P.S. dumb boob tube drooling reactionary but do-nothing violent civil war pundits and "alternative" Nazi fakes
it was your precious black Nazi man, Obama who has put this German Nazi-toting Rapist scumbag onto attacking me using concentration porn language and references to Nazis and the 3rd Reich.
I suggest that people stop worshipping the rotten fake Nazi Black group, which even Farrakhan has recognized as being absolute fakes and put in positions of power because they will ultimately undermine the actual real fight for equal rights. You can look up Farrakhan on the internet in relation to speeches he gave when Obama was elected. He was absolutely right. Some of the Black commentators on YouTube should look these lectures by Farrakhan up and then remind the gentle listeners that this applies even moreso to Krapola. She is not promising Hope and Change. She promises Black women get Hope and Change. An even more limited number of Black people are going to be swindled but they will vote to shift the undecided voters to swing the election in her favor.
I suggest you fucking "wake up" and find OTHER CANDIDATES and not the pre-selected McCandidates who all sound like robotic repetition bots like Whitmer and all the others who all repeat the same line the Pig-lousy and the Clinton/Obama fascist cartel tell them to trickle down through the media programming.
Krapola is expecting her dirty daughter, like the Obama Nazi cartel, to have access to modeling in Europigapeland, making movies, starring in series about "women" just as dirty Nazi rape skank Hillary has done--with her former recitations of what Jewish women had shouted to get some equal rights for women, which Nazi Hillary took as her own concepts and has run with them ever since but is fully dedicated to having Jewish women raped, mutilated , tortured, poisoned, and then murdered by Nazi shit whore men.
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