Thursday, August 27, 2020

Hurricane blasting the redneck South like a Hurricane blasting the 4th Seal--a Pale Horse rider approaches and the lies are strewn like howling beasts caught up in the frenzy of disinformation and lies.

I posted all these today on Facebook. I then decided to post them; here. As I am so silenced by hacking, every search result on any search engine leads me inevitably to 3 or less results for almost any topic I strive to get information on.  The more political or information-based, the fewer results I obtain. The endless struggle to render me into a complacent, dumbed down female baby-making tortured, raped victim female submissive adoring idiot. All blocks to information endlessly . I have to post again, as I wrote on Facebook many times, for a few years--murder attempts when I tried to physically attend Graduate School More than one in accidents and other physical attacks to stop me from obtaining higher education. 
Now the struggle ensures with blocks to internet use and blocks to every click, page and search I do. All I type is silenced and unavailable to the Worldwide web. Only predatorial hackers can read my posts as they also block content. I am not absolutely blocked, but without having any real research database and only mostly blocked search engines, I can only obtain a narrow and mostly bigoted, propagandized and mind controlled subject which is narrowly focused on false information.

 Perhaps one page, containing list of sites, pops up==maybe 15 or 20 search results--for  less political or theoretical items like how baking soda can clean. Otherwise, today, after doing a restore point operation because I did not want to do another 2 hour (or longer) recovery function and then have to download all the apps and etc--as I just did two days ago and already I cannot search, open sites, the system has embedded with malware---I got two videos in a search on YouTube regarding Behold a Pale Horse, by William Cooper. Both of them "lame" and expressed by the male-female idiot companion's guide to the Idiot's Guide to Behold a Pale Horse.


My conclusion--typed after watching the videos, but I will do this in reverse chronological order:

William Cooper was a top Naval Intelligence officer, who held briefings for the Pacific Command. He was exposed to Classified and Top Secret information and his job was to collate and brief his superior officers. His book (below) is a representation of his experience in that highly coveted position as an Intelligence Briefing agent and the subjects that he was exposed to which are not "conspiracy theories" but information that has dire consequences for the future of the United States. He never touted "UFO" conspiracy theories but claimed that top secret US Military Bases in Navada were conducting covert experiments with space flight and that these superior space craft were so specialized as to appear like flying saucer of infamous UFO hoaxes. He was involved in the Patriot Militia Movement and was not a bigot in any sense of the word towards homosexuals or any other group except for white supremacist Neo-Nazis calling themselves Patriots and planning genocidal policies towards Blacks and other minorities and groups. The woman who made the blathering video I posted below is absolutely uniformed about Cooper but is spreading her misinformation or disinformation like sowing seeds of discontent. Her message is to discredit Cooper but she is either lying or blathering on like a stupid, uniformed idiot in that video. That is the general theme regarding William Cooper, however. My mother, who like Cooper, lives in Arizona, said almost the exact same things about Cooper as this blathering idiot in the video I posted below also went on and on about (the UFO conspiracy and the political "conspiracies" that people make jokes about and balk at). The male I also posted who associated "silent weapons" with cell phones completely missed the mark, as well. His point of getting off the phone and enjoying nature was a good point but had nothing to do with the book or it's contents.

That is all I could find on my YouTube search regarding Cooper's book. My internet is so hacked, information and searches so badly blocked---censored, silenced, muted, blocked, hacked, …..


Blathering idiot video about Behold a Pale Horse book review (not a book review but a blathering rendition of disinformation put into hipster millenniual "like" endless blathering absolutely straying from any review possible account of lying or disinforming about Cooper to avert any real interest in Cooper:


This guy appears calm and intelliegnt, but in the video he stumbles while attempting to read a paragraph of the book and then puts it down to comment, slowly like he's drugged, about how it might be "bad" to be on your cellphone too much, and then that is how he connects "Silent Weapons" to what Cooper is writing about--which are sophisticated Social Engineering technologies that are not only documented in the book, but explained by Cooper. Ignored completely by the drugged up idiot calmly appearing like he has some profound meme to quote that he heard on a tv show one day or something, dude.

I have this sensation of being drugged-up (while I already am drugged up from the terror operation units who break into my home every day and night). He accelerates this sensation slowly with a drowning out effect of sharp insight, dulled and diminished. He sounds deep and heavy dude, but is slow and lugubrious and actually DOES NOT REVIEW THE BOOK AT ALL. He does not make reference to what is in the book except to quote on paragraph and then connect his slow insight to the absolutely lethal sophisticated technology that Cooper delineates with evidence and research in the book. The woman above claims that Coopers "conspiracy theories" are unsubstantiated and then goes into a repetitive cycle of how "old' the book is and the "generation" of old people who believed in this outdated material. Then she yaps on in a harsh, droning ugly sharp voice that becomes like a cutting instrument into your soul and peace of mind.


All these other videos lead me to this point in the narrative of my meandering explorations into YouTube extremely hacked, blocked and targeted material territory (shark territory of brainwashing mind control programming though hacking, blocks, censorship, DOS attacks without end, and blocks of search results and all blocks to research sites. (for me, the target). Aimed specifically at me.


I am always attacked for any kind of post I write unless it is absolutely entertained-based without any thought-provoking content or anything that could threaten the endless foray of white male commentators and their "art" and movies and directing because only "They " are supposed to have intellectual material or be artists of the highest rank--or perhaps a burgeoning group of women but they must remain submissive towards the white males in one way or another in order to have any relevance whatsoever--defer and allow the subdued subservient position--all very psychologically placed withing "empowerment" strategies.


But these series of videos actually were a result of following the campaigns, and then going off into the hurricane Laura and then thinking of Revelation and then thinking of Behold a Pale Horse. But exactly what I thought, I am tired of being nearly killed for writing my thoughts and then the ideas stolen so---I will just post the videos because they all connect to the real book--will you please stop discrediting him--WILLIAM COOPER'S BEHOLD A PALE HORSE. 

also, HOUR OF THE TIME is one of the most incredible information series I have ever heard. Information is backed up. The archives are very difficult to find online, I suppose blocked by sources. I am not a member of HOTT perhaps that is the reason why, I do not know. I cannot trust any online source, even if I tried to become a "member" of that group to gain access, perhaps, to more of the documentation of Cooper's research and his commentary, I would very likely be transferred to a terrorist agent who either operates from within the HOTT community, or to an outside agent as my phone calls are often diverted to terrorist agents (some of whom do work for these businesses but are in very remote locations instead of the main offices I try to phone but am not able to reach.)


After the first pristine white horse of the anti-Christ arrives wearing blazing light of the black Sun--promising eternal grandiosity--followed by war and murder and disease comes

the 2nd Seal of famine, the Red Horse of Blood

3rd Seal is--I forgot because the laptop went haywire and froze so much I could not finish

and 4th Seal is the Pale Horse, bringing the deluge just before the Jubilation of Joy at the 2nd Coming and the peace of the earth with the red crimson rider leading the way---

I would rather read the original in Hebrew, Latin or Greek, whichever it is from the original text. A Concordia Bible might do the trick. Too bad I have no access financially or otherwise and it's impossible to just open YouTube videos and click on pages and close pages--literally it's all blocked. 

I am not quoting this because I "believe" it but I just feel that situations now occurring are so dramatic they echo sentiments that many others probably are quoting as I write this they are fire and brimstoning the cheering crowds--Evangelicals are singing in relief that finally the 2nd coming is coming----

Just a few more million people have to die first...more fire and devastation--more floods, more disasters and then the anti-Christ will have it's baby borne out of the dust of the blast of the furnace of the fires of the Diving Conquering Worm of Revelation--and silent weapons will be turned off if you just turn off your tv and cellphone, the idiots warn, and stop reading these dumb old people conspiracy theory books and lectures because they are racist, dumb, old and midsogynist anti-queer people who don't do research and just write books with no proof--according to the new idiot generation which apparently does not read books when they imitate doing book reviews on YouTube videos which, perhaps, only I get on my two reviews for the entire internet about this once most famous book (still famous to some).

And the 4th Seal is opening in Hurricanes coming to a movie soon on your home plasma tv center; if your home is not mortgaged and then lost during the financial crisis, the hurricanes, the pandemic, or your divorce settlement.


Sweet Home Redneck racism coalition, from the North to the South--East to the West---:

yeehaw, see saw left to right, up and down, in and out---

Favorites one year: kicked out a few years later but hiding in the swamps claiming they are gonna clean out the swamps after it's flooded and a mess that is the aftermath of the chaos they churn out year-after year:

"TURN IT UP" Sweet Home Alabama--and that is all they need to say, except they love the governor and the police and love the policies---that's all they need to sing about and cheer and applause a classic redneck ditty---over and over, played as cover pieces in concerts I have seen in many a venue and this is the song that classifies the box-making pundits--no other classes or anything else but their boxes remaining and remaining as agents of death and racism and hate--from East to West, North to South--bigots love this song in NY and in SF and in  Miami and in Minneapolis---



Except to add this:

but I have to wait, and wait and wait as the cursor spins and the page freezes to just simply open one single page to copy and paste it here--then the hackers force me to backspace as they block letters--it is impossible to do this any longer I have much more I would like to add--this takes me at least 10 times longer than any person doing this otherwise. Every time I attempt to write I am blocked absolutely and this one post has taken me a few hours to punch through the hacking malware stiffening the keys, inserting letters as I type, blocking the space bar--me backspacing non-stop to correct

waiting for pages to open--trying to put my ideas out--doing searches and ONLY and always getting white male bigots putting out concepts about politics or blonde Nazi bigot females or black Nazis--so it seems, I get only those connected to this terrorist group which encompasses all races and ages and groups but always the same theme and concept put out by all--

this sounds to narrow-minded on my part--this is also do to absolute frustration at this hacking and block and the block to simply typing--all the silencing, discrediting everything to silence and discredit me. 

I am still waiting for the day when white bigot males are not hacking in with their rapist white female companions and black bigot assistant who are stealing my ideas while blocking my every ability to even simply type out a few paragraphs much less put out any content--and then what I do write is prevented from being published in any public context within the global internet frame, or WWW.

--tired of this I cannot finish fighting to open pages and copy and paste--they always "allow" me to type about the blocks, but when I try to write content the pages literally freeze and I cannot get anything else done but write about how they are hacking in--this always happens and the hacking is directly targeting any real content I might want to claim as my own. Meanwhile, because the terrorists do have this 'thought-reading" technology, they can still absorb and steal the concepts or ideas and simultaneously block my every attempt to publish in my own name, even if this blog is limited in it's reach due to the block and censorship of what I write, limited to this group.


Another Deluge and catastrophe hits America this year--the crimes of America--it seems like "God's wrath" coming upon a country of greed, stupidity and brainwashed complicity in huge crimes against humanity and exegesis of those evil "others" spouted by those who look the other way or commit these nefarious but silent weapons crimes.  The wrath is upon ye of the South because ye art redneck bigot Nazis!!! So spaketh moi. 

At this point, after 50 years of being hounded, tortured, poisoned nearly to death, deprived of health care, lied to by EVERYONE I ever came into contact with, left to be murdered by Americans who claim they are fighting all the evils of racism and sexism and depotism and etc etc--exploited and left with no representation for crimes against humanity that remain in place and protected to this very moment: I say churn, boil and burn the Apocalypse Now to the outward racist bigots--which includes the East, the West, and the North as well.

Yes, yes yes the snakeoil salespitch operator wants you to BELIEVE he, the white male, is coming to rescue you and you must keep them afloat of the flotsam and jetsam of your power structure keep them on top and believe believe believe.

The swirling chaos comes seeping to your doorstep. The silent weapons are out of sight, out of your blown mind vision. Don't worry. You will be saved and rescued always by the white bigot Nazi male who steals ideas from me and puts them out as "his" ideas in the media.


GLAUB GLAUB GLAUB=believe believe believe

it is so funny to see the death metal lyrics from some of the musicians who are now putting their videos on my search page results--because I watched one H-wood movie a few times (liked the movie although it is indeed morbid angelic death) but...they always quote in German things I never heard Germans say when I lived in Stuttgart for 5+ years. Probably they use "underground" and "illegal' Nazi references---to Nazi genocidal ideology. In German but in German that I never saw written or heard because it is not like the German that the Germans I was around ever spoke. Just "wrong" German.

However, I never heard any of them say anything like Glaub in this bullshit idiot---brain lego your brain is a contrived brainlego land Toyland believe glaub but...they can't get these lyrics they just repeat Nazi phrases and want to murder and kill and drink red coolaid. so cool oh yea (((NEIN NEIN NEIN)

hirnlego idioten 


I love Einstrurzende Neubauten but they are a bit depressing if you hear them too often. Sorry, geniuses but not happy but perhaps akin to the psychoclown happy stuff that is synonymous to murder psychopathy and sick murderous machinations turned into movie gold making billions and billions--so happy about that the manipulators are so glad and happy.

Quote some German and then claim you are a Nazi. Yes, of course, you are a puppet colony of German Nazism yes you are puppets repeating German in badly written German (I at least know my German is wrong and bad).


all my negative meandering thoughts inevitably stray to Nazis because I am so endlessly surrounded by them and their minority minions. To say that the terrorists are also Communists would make me more discredited because people believe that Communism is only possible in China where it is openly stated but they are now part of the global indexes stock market and gaining power and momentum in the Capitalist sectors. However, this was about a hurricane and the Apoclyptic scenario of the dead rising to embrace the end world new world order disaster chaos which will result in their order out of the chaos---death and destruction and then their order taking control.

Me as a microchip MK ULTRA experiment in human sex trafficking without having to pass a human being around borders of having any evidence as all is silenced but so openly embraced by the globe.

Burn and whirl, pandemic and dissolve in a mass goo of hirnlego stew you slung together with the Hirnlego slingers of the media and your political hurricane whirlwind.


WHEW!!! What a ride I just went through. Not only was I struggling to fight hacking and retyping almost continuously while trying to move forward, but my brain under such attack that once getting up to do something else, finally staggering and stumbling in dizzy near nausea from the brain-altering attacks that make me feel like I am reeling on some rocky boat during some turbulent battle in the middle of a thunderstorm. My brain, body feel like I have just stepped out of some centrifuge, while fighting out how to get around the hacking, losing track, going off into tangents, and then stumbling off the  laptop after the "truth serum" effect got me to write and spew out ideas and of course--anything possible will be stolen by the usual suspects the white males and then their womenfolk behind them--all Sieg Heil as they get their contracts from their Nazi mafia contractor handlers who themselves are pawns and puppets

\but I was not going to write about them today or any day I was going to remain "silent' so the "silencing" would operate for 'them" but I wrote anyway. They torture me whether I write or not. They were murdering me when I said nothing and was not fighting back. 

I always feel the need, though, to explain how badly I am affected after I try to review the writing--it appears so chaotic and undisciplined--the hacking makes grammar impossible, the hackers alter what I write, delete words and insert words and change tense and paste sentences together, etc etc

I always feel that I must explain that what comes out is not due to what I actually wanted to write or even wrote.  It is incumbent upon me to make this distinction instead of remaining silent and every post I write is thus discredited and I always write this every single post. If I leave one post blank without this information I think readers might assume the worst about me. 

It's like the brain-attack operator manipulators got me, forced me, to splatter out my thoughts like mental diarrhea but I think at least some of it is credible shit! Not a single word is bullshit though, trust in that even if you liars reading this automatically put me into your lying categorical boxes with you, of course, on top. But, I counter that with it's obverse action of reality and not-lies. The truth is, this is my blog but I am not able to control the drugging or technology. Until someone stops these home intrusions so I am not drugged up every single day and attacked to the point of hysteria every day, then I will stop writing these posts. Otherwise, I actually get a physical release from the stress and it is almost like a health risk to not write because I remain so physically paralyzed from the poisoning and lack of exercise, human contact, my cherished cats, and all animals are killed if they get within my vicinity and I am too drugged to read or do anything else but clean up stinking filth and then retire to sit here because my body is so ill--every single day--due to "their" poisoning of me and the drugging. I would like to see how long any of you could sustain any semblance of normalcy under these murderous conditions and the complicity of the world as you are silenced completely and your only recourse to any kind of alleviation of the murderous stress, toxicity of environment and poisoning -the only one avenue to anything of relief is writing and that is being induced to loveless haters can steal ideas thus about injustices that I write of day after day.

hurricane, please blow them all away finally.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...