MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Tim Yohannan as a tyke. Goofy smile and not-goofy legacy. Tim Yo is another cool, too-cool for school, hip and politically ultra-"radical" publisher/writer who just HAD to go far too early, well before his TIME.
Learning ABC's online in the age of a pandemic. At age level 10 years old.
The last boring song was not boring because it was not too sad. This one is so funny because of the boring a-dolts sitting around and it's funny! A most excellent boring Song.
Mind-blowing, mind controlling movie reviews! You were waiting for the brainwashing content review! Here it is: geometric patterns.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Simone de Beauvoir could connect Imperialism, Colonialism with treament of white women in France (or around the world).
Friday, August 21, 2020
Ah, but voila! THe music of this solo vocalist something so infinitely more interesting and impacting--feel swaying but strong listening to this not sex toy doll music but still sexy, sweet and lurid but tasteful.
Something "sexy", something "light" All the criminals listen to music like this as they recline in their yachts and yawn in relaxation. The victims have to protest against their crimes so the environment must be protected. They go along once it's fun and easy.
A cat is being tortured or terrorized at random times, all day, every day. For the last week.
Political perspective of a mind-controlled, political awareness post-puppet-active-puppet. Russian anti-Putin activist in coma (or dead by now, perhaps) after ordering a cup of tea at an airport.
Sonnet #666. The wymen are weeping for their men. The weeping song as conjured up by a pair of men.
Oh Mary don't you weep. The mercy you partied for is there for your ass to burn.
Lordie, Lordie have Mercy upon those bad seed men and bring them to the Mercy Seat for their lying asses they made and have to sleep in.
Love you to have my baby. Love MY baby. Feed my ego. Feed me I am starving for another baby and so is my wife through you to feed my ego. Feed me eggs feed me! Feed my ego feed me I am depleted feed me.
FEEd my EGGo I am prowling for love to feed my hunger for babies feed my ego so I can rule feed me feed me. So said the man who stole the woman's future in her purse womb he turned into his gold mine tomb.
Brain lego. Wormwood. Light unreachable. Light external light unbearable life forever in Light obtained through sparks of genius. Understanding, the light of knowledge turned into the light of Love. Brainlego dissolved in the solution to the problem of understanding how to shred the darkness and turn it into the glowing light of Life Love dimmed into shining brilliance.
The music shimmers through the darkness of love sonnets that deter from determination. Downturn into my soul and finding the matrix solved in a labyrinth that only the losers must clean up America when Jack gets tired of playing around with demonic forces working into the dull dimness of his ego unfettered. Foul and fettered flesh dissolving into a dew, fermenting into light of inebriation's lust, lost. Found flavor of flaming desire for Life unbound, unrestricted, female component rejuvenated.
Love this sonnet. "Love is not love which alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove." (Shakes baby shake).
I interpret this sonnet in a different way than probably it is intended by Shakes baby.
Not the procreation pitch as the first ten sonnets do impose upon the standard of the listener--an entreaty to someone to procreate and thus, with imploring compliments about "her" profound beauty, will beseech the listener to have a go at motherhood to recreate a brood of her beautiful bounty in future generations. Compliments and implied procreative requests and ponderings on the waste of not bearing children.
As I recall, Shakespeare did leave his wife, who bore him children in the end, with his wedding bed or something like that after he abandoned her and the kids to have flings with others--so the gossip goes. Flattery does lead to leechery but oh, how the words are so sweet and smooth on the tongue and on the listeners gilded presumptions of glorified spawning for inheritance's bounty. Life expectancy was far shorter than nowadays and spawning a host of kiddies was the in-thing back when lots of children were required for all kinds of household necessities.
Very glad for modernity and that women can perhaps have other avenues of empowerment other than being forced to abandon their bounteous beauty for the bearing of children--sometimes to forfeit life itself in the premature death of the body through childbirth.
a "post-feminist" interpretation of Shakes baby and his longing for immortality. His obsession was in his work, no doubt as his progenitor heritage.
On the other hand, as I am not doing any research on when these sonnets were written in relation to when Shakes was alive and living outside the reach of his first wife and that perhaps doomed relationship--perhaps he was trying his hand at other progenitors perhaps he was trying to sow his seeds to the fullest due to his theatrical lifestyle? Too lazy to look it all up, when the sonnet was written in relation to Shake's age or where or how he was living at the time.
Women without children, what good are they anyway? Their purpose purportedly was and is to have children, what else could they do? Could they act on stage? No, that was restricted to men playing the roles of women, at this Elizabethan era in old England.
Frailty, thy name is Woman. You must therefore spawn babies or you are nothing. Nada. Nichts.
this song by Einsturzende Neubauten, translated into English, has a far different interpretation at least in the words Ich Bin than what the translater transcribes. Ich Bin=I AM as in Ich Bin Ein Berliner (so said Jack Kennedy at the Berlin Wall, a famous speech. He did not say "It's ME! Berlin Wall".
Okay, I consider this a bad translation but take it in whatever context, because I cannot find another translation and I am very lazy due to the time spent on fighting hacking blocks so here is the bad translation which does not fit into the poetic context whatsoever--- maybe the rest is a good translation but I doubt it. This is one of the huge problems with translations and the difference between what the author really intended in the original text. Many arguments have been held over the authentic Greek and Latin of the Biblical texts in their original languages versus the interpretations that have been cannonized into the many various sects of religious programming via these texts. Just one example. Other tragedies of mis-interpretated translations abound and are a shame for the audience who is limited to understand the real context or meaning. So much alteration can thusly be introduced into otherwise more radical ideas.
Ich Bins--I am....although the lyrics in German do say "ich bin's" which is what you would say casually when someone asks, who is there? It's me! Ich bin's. But....the question remains unasked. The sense is of one person talking to him/herself. The glowing ember of solitary self-sufficiency is a comfort in times of cold blasts of unwelcomed chilling air if a stranger should knock on the door and tempt fate into bringing into another person in the void of the solitary but empty life filled with secure nothingness. If having a child, or bearing a child is supposed to bring the only meaning to enduring the cyclical inheritance of the beauty of the flesh, then the conquering worm as the inheritor has at least teeth that are understandable, in this post-romantic modern world perhaps the burning core of the self enveloping in it's own meaning would be the life-bud of the rose that can blossom if only left to not be burnt out by the cries of burdening male domineering wanting babies in endless diaper existences and hen left with only the 2nd best bed in the will, as the testament to a marriage that bore children but no inheritance except for a dusty piece of empty furniture, cold as death.
It's me, I AM, but what are you in this void wanting spawn from me?
Questioning, why should I have a baby? Zum kotzen!!!
Good old Nina Hagen who had a son and loved him. !!! Where was the father? A feminist appraisal of baby-making and the strength of women. She may have been burned as a witch in Shakespeare's time--or in this time as well! To be put down into a well of domestic domesticated drudgery and clean and cook for a man who, traditionally, could do whatever the funk he wanted. Shakes baby certainly went out for his career after having his seductive way with his wife. She was left in Strattford while Shakes baby wrote sonnets to his other lovers! Great deal for him, great deal for human kind. Bad scheissse for women and woman kind. Shake's plays are often containing women as victims, under the thumb of the rule of men's law, etc etc. Fit mostly to spawn and obey and die afterwards. Great love sonnets engraved on their tombs, after they played their spawning roles upon the stage that men set for them as minor roles and players.
Ich bin das letztes Biest im Himmel--I am the last beast in heaven. After ME there is no YOU to devour a child of the spawn of a Hell's Angel reborn into YOUR void of which you spawn cosmic nihilism. Rape in order to procure a cure to your ennui, a baby out of the wedlock of Love will exist in a vacuum so black it's hole will never achieve a holy roller ride. Otherwise, the matron the mother and the trinity of the rebirth of the female as a human being will be perhaps the reincarnation of human beings once your paradigm has reached it's unholy prime. See video below for reference to these symbols and visual clues. Otherwise, your demand for a baby just gives me the blues. The universe is a spectrum of the light of Love, and you bring it all down to a slaughtered Dove.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Terrorist report. August 21, 2020.
To protect against objects inserted under my cuticles, and damaging chemicals smeared on my hands, arms, forearms, legs, hair, face, inserted into my orifices--
I have begun to sleep with gloves on. My fingers are healing after YEARS of objects being inserted under the cuticle nightly. However, as this group never stops destroying my body every single time they break in and I cannot wake up to defend myself--they are using their mechanical arms to cut blood flow on my fingers so I wake up with my fingers numb and injured from these pinching of the blood flow by their pincer mechanical arms.
My toe remains being slowly severed in the like fashion. I have a pair of socks I bought to sleep with to try to stop this, but they are waiting for cleaning because after spraying them with bleach and cleaning fluid and essential oil, they still stink and I have never worn them, they are brand new, beautiful and wonderful. I must clean them with bleach in the washing machine, but due to poisoning, drugging through my marked down, individually packaged food I bought (so I could buy pillows, blankets, more after I must throw away two pillows, two blankets, one belt, just from the last week--every time I leave, once a week, I have a huge bundle of items I bought that are destroyed from these operations. I must buy most of them again, as these are necessities. I am too ill to do a laundry, and I have to use the machine to clean the new sheets I bought for the latex-covered boxspring, which is also covered by a plastic table cloth, because the terrorist spray so much dangerous fungus and other deadly chemicals I must sprinkle powder, spray bleach, put plastic coverings over pillows, my bed, and the rubber matting I use as some kind of padding is stinking with fungus and mold which I have stopped spraying endlessly--it is huge and looks like a sponge, absorbs so much fluid and the result is that it is sprayed immediately afterwards. I have layers of blankets covering that, and the top layer of this bedsheet I have been using has holes ripped into it, stinks with foul odors after massive cleaning--the sheets are sprayed while I am sleeping so I wake up with stinking odors on the pillow I sleep on, under the other pillows I use--the only pillow that isn't absolutely destroyed remains in a huge clear plastic covering--I must live like a person who has plastic-coated furniture just to fight to save my body and life from poisoning shock and other deadly problems associated with this onslaught of chemicals and fungus and mold sprayed daily at every opportunity to insert these mechanical arms, which means every time I walk into the bathroom, turn my back, look into a closet, water the planets on the balcony-etc...
Years of taping paper, stickers, hooks tied together at all corners of all panels and in the middle of the intersecting panels above and below on all corners still won't stop this as laser cutting tools just cuts around the sealed areas and objects remain being inserted. The cracks that leave openings of the doors of the cupboards leave just enough space for tiny mechanical arms to be inserted. I am guessing at how this is operating of course. It is logical deduction but perhaps I am missing out on one of the ceiling light fixtures which all have holes bored into the ceiling. I have covered all up but there may be other panels I have not discovered. I have gone through the entire tiny space for years fighting this. I remain unable to stop this. I remain asking the readers to please help me financially so I can afford to move to some place and have money to defend myself much better than their professional surveillance teams and terror operations.
Upon getting up and doing something else, I just want to add this. I have written of it before a few times: having to clean clothing, blankets, pillows and everything else in this room perpetually with anti-fungal substances, bleach and cleaning forever, hours and hours daily--there is a small washing machine, a Thai machine that has been rigged so the spin cycle does not operate. Bending is so painful to me, and I also cover the machine with a plastic tarp covering I made from a tablecloth--to protect against the sunlight and also from the rusting material that is also sprayed on every metal item which makes them all stink--the rusty substance also is transferred to my fingers and hands if I touch them, which I must for many items. The spin cycle is rigged to not operate. Thus I have to bend to open the lid because I have to lift up heavy material I keep covering this machine. I have to lift heavy soaking wet blankets, clothing and everything else I must endlessly wash. The drying time for items can take up to 24 hours. The mechanical arms are inserted while I am watching something on this tube, or in the bathroom, or sleeping or whatever. They spray water and more stinking odors while clothing, blankets and etc are out drying because they are soaking wet and dripping profusely with water. I then place the items in front of a large fan that blocks much space on a countertop next to the huge drying rack which I must use to hang stinking clothing on every day. I can't access my cupboard closets any longer without great effort, which most of the time is too difficult as poisons are ripping out of my body daily and I am sick and ill and too weak to move almost all the time, plus the physical adjustments to my spine and hips nightly make movement impossible. I hand wash clothing in the sink usually. I can only afford cheap cleaning fluids like cheap shampoo. It does not smell good actually when you use it for cleaning. The cheap stuff I must use to clean such an abundance of stinking and deadly fluids. My rubber gloves I use are pierced so water seeps in--pierced of course by the terrorist operator agents. My hands are worn out from over 8 years of this going on daily, as also combined with the smearing of harsh chemicals on my hands at night--and my hair, skin, harsh chemicals which make skin on my knees, feet so hard and brittle they are cracked and hard. This is after rubbing with all kinds of defoliating items and oils and etc--waking up with hard crusted surfaces and my hair shredded in some kind of grater and my body smeared with all kinds of nasty substances, etc etc on and on the list is far too long and my brain is far too blocked in memory to detail all. I write of this repeatedly and for years and it is still going on.
I have to assume that since this contract was ongoing in it's full violence against me under the last "progressive" or "liberal" or "Democrat" agenda and under the auspices of their departments, and now under the current, it remains as deadly as it ever was, that the promises of "change" and relief from what all are now enumerating as a tyrannical force in America--
WILL NOT be altered in it's substantive form, when it comes to covert activities like what is an ongoing death threat to me.
They also threaten to kill my cat, La Moux, who was abducted back in 2014 when I began telling one of the rapists, who went on and on raping me as his girlfriend-turned-wife-then-divorced almost immediately afterwards--laughed like sleazy hyenas as I cried to have her returned. The wifey blonde Nazi actor then tried to have me killed when she partnered with Elon Musk as they both inserted their photos as she "dated" him. His photos continued to plague my internet searches for many years until I wrote that I believe the carriers of the pandemic are based on probably part of his technology and wide-sweeping control over the air space of the United States and conveying the virus is no problem with satellite and air space access with the breadth of the scope of his technology. That he is a firm Apartheid-influenced racist I have no doubt. He opened a factory for his manufacturing in China just a few months, like one or two, before the pandemic began to spread to it's current course in the United States. He has now reached top billionaire status during this time frame. The blonde nazi female actor was assaulted by her husband, the other actor, who beat, raped, torture me for over 2 years as she stole ideas from me to present as her own concepts. I wrote after years of this, my hate phrases that now make me appear "delusional" and "crazy" but mind you, after more than 8 or 10 years of this ongoing daily--I wrote that she is and was a posturing ape--and 6 near-death accidents were forced upon me almost immediately afterwards--as she partnered with Elon Musk who I distrust completely. He reminds me so much of Nazis I met in Germany in the small little towns where much of the real decisions are made regarding these terrorist operations. All disguised under the nice flowery houses of the clean, swept and tidy little Nazi villages (Dorfs, in German) where these activities can be hidden. Musk looks like one of these men to me, although that sounds prejudiced.
Smeared layers of greased meat in tracks in the middle of the road, as the swarm of motorbikes surrounding me parted just as I drove into this intended spot--it was put into a near rectangle shape---precision--there was a white ugly male standing nearby observing that the huge truck driving at high speed right behind me, closing in within a few feet just behind me as I drove into this huge patch of smeared meat in the middle of the road--as motorbikes parted, left and right--I tried to swerve as the handlebars were remotely manipulated and frozen so they would not move. I could not brake so I had to push almost as hard as I could within a brief split second of reflexes or I would have slipped as the truck ran over me. that happened just as this current leader of my country put his photos on my Facebook page and the one time I clicked on his page and wrote a comment--the rest is history if you know the herstory of how this situation creates promotions for these people assaulting me with these covert and stealth photo operations of me clicking once and they then attack me--but made to appear as if I am absolutely bonkers for writing about sleeping and being teleported to famous movie stars raping me while I sleep and I am this "poor" and absolutely with no finances, no anything--all completely blocked and stolen and destroyed by this organization to discredit me
and that is how this current situation in America has reached it's current point--all with the consent of the people who were supposed to care about freedom, but they wanted "black" entertainers to rise into top positions and thus, playing their victim roles, they turn around and attack me while the white bigots applaud and promote them, they all live in the hills and scream at me that they are all "friends" with bigot Nazis out of Europe. All go shopping in Paris, London and Milan to prove how elite they are. they attack me with viciousness while they are backed up by vicious white supremacists who are also "actors". Turned politicians.
| watch the speeches and lectures of these new personalities claiming they are going to bring stability and "change". I now have to ask anyone who will venture to go outside this group and literally rescue me because I have little faith in what these "alternative" pundits are claiming for the media coverage.
The murder attempt I wrote of above, which is not a complete description, because during that time frame the blonde Nazi woman "actor" who was or is a model as well, with many open European contacts and "friends"--teleported me while this actor who you all are screaming has mysteriously brought totalitarianism into America, suddenly because it was so cool and hip prior to his Nazi base support system marching and killing people openly in the streets--she teleported me at the onset of her huge divorce procedings, and with this other personality watched glaring with her tiny pupils tightened in hate--which I have seen in teleportation while her husband who beat me, then beat her too (but only once or twice for her, years at me while she watched on LAUGHING and smiling and glowing with hormones of joy over it) and, all this transpired under the cool and hipster who now claims that this fiasco of current events is due to the incompetence of the current--but really, the system remains as it was while he was in charge, assuming my situation was of importance and worrying about sell-out black performers who might "represent" in H-wood instead.
I have tried to explain the timeline of this situation but the attack on my brain, my sickness this morning from more detox, the hacking and endless block to writing, the subliminals being pounded into my head simultaneously--my motor skills blocked, my memory blocked
I did not write the event structure very well or as I would like to. I want to get this out not even exactly to disparage any of these politicians but to state that I believe I have NO CHANCE OF ANYONE OF THEM EVER STOPPING THIS MURDER SITUATION AS THEY ALL WANT TO PARTICIPATE AND PROFIT AND GET PROMOTED FOR PARTICIPATION, as has been ongoing for all these years. Either them or their media promoters who are celebrity endorsement characters. Two of them in particular were active endorsers of the former leader and all are friends with the current leader--all the actors perhaps a few balk because he is putting them on back burners for the choices he wants to lead the media establishment for his particular agenda.
Many songs trigger thoughts, emotions and concepts directly or indirectly to my experience of observing the endless repetitious patterns o...
I must order express extremely vital financial objects from my mailing service out of the US. So far, Fed Ex in Phuket has no telephone nu...
For the past few days the terrorist minions, which here in Thailand specialize in Asian cooking condiments such as Fish oil and fish cakes...