Sunday, August 16, 2020

The creation of your filthy minority minion Village Ghetto Land. Orchastrated poverty creating desperation and subsequent armies of impoverished terrorists operating for the debt relief promotional scheme.



The title says most of this post's intentions (my intentions). I see every day either celebrities--white, from middle/working class/poverty risen in stature into billionaires who are absolutely no different from the poor Thai workers I see every day climbing out of a filth hole to obtain some kind of decent standard of living.

The greed aspect keeps the American variant of this breed of terrorist enamored with this system of endless bountiful cornucopia of entitlement and millions/billions of dollars. There is no end to the never-ending grasping attack upon me to obtain yet another Academy Award--one of them after the next-or lead movie starring roles. Years of torturing Just ME over and over are not enough hormonal drug highs for them, plus studio and movie roles and etc. 

But, I am getting off the point. The poverty and need and desperation for the poor terrorist minions--black, white, Jewish, Asian, wealthy, millionaires--to not have to live in filth, to not have to have crazy neighbors in compacted horrible cookie cutter box suburbs--the have mansions and then one after the next. Entitlement to do whatever you want to do, say whatever you want to say.

The structure of this terrorist organization extends from desperation to get out of muck and filth that the extreme wealthy create, to have these slaves operating as their pawns (for sacrifice when sacrifice is called for so they can have more "Lebensraum" to make more mansions and have more parties)

This is turning into a political theory. I only meant to insert this song about rotten, putrid ghettos which are the breeding ground for those dark-skinned minions or the white "trash" aspirants to viciously attack me. The rest are a multi-layered chart of greed and selfishness to obtain more endless weeks of free paid vacations, paid for by their labor-union employers -concepts derived from the slain Jews of the European Holocaust--turned into the concepts of entitlement for the goods and gold that the genocidal terrorists are now "enjoying" in places like Phuket.-


But my home is made stinking and filthy as any ghetto around the world. Dripping fungus water poured into my bathroom. Grime and grease sprayed into shelves and cabinets continuously. Endless cleaning on my part, like a impoverished cleaning person. 

That is the micro--the small personal individual level--that has been forced upon me, but I see this as part of a much larger, global terrorist action of making poor areas filthy by using agents of the neighborhood to throw trash, garbage and then---of course, as the atmosphere deteriorates the people are convinced there is nothing that can be done and they adjust psychologically. The only way out is to be a willing participant in this death genocide terrorist global group, GmbH, Ltd. Inc, etcetc

so, because I am dealing with people who need entertainment in order to have any political consciousness--(are you all drugged up similarly to what I am experiencing, but unaware of it?)


thus I include this song by Stevie Wonder for your entertainment in order to try to digest how this situatioo is being forced upon me--filth and grime and death toxins as the wealthy try to force me into submitting to literal technological slavery so they can have free new ideas to capitalize on, a baby forced out of me for generational mind control--all my attempts to find protection absolutely silenced and no one every responding except to further exploit and terrorize and attack me--to death. 


The song is very nice, the album the musician all top quality artist.  


While these posts today may appear to be self-pitying or absorbed by the viciousness of this situation. I post these to let people be aware of the greater role this technology will have in the future. 

When one is aware that they are under attack, they are more prone to do something about it. A most commonsense statement. When you are brainwashed into believing that it is happening to someone because they "did something to deserve" torture and rape and murder attempts without end, all stolen, paid for by governments and mafia and Nazi and communist organizations with everyone scared to defend the target---suddenly one day you might see something I have described which you laughed at, or shrugged off, and realize, dimly, that perhaps this has a similarity to something that has inexplicably happened to you and seems related. But no, not to YOU no. Just to me. 

By the time I realized that what I had formerly shrugged off and assumed was someone else's problem and not mine, by that time the organization attacking me had made it impossible for me to physically MOVE to have even stress relief from exercise. (I literally cannot do a single stretch or weight lift, I can do NOTHING the poisons are so bad).

I am now fighting the fight I should have been doing years ago. Now I have no support system whereas I could have had one if I had not been drugged up, seduced by the endless media surge of false dissemination of how America is a "free" society and people are fighting for Freedom in movies. The joke is really on me. Not on you, of course, You are all safe and happy in your enclaves of prosperity. No pandemic will ever reach you. No. And that is how I used to be drugged into inaction too.

It is only when people realize that their lives are in danger do they finally make some action (a huge "blanket" statement). People do take action. These terrorist stalking groups are on the prowl for any and all "outliers" and will eliminate them in hushed up murder and assassination poisoning, heart attack, accident murder operations. 

I wonder how or what will be stolen from my post today by the very people slowly murdering me?

I should wear this hat to try to block whatever disruptive frequencies are being aimed into my brain by this insidious group. However, they have made my hair nasty and dirty and I don't want to have to clean yet another thing that they have made rotten, stinking and filthy. I spend all my life detoxifying or cleaning or sleeping or writing about it to the silence of people who are happy and laughing about this murder drama inflicted upon me by their advocates of murder in the media.

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