Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Miep Gies--lecturing and the sadness with which I listened until I had to turn the video off (last night). I heard the tone of voice I recognized from people I had met as a child--now completely gone, their mentality, their beautiful gentle souls out of Europigapeland and America, replaced by the most dirty and ugly, mean-spirited meaningless filth and crap of humanity plastic-coated to appear as Nazi icons--if black or other colors or races, striving and being given jaw and lip, surgery and skin lightening creams to appear as Nazi as possible and internally ugly and devouring monster parasites like their bigot benefactors, all trained to appear like loving and warm and kind soulful people (all must recite scripts in order to do so and have endless botox and plastic surgery and training and coaching).//The Old, beautiful and romantic Europe that has been slowly killed off for decades, trickling down to the wanna be aristocrat Americans who yearn to have empires and monopolistic wealth as entitlement with groveling desperate minions encircling them operating as slaves doing their bidding if only to get a small promotion--trained to behave more viciously openly than the white bigot they are being "handled" by.//Listening to Miep Gies, lecturing on the power of the kindness of soul and heart to just help other people when they need help. She cited how she saved Otto Frank and his friends and family because like everyone else, she didn't believe they had done something to "deserve" it. Her kindness of spirit I remember as a child from the people I had met from Europigapeland Nazi 3rd Reich. The Americans were striving to stop fascism in America. They are literally all dead and gone now. The spawn that grew up being trained by celebrity pig ape culture that violence and pornographic sleaze wins over the hears of consumers who want to be Imperialist and Colonialist fascists and control the world.//Disgusting sleaze and filth poured upon me by shit representing culture and politics and society in general. It is the death of the world you all are entertained by and believe in.

"Miep Gies, 1994 Wallenberg Lecture". Raoul Wallenberg Medal and Lecture. November 12, 2013.


"A Small Light/Official Trailer/National Geographic". National Geographic. April 4, 2023.

*I have some additional criticisms of this tv series A Small Light--some very excellent, some disparaging to a degree--but the point of this post is on the protagonist Miep Gies, who in the lecture above is of a different culture than the modern actors. Also, if you listen to interviews with Otto Frank, he is not the sad and disparaged destroyed half-man that Schrieber plays him--but a bold and strong man with stern determination with no sad and droopy countenance, as so many of these half-Jewish actors play the victims of the holocaust who portray these resistance fighters portray in these sappy Disney shows and glossy Spielberg fantasy movies lacking in the real brutality and the psychological terror of the society. They also ALWAYS portray the Jews as being passive and/or looking like non=-Jews in these movies and shows. None of the actors looks actually "Jewish" in the tv series, and I feel no real compassion coming from the English actors playing the resistance fighters who actually have no idea what it really means on a daily basis and in a spiritual and psychological sense--they play the roles, they look p-d off, they look angry, they kiss one another they "love" on screen. But the reality is far different and the Jews being portrayed really are a facsimile and an insult--at least goddamn Whorewood could put actual Jewish actors in these roles for a change, which is so obviously racist in the first place. Besides all that, the hacking is ever-present which means this post will be partially deleted and rewritten to sound scattered. I can't think clearly and I am backspacing to retype every word I must pound out because the keyboard is hacked and too hard to write on without pounding every key as hard as possible, and then they don't print out anyway and keys are juxtaposed.

This post is a bit scattered anyway because I can't write, can't think and am trying to convey a relatively complex series of ideas in one shortened version because typing is so hard and thinking clearly is impossible with the tech and drugging afflicting me, every day and the ugliness of these putrid creesp you all cheer on, most of them past their f-ing prime, forcing themselves on me perpetually to continue their monopolies in Whorewood. The rotten criminal politicians keep them in power as a mutual pact for power. Nature is screaming in rage from the conspicuous consumption that these ape whores are constantly portraying as celebrities in their "haute living" parasite living photo ops.


Here is Otto Frank speaking on the ordeal forced upon him and his family. You can see immediately that although he looks a bit worn with age and struggle and murder of his entire family and theft of all his property and his home and his culture and country turned into a fascist Nazi citadel which the world still considers the epitome of modern Haute Culture and fashionable status to obtain---how lovely those old houses look with the embellishments made sometimes by the Jews who were also craftmen of highest standard, then silenced and their work and even the identities of their craft work sliced out of existence and all credit given to meaningless empty and blank Nazi and Mafia filth on this planet. You can see easily that Otto Frank was a very strong man, he had been a warrior--a captain in the First World War fighting for Germany. He was promoted and he was I believe decorated as well. He states in this interview that "you cannot ever give up, you cannot despair you must always fight" (paraphrased)---the character played by the half-Jewish Liev Shriebner (sp? sorry it's too hard to look things up hacking and DOS attacks are rampant)--but he's already resigned to giving up in his appearance and his demeanor before the story line ever begins. You see a tired and vacant man prior to the Nazi invasion of the Netherlands in the first opening scenes. In the actual interview of Otto Frank, AFTER he had been sent to death camps and worked nearly to death and rescued by Russians (but that would not happen now, I believe as Russia is fully a Nazi country and Jews are severely oppressed, so I have been told by Russian Jews fleeing Russia to live in more "free" Germany just after the fall of the Wall in circa 1993--now Germany is becoming it's former self much more openly so I don't know where these immigrants have now run for some kind of non-Nazi culture to live in? Certainly not America)

And so, you can see that the real Otto Frank was vibrant, alive and strong in character even after all the violence and murder and theft. This was not a complacent and weary accept but struggle like lukewarm milk toast type personality that is portrayed in the tv series A Small Light---it's a propoundment of a stereotype of racism that is embedded within the "victim-rescue" narrative, and that non-Jewish women even from the Nazi country of Austria can actually not be nazis and help to kill off minorities in their own country if and when the 4th Reich comes to full power. The implementation of the death camp training facility in Georgia is  one such obvious manifestation of the emergence of a miltary-grade Totalitarian fascist system with more death squads and not less, as the politicians make their tv appearances but don't dare touch the MAGA country club for death squad training facility that has already killed protestors and raided with SWAT teams the houses of people trying to gather funds to defend those imprisoned for protesting. One was shot and killed while staging a peace protest to protect the forest that will be destroyed to build this facility. Biden has made no mention of it because he's fully into lecturing about his fake ideology but in secret letting all kinds of violent racist Nazi/Mafia s*** go down with me and with operations like the MAGA death camp training facility being built in Georgia. As I stated, I was threatened with death for writing a post criticizing MTG and her gun-toting tv ads (which demonstrate not her personally but her culture, which is American culture) and the pig apes from Whorewood who have been put into political farce acting positions for the United Nations as "feminists" protecting "women"--as long as they grovel in deference to the pig ape whores who "rescue" the little children of black and brown skin and then use the drooling little obedient slave children they adopted to serve as theatrical props for their further "victim-rescue" narratives for all the roles of political and media proclamation that the reality is not actually happening. The reality of people doing nothing as the death camps and Nazis are mounting their decades-long assault and rise to power. But Disney had to delete the reality of what Otto Frank was, and instead make sure to get an actor who will do nothing as he sees I am being raped and tortured and poisoned to death from his fellow colleagues, and the actors out of England see that I am being raped, beaten and poisoned and tortured to death by their fellow colleagues in the film industry--as they, like all the do-nothings of the culture they play in this tv spoof about Jews, which is supposed to bring a Hallmark tear of compassion and that the world is not a cold and heartless place after all---while the real violence is being now openly implemented and when it comes to "scary" things like actually protesting the rise of a fascist State-sponsored entire compound for training in tactical warfare against the US population---they do nothing. They try to get a foot in the door and participate and let the world of their sinister compliance know that they will not interfere and will usually laugh about it and their blonde Nazi wives who control them will be the first to obtain the rewards and money prizes for all the silent compliance to the rise of authoritarian Nazi 4th Reich Mafia control over media and huge death squad training facilities being built in Georgia with MTG coming to threaten to kill me and make sexual rape gestures at me and grab me sexually while pig shit pit and whorealina watch as usual having told her what to do with the Europigape 4th Reich Nazis and Mafia holding more awards and huge mansions on the coast and mansions in Europigapeland and more accolades and more standing ovations for the shitty and meaningless roles they play to beguile and mesmerize the public that they "care" about society (the "under privileged is their focus point as this is a huge Democratic Party demographic they are trying to lean into becoming black fascist Nazis but voting "Democrat".)


This is what the Nazis killed off in the Jewish population, even in Israel which is much controlled by German interests which cause the divide and conquer strategy, with blacks aiming hate at Jews for what they are doing to Palestine. The black Americans who claim this then watch gleefully as I am beaten, raped and tortured because somehow I "represent" their claim that Jews are mistreating Palestinians and somehow that means they are racist towards blacks and that means me. I think that is the line of stupid blank rationality they follow and "justification" for participating in attacking me. Most of them have no other justification other than they are just greedy and fake stupid rhyming scum put into lead position for playing a double duplicitous game of lavishing love for white supremacy and then making some cheap and basic rhymes in rap songs about how tough they are in fighting "racism". They have stupid and blank Oprah to do this for the mediocrity mainstream population as well.

But here is a remnant of what was killed off concerning strong and elegant Jews, replacing them with frumpy and sad protestors fighting for justice but who actually fight for their own station in life and to be accepted into the Nazi/Mafia fold. If I were to explain how in my entire life the number of "Jewish" people I met who belong to the greed and sleazy quota, it far exceeds any who fight for justice and against Nazis. This has been social engineering to destroy Jewish culture internally while keeping it intact for superficial appearance sake. This is what the brainwashed modern actors can't understand or aren't allowed to portray in order to solidify the racist stereotypes that Jewish men can only rely on blonde and Nazi/Mafia pig ape women in order to remain alive in this 4th Reich (Miep Gies is not what I am referring to, I am referring to the modern version of the "victim rescue" narrative which this dumb tv show represents. As well done as it is, all these racist Nazi productions are always very well funded and they are produced with highly trained and skilled professional artists and make-up and scriptwriters but always there is the mind screw element underlying the words, enforcing racist stereotypes and using mostly programmed 4th Reich "minorities" to play the lead roles. ** You can see that Otto Frank looked sad and tragic, but most people would after being put into death camps and their families killed off by neighbors and associates. You can hear the resolve and strength in his voice. What Schriebner portrayed was a man so passive and devoid of personality he appeared to be a limp biscuit from the onset of the production. He never had a spark of strength, cultivation in arts or the articulate well-educated high-ranking wealth status that the Frank family had been before all was stolen from them. It is always disgusting that the pig ape Nazis stole as much plunder as they could, which thankfully this production showed in some detail, while the Nazi pig apes called the Jews money-sucking parasites on their "country". The Jews are always demeaned with accusations that they only are money-sucking, but the pig apes did everything to suck money out of the Jews and now from around the world--as the 4th Reich is now a pan-Europigape cartel extending across the Atlantic, of course (even into Central and S. America) and everywhere else--now Asia of course and from Ukraine as well. But, digressing. Frank was not the character portrayed in the "A Small Light" tv series produced by Disney and a few other companies as part of a mind programming series to make people feel good about how Jews are not going to be killed off while death camps are being built in Georgia and murder is showered upon people protesting this death concentration camp facility (the general US population is becoming a death camp situation--there won't be any transports the cities are becoming death camps the civilization has become a death camp for a huge majority while the shit pig ape stupid meaningless dumb like these celebrities and most of the politicians who watch on and do nothing get "Haute" living as their prize for participation. Now with teleportation the stupid pig apes have ratcheted up their "game" a much higher stake in the 4th Reich death camp concentration pig ape facilities which will be the central operating command center for city and state-wide conceptration camp ghettos of the major cities, which the Europigapes will take over when they can with more Austerity measures once the French-controlled IMF offers huge indebtedness loans to the US, which is always on the brink of default on loans because of the graft of shit like Pelousi who is a crook and a money-grabbing parasite--exactly the Mafia who works to enhance the blonde Nazi  iconography in Whorewood--but, these are the politicians turning American into a controlled, Europigapeland controlled, controlled by debt IMF French/German partnership austerity once the debt ceiling does actually crash and the US does go into default, which most say is inevitable. 

"Otto Frank, father of Anne". jonghtube. October 20, 2012.

Maybe the only loving spirit left on the planet is the destruction that the Earth will wreak upon the planet to stop the hate from devouring what is left of the beauty and love because the shit on top of the 4th Reich are truly hideously life-fuck ugly and death culture blankness. I still can't get anyone to pry this group of shit and filth off me because you all have completed the 4th Reich agenda so completely you all just shrug and like the people who did nothing to stop the Nazi massacres of their neighbors and friends (whom the do-nothing f-ers also stole and profited off) you all are the same. This glossy Disney tv series with droopy despondent ugly Jewish men (the real Jewish men were dynamic, strong, good-looking and virile and FOUGHT for justice and for their lives, not meekly only relying on one non-Jewish woman to do everything for them, as this tv series shows. All the Jewish men are made to look meek and kind of stupid and weak and worthless as men--which is NOT the actual case. The women are absolutely NOT jewish and those who do look it look like the types who have completely sold out to being kind of loud and obnoxious, the stereotype of Jewish women that is part of the Nazi and Mafia iconography). Disney puts all these roles along with all the Europigape media concerns, but the entire schlocky tv series is supposed to make you feel-good that people can still "care" about others as long as the Jewish men are ugly and worn down and weak and leaning on non -Jewish women for their lives (the programming my fathers completely played and were slowly killed for by the ugly and hateful skanks who played their "loving" wife handlers who stole all their property and humiliated and poisoned them-and me). And tv shows like this further the racist stereotypes while feigning that they care. The actors are then interviewed as if they personally were and are part of the "resistance" to the emerging 4th Reich, with obvious Nazi squads roaming places like Ukraine--which wants "freedom" and now in Georgia with a cop Nazi training death camp being built. For protesting it with analysis yesterday in a Facebook post, focusing on one of Georgia's main female remnants of Hillary Clinton's version of "feminism" is MTG--and the cold and ugly and sinister pig pit and skankalina sitting on their dirty asses waiting to hear me yell in hate and expound on ideas for them to steal in order for them to portray roles of "resistance" in their creepy and dirty fake "compassionate" roles for Disney and et al... I can assure the "you" reading this that the actors who play these roles in both the Miep Gies rescue non-Nazi feel-good Vaseline butt-f** tv show about people who "care" about saving "jews" --the actor who played the frumpy and withdrawn, obedient and endlessly sad and tired role of Otto Frank (who was vibrant, strong, determined, had come from aristocracy which the pig apes stole all money and property from) but had a style of classic antiquity of composure, well-educated not a sad little "Jewish" ugly man hiding behind spectacles or whatever as this tv show portrays by the half Nazi pig ape Schrieber who is being interviewed as if he personally has participated in resistance fighting. I believe that he knows very well about my situation and like all the rest like Spielberg has only either done nothing or actively participated--as Spielberg has done--. They make their sad and tired interviews with their blonde Nazi wives sitting next to them nodding in agreement (sucking out the money from the millions and billions of payment for playing these destroyed and ugly Jewish male roles).


I wrote a post about Marjorie Taylor Green yesterday on Facebook and how she and her bigot colleagues in Georgia are bringing a Taliban-style "Cop City" complex of White Christian terror into the population of Georgia, and for the eventual addition of even more death squad enhancement around the United States. She appeared while I was awake in evening with the usual shit pig pit and filthy whorealina the disgusting stupid pair of filth psychopath scumbags--endlessly this pair of shit coming at me and sucking my life, beauty health and most importantly the stupid pair of empty, meaningless and blank whore prostituted scum steal ideas and claim them as their own, pay nothing and have me brutalized, poisoned in disgusting deadly ways without end while I am healing from murder attempts at poisoning, and have an entire arcade of psycho politico and "entertainer" clowns viciously attack me in a never-ending line-up of sleazy and rotten shit and filth from that stupid empire of meaningless stupidity and filth of the media and entertainment and political "spectrum" which is just one small line on any spectrum with an extremely limited mental capability and they can perform lying stunts in front of cameras and recite lines and obey and follow orders and for that they are giving Nazi-modifying plastic surgery and top promotions for DECADES until the movies are such boring crap only the mind programmed idiots watch it--and the rest get slowly killed off so only dumb and hateful blank sleazy wanna be Nazi Imperialist remains all that is left of a once striving for some higher ideal society.

The one and only place I have heard any inkling of this Cop City disaster in Georgia has come from one single mainstream news source. It is supposed to be an "alternative" news pipeline of the same coming out as "caring" for black and brown but the people they interview who are in the mainstream political and entertainment media absolutely are front clowns who are put in place to render NO CHANGE to the status quo. 

The idiot wind YouTube Progressives, so called, have said nothing about this death squad institution being built. Instead they are focused on interviewing bigot Nazi rock stars from the 60's who pose as "fighting" for American Democracy, particularly if they come out of the England that died but they were put as the iconic fronts for the "Revultionary" movement instead while fascism and Nazism flourishes while the network kills off the beautiful soul people.


Because I am so constantly surrounded by hate, filth and ugliness, the beautiful I had in me which was expressed as genuinely making "love" while drugged up, was sucked out every day, for years, by ugly sinister putrid Europigape shit so-called "men" and their wives and children watching on, greedily sucking vicariously off my energy and profiting with endless promotions for this death culture technology of teleportation, gang staling and torture.

that beauty I had grown up around which came out of Europe, I read books avidly as a child coming from the philosophers and my parents and grandparents had many beautiful and loving friends who had left Europigapeland--they never discussed Nazis with me, I don't know if they escaped or they just left and had survived. Knowing my family, they were traitors and betrayed people but came to America to live outside of that system. But the system has been brought into America and the Stasi/KGB system of eliminating anyone who disagrees and who spreads good will and love for humanity is killed off.


In this ugliness, for all these years of finally turning into a ranting hateful person out of years of contact with this parasitic filth and shit coming out of Whorewood and the dirty and ugly filth and shit from Congress, I think the apex of the hate and ugliness was nasty ugly Graham and Cruz from Texas, but it's a never-ending line-up of wasteland products put into power in both of these facade enterprises--

But Kathleen Battle, yet another black middle aged woman coming to violently assault me in any way, with her videos of little black children who she is "fighting" to save from Africa or whereever put on my YouTube channel with a not-great singing black woman who is famous because she can hit a few high notes in her limited register of singing scale propensity. Coming at me with death in my teleportation sleep---ugly and sinister. I had posted some of her videos in the drugged mind control state they force on me while I remain paralyzed and watching tv because I only hear screams and cries from the rooms below mine and hacking coughing every time I move near the window--al the plants I bought are dying and no flowers appear, all are picked off by mechanical arms--there is filth and dirt and scum everywhere

Dirty nasty MarJorie Taylor Green and ugly stupid digsusting filth shit pig pitt and shit-whore alina sat with demands that Green abuse me because I challenged her Georgia fascist death squad facility being built, which under all the Georgia Senators who have been put into Democrat positions, I have not seen any publicity of them speaking vociferously against this death squad training facility. Instead, they go on about the usual disenfranchised issues but they don't fight to stop this very obvious 4th Reich Gestapo training facility. Protestors have been killed while they were sitting on the ground with hands up, because they were protecting the land which will be cemented over---entire eco systems will be destroyed. The police are already in fascist killing mode before the building of this death squad training camp is built. A Squat team came with guns drawn in military gear to attack the home of people from a non-profit working to obtain money to bail out and defend those who have already been arrested and are in jail for protesting the facility.


So filthy ugly dirty and stupid pig shit pit and his whore skank stupid ugly wife came to watch as another person violently attacked me. I am in a state of "truth serum" effect and I tried to not answer her prying questions to get me to "open up". MTG is extremely manipulative in her "cheery" fake demeanor. She uses this saccharine acting style to grease up the target and then once the defenses are lowered, she begins her real operation. I know this and I knew this, but I could not stop the teleportation. I could not get away from them. Dr. Phil talks about how to defend yourself and how to identify yourself against such parasites and scum who try to parasite everything off you, but in teleportation I literally try to turn away and they can manipulate my body to never turn away--I walk away I try to get away they follow me and are constantly in my face. I can only see a 5-foot diameter around my body   in this state, and then only in a grey and black fuzzy capacity. I literally don't see where I am, what environment, and I believe my eyes are being controlled to not be able to focus while I am in this state.

I could not stop talking, and it's always like this. I try to remain silent and it's like the drugs they endlessly insert into my body while I am sleeping keep me unable to protect my silence capabilities.

So I responded, she was saccharine psychopath/sociopath and extracted ideas out of me, and then smirking in glee with shit pig pit and ugly filthalina, said that "okay, now let's kill her!" they all had a little titillation surge of enthrallment as I tried for the next time to fend aggressive and dirty nasty Marjorie Taylor Green off me with "humanitarian" shit pig pit and UN humanitarian sleaze and whore icon shitalina sitting as they have done for a decade siccing every aspiring scumbag into higher promotional power. They put Trump into power, trust me, they are building a death culture and you are all applauding them because their plastic surgery they've been paid in millions and millions to obtain for all these years keeps you delighted that America has Nazi-modified icons to represent your greed blood lust for empire and power and to become as European aristocrat fascist Nazi Imperialist Colonialist as possible. You are all then adored by the Europigapes who come to suck out and steal as much as possible in the guise of being advocates and helpers for "Democracy" which of course they are "experts" at even though their cultures are also now turning obviously into fascist Nazi subcultures which are "rising" up while the cock stars of the 60's come to "help" America with all their musical riffs about what John Lennon, targeted and shot by the US Government---wrote of in his attempt to help white boys not have to fight in the endless 4th Reich war.


When I looked at the modern photos of Kethleen Battle, because her voice HAD BEEN so beautiful and regardless of race of country, she truly had one of the most beautiful voices--long ago--back in the 80's and 90's--now, she looks to me like a kind of corrupted monster. And lo and behold, she put a monster style huge ugly fish in a tank trying to eat a small and colorful tropical fish. I was trying to save the little fish, feeling very sad as the huge ugly monster--which reminds me of what she looks like now and now behaves as in conjunction with the ugly shit and filth from Whorewood who strive so endlessly to emulate 3rd Reich fascism and Imperialism but are working to represent the 4th Reich, which is even more ugly and stupid than the 3rd and has no "mystery" to see of occult pretense at being "superior" pig apes greedily devouring all they can possible, but now just devouring apes and pigs snorting up all they can because they can't snort up cocaine any longer as they all used to do--literally they are all drug addicts or various other addictions plague them, and the country and planet as well. Their shitty stupid and ugly crap children are the spawn of addicts and behave like addicts.

So there was this ugly grey fish with a huge ugly mouth opening to devour the beautiful little colorful tropical and rare fish. I felt such sadness. And that was the effect the ugly pig ape strove for. I can't feel sadness for people who are part of their group if they die, as they have killed off any sensation of concern out of me. I was once a truly loving and compassionate pe rson, and now I pray for their deaths every day. They have forced so much of their ugliness and sleaze and filth out of me and sucked as much life and beauty and positivity out and all I have are videos of pigs now who were beautiful then, when there were still some remaining beautiful souls in the public perspective whom they entertained and were influenced by.


I watched Miep Gies and then was assaulted by the shit of Whoreood and nasty violent Marjorie Taylor Greene with the endless shit pig pit and ugly dirty and equally stupid meaningless shitalina sitting with endless millions poured at them to fulfill these terror operations against me. I have not heard or seen anything of that former soft and sensual beautiful concern for life and love that the Europeans used to have which they killed off; those who escaped  Hitler were then killed by the Nazis in America and everywhere else they ran to. 

Although Miep died at age 100, she was protected by the people who were influenced by her real genuine love--and she was surrounded by those not of the Nazi tribe completely. But otherwise, this group has family, leaders, celebrities and death squads to fulfill these roles for them as proxies. 

Now they are building a huge death training camp in Georgia, killing off a natural preserve area and of course Biden is saying nothing. He goes along with the fascist agenda just as Obama and Michelle had done (with Biden behind them probably influencing them as the white bigot mafia "Italian" and "Irish" that he claims he is).


Behind MTG is of course Trump, and partnering with Trump is the Biden Democrat Caucus and Hillary Clinton most fixated on having violent rapist Mafia doing her filthy work for her. 


there is no "feminism" in regard to her "concern" for women, it's the female component of the Nazi/Mafia brigade of death squad operators and influencers who want a bit of power and that is all.


Woe to the world. I watch as the hate and ugliness and stupidity of these worthless pig ape whores is reflected in the devastation of global warming devouring the planet. The pig apes continue on their path of "entitlement" which is literally based in a death culture of hate and bigotry and lack of meaning, heart and soul. The planet is dying as a result. Everyone wants to emulate the sleazy and dirty ugly multi-billionaires endlessly faking concern, being put into political leadership as a result. The result of the "feminist" movement in that regard is Marjorie Taylor Green, and the death squad factory of the 4th Reich coming out of Georgia. It's also Obama and Michelle Obama being put into Whorewood industry to promote their fake and stupid books and tv shows about psychopath mass spree murder black "girls" who go out killing people if they offend the black Nazi gyrating skank who fully supports genocide when it comes to Jews and then cries with her hubby about black people being discriminated against--dying her hair as blonde as possible. Endlessly beloved by the Nazi/Mafia public because all the thinkers and intellectuals have been either brainwashed to say nothing, under a terror-dome of torture and mind programming death squad technologies.

No one can criticize this death camp being built except for one major news outlet, so I did it. I was assaulted with death threats, sexual hints at molestation, pig shit pit and shitalina sitting as usual when someone else threatnes to kill me as they get profit and promtion for themselvs and their shit spawn and Nazi/Mafia group who endlessly put them in positions of power and through politics have them "win" awards every year at the Oscars and at Cannes and eveywhere possible. 

The general public is so brainwashed and so violent they adore and love these pig apes, as they cheer on the death-mongering gun-toting women who are the emblematic representation of all that the "feminist" movement under Hillary has ever produced. The other "feminists" like Hillary and her group, because they can only steal ideas from other feminists and are trained to perform the lines, can't say anything about any issue other than the standard platitudes and don't speak out, analyze or have any single thing to say that hasn't been said by those they stole from decades ago.


The endless videos of Kethleen Battle that I deleted, I was literally mind programmed to save them or copy them. I then realized that she's another pig ape and I deleted them. This battle for my "mind" keeps going on. Now, last night, the ugly monster black nazi worked with MTG and shit pig pit and filthy stupid whorealina to attack me using a death motif for her hate skit while I was in deep sleep. 

That "beauty" which she emulated coming from the old world, which has been killed off in the way I only briefly alluded to above, the death of that former life-affirming culture out of Europe which I had the brief taste of and exposure to as a very young child, which has slowly been killed off. Replacing them, and just like the musical styles have also been replaced, are harsh, screaming but tuned and trained by motronome perfection performers absolutely void of love and kindness and only striving for media attention and more money and more lucre and more power if they can be handed it.


As global warming is eating up the planet, the crop yields, and as disasters are now looming and death squad culture has permeated America into daily mass killings and 100-mile paths of hurricanes, I can only associate the interior hate and stupidity and ugliness of these crap pig apes who have been put into "power" both in Congress and in entertainment media and news. Even that one source that portrayed the impending KGB/fascist nazi death camp training facility now approved of in Georgia, with death threats coming at me for making a series of posts about how this woman in Congress represents killing mentality with her endless advocacy of guns and white supremacy and her stupid comments and in teleporation her behavior is of a spastic lesbian ape creep fighting to parasiticially attack me while stupid and ugly pig pit and whoralina watch on so glad they will be promoted for the next cycle of the Oscars for their endless lead roles in hate aimed at me while they literally suck the life out of me as everyone stands by and watches doing nothing.


When you listen to Miep Gies, you can hear NOT an affectation of her voice, but a true embellishment of vocality which sounds a bit like a bird trilling in parts. She is the elegant loving soul with a voice that is not a linear harsh blast coming at you perpetually. You can hear this in the tone of the people being interviewed now from Whorewood and form Congress. Everything is a straight blast of informational clarity spoken with enunciation that has been trained.

Listen to the gentleness and sweetness in the tone of Miep Gies and this is the type of voice, the type of gentle sweetness that I was exposed to by the people out of Europe who I met as a 5 year old, 6 or 7, the latest age 8 and then they all died as if in one swoop. 

Replaced by "direct" tones of people uttering "commanding" voices of imperious straight-forwardness. The personalities are of joy in death squad activities or ignorance thereof willingly, stating that the person who is targeted must have "done something wrong" to "deserve" it and"shut up and die" is the endless tone I hear in America now. But the next generation of shit from places like 4th Reich Whorewood are eager to participate and have been fully trained by the older generation that was not slowly killed off, who delight in endless entitlements their governments bestow upon them, obtained from brutal murders of genocides and the loot they obtained. These are  trained to absolutely enjoy torture and rape and murder, and they abound in Whorewood, and if not directly from the actors who sit on the periphery of this hate crime being committed against me, they are influenced by this and are being taught that this its the path towards their careers and promotion so they are being programmed into this as well.

Whenever they speak, they have a whiny ugly tone in their stupid and blank voices. There are no embellishments of beauty in their voices, they are blank and "straight-forwards" and parasites who leech out everything possible.

When someone or a group who wants to succeed beyond being a low-oppressed minion obeying and not questioning and wanting to aspire and rise and be prosperous and successful--it is said that they must work at least twice as hard as the domineering group which presides over the gateway of social gentile comfort zone out of the Twilight Zone.

 I believe I must work harder than the 2x stereotype and I have to work more than 4x harder, at least--or exponentially for so many things that are basic. 

The level of obstruction for performing the most basic of operations has been made exponentially more blocked and nearly impossible for me from this global terror network (the 4th Reich).

---------Again, ordering just some supplies from an online mail order service, now completely taken over by hostile hacker terrorists and their psycho-sick manipulation "skit" cesspool dwellers who think up these nasty discriminatory blocks to any kind of achievement, happiness, living in just cleanliness, etc every single thing is stolen, broken and taken away.


Hours on the internet fighting to communicate with terrorists who were hacking into my system so I could not obtain any information about my order, which has been placed back three times so I have been kept waiting as every day another delivery date is listed. This is for a motorbike helmet because the terrorists sprayed a noxious substance that created a stinking permanently befouled stink onto the fabric lining the helmet--so I have to throw it away. I bought it during Covid and put little sparkly stickers--3D type stickers with gems and it was in a kind of intricate pattern. The terrorists sprayed the endless brown permanently staining stinking substance on all the bright, happy jewel ornaments and the patterns. They put scratch marks into the bright light purple helmet so it looked old and scratched and broken down eventually. And then they sprayed the stinking permanent stuff into the material just last week and so I am left without a helmet and police everywhere in my district so I am forced to try to order a helmet online. The order I placed quoted delivery for 4 days--on June 3. On June 3, that changed to delivery expected June 6-9. today it was changed to June 19. 


This was a hack. I looked up the delivery partner online and input the order number and no package is listed on their roster for delivery. My package is not listed as being in their delivery line-up at all. Yet, there is a delivery number for that exact service. So obviously it was supposed to have been delivered a few days ago and has been taken out of delivery status and is being kept somewhere to keep me waiting indefinitely. I now have to buy a helmet in order to wait for the other helmet to arrive. But I tried to get the delivery expedited and went through more than one hour of nasty "agents" putting me through circles of repeating the same things they had first said and never answering my questions. I had to write in bold certain things because they did not "understand". They then lied to me and claimed they would contact me via email with a new order and would try to push the delivery faster and when I contacted the service back one hour later--nothing had been done or changed whatsoever.


the WiFi went out many times during this process, and this was all done after I had spent hours trying to remove all the malware by a system restore function. Once I tried to log-in after all the hours of the restore operation, the WiFi turned on and off rapidly when I was trying to gain access to this service--the general ordering website with all it's partner "logistics" delivery services attached; there are many (and it's mostly all written in a foreign language although there is English translation it doesn't cover much of the site).


I had spent over 2 hours rewriting the same question as they kept repeating the same things and never acknowledging what I was trying to say.

They did, ultimately, absolutely NOTHING and lied every single sentence about every single thing I asked. 


Later on, trying to ascertain where a letter I sent to the US on May 25th still is--registered mail, costing me $10 (for me it's a big deal to spent $10 for a letter sent to my bank, which has been trying to cut the deadline for receiving this signed application form by 3 weeks and I have spent literally hours and hours in bank chat and by phone to get them to actually put the deadline to the standards set by the conditions of the bank opening deadline (they cut it back by 3 weeks; I have had to fight for DAYS to get them to just give me an answer whether they will allow for an "extension" and it should not be an "extension" it's the 60-day deadline they are cutting by 21 days--thus discriminatory action against me in opening this account).

the signed application letter, which I had paid Priority delivery, was sitting at the B-kok customs and airport for over 10 days--going nowhere (as I checked every day using the tracking number). 

Now it has been sitting at the US customs office in NYC for more than 2 days. 


All the while, the hackers blocked the functions of the keyboard and hacked/deleted words or parts of sentences while I was fighting to chat with my bank and etc. But while I was just at the survey part of the end of the chat, beginning to exhale a little bit--after having to fine-tooth-pick through every detail of one single transaction for one banking entity (a big bank, where endless "mistakes" have plagued my every encounter with any single operation with this bank since I was transferred to them when my bank was closed and sold off to the other bank, and so was I as a result). But then, the order for delivery which has had multiple stress-points tweaked to the max--they destroyed my helmet, they blocked the delivery for the new helmet, they pushed back delivery a 2nd time, and then a third time. I have been sitting here waiting for this delivery with not enough food only to not have to drive without the essential gear. I now have to buy a helmet just to wait for the helmet I arrived--so I am spending money I should not have to, in other words.

But as I was at the end of the laborious strife of dealing with hacker terrorists posing as agents, while my brain literally is transfixed into a gullibility so I "believe" the most obvious crap even thought I've been going through this same kind of fake agent pretense for years. The problem is that I never know as this is a faceless chat. But while I was just wrapping it all up, feeling a sigh of relief, the hackers then made a little page pop up covering 2/3 of the page, which froze, so I was stuck sitting there staring at a huge pop-up covering the survey, which I could not close and was just finishing putting nice comments on. I am always extremely grateful for the online chat message service for this bank. Every time I phone the bank in person my throat is constricted by the remote tech tweaking the microchip implant in my throat, just at the larynx area, closing off air and making me choak (which they do also while I'm eating, drinking and for a very long time, while in the deepest of sleep or just falling asleep).


Just to be able to fall asleep has been turned into a near mission impossible due to that one form of torture, the microchip implant. It is nearly impossible for me to get through a phone call without choking and not being able to speak. It is also a little painful, by the way and my voice is tweaked so it sounds either very low and sour and oldish or warbly and cracked and just not me---


As I finally got through the last excruciatingly teeth-pulling exercise in futility by chatting with my bank via chat, to ask very simple questions but by now I must check over 4 times for any single possible glitch that could occur, that the people who create these obstacles never have to worry about and they have absolute plain smooth sailing in their every encounter with transactional life.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Terrorist Report: A letter I sent to my bank, which has blocked this transaction in every way after I instigated this new action to my account--they have blocked the mail, they have illegally shortened the deadline for submitting the application and are now blocking the mail from going out. This is a universal system of attack by government mail operations and in my private mail service to the bank to the situation where I have been forced to live (the bank was forced upon me and the mail service was also forced upon me, I literally have no choice they block all access to any other service, I am lied to constantly and discriminated against so I only have one option, which is a complete terror situation in every single case).//from T-land to my Miami address was sent out on the 25th of May. It's still sitting in the B-kok mail sorting area, when I track the letter both on the USPS site and the T-land post site. This is the signed application form for the opening of a service at my bank (hackers deleted part of this sentence just now, but I don't want to expose my financial details specifically anyway) but they are hacking in right now obscuring what I type--. All morning I have been subjected to a dog-hacking-barking coughing noise tinged with hate from the scum in the room below mine--I wrote extensively about years of their hours of screaming on their patios at night for 4-5 hours until 2 a.m. every night for over 2 years. They are now making disgusting noises constantly in the morning and it's being coordinated with attacks in my body with the tech blasting electric shocks so the noises are coordinated with the tiny electric shocks. //the same people doing all sorts of disgusting things in the aural and physical sense as well as my body is being blasted with heart-palpitating and nervous system attacks---but the letter: which has been blocked from being actually mailed out in a timely manner. It has been sitting in some sorting area for over 12 days. That is not normal and it's still sitting in this area today--12 days later being blocked from being mailed out, as this is obviously part of the terror operation to make every transaction a literal fight to get any single thing accomplished. This is a financial transaction I am trying to obtain from my bank, which has been lying to me since I tried to open this new service, and just the hours of fighting on the phone with the nasty man on the other end in trying to obtain this service was a huge energy parasite sucking experience, like a kind of enervation exercise of a parasite verbally attacking me on the phone with hate and a very nasty tone and demeanor--I had to fight to remain positive to get this done. Only to have every single inch of the process blocked, delayed, stopped, lied to, deadlines cut weeks short so the entire process will fail. Hackers just deleted this so I have to write it again (I am re-reading now): the deadline for submitting the signed application form is 60 days and the bank cut it short to 40 days. I wrote into the chat service online that the letter would arrive from T-land in a few weeks, close to the end of the deadline. A few days later, I received a letter from the bank, on official paper, stating the deadline was cut 3 weeks short and the entire application would be terminated if they didn't receive this form by early June--instead of the end of June. Now the signed form is sitting in B-kok for 12 days. The hackers have deleted a lot in this post and the internet has been turned off while I was writing this and I can't get it back on.// Repeated phone calls and mail contact with the bank to get this stopped, being lied to, then finding that my phone number I had input 3 months ago was changed back to a non-working number I had changed---three months ago. Trying to get that changed, told I had to wait 24 hours for the change, and then it never was done. I had to contact the bank another time, and then a nother time and I still don't know if my new phone number has been input. They forced me to have to receive an SMS call if I want to access my bank account. This is an option for the customer but they have forced it on me and then lied about how it shows up if the browser is not recognized- a complete lie. I can't get around this. They keep changing the phone number and the landlord here and the goons who spray filth and fungus into my food and clothing and in my body and everything else and steal and make my home stinking and foul--they then turn the WiFi off constantly like they are pressing a button. The router appears to be on and even the laptop signals that the connection is on. //This goes on and on, every single thing I do is blocked in a universal network of blockages. The filth from Whorewood yells at me that I'm a "loser" who has never done anything and is noone and they wil fuck and make me homeless and kill me if they want because I am no one they scream I am a loser--they keep blocking my every opportunity to simply get a single thing done, I must fight constantly to redo things that I very professionally and calmly did, and then have to fight to redo, and then I'm lied to and must do it again, and fight for hours while they put me on hold and take over 5 minutes to answer every simple basic question--usually more like 10 minutes I sit waiting for an answer and remain in "chat" for hours, literally 2 hours for any issue dealing with two questions about services, which they lie about constantly. These are all diverted phone calls to terror agents. But the bank is administering this situation. I tell the agents on chat to direct this situation to a manager or higher level because of the endless blocks and lies, I tell them not to have t hem contact me but to just alert the bank as to this problem. I get messages to phone some manager and I'm so exhausted with stinking poison the pig apes put in my food and water that i can't go through more parasitic energy draining f-over's from this bank or anything else. The nightime teleportation terror attacks of death and hate continue--it is never stopped, everyone must get their sleazy dirty promotion out of this terror operation on me. There is a huge cluster of pig apes waiting for me to "break" so they all can have this cartel of media and celebrity and political thuggery put into higher position while you all watch on endlessly allowing it to go on and endlessly do nothing, all seeing what you too can gain out of it. Meanwhile, the filthy piece of crap in the room below is now making horid noises constantly now, because I wrote about it a few days ago after 5 years of this going on where I remain silent and "ignore" the endless yelling, animals screaming in pain, babies crying, the stupid thugs yelling and screaming at one another, the thugs screaming on the patio like it's a party but they have trained horrific voices as the literally shout for hours up to 2 am--they did this for about 2 years--thanks to shit pig pitt and the mafia filth team and etc--all during Covid--but to continue, they are going at this noise now constantly and repeating it, because I let it known that this is a disgusting group of shit in this condo and being forced to live next to this sick and sleazy dirty crap is disgusting--much less the same kind of shit from Whorewood who all have been paid in millions and billions for this and have stolen my life from me and have turned my happy and beautiful life into some kind of endless hell fight to get rotten shit pig ape whores off me, endlessly non-stop to the silence of the shit in leadership and the applause for every plastic-surgery modified disgusting pig ape whore who participates--// the deadline pushed back 3 weeks (supposed to be 60 days to submit the signed application form--they pushed it back to 40 days). I was too ill to go to an internet cafe for 2 weeks to download and print the form, so I had to wait. I contacted my bank via chat alerting them that the letter would be sent at the end of the 60-day period. They sent me a letter a few days later stating the deadline had "illegally" been pushed back 3 weeks and the account would be closed if I didn't submit the form before that date. I contacted the bank--and was told to wait for 2-3 business days. One week later I contacted the bank and was told no decision had been made and to contact the bank in 2-3 business days. I contacted them again and fought to get them to expedite this decision. But the signed form has been sitting in T-land for twelve days, not going anywhere. I was told the letter would take 2 weeks to arrive (they have slowed down the mail service) but it's almost two week of the letter sitting in B-kok just being held up. The coordination is global of this terror unit system.

 The terrorist in the room below mine continues to make horrific and loud-as-possible dog-hacking noises filled with a hateful edge, repeatedly now. She used to do it a few times in the morning, sometimes only once, and then go abuse the cat which began to scream in pain and then have her baby scream or cry or laugh--the noises triggering, "we hate you", "we will kill your cat" (she is over 20+ years old by now, she's probably dead by now or dying, they refuse to return her to me) and the last noise is "give us a baby and f-you" and that is their eternal message to me after years of them torturing and mutilating stealing my money breaking my property poisoning me slowly to death torturing me to death.

But the noises are a grotesque reminder every morning that slime and crap dirty parasites constantly surround me and are waiting to inflict as much violence as they are instructed they can submit for their release of their hate and misery upon an innocent target, while the guilty they adore and grovel in deference to in abject slavish love.


But the noise is disgusting and the whole thing is endless putridity from sleazy and stupid sick crap parasites endlessly attacking me.

Still no one can stop this or get me into a safe living situation and especially make these foul millionaire and billionaire dirty parasite celebrities and politicians pay me in recompense for the ideas they stole, the life they blocked from me, the things they stole and broke ,and the financial opportunities they blocked me from, the poison that has damaged my body, my broken vertebrae, toes, fingers and the hard poison I constantly fight to get out that they laughed about when they ordered the crap surrounding me--like the dog-barking hacking piece of crap in the room below, and all the creeps who have done this for all the decades of this going on and on---as they jest about how ugly my body is, how ugly I am, how stupid I am (after they have gone on for more than a decade stealing my words, my ideas and then blocking me from capitalizing in any way on my education (graduate level) on having a career and in making even a penny online--all is hacked and blocked.

They go off giggling and being awarded, I sit here eternally writing posts on blogs asking my country to not become an absolute genocidal fascist Nazi Imperialist colony of Europigapeland 4th Reich bs that you all welcome in with red carpet treatment.


My internet is constantly being turned on and off--at a speed of once every minute-Literally. I have to spend another day, after 12 years of this going on (because they kept poisoning me with bloating and hardening poison, which comes out as huge stinking piles of brown goo that expands and bloats up my body so it looks like some inflated football and is immobile and the poisons then congeal and harden into my body--forming plugs of poison that remain stuck and then stagnate into my body. 

They keep giggling and laughing and dancing around, the women, as the men rape and beat and abuse and threaten to kill me after they rape or sexually assault me. I keep writing about their violence to the people who are supposed to protect Democracy in America, and the media news anchors who are supposed to be journalists who do research. Every single person jumps at the chance to join the sadistic violence team and get their own free promotion as they leave me to constantly beg, essentially, to not be murdered in a silent version of a witch hunt that "everyone" knows about and pretends I am crazy and it's not happening.


* this post was completely hacked and rewritten and partially deleted, constantly throughout the writing. Entire segments were deleted. 


I did send a message to this mail service in T-land, this morning. All of my telecommunications are intercepted so it really won't make a difference but they are literally holding my mail and not sending it out, and I have to fight to get them to do their job.

I have to fight with this bank to get them to do their job. I have to repeat requests over months 3-4 times before I have to become aggressive in getting the lackluster agent to push this up to some manager, and they tell me they will be leaving the chat supposedly I am being too nasty in complaining because I am telling them that repeated months of asking has resulted in nothing getting done. Repeated polite requests to do the job again have been met by nothing being done. ETc etc etc. ONce I get aggressive, appearing "angry" in stating the obvious, they turn off the chat and tell me to wait 15 minutes before they return.


But this is 8 contacts with this bank to get them to not discriminate against me. 8 times of telling them the deadline is June 29 to submit the application form instead of what they pushed back after I told them the letter is coming from T-land and would arrive near the end of the deadline (end of June). Now they are pushing back the application due date by 3 weeks, illegally, discrimination. They have told me they are "escalating" this concern to the appropriate department. I am told to wait 2-3 business days for a response. I tell them that the deadline is supposed to be 60 days and not 40, they tell me to wait for a decision. I phone/chat back in one week, 7 days later, and am told that no decision has been made and to contact back in 2-3 days. I fight and fight to get this to stop.


They also deleted the information I wrote and have been writing of, which is that the bank forced a 2-step verification process on my every sign-in attempt (except for on one browser, which they have now hacked into and when I press the "log in" button it is frozen and nothing happens on the site; I literally can't get into the log-in to submit my password.

I bought a little mobile phone so I won't be locked out of my account. I bought a Sim card and put in that number on chat. It worked and the change was put in immediately. I kept using the one browser on my laptop to access my account, so three months later, I was locked out because the terrorists blocked my WiFi signal. I got to an internet cafe and tried to log in and saw that my mobile phone was not working. I had to go to a phone shop and was told that the Sim card was not working (worked perfectly when I bought it and used it one single time). I got another Sim card, had to wait to chat with the bank, input the new number and then used my one working browser to log in. The one browser has been blocked now, so I had to use the 2-step verification process, only to see that the old number that was made inoperational was still listed as my international number so I was completely blocked out of accessing my bank account. 

I had to contact the bank account and request the number I had already input to be input again. I was told to wait 24 hours for the change. The number was input immediately the last time I attempted to change the number. I waited 24 hours and the agent had done nothing. I then had to request again to another agent who supposedly input the new number. I can't check it now, it won't show up on my account.


etc etc etc etc

last night teleported to some death situation with a dirty and hateful sinister atmosphere. Their filth and stinking crap and shitty dirty sleazy filthy creeps endlessly surrounding me--all get polished off and are cleaned and dump their filth on me and I sit here cleaning and asking endlessly for my country to not allow this sickness to continue--why I must be endlessly attacked and no one ever stops it is unbelievable to me. But it is sickness and you all think it's just nothing to worry about.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Welcome to the 4th Reich Black Magick terror Social Darwinism psychopath dome: It's beyond "Narcissistic Personality Disorder"--it's an entire social engineering project to create a group of "aristocrat" "entitled" murdering bigots who are adept at, coached, trained and handed prescribed scripts in order to be showered in millions of dollars and endless highest promotions for their performances of being the exact opposite.

"What Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?". Phil in the Blanks. October 19, 2021.

I need to correct the spelling of Mdme. Blavatsky, which I wrote as Lavatsky below--My brain is under severe attack while I write and I can't recall names until I walk away from this laptop and the influence of brain-manipulating tech. Either way, her name is Blavatsky and one of her books was always sitting on the bedside of Hitler, so I have heard in a podcast---This video below is a very positive review, it seems to imply that Blavatsky is a naturalist merely writing about forces of nature controlling all life. it would appear innocuous and also for groups like Wiccans and nature-worshippers (many in England, which embraced her) this would appeal to many. However this philosophy brought about a huge shift away from Christianity in Europe and helped bring the Nazi occult system in place, much derived (like the Swastika) from Blavatsky's writings. 
 "Who was Madame Blavatsky? The Esoteric Movement and Theosophy". Artnetwork tv. September 9, 2021.

This video below details briefly an encounter Hitler had with an astrologer and occultist who instructed him to wait 30 days for a shift in his political situation and then, in the meantime, go to his birth town and pull up a MANDRAKE root and perform some kind of mojo on it. Firstly, I think of the Harry Potter series and the author, who by the way is good partners with the celebrity I mention below and encourages this type of "spiritual" conversion from traditional "Christianity" as ("Muggles", sounds like a combination hybrid word of mud combined with piglettes)--and then  urges viewers, children mostly in this situation, to explore their "magickal powers' and the movie is highly influential, the author given extra powers in the mind programing field of celluloid social engineering, the usual plastic surgery complete makeover they all obtain if they conform to the Nazi occult and political schemata. Yet the video doesn't delve into the Madame Blavatsy angle. Hitler had, as I heard, the novel Isis Unveiled by Blavatsky by his bedside---everywhere he lived. This book explores esoteric practices (unveiling them) and even moreso in Tibet--and one of the actors who has taken the replacement position of terrorizing me out of the clutches of the expletive actor and his spawn I make mention of below--has played this role as advisor to the Dalai lama--but playing a Nazi out of Austria. A role I'm sure he delighted in playing, especially the womanizing Nazi part of the role--
But in essence, throwing away concepts of compassion and replacing them with "finding your inner God/Goddess" in connection to ancient practices that Christianity replaced in it's fear of power and independent thought--so the Nazi occultists claim. And Nietzsche just capitalized on the sentiment in  his Thus Spake Zarathustra in response to the general movement, which of course also gave rationale to the Nazis to "do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law". The modern equivalent of a compassionate society would be the mental disorder compartmentalization of what Christians may call being possessed by Demons. The 4th Reich is actively encouraging this evil possession and the analysis of mental disorders will be only confined to those in confinement, in prisons, who will be drugged up into zombie states--this has happened to me by the way and I committed no crime except to fight for my basic human rights as expressed by the Constitution--now discarded in favor of all kinds of temptation spiritual and sexual and monopolitistic practices being programmed into the "entitled" psychopath and Narcissist class of low-class and down-low---. What ultimately Blavatsky and her movement proposes, or what was picked up, was the concept derived from love of nature to the Social Darwinism, that Hitler's camp used to justify helpless civilians. In the current technoterror-cratic situation, it is technology forcing a kind of engineering so the lessor can overtake the superior, in some cases. No one has a chance against mind control tech at this point unless someone finally comes out with serious shielding materials and adequate defense systems--which are not available and whatever may exist is being kept secret. Thusly, while Social Darwinism is the real and true philosophical basis for the current fascist Nazi/Mafia criminal take-over of America and of global society in general (from what I have experienced having lived on three continents for many years apiece) I can state that those who are antithetical to nature and life are being put into highest positions. They are truly nature life-fuckers to say the very least. They are not nature's superior they are the constructs of a desired outcome for social engineering. This is what the planet is now not recognizing as a threat but as a social climbing structure to which everyone possible wants to jump into in order to not be in the "loser" class of homeless or imprisoned or dead. The 4th Reich. The mental disorder classifications will be used only for those who rebel or resist and will then be drugged into a zombified state and imprisoned either in a domestic situation or in actual prison/ and then slowly killed as if to appear "natural".

"Hitler's Supernatural Rise to Power?/National Geographic". National Geographic. May 5, 2007.

As I am listening to the next spate of hacked videos put on my YouTube channel, this time a bit "too late" for me to have my guard up in the endless revolving circumstance of terrorist psycho expletive celebrities and political "leaders" who exhibit every type of Narcissistic Personality disorder, combined with Mafia "entitlement" to commit crime and be handed every kind of mind screw technology to further their coordination with the corrupticians in their exploit of lucre that flows past their grasping fists lunging at plundering from the masses. Then there's the Nazi-inspired wanna be Europ-a-land aristocrats who are being paid for their mind programming skills with castles and mansions in Europ-a-land (trust me, only for a temporary amount of time, once the transfer of power occurs and the fascists from Euro-p-a-land is finalized officially or unofficially, the lands and castles and mansions will be rescinded and the actual inhabitants of the country will reclaim their mansions and castles).


Listening to this and realizing that in teleportation I can't do the savvy self-defense tactic of pushing psychopaths away once I recognize the tactics they employ to manipulate and draw people into their scamming, life-sucking microcosm universe. The situation I am forced into is turning each little greedy and sleazy selfish celebrity with their "Dark Money" 4th Reich benefactors into a social engineering project so what educated students and professors and mental health workers and politicians may sometimes draw from in identifying mental disorders in conjunction with criminal activity--is now being transferred to a fashion "haute living" couture culture mainstream social engineering project--using the mind control torture apparatus that engulfs my life. 

I recognized immediately that the people I was forced to be teleported to were lying users and that I needed to get rid of them immediately. Decades later, I am still screaming into the internet for "help" from anybody to get the clinging life-screw operators off me as I am forced to be stuck in a semi-straight jacket in teleportation as they physically, sexually, mentally, intellectual and emotionally assault me in the most criminal egregious ways--every day, they never tire of sucking and draining and using and exploiting and abusing--truly pathological in the mental health genre but proclaimed the "winners" of society in the media and political sphere--which has far more influence over our modern culture than psychologists and manuals of mental disorder which no one has heard of anyway.


I have written of their foibles for so long and yet have been completely ignored. People do listen to the tv gurus who far exceed my professors in terms of entertaining the listener instead of confounding the multiple terms into a kind of mixed blend of sterile definition of behavioral characteristics, which do merge with other definitions so it becomes confusing for the student without any actual real-life definition to delineate each one and remember, most importantly.


I think of this Latvian-turned-Russian-turned Canadian-turned French-turned "American" ballet dancer who has played me and raped and beaten and has the giggling half French psychopath "narcissist" daughter of the (former or current) drug addict actor, alcoholic, rapist, abusive and violent to women user, but is "entertaining" and thus exempt from all law and consequences according to the dumbed down dictates of society but in particular by the law enforcement branch of government at the highest level--at the executive who is "friends" with the rapist and like all the rest, raping women who are not blonde Nazi women is something of a masculinity contest and a mutual homoerotic bragging back-room schmoozing fest for them to indulge in and brag about afterwards for consideration of being top dog in the rat race.


He has played me in ways that if I had not been teleported and forced into the confines of this imprisonment technology whereby any psychopath and abuser and rapist and sleazy and sick but wealthy or aspiring violent fascist Nazi or mafia gets to do what they want within some boundaries--yes they are given limits as to the near-death violence which they all puff up in power and feed energetically off every day that they are "allowed" or it's their "turn" to get their next promotion or to promote their next product--(years and years they all go in rotation attacking me for these reasons).


But he's so manipulative that he's raped and assaulted me in front of the giggling expletive that is the spawn of the rapist (former or current )cocaine psybocilin marijuana heroin and et al alcoholic rapist abuser but "charming" psychopath entertainer who has played a multitude of nefarious characters with tons of makeup and props and has been told that for his entertainment for the white male and rape enabler female nazi and mafia consumer base, he can do no wrong. The spawn of this, whether an actual drug addict, alcholic but probably more like a sex addict and a "fame" addict and a parasitic abuser and psychopath--giggles as this dancer is violently raping and abusing me for her to see and laugh at and love him for it. In their mutual agreement, he gets her and the father applause at Cannes due to his own sell-out of "Democracy" and his duplicitous role as a "humanitarian who fought against Russian Authoritarianism by defecting from Russia--in order to make millions of dollars, by the way, for playing this role and then for playing the underhanded role of social engineering to install al fascist Dictatorship monopolist capitalistic system with his blonde Nazi fascist French psychopath culture from Cannes completely backing him and his infiltration into America for this purpose.

So I believe that he too has profited from the sheer demonstration of how France has become something like pre-revolutionary France in it's attempt to colonize America--the USA--and turn it into yet another war-torn 3rd world country with the mansions belonging to the French Imperialists and some of the "native" "stupid Americans" who help them to play this role in a seemingly mutual grab for power over the country as a fascist dictatorship but not in name specifically.  Oh, "Democracy" will still be the term applied to the political system when this occurs--if it occurs, it's already happening now through this system of terror technocracy afflicting me that has taken me years to get any semi-serious attention to.


Otherwise, two more celebrities from tv terror land have been paid to issue statements along with the Ukrainian Jewish-Nazi puppet who are all exclaiming how wonderful Democracy is and how they are all fighting for freedom. Both of the celluloid-based celebrities have been actively or from behind the scenes of terror aimed at me for over a decade and the black female (who has run for president, or tried to get the nomination) has been fastidiously in favor of violence towards me, rape, beatings, poisoning and torture because I am saying no to being a sex trafficked teleportation and MK ULTRA mind controlled "slave". As long as it's not a "black girl" like her fond memories of herself as a child, then it's okay especially if it's an "enemy" of her beloved Nazi and Mafia cartel who have been told by their Italian/French/German/Austrian/English and et al benefactors to "hate and destroy" their "enemy" which is an American citizen--me--who has grown up in this country. To be replaced utterly by the Europ-a-land investors and benefactors and given absolutely no chance to compete in society and all red carpet and free and stealing my ideas I studied for and contemplated but have been too drugged, too unable to think, I can barely type or write this post as it is (very lugubrious to type and thinking clearly is also impossible--much less the inevitable hacking and deletion of words or entire sentences or paragraphs or rewrites).


Throw the mental disorder definitions out the window--this social engineering project has issued as a decree without actually having written it down, so there is no evidence.

There are no mental disorders, it's a complete take-over by a collective of a global unity of what the professionals call anti-social personalities operating in psychopath, narcissistic disorder borderline and a slew of other definitions to destroy and rape and steal and form a perfect union of self-obsessed narcissists working together to have their own plantations but as a collective group of slave-owners.


But the Latvian-turned-Russian-turned French-defecting to Canada-being married to an American (blonde Nazi fascist and I know this as I have been teleported and attacked) who fully embraces the fascist racist Nazi ideology with the spawn of the pair--) has played "both sides" of this lopsided "fence" in this situation. He has helped me with body posturing to help with the stretching I could not do otherwise because my body was pulled out of alignment and stuck in a completely immovable position so I could not pull at the poisons latched into my body--that the giggly skank blonde spawn of his partner out of Whorewood spawned, but in their mutual "love" for France, both "helping" me so they can force a "baby" out of me for this heinous contract, or....and....then completely using his influence in French culture as an icon of "style" to have the bigot skank absolutely lifted in status in French culture because this is providing him with a higher platform for his "art" and his and his family and friends's promotion. One of the "friends" in his circle was identified by one of my favorite social commentarists as being an absolute fraudster in the "new age" movement, truly selling books on the Nazi ideology but cloaked as "new age" ("new age" was indeed and actually a term that the "spiritual" leaders of the Nazi movement used to define the texts by writers like Madame Lebatski who was a prime influencer of Hitler and his ilk, including of course philosophers like Nietzsche, who urged people to discard "God" and pick up on the "narcissist" Philosophy that they can become as "Gods" in their quest to push down, nay slaughter brutally, anyone they want to steal from who is not a blonde Nazi psychopath like them. The rest will follow after a few generations and be part of the global 4th Reich--and that plan has unfolded and is in the process of being implemented and the minority minions of H-wood fully exemplify this trait--as do the people I have grown up around, fully indoctrinated into this plan)

but that is digressing from the point. 
He forces himself on me at the height of my concentration to break the poisons while I am exercising. I got the exercises not from him, he has only pointed out things like "don't lift your shoulders" and pull your hips back--basics of ballet and also of physical therapy. For this and for a slew of videos he has hacked into my youtube channel with tons of stretches and exercises, he has told me that I owe him my life, a baby, and that I need him. 

I wonder what categorical mental disorder this type of double-play manipulation would be characterized as by professional psychiatrists or psychologists working in "the field" of mental health? Would it be characterized as a disorder at all? 

The man who attacks me but is fully promoting blonde Nazi Imperialism, the overtake of American society by the worse form of Totalitarianism then what he "fled" from and "defected" from in Russia--and by the way, he told me that his heritage was part "German" and I can assure you that people don't get through the Iron Curtain without permission from the Nazi-fascist good ole boy network. I have been around people in Germany with "German heritage" who were paid to re-unite with their culture of origin and it's been an official policy of Germans to re-integrate those who were stuck in the real heart of CCCP Soviet bloc countries to bring them to "the West" and I truly believe that he is one of these. The claim that he is a brave defector following a political ideal of freedom is a complete distortion and lie, to put it bluntly.

But I can't get rid of them, these are expletives that I fully recoil from the instant I am forced to be teleported to them. They latch on literally for years or decades and they are instructed that they are "entitled" to force their ugly putridity upon me and dump their mental and psychological filth on me and dismember and torture me for fighting to stop them and get them off me. With years of it going on and constant drugging and torture, by now I am calling them admittedly somewhat ridiculous names like "pig ape" but it's extremely accurate and real as a reflection of their actual (symbolic) behavior--no offense to pigs or apes these scumbags are sub-animal and subhuman at that.


Exemplified and continued to flout their "mental disorders" and to be glorified for every breach of civilized society in favor of a slave murder genocidal regime with absolute plastic surgery and unbelievable wealth (rewards beyond comprehension) for this social engineering project to completely destroy any semblance of analysis on human behavior, and only grabbing, sucking up and fucking over are the real power traits that matter in this new world order of the 4th Reich. They have spiritual pretentions to back up their claims of being other-worldly saints--some call themselves "saints" because they operate tax loophole charities and work for the UN--all filled with death threats, rape, torture and psychopathy and narcissism which is being REWARDED by the government and by the Dark money ruling society. I suggest that the origin of the Dark Money controlling them all does not originate in the United States. In their own countries they heave up constitutions and protections for their Imperialist citizens with the usual discriminatory practices for the black and brown and Jewish and etc etc

But for themselves, all law and order and the "right" to sue if they get screwed over by one of their own applies--only.


**Correction to above post--written 3 hours later. Hitler did not have Isis Unveiled on his bookshelf next to his bed. He had The Secret Doctrine (also by Madame Blavatsky). Neither books I have read as reading is too strenuous for me with the detox and mind control fermented and toxic poisons coming out every day (for over 12 years). I managed to get through grad school because I was always sick from "fresh" poisons. The poisons coming out now are those that have been trapped in my body for decades (or years). 

Woe to "man" and his disobedience and fall from grace and loss of innocence, forced out of the Garden to Eden to that desolation wherein Satan sat brooding over the churning abyss (loosely adapted from John Milton's Paradise Lost): Dirty and foul, immature and fascist Nazi Apartheid terrorist (now part of the pro-Nazi movements of America) Elon Musk has "won" approval from the FDA for the officially recognized system of brain microchip implant technologies.// The years of his participation in the terror and torture of me from his lovers in Whorewood and his skank friends has gotten me to the point that I must add a bit of warning to the sheeple that you are truly stupid for allowing this group to continue--my usual admonition which is always left ignored and silenced///A few hours later--Please watch these videos, fully to the end. In honoring Myron May, although he may have shot and seriously harmed people who may have been innocent. Considering the scope of people who fully approve of the terrorism that May tried to warn humanity and American society about (which has remained pushed out of all media consciousness and relegated to being the rantings of a delusional schizophrenic or whatever they claim, the endless usual claims of people who are targeted being mentally sick, which all adhere to). It's logical, actually logical to try to reasonably infer that there is a high chance of the people who were shot were either a part of this terror organization in some facet, or would have approved of May or me being attacked (viciously to death). And that is statistically probable to some degree-I can only surmise in tentative gestimation. I can't express how many people love attacking a defenseless and innocent person who is targeted. So while what May did was deplorable in some way, the probability of some of the people who were shot and injured or seriously harmed is that they were terrorists or part of a terror group who fully do nothing when they see this kind of violence being inflicted. I can state that the "authorities" fully covered-up the crime being committed against May, which the "authorities" in the media and police always fully adhere to and comply with, usually violently (in my case many are very violent towards me).// Trust me when I say I care more about his death than the celebrities who gyrated for their big Daddy fascist Nazis to sell their identities for the "game" which they appeared to have "won" but Myron May was one of the "losers' that was destroyed as a result of the sell-outs who are attacking me. People who care about your "community" should perhaps not "hate" me for this message but I believe this is the case and that is why I criticize you endlessly for your sell-out stance. If you think targeting like this is not due to racism than you are truly brainwashed. But to continue:--Courageous hero trying to gain recognition for other targets of state-sponsored mind control and brutality terror protocols. Rest in Peace--Myron May brought attention which to this heinous state-sponsored crime which was very abruptly dismissed by the media as being a crazed sick personality and the family and friends (really feinds and enemies) complemented the lie, as they were instructed to do which they did--which they do, and the terrorism is covered over as usual while it's being expanded in scope and size around the planet. Always silenced and always grasped with glee by the death culture that is thriving in the misery of an abyss they are creating around the planet. 

"Mind Controlled Parkland Shooter Nikolas Cruz Talks About 'Voices and Demons' During His Arrest". Targeted Lives Matter. April 18, 2020.

"Remote Neural Monitoring--how they spy on your thoughts". Targeted Lives Matter. March 26, 2019.


I have been detoxifying poison that has hardened into my back and congealed and solidified--it is coming loose (only barely and there are huge body-length layers of poison glued to my hips and extending into my neck area, into my skull--down my legs, into my knees--

I am extremely exhausted from non-stop fighting to remove this poison and my body dealing with seriously deadly toxicidy

but nevertheless, the attacks upon me are never ending. I fell asleep because I could not sit up any longer after writing my posts for hours--because for the last month it's been the Heard/depp/spawn filth attack (meaning that rotten creep that came out of Depp who has been feeding off torture and feeding off obtaining promotions for a DECADE for her entire career and has been promoted into instant highest promotion for latching onto her filthy violent father

but it was Depp the week of Cannes, then Heard attacking me--as I screamed in hate at Depp, he replaced his odious presence with Heard as I predicted back in 2015 or whenever the beginning of their marital feud began, they would conjoin once again in their mutual greed, sleaze and hate (obviously to attack me as is the case now)

so they are operating together, just as Heard operated with the shit spawn of Depp together spitting at me while I was teleported, and then the ugly filthy piece of crap daughter coming at me, just as her skanky rotten tv show is about to air with the black and Asian nazis groveling in abject devotion to the Nazi imagery that they project through a stupid plot about Los Angeles being some kind of repository of sleaze and scum and stupidity--at least that part about the entire crap of these scumbags is accurate and true and real.


I slept on my bed, not able to keep awake any longer at 5 pm, so exhausted from fighting and healing--my fingers have been sliced into--there are huge gouges in my cuticles which are already mutilated and deformed

there are new huge bumps on my knees and legs--there have already been silicone injections that appear like round cysts--there is one just above my knee cap on my right thigh--another one one my rib cage on the peripheral side of my body---huge and disgusting. I got rid of it and they injected it once again. Now there is a smaller hard thing on top of my knee cap that wasn't there before I fell asleep--believe me I have put cream and all kinds of lotions on my skin and I know the state of my body--it wasn't there t his morning, but is hard and feels like another ugly disfiguring hideous injection of silicone to appear like a cyst--now on my knee cap.

My hair feels like straw--they destroyed it years ago but for the past two years they have permanently made hair fall out and the texture now is completely damaged.

Another plant has been killed on my patio--this is the third one in one month. The place I found growing flowering vines--as all the orchards in this area have taken all the flowering vines out of display every time I am driving to see if I can find some--for all the years I have lived here, these were the most visible types on display and they have ALWAYS been hanging in every plant yard in this area. But since I began to make a trellis to have more flowering vines, they have stopped putting these plants out. I found one single place I had forgotten about, and now after this group has killed my plants repeatedly that I just bought a few weeks ago--so it's now three plants in the last month--now all hanging flowering vines are gone from the one remaining shop--and a sneering ugly woman has replaced the formerly friendly male and there were rows of hanging plants to chose from which I could transplant into a pot and hook the metal hook into the trellis. Now there is almost nothing there--

and a most beautiful plant with red flowers and vines is dead--they keep pouring stinking fungus water into the plants and they do this repeatedly every day until the plant is dead. I see white fungus growing on the stems of the plants and the last plant I had to dig up and throw away had stinking moldy fungus water inside the plant base and it had completely died and shriveled up, just as this plant is doing.


It's just years, and years, and years of constantly fighting to get the poison the expletives keep putting in my body after a lifetime of non-celebrities doing the same--but very coyly

It's years of screaming in hate at ugly disgusting so-called "men" who are teleporting and violently raping and assaulting me--famous and Mafia and Nazi pig scum apes I never would have anything to do with if given the choice--regardless of their "fame" as I never held "fame" to be anything to sell my body or soul to---

years of disgusting filth creeps teleporting me for their promotions. 

years of writing posts desperately asking the government, demanding that people to do something to stop this.

I am reminded of Myron May, who went out and shot people in a library at the Tallahassee university because he was a targeted gang stalking victim and all the people surrounding him had turned against me, and/or pretended they were concerned and "helping" as they betrayed him; according to the protocol. He was an attorney and put out videos of how the stalking was destroying his life. He was a decent person and helped people in need. He was killed by police but he never killed anyone (although shot people). The people interviewed on campus stated that it was an affront that someone who had gone on a shooting rampage was being given any voice in a news story aired on the man killed because no one would help him from the gang stalking crisis that no one will admit to. He put out many videos on his situation and all were debunked as being the work of a deranged "delusional" schizophrenic and he was mentally ill and blah blah blah.


Years of never-ending disgusting putrid "men" so-called attacking me in teleportation using every kind of manipulation and hate tactic I never thought existed. They all stole my cat, my last intimate partner (meaning affection and actual real love) because I was screaming no at putrid filth Depp to stop teleporting and raping me. Giggling like his psycho filth crap daughter afterwards as I cried to return her to me immediately--it's now a decade later and probably she has died wondering why I never returned as she was my baby and my only love on this planet in a close living space type of way--a family member--the rest have viciously turned against me to get their promotions)

but years of screaming at them NO as they take turns, ugly and foul disgusting rotten crap men who are "famous" but should never have been put into positions of power in the first place, in a dying planet on a cursed country that is going bankrupt and decay and disaster and people are dying in the streets from these personally bankrupt crap so-called "men" and their even more filthy women who attack me.

One disgusting sick slime filth f*** after the next, who viciously and violently assault me as I say no, and no, and no and no. It's not an automatic response it's always a decision I make after seeing how ugly and rotten they are when their facades are removed and they teleport me to be like a good ole "boy" in the network of human sex trafficking pedophiles and rapists who are put into highest positions on the planet to wreak terror but make it appear like they are there to help out and create calm and security (for the other wortheless life fuck pig apes in their good ole boy and filthy skank cheerleader organization).

As for Myron May, the three, 3-hour long videos he made regarding his targeting and the reactions of his family, his friends, and community around him--all betraying him; and consequently after his death by police gunfire, all claimed they had "no idea" and were "shocked" although May made videos repeatedly stating that he told them he was being targeted and they all ignored him or let him down. They all knew, but claimed afterwards that they did not. That is classic terrorist redaction of reality, 101. I cannot find any of the videos that May made although they used to be easy to find on YouTube. Now there are only news clips about how "delusional" May was and how everyone around him was "shocked" and "had no idea". That May had detailed his endless fruitless  attempts to get help and to get his family to help him, which he stated they turned into gang stalkers themselves. THis is exactly what my own family does, on all sides, all the extensions and the spawn of the siblings are waiting to attack me likewise to get their own free promotions in life. All of them claim I am crazy and they begin to abuse me using the protocols of this system that everyone else adheres to almost immediately upon seeing me after years of me by necessity having to stay away for my sanity and to try to preserve my life from their murder attempts and attempts at destroying my life completely.


This is what all the people surrounding the targets do anyway. But now the internet has taken off the 3 hours of videos that Myron May made about how he was targeted, he was EXTREMELY PROFESSIONAL in these videos. he was not deranged, he used law vernacular to express the types and modalities and methodologies of the terror gang stalking units as clearly as possible so it was extremely easy to understand. All that is written of him and all news videos state that he was deranged, delusional and crazy and incompetent. When you watch the videos, which have now been taken off I can't find them anywhere on the internet any longer--he is more explicative than most people would dream of being, extremely competent and not delusional in any sense of the word. That is why his videos have been taken off the internet and only slurs about his mental delusions are replacing his persona that has been fabricated on the internet and for society to shield and protect the ever-increasing onslaught of the terror units and sick and in real terms deranged psycho scumbags who pursue people like rabid bitches in heat on crack.


It has taken a while, but the videos could be discovered. As you can see, oh blind people reading this--Myron May was NOT delusional. He was highly articulate and able to identify the problem, analyze it's various tentacles of operation and provide rationale for his action (mens rea, actus rea). He knew but he was giving a rationale for his actions. People denounce this behavior and yet some of those who denounce this type of behavior nevertheless approve of death squad actions and genocidal leaders and holocaust protocols and are eager to enact them into society through covert means. The silent genocide is their little weapon against people like Myron May--why he was targeted? Was he too defensive against people trying to exploit him and not bowing down with gratitude for being allowed to be black and an attorney in this most racist land of America?

Whatever the "reasons", he is explicating this situation like a pro, which he was as an attorney. These videos are considered "dangerous" for the public to have too much access to, and he is just simply labeled as being delusional by Big Daddy controlling your mind programming on the tube network(s).

"Targeted Individual Myron May's Last Words, Part 1 of 3". Targeted Lives Matter. April 18, 2020.

"Targeted Individual Myron May's Last Words, Part 2 of 3". Targeted Lives Matter. April 18, 2020.

"Targeted Individual Myron May's Last Words, Part 3 of 3". Targeted Lives Matter. April 18, 2020.

In the third video, May recognizes that the media will jump to state that "targeted individuals" are automatically claimed as being schizophrenic and he urges people of authority (Senators, Congress people) to reconsider these designations and to consider the possibility that the people claiming they are targets are making accurate statements. How careful May was to avoid blaming the actual culprits of this terror operation--the Senators and the Congress people, many of whom (the notable ones and some I don't recognize perhaps in these awful terror nightly deep sleep teleportation "skits"). Maybe May is giving these filthy people elected but unworthy of the position far too much credit for being rational human beings instead of greedy sleazy and sick psychopath sell-out whores who will drain the government to line their pockets and order rape and death squads to kill people who are not "powerful" if they say anything that bothers them. I suggest that is what happened with Myron May and someone in authority didn't like something about him and wanted him slowly killed in this torture-to-death system. May decided to expedite the process and I do not see a mental breakdown I see a person who intelligently realizes that there are no options and living a life of endless torture is not worth living for when everyone around him, as he explains in the first two videos, have betrayed him; all claim they "didn't know" after the shooting and many jump in to the chimes of "he was mentally ill". I know the system so well and how people are instructed to mouth these like parrots. I seriously assume that his family were handed incentive awards for their roles, just as my family has as well. The "friends" he was surrounded by were actual agents who he had no idea were his dire enemies until it was too late.

some of Myron May's last words, directed to US Senators and Congress traitors:
"We as targeted individuals are subjected to daily torture *(which for me, the writer of this blog, experiences from Senators and Congress people in addition to filthy slime scum celebrities who are adorned with images of pristine glamor in photo ops)* YOU TOOK AN OATH (Myron May continues, basically acknowledging that the politicians are actually the real culprits of these covert murder and torture operations). And you have a duty to see to it that every American has a shot..."

now you f-ers, does that sound like delusional and schizophrenic ranting? Listen to the entire sequence of videos and you will see that the filth of the media erased these videos from access and it's clear that May was highly skilled as a professional attorney, used his skills to outline professionally in a completely calm and rational manner the torture and violence being endlessly inflicted upon him (and me and many others) and these were blocked from view and a "crazy" label super-imposed over Myron May by the media instead and then he was "forgotten".
He is urging other targets to try to capitalize on his plight and for society to try to understand. It has fallen on mostly deaf ears and people just jump like greasy balls lunging for something to gnaw at endlessly and feed off--this is ALL the celebrities attacking me and most of the politicians to one heinous degree or another. Myron May outlines my family and it's the same protocol system his family used (with a few varying differences in the targeting protocols).

Last words of Myron May--part 3 (video above at 7 minutes into the vid):

"To the media, I also challenge you to try to understand targeted individuals and not just dismiss them as being delusional". And thusly, the first thing the complicit media did in terror operations was to dismiss Myron May as being delusional and interview the terror thugs who had surrounded May, claiming they were "shocked" and that May was undergoing a "mental crisis" and they CARED SO MUCH but tried their best and yada yada blah blah bs blather...
it's such a ubiquitous template and protocol system I only see scumbags interviewed by their "brother and sister" terrorists in the media who are hand-in-glove with the terrorist politicians and the scumbag most sleazy celebrities who are the worst of human beings I have ever encountered in all my years of being targeted.

The "reason" these celebrities and politicians appear to be the very worst scum of the planet is only because the other 99% of the scum belonging to their terror global operation do not have this type of access to teleportation. Need I delineate on this further to explain? When this tech continues to be dispersed, hell on earth will ensue worse than any cataclysm in history, I believe. 
It may not be the worst epidemic of mentally psycho scum unleashing their pent-up frustrations and stress and hate and racism and sexism and sadism and masochism upon any person being non-consensually teleported or microchipped, implanted, impregnated and then poisoned with hardening chemicals so when they are denied abortion access they have their bodies literally ripped apart because the hard poison that has been put in my body to cement the mind control drugs and keep the microchip implants firmly attached to my spine and into my nervous system, in addition to some in my brain (or maybe "just" one implant is there, I have a scar on my skull from a tiny incision just small enough for a breach of my skull and a tiny microchip implant to have been inserted). No normal x-rays will pick up on the hard poisons I believe that perhaps an MRI would pick up on the hard poisons. Otherwise most women would not be able to afford to pay out of pocket for an MRI and her claims of not being able to have a baby due to "back pains" undiagnosed will be rendered obsolete by the pig ape medical establishment cartel. There was a murder attempt made on me in this vein in Pensacola, after the near-death car accident while making sure I could not attend the university of Florida @ Pensacola (back around 2003 or something like that--memory is gone now from years of my brain and body under non-stop deadly attack).
If the filth creeps attacking me had the technology and could access being able to teleport me so they could inflict even more damage to me--those in the Pensacola region who tried to murder me twice within about a 3-month time frame--once using car manipulation and a coordinated attack which police completely coordinated with in Pensacola, and then another form by date-rape pregnancy and being psychologically assaulted when trying to obtain an abortion---by "christian" fascist Nazis. If these people had access to the technology of teleportation I would not be stating that the celebrities were the scum of humanity. This is a "warning" that the technology is going to bring about a landscape of the Wastelands of the dregs of humanity in a kind of dystopian nightmare scenario of future portending disasters facing humanity as a whole.
I can't imagine how the FDA would have granted Musk access to implanting brains with microchips after a few thousand apes in his laboratories had to be killed because they were mutilated by the attempts to insert microchips into experimental animals--thousands died as a result. But the "progress" of "helping humanity" has to go one and brain implants are just another "improvement" in the future of humanity (for the 4th Reich, that is what the pig ape scum of humanity assume is going to happen--what a bonanza of torture, rape and murder they can force upon unwitting "slaves" who don't "obey" in their plantation 4th Reich Master-slave world they are social engineering and covertly assassinating anyone who is too intelligent to think they are "superior" without inspection and critical analysis.

"Shooting Suspect Esteban Santiago told FBI Government Controlling His Mind". Targeted Lives Matter. April 18, 2020.

"Washington Navy Yard Shooter Believed He Was Controlled By Radio Waves FBI". Targeted Lives Matter. April 20, 2020.

Would DeSantis ban A Tale of Two Cities because there is a rape & spree killing scene involved? Or would it induce the fascist Nazi wanna be aristocrat white supremacists to emulate this behavior? With full approval of their parents patting little aspiring aristocrat rapist 4th Reichster in grade school on the back for learning how to behave like the fascists of yore?

 There is a very powerful, very descriptive scene in A Tale of Two Cities in which a peasant woman ("handsome" as described by the witness taking account of the drugging and rape and murder of this woman and her entire family as well for defending her).

The aristocrat claims that this is his right and privilege in "the system" and he and his ilk are "proud" of this "system". Those are almost the exact words that greasy filthy Graham the shit traitor to America, the KKK bigot grease bag, hissed in hate at me while he was first introducing himself in teleportation by screaming about killing me as part of his "right" for his group and the "system" which he and his kin folk are proud of. 


And this is the very same system that the French fucks are cheering and applauding filth depp the scum greasebag and his filthy dirty spawn in Cannes for---

the only glitch was Heard, who used my writings to further inflame their tenuous relationship of S&M wanderlust for advancement and bisexual exploits and usury and displays of fascist "aristocrat" behavior for their endless upward mobility in the spotlight.

No women who yelled and walked out of Cannes when the "Jew" Polanski was awarded with some Palm award for his movie which was filmed spectacularly in quality--

women walked out, yelled that he was a pedo and a womanizer rapist abuser. Not so with the Depp pig scum ape group who were "exonerated" in a mind control jury farce for viewing by the goof-ball white boy network who need to see their rapist hero exonerated with Elon Musk behind it all, training Heard in how to appear crazy so depp could proceed--because Trump is in the train as well, and so are many of the pig apes from Whorewood as they are an absolute cartel and interconnected from Oprah down to JayZ and his gyrating partner to the rest of the white boys and girls but aged and decrepit at the same time. This has worn off on me as I now see absolute signs of deterioration now from non-stop torture and poisoning

but I digress: would DeSantis ban this book because there is a "woke" element of someone fighting against an implacable system (Royalty and the court "elite") that considers it their privilege to rape and murder peasants (now the homeless in America, the disenfranchised and people made disenfranchised by endless social service cuts in funding in what was just the Debt Ceiling and the threat of killing masses of people in the future by more cuts to health care and safety net structures---leaving more either compliant and servicing the plantation of enslavement for a bit of a few crumbs to not be homeless and bereft and then slowly killed off as the endless surge in homelessness now demonstrates as the underbelly of the true "system" that America has now fully become and embraces.--

Would it be too "woke" that a professional doctor, in the case of this book, which Dickens wrote is based on eye-witness accounts and testimony from people who were living in Paris and England during the French Revolution and saw and performed these very deeds and acts and saw and witnessed all that Dickens wrote about--he describes this in the forward to his book.


...and by the way, after the "woke" revolution, the bloody revolution of France, the "woke" crowds then turned with deadly blood lust upon the "whistleblower" who is one of the main protagonists of the novel--the doctor who tried to alert the legal system of the rape and murder by a land-owner aristocrat against his workers in the fields--it was a rape, torture, drugging and spree murder incident.

I have also read accounts of French sadism and murder which I cannot remember who wrote it, perhaps the Marquis de Sade, but it accounts for a group of French males (presumably white, mostly) who got on a drunken rampage and went out into the misty cold winter night in France outside of their chateau, and found isolated travelers, perhaps they were in a group or the group of "entitled" took one aside, but they stuck knives into non-deadly areas of the victim's body and then literally RAPED the knife wounds that they had stabbed, so while the victim did not bleed to death they treated the knives that they stuck into the victim as sex portals and they gang raped the victim in the knife wounds they had inserted. This was supposed to be a picture of the type of sadistic entitlement that eventually lead to the French Revolution. (Marquis de Sade actually was involved with the revolution, and supposedly he helped storm the Bastille on July 14). 

But the "woke" marauding groups of revolutionaries turned against this doctor who had been the "whistleblower" in the novel--(also never featured in the movies, not a single movie has shown this) and they turned against him--but I have forgotten the pretext--the reason was something similar to claiming that he used the wrong "woke" term and it's very similar to the backlash that I receive when I call minorities attacking me various labels that Malcolm X used in describing traitors to a political movement who side with the exploiter against other victims whom they would kill if only to prove that they are of an entitled "class" like their white aristocrat "superiors' (as one of them called the pig apes who are inferior to most living life on this planet much less me--who they steal ideas from because they are inferior). will NEVER see this movie coming out of Whorewood, not once. Not in the original form that it was conceived in, to examine the hypocrisy and double-standards and the deceptions and the lies of revolutionaries and the "woke" culture. In the end, the original group of fascists re-emerges as it has done in Whorewood, and all is the same system as it was before the "woke" "revolution" but just with a few players replaced by even more vicious people loving the "system". They then all march in solidarity when they have a holiday celebrating their "woke" revolution and continue the farcical display of how "woke" they were and still are for their celluloid, now plastic -surgery performance feats of mind programing to the masses who eat it up like something the Marquis de Sade would delight in as a delectable foul thing to ingest with glee (you must read some of his writings in order to understand the magnitude of filth--but you can see something similar in John Water's movie Pink Flamingos--or any other movie where Divine the drag queen consumes feces literally for her performance and claims she would "die for art". But in the case of my predicament, they will kill for art and everything else. But none of you can care about this. I have known people who also never cared, even when they were being killed they just floated along with the program and "system". 

,MAKE THEM PAY ME A LOT OF MONEY FOR THE DAMAGES THROUGH ALL THESE YEARS: Terrorist Report: fungus sprayed into a bag of rice I had sealed which was new and used once.

 I could tell the rice had been tampered with because of the way the bag had been resealed, which is not how I would do it and I could smell something nasty from the outside of the three bags I used to seal this rice. This is a huge sack of rice, something like 20 pounds of rice (maybe 10)? and it's been sprayed. There are little black flecks of something also in the rice. I have almost no food and I am waiting for a delivery of an item I need which has taken more than 4 times the usual waiting period. I could not buy all the food I needed to sit in this room as I usually do because of one of the attack situations which sucked my energy out of me, and then I have had to endlessly fight to continue the same situation of fighting ever since I was exhausted and drained weeks ago when I bought only enough food for a few days instead of two weeks. I will wash it off and hope that the years of poisoning won't turn into a sort of breaking point of toxicity in my body--as now I am using whatever money and resources to pay to not be poisoned with little money I have, which I could use to get water refilled at a water purification tank near this hate condo but the water is poisoned and filled with toxins I fear--it has been inserted with disgusting substances at the water filtration system machine--(after nasty dirty Greasy Graham the corruptician out of the Senate began abusing and attacking me when I said no to being exploited by another hateful bigot and used and exploited by him and his family and then being pushed down by them for their greasy nasty KKK power cartel

So I have to fight being poisoned non-stop and killed by poisoning, as I am already on the edge of utter collapse of my immune system and the stress and violence is a daily and nightly event 

can't anyone ever fucking stop this ever in American society? Can't anyone ever advocate for my human rights, my basic human rights?

Can't anyone make these fucking pig actors and their shit children and friends pay me for the damages they have inflicted so I can live in some decent place and have a bit more than always being on the edge of homelessness and death from poisoning and endlessly my body is mutilated and attacked while sleeping as they teleport and rape and abuse and threaten and it's absolute psychological violence as these filthy stupid pigs, who steal my ideas go off with their new homes new mansions new awards new lovers new lives new promotions new movie roles new franchises new businesses new accolades for being a pompous pig ape scum behaving in fascist Nazi Mafia genocidal protocols endlessly against me?

My "crime" is of saying NO to being exploited to death after years of pigs poisoning and raping me using date rape drugs--and by the time I was dying and was always blocked from health care in the shit USA--while I am now telling them to fuck off endlessly they only teleport and rape me always while I am sleeping, then teleported and in some binary state of being asleep and "awake" in teleportation in some other dimension, not able to see clearly but I can always recognize the filth and shit who are famous teleporting me--because they get in my face and insult and threaten and stick their greasy disgusting genitals and rape and punch and slap and spit at and urinate on and threaten and abuse and insult--every single night.

Can't anyone make this group of shit and filth pay me for damages they have been inflicting, nono-stop every single day, for over a decade, taking turns now endlessly one fucking pig ape shit creep from Whorewood or Congress or MSNBC or whatever crook crannies they emerge from when their masks are discarded for the snarling shit pig ape scum that they truly are behind all the posturing coached performances for tv?? Can't anyone ever advocate for me to live in peace at the very least? ***hackers deleted words and rewrote some of this post, so it reads as confusing in parts and almost incohesive. That is 100% due to hackers--I just try to read through the post to correct the worst of the deletions so the post makes some sense, so I have left it with all the confusing parts intact because I just sit here endlessly, day after day, writing about the torture and violence and it's never stopped so I'm not wastintg my time in rewriting these posts forever only to be silenced and tortured for having written them essentially asking this fucking readership to do something but none of you will or "can" because it's too scary to go against this 4th Reich group of vicious deadly sick disgusting creeps. You all just join in, assuming it's all a fun game. I hope you fuckers reading this get slaughtered by the system you have been indulging in so you can have your shit careers while the US careens out of control due to your stupidity and lax attention to what is authentic and what is real and what is critical for society to function.


Trying to stretch the hard chunk of poison embedded into my back and spine and hips and skull and down my legs and into my arms a bit more loose today. The poisons are latched onto my ribs and I can't handle pulling on them for more than a few minutes. Before loosening up more of the layers of what could be similar to "shale", it proved to be a slippery substance where I was able to do much more stretching of my body--but as more of it comes out, the deeper the rest sinks into my interior---skin, muscles, viscerae, tendons, joints, like a python wrapping itself into the most deep pockets of my body. I have to rip interior tissue out at tiny levels, like maybe at the cellular level or bits of interior skin tissue must be ripped to get the poison out--so imagine what that is like. It also shifts my body chemistry when a tiny bit loosens and I am utterly sick for the rest of the day. I did a detox a few weeks ago and the slippery upper layers came out in a huge sickness and exhaustion (while the greedy sleazy dirty foul celebrities where coming at me like locusts to get their endless YEARS of awards and roles and promotions--waiting for me to marginally "heal" from another day of the poison that they have been repoisoning me with so I remain unable to meet people, go out, have a life, while they incessantly call me a "loser" for not having a life.

They laugh about the grey streak in my hair, which has been caused not only from stress and poisoning and drugging affecting my kidneys and liver, plus the detox which drains me daily as I fight without end to rid my body of this hard chunk that is like a hard interior turtle's shell.

--------------------and waiting, and waiting and waiting for any political entity to state with chagrin that what is happening to me is anti-social, it's amoral, it's anti-Constitutional--the Constitution lawyer part of the Select Committee to investigate the Jan 6 coup joined in the "fun" of insulting and abusing me, while I told him and his partner (his political partner in crime) that I have been mutilated and poisoned, they laughed and joked about it while going on tv to proclaim how the Constitution has not been adhered to by #45, as they operate to attack me under the approving eye of #46 and his minion Krapola Harris, and her black woman caucus out of Whorewood, california and the rest of that fake idolatry group

But the creeps who are attacking me for the TENTH YEAR IN A ROW with non-stop hacking into my system of their putrid faces which causes a tremor of disgust that goes up my poison-caked spine, which means it's a strong physical reaction of disgust. It's something that victims of rape perhaps undergo, probably, but people only think that as the preordained "sex trafficking sex slave' that they have relegated me to, I must "get used" to it and not feel shivers of sickness seeing the putrid filth that has been attacking me for a decade (and longer, trust me, I have been in the crosshairs of the people attacking me for longer than merely a decade--some of them have actively been going after me since the late 90's--it's never ending).

And they keep violently assaulting me when their putrid movies and shit tv shows are on the verge of opening--thus the psychodope contingent are once more attacking me. A decade of writing about Depp and his filthy dirty ugly spawn has resulted in NOTHING stopping them from furthering their careers by endless YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS of deadly assault upon me. The French pig ape wealthy literally give a standing ovation and the most expensive top level plastic surgery to the shit ugly daughter spawn in order for the French shit to infiltrate America through these greedy and dumb sleazy psyhodope scum pair--(the father obviously not just a rapist and woman-beater but obviously has pedophile tendencies).


And the tv show that this filthy skank is attacking me, has been attacking me with that black nazi out of Canada--is about mind programming for black men to worship nazi blonde women--behind the thin "plot" the imagery displays this, and whatever narrative that ensues from this sick porno trashy tv show, it's really about desensitizing the public to sleaze and porn mentality in order to further numb and dumb down the public, and to penetrate through sexual titillation and psychological trauma violence mind programming through the guise of a plot about a "cult". 

Mind programming for the 4th Reich. Americans are applauding, the French are handing this group of filth every single ounce of money to completely reconfigure the contours of their bodies and faces to completely refabricate them into Europigape dummy models viciously laughing as they torture and rape. If people were actually instructed to read A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens, they would have a more familiarity with this type of fascist indoctrination as this is a topic that NONE of these crappy movies based on the book EVER dig into--but it's a central theme of the book. The descriptive narrative that Dickens offers is only easily accessible as metaphor and simile and is very powerful and poignant in all the viciousness and death and sickness that accompanies this program--which is being rebuilt and sent to America via this group of shit from Whorewood, but in the form of this tv show in particular.

As I fight endlessly to stop this, I get politicians like Taylor-Green who absolutely embraces the Europigape fascist ideology and worships everything Europigape and is nasty and sleazy towards me--for no other reason than I am fighting to not be subjected to torture and exploitation which these pig apes all lavishly leer about in the ease with which they are alloted these technologies in order to inflict almost every kind of sick rape and torture system upon me. I have been told that I am the "only one" who has this MK ULTRA microchip system intact that they can exploit. I seriously doubt that is accurate as I mean to say it's a lie. 

so they never stop attacking me and the system of hate enlarges and grows with your full permission and silence---whomever you are reading this, I know some of you but not all by any means--or perhaps no one is reading this---

Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...