Tuesday, November 2, 2021

A film review I would like to write but "can't" due to threats of making me homeless after years of people stealing the concepts and ideas and words that I write while torturing me nearly to death. A life I want to live but can't because my fascist, Nazi racist country can't stand the thought of me competing and being able to "win" or even to be financially independent, solvent, physically beautiful, happy or living in peace the hate and racism and sexism is so subtly pronounced in the "liberal" zone, much less the "conservatiive". A body I want to have but "can't" because the poisoning orchestrated by my fascist, Nazi United States Government handing out laboratory-created death hardening mind control/bloating poisons won't come out after more than a decade of non-stop fighting to get it out while being tortured with extreme violence on a 24/7 basis by the "liberals" in H-wood. A government I would like to have but "can't" because fascist Nazis have completely taken over both sides of the seeming duality of American politics and mind control proliferation (aka "media").

 The film review I want to write is concerning a very entertaining but absolutely racist-based, white supremacy imbued film called Venom (2018). The utter violence in the film is another entire area which I could also get into, but the analysis of white, male supremacy and the "superhero" of Nietzsche and Nazi ideology is undoubtedly NOT being exposed in any mainstream analysis of this huge budget movie (now a kind of franchise, along with the plethora of "Superhuman" hybrid white action figures with their adjacent minority minions playing their secondary white supremacy support roles--which is the echo and parallel of the actual, real-life far less than heroic reality of the "A-list" of con artists who have attacked me for years. The lastest most disgusting filth and slime attack of semen laced with vomit in a liquified spray form poured into my home in various spaces came from one of the most disgusting blacks out of Whorewood who has gotten me to the point that I can't listen to "ghetto disco" or "gangster rap" ever again. The number of times I have had blacks who are absolutely at the pinnacle of the entertainment pyramidal structure have literally physically and verbally assaulted me after I have fought off Germanic or Europ-a white males who assault, rape, torture and order me to be mutilated before and after the rape. By the way: I was being murdered by two of them taking turns teleporting me when I was "lovingly" drugged up and sleeping and teleported while they ordered my death as they raped and inhaled my essence (literally sucking in rhythmic breaths like inhaling my spirit and energy) while they stole ideas endlessly and had movies and businesses nearly thrown to them by this insidious hate organization which, combined with the entire spectrum of politics and media in their conjoined partnerships and conglomerates have crafted to infuse a seeming dichotomy of disparate elements that all "represent" their various demographic but in reality actually only represent selfish greedy acquisition and conformity to absolute racism.

Thus the movie review I would so dearly like to write, on this blog and on my Facebook page, would be only limited to this organization which silences me and my life is now under non-stop threat by my mail service in Orlando which is now openly unabashedly discriminating against me I suspect the former president has a LOT to do with this 4-year stint of illegality and discrimination, as it began with his beginning into the reins of power and has not stopped under the current, which has proven in the form of Pelosi to be as violently fascist and mafia and corrupt as the worst of the worst.


Thus I cannot write anything without it either being stolen and then I am tortured (which goes on anyway without end, day and night without end night after day--more than a decade of deadly attack while I fight alone in rooms to block my doors and windows so no more creeps can come in and rape and disfigure my body while the terrorists in Whorewood are doing the same in my double-body entity that they exploit, misusing technology in the worst of ways, endorsed and financed by the US Government and every Government on the planet in this system of absolute discrimination and hate, anti-Semitism and rape culture and misogyny. The movies reflect all of this but in the duplicitous way that the actual perpetrators who hold these positions of power conceal their real motives and greedy aspirations to be Nazi action figures but many of them just rotate the muscles of their mouths in superhuman blathering and con artistry in this respect.

Thus I cannot write even this film review. I do think the white male a actor out of England played a somewhat decent portrayal of an American. However, having lived in SF myself, I know that he emulated the accent but dopified the demeanor of the privileged white male and his blonde Nazi counterpart female. In other words, he made Americans look "stupid" because the behavior was really silly and even though his voice resembled the accent and the glib, fast-paced verbality of the type of white male who thinks he has every right to park illegally (which I also do myself, as white males then follow me close behind and threaten me because it's supposed to be only their privilege and not mine). Of course in this scene, the Latino minority who resembles exactly the caving-in racist enabler, allows this to transpire. Oh how many of these minorities assist in the worst of racist crimes I can't express the vast numbers who act like slaves to the white supremacist death squad push for fascist Nazism and mafia take-over of the United States--all the while claiming they "love" Democracy and are fighting for "freedom". This is the "left" and the "minorities" that all want to have their piece of the pie and eat it too.

I now see this so clearly in some of these movies. Especially played by English actors in both the protagonist and antagonist roles. The good guy is white, the bad guy is "brown" in this film because the English are really that racist. The takeover by Imperialist English factions, such as the recent interview of the "poor, discriminated-against" black female (half black or what ever..>?!) and her hubby with their intro into H-wood with the "fighting against racism" blacks rolling out the red carpet and enabling racist rape culture to the extreme when it comes to me--I see all of these things and can't write about them except in this most basic form. I could write a much more creative and cutting version and more artistically rendered than this post. Even this post is extremely dangerous to write in this very negative but brief tone. I can't write any kind of real journalistic or creative rendition of my thoughts because for so many years my ideas have been stolen verbatim at times, and I have been poisoned and drugged, tortured, raped and deformed and of course NO ONE EVER STOPS THIS ORGANIZATION OR PROTECTS ME (except, if they do, in ways I can't see and don't know about because they have to hide).

Thus in the last few months, from being drugged non-stop and my body never healing as the hardening poisons continue to be laced into my food by mechanical arms that are getting through every single defense I attempt and have worked on for YEARS. I am now putting my food in plastic bags and tying them with rubber bands and the parasite terrorists are getting through that as well. My attempts at defending my body are ceaseless I must innovate and fight to understand their most devious and silent techniques of penetration and destruction every single day they get through my latest version of fighting to protect my food, body and home.


As for my body--it's a huge shelf sticking out of my back of hard poisons that are probably at least 2-inches thick, literally glued into my body along my entire spine--and that is due to "corrective" surgeries because my spin was being pulled into huge 60-degree s-curves by the hardening poisons which interlaced into my vertebrae. The terrorist Nazi organization then poisoned me with hardening chemicals so the poisons just stuck and glued into my spine, hips and now I have what looks like a square shelf sticking out of my back. It is firmly glued into my hips, my hips are out-of-alignment and I need ultrasound to try to loosen it up and none of the millionaires and billionaires who have stolen ideas from me will lift a finger or offer a penny for the ideas they stole from me as I desperately need health care.

So I can't have my body either. My career and aspirations to be a writer have been met with murder attempts, endless theft of my ideas by white Europigape males who drugged, poisoned, raped and had me disfigured in accidents and now they have spent a decade having my fingernails destroyed by objects inserted under them EVERY SINGLE NIGHT FOR AT LEAST A DECADE. They have broken my toes and smeared damaging chemicals into my hair EVERY SINGLE NIGHT WHILE I WAS COMATOSE AS THEY TELEPORTED AND RAPED ME while their nasty poorer minions inflicted damage to my body and it still is never stopped.


I can't have a government I want because as far as I can tell, the Progressives even are infiltrated with the same faction of white supremacists combined with "righteous" blacks and other minorities, the bland Jewish intellectuals who never even do a single thing to protect me and adhere to all the white supremacists who allow them to spout the bs that they blather into cameras as the "experts" of intellectualism (with no one allowed to challenge them and they only pontificate and are vicious when provoked into having to be challenged or questioned--I am thinking of one in particular at this point).

The government, the agents of "Democracy" who are now claiming that "Democracy" is "hanging on a thin-edge" know precisely what is happening to me but they DO NOTHING of course. The point being that white male supremacy must be protected through the various guises of "liberalism" or even of just not towing the fascist Nazi line and publicly "fighting" to protect "Democracy" but as they see this situation ongoing with me, they can't appear to connect the "threat to Democracy" with this sexist, rapist hate crime being officially (but unofficially) funded by their very partners of "Democrat Party" lines in Congress (again, I am thinking of a few choice, particular whites who I believe know about my situation. But to give a hint, they are Republicans).

White male supremacy and their cloying minority black/brown/JEWISH and et al minions who create the illusion of a disparate but equality-based system of government but truly are all barreling down the path of fascist control over the US population--including many a Progressive (many in the media have attacked me, so viciously with so much hate--and they are "famous" for their anti-Trump stances and the stupid jokes they make for their crappy tv and journalistic shows) but they have all partnered with the Trump faction in order to participate in the teleportation terror that their "liberal" cronies in Whorewood have partaken in, with all the scumster rappers and "sensitive" performances "fighting" against racism and sexism but truly vicious and violent death squad Nazi and Mafia puppets who are vying to be put into lead and powerful positions, the more nasty and violent they are towards me the more disdainful they are, the more blonde Nazis surround them with love and cooing embraces and thus they spew filth and scum through their other minority minion network that the white fascist and mafia Nazis all rely upon to spew their inner filth and scum into my body and home. It is never ending.

I am now in the 4th day of yet another fasting cycle. I have been doing this every 4-6 weeks for over 2 years and I have gotten to the point that the huge bulge in my abdomen is now a bloated pot--that is after ten years of crapping out poison and being stuck in a semi-paralyzed state every day and night as these parasites torture and surround and terrorize and abuse and rape and disfigure and continue to poison me through this network.

Silence from the lambs reading this. Complete acceptance from the sheeple reading this. No support no help for me.

The bs continues. I hear the bemoaning of the white male network on YouTube regarding the declining health of Julian Assange and his fight to not be extradited to the US for a life-prison sentence for having revealed top secret intelligence on human torture done by the US and it's allies in places like Thailand (where Senator Boxer's report on CIA torture revealed that a few torture prisons had been set-up in S. Thailand where there is a larger Muslim population and many skirmishes and beheadings of the fighting Muslims have transpired in the past few decades. You don't hear much about it in the press, it is very silenced (except in Thailand). You must by all means protect the Imperialistic enterprises of the white supremacist Nazi and mafia factions coming to devour Thailand, it's natural resources and it's people who are all in the training process of inculcation into fascist Nazi behavior and ideology. I am one of the targets being used to further this training. All with death threats hurled at me by Pelosi when she attacks me, like the blacks before her, who attack me when I call the Germanic men who rape and abuse me "pigs" as she threatens to kill me to defend them and allows this to continue unabated, as all the politicians who have been involved in this crime (except perhaps for one whom I will not mention, it is hard for me to tell who is actually violent and who is reticent but "can't" do more than a few little aides for me in tiny little ways, completely bypasing what really needs to be done to stop this fascist push in the US Government and it's foot soldier entity, H-wood, into greasing the way for this to be fully absorbed into US and global society.

Thus I cannot write this film review because when I see it, I see all the strains of the hybrid "superhero" of Nietzsche and Nazism combined. I see Europeans taking lead roles because H-wood has been completely infiltrated by corporate interests such as the white Nazi supremacist male who tortured and stole ideas from me and teleported and raped me while he was welcomed into the film industry (formerly he had been a part of the "art" scene, and is connected to English royalty because his father was a Royal muralist and thus he is connected to the "top" and is also a huge component of this "American-English" group which hasn't stopped attacking me for years (with their French, Austrian and Germans who appear smug as their white supremacist American minions do the dirty work for the, while they all rely upon the black and brown and Jewish and et al minions to do the dirty work for them in a cascading entropy of s**t pouring down upon me and upon the world--in my opinion it is crap but everyone still loves and worships nearly this system.

Thus freedom of speech, I am absolutely put into a torture camp terrorist designation and probably the funds allocated to torturing me are part of the larger Homeland and NSA Security budget, but allocated in such as way that is obscured by jargon and umbrella terms.

I can't get health care and I can't get this poison out of my body so I still look like I have a huge tray sticking out of my back and the poison has pushed all the cellulite (adipose tissue) up and I also have not been able to exercise for years because a the poison rips out and they repoison me, I am just paralyzed I literally cannot move all day and I am stuck sitting here as they torture and have weapons beaming into my brain to inflict as much emotional and psychological damage as possible.

The government: I've been waiting for any president to stop this contract out on me since I realized that Obama was in some way aware of this situation. Then Trump got involved personally in a most nasty and vicious way. And now Pelosi has replaced him in this respect but in a far less "charming" way. She plays this passive-aggressive role which you can see in her public performances of saccharine pleasantry and platitudes spewed out like she's on drug and high, and then this vicious mafia Nazi personality emerges instantly and this is a true criminal of psychopathic proportions put into lead "Democratic" party position. Years and years of waiting for any government official to stop this violence towards me has proven futile. The Progressives are packed with a bunch of infiltrators who are there to protect interests of white male (and their nasty female counterpart) supremacists and all playing the respective subordinate roles and loving every minute of attacking me.

I have now spent a very long time backspacing and pounding down on the keyboard as hackers attack not only my keyboard but my brain so I can't think or write clearly or well. No one has ever stopped any of this in all the years of me writing to what I know are the people involved in the "high places" of the lowest denominator of American leadership.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...