Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Crass. WTF?: Bulldozing mass destruction and death in Phuket. The "alt-renegade" spiritual holiday manufacterers raking in tourist $$ do nothing but remain silent. They have Thai slaves servicing them and operate in terror networks.


THREE areas of construction are underway in locations that I have driven by every time I go on these huge shopping sprees--being so ill, I make a route across half of the lower portion of the island, in a circuitous route that leads me past the THREE areas that used to be some sort of natural preserved area. Not since the pandemic has lowered land prices in a vulture swoop. A frenzy of purchase and building on the areas that I sighed a relief brief hope that would remain pristine are now being bulldozed. I used to love looking at birds, the beautiful palm trees, and think that at least there are some areas that remain in a natural state. The ugliness of most of the buildings here do not assuage the ugliness of the mentality of the hate-bigot-Nazi/Communist/fascist investors. Square, cement and box-structure. Animals are dying out and there are zero groups in Phuket protesting such development. There are teenager groups who claim they are helping the environment, only because the devastation of the coral reefs mean less tourist revenue for their expectations of ownership--these are the white-run high schools ("international" they are called).

There are Europ-a's who offer "spiritual" vacation retreats here, one of whom I have been attacked by in this terror operation. She is from Scotland. Always like all the rest of the agents, wears the "alternative" gear, spouts spiritual philosophies of righteous healing (expensive healing retreats with all the "organic" food you can devour while being served by Thais who work 12 hour days, or just 10 hour days, 6-7 days a week, smiling and happy to be serving and serving YOU. Devout devotees to the white supremacist cause. All the development, to them, is like Manna raining down from all the prayers they utter for prosperity to Budda daily. They participate in the terror operations after handing food to the Buddhist monks who make their morning food retrieval services. The whites, like the Scottish woman who offered me "organic" tea she specially made--poisoned and drugged--reads poetry from her country, has a Thai husband and has spawned a child (and now owns and has businesses, this is the investment strategy of bigot racists colonizing Thailand--by law one must have a Thai partner in order to buy or invest).

And so, no one is defending the animals. People are protesting worldwide against global warming but never here in Phuket. Not the politically-correct dudes who come here to PHuket to go sightseeing the elephants and go snorkeling and get relief from having to "care" about worldly concerns like environmental devastation in Phuket.

And thus, there is no protection for the animals and nature here--except for the local administrations fighting to preserve the places where tourist money is heaped up into the coffers of the ---and, I cannot write exactly honestly as social media is scrutinized for anti-government content and although this is more about local administrations--that changed when the government changed as well.

I am very sad to see endless bulldozing and to have to realize that animals are being killed off and left with nowhere to live--and only more cement to DIE and starve on.

I would take photos and transfer them onto this page, but the terrorists have broken my one and only camera function on my already (by them) broken mobile phone, where over half of the most important functions have been broken. I used to take photos of Phuket, and they broke that function and broke the function to transfer files to a laptop and broke the WiFi connection and broke the resolution of the screen..and etc etc.
After I got off this page and began to do something else, the ideas that were blocked by the "mind control" tech/drugging came back. The Scottish woman I had written of above, participated in the gang stalking with groups of Thai people attacking me while she stood blocking my path and sticking her head up in the stupid pig-sniffing-the-air posture as she tried to elbow me when I got in line behind her. The Thai people I had met in that store, operating the cash registers, with the ugly smiles of sadistic glee at participating in hate crimes, violence, sadism, etc (the smiles are so ugly, in this corrupted "Land of Smiles" the repression and the release from this status being "allowed" if just the Thais would participate in a hate crime against someone else. So glad to be doing so.
The same dynamic remains in the US, with the politically-correct groups , from the West coast of LA to everywhere else, I cannot focus only one one major brainwashing group because they may just be the symbolic representatives of a larger movement and not the impetus of these behaviors.
No protests against the ravaging of Thailand. Every bit of land now is being developed because prices have burst in this real estate bubble. It is tragic for anyone who has seen how beautiful this place once was, and now the ugly cement buildings have taken over. In other parts of Thailand there are wooden houses, you can see them in Chiang Mai--they are beautiful, add to the beauty of the landscape. A ghetto sort of squalor sensation hangs like a ghost that is going to be born in the clean corners of the ugly boxes that also are like the mental structures of the exploiters purchasing Thailand at the lowest price. The greed greases the way for all to be enveloped by cement and hate.

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