Sunday, August 23, 2020

Tim Yohannan as a tyke. Goofy smile and not-goofy legacy. Tim Yo is another cool, too-cool for school, hip and politically ultra-"radical" publisher/writer who just HAD to go far too early, well before his TIME.

Cancer Treatment leaves the brave Tim undeterred from a party and a concert

Issue #?
MAJOR LABELS: Some of your friends are already this fucked.

(not to mince words).

B4 Photoshop: the glorious cut-and-paste issues

A Patriot proudly displaying the American Flag in the pre-21st Century intellectual freedom. He and others like him are either dead or a dying breed (COINTELPRO and other programs to eliminate alternative thinkers and their work). The rest is the co-opted Maximumrocknroll with absolutely watered down commentary that lacks the cutting observations and freedom of obscene political rampage that were obvious in the earlier issues, back in the early 80's and when I was around that scene, even into the late 80's. I am not able to locate a single Tim Yo column or any of his writings on the site, although there are lists of earlier archives, mysteriously none of the writings appear. When trying to find the older issues I only get the cover page. Any search results in the 5-6 photos I pasted on this page, and no writing whatsoever from Tim Yohannan. He was a radical and a political activist that far surpasses what has taken over the fanzine now. 

I would write more in-depth about this and other subjects but hacking has made even surfing impossible. My writing is re-written by hackers, and what I do manage to get out is almost always stolen by the H-wood criminals you all call celebrity.  If I could make a list of movies and concepts that came out within half a year, one year, or two years after I wrote about these concepts--often stolen verbatim but turned into their mafia/Nazi/communist plot subterfuges which always receive highest acclaim it seems. But that is just another co-opting of works by people who are silenced in America. In other countries people have absolutely no chance whatsoever, and the education is so programmed that many cannot begin to think outside of the dangerous red lines they are threatened never to step outside of. Tim was one of those who encouraged people to step outside of all boundaries, and he had people writing with a freedom and lack of editing deletion and oppression of Freedom of Speech. Now all I write is blocked out, stolen and copied and I am tortured afterwards for having such thoughts. That is the State of America right now. I want to envision a future where I am not blocked or stolen from any longer and not drugged and incapacitated so bigot Ken And Barbie Nazi can steal ideas to claim as their so they can appeal to the "Millennial" generation which also does not want "me" to have any chance but they also steal whatever they can as well. Perhaps there will be some revival of past activism and a profound paradigm shift into some kind of real freedom of expression culture. The millions of bigot creeps who have nearly killed me so many times by now I cannot count them all any longer, operate for the Ken/Barbie Nazi bigot hate Communist Europhile pig apes who I cannot express enough chagrin or disgust about any longer. 

I plan on waiting, a sort of hiatus, as these unbelievably inhumane "people" attacking me have continuously threatened once again to injure my cat seriously--I have been sent a letter without instruction from the government which could have serious and dangerous consequences if this parody of legal action is not stopped due to the corruption of the administration and it's policies and practices.

I am not able to write about any of the creeps, crooks, pig apes whores scumbags who are attacking me who are "household" names but I swear, I would like to be able to write my own fanzine and have freedom to express anything that is within the limits of the First Amendment, which includes CRITICISM OF MAFIA NAZI BIGOT COMMUNIST WHORES WHO ARE TORTURING ME WITH GOVERNMENT TECHNOLOGY AND MILLIONS OF GANG STALKING SCUMBAG PIG APES which means most of you reading this--hacking in. Illegal of course. 

I think of Belarus and I think of America and I wonder if America is any less of a vassal slave state to foreign countries like Russia like that horrid criminal country that was absolutely destroyed by the Nazis, and these atrocities remain so over-looked as the "Jews" are made to endlessly look like victims and thus they remain targets. The pig apes of H-wood endlessly make this clear as they threaten me along Nazi genocide lines which they use as psyc-ops tactics to enforce victimization that they use as their own power grabs to ensure only their monopolies are never challenged. I also want to state that I stopped reading MRR when they endorsed one of the director's I just made reference to, an absolute bigot creep, and the review of this horrid, violent movie were like championing this violent psychopath movie crap, and I stopped reading MRR at that point (it was NOT a pristine alternative fanzine, I was also targeted by Tim but not like the scum out of H-wood by any means). And, if anyone can get my drift, I believe Tim was covertly assassinated with "cancer" because even though he was not perfect, he did defend me, he also had to oblige the pig apes the mafia Nazis--as he was under the authority of Jello Biafra who I do not trust implicitly as some "punk" icon. Tim was the manager or publisher but it was also fronted by The Dead Kennedys. However, what has transpired since I stopped having faith in this zine was that Tim is dead (assassinated I believe, because his content which was published is a far cry from what I can struggle to find and never obtain anywhere in all my futile searches for any meaningful content, anywhere.) 

Tim was a threat to the prevailing order. The Dead Kennedys are akin to the surviving punk band leaders who wanted to get filthy lucre and essentially "sold out" as the term goes. Some are absolute fakes by now. 

Tim is dead. I have written to MRR requesting information on how I can find Tim's old archived columns which were very entertaining and politically deviant. There were also sexual issues about feminism and all kinds of things that are still "taboo".

However, some of the punk bands may express their ideas through their music--it is hard to understand their lyrics and I gave up on MRR many years ago, feeling a huge bubble burst of deflated dismay at how badly the co-opting watered down content, made it "fun" and not dangerously political, and now the old writings which were so "dangerous" are not published and only the fanzine covers remain. I know that it is impossible that these older zines are gone forever and there is no access digitally. It is like censored and dangerous information, stuffed away in some archive or collector's stash. 

Too dangerous. He "had" to die of cancer. He allowed ANYONE to come in and out of that house in the San Francisco hills where mostly "yuppy" neighbors surrounded this very beautiful house he lived in. His income was far below the rent or purchase of this house, also. 

I will try to wait to write more, because I have written now what I had intended to write, but it is a very straightforward and angry diatribe. I did not put on that aluminum hat because I had no intention of writing about any of this today. I wanted to write, as I have wanted for years, to make short stories and I am absolutely unable to type or think. I got into this digression because the tech acts like a truth serum and I just go on and on in very clear and non-creative angry writing sprees instead of the creative fiction or other dramatizations or other forms of expression other than these posts which are rough material and all is stolen, none of this has a real copyright. I have put a copyright on this blog but none of the parasites who have been torturing me for years to obtain material in it's raw form, without any protection of legal copyright laws enforced, even if I have that symbol on this blog, which I do have, these parasite users, abusers, haters, rapists, racists, Nazis mafia et al will respect that little electronic copyright symbol.


Tim gave me the chance to write and he was absolutely supportive of me in almost every way. Despite the forces surrounding him demanding him to attack me, the threat is real for all surrounding me who do not want to participate in the attack system.

I wait for the time when what I write is not  turned into a rationalization to torture me, like some Belarusian tyrannical fascist dictatorship country. I wait for criminals out of the media complex to not be promoted for raping, abusing, exploiting and torturing me and then handed my ideas for their concepts but put in their name, as I fight to be able to buy food that isn't rancid, poisoned stale out of date and drugged. I wait for people to enforce the LAW where human rights are enforced under the US Constitution so I do not have to write about this online for a huge criminal organization to laugh about and make jokes over and gloat that their system is so all-encompassing around the globe that no president or any leader globally will intervene. 

I wait for the time when I am not endlessly hacked with no support or help and no recognition of my target situation.

As I fight and struggle to type I must as usual backspace continuously and fight to think without digression due to the mind control tech assailing my brain so I cannot function intellectually in any powerful way.

I wait for the time when people do not watch silently and scared of intervening for fear of losing their livelihoods or lives.

I do not just mean censorship, but my toes broken, my body cut into nightly when I cannot defend myself as terrorist break into my home every single day, repetitively all day, through cracks and panels, all the time, non-stop. Bruises, chemicals smeared on my skin and hair, my food poisoned--and if I write something about years of being teleported and raped, and tortured with this "covert" teleportation technology, I am physically attack if and when I write about their attacks. For years I never wrote or even resisted these attacks, mostly because I had zero conception of what literally thousands of people--in America--had been and still are doing using these terror systems and technology to steal ideas, thwart any attempt for me to produce, poisoning and drugging that is without end--nearly 10 years of fighting to remove poison from my body as I am continuously re-poisoned and drugged with bloating, and then hardening poisons in my food. Drugged into near comatose levels but aware enough to write ideas which are tortured out of me.

That is the state of freedom in America. The people who claim they are "Patriots" and are fighting for 'Freedom" also have a lot to do with these death squad activities. I mean the good, white Patriot communities I have lived around and they are adamant Nazis in covert terror organizations. They balk at this and claim they are just being patriotic, but without their "services" and coordination, this situation upon me would never have been possible.  Unfortunately, the people who are "alternative" in the inner cities, the "Progressives" who are calling their cohorts "brothers and sisters" gladly want to pas the burden of their self-proclaimed status as victims onto me  in this situation--as they also get promoted. All the extreme Right and extreme Left literally operate together to decide who is going to be silenced, and who is going to be "allowed" to have any expression whatsoever.

In the YouTube video political commentaries, I see people who are going on about almost the same ideas, repeating one another. Most of the "liberal" commentators simply are wearing alternative clothing and putting out concepts that are incongruous to their image: white, middle-to-upper class expecting entitlement. They go on about how inadequate the DNC Convention just was. They claim the Progressives have the answers to all the problems that Millenniuals are clamoring about in their marches and protests. The celebrities of all these groups teleport and masturbate in front of me--one of them did very recently--I could not interpret if he was acting just like the rapist white bigot Nazis who handed him the technology, who are now promoting him (and another one in his "group" who did the same thing, obscenity towards me, is just a female and not a male rapist--who endlessly is defending women in sexual harassment situations--) but, they are now promoted by the bigot media and are in the forefront of a notable protest movement in the media.

And....I am talking not just about any writing being blocked by endless hacking and hacker insertions, deletions and the DOS attacks that are continuous. But my body deformed, broken bones, accidents nearly killing me for writing in a drugged up rage about years of torture and violence, with millions of people participating. All across the planet, every single place it never ends for a second.

How can I wait for any change in the next few months, or within a year, or how much longer must I wait for any kind of defense against this situation and for any kind of justice and the "right" to WRITE what I want which is not a death threat or any violation of the FIRST AMENDMENT and not tortured, disfigured, or nearly killed for it? I was trying to write that for decades I never protested this situation and I went along, not understanding what was happening. They tortured me nevertheless because I wanted to have a happy life, with prosperity, and a chance to live in Freedom and the opportunity to advance in any way. Also to just be happy and beautiful physically and emotionally. All day, every day I must deal with hate and torture after I fight to write about these crimes while everyone just watches on silently never approaching me with any kind of protection. 

I write that I am waiting when I can write and not have my brain blacked out, my fingers unable to move, the keyboard so hard to pound letters on my fingers and hand hurt from endlessly pounding and fighting to type and backspacing almost every word to correct. 

Waiting for people to stop laughing and making jokes about the torture and violence that they or their friends are inflicting upon me--because they are being promoted for it, because they are "famous' because they are told they can get away wuth all crimes and rape and sexual violence is especially a gold star activity not just in H-wood but everywhere it is the same. Feminists participate by saying and doing nothing as their friends rape and torture me and they all get promoted for not saying anything and helping it all on and on.

silenced on every turn, I am. Drugged into a stupor every single day and crapping out poison for almost ten years and sick from poisoning with horrific bulging of my body for more than 20 years.

Still waiting and waiting and writing about this. The days of Tim Yohannan are like some distant sci-fi fiction that was on some other planet--by now I can't consider you people attacking me as anything human and I see the planet dying form your greed and ignorance and hate and yet, it is still being "allowed" to go on. Even when people are screaming about climate change, they cannot wait to be able to be handed a free house in Phuket if they just rape and abuse me or say and do nothing to help me or stop their "friends". No protests are allowed to stop the destruction of Phuket and the greed and sexual violence towards women continues but everyone has been oppressed so badly here that all they can do is smile and say and write nothing against is, as none of you say or write anything against your profiteering off authoritarian tyrannical regimes while all is being destroyed and so much is now dying. You all assume that when all the pandemic and rioting is over, you can resume your endless consumption lifestyles and never do more than sit and watch the mainstream controlled media and never help people like me who actually are part of this problem--as the people who are being promoted for attacking me are very much a danger and threat to the extinction that you are all raging about in your media "exposes". 

All your "friends" in other words.

Maybe the years of me writing on Facebook and on this blog now for a few months will be one of the few and only, silenced but nevertheless I feel that perhaps some people might retain what I have written as testament to the crimes that everyone cares about once the threat of retaliation is over--decades or even longer after the incidents are allowed to go on and on because all is silenced and the media information is so skewed that there is nothing but utter and completely propaganda brainwashing left.


Yes, I "allowed" inadvertantly people to exploit and use me, so drugged up my entire body was like a swollen bloated balloon. You can see this same effect in extraordinary writers like Andrea Dworkin, who was accused by the sexist misogynist culture of being "fat" and ugly. She was poisoned with the same bloating poison that I have been. She wrote that one must accept the consequence of fighting this rape and racist global culture. She accepted and was slowly poisoned to death. She had no knowledge of how she was dying and her 'illnessz" remained undiagnosed. The subsequent illness that accompnay your body poisoned with bloating poison until it is suffocating in it's own poisoned bloated incapacity to function are only collateral to the poisning murder itself.

I was a "good girl" although I was  "bad girl" because, I never truly "accepted" people exploiting or attacking me in any way. As they all made sure to entertain their advances with first drugging so I could not use my brain properly, then huge smiles and welcomes into their traps, I was always running in circles thereafer going from one who followed the protocols to the next. Any original thinkers slowly receeded into their own versions of being assassinated until there are literally no people left who actually really protest these hate crimes that I am confronted with. Tim was one of the rare exceptions in my life. I tried to be around the Andrea Dworkin protests with her presiding when I studied at the Unversity of Minneapolis--while Dworkin was right there at the unuveristy creating a huge, wonderful protest movement against pornography and violence against women. Every time I attempted to get near any of the meetings or organizers, I was attacked nearly viciously by the blonde, Nazi "feminists" who proliferate in Nazi, bigot Minnesota and everywhere, as this group is determined to create a global Nazi coalition with silencing of all adversaries a complicit and tacit rule of thumb. 

And, I could go on, my brain is now meandering all over the place. I accepted their system but would never allow someone to unsult or attack me. The only times these terrorist agents could get away with these hate crimes, were only due to me being drugged. I have always been drugged. After so many people who once supported me are also silenced, terrifed to speak out, and are far away and I cannot reach them and they all back off in teror to be included in this target murder operation as targets themselvse--and the rest who, like Tim, wrote extrenely powerful articles and put out art that was not cookie-cutter fodder, one almost like the next as these endless punk bands now are: dead. He is dead. I accepted the sistuation unconsciously after having been programmed and I was nearly killed so many times I have lost count. I remain in this situation aboslutely silcned and can only reminisce about the short time I had with Tim Yohannan, where I was attacked by the white males who slept at the RocknRollHouse who feigned being altnernatives. If I could only write short stories and not have to deal with hacking and brain attacks so I am not able to forumlate ideas or write or think clearly, I would write about this as well. I only now have to experience this all the time with the fake alternatives, now called "Progressives" who can't wait to join in with the white bigots to masturbate in front of signs of hate, racism, disrespect and they are now leaders of the "alternative" movements that have been ordainted into the pseudo-religious movement of deception, fraud, and this death culture as the planet is being killed and all original utterly cool people I once was so happy to be around are dead or gone or silent. Silenced. That is why I try to fight this, and not remain silent, but alas, I must remain silenct because I cannot tolerate any more threats to my cat, La Moux who was stolen by them over 6 years ago and uis dying waiting for me to return and claim my most precious cat as mine once again. And then the phyhsical torture and the endless slicing into my body, my hair skin everything brooken down by this group---and no one ever intervening.

I truly want to find anyone cool enough to write anything alternative and put out movies that are not boring as hell and people who are not so completely fraudulent and disgusting and perverted and are there any people left on the planet who do not laugh about "gang stalking" torture and murder operations is there anyone left on the planet who is not a sick psycho who is silencing and killing off the really cool people who made America a most creative and fascisnating culture?

A dying or dead breed now.

Learning ABC's online in the age of a pandemic. At age level 10 years old.




More spelling abc's for adult children. All of this is "supposed to be fun" horror. At least it defies convention and strays from formula but has death and sex 2. I do not advocate such movies but I found this on a site and I think of children and spelling and pandemic and all fits in the zeitgeist of things surrounding me. Moribund morose macabre mauraders manipulators and murderers.


A feminist victim turned into a Patriarchal victimizer! More common than the lies of society would have "us" think about the plight of poor, oppressed women whose men are rapist abusers. This must have been made by a man who is aware and women applaud this short film because they don't care.

The last boring song was not boring because it was not too sad. This one is so funny because of the boring a-dolts sitting around and it's funny! A most excellent boring Song.

The freshness of the fresh kid--so refreshing!

Online learning song for the new revolution of children in the NWO!!! (ha, has something but I don't know what to do with mind control tongue-twister songs. Or just absolutely more waste of time stuff that a-dolts impose upon the sheeple population to recite and believe in!)

This song could be used as a psychological torture operation at the right time, in the right place. If you drug someone on LSD and force them to listen to this repeatedly for a few hours!!! Brainwashing song to induce insanity for reprogramming!

Otherwise, poor children who are forced to listen to this and have to sing this in class for teachers who are sadistic but think this is "fun".

This song is more brainwashing for children! They are forced to say they are Happy but perhaps they are beaten, abused and raped at home with drunk, alcoholic pedophile parents but they have to come to class and sing this! (Ha ha's a funny song a funny thought just kidding of course nothing like this can ever be recognized I was just bored and writing this).

Be goddamn happy goddamn!

Psy-ops for kiddies who can't tell the truth.

I can imagine that one kid doesn't want to sing this and is sent to the principle's office as punishment for not participating in this most happy song. Enforced happiness, the American way.

Oh, this is a brainwashing coercion subliminal song and video created to induce a Communist agenda!!! ha ha. Animal Farm video. Poor kiddies forced to believe this is only about pigs but they are being brainwashed into wanting to become greedy consumers and the most piggy one gets all the goodies!

Boring Music (title). One of the best original songs I have heard in a long while!!! Thankfully no lyrics and cannot detect subliminals! Random search result that is why. So not boring.

Mind-blowing, mind controlling movie reviews! You were waiting for the brainwashing content review! Here it is: geometric patterns.

: each one of those movies where the smovieMovie Trailers on YouTube.

Oh how cheap, FREE, simple, time-wasting it is. You can get an entire movie without the endless dumb filler in less than 3 minutes. In that way, you can watch at : each one of those movies where the smovileast 5 movie trailers before becoming utterly bored and still have hours to do other things!

I would copy and paste of few of the most recent ones, in a random copy and paste operation but so many of the actors involved have teleported me or otherwise are part of the attack scheme that they may assume I intend my purpose to be involving them. No, not you. Not any of you. ALL of you!!!


Oh, was that a joker response? Some movies are very well: each one of those movies where the smov acted and written. However, I could write more in-depth reviews of what I deem mind-controlling, propaganda themes, which of course anything almost in existence that is put out in terms of social informative content could be analyzed for skewed or biased content. However, the lack of ability to type and the attacks on my brain make it almost impossible for me to write at length, at any time.


I just noticed that the last post, with the : each one of those movies where the Simone de Beauvoir title, has already been "redacted" by hackers and words were omitted. I do not want to read the stuff I write about this hate crime against me, as most of the posts are due to having been drugged and tormented in teleportation skits the night before; waking up to damages covering my body from nightly attacks while I cannot wake up or defend myself. And drug skin patches (I believe is how I wake up in this hyper-suggestive state) but whatever the cause, is always making me unwillingly succumb into a hate, rage induced "mood" from all the multi-pronged attack system. I would much  prefer to have cheery, happy mornings and not have to clean up stinking filth and see bruises, cuts, slashes, hair falling out, my body ravaged, stinking odors everywhere around my room in every place on every thing. I would like to move forward and also to get rid, once and for all, of this hard bulge of poison hanging off my body and into my skeleton, hips and skull which is also due to the nightly and endless home invasion schemes of this terror operation. Bach to the movies and these players who have been attacking me thus so they can get lead roles in movies such as those I see placed on my YouTube pages when I try to get news clips and other information, or listen to music or see if any movies I might enjoy watching that come out free in these streaming sites. Not always, but often a huge disappointment when I do spend nearly 2 hours of precious life watching these flicks.


I write these posts after: Waking up to more I have to clean as the mechanical arms which always break into my room and spray stinking fluids and rip, tear and destroy the little property I have left, that I must always replace due to all being broken by these terrorist teams, nightly, daily, and every time I leave this room more is damaged or destroyed and must be replaced.

I must add that I spent at least 15 minutes just now rewriting the above last two paragraphs, and I did not get into the more hefty paragraphs above because it would take at least 30 minutes to wade through backspacing and rewriting and then have it all hacked and destroyed once I published, again.

So I do not want to read messed-up hacker inserts into furiously written posts whieh are testaments to the power of these drugs forced upon me rather than any emotional or personal defect I might have, but mostly all has been programmed through repetition of hate crimes.


So movie trailers: more interesting than wading through the inevitable murder and sex scenes and things that are a repetition just like this programming against me. All is like a parallel movie universe from some Twilight Zone episode. The actors, the repetition of the formulas they come out with. The terror operations they all laugh about as they all circle me and participate, one after the next. One movie clip after the next. one actor after the next (I am including female into the "actor" category because not everyone agrees that the term "actress" is non-sexist term. I include women in this as well when I write the word "actor".

I do enjoy watching trailer after trailer as substitute for life-wasting of watching those things for 2 hours.

On the not-joker side of things: each one of those movie trailers has cost me, as I wrote above, at least 6 months of my life being tortured. They operate consecutively and in groups cascading in circle-upon-circle in all their power cliques and associations. They sit in rows when I am teleported, they operate in circles but they think in squares.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Simone de Beauvoir could connect Imperialism, Colonialism with treament of white women in France (or around the world).


Again, please excuse any typos or lack of coherency--all is due to hackers deletions, rewrites and inserts.

Her first consideration is socioeconomic. This applies to race and gender but she could only couch these concepts into male and female categories. Societal trends and such "safe" concepts before Civil Rights were a global phenomenon, as it is now. Now the lines are being differentiated between races and colors, in the public discourses (or debates, or shouting matches, or angry diatribes in front of cameras by famous media personalities).

Oh! I recently, two days ago in fact, actually heard a famous white male tv show personality claim that blacks should be encouraged to succeed and that they have opportunities in the United States and should therefore be optimistic. They may not have always had a chance in the past, but this is America, he claims. Here blacks do have opportunity so one must encourage them and tell them emphatically "You can do it! You can!". He neglected to mention how he put photos of himself with huge smiles when a certain friend of his teleported and raped and tortured me--I mean, his photos appeared in lists on my Facebook page when I had never investigated this person ever in my life except, like all or most of those who teleport me, out of curiousity to see why they are so famous and for what reason. Brandishing a huge warm gooey smile, saying that blacks can make it, they only need encouragement. He did not mention lynch mobs hanging blacks if they competed and did better than the whites. The situation I have had to confront in this multi-pronged slow murder project which blacks and whites both enjoy participating in, but they all keep their respective hierarchical places in the strata of society that is expected or death to those who defy (who are not white). The white male, a Fox News anchorperson man, explained that anyone can make it, God, he claims, gives all a chance to express their natural endowments and that God does, indeed, exist and shower favor upon all.  Of course except when it comes to me and people he doesn't want to have more success or even an iota of a chance to succeed as he has always been told is his inheritance and rightful, God-given law of existence.

Back to Ms. de Beauvoir. She understands the difference between classes and economic privilege in a global, post-colonialist sense. Many others do not openly state thus and make excuses that the indigenous are all too happy to have jobs and chances and that they have equal and Democratic societies. In these modern times. As for French white women, she is famous for deviating from the sex pot role and explaining what is invisible in clear sight. The connection between oppressed colonized slaves and women is not as great as the assumption of privileged white female programming would induce the sexy women who want to only please their men to understand that they are ultimately the Story of O or would be if the men were given the chance to rape a woman to death and get away with it. I also love A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, as example of how rape of a poorer white woman by the wealthy was completely acceptable in a privileged elite culture of pre-revolutionary France back in the day when rape and murder of the poor was okay and groovy and oh la la what a system they all loved the rich did and the women both rich and poor apparently had no choice and so went along with it, laughing merrily. Let them eat cake, ha ha ooh la la that makes me feel sexy just thinking about the poor eating shit and us eating chocolate cake. Rape them while they are begging for food. Ah, the music of sex orgy France makes me think of all these real and deadly mentalities I have been attacked and tortured by many, many French people (my broken toe was ordered by a "French-speaking" but Swiss but Italian). The Italian in Miami who tortured me for years teleported me to French women who laughed and literally shook with sexualized delight as he raped and tortured me in front of them. If anyone can guess, then as to my real emotions of disgust when I hear the sex pot rape music of the elite French party scene.

When I think of the rape and murder in Vietnam by the French and their American and their minority Minion Vietnamese.

When I think of the French-trained Pol Pot, who studied in Paris and his genocide echoed the French Revolution in all but righteous fight against the wealthy--(instead it was convoluted to kill the poor and helpless).

How wealthy France is with it's IMF status controlling World debt and it's powers of austerity measures. 

Friday, August 21, 2020

Ah, but voila! THe music of this solo vocalist something so infinitely more interesting and impacting--feel swaying but strong listening to this not sex toy doll music but still sexy, sweet and lurid but tasteful.

A little bit "naughty" but whispering sex pot tone is acceptable when interesting backups and complex orchestral arrangements make up for the orgy chauvie style.

I only discovered this because of the YouTube "autoplay" function, as this came after the male of the previous post, whose last name is almost the same spelling but with a vowel difference. This is one of those serendipitous moments when I can sigh and say, "Ah, I do like French music after all" and so glad of this finding that was pure accidental but fortunate. Gives me peace of mind and a reflection on the hate this group pours on me that comes out every morning, like a rancid exfoliation of hate that is poured into my sleep and smeared on my skin (drugged through skin patches while I sleep, my body injured as I wake up and can't look at my body in sunlight any longer because of the broken toe that is hideous, skin disgusting my body drooping from poisoning and inert sickness and hate poured on me all night and day. Oh all the grey hairs now, that should not be there. Watching my body degenerate and sag and slowly die from the stress releasing hormones and induced hate and nothing fun or happy around me except what I attempt to create. The torture and hate remains around me as it has for over a decade non-stop with all destroyed around me by haters who are lounging at orgies and parties and laughing and being handed more slaves to clean their filth for them. 

I understand the bitterness of people who make rash speeches about racism and sexism and hate crimes---I understand the rage now. I understand the languid and peaceful expressions of expected entitlement of the people who create these destroyed groups so they can lounge around in yachts while they order their miserable minions to attack people like me. 

I do not understand how or why, although I do know "why" --but, no one will ever come to my defense so I am not sitting here under non-stop torture for years like this as famous people watch on. Oh yes, of course, it's because I have been teleported to them nightly and have seen how awful they are--awful. Hideously rotten. Corrupt. Unworthy of their power and status and as Communists would say, a revolution against the pigs is in order won't happen until the trigger is established where no real change will ever take place except a few token people destroyed for a new group of haters to replace the old ones. Meanwhile, I still can't understand how people are so obedient as to wait for this explosion to occur where they can finally burn in the streets and loot and riot while those who oppress them wait for the opportune time to protest alongside their victims so they can not get targeted by the enraged masses. Instead, I remain as a focus of the rage of the oppressed who get promoted for helping their beloved "masters" to retain the system of oppression.

But...I am glad I have this laptop and can access this music and goes, good French music not probably an orgy album for a porn movie---

Something "sexy", something "light" All the criminals listen to music like this as they recline in their yachts and yawn in relaxation. The victims have to protest against their crimes so the environment must be protected. They go along once it's fun and easy.


OH yes, hackers have deleted words from my posts. They appear staggered in semiotics and have grammar and structure missing. I can't go through more endless cleaning, as I have spent this morning cleaning more clothing sprayed until it is brown from their rotten stink and filth. They always have cleaning girls scubbing up their filth but I am stuck with no cleaning assistance and then a paralyzed body so unable to bend and clean endlessly their filthy stink, day after day. It is one reason they want me old, broken and destroyed on every level. I have much grey hair where there should be none, or less. Their methods of destroying me have been at least partially successful while they watch on laughing and gloating. It really makes them successful when no one stops them or defends me. Of course, all you reading this profit off this system. I can't wait for you turn comes to be destroyed in some way or get some disease they put out as you can't breathe any longer, or some catastrophe your hate leaders created for their profit that you got in the way of. At this point, of years of this, as they want me to be, I am sick of asking for help and being drugged and poisoned and writing about toture every day and not a single human being will do a single thing to protect me so I am living in peace. I heard this music and at first I thought, "Great, something nice, something sweet" but all it brought to me were these associations that I write of below:

As all things, almost if they are white, out of France are supposed to be the epitome of all people want to be. 

I discovered this music on a surfing exploration of music archives. The first song belongs to a famous "soft porn" French movie. I won't mention the name of the movie, I have not watched it, but I did try to see what the commotion was all about and found it boring or just uninteresting so never waded through the "plot" of that movie. 

I wrote above just the exact philosophy of those who enjoy profiting off the destruction but join in once people get shot in the streets and the blood flows. They dip their loaves of bread in the blood, lick their lips, and then participate to show they care about things like a revolution that happened 300 years ago, once a year celebrating the National Razor and the overthrow of Monarchy and the reestablishment of a royal caste but unnamed except as the Elite. Here is their musick. I like it but it reeks of various secretions and smoke and powders and alcoholic orgies and parties all mixed with these ingredients. The ingredients of divorce and pleasure and divorced from the misery they inflict congratulations upon one another.

This sounds like such a negative exploration of just a silly French album from a long time ago. Sounds like angry Communist talk too. Never intended it to be that but..that is what this music reminds me of and not of good music I really enjoy listening to. It roams and has movement but is first used as a porn "erotic" movie theme and that brings into mind the entire relaxation vacation context (of various forms of exploitation in places like Thailand and Miami). What probably set me off bothering me is that "they" want to force me into a position of their undermined, free sex slave abused and forced into poverty, oppression and rape victim status so they can enjoy their hierarchical monstrosity relaxation vacation globalism.

I used to listen to this music, and watch the advertisements for going to 3rd World vacation spots and never think of these themes until "they" tried to force these prostituted slave status upon me. Now I can't get past how awful it all is, and unlike many who remain standing on this planet who are forced into these humiliating lifestyles but are brainwashed into believing that it is good, or their only option--as their options were stolen long before they were conceived and born. 

As for me, I can't enjoy this music although it's a good theme for an orgy movie and their Francophile fascist tyrannical Vichy elite at their exploitation parties and orgies.

Unlike all the "Happy" prostitutes or assimilated sex slaves, I swear I will try my best to murder and kill and smash and destroy anything or anyone trying to force this scheisse agenda on me. It is very hard with over a few million people attacking me with all kinds of weapons and methods of surveillance and torture and drugging, poisoning and mass law enforcement collusion and political participation at highest levels and absolutely not a single human being standing by me with any defense, protection or support in any way that could possibly make me enjoy listening to this music and having to think of the French pigs who have attacked me all these years, and all their slaves who serve them so happy to protect their pig trough subsistence prostituted slavery. Oh how I think of Vietnam as their unfortunate colony and also of Cambodia which emulated the French Revolution by mass murdering 2 million or so peasants so a corrupt regime could allow French and Europig investment with no more opposition to their corrupt piggery and exploitation and lavish parties and cleaning maids and prostitutes for free or almost (and no people protecting the women who are turned into trafficking victims).

A cat is being tortured or terrorized at random times, all day, every day. For the last week.

Yeowling and crying and whining cat. 

The usual disgusting death behavior of parasites attacking me. They torture and kill animals and insects to create a "trauma" situation of attack upon me. Utterly revolting in all aspects of what they can create with superficial appearances. I am still, now cleaning stinking filth that never ends. Yesterday their mechanical arms got through into my room and ripped a hole in my backpack, smearing a huge 2-inch black smear on it, more insertions under my cuticles, and whatever else they have done I have not searched to discover my entire living space has been made so repeatedly filthy and broken down--my body is literally covered with bruises, blemishes, eruptions from chemicals which create break-outs--

all the people doing this get free cleaning services from their Thai slaves--if they have to pay, it's almost free in cost due to foreign currency exchange and the most cheap rates for these women who laugh as they throw dirt and grime into my room for their just cleaned controllers. I have to perpetually clean up filth and then, no animals in my vicinity and all I do see or hear is a tortured animal being abused nearly four times per hour so it is crying almost all the time just below my patio. 

See my last post with dying fish and bare-bottomed sex playmates in Miami beaches due to human inhumanity towards nature, and sexual obsession with having women to exploit and use and discard who never say no and are tortured for saying no for the most part; and the gyrating women on Ocean Drive trying to lure in customers is almost exactly the same performance as the Thai girls standing and dancing on bartops with bar poles with rotten Nazi men drooling over their alcohol and unconcerned about the women whose only goal in life is to 'get" a foreigner to pay for their upkeep, the same as in Miami in many many cases, except for the bigot Nazi women who laugh as the men rape and torture any woman who is a "threat" to their claims of superiority. The American women and men rush to imitate European and also Russian fascist Nazism and Communism and this is the result. 

Phuket doesn't quite have many dying fish or animals on it's coasts--although before the pandemic there were dying and dead dolphins and other aquatic creatures deemed exquisite and too precious to be seen dead on the shores. The building and construction now commences unabated because the tourism industry is suffering and no one can protest against what the investors who control the government do or they will be jailed for up to 15 years for saying or doing anything amiss against the rotten old sick men and their nasty young sons and daughters and wives who are right behind them in all the rancid and disgusting things and exploitation schemes they all love and laugh like hyenas do in participating in. Smug and rotten and sick and stupid. Dying nature dying animals prostituted indigenous people who don't care otherwise living in tin shacks is their only future.

So sick of this sick group being allowed to control everything on the planet. It has to go permanently and I will live in peace on this planet and watch them burn to hell.

Political perspective of a mind-controlled, political awareness post-puppet-active-puppet. Russian anti-Putin activist in coma (or dead by now, perhaps) after ordering a cup of tea at an airport.

When one tries not to be controlled by dubious nefarious external sources, and realizes that ominous items like MICROCHIP IMPLANTS have been surreptitiously inserted into one's brain, and parts of one's body, and how people welcome this "experimentation" with open arms and legs and closed minds--one begins to view political happenings and the thrilling sheeple entertainment in a slightly or much dramatically different perspective.

Thus, I give you sheeple reading my blog my thoughts for the day, after perusing the internet this morning post having been attacked while in my semi-unconscious mode of MK ULTRA "alter" plastic-puppet-plaything-torture-target and being jabbed, sliced into, objects inserted into, and teleported to more inane skits of hate proportion. One then gets a different perspective on the utter lack of per•spi•ca•cious ness of those who hold these technologies as their near birthright in the top echelons of this hierarchy that has been imposed upon me. That is a very long round-about way of saying something less flattering to "them" than they torture for to obtain.

First, I logged onto Miami New Times and saw that fish are dying and floating in the hundreds in Biscayne Bay, due to pollution and global warming. I think of the p valley of Miami Beach and the endless gyrating party scene there. I recall how the greedy men and their women who had attacked me to get promoted could not wait to demolish the moratorium on building huge skyscrapers that had once existed. I overheard very well-dressed business women and men discussing future plans for "expanding" construction, businesses and for generating world tourism in the new, First Class South Beach sexploitation fantasyland partyland playtime (mafia Nazi cartelland).

Years later, when I returned back in 2002, there were no more fish in the water where there had once been beautiful schools as I swam above Manta Rays--just on South Beach. No more. Translucent tiny fish were all that was left, swimming invisibly almost, as a survival tactic against the ravaging torrents of all kinds of human inhumanity towards wildlife in that region. Big money, little nature left surviving. 

Now, the translucent fish have been replaced by DEAD FISH floating on top of the water. Coral Reefs are dying out too. People who had once run to Miami for the endless party and to get the American Dream fulfilled are a bit dismayed at this point because they can "smell" the dead fish at their doorstep if they live near Biscayne Bay.  If only they had the cognizance to have foresight about the people they obeyed and treated with utter respect who were ravaging the space, the water, the air and land and the women they raped and drugged and the men who laughed and flocked to see p valley of the dead fish they could penetrate oh how so easily as women are programmed to obey and be their playmates upon immediate request--so the fantasy goes and the demand is and the level of attack upon women who are not Nazis and want power is a very tight rope to walk. Nature and the feminine are definitely subjective terms but linked in their vulnerability to penetration without adequate resources of defense, especially when these can be used for financial exploitation and even feminist women can indulge in the partaking of huge rewards.

I add two videos, back-to-back, as a kind of contrast. I have lived on South Beach and when I write about these themes above, I write about the mafia who are attacking me, and the people of Miami who are being interviewed who are "protesting" who, as I have seen, have a huge contingent who blindly obey these mafia types (especially the European ones, and the Nazis are like their dream idols they serve and obey and love and cater to--so similar to Phuket and Thailand, or, exactly the same thing but not as openly deferential although only slightly less so). If one is observant in any sense of the word, it is clearly visible so this is not a hateful conspiracy theory.

And thus, I offer Miami and dead fish as part of the dream factory death organization and their exploitation into anything their "greasy pricks" can dig into and exploit which have anything penetrable and no defense system in place. The targeting of people makes them similar in this respect to the utter ravaging of the environment that has gone on undaunted (really here in Phuket it is a stinking mess of nature being killed off and construction non-stop). 

The result for the environment is a death scenario unfolding for the entire world. People are concerned once they have to smell rotting carcasses in the heat of the fantasy beach mafia Nazi land billion dollar revenue paradise. They fear for the death of the planet. Only when it is stinking on their front door, and only then.

As for the targeting and stalking and terror and death squad operations: as with the creation of these fantasy corporate-controlled money-making businesses that build and build over rivers, forests, beaches, and every nook, cranny and space possible for the profit of rapist men and their rapist "feminist" women who also want to be the CEO: it is still too much "fun" and it's too "scary" for people to "speak out" against this system. First, it is just simply TOO MUCH FUN for people to engage in. Second, it is financially so well-funded and the rewards for participation are so huge it's like building a huge gambling casino on p valley strip joints with endless parties and gyrating rape scenes, exonerated, for years to come. Targeting women you don't like or don't want to see have opportunities and your blonde Nazi women stealing their ideas and the men raping and torturing them endlessly is such a thrill that, Third: as with the silencing of speaking out against the destruction of the environment prior to all the destruction of the environment, say even 20 years ago, it was too scary to speak out and risk being targeted in any way or losing out on opportunity for advancement or even for survival. Speaking out is a risk to one's life. I have decided that I will add another clip or news article regarding speaking out in this post because it ties into the sheeple being scared to "speak out" when profiting off destruction through penetration--raping people using sophisticated technology or raping the environment--might engender the wrath of the Nazi mafia cartel men who glare in hate as women "like me" ignore them, don't want them and try to have success without their sexual exploitation control manipulations that their "good" women obey and participate in. The hate of these women is also evident as they participate and help to solidify the entrenched power structure that keeps rape as a tool of penetration to the destruction of anything vulnerable. Society never protects anything until they risk their own destruction. In a world that is being controlled by such men, and the targeting increases and the silence remains and the induction into these groups increases as the wealth gap also widens: the result is like what has happened in Russia and I will post this now--all the videos, and information. 

It is all tied together. The targeting of an activist fighting to stop Putin from an endless tyrannical Nazi mafia Communist never-ending Totalitarian control over Russia has ended in an obvious murder assassination attempt and it is very clear that this is not even disguised in that country. This is where the silence of people allowing these rapes and violations of nature, people and others who are out to be exploited and then discarded--because greedy nasty men want to have full control and power forever in their good ole boy rape buddy silencing death genocide systems--Nazi, communist, et al mafia and they want it forever. The results are these: (only just a tiny window into the huge torrent of death pouring down worldwide from their hate and murder plots to take over the planet "again" and destroy all Freedom and now nature is dying--and still people are not going to stop them or do anything outside of what they are demanded, upon pain of death, to obey and allow; they just want things to return to Normal if you just vote it must surely happen!!! Sheeple. Dumb Sheeple scared Sheeple.

Sonnet #666. The wymen are weeping for their men. The weeping song as conjured up by a pair of men.


Oh Mary don't you weep. The mercy you partied for is there for your ass to burn.

Lordie, Lordie have Mercy upon those bad seed men and bring them to the Mercy Seat for their lying asses they made and have to sleep in.

Love you to have my baby. Love MY baby. Feed my ego. Feed me I am starving for another baby and so is my wife through you to feed my ego. Feed me eggs feed me! Feed my ego feed me I am depleted feed me.

 FEEd my EGGo I am prowling for love to feed my hunger for babies feed my ego so I can rule feed me feed me. So said the man who stole the woman's future in her purse womb he turned into his gold mine tomb.

Brain lego. Wormwood. Light unreachable. Light external light unbearable life forever in Light obtained through sparks of genius. Understanding, the light of knowledge turned into the light of Love. Brainlego dissolved in the solution to the problem of understanding how to shred the darkness and turn it into the glowing light of Life Love dimmed into shining brilliance.

 The music shimmers through the darkness of love sonnets that deter from determination. Downturn into my soul and finding the matrix solved in a labyrinth that only the losers must clean up America when Jack gets tired of playing around with demonic forces working into the dull dimness of his ego unfettered. Foul and fettered flesh dissolving into a dew, fermenting into light of inebriation's lust, lost. Found flavor of flaming desire for Life unbound, unrestricted, female component rejuvenated. 

Love this sonnet. "Love is not love which alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove." (Shakes baby shake).



I interpret this sonnet in a different way than probably it is intended  by Shakes baby.

Not the procreation pitch as the first ten sonnets do impose upon the standard of the listener--an entreaty to someone to procreate and thus, with imploring compliments about "her" profound beauty, will beseech the listener to have a go at motherhood to recreate a brood of her beautiful bounty in future generations. Compliments and implied procreative requests and ponderings on the waste of not bearing children.


As I recall, Shakespeare did leave his wife, who bore him children in the end, with his wedding bed or something like that after he abandoned her and the kids to have flings with others--so the gossip goes. Flattery does lead to leechery but oh, how the words are so sweet and smooth on the tongue and on the listeners gilded presumptions of glorified spawning for inheritance's bounty. Life expectancy was far shorter than nowadays and spawning a host of kiddies was the in-thing back when lots of children were required for all kinds of household necessities. 

 Very glad for modernity and that women can perhaps have other avenues of empowerment other than being forced to abandon their bounteous beauty for the bearing of children--sometimes to forfeit life itself in the premature death of the body through childbirth.


 a "post-feminist" interpretation of Shakes baby and his longing for immortality. His obsession was in his work, no doubt as his progenitor heritage.


On the other hand, as I am not doing any research on when these sonnets were written in relation to when Shakes was alive and living outside the reach of his first wife and that perhaps doomed relationship--perhaps he was trying his hand at other progenitors perhaps he was trying to sow his seeds to the fullest due to his theatrical lifestyle? Too lazy to look it all up, when the sonnet was written in relation to Shake's age or where or how he was living at the time.

Women without children, what good are they anyway? Their purpose purportedly was and is to have children, what else could they do? Could they act on stage? No, that was restricted to men playing the roles of women, at this Elizabethan era in old England. 


Frailty, thy name is Woman. You must therefore spawn babies or you are nothing. Nada. Nichts.

 this song by Einsturzende Neubauten, translated into English, has a far different interpretation at least in the words Ich Bin than what the translater transcribes. Ich Bin=I AM as in Ich Bin Ein Berliner (so said Jack Kennedy at the Berlin Wall, a famous speech. He did not say "It's ME! Berlin Wall".


Okay, I consider this a bad translation but take it in whatever context, because I cannot find another translation and I am very lazy due to the time spent on fighting hacking blocks so here is the bad translation which does not fit into the poetic context whatsoever--- maybe the rest is a good translation but I doubt it. This is one of the huge problems with translations and the difference between what the author really intended in the original text. Many arguments have been held over the authentic Greek and Latin of the Biblical texts in their original languages versus the interpretations that have been cannonized into the many various sects of religious programming via these texts. Just one example. Other tragedies of mis-interpretated translations abound and are a shame for the audience who is limited to understand the real context or meaning. So much alteration can thusly be introduced into otherwise more radical ideas.


Ich Bins--I am....although the lyrics in German do say "ich bin's" which is what you would say casually when someone asks, who is there? It's me! Ich bin's. But....the question remains unasked. The sense is of one person talking to him/herself. The glowing ember of solitary self-sufficiency is a comfort in times of cold blasts of unwelcomed chilling air if a stranger should knock on the door and tempt fate into bringing into another person in the void of the solitary but empty life filled with secure nothingness. If having a child, or bearing a child is supposed to bring the only meaning to enduring the cyclical inheritance of the beauty of the flesh, then the conquering worm as the inheritor has at least teeth that are understandable, in this post-romantic modern world perhaps the burning core of the self enveloping in it's own meaning would be the life-bud of the rose that can blossom if only left to not be burnt out by the cries of burdening male domineering wanting babies in endless diaper existences and hen left with only the 2nd best bed in the will, as the testament to a marriage that bore children but no inheritance except for a dusty piece of empty furniture, cold as death.

It's me, I AM, but what are you in this void wanting spawn from me?



Questioning, why should I have a baby? Zum kotzen!!!


Good old Nina Hagen who had a son and loved him. !!! Where was the father? A feminist appraisal of baby-making and the strength of women. She may have been burned as a witch in Shakespeare's time--or in this time as well! To be put down into a well of domestic domesticated drudgery and clean and cook for a man who, traditionally, could do whatever the funk he wanted. Shakes baby certainly went out for his career after having his seductive way with his wife. She was left in Strattford while Shakes baby wrote sonnets to his other lovers! Great deal for him, great deal for human kind. Bad scheissse for women and woman kind. Shake's plays are often containing women as victims, under the thumb of the rule of men's law, etc etc. Fit mostly to spawn and obey and die afterwards. Great love sonnets engraved on their tombs, after they played their spawning roles upon the stage that men set for them as minor roles and players.

 Ich bin das letztes Biest im Himmel--I am the last beast in heaven. After ME there is no YOU to devour a child of the spawn of a Hell's Angel reborn into YOUR void of which you spawn cosmic nihilism. Rape in order to procure a cure to your ennui, a baby out of the wedlock of Love will exist in a vacuum so black it's hole will never achieve a holy roller ride. Otherwise, the matron the mother and the trinity of the rebirth of the female as a human being will be perhaps the reincarnation of human beings once your paradigm has reached it's unholy prime. See video below for reference to these symbols and visual clues. Otherwise, your demand for a baby just gives me the blues. The universe is a spectrum of the light of Love, and you bring it all down to a slaughtered Dove.



Thursday, August 20, 2020

Terrorist report. August 21, 2020.

 To protect against objects inserted under my cuticles, and damaging chemicals smeared on my hands, arms, forearms, legs, hair, face, inserted into my orifices--

I have begun to sleep with gloves on. My fingers are healing after YEARS of objects being inserted under the cuticle nightly. However, as this group never stops destroying my body every single time they break in and I cannot wake up to defend myself--they are using their mechanical arms to cut blood flow on my fingers so I wake up with my fingers numb and injured from these pinching of the blood flow by their pincer mechanical arms. 

My toe remains being slowly severed in the like fashion. I have a pair of socks I bought to sleep with to try to stop this, but they are waiting for cleaning because after spraying them with bleach and cleaning fluid and essential oil, they still stink and I have never worn them, they are brand new, beautiful and wonderful. I must clean them with bleach in the washing machine, but due to poisoning, drugging through my marked down, individually packaged food I bought (so I could buy pillows, blankets, more after I must throw away two pillows, two blankets, one belt, just from the last week--every time I leave, once a week, I have a huge bundle of items I bought that are destroyed from these operations. I must buy most of them again, as these are necessities. I am too ill to do a laundry, and I have to use the machine to clean the new sheets I bought for the latex-covered boxspring, which is also covered by a plastic table cloth, because the terrorist spray so much dangerous fungus and other deadly chemicals I must sprinkle powder, spray bleach, put plastic coverings over pillows, my bed, and the rubber matting I use as some kind of padding is stinking with fungus and mold which I have stopped spraying endlessly--it is huge and looks like a sponge, absorbs so much fluid and the result is that it is sprayed immediately afterwards. I have layers of blankets covering that, and the top layer of this bedsheet I have been using has holes ripped into it, stinks with foul odors after massive cleaning--the sheets are sprayed while I am sleeping so I wake up with stinking odors on the pillow I sleep on, under the other pillows I use--the only pillow that isn't absolutely destroyed remains in a huge clear plastic covering--I must live like a person who has plastic-coated furniture just to fight to save my body and life from poisoning shock and other deadly problems associated with this onslaught of chemicals and fungus and mold sprayed daily at every opportunity to insert these mechanical arms, which means every time I walk into the bathroom, turn my back, look into a closet, water the planets on the balcony-etc...

Years of taping paper, stickers, hooks tied together at all corners of all panels and in the middle of the intersecting panels above and below on all corners still won't stop this as laser cutting tools just cuts around the sealed areas and objects remain being inserted. The cracks that leave openings of the doors of the cupboards leave just enough space for tiny mechanical arms to be inserted. I am guessing at how this is operating of course. It is logical deduction but perhaps I am missing out on one of the ceiling light fixtures which all have holes bored into the ceiling. I have covered all up but there may be other panels I have not discovered. I have gone through the entire tiny space for years fighting this. I remain unable to stop this. I remain asking the readers to please help me financially so I can afford to move to some place and have money to defend myself much better than their professional surveillance teams and terror operations.


Upon getting up and doing something else, I just want to add this. I have written of it before a few times: having to clean clothing, blankets, pillows and everything else in this room perpetually with anti-fungal substances, bleach and cleaning forever, hours and hours daily--there is a small washing machine, a Thai machine that has been rigged so the spin cycle does not operate. Bending is so painful to me, and I also cover the machine with a plastic tarp covering I made from a tablecloth--to protect against the sunlight and also from the rusting material that is also sprayed on every metal item which makes them all stink--the rusty substance also is transferred to my fingers and hands if I touch them, which I must for many items. The spin cycle is rigged to not operate. Thus I have to bend to open the lid because I have to lift up heavy material I keep covering this machine. I have to lift heavy soaking wet blankets, clothing and everything else I must endlessly wash. The drying time for items can take up to 24 hours. The mechanical arms are inserted while I am watching something on this tube, or in the bathroom, or sleeping or whatever. They spray water and more stinking odors while clothing, blankets and etc are out drying because they are soaking wet and dripping profusely with water. I then place the items in front of a large fan that blocks much space on a countertop next to the huge drying rack which I must use to hang stinking clothing on every day. I can't access my cupboard closets any longer without great effort, which most of the time is too difficult as poisons are ripping out of my body daily and I am sick and ill and too weak to move almost all the time, plus the physical adjustments to my spine and hips nightly make movement impossible. I hand wash clothing in the sink usually. I can only afford cheap cleaning fluids like cheap shampoo. It does not smell good actually when you use it for cleaning. The cheap stuff I must use to clean such an abundance of stinking and deadly fluids. My rubber gloves I use are pierced so water seeps in--pierced of course by the terrorist operator agents. My hands are worn out from over 8 years of this going on daily, as also combined with the smearing of harsh chemicals on my hands at night--and my hair, skin, harsh chemicals which make skin on my knees, feet so hard and brittle they are cracked and hard. This is after rubbing with all kinds of defoliating items and oils and etc--waking up with hard crusted surfaces and my hair shredded in some kind of grater and my body smeared with all kinds of nasty substances, etc etc on and on the list is far too long and my brain is far too blocked in memory to detail all. I write of this repeatedly and for years and it is still going on. 

I have to assume that since this contract was ongoing in it's full violence against me under the last "progressive" or "liberal" or "Democrat" agenda and under the auspices of their departments, and now under the current, it remains as deadly as it ever was, that the promises of "change" and relief from what all are now enumerating as a tyrannical force in America--

WILL NOT be altered in it's substantive form, when it comes to covert activities like what is an ongoing death threat to me. 

They also threaten to kill my cat, La Moux, who was abducted back in 2014 when I began telling one of the rapists, who went on and on raping me as his girlfriend-turned-wife-then-divorced almost immediately afterwards--laughed like sleazy hyenas as I cried to have her returned. The wifey blonde Nazi actor then tried to have me killed when she partnered with Elon Musk as they both inserted their photos as she "dated" him. His photos continued to plague my internet searches for many years until I wrote that I believe the carriers of the pandemic are based on probably part of his technology and wide-sweeping control over the air space of the United States and conveying the virus is no problem with satellite and air space access with the breadth of the scope of his technology. That he is a firm Apartheid-influenced racist I have no doubt. He opened a factory for his manufacturing in China just a few months, like one or two, before the pandemic began to spread to it's current course in the United States. He has now reached top billionaire status during this time frame. The blonde nazi female actor was assaulted by her husband, the other actor, who beat, raped, torture me for over 2 years as she stole ideas from me to present as her own concepts. I wrote after years of this, my hate phrases that now make me appear "delusional" and "crazy" but mind you, after more than 8 or 10 years of this ongoing daily--I wrote that she is and was a posturing ape--and 6 near-death accidents were forced upon me almost immediately afterwards--as she partnered with Elon Musk who I distrust completely. He reminds me so much of Nazis I met in Germany in the small little towns where much of the real decisions are made regarding these terrorist operations. All disguised under the nice flowery houses of the clean, swept and tidy little Nazi villages (Dorfs, in German) where these activities can be hidden. Musk looks like one of these men to me, although that sounds prejudiced.

Smeared layers of greased meat in tracks in the middle of the road, as the swarm of motorbikes surrounding me parted just as I drove into this intended spot--it was put into a near rectangle shape---precision--there was a white ugly male standing nearby observing that the huge truck driving at high speed right behind me, closing in within a few feet just behind me as I drove into this huge patch of smeared meat in the middle of the road--as motorbikes parted, left and right--I tried to swerve as the handlebars were remotely manipulated and frozen so they would not move. I could not brake so I had to push almost as hard as I could within a brief split second of reflexes or I would have slipped as the truck ran over me. that happened just as this current leader of my country put his photos on my Facebook page and the one time I clicked on his page and wrote a comment--the rest is history if you know the herstory of how this situation creates promotions for these people assaulting me with these covert and stealth photo operations of me clicking once and they then attack me--but made to appear as if I am absolutely bonkers for writing about sleeping and being teleported to famous movie stars raping me while I sleep and I am this "poor" and absolutely with no finances, no anything--all completely blocked and stolen and destroyed by this organization to discredit me


and that is how this current situation in America has reached it's current point--all with the consent of the people who were supposed to care about freedom, but they wanted "black" entertainers to rise into top positions and thus, playing their victim roles, they turn around and attack me while the white bigots applaud and promote them, they all live in the hills and scream at me that they are all "friends" with bigot Nazis out of Europe. All go shopping in Paris, London and Milan to prove how elite they are. they attack me with viciousness while they are backed up by vicious white supremacists who are also "actors". Turned politicians.

 | watch the speeches and lectures of these new personalities claiming they are going to bring stability and "change". I now have to ask anyone who will venture to go outside this group and literally rescue me because I have little faith in what these "alternative" pundits are claiming for the media coverage. 

The murder attempt I wrote of above, which is not a complete description, because during that time frame the blonde Nazi woman "actor" who was or is a model as well, with many open European contacts and "friends"--teleported me while this actor who you all are screaming has mysteriously brought totalitarianism into America, suddenly because it was so cool and hip prior to his Nazi base support system marching and killing people openly in the streets--she teleported me at the onset of her huge divorce procedings, and with this other personality watched glaring with her tiny pupils tightened in hate--which I have seen in teleportation while her husband who beat me, then beat her too (but only once or twice for her, years at me while she watched on LAUGHING and smiling and glowing with hormones of joy over it) and, all this transpired under the cool and hipster who now claims that this fiasco of current events is due to the incompetence of the current--but really, the system remains as it was while he was in charge, assuming my situation was of importance and worrying about sell-out black performers  who might "represent" in H-wood instead.


I have tried to explain the timeline of this situation but the attack on my brain, my sickness this morning from more detox, the hacking and endless block to writing, the subliminals being pounded into my head simultaneously--my motor skills blocked, my memory blocked


I did not write the event structure very well or as I would like to. I want to get this out not even exactly to disparage any of these politicians but to state that I believe I have NO CHANCE OF ANYONE OF THEM EVER STOPPING THIS MURDER SITUATION AS THEY ALL WANT TO PARTICIPATE AND PROFIT AND GET PROMOTED FOR PARTICIPATION, as has been ongoing for all these years. Either them or their media promoters who are celebrity endorsement characters. Two of them in particular were active endorsers of the former leader and all are friends with the current leader--all the actors perhaps a few balk because he is putting them on back burners for the choices he wants to lead the media establishment for his particular agenda.

Social Security has informed me, after telling me by phone last week that all was fine! My banking information looked "good" and all was well, I was told. They cut my money off the next day. I discovered this yesterday. I phoned today. They are telling me that they have to calculate how much money I have to pay back because I saved the stimulus money and my student loan money for years-trying not be become desperate and not having any financial back-up. I am on SSI disability because this organization fractured my vertebrae not just once while I was in a deep, microchipped comatose drugged poisoned state, but multiple times making such damage to my spine that I am disabled, and then they poisoned me with poison which latches onto food, to fractures and injuries so the poison has hardneed onto it all--plus three major back surgeries due to scoliosis from the poisoning which literally was pulling my spine apart. I went to grad school taking classes online for over 6 years to get out of the hell hole rut this group forced me into--but rambo and his greed and his group had to have me poisoned so they could endlessly exploit me so their movies can endlessly remain as people cheer all of this on and on. I was poisoned so badly I could not move for YEARS. I remain paralyzed and stuck unable to use my laptop to earn any money, they have blocked literally all financial resources to me and all I do is destroyed and blocked, literally every transaction every bank every business every internet attempt I make all is hacked and blocked. //Therefore, this man, under the direction of this hate group in your movie programming system for Nazi induction into hate and murder, inc---told him to tell me it was all okay, t hen to cut my money off, and t hen tell me my money won't be reinstated (he told me it would be reinstated last week) until I pay at least $29,900. I have little more than that to my name--he would be leaving me around $1600 to try to pay rent, food and pay the other amount plus pay for fees to have the cashier check(s) I doubt I can have a check written for that amount--and he MAY take out even more. He told me he has to calculate into the amount all the months that payment was made before the first, which is many months and many more thousands of dollars he says he may add to the amount I must pay before my benefits will be restored. I cannot earn any money, I cannot make money, and I cannot pay and if he tries to add more money I will be stuck with no way to survive financially. ---All the money I saved from stimulus to student loans will be taken and my disability payments has been cut off--the agent played a "game" with me by saying on the 27th that my banking information looked good, and that my benefits were re-instated. He then had my benefits cut off the next day and I only saw t his yesterday. I phoned him today, he picked up at the social security office immediately which means of course all is orchestrated he is not the front desk operator he is a special agent picked for this "job". He was coughing into the phone, the usual "triggering" sound the very nasty people make. .He then began asking me with a nasty tone about my savings and etc. He told me that he had checked the last time I spoke with him and all looked good, but then he h ad to "follow-up" and then--the sledgehammer came down they suspended my money and I had to phone in to be told something else in a negative interrogatory stress--but compared to the hateful celebrity Nazis who orchestrate rape beatings torture and mutilation every single day, it was a "cake walk" in comparison.//It was a million percent a complete sham orchestrated to put me at ease by saying my banking info looked good and then to make this "game" later on--.He is leaving me less than the $200 maximum amount but says he must determine the final cost which I have to pay in check or money order (he suggests I come into the office to pay). //It could have been worse, but all the stimulus I wanted to save. I have NOWHERE to save money without it getting stolen in this room. When I received all the money I had no idea if I was being vandalized while sleeping by rapists in person or not any longer and they are so careful to leave no trace it's hard to tell even now with all the extreme measures I have taken to protect my body--ti's still being mutilated nightly and the terrorism of your celebrities is beyond anything but a torture chamber set of psychopaths. They are all giggling that they took the rest of my saved-up money. I could not find information about how agents have access to my banking information. Most information is blocked from my searches, by the way.//I am now a almost zero, once I make this payment my money will resume. Unless I make this payment I will not be able to survive. I have to start with nothing, which means the money I had saved for emergencies, which this organization is constantly creating, I have nothing no kind of security whatsoever because of this attack upon me by this group of millionaires and billionaires. I find them detestable and sick. I so much never want them in my lfie or ever to see their nasty faces and never their movies and I urge people to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD and all it's rotten nasty movies and directors and producers. They have put fascism and totalitarian Nazi dictatorship into power. BOYCOTT that place and the movie trash that comes out of that cesspool!!//The Social Security Agent who told me last week, as he checked my bank account, that all was fine, and that my (interrogation) phone interview to determine my disability payments was fine and that all payments would be reinstated. He said he had looked over my bank account and I had no problems and hung up with a saccharine sweetness wishing me a nice day. A few days later, he had suspended my payments and today he answered the phone when I called that office---my calls are always transferred to the agent sent to attack me and that office is no exception to all of the terrorist delivery services and etc---I told him that the excess was due to student loans which is government loans forgiven by social security and I had saved that money, as well as the stimulus checks I had never used hoping to have any kind of security. Because my home is constantly broken into, every time I leave, and literally all is rummaged through every time I return to my home my personal items are strewn about, damaged broken ripped stained and stinking and just tossed around from the organization I try to have in my life. Every single time I leave even if to go downstairs they destroy and rummage through and break and make dirty and stinking. They have teams doing this. I have no way to store money unless I carry everything around with me. //Not having access to information, not knowing that they had complete and total access to all my bank information which I never gave the agency but they now have all under scrutiny---they want me to pay more than I have as any kind of $2000 maximum. //He told me, promised me a few days ago that all was well, he had looked my bank over and all looked okay. I knew that it was goin to be a back-door slam on my a$$ but ....wondering if there is any kind of person in the entire Congress who can see the injustice in this (not because I went over the $200 limit) but saving the stimulus should not be a penalty. But the billionaires who have stolen my ideas, Oprah, the expletive team--and now they are under T-rump having my money stolen and threatening my life constantly--so writing out their sick behavior is just goin to be mute now they are trying to destroy m y life I am trying to get away from them. No one NO ONE has done a single thing to ever stop them hor help me to live in peace with any kind of financial stability. My family has worked with this group in that filthy dirty place in the Hills of Hell programming the nation and putting fascism into all kinds of power//--The celebrity Nazis & political Nazis had Social Security take all my money away from the stimulus checks and from my student loans saved-up. As I am unable to conduct almost all transactions on any level--I am blocked, my internet is hacked I am unable to do things and get information, my body has been poisoned without end to keep me dying from internal suffocation with murderous toxic poisons that are black and putrid and for 20 years all I have done is lay in beds running to shit this poison out as this group which has been paid and earned hundreds of millions for attacking torturing laughing as one expletive after the next rapes me with dirty sleazy hate as I am asleep drugged teleorted and supposedly the "dirty" one is me not they--. I had no ideas they had access to all my banking information. I accept responsibility for not having known but I looked-up information on how these operations work with social security and I had no ideas they had literally all access to all my banking records. I had saved all the stimulus money and my student loans and then saved my money. I am only "supposed" to have $200 in my bank at all times. I know that student loans under federal guidelines are allowed because it is not income it is loans, but I was told I have to pay double-digit thousands that I have saved for years to try to not be in a dire desperate situation. I have no way to survive the upcoming disaster if I slip in any way where I am---the expetives continue to tortrure me to death and are paid n millions for the continuation of torturing me with screaming rage, greying hair, they had part of my uterus cat out by the way in addition t o poisoning me to death having my hair so badly poisoned I am balding my toe broken my cuticles on all digits cut out and etc skin lacerated slashed and poisoned and I am scarred up from their violence due to mechanical arms, plus non-stop rape. The sickness and sleazy ugliness of this group is never-ending and they remain given all applause by this sick country and by the world. It is disgusting to see that such a low standard has become the norm in the u nited States. And everywhere else as well. They want me to pay something like $29,900 which is more than the $200 maximum I am supposed to have at any time to my name (in any legal account; all banking information is now not private thanks digital world order).