The cleaning lady or maintenance has left debris and dead insects in front of my doorway ---but just one foot to the right-hand side. They supposedly sweep every day.
The moment I opened my door, mostly undressed but with a huge shirt over my wrap-around sarong and just very much undressed but barely presentable, the white trash Europigape or russian piece of shit opened his door instantly, coming out of the agent room that is where the mostly white pig ape men come out as soon as I open my door--this creep is filthy and disgusting but looks clean--a parasite feeding off torture and paid in free rent, with a Thai woman looking like a sexualized arm candy partner all without the former spasmatic hyperfrenetic doped-up hysteria he had before because he and she both rushed into my room to spray stinking filth and steal and destroy. I had to carry and lug downstairs all I could, as I had gone downstairs earlier and recieved a package and in all the exhaustion, as my body is extremely weak and frail, I had just clean more of the sprayed stinking clothing--i.e. the shirts I wear when I receive packages had been sprayed with putrid foul substances which I clean quickly beforehand and then I had to go through cleaning stinking backpacks and stinking carry tote bags and stinking shirts all done by the mechanical arms that enter into my room through all these various panels that I have fought for years to secure but they are ripped apart every time I leave.
America is a sick fucking country that appears to be going into a hell zone of fascist dictatorship that I wrote of for years and have been only tortured and attacked by hundreds of thousands of sick shit pig scum and filth from whorewood and congress.
It's never going to end. The shit running for president and those running up are just the same "evil"
I heard one who is considered a candidate saying that "my father always told me that you go to a dance and don't leave with another partner" in regard to comatose zombie from Hell with the greasy patches of hair covering his skull leader you all cling to because he's so easy to manipulate by the viciousness of the people who really are evil working to control him.
But to hear from them all constantly, i.e. Biden always does this, "my father told me" and the stupidity of middle aged men and women constantly using the same catch-phrases of insubordination to "big daddy' that Daddy told me and so this is wisdom I must adhere to--really stupid and sick
Kamala does the same thing and only echoes the same phrase, "My mother always told me" and they are 50+ years old referring to what their dead parents told them in context that never happened, in a time that is not now, referring to stupid cliche dumb speeches that are irrelevant as they are all bs lies in essence.
I am now under "torture" wherever I live, discriminated non-stop by every single business especially in sick fuckAmerica, from the government agencies I phone to the bank I never chose but I had to switch to, which Trump let me know is a bank his son uses so the discrimination and non-stop lying is a constant and not an occasional attack. I can't earn a single penny in any way, nor pay for or receive any health care whatsoever. I spent 6 years in grad school and have been copiously shitting black stinking poison out daily for over 14 years while sick fuck scum pig apes from Whorewood torture me daily with political filth and shit who are openly cojoining for a fascist "one world fascist dictatorship" with both "sides" of the shit oreo set-up conjoined and all lying and full of shit constantly in their ever speech and legislative session.
I''ve been writing these posts for over 14 years, both on Facebook and also to the shit filth who were teleporting me, screaming and crying to stop poisoning and raping the poison into my body. They received huge multi-million dollar businesses in Miami, and also in Phuket--all of the pig ape shit,from shit pig pitt to shitalina to Ice Cubepube and the rest--all have obtained mansions, houses in Phuket for their violence against me.
No one can give a fucking damn about me or the state of the country.
Sleazy stupid sick selfish and rotten.
There is no use in writing these posts any longer.No one ever ever stops the and they just grow in size because of the lack of intelligence left in AMerican society.
As one of the people who was slightly more intellectual than the other pig apes who have attacked me once said, "Nature will fight back" and you fuckers are really building your plantation master-slave enclave luxury lives of the pig ape powerful on a decaying cesspool where nature will just destroy your pig ape land and lives into the Hell that you have and still are creating.
My tarot cards "told me" to stop writing posts and completely ignore the sick and deadly hate I am forced to try to deal with alone alone alone as they poison and beat and torture me and all receive multi-million dollar deals and lives out of it.
Now you fucking stupid pig apes have allowed more deregulation of environment and you stupid morons will pay for your ignorant stupidity and lack of any foresight into how sick and dangerously incompetent the shit crap I have been writing of for years really are--meaning the celebrities and politicians. This applies to each and every single one I have been writing of for all these years and it DOES NOT IMPLY ME AT ALL
YOu fuckers will pay for having done nothing to stop this all these years. You will pay with your lives probably, and not too long in the future. I truly wish this upon you all as you have done nothing but encourage a death fascist bigot hate society and your shit movies and crap political lectures pale in comparison to the shit you actually are as lack of humanity that you claim you represent.
While I was at the front desk with the coughing at me Thai creep who smiles while all her partners are coughing and the children are being trained into fascist Nazism because they are promised that they won't have to clean for a living if they only imitate the fascist attacks upon me--and anyone else that is targeted. While I was gone, the white trash creep--20-something with his skanky-looking extremely pacified Thai prostitute-for-the-week on his arm went into my room and sprayed grease on my throw pillows that I have made by hand.'this creep is an ugly white pig from some EUropigape country, who like all the rest of the shit, can't stand to see me make my own clothing (I made all the pillows by hand, every stich laboriously by hand) so they spray all with a stinking grease--and it's all over my room. THe pig apes go off laughing, all the white trash shit getting free rent, free food and whatever else, the Thai prostituted creesp getting the sensation of not being victim of opporession but now, like all the Jews all theBlacks and all the Latinos of America and the poor whites, glorified in becoming like the abuser so they relish the violence and hate they deflect onto me.
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