Sunday, July 28, 2024

Explicit and almost illicit material today because the endless apathy, delight at this rape and torture mutilation and evil endlessly arranged against me is never-ending. It is the tenor of American society at almost all levels. I will be explicit, which unfortunately will get the rapist promoted and the organizer(s) of this now endless cock-sucking abuse rape abuse humiliation mutilation endless non-stop abuse are now highly applauded after they orchestrated this violence against me. The Obamas and Harris worked to get a German Nazi-touting violent rapist to endlessly defile and force his penis in my mouth and the drugging and torture and mind control and abuse and sickness and 14+ years of non-stop abuse and hate which lasts at least 15 hours per day, night and day, while awake and sleeping--and that is only being confined to this room as the teleportation and subliminal hate messages and torture of my body/mutilation with all kinds of weapons has been ongoing. My years of writing about this has only brought on swarms of people engaged in fucking others over to get their deals and promotions. That includes Obama and Harris, but before them was "Germanic" Trump. Now they have brought in a most nasty German man and I am fighting to break and tear out hardened poison that is literally glued to my flesh and spine and hips and skull and feet and all joints and intestines all is corroded from the years of the terror organization of the 4th Reich.

As it turns out, dirty krapola who has ordained and watched on glaring with hate and condemnation at me for fighting for over 14 years to stop non-stop rape from celebrity scumbag, inc..has crooked Nazi-Hillary the bigot scum "feminist" who my mother can be seen in a photo in Arizona for the AZ women for bs shittary hillary campaign back in 2016. Just to make sure that my mother's exertions and full-support, financial and for her campaign in Arizona, was met with Nazi attack, this foul and nasty crap Hillary had my mother's daughter--being me--beaten, tortured and mutilated. It's nothing my own mother hasn't done herself to appease the murder, inc Nazi 4th Reich assaulting my family. But shit Hillary has no excuse. And voila!! It's Hillary's campaign advisor who is now advising Krapola and handing her access to this tech, to thwart Trump as Hillary has a vindictive itch to scratch regarding him, but with me, she has no excuse except for sheer sadistic exploitation. Just very sad that my poor mother supported that filthy piece of shit  Hillary. She would probably be supporting Krapola too just anything not to have Trump in the White House. Even when my mother was aware of my situation and that she had personally helped to put me in the position of desperation to click on the shit that Trump hacked on my Facebook page, which began ANOTHER 8 years of torture and attempted murder, with shittery Hillary joining in--and now handing this tech to Krapola, the criminal justice sadistic fascist racist nazi to have me tortured and raped by a German fascist pig ape scumbag and his group---as they must appeal to the Europigapes so the Clinton foundation can continue to wreck the United States with all their shit policies that have brought America and the world into unbelievable wealth discrepancy and desperation . Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholarship recipient and spent the Vietnam War fighting to learn how to drink gin & tonics with cocaine and marijuana in Oxford, England before having cocaine blizzard orgy parties and exploiting the dumb rednecks of Arkansas with the Whitewater debacle con rip-off. They are plants of the English Crown/Monarchy as are most or all of the shit who join in with this terror of me and the teleportation mind fuck apparatus for more victims of brain obfuscation such as how Biden performed for the debate that lost him his bid for president and put shitalina-Krapola-pig ape pitt & co GmbH into the most powerful position for the divide-and-conquer Europigape 4th Reich to inflict more destruction upon the United States. All involved will be granted more mansions and multimillion dollar access and monopoly for themselves and their incompetent shit crap little spawn pieces of shit children.

"Kamala Harris is deranged--Caleb talks with Kim Iversen". Caleb Maupin. July 26 2024.

This German man, his name is Uwe or something like that--I only looked him up when I watched The Tatooist of Auschwitz not what seems like aeons of rape and torture from the Obama cartel which brought on Harris. This began after I had to fight for my life to get the Trump cartel off me as they tried to cut my money off and they inserted a live shrimp into my ear canal. That happened during another episode of me falling into a comatose drugged-up sleep state because my food is so badly poisoned that after eating I collapse. The hard poisons I keep fighting to break and crunch out release stagnant mind control and hardening poisons that have putrefied into a toxic black mass and it goes into my blood stream and nervous system. I am so sick I cannot get up and put on the 2 layers of socks tied at the ankles to stop the mutilation of my feet and the slicing of my skin between my toes. I am so ill I lay down on this bed just needing to recline because of the nausea that is overwhelming and it's really literally fighting for my life at such moment to not die from toxic shock. They also have mind control technology directly beneath my bed, the frame of which has been bolted to the floor, literally and I can't remove anything to see what is under the wood panel of the box spring mattress-using metal as a conductor of the electrical energy as well.

Two days ago, after more than 2 weeks of non-stop rape and abuse from the German man, a host of the celebrity scumbag shit who have been raping beating and passing me around from one minority "victim" to the next and one bigoted openly Nazi filth shithead from Europigapeland or the Black but dyed blonde "victims of racism" completely only enamored with Germanic Nazi culture--

before Biden dropped out, this began with this German fucker named Uwe or something--I only looked at his name once and looked him up on YouTube to see if his statement about how 'shocking" the conditions at Auschwitz were met by any semblance of actual compassion. I only looked briefly on the video, less than 5 minutes.

It's now more than 2 weeks of nightly and daily rape, with him demanding blow jobs and that I drink his semen twice a day and provide blow jobs for his endless rotation of male friends and females as well. A baby of course to solidify his contract, handed to eagerly by Harris and the Obamas for their "Black" "first" con job by forcing me to give blow jobs to someone I fought, and fought and fought while this chunk of black poison began to loosen from the newly designed (by myself) set of exercises I have only recently begun. The exercises are an amalgamation of various martial arts stances and etc but I use them in a different formation and the effect is extremely powerful. I become so ill and weak and sick as this group ONLY uses this sickness, which they exacerbated so much so that I have been living with a square body shape that is hard as rock, jutting out of my back, my hips are completely hidden because the rock-solid black poison formation has been so hugely increased from the 14 years of this poisoning and torture murder protocol system


I am too exhausted to continue to physically battle a huge German MMA fighter, or so I think that is what he is. He has a body builder physique and has wrestling moves to pin me down. The utter filth shithole group of actors-so-called, the filth of pigshitalina and the dirty Jewish nazis who all marry as blonde and Nazi as possible and vent growling hate at me--they all sit smiling in delight as this Nazi bigot slaps my face calls me bitch abuses me in front of them after forcing me to provide this parasite with my 100% sexual passion of "love" and he keeps slapping my face brutally until I call him "master" and that I "love him".

I am in a zone of physical exhaustion from the poisons ripping out of my body--as they forced me to have to drive 40 miles because they told the endlessly compliant minority minion to close his shop just as I was arriving to pay rent. Telling me to return in one hour, I knew that meant 3 hours and I had, by that time, lost 3 hours in the morning because of the severe hacking on my laptop and I had things to do that were important to me. The entire time, as always every single morning, I was teleported to yelling fascist abusive rapists and Nazi filth from Whorewood--each and every single one of these siick fuck scumbag whores have played excessive roles of being anti-racist and anti-fascist and anti-Nazi, including this Concentration-camp slinging Nazi-mentioning German who is constantly using Nazi imagery of me being a slave him being a "master".


I can't keep physically fighting and fighting.

My hair was cut and poisoned two days ago because even though I gave this energy life fuck German pig ape my most incredible and loving passionate sexual energy and did all that he asked and was gang raped and told him I loved him, in the midst of endless slapping my face if I tried to pull away, endless slapping my face while his penis was in my mouth, endlessly being afflicted by tech that blasts my sexuality into the highest possible "desire" that is 1000% percent artificially inflicted by the drug-tech interface.

The shit and filth of Whorewood sit basking in delight that finally they have broken my body and spirit and will obtain this contract. 

Shit dirty Obama and Harris,  both of whom owe much of their success to having joined in with the celebrity shit cesspool in order to gain the 4th Reich international funding for their campaigns--now owe the hundreds of millions of dollars that dirty lying disgusting Harris has just received in only a few short days of having watched on glaring in hate at me, as Obama the fake disgusting rotten evil and ugly putrid creep had done because for all the 14 years of that pig scum black Nazi obtaining his backing from Whorewood for handing out the drugs, poisons and tech to shit ugly prostitutalina & co (from Europigapeland, the English Crown being one of the major contributers to the "success" of shit Krapola so they have a puppet established in California and then in Whorewood and then in the Senate and then in the president position--Harris having grown up in a colony of the English Crown, in Canada and her mother being a subject of Imperialistic colonization of India and the effect has produced a lying and slimy fake that has been coached for all these years awaiting the coup of mind control exerted upon Biden for this exact purpose.


As with Trump, once that dirty pig scum obtained this technology he instantly raped and beat me using the same pig penis in my mouth as all of the fucking pieces of rotten shit have done for so many years.

From non-stop poisoning and torture, the only pleasure I get is being raped and tortured with some dirty ugly pig scumbag sticking it's filthy pig penis in my mouth as it slaps my face, calls me bitch as the shit of shitalina watches on laughing and giggly and ALWAYS hugs these filthy men who then scream with hate at me that she is so much more beautiful. She made sure to have my body endlessly destroyed, poisoned and mutilated because after more than 5 years of that ugly prostitute blow-job facial constructed stupid prostitute had already been stealing my ideas and letting me know about it as the contract is for all of the shit who steal my ideas and are poisoning me to death and being promoted into highest media opportunity as a result---I told her that she was not beautiful I always considered her to be an ugly prostitute image and for the past 10 years or longer she has made sure to have my body compleely raped ravigied fungus put in my hair--and just two days ago, after a few WEEKS of the most love I can possibly give wiith my mouth as they make my vagina ache in agony from not having sex for decades (remining celebate back in 2002 waiting for a "real" relationship as these same patterns went on and on and I never wanted any of the pig filth who all date drugged and raped me but I believed it was my own passion. I always wanted to establish a "real" relationship and I was drugged to instanlty have overwhelming sexual desire for ugly scumbag pieces of shit who raped and then stole from me, destroyed my home, their wives, lovers and minority minions rushed to abuse and threaten and attack me.

So it's happening once more.

My years of writing about this has produced only Krapola into the president position and filthy lying not hero obama as this sort of "heroic" image for having done very little to actually prove "yes we can" to anybody except for the same wealthy donors who Trump has given years of tax breaks to.

So he will not stop. Because I was trying to get him off me, fighting again as the longer I respond the more the pieces of fucking shit and filth say that I "love" him. I was telling him to get his pig meat out of me, that he disgusts me that he is nothing to me. The pig had me drugged as I collapsed while putrid stagnant black poison had just ripped out of my spine and I literally was so ill that it was a matter of life or death to not have endless hate and stress and to fight non-stop constantly as i have been doing, increasingly physically so the shit whores are getting Mike Tyson to attack me, m aking his stupid ugly statements and denying along with that Black fake in Congress who made a rejoinder to MTG that was just immature and banal but it got her some fame--all rushing at me violently when I said that they were working for white supremacy.

So the black fucks of the plantation--the lead duplicity liars of Obama(s) with Oprah as always backing it all, and Harris the white supremacist imprisoner of poor blacks and fully gloating, smiling and giggling (on her first teleportation to me years ago) and now glaring as Obama had instructed her to do, to help bring into America and Whorewood the cynical lying evil of the German rapist(s) who make Nazism an open statement against me in teleportation--with full backing of the jewish shit who are trying to get their pro-French tv series into some higher category for awards and prizes--with the nasty ugly French shit coming to violently yell at me, and then ordering the German pig ape prick to violently rape me. They sit in rows of chairs watching on as my body is saturated with drugs and the tech blasting my vagina and brain into a heightened state while I'm fighting to say no as the slapping and the endless tech is blasting my sexual organs in a way that is irrepressible and impossible to overcome for me in all this sickness, physical exhaustion and poison and drug in my system that could kill me if I continue to have to live in a state of constant panic and hate with stress making survivability very low in the process of the healing.


After 2-3 weeks of twice daily most passionate, love-making blow jobs forced out of me, while being hit, abused, gang stalked, my home and clothing and food tainted, poisoned, stinking and my life as usual filled with violence and hundreds of ugly and sick fecal "people" attacking me using ugliness, hate and supported by every institution possible around the planet--especially from Trump, Harris, Biden, Hillary and Bill Clinton, RFK, Jr., Cornell West, Michael Bloomberg, and I am only mentioned the rotten candidates or actual presidents of the United States of sickness that have come and rushed to get movie and tv promotions from the English Crown, going through the very evil and insidious portal of rotten ugly prostitutalina and shit pig pitt, who have been awarded every year after stealing MY ideas non-stop while they yell "shut up" at me as they ask me for ideas, and then they yell at me and torture me for having any ideas that aren't perfectly adoring of the mediocre evil shit that they are continuously foisting upon the public shich loves them for the lies they cling to in order to assuage the lack of responsibility that Americans have for all this violence that has been ongoing.

The rotten shit who make commentary about the insanity of current political and societal events are fully aware and have participated in this terror contract upon me. All want a fully established monopoly to continue to divert the public from attention on the serious issues that really are the threat, and rather it's  more like endless sensationalism disguised as societal/political commentary.

**Hacking is non-stop persitent which means this post will be rewritten and mostly hacked and discredited by hackers.

After the most precious of my "love-making" which is only a combination of artificial stimuli, plus torture poisoning agony of my body and  being stuck with no support and presidents trickling down this shit column of greedy and stupid minions (pig shitalina are minions doing their best to posture in elite aristocracy postures and derived from my classical music background which the entire group is deriding because it's only supposed to be intended for white supremacy as image of elite classical operatic and musical entitlement. Me barred and excluded even when they steal my ideas from my decades of listening to classical music in addition to punk and goth and country (just a bit) and rock n roll and etc.

But the German scumbag parasite then had my hair cut out, my scalp damaged, and injection of sharp metal objects under both middle fingers which are deformed, the nails on my left index finger were sliced on all sides, the cuticles are gone so t here is only a sliver of a nail in the middle of that finger, and there is so much more I just write a tiny bit of the damage that they have inflicted

but after all these most loving blow jubs the pig ape German shit is hugging dirty ugly prostitutalina, insulting my body as part of the protocol system, is smug and gloating, has brought his wife/lover/friends to gang rape me with blows to my face, punching my breasts. and then cutting into my body after attacks forcing me to drive and carry such huge loads due to the 4 hours they stole from my routine in blocking every single thing. They also had people jabbing me with elbows as they walked into me and while I was paying at a cash register some huge asian man with his female partner pushed me aside literally as I stood while the woman was checking out my groceries, right in the middle--shoving a receipt and saying in Thai that there is a problem. She told him she was working with me, he bumped me again and walked to my otheer side and kept telling her to stop checking my food out and help him with some 'problem" with his receipt. I began to yell in a voice that was not mine, the mind control from stress permeated my boundaries of normal calm as I yelled and said "what the fuck" very loudly--which came blasting out of my mouth because it was being injected subliminally.

And more and more.

And so, a clump of hair fell out after I had been drugged and raped and tortured bullied beaten and abused while shitting out the poison that the Nazi filth of shitalina and her English Crown partners had poued into my body, as they, too, stuck their filth penises in my mouth, slapped my face, called me bitch and I told them I "loved" them while I was in a hyper-state of sexual all-engulfing "passion" absolutely artificially rendered and also from YEARS of non-stop torture by all the shit creeps on every level of society, constantly every single place possible i am under attack and all landlords, my family, and now Trump is having the sustaining life-supporting govermnmment agency lie and abuse me for his threat and coercion over me in addition to years of  having s hit ugly pig men (mostly the Europigape men are like this, so obviously this is part of the culture of porn that came directly from the genocidal porn of the Nazi soldiers and all the fellow Nazis from every other country all behave the same way--Americans are striving as stringently as possible tto emulate this as well.

They use some special technology upon me that is impossible to negate in the drugged and in this recent case--I am ALWAYS attacked while in deep sleep state or very sick from drugging or detox. 

The shit gang of Europigapeland controlled American filth, who all have their mansions in Paris, Italy or Germany or in some other "elite" white supremacy nazi country in Western Europigapeland--

watch on smug, delighted as Harris has inflicted this with Obama and Clooney who is thrilled that all the years of him urging filth pig pitt to violently attack me poisoning me and abusing me so that  boring mediocrity who is so famous for movies I don't consider even good much less great--can have an empire with his nasty Iranian Nazi wife who poses as a "feminist" supporting women who have been beaten in domestic violence and rape situations.

How disgusting, ugly and sinister they all are.

Can't ever get a single person to intervene.

But as happened with Trump when he sexually beat and assaulted me using the same Europigape tech and protocol system, his failing campaign rose within one month skyrocketing into highest orbit--just as happened in the last 3 days with Krapola who has been paid in multi-millions for her support of absolute CRIMINAL violence heaped upon me, as Obama has partnered with Hillary and Trump for all these years; all claiming they are opposing one another but all are rape culture fiends friends.

Can't anyone ever fucking protect my human rights and stop a criminal group from constantly inflicting their lying bullshit upon the |American public and society?

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...