely breaking into this room, as they have been doing for years (decades) and absolutely poisoning and deforming and attacking me physically while I am teleported to more goons attacking and terrorizing me. A few weeks ago, after a lifetime of the United States government sponsoring this, I was threatened with death by Nancy Pelosi because I discussed how I thought Arnold Schwartzennegger is a fascist Nazi implant of the Europ-a Nazi/fascist organization. She completely supported him and threatened to kill me--thus confirming my suspicion in this and in every way confirming that the US government is just a colonized failing State controlled by incompetent blathering liars who are cunning and Machiavellian but I do not consider this to be at a level of competence to run a Democracy. I was threatened likewise with death by Trump's 2nd wife after I wrote on my Facebook post that actors like Pitt and his wife should not endlessly be awarded after they have tortured me to obtain ideas and promoted and awarded after using this tech to endlessly trash my body, home and life. I was threatened with death, nearly killed when  car hit me, I landed after my handlebars were remotely attacked to swerve 180-degrees downward as I landed on my jaw. My teeth were fine but the next morning they had been literally nearly smashed out by terrorists. For the next half year or longer terrorists got into my room--or they used mechanical arms as I have not stopped fighting to protect my body from mechanical arms breaking in through all these panels and cracks in this room--(many of the areas are impossible to latch down or secure because the walls are faux and the cheap plaster literally crumbles nearly to pieces if I try to screw in even a small screw to try to latch hooks together from the walls to the panels, which are being opened from all rooms on all sides and the entire studio is covered from floor to ceiling like this--impossible to secure without having to pour another cement layer on top of it all--which I cannot do for various reasons.

They have been slashing the gum tissue of the teeth that they smashed to try to literally knock my teeth out. At the time I was in such poverty I could not afford food and I was fighting to buy materials to try to block all the cracks--but it is impossible. I have had to do with mechanical arms breaking into this room but not with the kind of damage that had been inflicted in the past--and so I live with having to tape parts of my body and cover my head to try to stop the damage to my hair and skin--and that is impossible too.

Years of writing about this and to this date nothing and no one has ever intervened to stop this. 


And that is just a tiny bit of an endless slew of violence endlessly aimed at me.

Teleported to the celebrities shrieking that they are smarter and more beautiful than me, as I sit here fighting to heal from the years of them ordering their minions to mutilate, sever parts of my uterus out, make my hair fall out and they have also done something like shred my hair--with balding spots--I can't use three fingernails because of over 8 years of objects being inserted under cuticles in the same spots until the nails are useless and enlarged and the remainder of cuticles are bulbous and huge. My body slathered with damaging chemicals which cause red pimple outbreaks and then some chemical is smeared on the outbreaks to tattoo them into my skin--literally--on legs and arms. Objects have been inserted into my body/under the skin to appear like huge cysts--one is on my leg just above my knee--another one is on my left rib cage area just at my side--it is huge, has been either injected like silicone injected into my body--I have no money to remove any of this. My left large toe completely points into my other toes at more than a 45-degree angle because the pig apes have ordered it to be broken multiple times while I slept. My body is completely crooked due to hardening poisons encasing mind control drugs that none of the millionaires and billionaires nor the poorer or working class will ever help me to heal from as they inflict hate and violence upon me every night in teleportation--last night it was dead animals--every night it has been something related to death of people or animals since the Brooklyn mafia who were tormenting me for years took a break and the celebrity violent criminals began to try to break my body and spirit--only to hand me over to the mafia once again (your famous celebrity mafia icons out of Brooklyn). And it never ends.

so I write this post once more adding to the years of writing and writing and writing about the same sick attacks upon me. 

I want to emphasize that prior to having even beginning to write about the hate and violence of this group I was under worse attack by the non-famous thugs who create these systematic torture actions--so these attacks have nothing whatsoever to do with me not "obeying" their dictates to remain "silent" and be "good" and just let them get away with their every crime, as they have been doing. 

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