Sunday, August 9, 2020

A "random" reference to H-wood movies when accessing information on "mind control technology"? There are far too many references such as these when investigating the technology.

What is sorely needed is for the general population to have access to real database research systems like EBSCO Host. The public library systems I have tried to obtain information from, using these public research databases was a confusing waste-of-time. The articles I received from searches was in no way as comprehensive or even nearly adequate as when I searched terms on the more sophisticated EBSCO host database, which requires registration from a university or other officially-recognized authoritative institutional source. 

I am thus relegated to having to search on my pirated and hacked WiFi (with 5G systems in the vicinity of my WiFi connection--although my "landlord" informed me that my connection was a personal hook-up, but no, I can only access through WiFi and all is a lie and an "open source" hacking portal as far as my every internet access is concerned).

Stuck with only what has passed through, what must be a rigorous vetting process to eliminate any real supportive information site or person, I have obtained this information from an unreliable stalking support system group (online) that I happened to access in my email account, which I have given up on due to attacks from their "moderator" and the administrator (undoubtedly attack terrorist agents either posing as the real functionaries or simply agents controlling the "support" group).

The first reference is to an actor who is part of this attack situation. 

How reliable can any of this be? Why are H-wood movies only referenced when I search for information about these mind control technologies, on a near 100% occurrence?

Not just a rhetorical or hypothetical question.

**Nota Bene: hacking is very bad again. I just cleared the system two days ago and already I can't access WiFi until  I have to go into Troubleshooting, click on the WiFi check link, and then reboot the system. I can't just turn on my computer and access the internet as should be the normal procedure.

Besides that: the cursor jumps when I try to backspace and correct their endless hacking typo inserts. I just left the typo in the article description (the world "authentically" was misspelled) and I am too sick from backspacing and rewriting and trying to highlight and delete the mistakes these hackers create to go into the screen again and retype this above. Just writing this is easier than going into the link to correct it.

I had to highlight, to try to delete the wrong link that hackers inserted, as I highlight they push the cursor to a point where the entire area highlighted becomes partially highlighted. I have to backspace and then do more things just to try to delete a long sentence or wrong link that they forced instead of what I had copied so I could paste an item.

right now typing has letters doubling as I type, letters not appearing, my fingers "confused" and unable to reach keys and my fingers jumbled up into knots, unable to find the keys. Pounding down as the keys are too hard to pound down on...etc etc

I had not planned on writing today, but I discovered this article which I have not read--I consider it an outdated disinformation piece because the advancement of the tech is far more sophisticated than what appears in mainstream, public access. Or in scholarly research database articles like on EBSCO Host. Yes indeedy: I am part of a very covert mind control "experiment" but what emerges is no scientific-based reaction from the unscientific people using this technology. I wonder if the behavior of these perverts and haters is being monitored by the scientists who do social science research or are observing their behavior as part of the experimental design. Surely, I do hope at least there is this part of the study on this teleportation technology. 

Of course, no interference from the scientific group handing out this technology. As the Joker from the BAtman movie would say, this is a "Social experiment" to see how people will so easily kill one another if given the tech or opportunity--and it gets worse when the external conditions reach more terrorism or chaos stages than if under 'normal" peaceful conditions. With the people attacking me, the financial gain and easy money aspect is akin to a terror response of frenzied violence in order to obtain the end result of these huge, easy and free sums of money and promotions. 


Returning from having gotten up from this brain-zapped position. I remembered almost immediately the name of the Miami Dade research database that was only vague in my memory until I left this seat (also washed my hands, and I think water has some effect on how the brain processes this tech assault--or discharges energy, electrons, protons, what ever...?_)

The research database is called WORLD CAT. My brain could only register cat while sitting here and being attacked. Of course the brevity of my writing also entails my brain being shut on and off, like a light switch as I cannot access my thoughts or write at any length on a real topic. I can definitely get into ranting and hate topics, which are part of the general discrediting of my ongoing character assassination scheme. (!)

I can easily get into how the hacking makes writing impossible. I can never get into my real ideas or concepts and after endless struggle to simply type, my fingers not able to move to keys I get tangled up in confusion physically--my brain literally begins to "hurt" from exertion, exhaustion, blanking out of memory and ability to focus or concentrate. A great thing for the media people stealing concepts as they profit off the ideas they steal from my writings and I remain mostly sitting in pain, paralyzed from their orders to keep me paralyzed, incapacitated, and then unable to write out my ideas which they capitalize on. Then the rest of the violence cascades in every direction, every moment and they go off smug and being paid in millions for it. As the prototype or one of them for this situation, the stakes for participation are so extremely high, it surely demonstrates the utter lack of credibility and ethical standard in Whorewood and the real mentality that exists in the media. Alas, all the people hacking are either observing and won't get involved, or are part of this general #Me Only assault situation. 

Oh...just a side note--another HUGE tax cut for the very wealthy from the H-wood reality tv show personality who ---oh, well, I risk a lot for writing about the reality of this tv media tyranny tirade "dark web" show that you hackers/readers are all hacking into. It's like a daily soap opera for sadists and perverted parasites. As I write and write about. 

Okay--on to ranting again. I took off the aluminum hat and my mood and ability to express any other concepts almost immediately degraded into an emotional hyperbolic hate rant. There are dangerous to express as the sick psychos who are attacking me then torture me for writing what they force into my subconscious and they believe this is "mind programming" or they call it that under the rubric of just simple greedy aspiration and ascension to power elitism. Just the act of participation in this crime against me pits them into these positions, not their abilities, capabilities or scientific background--apparently most or all of them have almost no scientific background and worse than laypersons--


Some of the experimental variables could be classified as: 

Sexual Depravity
High Threshold of sexual gratification

Corresponding subcategories of the variables could be listed as:
alcohol or other drug usage related to alcoholism or drug addiction
sexual addiction
S&M tendencies
fiscal excess or bankruptcy
tendencies towards sadism or masochism. Only sadistic personalities are allowed access to the technology. They may also indicate passive-aggressive Sadomasochism for purposes of technological torture.
The high threshold of sexual gratification is directly tied to the amount of violence directed at the control subject. That makes the sadomasochistic participants inflicting violence the Independent Variables in this double-blind experimental design. Since the number of various variable (rapists, organizers of the trauma-based situation) vary depending on greed absorption rate and sexual gratification ceilings met, this means that the situation is a Double-Blinde (often Blonde-on-Blonde) situation of who and what is being observed in the experiment.

Results can be tainted by extraneous variables such as:

concern for the targeted research subject. Any compassionate response will result in termination of the research participant due to not utilizing sadistic principles necessary in "Mind Programming" using "Trauma-based Mind Control"

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