Because I am saying no, have been saying No to rotten men who teleport and rape me, after decades of rotten men performing "liberal" and "friendly" roles but then date-rape drugging me, sexually exploiting me, and then callously dumping me with hate, using antisemitic commentary and making a mockery of my sexuality until by the year 2000 I was finished and had determined to remain celibate until I actually had established a "real" relationship.
That began 24 years of non-stop teleportation rape by this filth shit organization until now, I am dealing with every single president of the United States, it's wife, it's children, it's followers, and then the presidents, the nominees for president, from the "other" side and this has been ongoing for 14 years non-stop.
I have literally been physically fighting to get them off me and to stop the endless drugging/extraction of my utmost passion and loving sexuality which they then use beatings, abuse slapping and poisoning as their only response, then verbal abuse instantly after I am forced to "give all my love and life force" as they demand that I compliment them. Then, these are all turned into video recordings, the recordings are passed around as "dark web" pornography but selling me off--the pig shit from Whorewood have obtained millions and millions and millions of dollars from all of this PLUS THE IDEAS THEY STOLE which also, because the ideas are so outside of the Whorewood limited mental boundaries, outside of the safe "good girl" zone that the porno-prostitutes are "allowed" to think along, but if they torture and abuse the ideas out of me, they are allowed to make huge-budget blockbusters by Disney and etc using the ideas I have been writing of .
Because I told ugly shitalina that I don't consider her anything beautiful, she has urinated on me, had at least 30 men rape and beat me, and has been awarded top "women's advocate" by the UN and by the White House by Trump and Biden alike.
After having written about this for years, it's still ongoing and is going on right now.
Therefore, trying to stop this filthy German fuck pig ape from more rape and beatings, I am fighting him now in teleportation. My body is so broken down from years of poisoning they have broken everything in my home and body. They are trying to make me die from internalizing the hate and abuse and so I write to get the stress out and to try, once more in vain, to get any response of humanity and it is zero, nothing from all the leaders of the United States and from everywhere.
Today the pig apes once again turned off my electricity for hours. They never alert me, they just turn it off. I have to parcel my monthly budget to the point that every bit of frozen meat that is destroyed will destroy my plans for the month.
I just put more soil in pots on my patio to grow vegetables. The filthy dirty Nazi pig ape was constantly asking me about every single thing I did, only for the purpose of destroying, poisoning and taking away any single thing I like, do or to learn about my healing methods so this filthy pig can steal any idea possible and if possible, profit off it.
I have been doing self-massage, so the pig under threat of being beaten in teleportation and he began hitting my breast while I was doing self-massage--he told me that in addition to giving him fellatio twice a day, I must now massage his whole body as I am doing for myself, because I can't afford to pay for massage but this filthy pig can. I began to tell him I am not his slave, he hit my breasts and continued the rape while I was sleeping. His porno sexual energy is so heightened at his concentration camp pig ape fantasies that in my pain state, my spine glued with hard poisons that I must fight to rip out every day and then deal with endless hate, torture with electronic weapons, adn the hate of shit creeps surrounding me.
I then began to deal with the older pots of soil that had been doused with fungus and urine. All plants I have grown for the past 2 years have been killed slowly and methodologically with fungus and urine put into every plant pot. I was very carefully throwing out the stinking soil and holding the bowls of filthy soil outside the patio bars of the balcony, making sure that I did not spill anything on the levels below. Freshly planted pots with vegetables I had just finished yesterday while this German shit pig ape was makin every comment every action of surveillance to observe what to destroy if I didn't sucki his filthy pig thing and love him as he is insulting slapping raping and abusing me with ugly prostitutalina watching on, giving the pig filth ape free promotions not for his acting but for being an agent psychologically transmitting Nazi mentality through the agency of media representation (usually, as this filth pig scumbag has done, claiming they are "shocked" by what the Nazis did, but can't wait to replicate it with a huge erection and sadistic cruelty and abuse and death threats and increasing violence aimed at me).
The electricity was turned off again today after the huge gathering of the black "liberal" politricians and the "feminists" who have had men raping, beating and their black and brown and white trash minions deform my body, pour poison into my body until it's completely deformed, broken down, slathering damaging chemicals on my skin, hair until I am unable to even look at my body any longer
the ugly bitches then called me a "bitch" and began the abuse and torture as I yelled that they were all shit and their crap moves and lying political expressions were so much shit to me and I will not help them if possible
they turned off my electricity
I wrote letters to the landlord demanding that this endless electricity turn-off be stopped. He responded that I had "ruined" the clothing of the shit terrorists in the room beneath mine--no one lives there, I know because I can hear everything around me and know no one is there. It was the usual lie. the threat of not only eviction but of calling the police was made as response to my angry set of emails about the power being turned off-as it was turned off last week, and the week before that, and the power is turned off at random at least once a month for over 5 hours--my food spoiling, me forced to leave as the heat is unbearable in this hot box metal torture chamber with stinking fungus everywhere the stench is unbearable unless I have fans blowing constantly.
I now am going to throw the pots out, as this next "punishment" for fighting back at the ugly bitches who are just turned on and addicted to the hormones of torture is an endless addiction that they can't even stop if they "wanted" to. The endless awards and free deals these pig shit whore bitches are handed constantly--constantly they are "awarded" at the Oscars, constantly they are handed every production cost. The shit movies they made before they obtained this terror technology from Rambo and the Mafia Miami filth who were pounding poison into my body and raping me to death with poisoning for years, as they are still partners and the awards that both Trump, Obama and Biden have handed them all, with Hillary just disgusting obtaining also awards at the same time for her shitty fake "feminist" women tv shows.
So the "punishment' for me fighting once more and writing in what is unbearable, which to the filthy ugly pig ape bitches attacking me is a non-stop "fun" joke and free everything to worthless pieces of shit who have millions and millions of dollars and can't fucking pay for their own production costs, and before they latched on to endlessly assaulting me they NEVER WON these awards at Oscars. It's been non-stop torture to death for me and them being handed invitations to the White House, every single Europigape mansion, deal, vineyard, all production costs paid for the shit movies that are put into top notch production with shitty themes and my ideas permeating most of the productions, if not blatantly stolen from me. for writing about the theft they bring in more Europigape shit whore bitch "men" who rape stick their filthy dirty pig meat into me slap abuse insult and call ugly prostitutalina so much more 'beautiful".
All I do is fight to heal from the decades of Nazi bitch pig apes like shitalina the blondish white Nazi filth who make sure I am bloated, deprived of health care, while they are having filth pig men rape the poison into my body. The men are so turned on by murder in this way they can't even stop.
and i just wrote some posts and as usual knew that no one fucking will do anything and if so, only such a meager expression but usually any reduction is a ploy to get me to believe that writing actually makes a difference. The shit stupid ugly bitch whores then steal as many ideas and profit and are paid to steal the ideas and are handed awards, automatically no matter what as the productions are the highest paid elaborate sets possible.
That the United States is in serious decline for the filth that thes group of stupid ape bitch ugly whores have handed to their fellow performer Trump, with now Obama, Hillary and et al just wallowing in how much Trump got out of torturing me, so they jump in as viciously racist, sleazy and disgusting or even worse than trump in that regard. The sexual violence aimed at me under the vicious antsemitism of biden and obama is far worse than what happened under trump.
And still, no one can even bat an eye. The expectation of free everything for joining in or doing nothing is so high and the destruction of the society and the planet continues unabated.
I am threatened with police action and eviction for throwing fungus and urine saturated soil out of my patio, my arm at full extension dumping the dirt as far away from the ledge as possible. Any clothing they claim the non-existent neighbors below me were "ruined" hanging out to dry would have been inside the patio at 3-4 feet from the ledge that I extended my hand and arm over to dump thick and clumpy soil--which would not drift down but were solid saturated pieces
but the endless lies the landlord has used to attack me. The years of this group killing my plants.
so I now must remove all the plants. I was trying to grow food to eat. The German sick fuck ugly bitch pig ape was just watching every single goddamn thing I was doing--he also brought on a rape posse of German pig apes to assist to probably the piece of shit making the questions was one of his rape accomplices.
Endless "you are a bitch and (shitalina) is much much more beautiful than you" as this filthy ugly sick creep has been embraced, handed promotions, incentives from the English-Crown controlled media 4th Reich "empire" that has only increased with the advent of this tech and me being the PERPETUAL POISONING TORTURE DRUGGING ABUSE VICTIM
and this is now "woke" this is actual real racism and real sexism.
Black Nazis proliferate as usual, watching on. Former presidents current presidents former house speakers current house speakers endless representatives and senators so many celebrities I can't count them if I wanted to any longer\ but under Biden it's been non-stop rape and rape and rape. The rape whore ugly prostituted skank from Whorewood, shitalina, has been completely awarded, praised, invited multiple times to the White House, pig pit has obtained filming at the British race car elite party for his welcome of everything Enlish and 4th Reich into America with him receiving mansions, more billions, endless Oscars year after year for allowing the 4th Reich to proliferate. The politicians have obtained mansions, ensured political hegemony and relevancy. All rail against Trump but operate alongside him in attacking me.
When the fuck will there ever be "the adult in the room" regarding this sick fucking hell that so many know about, and only wait in line to participate.
The United States is now openly a failed state and yet the stupid pig apes continue, assured that they will always have their Europigape and Whorewood mansions and elite entitlement and their nepo-shit spawn as well.
And there is, is there--nothing out there that has even an iota of human rights concerns about this situation, not just about me-as this group is constantly pushing and craming into me, no one fucking cares about me, that this is happening to me is "normal" that I am a slave to be raped and beaten disfigured tortured to death with a baby forced out of me so another piece of worthless shit you all worship as a celebrity of lying posturing politician can obtain a virtual empire, and all the rest are assured that they will also be handed the same.
So I now have to throw away the potted plants I just put seeds in yesterday because this filthy German piece of filth was watching for anything to take away, destroy and every possible opprotunity to stick his pig meat in my face slap it and call prostitutalina the ugly parasite so much more beauitful. Yeras of that parasite feeding off torture, hormone addicted to violoence and shit pig pitt being handed every production cost for huge budgets that are slated without question to "win" the Oscars.
An empire of sleazy and meaningless celebrity shit has rushed to join into this new cartel.
The one involved in politics in a most visible way right now has been part of this for years. He is playing his role in swaying the "sheeple" into following the power cartel of H-wood and the White House as a direct conduit of opportunity for Whorewood production for the nepochildren and media coverage of every fake, lying expression of solidarity with the victims of this 4th Reich to which they are firmly dedicated to making people destitute, disempowered (but not as much of they are "black" or "good" Jewish Nazis doing what I am fighting to not participate in, allowing for racist Nazi abuse to be the only pattern that my life is "allowed" to exist within).
90 min later
discovering that the artistic tiles I had put on my patio--stained with yellow goo, permanently stained years ago so I put two layers after the terrorists destroyed the first layer. Making sure that there was no dirt whatsoever under any of the tiles
this same landlord threw items yelling in my room as loudly as possible so the Nazi terrorists could gloat with joy at the fascist abuse upon me, as he tried to break the trellis I had made, removing all the beautiful flowering vines I had grown for over 3 years which grew to the top of the patio on this completely-covering lattice structure I had made by hand. Yelling with violent and throwing object threatening police action saying that I was pouring water on the clothing of the creeps below my room who were going into my room, spraying stinking filth, goo, raping and dislocating my hips every single day--making hateful ugly noises every time I walked onto my patio which they still do, but two floors beneath this room. The room beneath mine has been vacant since Covid.
The two layers of decorative tile upon which I put the 4 large pots for plants had NO DIRT under them when I first began the new project to grow more plants 2 years ago. Every single plant has been killed for the past 2 years, but I really can't afford to pay for vegetablers and I am trying to do ONE SINGLE THING THAT NORMAL PEOPLE ARE ABLE TO DO WITH THEIR PATIOS WHICH IS TO GROW PLANTS. The sick filth terrorists, prostitutalina and shit pig pitt and the rest, joyfully stole my cat from me, broke her ribs, tortured me and used my cat as leverage and now 14 years later, the last time I saw her she had been so badly abused she screamed and cried, clinging to my leg in terror after Rammstein reacted to my post observing that the sexual abuse allegations were in line with every single sick fuck who joins in this teleportation who later has a law case for rape and assault and abuse--
they then had my cat tortured by Baryishnikov--who also had used a retractable knife to stab me in the abdomen because I was fighting off the two German women who are now partnering with this German rapist male--and as I tried to get him off me on the first night of rape, the german women surrounded me and stared at him expectantly. In came a group of Germans gang raping me with this vile German scumbag who I kept screaming to get off me. but in the deep sleep state my body also needs some physical contact and yes, even sex.
But, today, after this endless outrage, I had to remove the two layers of tiles and I see that at least half an inch of solid black dirt muck had been placed under the tiles. This is part of the endless stinking filth so my living space is saturated with fungus, mold (thusly another covert murder attempt, in addition to non-stop poisoning of the most horrific poison, so combined cancer or sepsis would inevitably result, the terrorist pig ape Nazis and Mafia shit all hope. Meanwhile filthy ugly prostitutalina has been profiting off this contract and had posters of her filthy ugly face wearing the "Satanic" costume of that Disney movie from which she derived my analysis of |Andrea Dworkin's Woman Hating book--all stolen by that ugly and sick stupid skank piece of white trash--glorified and plastic surgery coated for all her life and sexualized but so devoid of actual sexuality that it turns her on for me being raped but giving love in a deep sleep teleoported state to men slapping my face while sexually abusing me as she watches on, lovingly caressing their ugly filthy pig faces in a sexual action and then the stupid apes get tours, get lead roles, and they are all flouting how antifascist they all are, constantly and how much they are fighting violence against women.
But now, after lifting up the 10 stinking, blackened filthy tiles which had been pristine even when the landlord took away all my plants, trying to rip apart my trellis (spanning the entire patio, built all by hand in successive attempts for years the terrorists rush in and rip off pieces and shred parts and spray stains on it and all artistic endeavors I make and all clothing I make by hand as well)
So it's a pile all the way across my patio of 1/2 to 1 inch thick fungus/mold stinking black muck because the terrorists make sure to spray, pour and put filth under every item so the filth accumulates.. They spray mold into things--I had to throw away a dish soap dispenser in my bathroom yesterday because it was riddled with black fungus on the bottom. That was recently done as I refill it very often and it was sweet and pungent a few weeks ago, now gone it's coated with black fungus on the bottom (or mold)..
This goes on and on and on. \When I was in uncongnizant "compliance" to this group of foul shit, years and years ago, the filthy pig men would drug, date rape me, arrange for sex meetings disguised as "friendly" outings but almost never performing a single act of romance--but I was under, always the delusion that this was an opportunity for a real "relationship" and never, for one second, considered any of it one-night sex sleaze abuse exploitation never had the inkling this was happening to me. The creeps all played the "liberal" facade that the shit now attacking me also play--absolutely sleazy, loveless but they can caress and play out the actions but they suck out life force from me via abuse so they can "feel" anything after years of torture they are pumped up and paid and promoted and they are addicted to watching me get tortured and raped. I am now cleaning up stinking filth once more, which is all I do every single day as the filth is everywhere, coated on literally every single inch of this tiny room and ALL clothing is saturated with foul substances.
Once asleep, I will be raped again and in a drugged and extremely "sensitive" physical artificially-induced "erotic" state. The pig will force his greasy filth into my body in a most ugly way, slapping my face while his violence is his huge turn-on. .The audiences will watch the "porno" experience and I will be fighting to not react but not being able to control it, and when I try to pull away he begins punching and hitting me and I am extremely sick and exhausted from physical violence abuse and torture froom years and years and years and years and years an dyears an dyeras and years non-0stop every day night ongoing never ending. Shit rotten Obama and his wife and the Whorewood group were there observing and smug because I called Obama a |Black Nazi a few days ago, enraged j ust as I was with filthy shit Oprah who also stole my ideas, hugged prostitutalina and like all the Black fuckers are absolutely engrossed in racism against me, smug, laughing and being awarded invited and living in mansions alongside white trash rape culture of the Me 2 bullshit operation to oust the Jewish director and replace him with white nazi rape filth bigots and the me 2 shit whores all lautghing and partying because they can now become the abusers, just like the black shit can become the abusers, and obama has been there all along waiting for his opportunity to exloit me continuously as has been ongoing for at least since 2013 or 2012--with Hillary and et al
I tried so hard to find any politician who would protect or just stop this, that when Trump began running on the platform that he was so independent he didn't take any money from Dark Money donors but instead was a patriot and etc lie blah blah, I only CLICKED on a photo of him hacked on my Facebook page, and years later he is trying once more to have my money stopped for not wanting him to continue to destroy my life, to destroy my country, and to destroy the environment, and I just want something finally that is not a fucking sick disgusting piece of rotten lying shit finally in control or in power in some respect.
I now just have written the 10,000th post about this ongoing shit hell and still I doubt anyone will give a damn. The main point of all this is that no one will intervene, that means that my legitimacy as a human being is now negated by "the establishment" and reinforced by the Jewish lying shit like |Ratskin who is the puppet yapping about Constitutional Rights and being one of the most vicious and abusive bullying violent physical assault sexist unconstitutional creeps but they are such rotten and foul corrupted evil filth.
It is unbelievable what "evil" is there. So I must clean up the representative of what they are, muck, filth, piles of shit and they are all wiped clean and promoted by the obviously incompetent Biden and the absolutely corrupt Trump, by the really evil duplicitious Obama that the liberal Nazis adore because like Oprah he so cleverly plays "liberal" while enforcing white supremacy and elitist entitlement with all his banker bailouts he could not fool all the people all the time but still the liberal Nazi folk still adore him--as they also hack their bullshit onto my youtube channel to likewise get a piece of the fascist pie which they all secretely devour as much as possible out of. The list of the "liberal" personalities involved in this, with Obama and the rest of the "|Demo-rat crew" is just sickening and pathetic. The state of the nation is now in utter near ruins and absolutely as a result of this contract out on me, which has brought out the most corrupt and insidious fantasies of sexual and violent exploitation while allowing for mediocrity skank whores to be promoted by stealing my ideas as they destroy jmy body, beauty, my life, my cat my most loving cat was all I had left and they still won't return her. They are demanding a baby out of me. I pray for their destruction every day the thought of having anything to do with helping this group of shit to continue to wreak th is destruction upon my life, my country and my planet is abomination.
Obama has fully imbibed the fascist mentality from so much white supremacist approval for his participation and full endorsement of this contract out on me, which I believe actually helped up Obama into power for a few reasons I will not elaborate here as it will sound, even moreso than the "rantings" I write under mind control and hacking and blocks to my brain by remote tech and assault and stress and ranting rage because 14 years of torturing me is never enough for this group of filthy shit.
Because I told Obama after the debate fiasco from Biden that I believe he has been part of this violence aimed at me for many years and I was enraged about how he's coming back to now in-person participate. The training for absolute cruelty and dehumanization that is part of the package of genocide Nazi training has been thoroughly inculcated into the Obamas (wife and undoubtedly children as well, as usual these scumbags all have their rotten shit incompetent children on board).
So, because I was angry, did not pander to the fuck I never liked, I thought Obama was a black antisemite and saw in him the many upwardly mobile who attack me, have attacked me. Unfortunately this is so classic repetition that it's sickening. Gone is the erudite posturing that made Obama appear to be less of a goon thug, but now he's just like rotten hateful violent material that has absorbed entitlement to the core of his fabric, frayed and tattered but resewn with mind programmed Nazi protocols so it's a patchwork of cognitive dissonance--almost--but mostly just lying and posturing and "fighting" for black rising with the inevitable scapegoat that racism relies upon foisted onto Jews completely. That is the aim, that is what the culmination of the Black Rights Movement has resulted in, in terms of what the 4th Reich has culled and eliminated of authentic persons fighting against racism, and only installing those, including Jews, who will fully implement antisemitic policy disguised as all kinds of benevolent posturing rhetoric.
so he urged this German scum filth puke to beat and rape me because I made the usual, under hypnosis, teleportation and truth serum, correct observation, as I had done with Oprah, that these are fixtures of post-modern slavery refurbished into articulate and educated polished knobs which are used as portals for deception that there is "change" but f-u to me from Obama as my years of fighting and the advance I had made was when I was out of the jurisdiction of Obama and the point is to destroy all I have ever done--while the same shit crap people are endlessly stealing my ideas, being promoted for insults abuse and rape--and so obama got a German fucker who loves black people, the Germans love blacks the blacks say--they say that Germans are so wonderful and they are not racist. They are only racist towards me, the blacks gloat and accuse me of being the problem and that they are superior to me because the Germans treat them with such love and respect. Therefore, because they are so brainwashed by white superioirty, they are in a sort of delusional heaven of being included in what they consider to be the elite and are furiously looking "down" at me when I am actually fighting racism; as none of the fuckers who teleport me ever have. they make statements and then they join in with the 4th Reich--this includes all the minorities and the white trashy skanky feminists who are rape enthusiasts for the same reason that Obama got a good friend a German to rape and beat me--watching on, entitled and gloating along with the English Crown skank portal prostitutalina who is also handing rotten obama tickets to ride the 4th Reich train out of london.
I never want to help this fucking group of fucking shit to have any more advantages. They have been ONLY obtaining advantage for brutality towards me and the longer I fight the onset of the fascist nazi takeover the more people join in--I mean, the more pieces of pig ape shit join in---
the country is on the brink of economic collapse, the homeless situation has exploded, the "civil war" is on the brink as well, the constitution is on the brink, the environment is on the brink, the U.S. Dollar is on the brink
and ALL OF THIS HAS OCCURRED SINCE THIS TECHNOLOGY WAS HANDED TO TRUMP BY OBAMA so the rotten Obamas could make tv shows about black psychopathic mass killers on killing sprees because that is all that they learned as presidents and the children of presidents is how to adore mass consumerism and gyrating black nazi pop singers and how to kill and how to have a power struggle with the approval of the 4th Reich German Nazi imitation machine.
I so encourage people if anyone is reading this to have different people put into power and stop stop stop repeating the same mistakes of the same people returning to run for president because if you stop believing in the liberal mythology that these pieces of rotten shit (Hillary, for example) is a "hero" as some call her--I can't understand--for exactly WHAT is that skank dirty lying murdering bigot rotten creep a "hero" because she copies and imitates feminist jargon? Because like Obama she flouts "liberal" freedom but is really a money-raking vicious murderous bigot like Pig-lousy is as well?
Americans love this fake rotten shit. The more sugary bs they spout, the more they are beloved. That goes in exponential triplicate for Trump.j
The torture is not going to stop despite my writing once more and writing and writing and nothing ever changes this onslaught of shit pouing on me every day for hours with absolute hate. All I am doing is trying to ignore these fuckers and get them off me, have them pay me for years of blocking my ability to have self-sustaining income with poisoning and torture and they had people put my hips and spine out of alignment every single day after raping me--
how much more absolue torture before anyone actually gives a fucking damn? They care about Palestinians but could not give a fucking damn about this endless antisemitism (and I am not of that disapora or religion, actually trhey are trying to force me into a category so they can dismiss my every attempt and capability due to just demanding that people who are not as white as this page are somehow supposed to never achieve more than the pig apes without playing the subordinate role--which I have tried to do but the pig apes were killing me anyway so now I just can't stand them\don't want this shit in power can't stand them am trying to not let them have this huge contract if I just can't fight any longer\why the fuck can't anyone ever intervene goddamn you rotten fuckers reading this just allowing the utter destruction of America to continue like this
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