Tuesday, August 18, 2020

A Marxist interpretation of a Capitalist's smiting of children. Scarcity due to Want due to Capitalism produces a peanut butter sandwich but no jam. Cheese but no ham. God but no Damn.

 The Lion without the lamb. The Bourgeoisie without the Scam. The Uncle without the Sam. Etc etc la la la ha ha ha the end of a day of writing, rhyming and cleaning and dreaming forcing a teleportation skit of absurd psychopathy awaits me when I finally sink into the abyss of a teleportation sleep....with Happy, Sleepy, Weepy, Creepy, and the rest of the Disney midgets using the technology.

Ah, I can't wait to be burdened with the spawn of one of these bigot, Illuminati Pawns.. How a Marxist interpretation of Motherhood in these circumstances brings about a sigh of joy at the schade that this clip brings about the raising of children in a Capitalist society.

 Is this post:

a.) Happy

b).sardonic like sardines

c) Silly

d) None of the above


Gee those Marx Brothers sure as pie put me in that silly rhyming mood

 Only because this situation is so lewd
and the terrorists around me are so rude.
I don't want to be a prude or prudential
Just feeling that flow
and now I have to go (watch more funny Marxist interpretations of our wonderful Caputalistic society where artists are unpaid and silly instead of Billy (goat).


HIP HIP HOORAY! What an ending for a nasty cleaning day.


yes, the title of this post is a bit weird, my rhyming shock value can only last a few sentences of pure struggling to find words that rhyme in the Marxist style, but they come out anyway. Yes, indeed they are profound rhymes nevertheless. They all have meaning, all are a part of this entire drama. The result of too much stress, perhaps I could excuse this sudden rash of silliness upon. Once upon a time I discovered a funny and well-done movie that brings delight and joy. It's so old I have never heard of it! How far back must I go in the movies to not have to see a murder within the first few minutes, or some other nasty catastrophe? The comedies I do discover are not delightful and the Marx Brothers sure beating reading Das Kapital, any day.

All the title above, after the silly reference to Karl Marx, was inspired by that silly line from that famous movie Boyz in the Hood, that FAMOUS line that perhaps not everyone has ever heard or no one has ever remembered except for a small number of viewers:


Oh, don't worry nasty haters, rapists and etc hacking into this post: I will surely be drugged and attacked so nastily by tomorrow that this temporary insanity clause moment of perhaps witty or funny sardonic but silly humor will be utterly gone after the negativity that these not funny clowns force upon me!!!!!!!

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