Friday, July 19, 2024

This German rapists is going on and on forcing his sleazy porn rape upon me while in deep sleep, freshly after injecting drugs in my body somewhere, and then going at me with slaps, sleazy sick porn abuse, and the audience is the French, English and American pi gapes who have joined into murdering me, getting deals for their shit tv shows and movies, and they sit in rows watching as this sick dirty German ugly creep sticks h is filthy greasy pig penis in my mouth while my body is put at the height of an artificial, drugged sexualized state that is uncontrollable. I repeat and do what this disgusting ugly stupid pig is demanding because my body is in agony from the attack on my central nervous system which is used to create an artificial "desire". //He was sent to attack me by Black men and Jewish men who have made bs presentations about how "yes you can" and "I am a victim of racism" highly publicized and over-paid promotion of a false oppositional narrative intended to assuage the population into a false sense of security.//The post I wrote yesterday about this group of German, English and French sick and rotten fucks, who consider that their mediocre acting capabilities and lack of soul, love and compassion which some may believe are prerequisites for acting capability--all scions or nepo-spawn of former actual performers and artists--(I'm not sure about the rotten ugly French skank but all coming out of wealth and "entitlement" ) so the only single way they can be promoted into any high performance is through their parents and money, and akin to their lack of actual real and highest talent, through the "aristocrat" rape and abuse of someone who they are trying to poison, mutilate and endlessly abuse into claiming the Europigape classification of "lower" as they are just supposed to be automatically deemed "upper". Blacks having proven endlessly that they are fully hip to being square with the Nazis, they are getting a boost, as are the Jewish nazis who viciously abuse me endlessly like vicious grasping hyenas snarling yapping yelling constantly. //They ask me endlessly for my opinion which is ATUALLY ANTI RACIST, ANTI RAPE AND ANTI FASCIST. I have become the one sole abuse totem for promotion because they torture and rape and abuse me, i scream I can't stand them, the pig ape men come back and back to rape me as long as the huge amount of sexual energy they emit somehow triggers a reaction out of me in deep sleep, albeit while I am awake I scream that they are ugly, stupid, I can't stand them and this is all an artificial construct they nevertheless make performances, sticking their friends genitals in my face as well (the german pig ape is a disgusting and foul piece of shit and his friends are coming for rape as well) as the shit from America who have been born and raised in Whorewood--are sitting smiling because of the Europigape indoctrination that has permeated Whorewood they are fully as abusive as any overlord of a Feudal tyrannical murder regime--so they attack me because under non-stop torture, I am actually genuinely expressing resistance agaisnt fascism, Nazism and mafia and their culture. No one else is even slightly authentic in their vicinity all the posturing bs operators of Whorewood are outright liars--and this is becoming apparent with the Democrat Party and is openly so with the Repugs with their lying non-stop deceptions about almost everything, in plain sight. Therefore, because shit whorewood must continue to manufacture a false deception about being "woke' they torture me to obtain ideas. The pig apes then steal the ideas and brutalize poison and mutilate and abuse for hours each dy to prove to the 4th Reich "Dark Money" donors that they truly are antithetical to anything but a complete fascist, Europigape take-over of the United States. This includes the lying shit that Obama and his ilk are--that is the lead Democrat Party members really absolutely fascist Nazi and racist, only that racism for blacks now entails absolutely attacking Jews (i.e. me) and I am now the most sought-after promotional stepping stone for every single mediocre sick fuck and every established rotten pig ape of Whorewood and their international Europigape shit coming to TAKE OVER AMERICA

 They want absolute power and control

the sleazy ugly dirty German pig ape piece of rotten shit, handed over to beat and rape me from Obama after I said, under teleportation torture and drugging, that the 14 years of Obama having assisted in non-stop torture, attempted murder, poisoning and rape along with rotten dirty Biden and Hillary makes him a Black Nazi. In response, characteristically, he sent a German piece of sick dirty stupid shit to stick his huge filthy penis in my face and slap and abuse me and then grovel with love to the English and French shit whores who have participated in the poisoning and mutilation of my body for over 14 years.

So I write this because i NEVER liked fucking Whorewood. I have been against Whorewood all my life. I have never liked any of the actors or politicians who have rushed to assault me

My perspective is what they all claim to represent but in reality are absolutely 180-degrees antithetical to every single nuance of all that I scream in reaction to this outrage that has also helped bigot shit Biden and Obama the most foul lying filth and the endless line-up of Democrat and Repug creeps coming to fascistically abuse and torture me while they are constantly asking me "why don't you like t this?|" as i scream out the answers every single day for hours, they steal the idaes once more. Over 14 years of this going on every single day with at least 500 Whorewood celebrities, hundreds of thousands or even up to a million of pig ape Eurotrash and Russian shit attacking me viciously while I am in public in just the past 14 years.


The German filth bucket of Nazi expectation of instant affirmation that due to the endless decades of Nazi programming, he is automatically to be assumed as being "superior" while at the same time, this group has endlessly thwarted my every single thing in life that I worked on for my success---literally from growing plants, to having a pet, to having any pets, to having my body health as it's been mutilated poisoned with intention to internally suffocate and paralyze me by the shit now coming to violently assault me for reacting in rage after they have been promoted for years and years for this behavior and terrorism--both Trump, Obama who are essentially partners in this power game have come at me with vicious violence for not putting for an awe-struck obsequiousness for the bs that they have done to me but are applauded by society because so many society members are fully as vicious or much more than the two "leaders" and then there's Biden who, fortunately, is probably too infirm to participate or something like that but sends endless Dem party proxies like hillbilly hillary trying her best to appear as grandiose as possible--

all the feminist lines that dirty hillary has used in her former iteration as an aspiring Democrat leader were derived from Jewish feminists as they has happily assualted me using Nazi race protocols so her "feminism" can further be promoted and awarded in a stupid tv show about "women"--some brown or black even, but all obsequiously bowing to Hillbillly Hillary the rape enabler and murdering lawyer cocaine party orgy skank and lying Democrat endless icon.

The French skank creep who assaulted me yesterday, and then told the German rotten ugly sick fuck to rape me in front of them all sitting in chairs watching as I was asleep, teleported, drugged (I woke up much later than usual today I was so drugged-up to induce this response)

I had written and I had to scream at this next sick ugly Europigape trash parasite that America is great or was great because of opportunity and not a closed Aristocracy boring mediocrity exalted by money and lack of opportunity. If anyone wishes to ask for any proof of this, please read the numerous Charles Dickens novels focusing on this theme (i.e. Little Dorrit, but you must watch the very hard-to-find 1980's English version and not the Vaseline bs version of the "romance" that came out in something like the 2000's--badly overting the entire social-block and aristocracy theme although, of course, not omitting it but refocusing on the more trivial aspects. The usual Whorewood bs tactic especially when they adapt serious novels of the 19th Century which came out when "radical" ideas were at the fore in Europigapeland spurring concepts such as Socialism, Communes, Communism and revolt against Imperialism and Colonialization (and slavery and the slave trade).


I screamed at the sick ugly French piece of crap, who is co-starring in a tv program about an American lead historical figure, which should center around the American revolution, but instead focuses on concentration of becoming as adapted to French aristocracy entitlement and thusly advocating for a Europigape cartel take-over of the United States NOW in this current epoch. 

To support this thesis of mine, they came to watch as the disgusting and putrid German filth rape porn f*** stuck his filthy greasy pig penis in m;y mouth, slapped my face and had his friends rape me likewise while I was unable to move--my body saturated with artificial electricity-induced immobility unable to think and my body forced into the highest state of sexual passion possible--completely not organic not induced by any desire for this filthy ugly stupid pig piece of shit from Germany who, because he forced this reaction out of me, is demanding that I move to Hamburg and be a sex slave rape torture and murder object for his filth group of Nazi shit to endlessly torture to death. That is what Obama the sick fuck handed over to me. The tv series I saw this putrid sick fuck appear on is about Nazis during WWII, and he has come completely with every Nazi cliche, antisemitic trope and the fucker who is sitting alongside the French whore is Jewish--out of Whorewood. Smiling with a sadistic glee once I "woke up" and began screaming and hitting this filthy ugly German piece of ugly shit, as they all laughed and watched on. .They forced my response of why I do not want Europigape Nazi shit to infiltrate my country--as I wrote above--I want NOTHING to do with this group nothing with the Whorweood celebrities who have proven to be anything but artists, anything talented, beautiful and desirable in any definition of the endless bs promotions that appear next to them that they have been paid in millions to believe about themselves.

I screamed at the rotten pair of shit, the Jewish |American scion of a famous actor now fully immersed in Nazi takeover so his lack of talent can be augmented by endless monopoly.. The Europigapes have convinced Americans that only they are superior and Aemricans by definition are inferior, especially me they all point to me as being of the Nazi cliched definition of slaughterhouse design.

I screamed that America should remain a place of opportunity and not nepotism with Europigape shit coming to demand that they are superior and hand all over to them, which is what the shit of Whorewood have been doing, including rotten shit Obama so his bs with his family can be endlessly script-written by Whorewood professionals so he can continue to sell the shit that "yes you can" but it only means "yes I can" and to me, it's a fascist response after more than a decade of him profiting off this contract on me. 


One hour later--remembered what was blanked out of my brain by the mind control tech; which I had thought of, so the thought-reading tech picked it up. The hacking and brain obfuscation was so intense as I began to rant that the whole thing was forgotten by the time I was pounding and fighting to rant clearly at the end of a very short post.

I had written that Obama's famous motto of "Yes You Can" (or was it yes we can?) I had transposed after a few years, by the time I had written this post on Facebook in around 2015 or so--probably earlier but within that time frame)was the I realized that Obama and his family were profiting off this contract that many years ago. They never openly participated in the teleportation until a few weeks ago--now the hate and the promotions for displaying outright Nazism and black antisemitism are so profoundly accepted, because, as I wrote above, there is NO RESISTANCE whatsoever in Whorewood to this takeover and the lemming skanks of Whorewood are jumping to the tune of money being poured onto every crap rapper who is a black victim of racism, now openly making antisemitic statements, in their movies and towards me (always first towards me).

Obama appeared, I was outraged from yeras and years and years of so many politicians being promoted for this contract of establishing a fascist Nazi regime with Blacks, Jews and so many other "minorities' fully complying---

but back in 2016, I had written in one of my Facebook posts, because everything I owned was being ransacked daily and destroyed or stolen so any written record, any USB stick, everything electronic is broken or destroyed an/or stolen (all my documents, almost all, have been stolen by this group or sprayed with brown goo and fungus repeatedly)

I was writing my creative ideas on Facebook which is how so many of the ideas that the shit assaulting me (pig shit pitt filthaprostitutalina and et al maggot robber and so)

I wrote that Obama's real phrase was "Yes I can" for himself, really as it's not a secret that he lied about almost all his campaign promises and funded the elite banking class (white privilege to which he has become a symbol of black Nazi participation) meanwhile still making the Nazi-trained postures about how incredibly elite and what promises of salvation he offers

and I wrote about this, and literally pig pitt stole the exact words, literally in which not his character but another character stole verbatim what I had written for the movie War Machine. That year that Pig pitt had been participating, because I said no to abuse sex from him so his crap family and himself could have more Oscars (but torturing me without end for the next 9 years has left him with a row of Oscars and awards) but, he stole it all for his movie titled "War Machine" (was that the actual title as I could not give a....)

that year he had part of my uterus severed out as punishment. He would have the ugly skeleton face when he told me that he was instructed to have parts of my body cut out as punishment. His group also killed a frog that was like a pet, killed every single cat I took care of who came for food I would give out, and was murdering me with poisoning and toxic shock, plus the enver-ending nightly rape,a buse and torture skits that are the non-stop never ending torture of me from this group of stinking filth and shit that you all worship because there are no other options and they are put into constant rotation and no one even mentions this in society that this is an absolute tyrannical monopoly over the influencing of the society by way of Whorewood. That Trump came out of this group still remains a silent acquiescence to the fascist overtake of the media--influencing Congress in ways that can be visibly seen as the rise of fascist Trump and his murder machine, inc waiting to come out and kill and rape and plunder openly using the tech, rewriting the Constitution and etc.

The bigot shit who are currently raping me with the American filth from Whorewood who have grown up with entitlement and they have all been trained that Europe First is the golden Rule--that includes Trump by the way.

They are trying to institute Nazi supremacy and that includes the French and English--all supported by the 4th Reich American greed and sleaze machine. Anything to stop me from having a chance to compete and win. I use "Me" to refer to the people they can't stand to see be able to compete against them and win. The German pig ape scumbag who is currently beating raping and having me drugged is the perfect example of the institutionalization of Nazi mentality brought-about by this  contract on me, which really is the impetus that put Trump into power.

His demand that I must pay homage to a Nazi cliche stereotype as opposed to actually observing whether he truly is capable or not is being enforced by torture, poisoning, drugging and rape and the pig ape shit of Whorewood, including the most famous of blacks, jews and feminists of that utterly despicable league of bullshit con sleazy snake oil rape and meaningless soullless shit possible, made to look attractive with millions and millions of dollars of facial reconstruction, plastic surgery, endless money poured into them and their images.

Me handed to them carte hlanche as a victim to torture, but who actually believes in equal opportunity and is against nepotism and for the chance for people to be able to have decency, free thought and freedom and chances to compete in the market--not in the white male entitlement approval zone but wanting to legitimately have one's own belief system outside of that boxed-in set of cliched stereotypes that they endlessly rely on for their claims of innate "superiority" without having to test the bullshit lie.


So now the 4th Reich has at it's disposal, endlessly handed out to every fringe and deadly group around the world, poisons, a litany of mind control drugs and technologies many of which are portable so a target can be chased around and every form of visual and electronic surveillance is used to attack the person using the mind control tech while the person is under surround attack by a host of terrorist scumbags who truly are sick and stupid, but that is in keeping with the general lack of actual and genuine capability of the leaders of these groups, extending to the highest ranks.

They have as their foundation a system that has already been established under law and constitutional practicality so they are not on shaky ground, not yet. 

What i have seen of the Europigape countries wiith theiir endless push to overtake America is first, for the Nazis, to foment a continuation of the genocide against the Jews, but then to take over and steal as usual all the Jews have worked for, their ideas and when it comes to me, to steal ideas because the filth from Whorewood are unoriginal and boring and sleazy and at the core, quite stupid as human beings just overpaid, told that their entitlement makes them supreior, and now with technology and torture and the emergent death squads that Trump and covertly the "liveral" sides all have at their disposal, the next genocide is slated to occur in the United States pretty soon. It will not have people transported to death camps but murder through poisoning and drugging within city limits or even in their own homes. 

The German scumbag pig ape now endlessly raping me as I respond as if I am in utter love to some worthless shit stupid ape, is transfixed on using brutal violence against me for not adhering to the Nazi claim of Master Race. With this tech and the group of dirty filth inferior shit, as I believe he is as well ,they can force a pasionate loving reaction out of me as this pig filth is beating and abusing me while I am passionately "making love" because my entiire body is transfixed on this immobile drugged and nervous system attack while the years and d ecades of torture4 and abuse and pain from poisoning have left me needing any kind of human sensitive touch.

This then is taken as an "insult" to me and never to the fucking pig ap epiece of shit nor the filth that is sitting in the rows. .That they are put into movies or tv shows is supposed to mean that automatically they are almost godlike and beyond any good or evil, beyond reproach and like Trump their asinine partner (as well as Obama, and Biden) they are all above any law they can get away with.

This is what they are now programming into Whorewood with the aid of the Jewish rotten fucking old man who played the concentration camp victim and the German shitbag scum who played the Nazi who was helpful to the Jews in a few select sexual enslavement cases. Every single aspect is a total lie about the performers and the production and everything that comes out of Whorewood regarding defending victims of racism, rape and elitism is a load of k-rap. 

I warn people endlessly as rotten Jewish Nazis of the media rush to abuse and insult and grab at me and yell fascistically at me and instantly they are promoted as well.

I warn people and have been doing so and the blacks who all join in are promoted and given oscars and movie roles and production companies. 

I then call them all whores as being paid to torture and rape someone makes them prostitutes. They return this that I worked in a feminist establishment which was working to counter the male rape culture. They can never understand this. But they will steal the ideas and ugly prostitutalina will certain steal it to sell as her "feminist" concept, just as Hillary had been and still is doing regarding the concepts of women's rights that she stole from other Jewish women.


The English pieced of shit female who joined in along with the rapist German fuck whore scumbag and his filthy dirty friends--she has partnered with Amber Heard, and the spawn of the rapist who was poisoning and beating raping me every day or every other day, in teleportation pushing me off heights from behind, teleporting me to Cannes so he could sexually abuse me in front of an audience, etc

she is now worming her way into the next violent Europigape-based rapist piece of shit. Her every platform for public attention is what a strong feminist/lesbian she is, so outlandishly sexually alternative with lesbian girlfriends--her boring media personality is offset by her modeling fame by the white trash German pig ape who pushed shit like her and the black english nazi into fame by using the skank Nazi woman as his posturing agents of propagnada for Nazi icongraphy--including the black most vicious and nasty stupid skank who has assaulted me not only in teleortation but also in Miami with some Italians watching closely by and she thereafter was featured in a major, of course Jewish-owned, modeling magazine (Ocean Drive--now destroyed because the Nazi 4th Reich kicked the Jewish originals out and there is almost nothing left but a horrible boring magazine with almost no content and zero originality--but they stole the original item and turned it into a thoughtless and drab reconstruction--which is what the Europigapes have done constantly since Hitler told the dumb pig apes that they were somehow 'superior' so they killed off their intellectuals and Jews and nothing much remains so the pigs have to come toAmerica to kill off the Jews, kill and steal ideas from the intellectuals (which I consider myself to be) and then kill them off (the rGerman pig ape is constantly threatening my life and rushing to punch me)

I told the English skank that I would not be flattered by an invitation to see a dance concert with her, as if her years of partnering with every fucking real bitch, not me but the real bitches as the rapists define women to be, after all the years of watching me poisoned and begging for my life for someone to stop this, she is now partnering once more with a German fuck who is raping me. I told him that it would not be a "social life" for me to be pushed out of targeted isolation and non-stop hate from dumb and shit scumbags who are all told that their violence makes them "superior" in human quality terms. Today he raped me brutaliy and had me gang raped, the skank spat at me, the ugly German pig ape rushed to violently punch me in the fface after I fought back and then began 2 or 3 hours of me screaming in rage about why I can't stand them.

This goes on every single day. Fully supported by the Democrat shit establishment, handed over from Obama to Trump to Biden. 

If anyone doesn't want a serious destruction of the United STates with a host of Europigapes and their stupid ignorant American mediocrities of Whorewood endlessly cranking out more shit and boring awful movies and fake elitist festivals for boring "artistic" movies which are made by Nazis whose only claim to superiority is using murder and violence, non-stop lies, stealing ideas and blocking opportunities--and then claiming old Nazi slogans about their elite Nazi status only because it has become a programmed paradigm throughout all the years of shit Whorewood pumping out this image and now they are putting outright Nazi-spewing bullshit pig ape German and English and French shit into Whorewood, who absolutely control the rotten shit coming from Congress who all want more movies and tv sh ows and interviews and media coverage and mansions in Italy, France and Germany. .America can fuck off and die, they could give a damn about America they are all working actually to destroy it from within. Literally they are being paid to do this by the Europigape trash whom they worship because of the Nazi iconography, the worship of French fascist fashion and the worship of the English royalty.

I wonder how much more destruction to the United States it will take before what I am writing now, as I have been only writing will will happen, has happened and is continuing to happen with untold endless violence aimed at me. The people I warned who then attacked me are now coming out publicly repeating what I had warned them of earlier, but never an iota of assistance to me for having been correct and in warning people to stop the conditions before a total catastrophe of society befell. They still allow this situation to go on, so they are all lying when they claim that they are concerned about the direction the country is going.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...