Friday, July 12, 2024

Artificially-induced neurological enslavement to natural basic instincts of the sex drive combined with a fascist abuse and dehumanization doctrine obtained via over-powering drugs and brain-alteration technologies. The sad part is that the person being afflicted is "supposed" to be considered the sleazy and low, denigrated person instead of the low and sleazy, sick and pathological group of porno sleaze operators forcing this assault upon the target's brain and body. A trap of over-whelming sexual urges through compartmentalization of brain function plus nonconsensual drugging and tech manipulation of brain function. People watch and are fascinated, delighted that this is happening to me. They never assume that the violence they inflict can boomerang back to themselves in one form or another, and they assume that they are too "elite" for this kind of violent dehumanization to ever be forced upon them. Likewise, my deep suspicion that Biden was a victim of mind control tech during his last debate is akin to this concept that the smug and delighted who participate in mind control social engineering believe fully that their top promotional "superiority" means that they will never be touched by their own lack of humanity in the rendering of such tech and the heightened circulation of such technologies almost without restraint into the civilian terrorist population, which grow exponentially the more the financial and societal disasters these destroyers of love, mental independence and everything else all parcel out constantly so anyone, everyone can participate in mind control torture. I believe that Biden was under mind control/drug interface but the utter lack of competency in understanding the sheer sick psycho malevolence of the unqualified who are handed these technologies to inflict damage and utter discrediting to their "enemies" is so underestimated.//The destruction of the United States continues with full applause from all the audiences who watch and stare in fixed mesmerized adoration of their abuser murdering hateful oppressors.//They all believe that the violence will be inflicted upon "someone else" because they, they believe, are so superior. The 4th Reich told them they are beyond reproach they are so elite and superior that the violence they are cheering on and the destruction of law, society and everything else that can be sucked to the core, to death, is permissible.//I continue to be assaulted viciously with the same rape cheerleaders who have stolen my ideas every single year, for the past 14 years. My writings on domestic violence, sexual violence, my writings of the inevitable rise of fascist Nazism and dictatorship I wrote of for years has now appeared, visibly. I was tortured for having written these observations, not guesses, not conspiracy theories, but observations, and the result is that the people who rushed to teleport and rape, beat and poison and torture me are now the media "pundits' explicating on how much they are "fighting" this egress of the former United States' Constitution and freedoms. Still they slide and slither to assault me and participate, collaterally, because they have already put a stake in the larger consolidation of power between all superficial "rival" polar opposites. These opposites are merely a chimera of illusion and are inextricably enmeshed into a unified system.//

I include this video by Andrea Dworkin because "Holocaust pornography" is not my concept used to try to assign some arbitrary meaning to the violence I am now subjected to every day by this German rapist who I only am accosted by due to watching a movie he starred in playing an SS murdering homosexual half-savior/half-rapist controlling playing master over slave. The need for people to have convenient victims in which to thrust all their hate and violence out on, traditionally termed the "scapegoat" is now my (un)official role in both Whorewood and Congress-Whorewood. The need for rape culture to be expanded is now a huge divide-and-conquer strategy, mostly by the Europigape Nazi/Mafia who are using this rape porno paradigm in which to program the United States into varying states of a Civil War, internal destruction, and the "women" who are pushing this contract are the only ones being promoted by the 4th Reich rape culture Europigape-controlled entertainment media (owned if by Americans, absolutely enthralled with all things Europigape absolute mind-controlled slaves of 4th Reich Euro-centric worship and submission to their covert versions of subordination of Americans to their plot to overtake). The "women" who are put in control over this rape contract out on me are absolutely pushing rape culture porno-sexualized women (themselves) promoting rape culture while portraying the ideas they steal from me (in part) about victimization and the fight against it, while fully implementing a mass rape and torture protocol system within which, they can become the "pimps" and of course, promoted into top positions because of their critical role in mind programming the continuation of oppression and violence towards women, in violent sexualized rape and mutilation torture and murder protocols of the worst of all sexist violence towards women (and of course, men are included in this, as are, probably preferentially the main target being children).

"Andrea Dworkin: life and death". feminist vhs archive. March 24, 2021.

"PORNOGRAPHY ANDREA DWORKIN 1991". Robert Jensen. November 17, 2011.

I am still being tortured for having identified, correctly, over a decade ago and have been only constantly writing about the inevitable surge of a fascist regime and about how really inept the men who you all put into power and their female partners truly are (if they are married, as formal units representing the traditional male-female family unit--but assuredly they are as loving and united as "chalk and cheese" (an "Irish saying" I was told by an Irish woman--never heard it before or since I am always surrounded by lying terrorists from this insidious global organization).

I could go into detail about the next vicious attack upon me.

They are drugging me while asleep, injecting drugs and poisons into my bladder (I believe) and after I get up and have to eliminate the injected drugs and poisons, the drugs are then in my blood stream somehow released, and the teleportation manipulation and torture begins.

Horrid skits of homelessness are constantly inflicted upon me. Every block to my health, health care, financial welfare and economic stability in "real life" has been thoroughly blocked by this global organization. I can't even get a letter from my bank confirming an address change. I am so perpetually lied-to by every financial institution and by every business (in the USA) and the operation of a "Banana Republic" along the lines of a completely taken-over fascist Nazi colony, colonized by the Whorewood controllers who put and artificially construct every 4th Reich Nazi white supremacy program into lead position, every "movie" is a propagandized piece of forgettable mush repeating the same messages as the past few decades and going into the realms of trauma-based mind control programming.

the celebrities rush to join in on trauma-based mind control over me, so as to exert this subtle energy field, which is not so subtle actually, into their every movie which is a lying distortion.

Sitting in the rows of chairs were the Jewish nazi who sent this German actor to rape me, who in his role playing an SS Officer has had undoubtedly many a fantasy porno desire too emulate this type of sexualized trauma bullying and death threats and sexual violence.

The porno fans, the "celebrities" who crank out the "me too" fodder and the "so against Trump" diatribes for the media (good friends with him otherwise in the teleportation torture, obtaining endless lucre from both presidents for their roles in violent torture and poisoning of me) and etc.

Sitting there silently observing the physiological manipulation of my nervous system while drugged, in sleep mode, endlessly in pain from hard poisons latched into my vertebrae and and interior muscle system and extending throughout my body in serpentine conduits hard and supposed to never come out of my body, but instead to paralyze and internally suffocate me. The expletives who have had me mutilated and raped ordered that this poison be poured and injected and dumped into my body, food and in every way also compounding the murder operation by mutilating my body so that the poisons would also seep into the rips, tears and fractures and bruising that these expletives also forced upon me, while sleeping, using first the teams of rapists who ravaged my home and body because I could not block them from breaking into my room (mechanical arms entering my room through every tile, portal and etc possible then opening all the locks on the front door and the items stuffed into the door cracks to try to stop even the evidence and it took, me over 2 years to figure out what was going on, and then it's very tenuous trying to just stop the rapists and murdering bigots from breaking into my room through my front door--which is piled with items blocking it but nothing can stop the mechanical arms).

Meanwhile, now they just use mechanical arms to inject, slash, but , mutilate and poison. My room is stinking and foul and filthy upon waking when it was nominally "clean" when I went to bed, due to the  mechanical arms spraying stinking filth and cutting into my body and etc. Every single night.

the creeps then laugh about how the women who have stolen my ideas to present themselves as having any clue outside of enabling rapists and abusers, which is their role and to be presented as soft porn objects gyrating and having their genitals open to full view, their lips and body enlarged through plastic surgery to resemble labia and other modifications that plastic surgery sculptors can create as an artifice for the fantasy projections of sexualization of every aspect of viewing titillation. These women, who absolutely play sex object and rape enabler, rush to steal my ideas but then use them to project that they are the creators and have such ideas readily available to them as they have been "victims" for so many years of male oppression (I write this in sarcasm, btw).

Sitting there lovingly hugging the Euro--p-a sent to assault me by the "Jewish" mafia man who has been playing "Jews" in movies, in this case, as a "victim" who was gratified by having a white blonde woman take the notes on the story of his life in a concentration camp--the German actor now assaulting me constantly and insulting how I look--with the endless refrain of how the dirty plastic surgery abuser rape cheerleader is so much more "beautiful" than me. I have to once again scream in rage that this ugly dirty skank, who has, this year once more, obtained ideas from me, was handed after her 8 hours per day of participation in information extraction via torture in teleportation plus non-stop violence from the hate minions surrounding me--vicious and deadly white Europigapes and Russians always in this building with a concentric circle of 20-to-1 ratio of "brown" hateful vile nasty attackers--the usual contingent ratio in America, constantly I see it everywhere this same formation.

The creeps are using technology that absolutely triggers addition reactions or hormones out of the brain while the very pornographic violent S&M attacker is completely turned-on by his concentration camp fantasies, erected fully in his mind and body by the role he played--playing this out on me, or trying to.

My body becomes, in this state, absolutely magnetically reactive to the stimuli which bores into my body like a sheer addiction, which I believe is artificially constructed by brain compartmentalization of this technology and drug interface that is perpetually being forced upon me.

The goal is to try to force me to be a domestic slave sex torture victim providing a "baby" to someone who is abusive, racist and has been told that once he/she is "finished" with me that they can, and while they are exploiting me as well, poison me into paralysis or death and abuse insult and humiliate me in  public and that if I so much as fight back in any way and not just accept and laugh along with it, the result will be something very drastic (before the inevitable murder operation).

I am fighting this, but also for the sake of my lost country which has proven to me endlessly that it doesn't deserve my fight because it has only shown me that it wants my complete destruction and for only white supremacy and all the minority minions who obey and viciously with extreme hate and death threats to consolidate power in the guise of various opposing factions but all really concentrated into one programmed hate and death operation for complete power and control.

Fighting to at least not give in and allow for more Nazis to be put into power, which is all I can do now, with NO ONE coming to even recognize that this is a crime, that this is injustice, that I have any human rights whatsoever--I get only the top leadership of both political parties coming to violently threaten to kill me in brutal ways--the list of those are congruent to the top layers of the political party machinery and they all do and say almost the same things but the differentiations are only how sadistic and vile their fantasies of absolute murder allowance and mutilation they are allowed to get away with. 

They are fighting to have complete allowance for murder and mutilation and torture sex trafficking sex slavery using these technologies will the applause of all the audiences from conventions for political machinations to the "awards" for performances. The "awards" are ALWAYS handed to the most callous and sexualized fakes of H-wood, year after year they are handed top funding for projects derived from torturing ideas out of me and then inserting them into the propagandizing of fascist Nazism disguised as "freedom" from rape, sexual abuse, racism and etc.

And so, I fight alone as usual screaming that the dirty creep woman who has been torturing me for over 14 years with mutilation and attempted murder is not more beautiful than me. That the pigs have been mutilating and torturing and poisoning me every single day for over 14 years and no one can look very "beautiful" constantly cleanihng up stinking filth and being abused with manipulation of tear ducts in my eyes so tears poured out of my eyes every day for hours per day for over 6 years so my skin is destroyed. They cut out part of my uterus and deprived me of enough money for food so my body has broken down just from that. They have poured fungus and filth into my food, hair, into my body, on my furniture for years every day. All I do literally is clean up what my body allows me to bend and clean that is completely saturating my living space--every day they spray and pour filth everywhere. I fight for hours to try to repair the damage to my body that they kept on a constant basis with non-stop bloating and hardening poison. They have had scum creep after creep, mostly the Europigapes in this, rush to rape poison as deeply into my body as possible they go on and on turned on completely by sexualized rape and murder, their Nazi concentration camp fantasies have been thoroughly inculcated into them by a lifetime of brothels that saturate the Europigape landscape in a way that has become normalized. The violence towards women, in particular the "Minorities" who are some of the larger components of the prostitute and brothel scenes, are just open season for white supremacy to beat and rape. They receive no media attention that I know of. The "secret" Nazi sexualization of torture and racist violence using rape and sexual violence has been kept alive since the fall of the 3rd Reich; not just in Germany but all over Europigapeland this is the case. Places like obsequious Thailand only exacerbate this principle.

The white Nazi supremacist filth "women" of these foul and dirty "men" are enthralled that the pig men can take their hate away from "Home" as they are endlessly given all the money the pig men steal from the rest of the world, because countries like America have been paying for a military fascist Nazi dictatorship death squad foreign policy police State since they partnered with Nazis after WWII.


the absolute adoration of German men by the Italian-American mafia, the blonde women of Euro-p-a-land--the blondes of America--the utter worship of white supremacy that the on-the-fringe-of the Mediterranean that the Italians hail from, the effort to constantly have blonde women on the arms of mafia men who viciously attack me--out of Miami I am plagued by a host of these types who have gone after me since 1996 and are still clutched onto attacking me.

My fight against the blonde men, in particular German, by Mafia is unbelievably automatic on their part, instilled as a cause they must continue after the official break-up of the Axis Powers of Italy/Germany during WWII.

The Jewish man, who I said in the attack from DeNiro and Pesce, as he sat in the rows of chairs after I just clicked and downloaded a movie about concentration camp sexuality and SS Nazi homo-erotic and Jewish "love" stories around the central theme of death--and life.

I called out in my hypnosis, torture (DeNiro is ALWAYS extremely violently assaulting me, verbally but also physically--and always being patted on the back by both Trump and Biden, given Oscars and with Scorsese endlessly latched onto the endless automatic awards at the Oscars for ever year of obtaining ideas from me ( their latest Oscar-winning film revolves around the exact same genocidal program that they absolutely collude with, in the United States--but not focused on Native Indigenous Tribes but also against "Jews" and "intellectuals" and the same poisoning, inter-racial marriages with ultimate murder and theft of property by the white supremacist is ABSOLUTELY  what DeNiro and Scorses have been all about for the past decade or longer of non-stop torture, poisoning to death and abuse and rape of me orchestrating, attacking me but most viciously when it's a Germanic fellow Axis Power---the alliances have never ended and as anyone following politics can observe, the Vichy Government has been said to be on the rise once again in France.

Thusly, I write about the vile rape of this man out of Germany, he is given pats on the back, told to increase the rape, I am poisoned and drugged into a kind of stupor while in deep sleep state, teleported and this nasty man who ---I actually don't know his name--I saw it once when I looked up the actors for this movie series and then as soon as he began to teleport me I finished watching the series, then deleted it all. He remains beating raping and insulting me all simultaneously, now night-after-night while the YEARS of isolation, torture, poisoning and absolute agony from ripping poison out of my body every day and sick and tortured and fighting to get one sleazy ugly dirty creep off me, day after day. A non-stop series of white supremacists, Jewish Nazis absolutely violently abusing me, usually physical violence, then ordering more torture of me, as they all get promotions--one has obtained the usual plastic surgery that all the older (and younger) women all obtain--top quality, and endless smiles and invitations by the usual (English-mostly) top media personalities for their role in helping to establish antisemitism but the dyed-blondish women, Jews, and men, now handed blond women to have sex with and be seen with in public therefore established and accepted--every Jewish man I have seen in top leadership position has a blonde Nazi woman at his side (Jewish or not).

Now the fun thrill for them all is this German man fully idealized in concentration camp/Nazi porn domination and torture. 

they all want to learn how to rape more successfully by observing his methodology. The women are waiting for me to react in order for them to obtain MORE ideas for their "equality and feminism" roles for the United Nations and for their movie and Whorewood roles. They fully imbibe the sexualized object but fighting against sexualization at a violent level. That is their public persona. In private the goal is to divert porno hate from them onto any target, such as me. They remain plastic surgery coated and protected by the rape white male culture, especially by the proliferation of Black women who claim they are both antiracist (unless it happens to me then they are 100% violently approval in participation and of course, promotion and profiteering off). Black men rush to threaten to kill me using gang-banger language. Latinos threaten the same way if they are representatives of "The Hood" culture. It is no wonder that the brunt of racism occurs "in the hood" from the same-race offenders violently taking their hate out against their only available targets.


The German expletive forced himself on me once again, in my deep sleep state but after I had to get up, go to the bathroom and was so drugged because through elimination the poisons circulated into my blood stream---I collapsed back on my bed, and this has been happening every night for the past 3 weeks--teleported and unable to control the unbelievable neurophrenic manipulation of my sex drive--trying in vain to get away ---reacting as if in deepest love state--and this I know the expletives reading this are yearning to obtain for themselves as they are all far too loveless to obtain any passion without having to abuse someone beforehand--the "love" they obtain from their partners I seriously extends beyond mere "mommy" comfort and nurturing needs (cleaning and cooking and of course, to disguise their probable homosexual proclivities, especially if they are in politics).

The amount of neurological manipulation of all my senses, combined in this deep vulnerable sleep state, and the sex drive turned up to the maximum amount by the thugs controlling the tech

I was, and have been, tortured and ripping poison out of my body every day for over 14 years without end--constantly being repoisoned and literally fighting for my life every single day--I mean fighting for my life not metaphorically. So many sick rape hate bigot men and women are so absolutely turned-on by this

and so, I was almost at the mercy of his verbal manipulation and hateful comments, insults and demands just to try to quell the extreme urge I could not control.

He tried to force me to say that I would provide children for him. His career undoubtedly requires a huge boost because I still don't know his name, have never talked with him except to yell or tell him I can't stand him, to go away, etc for the past 4-5 days now, when my consciousness is in waking state, this is all I say to him as he teleports me, like all the usual vicious parasites have done, for hours and hours every morning while I am putting away the many items I bundle my body around to prevent more permanent damage to my skin (impossible to protect) hair, nails and etc.

Demanding a baby out of me, I said "I cannot do that" as he slapped my face and stuck his hate into me

this morning, my bathroom had been injected with putrid substances behind this area of the toilet that has an artificial constructed box-shape that leave me 1 inch in which to try to clean the area behind the toilet base on the floor--impossible to do. In that area are tiles that open up from the other side and they inject debris, stinking oil grease and hair and cockroaches and today it was something extremely foul. This has been done repeatedly, but after this life-sucking parasite drained me of my most passionate "love" while it was impossible for me to pull away, the force of the drugging and tech is so overwhelming that my body literally is in addiction mode and withdrawal at the point of physical collapse if I can't alleviate what I naturally would never even begin to "feel" for any of the expletives who teleport me. 

He also gang-raped me with his friends out of Germany. This exact same system has happened at least 30 times in the past 14 years of non-stop torture, rape and mutilation and poisoning with me perpetually fighting for my life for anyone to stop this or stop the poisoning or stop the stinking putrid filth and shit and feces being put into my home, my bed fungus sprayed into my hair my vagina all furniture and my food--etc etc etc without end 

hardening stiffening poisons constantly poured into my food which I cannot stop. Deprived of any internet access-writing these useless blogs for years has only produced more silence, more corrupt politicians joining in and being promoted into more high-ranking positions as the country is reeling in corruption and lies and incompetence and the "divide and conquer" civil war strategy that the Europigape shit have been plotting through the use of this tech is being played out perfectly by the celebrity shit that you all worship--the mafia nazis the skank plastic surgery rape cheerleader "feminists" all coming from the Crown Imperialist genocidal Monarchy connected to The English Monarchy.

Meanwhile, my internet is constantly being turned off and on. The stench of shit that was put into my bathroom--which I cleaned yesterday night--it was sweet-smelling yesterday night--waking up to the stench of shit that has been put behind the toilet in an area I can't even begin to reach with a tool or anything

and spraying and spraying and bleaching and spraying fabric softener

because I was raped by a scum thug out of Germany, beloved and worshipped by the Jewish Mafia Nazi who sicced him on me--the DeNiro-Pesce-Gotti and then Keitel who played "the victim" who then, because he plays a "Jewish victim" so often, obviously had to offer me up as the real victim, outside of movies, so the German Nazi can play more "Jewish" characters in movies (as a former one has done after raping and hitting me for saying no to moving to Berlin to be his abuse partner "slave") and me fighting them.\

All for being raped and saying NO to moving to Germany, having children with someone whose name I don't even know--we have had no conversations except for his bullying and surveillance questions with me trying not to respond but being unable to stop reacting and responding.

Every day screaming with more and more rage that he's disgusting, his porno scumbag rape Nazi concentration camp fantasies are sickening his country is sickening to me as is his culture. I don't mean "all" of Germany or Germans I mean this Nazi pretense of not being Nazi but fully trying to relive rape and concentration master-slave fantasies upon me because of this filthy technology that the 4th Reich Biden-Trump-Obama-Clinton-Bush-Reagan-Carter-Nixon (by far the least abusive administration in terms of the terrorism aimed at me) but the real hate began with Ford---

ever since, it's been a cyclical series of what is now dynastic never-ending clutching onto power, but using this contact upon me as a stepping stone which they all appear to absoluely rely on BECAUSE THEY ARE OTHERWISE NOT CAPABLE and thusly

I write to the empty void, knowing that maybe some surveillance bot is reading this, perhaps not.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Contaminated bottled (plastic jug gallons) of water I have bought at Lotus's store put on display. The newly opened bottles which used to have pure filtered water are poisoned--the bottles are put on the shelf when I am in the store--there are always employees stocking the shelves of the bottled water section when I get to that area. The water tastes like it ahs come from a nasty water source--and I cannot go out shopping to buy more. The water from my tap is extremely poisoned and contaminated so unless I pour bleach in the water and boiling it makes no difference. Poisoned and drugged food and drinks are put out for me to buy, as I must always pay for on-sale or the cheapest, and a complete account of all that I buy is monitored for this very purpose of sealing packages with drugged and poisoned food. People should be alarmed but the presumptive expectation that I am this horrid person who "deserves" to be poisoned and drugged raped and abused and tortured to death as a covert public display is justified--the Blacks all come at me violently asserting that I am the most virile racist--they go on and on accusing me as I defend myself and tell them the truth that it's they who are the lynch mob sleazy dirty racists--operating with the white bigots they claim are their oppressors. Happily joining in to assault me using any pretext and lie to do so. People rush in, expecting that the witch hunt only applies to me or other "bitches" who deserve to die for being "racist" or Jewish (but not aligned with any organization, not complying with that identity of humiliated servant for Nazi 4th Reich, and supplicating myself willingly and turning against any other group under order by the 4th Reich--all these are performed by the "Good" minions the Jews and Blacks and etc--using me as the perpetual scapegoat for the hate they sublimate and then VICIOUSLY VIOLENTLY AND MURDEROUSLY TURN AGAINST ME but then, to consider that their food might be poisoned and drugged as well is too difficult for comprehension. They are "good" they are promoted they are paid--that they may be victims of mind control escapes their slight introspection into human behavior only believing that the warm smiles and loving embraces and huge amounts of "fame" handed to them are purely legitimate and that they will never be targeted. Joyously they rush to assault me. //The problem is that food is poisoned and drugged probably en masse, just like that Dark Knight movie where the water supply is drugged by the "evil" character---because most of you live your lives according to movie plots and themes, I had to include that for your consideration as a parallel to "reality" that this concept was put in a movie, along with a "social experiment" also included in that particular movie, because these things are actually being DONE and not just a fictitious concept from a scriptwriter or novelist or cartoon creator.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Terrorist teleportation rape report: yes, raped once more by the smug German pig actor celebrity who plays the smug Nazi German pig in the Nazi-sponsored atrocity love-story The Tattooist of Auschwitz. I had scrolled through older movies, only from last year and downloaded the series. Instantly came Harvey Keitel, but not openly abusive just sitting next to violent bigot rape supporters and terrorists DeNiro, so favored by Biden, and also Pesce and the Gottis of sorts.//Then came the German pig ape. I immediately told him to go away, was not friendly, told him I would rather kill German men than anything else, particularly those like him--so he raped me in my near comatose early morning-just freshly poisoned and drugged nascent waking state--I responded as if I were deeply in love. He demanded that I pay him slavish devotion, and in a drugged state from years of torture, just to try to not stop the energy that wasn't just purely abuse and hate and hate and hate and hate and only sexual abuse from shit pig ape whore men and filthy women watching on staring and hoping they can suck the life out of anyone like that and then dispose of them with hate and abuse afterwards, press a button and they are gone to try to deal with thousands ofshit pigs abusing me in the streets, driving into me nearly hitting me At one point in an elevator at the mall while I had to buy food, a woman who had a double-decker baby carriage rushed to get into the elevtor ahead ofme. Knowing of course which floor I would exist, she arranged to get off on the floor above mine--so she began to yell at me (i had music blasting in my ears but also when these shit creeps play yelling fascist at me-and of course, the ugly women was "brown" pushing blond children in that huge expensive carriage,obviously another slave for white bigot master pig ape telling her to abuse me for the sake of white supremacy--just like all the celebrities and politicians who are "minorities' it is always the same dumb compliance and hate. I could not tell that she was being rude but I sensed her ugly tone of voice, hearing her yelling at me to get my cart out so she could push the carriage out after me. She got on the phone, I pushed my cart out but remained inside the elevator. After she pushed into me and past me, she was looking down pressing buttons as only my arm was holding onto the shopping cart filled with my backpack and all the bags I must always carry like a beast of burden due t terrorism destruction of my property if I am not glued to watching everything constantly everywhere I go leaving nothing that could be tainted, poisoned to make my hair fall out, poisoning, drugging, ,etc. /the elevator closed on my body as I was pulling the cart back in. I was in the doorway of this elevator as the doors kept closing in on me in a way that was bypassing the signal to keep the doors open. The elevator doors literally were slamming into my hands as I yanked the cart back in while the doors slammed into the cart. this ugly minority minion creep woman was transfixed looking down into her phone and pushing buttons frantically-no one was near the elevator buttons to shut the doors she was transmitting relay signals to the person operating a hack into the doors to literally either shut on my body, perhaps it could have slammed into my hands it almost did--or my cart would have been left while the elevator went some other place as I was trying to desperately get the elevator to stop closing on my body in the beam of the doorway and etc.

Meanwhile, this dirty German creep, only because he teleported me for the first time yesterday, raped me this morning, and I responded in a way that seemed, from drugging, torture and lack of ALL LOVE, ALL FRIENDSHIP, ALL SOCIAL LIFE, all fun, everything taken from me with full permission and approval of all the politicians in power I have been writing of who have formed a disgusting group encircling me with hundreds of thousands of Europigapes waiting for America to fully become a fascist Nazi colony which they will take over asap.


I am fighting to not allow more of the pigs obtain more power No one in America apparently cares if this is happening to me from the Speakers of the House to the Presidents all in a row and that this has brought the onset of a dictatorship. No one could give a goddamn.I get only hate and torture and violence and more shit politicians and celebrities for every news show I watch, MSNBC scum like Morning shit show and the crap and shit and hate pig apes just are an endless ugliness that is endlessly being forced upon me.

I am now praying that the Muslims will nuke the Dem convention, thusly removing the Biden dino and Krapola duo, plus Obaamie and Aperah plus Michelles, as undoubtedly if Biden is persuaded to step-down or dies (fingers crossed) it will be Krapola and Obamie in the form of Michelle as her wonderfully open-minded, fighting against racism by handing me over to Trump with this terror tech so racism can be once more inflicted solely against Jews and Blacks are the new flavour of the Nazi era and beloved for their violence against me and absolute adoration of all things white supremacy--but don't state it openly they become violent if you ever express realityor the truth.

I also pray that Hillary is there as well, as well as the f-ing delegates who allowed Biden to block any debates before the convention and to put a fascist incompetent into power so the crap from the KKK Senate can get their agendas fulfilled but Biden appears to be "in power" but just not able to pass any legislation that he promised to "the people" who were left out. That the crap on the internet claims that Biden is the most successful and his "record" of accomplishments, which I have found to be extremely lacking--makes him such an excellent candidate and just "look at his record" which is abysmal, in actuality and reality.

So, if the Dem convention in Chicago were only nuked, it would get rid of the evil black Nazi contingent and stop the horrendous lies of Obamie and his nasty wife. Krapola who was handed to me years ago and then was chosen by Obamie to be put as VP is the conduit for  the Black Nazi party, and like so many Blacks openly antisemitic, it has trickled from Obamie and is not just a weird fluke by some celebrities who have no "shame' in making open anti-semitic nasty comments.But always welcomed by Ratskin and of course AOC who calls these black Nazis her "brothers'

and so, for the victims of the 4th Reich as I am, my only hope is that the other victims will just blow them all up in one place in Chicago, next month.

AT this point, multiple years of murder attempts and rape and dirty sick shit not "nice old man" Biden literally embracing welcoming inviting to his filthy "white House" the terrorists who rape and are murdering me with full welcome and advertising by that rotten carcass ass.

So hope they all get blown up hope the Palestinians decide to martyr themselves and blow the f-ing Dems out so hopefully a completely new era will begin with that shit gone and antisemitism and the 4th Reich finally FUCKING STOPPED as America has welcomed in Nazis endlessly ever since WWII.

I also hope this for the filthy dirty Repubs who have assaulted me for years--the old white trashy lawyer set from the Senate--hope the Palestinians or Iranians will also decide that their support of Israel means they also have to go.

What a relief it would be for me, I hope. The layers of new shit waiting to replace the old, however, is so daunting.


Encouraging the German male pig ape, who after having drugged me (using the minority minions lovingly servicing the shit apes from EUropigape land like slaves, literally but paid and able to "live" with the "masters" as long as the Europigapes can obtain and wrest full control over all the beachfront property and all the land and eventually replace and kick out the locals (already done around huge swaths and all is taken over by 4th Reich Nazi Mafia with loving adoring slaves giving all) 

but for me, the schedule is to drug, rape via teleportation while I am asleep but barely waking, freshly drugged, after years of torture nonstop, and this German pig ape I only was teleported to yesterday, began his sexual big game on me, I responded and I am only human. BUt he then tried to get me to say what a supreme f** he is, I didn't want the druggy sensation to stop, it is addictive they use technology to trigger addiction hormones so the "desire" is a BRAIN manipulation upon a compartmentalized section of the brain, induced into a "love" sexual desire that is overpowering even if the pig ape is a detestable scum you hate--how the loveless sleazy and dirty pigs love this, and they can suck life force out of their victims and "make love" to the Nazi women who also partner with sucking life force out vicariously. In fact, the two German women from the Fassbinder films I have watched--NOT TO SEE THEM but only for the writing and directing of Fassbinder--who have made viciously nasty Nazi comments to me, which I defended myself, against, only for Baryishnikov who says he is "part German" to stab me in the abdomen, from a side angle as I was put into consciousness after deep sleep hypnosis-- a retractable knife was used by the snarling gleeming smile on the sicko's face was very telling about what kind of real murder he is only waiting to inflict--as are they all.

Genocidal training is what this contract out on me is about, in part.

They rushed into the hate circle of this German sick fuck pig ape, obviously with a host of Nazi women lovingly embracing him for the "insult" supposedly to me, as he is supposed to be considered a big, big man for abuse and rape--a la aristocracy Nazi entitlement which is also besides genocide, covert murder, death squads and more what this group and this contract is also about in programming the dumb sick scum into being programmed into. There is almost no effort in doing so, it's only a matter of increasing time for the demented violence to sink in with Biden and Trump both congratulating and promoting all who employ fascist murder operationsof techno-terror aptitude.

The German pig ape then began to insult me as I fought him and finally began to rush to get him off me violently screaming to get off that I only responded from drugging and from the torture and I told him instantly to f-off but in many alternative ways constantly for about 2 hours before falling asleep.

So, if anyone thinks my ultimate wish for the prevailing shit that is turning America into a 4th Reich Gestapo culture is somehow "wrong" or crazy on my part, I think you are crazy for allowing such stupid shit to constantly be awarded and promoted and then believe that America is going to be anything like a powerful country and not a slave state of Europigape fascist domination in the future.

These disgusting and putrid politicians---the liberals the black nazis who claim they are "fighting racism" and all are "victims" are so completely mesmerized and brainwashed into loving the abuser they are all, the fasco Americans and the rotten lying "liberals" are trying their best to emulate this Germanic pig group which they give red carpet welcome to destroy America from within. 

I was promised a lavish life in Germany with $$ for providing a baby to a rapist scum dirty German fuck who raped and then insulted me after I had responded with some sexualized, albeit drugged passion. The pig ape has been awarded but because I actually responded to drugging and sexual abuse, because I live in endless pain from the poisoning making me paralyzed and constantly ripping the poison out of my body while under 6-8 hours of abuse each and every single day and then hundreds of pieces of shit nearly hitting me with cars (today repeatedly almost hit) and abused pushed into elbowed blocked etc constantly by at least 300-400 people, if you count the cars swerving nearly hitting me, driving into my lane towards me-etc

THen returning to this stinking filth apartment that shit terrorists rush to pour stinking filth into, using mechanical arms to break my chairs, rip holes in my body while sleeping, spray grease on my clothing, and it is every day, many times per day--and returning there is stinking filth everywhere that was sprayed and sprinkled on all over the floor, everywhere, while I was attacked by a few hundred shit mostly minorities and smug blondish pig shit apes from Nazi countries--with teleportation of abuse, Nazi commentary from the German shit, the Italian and Jewish American DeNiro shit gang loosing this German pig ape on me because forcing a baby upon me from a rapist Nazi is what they are aiming for--who will abuse, insult, poison and pass me around to be raped and eventually killed off so this group can assert a total right-and-left one-party system but only seeming like a bipartisan group-it includes mike johnson, pelosi, biden, harris, ratskin, kennedy, graham, cruz, and they all want a fascist tyrannical technoterror rape microchip mind controlled population to "serve" the needs of sleazy murder appetites and for saying NO endlessly for years I am threatened with death constantly and raped punched passed around.

Silence from the rest of the world. CAn the entire world completely be programmed to serve this group or so stupid and blank expecting endlessly free deals for participating in the lowest of low humanity but told that they are elegant and supreior and this is their "entitlement" as everything is crumbling and dying as a result--first the ecosystem of the planet as the most obvious, then the global econoy, and the endless dying immigrants from the entitlement white supremacy 4th Reich open market slavery trafficking domestic servant enslavement trafficking sex trafficking and drugs drugs drugsof all ways and means money money the drugs of rape and entitlement and all are having a goddamn jolly time right now with all this entitlement and Nazi money flowing to every scumbag whore and slave participating. THey claim they are"elite" they have maimed my body and blocked all my attempts for a career but when I was competing they were not superior to me in almost every competition I participated in. I now look very ugly and broken down and the abuse is still never stopped. The pig apes are all gloating and glowing from rape and violence. They are waiting to be promoted into the President's office because Biden was mind controlled to fail and blank out. YOu all continue to do nothing and expect you will be fine and comfortable in your luxury mansions when everyone else is dying and being killed off.


Next morning---the German pig played sex trafficking rape Nazi again while I was in deep, drugged and teleported state. Demanding sleazy things upon me--to be sent to Germany to be his sex abuse partner so he, his wife/girlfriend/boyfriend whatever can explode in profit off this contract. I had cars nearly hitting me, driving into my lane from the other lane, driving directly into me in the middle of the road--about 300 people assaulting me, people pushing hitting me with elbows etc while shopping. This morning after the next rape with me screaming upon waking, teleported while awake and not drugged, asleep and in the most vulnerable state--screaming again at yet another expletive of this putrid group of shitwood scum--years and years of torture, abuse rape and poisoning to keep me bloated, poisoned, hardened poison latched into my spine and hips as they kept poisoning me for YEARS and laughing about how my body is destroyed compared to them--plastic surgery for them all constantly plus millions of dollars in prizes. I think of the disgusting Black Nazis i.e. Obama and Oprah--after the 2 years of her stealing the idea I had written about A Wrinkle in Time, in which she starred, and her years of participation in this rape and torture while her every public appearance concerns "women's rights' and alongside shitalina they espouse fighting against domestic violence--but constantly perpetrating an artificial domestic violence endless contract upon me as the substitute. All have been pampered, Oprah after her years of violent sexual and physical assault upon me for saying correctly she is an Aunt Jemima for the plantation of the 4th Reich, playing matronly supporter for the nurturing needs of the white supremacists but violently assaulting and participating in rape of me, plus stealing my ideas and going off being awarded--she received standing ovations from Whorewood after her exploits of torture of me, rape, sex trafficking

Obama is even more insidious and pernicious than Oprah in this regard (plus Michelle). Over 14 years of Obama probably obtaining, just like Trump, the president position, in part, by participating in this attack upon me and then fully supporting the endless torture, rape and poisoning for YEARS AND YEARS and then coming to me in teleportation with a gruesome glaring hate frown staring as I was put in a sitting position--which is what AOC has done--the minorities like the Nazis always have me sitting in some lower position asthey threaten and glare with the most hate possible for me just FIGHTING TOS TOP THE RAPE AND TORTURE.

Now raped again, and again I write of this German sick fuck sleaze creep and he's been handed more allowance to go at me to breakmeto rape and abuse and insult as I endlessly fight back and am tortured and mutilated for just saying no or fighting back against this endless tyranny and teleportation sex trafficking mutilation poisoning and antisemitic hate contract which so many prominent Jews have participated in, and so many aspiring Jews in "normal" citizen status but of course, part of the Nazi cartel.

The pig from Germany is some sleaze creep, but the violence they exhibit is deemed an "elite entitlement" mode of demonstrative "supremacy" in that shit like Obama and Michelle not only support this antisemitic rape and torture but have profited off it for years.

Not a single Repug who makes endless angry speeches about antisemitism of late at college campuses is anywhere in sight to support me or stop the shit they embrace in Congress--Trump but then their Black Nazi Obama, so beloved by the country because he appears to be a caring "liberal" but is in fact one of the most vile racist haters of them all--as so many "Minorities' are. THey are loved for this duplicity. Many are not deceived but those are not handed any prestige by the 4th Reich so you only hear the same repeat of how wonderful Obama has been as a President. I suggest he is one of the worst of all-time as he made a deal with Trump to be allowed to continue to make his lying bullshit oratories replete with all the jokes that are necessary--his glib demeanor people identify with "intellectual" he appeared like a hateful parasite towards me lacking all intellect--just a performer people use a template of highly intellectual and "liberal" with the lying k-rap he constantly cranks out. He gave teleportation and mind control tech to Trump, which he obtained probably from the Rambo/pig pitt/shitalina team outta Whorewood and they all put Trump into power by handing that thug this technology and all have gone to the Oscars, been awarded by the Nazi "liberal" establishment and are a revolving circuit of endless monopoly and they are vying for more ultimate power. They are partnering with Trump right now, it is Mike Johnson along with Schiff, RAtskin and a host of others and it is possible that mind control tech has been used on both Biden and Trump so eventually the Obama family can be closer and closer to the seat of power.

Oh yes, Hillary of course, the racist bigot who gladly and violently assaults me for defending myself. Death threats coming from Pelosi and Schumer inviting shitalina to his office to help endorse the Violence Against Women Act--legislation. She brought shit pig ape Europigape male after male to violently rape me as she watched on--constructing artificial domestic violence upon me. The wives and women of these filthy sleazy Europigapes and the American shit scumm whose only aspiration is to emulate Nazis and Germans and French and perform the same Nazi modes of fascism--but are so pathetically mean and stupid when they do it as the Germans have completely learned the skilled art of psychopathic pretense and warm and sexualizing violence to the degree that genocide and sexuality are intertwined with Germans but Americans are just shrill and stupid, ugly and completely so disgusting that they can evoke nothing but disgust.


It's too hard to type--they broke my keyboard. I now have to clean and clean all the stinking mess--that was sprayed and poured into my room yesterday while I was out. They are breaking almost every little thing I own now constantly. They tried to cut off my money this month, inserted a live shrimp into my inner ear canal---it's cost me hundreds of dollars this month I have been saving for emergencies to try to avert being left destitute because filth Trump assaulted me 2days after his conviction in NYC--then Michael Cohen came yelling and screaming at me calling me a bitch, then disusting ugly old rotten crap Ridley Snott came to all me bitch and order a non-stop attack from Europigapes and shit as I click on movies that appeared last year,I am surrounded by now the shit who starred in the movie--the rape and antisemitic lead mafia dude and then he sicced his German partner in the film to beat and rape and threaten me constantly Years of torture and drugging I am responding to his huge sexual-turn-on for rape and torture which is embedded in Geran and Europigape Nazi psyche. 

As usual nothing ever stops this. I write in what seems like complete futility.


my drinking water once again is tainted with a nasty substance--


I wrote an entire paragraph which was completely deleted--it was about Obama being the worst president of my lifetime for having sold out every Civil Rights cause to further his selfish career along with his wife, in partnership with the k-rap from Whorewood--

the seeming incompetence of both Biden and Obama to persecute Trump in addition to putting Garland on the Supreme Court, ceding to McConnell in what was an orchestrated flubbing-up of the process and waiting, as usual, for Trump and the fascists to come to power and make a power grab. In exchange, Obama remains "relevant" "rescuing" America from Trump in his "this election is the most important....Democracy....Freedom...blather" and he's "needed" to bolster Biden, who has done the same but in terms of ceding authority to Trump by delaying the Attorney General's investigation into the Trump trials under so far into his term that by now they are all but wiped away by the Trump judges on so many of these courts.

Under Obama and Biden tyranny, I Have been fighting being poisoned to death since over 2011 and earlier--only that year was when I realized only a sliver of the entire huge system of their hate bigotry and the ascent of the 4th Reich.

Obama presented a persona of "change" but who in actuality put America into an almost "Jim Crow" type legal bind--of course that means "Freedom" for the racist bigots and also "freedom" for the Black and Jewish and Latino et al minority minion Nazis who so eagerly and violently participate in gang stalking; Obama no exception and Biden welcoming the pig apes who violently assault me to in-person White House dinner parties, advertised as "important" people for the media, which complies with this hate system of torture and rape and many, and most of the notable major tv channel anchors have participated or know and hack their stuff constantly--in general terms as they have to compete with a barrage of celebrities.

I began to download my Uncle's show All in the Family and that began a constant carnage of the Lucille Ball family surviving members hacking their tv shows on my YouTube as well as the original cast of All in the Family hacking photos of himself along with Jane Fondu who has been participating in rape and torture of me so her plastic surgeries, funded by the 4th Reich in part, could accompany her rise in media exposure which is the usual series of events. 

And so, drinking horrid tainted water now, cleaning up stinking and sprayed stained and ripped items, my room filthy and sprayed with permanently staining brown and black sticky goo--scrubbing won't get it off

and I write yet another post on the hacked keyboard to just let people get titillated for another day so more Nazis from Europigapeland will rush to get off on violent rape which they learned from all the bordellos of Germany and France and England--a societal normative system and in Germany using prostitutes is a well-established lifestyle but never mentioned in any of the travel guides or videos about the "Joys" of being in Germany---unless you are in Hamburg--

and they are just jacked-up on jacking=off with violent hate upon me for fighting their "system"

it's now non-stop liberals andfascists coming jointly and in line waiting to vent their hate at me

rotten Ridley Snott had me teleported after I began to watch Napoleon, his latest Nazi programming film--which received bad reviews. I wanted to see how it was done and was instantly teleported, accosted for my opinion while asleep, teleported, drugged-up on truth serum drugs, and then the slight criticism I said, in addition to that I did like the movie--it's now 2 months of that ugly bitch whore creep (yes, a male an be a "bitch" as they created that word to create a hate stigma for women who are "bad" who do not cheer on their rape and violence power assumption)

and I thought that if I deleted that movie I had downloaded, because hackers constantly block all streaming media, and he never went away. Instead he has brought on more Europigapes who are viciously abusive, threatening, murderously abusive, and in addition I watched The Tattooist of Auschwitz and got now rape from the German scum who is constantly threatening and raping me--completely turned on by this and the German woman I had tried to get off me months ago who rushed to assault me because I watched some Fassbinder movies they starred in --and it's all being ordained as usual by Obama who with Biden and Clinton as Secretary of State had countless shit pig apes from Europe torture, rape and poison and mutilate me for years--now being put into the forefront because a shift in the Dem Party looms from the attack I believethey orchestrated on Biden using drugging, mind control tech along with all their foreign friends-i.e. Putin who was partnering with Trump with this contract out on me--I wrote of it extensively in the past--Russians invading this condo where I live, raping and putting my hips and spine out of alignment and fungus into my hair, and other places and my food

and I had written a little bit about this but it was deleted. Now I try to publish it again. You reading this as usual go along and watch as fascists and Nazis rise to power, around the world. 

Obama with Michelle will "come to the rescue" once more, 100% this will be the upcoming media coverage and it's all been arranged.

They DO NOT SUPPORT DEMOCRACY OR FREEDOM.THey are black fascist Nazis, murderously genocidal towards Jews, and Hillary is as well as are most of the Whorewood top celebrities and especially the Blacks--rappers, etc etc and in Congress also very much so (including Jews)

Schumer is one of those but not as violent as Ratskin or Schiff. Netanyahu is an absolute sick disgusting puppet of a fascist white supremacist Nazi out of England named Douglass Murray who has been invited to interview with Ben Shapiro (attacked me with abuse in teleportation along with violent Candice Owens, ) and etc

Schumer invited shitalina to his office when he was trying with death-threatening Pelosi (towards me because i am saying no to this group obtaining more power by my compliance to being raped and abused to death by shit pig ape after scumbag psycho loser put into high positions of power with far too much money)

As they all endlessly torture me to obtain original ideas, steal the ideas, leave me almost penniless and always on the brink of homelessness. Non-stop rape, torture and abuse and as the election draws near it is now very much like the awards season for the shit whores of Whorewood who converge with death threats, mutilation and torture and rape without end as they obtain Oscars and Awards every single year, many of the years for the movies that they got the ideas from by stealing them from my writings, and then from the endless interrogation torture sessions that are a constant every day for hours and hours.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Terrorist millionth report for the past 14 years: electricity turned off once more in only my room. The food I can't afford is going to be ruined in my freezer--meat I really need to heal. No fans and the stench of what was just sprayed in my room now stinking. //The internet is on but the lights are half-on, refrigerator completely off and all fans stopped. Stinking grease permeates this room from countless attacks every single day for years. //I went to the front desk to find out how long they are going to attack my frozen meat (turning off so my food spoils) they cost me a few hundred dollars in damages this month alone so I have to reduce my monthly income for the next few months by 1/5 the usual amount, which is just enough to barely feed myself and pay for healing herbs and nothing more--a few extras but that is just to buy cheese and more expensive food../I stepped out of this room to find out how bad the attack upon me will be and how long it will last. They turned the power off at 4:30 pm, which means they can claim that any electrician is not working and keep the power off for over 12 hours or longer. They told me by showing a google translation on the phone that they don't know how long it will take, lying constantly. The cleaning lady partnered with her laughing with her son shouting in a violent way that power would be on in one hour--the woman t the front desk coughing almost hysterically because coughing at me is the usual trigger attack.

The cleaning lady or maintenance has left debris and dead insects in front of my doorway ---but just one foot to the right-hand side. They supposedly sweep every day.

The moment I opened my door, mostly undressed but with a huge shirt over my wrap-around sarong and just very much undressed but barely presentable, the white trash Europigape or russian piece of shit opened his door instantly, coming out of the agent room that is where the mostly white pig ape men come out as soon as I open my door--this creep is filthy and disgusting but looks clean--a parasite feeding off torture and paid in free rent, with a Thai woman looking like a sexualized arm candy partner all without the former spasmatic hyperfrenetic doped-up hysteria he had before because he and she both rushed into my room to spray stinking filth and steal and destroy. I had to carry and lug downstairs all I could, as I had gone downstairs earlier and recieved a package and in all the exhaustion, as my body is extremely weak and frail, I had just clean more of the sprayed stinking clothing--i.e. the shirts I wear when I receive packages had been sprayed with putrid foul substances which I clean quickly beforehand and then I had to go through cleaning stinking backpacks and stinking carry tote bags and stinking shirts all done by the mechanical arms that enter into my room through all these various panels that I have fought for years to secure but they are ripped apart every time I leave.

America is a sick fucking country that appears to be going into a hell zone of fascist dictatorship that I wrote of for years and have been only tortured and attacked by hundreds of thousands of sick shit pig scum and filth from whorewood and congress.

It's never going to end. The shit running for president and those running up are just the same "evil"

I heard one who is considered a candidate saying that "my father always told me that you go to a dance and don't leave with another partner" in regard to comatose zombie from Hell with the greasy patches of hair covering his skull leader you all cling to because he's so easy to manipulate by the viciousness of the people who really are evil working to control him.

But to hear from them all constantly, i.e. Biden always does this, "my father told me" and the stupidity of middle aged men and women constantly using the same catch-phrases of insubordination to "big daddy' that Daddy told me and so this is wisdom I must adhere to--really stupid and sick 

Kamala does the same thing and only echoes the same phrase, "My mother always told me" and they are 50+ years old referring to what their dead parents told them in context that never happened, in a time that is not now, referring to stupid cliche dumb speeches that are irrelevant as they are all bs lies in essence.

I am now under "torture" wherever I live, discriminated non-stop by every single business especially in sick fuckAmerica, from the government agencies I phone to the bank I never chose but I had to switch to, which Trump let me know is a bank his son uses so the discrimination and non-stop lying is a constant and not an occasional attack. I can't earn a single penny in any way, nor pay for or receive any health care whatsoever. I spent 6 years in grad school and have been copiously shitting black stinking poison out daily for over 14 years while sick fuck scum pig apes from Whorewood torture me daily with political filth and shit who are openly cojoining for a fascist "one world fascist dictatorship" with both "sides" of the shit oreo set-up conjoined and all lying and full of shit constantly in their ever speech and legislative session. 

I''ve been writing these posts for over 14 years, both on Facebook and also to the shit filth who were teleporting me, screaming and crying to stop poisoning and raping the poison into my body. They received huge multi-million dollar businesses in Miami, and also in Phuket--all of the pig ape shit,from shit pig pitt to shitalina to Ice Cubepube and the rest--all have obtained mansions, houses in Phuket for their violence against me.

No one can give a fucking damn about me or the state of the country. 

Sleazy stupid sick selfish and rotten.

There is no use in writing these posts any longer.No one ever ever stops the and they just grow in size because of the lack of intelligence left in AMerican society.

As one of the people who was slightly more intellectual than the other pig apes who have attacked me once said, "Nature will fight back" and you fuckers are really building your plantation master-slave enclave luxury lives of the pig ape powerful on a decaying cesspool where nature will just destroy your pig ape land and lives into the Hell that you have and still are creating.

My tarot cards "told me" to stop writing posts and completely ignore the sick and deadly hate I am forced to try to deal with alone alone alone as they poison and beat and torture me and all receive multi-million dollar deals and lives out of it.

Now you fucking stupid pig apes have allowed more deregulation of environment and you stupid morons will pay for your ignorant stupidity and lack of any foresight into how sick and dangerously incompetent the shit crap I have been writing of for years really are--meaning the celebrities and politicians. This applies to each and every single one I have been writing of for all these years and it DOES NOT IMPLY ME AT ALL 

YOu fuckers will pay for having done nothing to stop this all these  years. You will pay with your lives probably, and not too long in the future. I truly wish this upon you all as you have done nothing but encourage a death fascist bigot hate society and your shit movies and crap political lectures pale in comparison to the shit you actually are as lack of humanity that you claim you represent.


While I was at the front desk with the coughing at me Thai creep who smiles while all her partners are coughing and the children are being trained into fascist Nazism because they are promised that they won't have to clean for a living if they only imitate the fascist attacks upon me--and anyone else that is targeted. While I was gone, the white trash creep--20-something with his skanky-looking extremely pacified Thai prostitute-for-the-week on his arm went into my room and sprayed grease on my throw pillows that I have made by hand.'this creep is an ugly white pig from some EUropigape country, who like all the rest of the shit, can't stand to see me make my own clothing (I made all the pillows by hand, every stich laboriously by hand) so they spray all with a stinking grease--and it's all over my room. THe pig apes go off laughing, all the white trash shit getting free rent, free food and whatever else, the Thai prostituted creesp getting the sensation of not being victim of opporession but now, like all the Jews all theBlacks and all the Latinos of America and the poor whites, glorified in becoming like the abuser so they relish the violence and hate they deflect onto me.

Terrorist report: drinking water poisoned with foul liquid substances--the entire bottle I keep sealed but can't carry around with me, tastes like it has been tainted with unfiltered nasty something---poured into my drinking water which Ikeep sealed and bottled---lugging huge gallons around to try to have clean water instead of using the tainted water refill station below my condo down the hillside--instead driving to buy new gallons, much more expensive, and it being poisoned because I can't drink the entire gallons before I leave and so it's once more poisoned //If Krapola replaces Biden this will remain the same as the Black Nazis (orprah, obama and et al) will continue the white trash Nazi 4th Reich protocol system).//GET BIDEN AND KRAPOLA OUT DO NOT PUT OBAMA(S) BACK IN DO NOT PUT CLINTON ANYWHERE NEAR A MICROHPONE EVER AGAIN CHANGE THE FUCKING BULLSHIT SYSTEM AND STOP THIS ENCROACHING MURDER SYSTEM i WRITE OF EVERY DAY TO SILENCE AND COMLICITY.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

"An (un)Constitutionial Republic, if you can (only not) keep it" --loose paraphrase of Benjamin Franklin---no, not the tv show but the actual personality...said after the Constitutional Convention after having ousted terrorist English tyranny control over the Colonies. Do NOT refer to the tv shows or the performers playing these roles but read the actual historical texts because the performers are part of the fascist 4th Reich undermining the actual real urgency with which the originals were fighting for Freedom from tyranny. //Democracy Now interview with a Democratic Convention Delegate; learning that the President chooses the delegates so they automatically vote him into the most powerful seat, rather than having a "voice" of other candidates. Those "others' have no choice as the convention is controlled long before any choice is ever made for any other than what the Senators and members of the Party have already ordained to be put into power via a puppet show aka nomination "convention"//Terrorist Report July 4, 2024. //Terrorist minions operating for the minority terrorist minions of the United States Congress + Executive Branch ordering insertion of liquids, poisons and drugs into my bladder while in deep sleep being teleported to abuse skits and violent threats--so I must wake up and rush to the bathroom--it's been ongoing for at least 2 weeks and this poisoning/drugging had stopped for at least a few months and now it's 2-4 times per night and huge amounts. //the terrorism aimed at me had been from white viciously racist House members and Senators and Trump with vicious violence for me resisting more of their tyranny put into office--somehow my compliance means that they are "successful" mind control terrorists. While they have already brainwashed half of the United States convincing me who has front-seat view of the chicanery am thoroughly put into the violent resistant camp--as the sole member who truly understands what everyone else is brainwashed to ignore--the absolute destruction of human rights both the "Left" and the "Right" are currently implementing with all their tech "hero" fellow terrorists.//Since the debate it's been the encircling vicious wanna-be leaders of the "Left" and it's been a non-stop onslaught of the Jewish and Black terrorist component of the larger chicanery league who are trying to impose their candidate in replacement to the failing "leader".

 "How to Replace Biden: Biden Longtime DNC Member Jim Zogby Proposes Process to Pick New Nominee". Democracy Now. July 3, 2024.

Now I have the Black and Jewish minions of fascism via the Democrat Party encircling me, after they have proven their fascist Nazi/Mafia propensities in the previous terror teleportation skits upon me, somehow it must always be proven by violence and hate and injustice, rape, torture mutilation and my ideas stolen by "them" upon me for some reason. I feel that after having seen the endless sickness, incompetence and corruption of the "leaders" who have now proven to THE WORLD that the incompetence and corruption is so rife, but the Democrats are making their usual pronouncements about how much they "care" but will "choose", perhaps, another candidate in the Democrat Convention should their "dear wonderful kindly old man" decide that the increasing shouts for him to "step down" should reach his jolly kindly wonderfully warm old man ears along with his wife and family, obviously making his decisions for him according to the media, going even to Camp David to make this decision which appears to official to the media and public as if some excuse.

Thronging to assault me are the Black contingent who expect that a Black Nazi, along with the Jewish Nazis who have completely assaulted me violently and sexually will also be fully welcomed into the Black Nazi cartel that is planning to rise up; they put the "Black" female into power so as when this moment came, and it was a pre-planned terrorist mind control tech assault I truly have no doubt--and by assaulting ME they will gain more approval by the white fascist Nazi cartel operating with the openly tyrannical legal injustice system so that ALL can inflict whatever they want under "color of law" in the future. Weakly, as usual, disparaging the court decision that Executive now has all allowance for criminal actions without having to have transparency because it's all forgiven based on their 'official" acts

as I wrote last week when the indictment against homelessness by the Supreme S-show meant that in it's wake will be a ruling that Immunity will prevail for the Executive. 

If anyone assumes that infringement of law only applies to the "Right' team, they are lost in delusion but I personally could not understand the sheer violent malevolence of this almost Shakespearian grab for power by the Democrats going on at this time. 

The Black Nazi contingent with the Jewish representatives who are violently assaulting me as they have done for  YEARS AN DYEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS under Trump under Biden are now fighting to assault ME to prove that they truly worship fascist Nazi tyrannical overtake and they will be safe from within the ratnest of the occupied top tiers of governmental control

Unfortunately trickling down into society has been decades of mind control poisoning of the populace in the movies by the "stars" who have constantly been programming the world on black and jewish and any other minority minion adoration and subservience to white supremacy even in the guise of |"righting against racism".

Blacks in H-wood have likewise stolen ideas from me under the auspices of their dear Black leaders who are now converging upon me to assault with hate, injecting drugs and poisons into my body as they always do, have done,  had stopped but are now resuming so I oversleep, am getting up constantly, sick and exhausted and attacked with sick and stupid teleportation skits and threats of violence from this ugly dirty |"Jewish" Nazi who is so repugnant and is ALWAYS attacking me like it's a personal vendetta against me for being the kind of person fighting the Jewish Nazi protocol system of turning against other Jews so the 4th Reich of the Nazi/Mafia death squads will bypass them and turn against me. The obsession with proving their complete alliance with white supremacy is so outwardly expressed they nearly bow in deference openly, and really they do.

The ugliness and evil of the former, former administration is now being heaped upon me because somehow brainwashing me into saying that muck is gold is something that cannot be implanted into my brain. I am unconvinced about the slogans I never was brainwashed into believing in the first place back in 2008 when I decided to get as far away from the heap of America as possible.

However, the posturing typical pig-sniffing-the-air posture that the Nazi/Mafia expletives all assume for their posturing campaigns and movie indoctrination poses for fascism and Nazism and endless consumption racism disguised as being "woke"--which is so offensive that even the "liberals" can't stand most of it and just crank it out because the political spectrum is supposed to be "aligned" with the representations of the media--the effete and apparent incompency of these minions becomes apparent as the Party is floundering but be assured, the 

Democratic Convention has already been "rigged" so that only Biden Delegates will appear to vote for the next minority minion who has rushed to join giggly as usual into the teleportation "Game of fun"  now a Game of Thrones to jeer, laugh, mock and giggle about the torture and the accessibility of tyrannical torture available to every minority minion and every fascist white supremacist--all alike joining in.

Their candidates and the understudies are all promised that there truly will never be any change but what they have already "ordained" all under the guise of a "Democratic Republican system" of voting and candidate choice at the "top of the ticket" to ride and steal and rob and rape and murder and plunder the American People.

Because it's "Me" the minions all claim that it's funny and that it's only happening to "me" and they are participating viciously drooling with hate and violence to prove that "they" are not "me".

Black men who are especially violent, but don't forget the black women like the Black women in Congress, and the wives or partners, and the lower ranks who support their candidate who are all putting hacking videos mocking what I have written especially disguised as jeering contempt hacks of political discourse and analysis for systems I do not have knowledge of, such as how the delegates are chosen but the source above is more reliable than the little podcasts that are endlessly hacked by both Right-Wing Liberals and Right-wing fascist Progressives and fascist Nazi Black commentators and et al.

Viciously they are coming after me to obtain the ordained line-of-succession for the Crown aka the Oval Office graft and theft plunder white supremacist citadel with a strobe light blinking with audacious and bold theatrically-trained performers turning politics into a movie spectacle of speeches that have been written by their staffers and movie stars endorsing the "woke' and "liberal" minority minions who "care so much" about the plight of the oppressed. 

Except, of course, when it comes to me. Somehow I am the most hated of all the minority groups for somehow not wanting to believe and join into the death cult adorned with media bombastic coverage by lying MSNBC pundits who have formerly been "Republican" they claim but are now "Democrats" controlling and lying and caring about their "Democracy" for their gated communities of white privilege. The minority minions have been trained, and they paste former activists who are long dead, who espoused equality and speeches that they use as props to make the connotation that they, too, are the same thing only just a new generation of the former activists who actually had more to say than quick snipes with sneering jokes at the opponent. The memes of slurs at the opposing team are now put on t-shirts as some kind of political representation of backlash against white supremacy for the empowerment of the Black community. Meanwhile, the posturing of their leader making the Nazi pose of pig snout sniffing the air making some egalitarian statement that is echoed, similar to the slogans of the "Right_ but all are aligned with the exact same protocol system of attacking me--which means they are all just the same thing rolled-up into a fake opposition but all vying for the sole primacy of stealing from the public all that they can suck out. This also includes brain-functioning at this point that no one is concerned about because it's "just me" they all sneer in hate at me saying it's just me.

the dark-haired Jewish man who has violently assaulted me, laughed with the celebrities from the decade + of poisoning my body through this same drugging/poisoning they are inflicting upon me now every night while I sleep (inserting a tube into my bladder containing drugs, poisons and whatever else) and abusing insulting me in teleportation until I react violently constantly.


The Jewish perpetrator criminal politician, who has come to me from the beginning using the "race card" crying about his loss of someone who I thought was mind controlled. He asked me if "he was attacked because I am Jewish" I said yes, very compassionate on my part. He began instantly with his "German" partner next to him (German last name, from the USA but says he is "German") began, both, laughing about me being raped, beaten and tortured and mutilated and they congratulated and complimented the women, the Nazi women who hug and caress the Europ-a- men they employ, the celebrities all, who beat and rape me while they poison me so they can continue to body-shame me and then repoison me while I absolutely cannot defend myself against it. For years this has been ongoing. Every day he assaults me he is interviewed by CNN, MSNBC and now he's being highlighted by a "conservative" news source associated with the Trump team and cohort---and it appears that the conditions upon which he is granted media access are dependent upon him violently assaulting me earlier that day, then instantly he is interviewed and he then hacks the interview on my YouTube while I am scouring the internet looking for ANYTHING that will stop this group and system which has now spread it's pernicious "wings" into near murder squad political capacity outright through the recent Supreme Court rulings. 

The other media personalities out of H-wood are comfortable and one who has stolen ideas from me in the past and constantly repeats phrases that I write, as I have stopped writing creatively but still, under deadly stress because they still need to steal ideas and mock and abuse and insult me to get promoted--but he's said that if Trump takes on dictatorial powers, the country is not going to fall apart. Everything will function fine. For him, the trains will run on time still and even more punctual than before. His limousines and orgy pot parties will continue and so will his show. For them all who have helped to create this despotic tyrannical system, they are ensured endless media interviews, lead roles and taking over what Weinstein had created, for example (getting "rid" of the Jews who are too threatening, installing fascist Nazis and weak and compliant "jews" to fill the blanks of the former "Jewish" presence in H-wood.)

In politics the most vicious of the violent Jewish Nazis, akin to the Jews working with Nazis during WWII, are put into place and this most despicable expletive is working now on  highest levels of politics to assault me in order to further project his compliance and full enthusiasm for his promotions just like the Jewish Nazi from Israel who sexually abused and psychologically abused and used mind control as I fought to ignore him to tell him to get off me to say no as this disgusting American "Jewish" Nazi physically assaulted me. Yet once again, the Black Nazi who has probably obtained much of his promotion by having partnered with the shitalinapigpitt teamk where they were on-stage on the day of his election win back in 2008--and have worked for over a DECADE torturing me every single day, bringing in Black Nazis to steal my ideas for so many years and every other color Nazi bigot Jewish bigot and from the first, partnering with the Black hateful and violent expletive who has grown so accustomed to dehumanizing me that it's now a rote experience his hate and antisemitism is assuaged by the Jewish Nazi threatening me with deadly violence last night in teleportation as I had to keep running to the toilet because they were injecting teleportation drugs into my bladder constantly to force this teleportation state of weakness in me. The teleportation had stopped and then they began injecting me into my bladder with drugs and now I am running to the toilet at least twice per night and being teleported to violent hate skits, abuse skits, people saying and doing sick and stupid things constantly. The expletives who teleport me are all Ivy-league educated so they are used to performative intellectual shams but in private it's just the most sick and mentally ill and sinister sick and rotten filth possible from each and every single other participant.

Now this sickness is openly obvious in the disgrace of everything that has transpired this month alone; from the Conviction of Trump to the endlessly death edicts of the Supreme Court to the obvious incapacity of Biden--whether he was mind controlled or not, for him to have known about this tech and not to have even considered that it could be used against him, and his colleagues one of whom has been participating in mind control tech for over a decade, the other has been using it on me for 8 years, and the incompetence of Biden whether it was mind control or  his inability to even FUNCTION nominally and this is still being excused by that rotten bunch calling themselves a "Party" but yet, they are in parity of fascist demolition of the United States, and all controlled by Europigape fascists to whom they bow in deference, allowing the country to be taken over. This is down the hierarchy of this sinister disgusting organization to every local level of society and I have moved around to so many  places in America and Europigape fascist Nazis are always given precedence and highest ranking real estate control and the fascist indoctrination has been trickling down for so long. Decades.


Today no exception, a few hours of abuse from the Jewish Nazi who no one ever gets off me, as they never got shitpigalina the prostitution duo formerly married and who gives a damn anyway goddamn about this pair of Nazi shit? But they are endlessly awarded endlessly promoted invited to the White House endlessly allowed to inflict endless death upon me. 

And so, again they all were allowed to inflict this hate upon me. As if my acceptance of their incompetence and evil is the clinching connection between their incompetence and being promoted. It appears that this is the case.

Trump came violently at me after his Convictions in NY. NO one came to defend me. He appeared as if it were my fault that he was not given more allowance to commit crime. Now he has been given it after brutally assaulting me, I have written about it. No one has stopped him and they only allowed the next abuser who preceded Trump to inflict, once more, his endless decade and longer of Black Nazi hate for Jews, now using the most disgusting Jew in Congress who is so violent against me that the Nazis keep interviewing him for his rotten fake opinions which sound like the sugar-coating promise of some salvation for "justice and democracy" which this lying evil fake Nazi promises with his Ivy-league educated bs blathering yapping. The minorities are now attacking me violently because the chance for them to get promotions is now up that Biden's absolute incapacity has been proven. Yet Biden still selfishly clings to power, just as they all do. Corruption until death do we part, the main motto I have seen endlessly forever from them all.

But if they just constantly attack me, then the 4th Reich controlling the nomination process will put them and their cronies into power. And they will continue to implement racist death squads using the violent Blacks, Jews, Latinos, Asians and any other minority race to do and say the most racist atrocities which they claim they have been victimized by. Like this foul Jewish filth creep who is just endlessly assaulting me because otherwise he's just another lawyer put into Congress with aptitude for bs lying and deception---a mind control bullshit slinger who can rely on his "jewish" presence in order to appear like a victimized stereotype trying to fight for justice but in actuality is the most vicious blatant bigot in front of the Dark Web cameras catching his imitation of most virulent racism unto me.

Only because I have said no to being murdered, raped and tortured poisoned mutilated my ideas stolen my cat stolen my body destroyed my home destroyed and then saying that the shit who have done this are "superior' which I have never, once seen from any of them in teleportation. They steal my ideas constantly and prove only that with the protocols that they repeat like all their scripts, their recitations of books they read and copy, the roles that they assume in order to generate a fictitious symbol of oppressed minority which really is a most violent reactionary replica of a lynch mob genocidal fascist to whom they all grovel in deference. This Jewish villain, I have seen in my tarot card reading while he was in front of me abusing, threatening and patting the most vicious of rapists, bigots and haters who have assaulted, been poisoning me to death, mutilating my body for years every day using the mechanical arms operated by their proxy minority minion "slaves" who adore them and rush at me with vicious hate (for no reason other than "master" told them to do it).

I saw that he had a blondish lover (I assume a female but who knows) I said this to him, he stared at me with a huge surprised grin because probably it's a huge secret that only he and a few of the Nazis who approve know of. That a Jewish man is lavishing all his money and slave adoration upon a Nazi woman is nothing new to me as I have grown-up around this kind of partnership. I saw and I repeat this honestly---that he will get screwed over and I told him this.  Confirming what I had just saw in the tarot cards, he asked me, "How bad will the situation get?" and I could only answer that I hope it is the very worst. I am now backspacing and retyping constantly this is extremely hard to get through. My brain is also under attack.

So, as per usual, the darker Jewish man is with the blonde Nazi and his violence against me, combined with his status of being in Congress and also the money he is undoubtedly showering her with, as part of a purchase agreement, because the Jewish men with blonde Nazi women are "acceptable" into 4th Reich society as long as they viciously attack women "like me" and play vicious Nazi even moreso than the blonde bigot pig apes they are partnering with--as their proxy.


I really believe that Biden has been handing this tech to any and all who he could use as a covert support system for what has just happened--(the debate) and for Bills he wants passed with "both sides" complying as in Johnson joining in with Dems but torturing and raping me in teleportation with non-stop hate and abuse and rape and violence--then partnering with Biden. Trump also being "allowed" to avoid any legal action until 2 years into the Biden admin because the 4th Reich instructed "Good" Biden to wait so Trump could compete in the campaign without being convicted. So Biden has waited, meanwhile handing me and this contract and teleportation terror tech to everything from Musk to Trump to Johnson to at least 100 A-list celebrities in the past 3 years (and 500 for the past decade or more) and non-stop politicians Republican KKK senators making rape threats at me death threats and always getting immunity for testifying, the trials being avoided altogether and then, at the last minute, Biden gets blasted by the mind control tech and probable microchip implants injected into his brain and body, unbeknownst to him but known to many others--with his good friend partner of years coming to assault me with glaring hate when the opportunity for a Shakespearian shake-up of power is possible---for the continuation of another family "dynasty" similar to the Bush, then the rest following suit with one generation after the next, former wives and Hillary joining in absolutely racist to the tee--all sickly racist bigoted violent nasty seemingly like Karens on crack with tech enabling them to shout hate and threats into someone's inner ear for hours and hours per day, for years and years going on at me to break and say that they are just "superior" and "incredible' when the longer they assault me the more I realize that they can only rely on this tech in order to "win" and there is not much more except posturing lies and platitudes and scripted speeches they never wrote and absolutely disagree with at the core of their corrupt beings.

All of the years since Trump left that I have been writing of being poisoned nearly to death, with the KGB agent being applauded by Biden with Hillary ordering mutilation and abuse and abuse from her, then awarded and awarded with tv shows featuring her "feminism" and the rest of this endless hate all from Biden. Before from Trump.

How I wish someone would just get them out and install actual competence that doesn't have to rely on a torture contract handed out to the greedy sleazy incompetent Americans by fascist Nazis from Europigapeland who are descendants of the 3rd Reich. The Americans who have been trained by their Nazi parents that people like me must NEVER have a chance to  compete so it's just hundreds of thousands and millions of crap slime things attacking me (aka "people") and the longer this system accrues all the lucre from the genocides, holocausts, the debt consolidation, the mass murder that is hidden under homelessness and other modern atrocities, the more minority minions they employ into this ever-increasing organization.


The terrorists attacking me in teleportation, after Trump violently assaulted me with his family right after his conviction in NYC--as if I had ANYTHING to do with this at all, whatsoever. For not saying he's great and should continue to torture, poison and abuse me using this tech--because I have been saying no to everyone every day all the time day and night Trump is no exception. But demanding that he receive standing ovations for torturing me, and me saying NO and NO endlessly I have been screaming no to the endless line-up of racists rapists abusers nazis bigots poisoning mutilating liberal Nazis black vicious death threatening haters Latino yelling violent racist Nazis Jewish vile violent abuser extremely hateful racists all rushing at me day after night to abuse torture exploit me as one president after the next accumulate to obtain what they CANNOT WIN unless they participate in this contract, handed out by some "invisible' entity which has bought out every thing possible. That the politicians have allowed for something like Citizens United, and now this Supreme Court allowing for dictator powers, is only the outward manifestion of the inward rot and infestation of this organization which has bought out literally every single thing possible around the planet that can be greedily purchased, the rest being killed off slowly through this poisoning/cancer/accident murder system.

They should not be allowed to continue as you all have let them go on and on and on and on and on. You should be taking notes of the people I am listing, try to ascertain the validity and get information on this system instead of just allowing this corruption to continue to the detriment of the country. The people who have been put in charge are just standing by an obviously corrupt incompetent set of "leaders" who have ALL obtained their high roles in this organization by utilizing TORTURE OF ME through this technology that you are all so turned-on by.

The Nazis in H-wood are still being advertised as fashionable elite and there is no alarm from any of them whatsoever about this system and the failures because they have all been bought out years ago by this Nazi 4th Reich Mafia organization. They are all friends with the politicians they all "stand" with one another they laugh at the homelessness and death they have wrought they want MORE DEATH.

Eventually someone has to be responsible and stop this system before they completely devour everything and destroy every single thing possible that they can suck the life out of. Since they have now controlled the planet perhaps people should begin to care.

The Supreme Court has also just allowed for corporations to have no regulation on polluting and destroying the environment, moreso than has already happened. In the face of floods earth quakes fires and catastrophe it's like they are hastening the destruction of the planet and that they claim that they will be redeemed because of their Christian belief system but can never follow any of the precepts in reality should also be some alarm to the endless selfish greed of the celebrities and the octogenarians who have rushed to become "relevant" by endlessly poisoning torturing and having me raped by the sleazy dirty "men" so-called who are their proxy exploiters with appendages which they only use like puppeteers controlling sleazy and meaningless sick dirty ugly "men" so-called.

Those are the Nazi women involved. The Bidens have been absolutely bolstering this contract until it's a legion of rapists abusers celebrities and politicians who have rushed and sprinted to sexually abuse me and get endless green lights from English Monarchists who control them (i.e. Netanyahu with this foul Nazi creep from London named Douglass Murray) but they are all allowed to continue under Biden and Obama and Trump and the rest---all taking turns assaulting me under the allowance of Biden because he's FUCKING INCOMPETENT AND CAN'T ACTUALLY DO THE GODDAMN JOB OTHERWISE WITHOUT ABSOLUTE FAIL UNLESS HE HANDS THIS TECH OUT TO EVERY SICK FUCKER POSSIBLE WHO CAN HELP PROP UP HIS DYING CARCASS and the country is DYING AS A RESULT OF THIS DEATH SHIT CRAP GROUP. Oh yes, the planet is dying as well. Stupid fuckers reading this for years can't you understand any goddamn thing besides your sick and sleazy greedy selfish power aspirations?

WHEN WILL THIS ENDLESS LINE-UP OF SHIT, CRAP, SLEAZY SICK FUCK WHORE PIG APES FROM CONGRESS AND WHOREWOOD EVER BE STOPPED--PLUS THE COUNTLESS WHITE AND BLACK AND JEWISH TRASH PIG APES WHO ARE HANDED THE DATE-RAPE DRUGS, THE LANDLORDS HANDED KEYS TO BREAK INTO MY HOME, HAVE ME RAPED, POISONED AND MUTILATED, THE ENDLESS LEGAL SYSTEM PROTECTING THESE INCOMPETENT POLITICIANS AND SCUM RAPISTS AND THE PEOPLE ENDLESSLY WATCHING ON LAUGHING BECAUSE THEY REQUIRE A VICTIM TO TORTURE, USING ANY PRETEXT ANY LIE ANY sick and stupid excuse they invent lies they are sick and rotten when will this ever be stopped and some responsibility and some mentality other than a kind of Dark Ages stupidity and lying racist blankness which is the current mentality of Congress, of society and those who had been thoughtful, caring and concerned about how the world was  being run are all DEAD or they just can't get involved. I can't even describe how many of the "famous" 60's -70's hippies, liberals and those who were influencers for peace and love society have participated in order to get their nasty dirty geriatric asses into fame and movie slots and awards again. The list of those sell-out whores who took over the actual activists, just as the "woke" stupidity of Whorewood has done and with me as well--they stole ideas they took it all over and in the end they are greasy sleazy dumb ignoramus Nazi fascist mafia bigots who just stole ideas and are now the most hateful, useless bigots who are all relying on the Ice Age dino baby boomers to prop them up at the end of their over-paid sleazy shit lives. THey are still being adulated but in particular, after having assauled me for years, because they mean shit they mean NOTHING they are all liars just like Hillary. They are adulated for this, the new generations only want thoughtless wonders who are propped up by plastic surgery and enhanced effects by generated computer performances.


After Trump & family and Nazi Maga haters came one day after the conviction to torture me in order that the 4th Reich exempts  him from his crimes, so he committed deadly acts upon me as I fought to get him off me, screaming in rage that I could not stand him after YEARS AND YEARS of torture. The only reason is because I clicked on his hacked Facebook page twice during the 2015 campaign season and that began the next EIGHT YEARS of attempted murder continuously poisoning and having me hit by cars abusing raping torturing me and that blob of sick shit has been laughing and smiling about it to my face for  YEARS. When he was convicted I was so glad and he came to glare at me in hate as if I had anything to do with his sleazy sick crimes and his shit loss and the crap people who are also attacking me but claiming they are fighting him (Trump) and all are obtaining the same types of promotions for just attacking me without end, every day, every hour as often as possib le one sick ugly fucking pig ape  piece of shit after the next.

Then it was sick and rotten Jewish Nazi trash who testified against Trump. 

One person who never participated was the supposed "whore" Stormy Daniels, but the whore men are all rapist pig ape shit --and their shit wives and crap children and partners are. 

Then it was rotten Obama and shit dirty Ratskin again and again. Obama I have never experienced in teleportation because he was enjoying his presidential status while having me raped and poisoned from one shit celebrity to the next until Trump took over after I was nearly killed during the Depp v. heard stupidity that they also blamed me for but they were teleporting beating raping and poisning me non-stop and then took their violence out upon one another and then blamed me for it all over again.

and this has gone on and on from shit to shit personality who you all cheer on, so now the Biden has proven he's totally a propped-up 4th Reich dino as I have written of for so many years, the Obama and Ratskin and minority minions are rushing to get the nominations in the vacuum of the debate that Biden has just completely failed to secure anything but division and strife. Because he so often used this contract out on me and has had every single prop behind him and delayed the Trump investigations and trials in order to appease the pig ape 4th Reich which controls this contract out on me, so Biden can't "win" unless he grovels to them in deference

so it's now Obama and the most vile and filthy Ratskin who is just a violent sick dirty ugly rotten thing so disgusting and ugly it's like revulsion that I have to deal with such a disgusting putridity like him--or any of them. There's another dino octogenarian who has been handed endless plastic surgery to prop up her lack of talent and has been awarded for the past 10 years or longer by participating in her formerly failed career

and it's non-stop dinos with their losing careers propped up until H-wood is a failure of miserable dumb movies with mafia forcing shit and crap upon the public and the politicians are so corrupt from this contract being handed out by obama and trump and biden for so long the maga has risen up due to them and the destruction of America has been absolutely accelerated because the 4th Reich is the Europigapes of Europigapeland who go through these sleazy and stupid performers who are also politicians and all rub shoulders and the point is to buy out the stupid and incompetent meaningless shit from Whorewood, put some of them into office as president (Trump) get a black nazi fucker into p resident position through STallone so shit movies and books can be published by the Obamas and family for how 'great" they are (not) the movies tv shows are shit and quickly forgotten but given great hype when they come out.

And now it's Trump turning America into a Nazi paradise. Homelessness abounds. I recall when Covid hit that Pelosi partnered with Schwartzennegger to threaten my life as the Covid Bills were passed each time she came to assault me and obtained huge deals in SF for the wealthy as homelessness has skyrocketed and she just stole that relief money. They don't give a fucking damn about anything but their luxury Europigape plantation lifestyles and all sell out to the Eurotrash who want America and "Democracy" destroyed--that includes the most insidious blathering piece of shit Ratskin who is just a most disgusting fake with his endless Constitutional rhetoric and Democracy bs lying fake shit but violently Nazi and supportive of every fucking Nazi fascist bigot, I assume from Europigapeland and probably his blonde Nazi skank who is exploiting that rotten ugly piece of sick shit is a Europigape blonde who is using that stupid rotten creep with an extensive vocabulary and has memorized Constitutional Law by rote but can't follow an iota of it unless it's for public display. A sleazy rotten creep who is so revolting to me and he's constantly coming at me again and again and being awardedc by the shit of the media.

This is what I have only been writing about for years and years and all that I warned of years ago is now happening. The shit from Whorewood and Congress are out partying, some are frantically trying to decide what to do about the fucker Biden adn Obama is there with his rotten nasty wife trying to get into the inner circle once again.

DO NOT LET THEM BACK INTO POWER it is me begging America and the world to stop believing in these pieces of shit who have greatly helped to create the current problems we are now facing. They took a somewhat solid system and just destroyed it by following the guidelines but slowly eroding everything until what they brought in was Trump and racist Nazi 4th Reich as a response to the absolute incompetency that the Clintons brought in with NAFTA taking jobs away, putting blacks in concentration camp prisons for life for some crack possession, and then being honored so people are so desperate for anything that doesn't emit dumb platitudes and fake promises they want an "honest liar" like Trump for an immediate power grab instead of the defunct Democrat party putting on more Obamas and Clintons to fuck the country over for their overseas luxury mansions in France, Italy and wherever else.

Stop believing in the saccharine bullshit that they spittle out constantly . I have seen Obama at his most real and it is ugly and sinister it is a Shakespearian power grab he and Michelle are attempting now. I would not doubt it if they used the mind control tech on their "good friend" Biden in order to accelerate Kamala into power, as they put that Krapola into power in the first place by attacking me along with shit Oprah.

Stop believing in the most obvious lies that they are constantly cranking out.

Try to put other decent people into power and get this fucking dynasty of shit out finally.

Social Insecurity

""They" refers to the terror operation operatives, which range from "you" reading this to "they" who are ...