Friday, July 12, 2024

Artificially-induced neurological enslavement to natural basic instincts of the sex drive combined with a fascist abuse and dehumanization doctrine obtained via over-powering drugs and brain-alteration technologies. The sad part is that the person being afflicted is "supposed" to be considered the sleazy and low, denigrated person instead of the low and sleazy, sick and pathological group of porno sleaze operators forcing this assault upon the target's brain and body. A trap of over-whelming sexual urges through compartmentalization of brain function plus nonconsensual drugging and tech manipulation of brain function. People watch and are fascinated, delighted that this is happening to me. They never assume that the violence they inflict can boomerang back to themselves in one form or another, and they assume that they are too "elite" for this kind of violent dehumanization to ever be forced upon them. Likewise, my deep suspicion that Biden was a victim of mind control tech during his last debate is akin to this concept that the smug and delighted who participate in mind control social engineering believe fully that their top promotional "superiority" means that they will never be touched by their own lack of humanity in the rendering of such tech and the heightened circulation of such technologies almost without restraint into the civilian terrorist population, which grow exponentially the more the financial and societal disasters these destroyers of love, mental independence and everything else all parcel out constantly so anyone, everyone can participate in mind control torture. I believe that Biden was under mind control/drug interface but the utter lack of competency in understanding the sheer sick psycho malevolence of the unqualified who are handed these technologies to inflict damage and utter discrediting to their "enemies" is so underestimated.//The destruction of the United States continues with full applause from all the audiences who watch and stare in fixed mesmerized adoration of their abuser murdering hateful oppressors.//They all believe that the violence will be inflicted upon "someone else" because they, they believe, are so superior. The 4th Reich told them they are beyond reproach they are so elite and superior that the violence they are cheering on and the destruction of law, society and everything else that can be sucked to the core, to death, is permissible.//I continue to be assaulted viciously with the same rape cheerleaders who have stolen my ideas every single year, for the past 14 years. My writings on domestic violence, sexual violence, my writings of the inevitable rise of fascist Nazism and dictatorship I wrote of for years has now appeared, visibly. I was tortured for having written these observations, not guesses, not conspiracy theories, but observations, and the result is that the people who rushed to teleport and rape, beat and poison and torture me are now the media "pundits' explicating on how much they are "fighting" this egress of the former United States' Constitution and freedoms. Still they slide and slither to assault me and participate, collaterally, because they have already put a stake in the larger consolidation of power between all superficial "rival" polar opposites. These opposites are merely a chimera of illusion and are inextricably enmeshed into a unified system.//

I include this video by Andrea Dworkin because "Holocaust pornography" is not my concept used to try to assign some arbitrary meaning to the violence I am now subjected to every day by this German rapist who I only am accosted by due to watching a movie he starred in playing an SS murdering homosexual half-savior/half-rapist controlling playing master over slave. The need for people to have convenient victims in which to thrust all their hate and violence out on, traditionally termed the "scapegoat" is now my (un)official role in both Whorewood and Congress-Whorewood. The need for rape culture to be expanded is now a huge divide-and-conquer strategy, mostly by the Europigape Nazi/Mafia who are using this rape porno paradigm in which to program the United States into varying states of a Civil War, internal destruction, and the "women" who are pushing this contract are the only ones being promoted by the 4th Reich rape culture Europigape-controlled entertainment media (owned if by Americans, absolutely enthralled with all things Europigape absolute mind-controlled slaves of 4th Reich Euro-centric worship and submission to their covert versions of subordination of Americans to their plot to overtake). The "women" who are put in control over this rape contract out on me are absolutely pushing rape culture porno-sexualized women (themselves) promoting rape culture while portraying the ideas they steal from me (in part) about victimization and the fight against it, while fully implementing a mass rape and torture protocol system within which, they can become the "pimps" and of course, promoted into top positions because of their critical role in mind programming the continuation of oppression and violence towards women, in violent sexualized rape and mutilation torture and murder protocols of the worst of all sexist violence towards women (and of course, men are included in this, as are, probably preferentially the main target being children).

"Andrea Dworkin: life and death". feminist vhs archive. March 24, 2021.

"PORNOGRAPHY ANDREA DWORKIN 1991". Robert Jensen. November 17, 2011.

I am still being tortured for having identified, correctly, over a decade ago and have been only constantly writing about the inevitable surge of a fascist regime and about how really inept the men who you all put into power and their female partners truly are (if they are married, as formal units representing the traditional male-female family unit--but assuredly they are as loving and united as "chalk and cheese" (an "Irish saying" I was told by an Irish woman--never heard it before or since I am always surrounded by lying terrorists from this insidious global organization).

I could go into detail about the next vicious attack upon me.

They are drugging me while asleep, injecting drugs and poisons into my bladder (I believe) and after I get up and have to eliminate the injected drugs and poisons, the drugs are then in my blood stream somehow released, and the teleportation manipulation and torture begins.

Horrid skits of homelessness are constantly inflicted upon me. Every block to my health, health care, financial welfare and economic stability in "real life" has been thoroughly blocked by this global organization. I can't even get a letter from my bank confirming an address change. I am so perpetually lied-to by every financial institution and by every business (in the USA) and the operation of a "Banana Republic" along the lines of a completely taken-over fascist Nazi colony, colonized by the Whorewood controllers who put and artificially construct every 4th Reich Nazi white supremacy program into lead position, every "movie" is a propagandized piece of forgettable mush repeating the same messages as the past few decades and going into the realms of trauma-based mind control programming.

the celebrities rush to join in on trauma-based mind control over me, so as to exert this subtle energy field, which is not so subtle actually, into their every movie which is a lying distortion.

Sitting in the rows of chairs were the Jewish nazi who sent this German actor to rape me, who in his role playing an SS Officer has had undoubtedly many a fantasy porno desire too emulate this type of sexualized trauma bullying and death threats and sexual violence.

The porno fans, the "celebrities" who crank out the "me too" fodder and the "so against Trump" diatribes for the media (good friends with him otherwise in the teleportation torture, obtaining endless lucre from both presidents for their roles in violent torture and poisoning of me) and etc.

Sitting there silently observing the physiological manipulation of my nervous system while drugged, in sleep mode, endlessly in pain from hard poisons latched into my vertebrae and and interior muscle system and extending throughout my body in serpentine conduits hard and supposed to never come out of my body, but instead to paralyze and internally suffocate me. The expletives who have had me mutilated and raped ordered that this poison be poured and injected and dumped into my body, food and in every way also compounding the murder operation by mutilating my body so that the poisons would also seep into the rips, tears and fractures and bruising that these expletives also forced upon me, while sleeping, using first the teams of rapists who ravaged my home and body because I could not block them from breaking into my room (mechanical arms entering my room through every tile, portal and etc possible then opening all the locks on the front door and the items stuffed into the door cracks to try to stop even the evidence and it took, me over 2 years to figure out what was going on, and then it's very tenuous trying to just stop the rapists and murdering bigots from breaking into my room through my front door--which is piled with items blocking it but nothing can stop the mechanical arms).

Meanwhile, now they just use mechanical arms to inject, slash, but , mutilate and poison. My room is stinking and foul and filthy upon waking when it was nominally "clean" when I went to bed, due to the  mechanical arms spraying stinking filth and cutting into my body and etc. Every single night.

the creeps then laugh about how the women who have stolen my ideas to present themselves as having any clue outside of enabling rapists and abusers, which is their role and to be presented as soft porn objects gyrating and having their genitals open to full view, their lips and body enlarged through plastic surgery to resemble labia and other modifications that plastic surgery sculptors can create as an artifice for the fantasy projections of sexualization of every aspect of viewing titillation. These women, who absolutely play sex object and rape enabler, rush to steal my ideas but then use them to project that they are the creators and have such ideas readily available to them as they have been "victims" for so many years of male oppression (I write this in sarcasm, btw).

Sitting there lovingly hugging the Euro--p-a sent to assault me by the "Jewish" mafia man who has been playing "Jews" in movies, in this case, as a "victim" who was gratified by having a white blonde woman take the notes on the story of his life in a concentration camp--the German actor now assaulting me constantly and insulting how I look--with the endless refrain of how the dirty plastic surgery abuser rape cheerleader is so much more "beautiful" than me. I have to once again scream in rage that this ugly dirty skank, who has, this year once more, obtained ideas from me, was handed after her 8 hours per day of participation in information extraction via torture in teleportation plus non-stop violence from the hate minions surrounding me--vicious and deadly white Europigapes and Russians always in this building with a concentric circle of 20-to-1 ratio of "brown" hateful vile nasty attackers--the usual contingent ratio in America, constantly I see it everywhere this same formation.

The creeps are using technology that absolutely triggers addition reactions or hormones out of the brain while the very pornographic violent S&M attacker is completely turned-on by his concentration camp fantasies, erected fully in his mind and body by the role he played--playing this out on me, or trying to.

My body becomes, in this state, absolutely magnetically reactive to the stimuli which bores into my body like a sheer addiction, which I believe is artificially constructed by brain compartmentalization of this technology and drug interface that is perpetually being forced upon me.

The goal is to try to force me to be a domestic slave sex torture victim providing a "baby" to someone who is abusive, racist and has been told that once he/she is "finished" with me that they can, and while they are exploiting me as well, poison me into paralysis or death and abuse insult and humiliate me in  public and that if I so much as fight back in any way and not just accept and laugh along with it, the result will be something very drastic (before the inevitable murder operation).

I am fighting this, but also for the sake of my lost country which has proven to me endlessly that it doesn't deserve my fight because it has only shown me that it wants my complete destruction and for only white supremacy and all the minority minions who obey and viciously with extreme hate and death threats to consolidate power in the guise of various opposing factions but all really concentrated into one programmed hate and death operation for complete power and control.

Fighting to at least not give in and allow for more Nazis to be put into power, which is all I can do now, with NO ONE coming to even recognize that this is a crime, that this is injustice, that I have any human rights whatsoever--I get only the top leadership of both political parties coming to violently threaten to kill me in brutal ways--the list of those are congruent to the top layers of the political party machinery and they all do and say almost the same things but the differentiations are only how sadistic and vile their fantasies of absolute murder allowance and mutilation they are allowed to get away with. 

They are fighting to have complete allowance for murder and mutilation and torture sex trafficking sex slavery using these technologies will the applause of all the audiences from conventions for political machinations to the "awards" for performances. The "awards" are ALWAYS handed to the most callous and sexualized fakes of H-wood, year after year they are handed top funding for projects derived from torturing ideas out of me and then inserting them into the propagandizing of fascist Nazism disguised as "freedom" from rape, sexual abuse, racism and etc.

And so, I fight alone as usual screaming that the dirty creep woman who has been torturing me for over 14 years with mutilation and attempted murder is not more beautiful than me. That the pigs have been mutilating and torturing and poisoning me every single day for over 14 years and no one can look very "beautiful" constantly cleanihng up stinking filth and being abused with manipulation of tear ducts in my eyes so tears poured out of my eyes every day for hours per day for over 6 years so my skin is destroyed. They cut out part of my uterus and deprived me of enough money for food so my body has broken down just from that. They have poured fungus and filth into my food, hair, into my body, on my furniture for years every day. All I do literally is clean up what my body allows me to bend and clean that is completely saturating my living space--every day they spray and pour filth everywhere. I fight for hours to try to repair the damage to my body that they kept on a constant basis with non-stop bloating and hardening poison. They have had scum creep after creep, mostly the Europigapes in this, rush to rape poison as deeply into my body as possible they go on and on turned on completely by sexualized rape and murder, their Nazi concentration camp fantasies have been thoroughly inculcated into them by a lifetime of brothels that saturate the Europigape landscape in a way that has become normalized. The violence towards women, in particular the "Minorities" who are some of the larger components of the prostitute and brothel scenes, are just open season for white supremacy to beat and rape. They receive no media attention that I know of. The "secret" Nazi sexualization of torture and racist violence using rape and sexual violence has been kept alive since the fall of the 3rd Reich; not just in Germany but all over Europigapeland this is the case. Places like obsequious Thailand only exacerbate this principle.

The white Nazi supremacist filth "women" of these foul and dirty "men" are enthralled that the pig men can take their hate away from "Home" as they are endlessly given all the money the pig men steal from the rest of the world, because countries like America have been paying for a military fascist Nazi dictatorship death squad foreign policy police State since they partnered with Nazis after WWII.


the absolute adoration of German men by the Italian-American mafia, the blonde women of Euro-p-a-land--the blondes of America--the utter worship of white supremacy that the on-the-fringe-of the Mediterranean that the Italians hail from, the effort to constantly have blonde women on the arms of mafia men who viciously attack me--out of Miami I am plagued by a host of these types who have gone after me since 1996 and are still clutched onto attacking me.

My fight against the blonde men, in particular German, by Mafia is unbelievably automatic on their part, instilled as a cause they must continue after the official break-up of the Axis Powers of Italy/Germany during WWII.

The Jewish man, who I said in the attack from DeNiro and Pesce, as he sat in the rows of chairs after I just clicked and downloaded a movie about concentration camp sexuality and SS Nazi homo-erotic and Jewish "love" stories around the central theme of death--and life.

I called out in my hypnosis, torture (DeNiro is ALWAYS extremely violently assaulting me, verbally but also physically--and always being patted on the back by both Trump and Biden, given Oscars and with Scorsese endlessly latched onto the endless automatic awards at the Oscars for ever year of obtaining ideas from me ( their latest Oscar-winning film revolves around the exact same genocidal program that they absolutely collude with, in the United States--but not focused on Native Indigenous Tribes but also against "Jews" and "intellectuals" and the same poisoning, inter-racial marriages with ultimate murder and theft of property by the white supremacist is ABSOLUTELY  what DeNiro and Scorses have been all about for the past decade or longer of non-stop torture, poisoning to death and abuse and rape of me orchestrating, attacking me but most viciously when it's a Germanic fellow Axis Power---the alliances have never ended and as anyone following politics can observe, the Vichy Government has been said to be on the rise once again in France.

Thusly, I write about the vile rape of this man out of Germany, he is given pats on the back, told to increase the rape, I am poisoned and drugged into a kind of stupor while in deep sleep state, teleported and this nasty man who ---I actually don't know his name--I saw it once when I looked up the actors for this movie series and then as soon as he began to teleport me I finished watching the series, then deleted it all. He remains beating raping and insulting me all simultaneously, now night-after-night while the YEARS of isolation, torture, poisoning and absolute agony from ripping poison out of my body every day and sick and tortured and fighting to get one sleazy ugly dirty creep off me, day after day. A non-stop series of white supremacists, Jewish Nazis absolutely violently abusing me, usually physical violence, then ordering more torture of me, as they all get promotions--one has obtained the usual plastic surgery that all the older (and younger) women all obtain--top quality, and endless smiles and invitations by the usual (English-mostly) top media personalities for their role in helping to establish antisemitism but the dyed-blondish women, Jews, and men, now handed blond women to have sex with and be seen with in public therefore established and accepted--every Jewish man I have seen in top leadership position has a blonde Nazi woman at his side (Jewish or not).

Now the fun thrill for them all is this German man fully idealized in concentration camp/Nazi porn domination and torture. 

they all want to learn how to rape more successfully by observing his methodology. The women are waiting for me to react in order for them to obtain MORE ideas for their "equality and feminism" roles for the United Nations and for their movie and Whorewood roles. They fully imbibe the sexualized object but fighting against sexualization at a violent level. That is their public persona. In private the goal is to divert porno hate from them onto any target, such as me. They remain plastic surgery coated and protected by the rape white male culture, especially by the proliferation of Black women who claim they are both antiracist (unless it happens to me then they are 100% violently approval in participation and of course, promotion and profiteering off). Black men rush to threaten to kill me using gang-banger language. Latinos threaten the same way if they are representatives of "The Hood" culture. It is no wonder that the brunt of racism occurs "in the hood" from the same-race offenders violently taking their hate out against their only available targets.


The German expletive forced himself on me once again, in my deep sleep state but after I had to get up, go to the bathroom and was so drugged because through elimination the poisons circulated into my blood stream---I collapsed back on my bed, and this has been happening every night for the past 3 weeks--teleported and unable to control the unbelievable neurophrenic manipulation of my sex drive--trying in vain to get away ---reacting as if in deepest love state--and this I know the expletives reading this are yearning to obtain for themselves as they are all far too loveless to obtain any passion without having to abuse someone beforehand--the "love" they obtain from their partners I seriously extends beyond mere "mommy" comfort and nurturing needs (cleaning and cooking and of course, to disguise their probable homosexual proclivities, especially if they are in politics).

The amount of neurological manipulation of all my senses, combined in this deep vulnerable sleep state, and the sex drive turned up to the maximum amount by the thugs controlling the tech

I was, and have been, tortured and ripping poison out of my body every day for over 14 years without end--constantly being repoisoned and literally fighting for my life every single day--I mean fighting for my life not metaphorically. So many sick rape hate bigot men and women are so absolutely turned-on by this

and so, I was almost at the mercy of his verbal manipulation and hateful comments, insults and demands just to try to quell the extreme urge I could not control.

He tried to force me to say that I would provide children for him. His career undoubtedly requires a huge boost because I still don't know his name, have never talked with him except to yell or tell him I can't stand him, to go away, etc for the past 4-5 days now, when my consciousness is in waking state, this is all I say to him as he teleports me, like all the usual vicious parasites have done, for hours and hours every morning while I am putting away the many items I bundle my body around to prevent more permanent damage to my skin (impossible to protect) hair, nails and etc.

Demanding a baby out of me, I said "I cannot do that" as he slapped my face and stuck his hate into me

this morning, my bathroom had been injected with putrid substances behind this area of the toilet that has an artificial constructed box-shape that leave me 1 inch in which to try to clean the area behind the toilet base on the floor--impossible to do. In that area are tiles that open up from the other side and they inject debris, stinking oil grease and hair and cockroaches and today it was something extremely foul. This has been done repeatedly, but after this life-sucking parasite drained me of my most passionate "love" while it was impossible for me to pull away, the force of the drugging and tech is so overwhelming that my body literally is in addiction mode and withdrawal at the point of physical collapse if I can't alleviate what I naturally would never even begin to "feel" for any of the expletives who teleport me. 

He also gang-raped me with his friends out of Germany. This exact same system has happened at least 30 times in the past 14 years of non-stop torture, rape and mutilation and poisoning with me perpetually fighting for my life for anyone to stop this or stop the poisoning or stop the stinking putrid filth and shit and feces being put into my home, my bed fungus sprayed into my hair my vagina all furniture and my food--etc etc etc without end 

hardening stiffening poisons constantly poured into my food which I cannot stop. Deprived of any internet access-writing these useless blogs for years has only produced more silence, more corrupt politicians joining in and being promoted into more high-ranking positions as the country is reeling in corruption and lies and incompetence and the "divide and conquer" civil war strategy that the Europigape shit have been plotting through the use of this tech is being played out perfectly by the celebrity shit that you all worship--the mafia nazis the skank plastic surgery rape cheerleader "feminists" all coming from the Crown Imperialist genocidal Monarchy connected to The English Monarchy.

Meanwhile, my internet is constantly being turned off and on. The stench of shit that was put into my bathroom--which I cleaned yesterday night--it was sweet-smelling yesterday night--waking up to the stench of shit that has been put behind the toilet in an area I can't even begin to reach with a tool or anything

and spraying and spraying and bleaching and spraying fabric softener

because I was raped by a scum thug out of Germany, beloved and worshipped by the Jewish Mafia Nazi who sicced him on me--the DeNiro-Pesce-Gotti and then Keitel who played "the victim" who then, because he plays a "Jewish victim" so often, obviously had to offer me up as the real victim, outside of movies, so the German Nazi can play more "Jewish" characters in movies (as a former one has done after raping and hitting me for saying no to moving to Berlin to be his abuse partner "slave") and me fighting them.\

All for being raped and saying NO to moving to Germany, having children with someone whose name I don't even know--we have had no conversations except for his bullying and surveillance questions with me trying not to respond but being unable to stop reacting and responding.

Every day screaming with more and more rage that he's disgusting, his porno scumbag rape Nazi concentration camp fantasies are sickening his country is sickening to me as is his culture. I don't mean "all" of Germany or Germans I mean this Nazi pretense of not being Nazi but fully trying to relive rape and concentration master-slave fantasies upon me because of this filthy technology that the 4th Reich Biden-Trump-Obama-Clinton-Bush-Reagan-Carter-Nixon (by far the least abusive administration in terms of the terrorism aimed at me) but the real hate began with Ford---

ever since, it's been a cyclical series of what is now dynastic never-ending clutching onto power, but using this contact upon me as a stepping stone which they all appear to absoluely rely on BECAUSE THEY ARE OTHERWISE NOT CAPABLE and thusly

I write to the empty void, knowing that maybe some surveillance bot is reading this, perhaps not.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...