Sunday, August 23, 2020

Tim Yohannan as a tyke. Goofy smile and not-goofy legacy. Tim Yo is another cool, too-cool for school, hip and politically ultra-"radical" publisher/writer who just HAD to go far too early, well before his TIME.

Cancer Treatment leaves the brave Tim undeterred from a party and a concert

Issue #?
MAJOR LABELS: Some of your friends are already this fucked.

(not to mince words).

B4 Photoshop: the glorious cut-and-paste issues

A Patriot proudly displaying the American Flag in the pre-21st Century intellectual freedom. He and others like him are either dead or a dying breed (COINTELPRO and other programs to eliminate alternative thinkers and their work). The rest is the co-opted Maximumrocknroll with absolutely watered down commentary that lacks the cutting observations and freedom of obscene political rampage that were obvious in the earlier issues, back in the early 80's and when I was around that scene, even into the late 80's. I am not able to locate a single Tim Yo column or any of his writings on the site, although there are lists of earlier archives, mysteriously none of the writings appear. When trying to find the older issues I only get the cover page. Any search results in the 5-6 photos I pasted on this page, and no writing whatsoever from Tim Yohannan. He was a radical and a political activist that far surpasses what has taken over the fanzine now. 

I would write more in-depth about this and other subjects but hacking has made even surfing impossible. My writing is re-written by hackers, and what I do manage to get out is almost always stolen by the H-wood criminals you all call celebrity.  If I could make a list of movies and concepts that came out within half a year, one year, or two years after I wrote about these concepts--often stolen verbatim but turned into their mafia/Nazi/communist plot subterfuges which always receive highest acclaim it seems. But that is just another co-opting of works by people who are silenced in America. In other countries people have absolutely no chance whatsoever, and the education is so programmed that many cannot begin to think outside of the dangerous red lines they are threatened never to step outside of. Tim was one of those who encouraged people to step outside of all boundaries, and he had people writing with a freedom and lack of editing deletion and oppression of Freedom of Speech. Now all I write is blocked out, stolen and copied and I am tortured afterwards for having such thoughts. That is the State of America right now. I want to envision a future where I am not blocked or stolen from any longer and not drugged and incapacitated so bigot Ken And Barbie Nazi can steal ideas to claim as their so they can appeal to the "Millennial" generation which also does not want "me" to have any chance but they also steal whatever they can as well. Perhaps there will be some revival of past activism and a profound paradigm shift into some kind of real freedom of expression culture. The millions of bigot creeps who have nearly killed me so many times by now I cannot count them all any longer, operate for the Ken/Barbie Nazi bigot hate Communist Europhile pig apes who I cannot express enough chagrin or disgust about any longer. 

I plan on waiting, a sort of hiatus, as these unbelievably inhumane "people" attacking me have continuously threatened once again to injure my cat seriously--I have been sent a letter without instruction from the government which could have serious and dangerous consequences if this parody of legal action is not stopped due to the corruption of the administration and it's policies and practices.

I am not able to write about any of the creeps, crooks, pig apes whores scumbags who are attacking me who are "household" names but I swear, I would like to be able to write my own fanzine and have freedom to express anything that is within the limits of the First Amendment, which includes CRITICISM OF MAFIA NAZI BIGOT COMMUNIST WHORES WHO ARE TORTURING ME WITH GOVERNMENT TECHNOLOGY AND MILLIONS OF GANG STALKING SCUMBAG PIG APES which means most of you reading this--hacking in. Illegal of course. 

I think of Belarus and I think of America and I wonder if America is any less of a vassal slave state to foreign countries like Russia like that horrid criminal country that was absolutely destroyed by the Nazis, and these atrocities remain so over-looked as the "Jews" are made to endlessly look like victims and thus they remain targets. The pig apes of H-wood endlessly make this clear as they threaten me along Nazi genocide lines which they use as psyc-ops tactics to enforce victimization that they use as their own power grabs to ensure only their monopolies are never challenged. I also want to state that I stopped reading MRR when they endorsed one of the director's I just made reference to, an absolute bigot creep, and the review of this horrid, violent movie were like championing this violent psychopath movie crap, and I stopped reading MRR at that point (it was NOT a pristine alternative fanzine, I was also targeted by Tim but not like the scum out of H-wood by any means). And, if anyone can get my drift, I believe Tim was covertly assassinated with "cancer" because even though he was not perfect, he did defend me, he also had to oblige the pig apes the mafia Nazis--as he was under the authority of Jello Biafra who I do not trust implicitly as some "punk" icon. Tim was the manager or publisher but it was also fronted by The Dead Kennedys. However, what has transpired since I stopped having faith in this zine was that Tim is dead (assassinated I believe, because his content which was published is a far cry from what I can struggle to find and never obtain anywhere in all my futile searches for any meaningful content, anywhere.) 

Tim was a threat to the prevailing order. The Dead Kennedys are akin to the surviving punk band leaders who wanted to get filthy lucre and essentially "sold out" as the term goes. Some are absolute fakes by now. 

Tim is dead. I have written to MRR requesting information on how I can find Tim's old archived columns which were very entertaining and politically deviant. There were also sexual issues about feminism and all kinds of things that are still "taboo".

However, some of the punk bands may express their ideas through their music--it is hard to understand their lyrics and I gave up on MRR many years ago, feeling a huge bubble burst of deflated dismay at how badly the co-opting watered down content, made it "fun" and not dangerously political, and now the old writings which were so "dangerous" are not published and only the fanzine covers remain. I know that it is impossible that these older zines are gone forever and there is no access digitally. It is like censored and dangerous information, stuffed away in some archive or collector's stash. 

Too dangerous. He "had" to die of cancer. He allowed ANYONE to come in and out of that house in the San Francisco hills where mostly "yuppy" neighbors surrounded this very beautiful house he lived in. His income was far below the rent or purchase of this house, also. 

I will try to wait to write more, because I have written now what I had intended to write, but it is a very straightforward and angry diatribe. I did not put on that aluminum hat because I had no intention of writing about any of this today. I wanted to write, as I have wanted for years, to make short stories and I am absolutely unable to type or think. I got into this digression because the tech acts like a truth serum and I just go on and on in very clear and non-creative angry writing sprees instead of the creative fiction or other dramatizations or other forms of expression other than these posts which are rough material and all is stolen, none of this has a real copyright. I have put a copyright on this blog but none of the parasites who have been torturing me for years to obtain material in it's raw form, without any protection of legal copyright laws enforced, even if I have that symbol on this blog, which I do have, these parasite users, abusers, haters, rapists, racists, Nazis mafia et al will respect that little electronic copyright symbol.


Tim gave me the chance to write and he was absolutely supportive of me in almost every way. Despite the forces surrounding him demanding him to attack me, the threat is real for all surrounding me who do not want to participate in the attack system.

I wait for the time when what I write is not  turned into a rationalization to torture me, like some Belarusian tyrannical fascist dictatorship country. I wait for criminals out of the media complex to not be promoted for raping, abusing, exploiting and torturing me and then handed my ideas for their concepts but put in their name, as I fight to be able to buy food that isn't rancid, poisoned stale out of date and drugged. I wait for people to enforce the LAW where human rights are enforced under the US Constitution so I do not have to write about this online for a huge criminal organization to laugh about and make jokes over and gloat that their system is so all-encompassing around the globe that no president or any leader globally will intervene. 

I wait for the time when I am not endlessly hacked with no support or help and no recognition of my target situation.

As I fight and struggle to type I must as usual backspace continuously and fight to think without digression due to the mind control tech assailing my brain so I cannot function intellectually in any powerful way.

I wait for the time when people do not watch silently and scared of intervening for fear of losing their livelihoods or lives.

I do not just mean censorship, but my toes broken, my body cut into nightly when I cannot defend myself as terrorist break into my home every single day, repetitively all day, through cracks and panels, all the time, non-stop. Bruises, chemicals smeared on my skin and hair, my food poisoned--and if I write something about years of being teleported and raped, and tortured with this "covert" teleportation technology, I am physically attack if and when I write about their attacks. For years I never wrote or even resisted these attacks, mostly because I had zero conception of what literally thousands of people--in America--had been and still are doing using these terror systems and technology to steal ideas, thwart any attempt for me to produce, poisoning and drugging that is without end--nearly 10 years of fighting to remove poison from my body as I am continuously re-poisoned and drugged with bloating, and then hardening poisons in my food. Drugged into near comatose levels but aware enough to write ideas which are tortured out of me.

That is the state of freedom in America. The people who claim they are "Patriots" and are fighting for 'Freedom" also have a lot to do with these death squad activities. I mean the good, white Patriot communities I have lived around and they are adamant Nazis in covert terror organizations. They balk at this and claim they are just being patriotic, but without their "services" and coordination, this situation upon me would never have been possible.  Unfortunately, the people who are "alternative" in the inner cities, the "Progressives" who are calling their cohorts "brothers and sisters" gladly want to pas the burden of their self-proclaimed status as victims onto me  in this situation--as they also get promoted. All the extreme Right and extreme Left literally operate together to decide who is going to be silenced, and who is going to be "allowed" to have any expression whatsoever.

In the YouTube video political commentaries, I see people who are going on about almost the same ideas, repeating one another. Most of the "liberal" commentators simply are wearing alternative clothing and putting out concepts that are incongruous to their image: white, middle-to-upper class expecting entitlement. They go on about how inadequate the DNC Convention just was. They claim the Progressives have the answers to all the problems that Millenniuals are clamoring about in their marches and protests. The celebrities of all these groups teleport and masturbate in front of me--one of them did very recently--I could not interpret if he was acting just like the rapist white bigot Nazis who handed him the technology, who are now promoting him (and another one in his "group" who did the same thing, obscenity towards me, is just a female and not a male rapist--who endlessly is defending women in sexual harassment situations--) but, they are now promoted by the bigot media and are in the forefront of a notable protest movement in the media.

And....I am talking not just about any writing being blocked by endless hacking and hacker insertions, deletions and the DOS attacks that are continuous. But my body deformed, broken bones, accidents nearly killing me for writing in a drugged up rage about years of torture and violence, with millions of people participating. All across the planet, every single place it never ends for a second.

How can I wait for any change in the next few months, or within a year, or how much longer must I wait for any kind of defense against this situation and for any kind of justice and the "right" to WRITE what I want which is not a death threat or any violation of the FIRST AMENDMENT and not tortured, disfigured, or nearly killed for it? I was trying to write that for decades I never protested this situation and I went along, not understanding what was happening. They tortured me nevertheless because I wanted to have a happy life, with prosperity, and a chance to live in Freedom and the opportunity to advance in any way. Also to just be happy and beautiful physically and emotionally. All day, every day I must deal with hate and torture after I fight to write about these crimes while everyone just watches on silently never approaching me with any kind of protection. 

I write that I am waiting when I can write and not have my brain blacked out, my fingers unable to move, the keyboard so hard to pound letters on my fingers and hand hurt from endlessly pounding and fighting to type and backspacing almost every word to correct. 

Waiting for people to stop laughing and making jokes about the torture and violence that they or their friends are inflicting upon me--because they are being promoted for it, because they are "famous' because they are told they can get away wuth all crimes and rape and sexual violence is especially a gold star activity not just in H-wood but everywhere it is the same. Feminists participate by saying and doing nothing as their friends rape and torture me and they all get promoted for not saying anything and helping it all on and on.

silenced on every turn, I am. Drugged into a stupor every single day and crapping out poison for almost ten years and sick from poisoning with horrific bulging of my body for more than 20 years.

Still waiting and waiting and writing about this. The days of Tim Yohannan are like some distant sci-fi fiction that was on some other planet--by now I can't consider you people attacking me as anything human and I see the planet dying form your greed and ignorance and hate and yet, it is still being "allowed" to go on. Even when people are screaming about climate change, they cannot wait to be able to be handed a free house in Phuket if they just rape and abuse me or say and do nothing to help me or stop their "friends". No protests are allowed to stop the destruction of Phuket and the greed and sexual violence towards women continues but everyone has been oppressed so badly here that all they can do is smile and say and write nothing against is, as none of you say or write anything against your profiteering off authoritarian tyrannical regimes while all is being destroyed and so much is now dying. You all assume that when all the pandemic and rioting is over, you can resume your endless consumption lifestyles and never do more than sit and watch the mainstream controlled media and never help people like me who actually are part of this problem--as the people who are being promoted for attacking me are very much a danger and threat to the extinction that you are all raging about in your media "exposes". 

All your "friends" in other words.

Maybe the years of me writing on Facebook and on this blog now for a few months will be one of the few and only, silenced but nevertheless I feel that perhaps some people might retain what I have written as testament to the crimes that everyone cares about once the threat of retaliation is over--decades or even longer after the incidents are allowed to go on and on because all is silenced and the media information is so skewed that there is nothing but utter and completely propaganda brainwashing left.


Yes, I "allowed" inadvertantly people to exploit and use me, so drugged up my entire body was like a swollen bloated balloon. You can see this same effect in extraordinary writers like Andrea Dworkin, who was accused by the sexist misogynist culture of being "fat" and ugly. She was poisoned with the same bloating poison that I have been. She wrote that one must accept the consequence of fighting this rape and racist global culture. She accepted and was slowly poisoned to death. She had no knowledge of how she was dying and her 'illnessz" remained undiagnosed. The subsequent illness that accompnay your body poisoned with bloating poison until it is suffocating in it's own poisoned bloated incapacity to function are only collateral to the poisning murder itself.

I was a "good girl" although I was  "bad girl" because, I never truly "accepted" people exploiting or attacking me in any way. As they all made sure to entertain their advances with first drugging so I could not use my brain properly, then huge smiles and welcomes into their traps, I was always running in circles thereafer going from one who followed the protocols to the next. Any original thinkers slowly receeded into their own versions of being assassinated until there are literally no people left who actually really protest these hate crimes that I am confronted with. Tim was one of the rare exceptions in my life. I tried to be around the Andrea Dworkin protests with her presiding when I studied at the Unversity of Minneapolis--while Dworkin was right there at the unuveristy creating a huge, wonderful protest movement against pornography and violence against women. Every time I attempted to get near any of the meetings or organizers, I was attacked nearly viciously by the blonde, Nazi "feminists" who proliferate in Nazi, bigot Minnesota and everywhere, as this group is determined to create a global Nazi coalition with silencing of all adversaries a complicit and tacit rule of thumb. 

And, I could go on, my brain is now meandering all over the place. I accepted their system but would never allow someone to unsult or attack me. The only times these terrorist agents could get away with these hate crimes, were only due to me being drugged. I have always been drugged. After so many people who once supported me are also silenced, terrifed to speak out, and are far away and I cannot reach them and they all back off in teror to be included in this target murder operation as targets themselvse--and the rest who, like Tim, wrote extrenely powerful articles and put out art that was not cookie-cutter fodder, one almost like the next as these endless punk bands now are: dead. He is dead. I accepted the sistuation unconsciously after having been programmed and I was nearly killed so many times I have lost count. I remain in this situation aboslutely silcned and can only reminisce about the short time I had with Tim Yohannan, where I was attacked by the white males who slept at the RocknRollHouse who feigned being altnernatives. If I could only write short stories and not have to deal with hacking and brain attacks so I am not able to forumlate ideas or write or think clearly, I would write about this as well. I only now have to experience this all the time with the fake alternatives, now called "Progressives" who can't wait to join in with the white bigots to masturbate in front of signs of hate, racism, disrespect and they are now leaders of the "alternative" movements that have been ordainted into the pseudo-religious movement of deception, fraud, and this death culture as the planet is being killed and all original utterly cool people I once was so happy to be around are dead or gone or silent. Silenced. That is why I try to fight this, and not remain silent, but alas, I must remain silenct because I cannot tolerate any more threats to my cat, La Moux who was stolen by them over 6 years ago and uis dying waiting for me to return and claim my most precious cat as mine once again. And then the phyhsical torture and the endless slicing into my body, my hair skin everything brooken down by this group---and no one ever intervening.

I truly want to find anyone cool enough to write anything alternative and put out movies that are not boring as hell and people who are not so completely fraudulent and disgusting and perverted and are there any people left on the planet who do not laugh about "gang stalking" torture and murder operations is there anyone left on the planet who is not a sick psycho who is silencing and killing off the really cool people who made America a most creative and fascisnating culture?

A dying or dead breed now.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...