Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Assassin(ine) creed: Would you die for "them"?//Terrorist noise torture: drilling in cement and steal in a room nearby--the echo chamber of this mostly empty building means that the noise reverberates throughout and It's hard to exactly where the drilling is coming from. 6 years in a row of drilling in cement and pounding/hammer in rooms only next to mine--the entire building otherwise (6 floors, hundreds of rooms) remain empty and silent (no furniture, fake presentations of clothing hanging outside but empty rooms, etc). Not complaining about no people being around but only that this is a terror attack. The terrorists who rush to get free rent during their month-long vacays from Russia-to-Euo-land means that the renovations are ordered non-stop after they (finally) leave--as echo of the hate and violence they bring with them (filth, hate, etc).

The good thing is that I have copied very loud music to try to drown the noise out, but I am not sure where it is coming from but I now see it is in my hallway, just a few feet from my door.

"White Supremacists in The Find Out Phase". Raw News and Politics". July 3, 2024.

"Moon Zappa Valley Girl". Beowoulf69. July 22, 2012.


So many things to say to myself in this void of my blog to the hacked blankness of only having the "enemy" access too my writing (and "they" do steal ideas and "turn-of-phrase" that they enjoy if it's other than the usual "Democracy" drone that they are paid lavish amounts to supplement the Ivy-League and former Congressional experience "they" have. 


Watching part of the latest "Mad Max" movie "Furiosa" (not sure if correct title) and I only watched it, before hackers blocked the stream--I had also downloaded it and the movie was deleted by hackers before I could watch it. I wanted to assess "why"--or try to understand "why" this movie was given such public shaming for being a flop. I was drawn into so much of the movie but I realized that the strength of the women involved, who were outside of the breeding programs that the extremely violent men set-out for them as their function and thus their one opportunity for survival outside of the dystopian landscape of utter Wasteland--which the post-apocalyptic world of Australia was depicted as---..was it references to the T.S. Elliot poem The Wasteland? (Automatically I also associate the name Wasteland with a recycled clothing store in Upper Haight, San Francisco which had the baddest clothing and show hipster and upper-price retail that I ever could imagine and I dream of just shopping there once again--an anti-Wasteland actually in my opinion--completely out-of-sync with the theme of this post however!!)


Although the movie had the usual heroic "blondish" women, the women who died were not as fair-haired as the women who survived. The women who remained breeding "cows" for male rape and baby-functioning were even less blondish than the "heroes"--one of which assumed a boyish disguise--Anna Taylor Joy--and I thought her job was done extremely well of portraying a stifled but strong fighter. I saw no lack of acting skills whatsoever and I "felt' her emotive performance and I can only give her recommendation for her performance.

The theme is/was of a future where the culture was/is now following the same exact path. Cultish obedience a la Assassin devotees who worship a lead figure who demands absolute obsequious devotion from the followers who will sacrifice themselves, their lives, at a moment's nod by the "controllers" who demand such performances of self-sacrifice to make a point about the virility of the group vying for power against the other group. The Assassins had created the myth of a Paradise awaiting anyone martyring themselves for the sake of the leader. Displays of former Afghanistan religious/political (what we call "cult") leaders demonstrating to travelling Christian explorers and ambassadors of other sects vying for power--were treated to scenes of devotees of the Shambala retreat flinging themselves over cliffs hovering above thunderous waves crashing into enormous boulders below. All done with the wave/signal of the hand of the Shah from his "Eagles Nest" many hundred meters away on the other side of the ravine in which the enemies had to traverse in order to attempt to get at the riches and power of the kingdom that had been untouchable for so long that these entities remain underground to this day. I refer to "The Assassins".


The Mad Max depiction took a more modern approach with a less-than religious leader not using mind control propaganda to insert and insinuate the concept that a Paradise replete with adoring Virgins would meet the devotees willingly throwing themselves into death at the mere wave of the hand of the leader in front of the enemy.

There was nothing that hinted at any mind control "forcing" the devotees to identify absolute obedience with the reverence of the leader. The only ostensible reason for slavish obedience was in solidarity to the survival mechanism of having built a few constructions of "civilization" in order to cement a viable organized survival construct amongst the uninhabitable post-nuclear Wasteland that Australia, and the rest of the world, had since become due to the apparent incompetence of the former leadership that had ruled the world with "Democracy" as it's base of operational mind control organization.


The psychopathic "leaders", one of whom was played by Chris Hemsworth, (sp?) was done also very well, but how many of the psychopathic killers and leaders are done extremely well in these movies at this point with the fine line of distinction between the "modern" society in which they make such movies and the increasing demonstration of outward manifestation of the infestation of outward psychopathy that now is permeating every level of society (global society I refer to)?

Despotic dictators formerly promising "Democracy" are now promising a hegemony of psychopathic laxity towards any law restraining their power-grabbing influence. What restrains such personages now are the eroding boundaries of  formerly unacceptable behavior and modalities of all-enveloping power and dominion over the larger population which is adhering to "cult" worship of a deified sole figure, now handed absolute power almost to kill enemies and devour resources and to murder opponents--formerly covert as in the death squad system which envelopes me, now handed permission to outright assassinate should they yearn to remove any obstacles to pure psychopathic hegemonic power.


Why did the H-wood and American media and population outright shower this movie Furioso with so much abhorrent disdain in the first place when it is showing a replication of the process of envelopment of a Wasteland of political unrestraint for death and enforcement of obedience to a sole power?

The theme of a female, who is almost "androgynous" in appearance (yet "straight" ostensibly, although her preference in the film appears, at this stage as hackers literally blocked the movie from being shown in streaming mode-==of course, halfway through so I must try to retrieve the rest of the film in some manner to see if she steps out of her androgynous shell and "love" the male hero who has the square jaw, light features that are usually associated with the "hero" as she is blue-eyed and light and fair so of course, the 4th Reich heroic image must be retrained--not to disparage the actors only the usual mind programming Nazi theme. This appears to be an Australian production (absolutely unsure of what or who is involved) and so they don't "have" to try to attempt to appear "woke" in any semblance.


10 minutes later--after having gotten up, and listening to a description of white supremacist "hate" organizations fighting the Charlottesville race rally killings and life-threatening attacks, and the decisions of further appellate court rulings (diminishing the compensatory amounts of money paid-out to victims reduced by more than 80% or more)--the woman making the podcast related that the names of the "leaders" of these Neo-Nazi groups (calling themselves something about "The South" rising up) relayed that they gave Roman Empire (1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Reich roman names derived from Latin) to many of their leaders and members.

I had intended to write this above but let me tell you how obstructive hacking on the keyboard along with brain-stifling attacks can be to any train-of-thought (for reference, watch Biden try to get any concepts out in the last debate).

The leaders of these Mad Max/Furioso death squadron groups fighting in the Wasteland for a small refuge of resources available used only LATIN Roman Empire (all the Reichs and all the liturgies and all the Nazis and all the modern references to the "rising" of the 4th Reich including all the various groups formerly separate by the lack of horizonal communication but now all aligned with internet and telecommunications).

Dementus was the name--or something similar--to the main Mad Max male leaders. The females, by the way, up to the halfway mark of the movie that I was barely able to watch, were given no names except little diminutive nicknames by the male entrapment "Handmaiden Tale" administrators of the harems of youngish women or their on-the-brink of being "put to pasture' in the death  zone (equivalent to being sentenced to death) if they could no longer furnish a baby factory ambience and part-time harem--supposedly as they all wore white and appeared in Roman draped attire as if it was a Goddess sect--but no eternal fire that they guarded, as usual, no reference to any religious signification that one could identify with former earlier Roman Empire dynasties).

The symbolism, of course, for the modern 4th Reich aspirations to power seemed to have been there-in the film, embedded but it is so hard for me to write and think with all these obstructions.

The reference to another "Reich" system was the obvious factor in this movie. Perhaps the thinly veiled demonstration of the aspirations of the modern political "class" were not cloaked in modern "woke" visual displays so that the public could understand the more dominant connections between our "modern" rise of fascist Mafia-Nazi cartels and the lavish speeches by the "Left" endlessly pontificating in almost pseud-religious fervor about how much they align, they and their pristine wonderfully loving groups, with all forms of human concern all forms of the sanctity of concern for the welfare of each and every human being and the equality, equity and wonderful ascension into power using "Democratic" means that the "Left" have been projecting into the media-sphere for so long that it has almost become a dystopian fiction in comparison to actual real-life events in political theaters around the world, now appearing uncloaked and without the Roman names in Latin but the Neo-Nazi groups such as the one mentioned in the Raw News clip above do not conceal their actual alignment with 3rd & 4th Reich association.


A movie that HAS received something like "box office" smash hit status is a cartoon rendering of what appears to be a Saturday Morning cartoon that has been glorified. One of the nepo-baby children of one of the white males who has teleported me, yelling at me fascistically as he put me in his "man cave" of his H-wood (or wherever it was) mansion--a huge snake in a glass case was in the middle of the room--it was dark and cool like a cave. He sat with his arms outstretched, as i recall but maybe i am only associating his pose with his sense of entitlement and "authority" as I began to yell at him trying to get him off. Luckily he only attacked me thusly one time, but his daughter has been put, as the children and wives and family members, friends and then as they clutch onto torturing and abusing me using this tech, the longer it goes on unabated, the more people they include. This cartoon "movie" had her featured in it--this daughter who hacked something onto one of my media searches about how being a "nepo-baby" helped her career (like, duh of course but she had to write the most basic "truth" about entitlement 4th Reich system monopoly). Like duh, yeah, being a part of an enterprise dedicated to collaborating with top political leaders so they, too, can obtain endless promotions in media exposure (tv shows, Tony awards, book tours, re-election campaigns) combined with media entertainment (endless lead roles not only for the formerly top actors now in middle age--mostly this applies to males as women are supposed to just go out-to-pasture after a certain age but if they join in with this group, especially if they are blonde, white and Nazi-driven "liberals" but oftimes libertines and racist bigots in teleportation towards me--they obtain the fountain of youth promise of endless beautification botox, plastic surgery and everything that goes along with that as they are sent out to red carpet, amazing modeling cat walks as the Baby-boomer generation--formerly activists against a war machine government, now fully embracing such a government of endless murder and death and corporate raking-in of countless millions of dollars for the sake of their careers remaining viable for public consumption).

This other cartoon movie has received endless applause but I clicked on it and saw only something that reminds me of Saturday Morning cartoons about teens trying to get some upwardly mobile climbing experience into the major cartels--sounding like "Valley Girls" yuppie wealth and no-concern white entitlement with the little concerns about how they can get into some newer version of a girly form of androgyny in ice  hockey, former "glass ceiling" shattering revelations about girls competing in boys' sports or--I could not get the theme of the movie I just clicked and could not stand the nasal voices of the Valley Girls so I clicked off instantly.

I saw nothing of any depth, profundity or even highest quality in this movie that has "smashed box office" records or something like that. I assume it is about a blondish Nazi Valley Girl entitled with her Big Daddy actor daddy obtaining a place in the former male pantheon of Romanesque entitlement of the All-male boys club. I am making gross assumptions. I also "assume" that in her quest to become a "leader' in a formerly male-dominated club of sport and in life in general, there are a troop of "Black-sounding" back-up supporters giving her loving support for her endeavors, giving advice and listening to her "problems" and urging her to be "strong" (which is the role of the Black female in so many songs and movies, always the word "strong" is used to depict how "they" are fighting racism and people giving them the usual bs treatment formerly known as discrimination). Fighting for white blonde Nazi girly to ascend to power, they will be handed a lower status but still a cheerleader for white supremacy in the suburbs, perhaps a few token "allowed" but always under control, supervision and domination especially psychologically--to ensure they are not getting any other ideas but to constantly play the plantation supporting role of loving advisor for "The master" female when "they" want to obtain a bit of the power cartel formerly handed only to the good ole boys.


And oh, for the 2nd time in this hour, my internet connection has been remotely turned off. The router lights are all on and the signal icon on the computer screen in the lower right-hand corner remains "connected" but the remote hackers have turned the system off. I have to undergo a long set of attempts to bypass their hacking. It happens non-stop while I am on the internet.


I would have watched more than a few minutes of the Inside out or outside in, whatever it's called, but the nasal voices of entitled almost shrill "normalized" voices that are supposed to imply established "wealth" but yapping incessantly for their power schemes, like "Bad Girls" or whatever that movie is called/also a play--so ubiquitous is this nasal whiny entitled 4th Reich version of white "leader" with the black and other "minority" group adherents, desperately willing to comply to the standards of the support plantation society system of their lives fixated around supporting the dominant white supremacy "popular" girly thing which they are adherents to. 

I now have to struggle to get the internet back on.

Good ole H-wood and it's endless themes of 3rd and 4th Reich imagery, plantation society and mind programming for inducting more supplicants into the system

Of course, no "|jews" anywhere in any of the roles. They are obsolete and invisible, apparently all gone and killed off. 


Very, very hard for moi to write and think with brain-blocking tech and hacking, and now pounding on the floor in my hallway (I have to drag my belongings in an attempt to go downstairs today to retrieve a delivery and this construction is probably going to be blocking the entire hallway--they will rush into my room and spray filth from their construction the moment I get on the elevator and etc> Years of writing about this, the perpetrators from the traitor system all continuing the something like 15 years of profiting to the max off my attack contract--no one ever stopping it or them.

The reason why the Cartoon "girl" empowerment movie is so popular is because it emphasizes a fantasy of endless wealth accumulation, the power cartels of the white Nazi female with a cadre of black, latino and other minorities propping her up as the "star" while she fights the male white nasty bully who wants to retain white male dominance. The shopping mall promise of endless luxury wealth suburban life of endless cornucopia of the franchise lifestyle is the main aspiration of this continuing with power shifting from all white male to a few blond or their minority equivalents (sometimes dyed blonde, often remaining but necessarily always showering devotee luv upon the "Master race" in one form or another (in teleportation in torturing me, it is demonstrating vicious Mad Max style violence at me with death threats --which of course I was exposed to yesterday after the black married couple were like brutal dictators demanding endless fealty and permission from me, for them to "sacrifice" me in perpetuity as their hate object so they can be exalted by white supremacy as "good" and thusly worthy, with all their acting mannerisms which the population cheers on and identifies with actual political savvy and finesse) 

and for not saying "yes I will die for you I will let your pig ape white, black and Jewish latino and any and all filthy shit pig men and women rape assault beat me for the sake of your power cartel in this contract which probably put you in power in the first place, kept you cranking out bs movie shows which no one has watched or liked--but does that matter, the approvability of tv shows when the pundits only shower the most death cult worship of the death consumption machines and can never display the ultimate carnage upon society that Mad Max promises as the outcome of the system that is so completely embraced-with black minions of Nazis cranking out jovial responses to the curses of racism which they are welcomed into being main examples of "yes I can" only if they viciously turn upon ME as the lone example of someone saying NO to their hate and racist death system)

I am the "only one" because apparently people having microchip implants in their brains but being "MK ULTRA" zombie victims is not as successfully implemented in the main population at this time. I don't know about new "batches' of victims who are too young to be bandied about as perpetual rape and torture victims and of the accused and accursed "Jewish" hate diaspora which has their own Nazi minion death squad cheerleaders put into highest positions of power --

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